Winsetupfromusb install linux. Below are the options for different operating systems

Winsetupfromusb is a utility for efficient work with data storage devices. It allows drives, and in addition has some other features. You need to download winsetupfromusb only from the official site (

When downloading from third-party resources, there is a risk of downloading files with content that does not match the required content, which can lead to unpredictable consequences for the computer.

How to use the winsetupfromusb utility?

The main function of the utility is to create a boot drive.

After downloading the archive with the program, it must be unpacked to the desired directory. Then, in the folder specified during unzipping, you can see two .exe files, one of which is designed to run on a PC with x32 OS, and the other on 64-bit operating systems. Next, you need to open the utility corresponding to the current version of the OS. A window will appear in front of you, as in the figure.

This is directly the interface of the main utility. Here you need to select the drive that will be used to write the image to it - USB disk selection and format tools. Also, in the Add to usb disk field, it is indicated which operating system image you need to burn and the path to it. The rest of the parameters are optional. If you check the "Advanced options" checkbox, then a menu will be displayed on the screen that allows you to set additional functions. "Test in QEMU" - testing will take place in the Qemu shell, without the need to restart the computer and test on real hardware. "Show log" - a window will open showing the log of the utility's operation - all events: from starting the program to writing images to media. To record, you need to press "GO" and answer the following two warnings in the affirmative.

Related features of the utility

In addition to the main function - creating a bootable drive, the program also allows you to format usb media, create a boot menu, copy iso images to disk.

As you can see in the picture above, there are three buttons below the field that lists the selected removable drive.

  • FBinst Tool - when you click on the button, the menu of the utility used to work with usb-drives will open. With it, you can format drives, create backups, and restore their state.
  • Bootice - this utility allows you to create a boot menu, partition sectors, format them and manage them.
  • RMPrepUSB is a complete master for burning images to media. When you click on the corresponding button in the menu, the following window will appear:

The wizard allows you to write images to USB, and vice versa, create images from a drive, makes it possible to work with partitions, making them active or removing activity. You can select the boot sector and its format, conduct a speed test.

Good day!

Quite a lot of questions arise when creating bootable flash drives (well, in general, in the space around this topic ☺). Especially now, when there are more and more PCs / laptops on sale that come without a CD drive (and sometimes without a pre-installed Windows OS). Those. I'm leading to the fact that it's not so easy to do without a bootable USB flash drive/disk ☺...

One of the most convenient programs for preparing and creating installation (bootable) media is WinSetupFromUSB. The most important criterion why the choice fell on it is functionality, free of charge and ease of use.

Judge for yourself, the utility is able to create bootable USB drives that will work on a variety of PCs and laptops: i.e. universal option, suitable for both UEFI and BIOS. In general, even if you do not understand the latest encryption, I will say this - the boot drive we created (in this article) should allow you to boot on most computers / laptops.

So, let's get down to business...

How to create a bootable USB flash drive for Windows 10

What you need to get started

1) WinSetupFromUSB utility

In my opinion, this is one of the best utilities for creating bootable flash drives. Firstly, it is free and does not need to be installed, and secondly, it works great and supports most operating systems (Windows XP, 7, 8, 10), sees all the drives connected to the system, and allows you to easily format them. In addition, it can make multi-boot media (with multiple OS), keeps an event log, etc.

Where to download the WinSetupFromUSB program: on the official website (the link is given above), I recommend choosing the latest version (currently it is 1.8).

Also, a very important plus is (already mentioned a little higher) that WinSetupFromUSB allows you to create bootable USB flash drives that can boot both in BIOS and UEFI (i.e., a kind of universal option that will work on the vast majority of computers).

2) Bootable ISO image with Windows 10

In general, such an image can now be downloaded even from the official Microsoft website. It is highly desirable to use an ISO image on which there is one specific version of the OS (with one bit depth). Let me explain with an example:

  1. good choice: " Windows 10 Home x64";
  2. bad option: "Windows 10 - 20 in 1 (x86 + x64)"- with all these assemblies (from craftsmen), with different versions of bitness, with several versions of the OS, there are a lot of errors and problems (both when creating installation drives, and when they are subsequently used).


About the bitness of Windows OS, and how a 32-bit system differs from a 64-bit one - see this article:

3) A flash drive of at least 4 GB (preferably 8 GB or more)

The most common USB flash drive is 4-8 GB (preferably 8 GB, because many ISO images with Windows 10 are larger than 4 GB).


How to choose a flash drive with high speed (what to look for when choosing a flash drive) -

Run WinSetupFromUSB

Downloaded program file WinSetupFromUSB(from the official site) is a regular archive packed with 7-Zip. In order to extract all the program files from it, you just need to run it.

There are two versions in the program folder: for x64 and x32 systems. If you don't know what OS you have, try running both files one by one (if you open the wrong file, the program simply won't start, giving an error).

Set boot image recording settings

1) To get started copy everything you need from a flash drive, with which we will work (during the recording of Windows - everything will be deleted from it). Next in WinSetupFromUSB click the button Refresh so that the program "sees" your drive (see arrow-1 on the screen below).

2) Then check the boxes next to the following items: Auto Format it with FBinst, FAT 32, align, Copy BPB (as shown in rectangle-2 on the screen below). By doing this, we will format and bring the flash drive to the boot type.

3) In line 3 (see screenshot below) "Vista/7/8/10/Server 2008/2012 based ISO" indicate your boot image with windows 10(if there is a warning, as I have in the screenshot below, just agree. This window says that the image with Windows is more than 4 GB and such a file cannot be written to the FAT 32 file system (note: the WinSetupFromUSB utility will break it, so everything is fine here ☺)).

4) Well, to start the utility - press the button GO.

WinSetupFromUSB Settings

By the way, below is another screenshot of how all the settings look, only without my underlining.

We confirm and give consent to format the flash drive

After pressing the button GO- the utility will warn you that all data on the flash drive will be deleted. Therefore, once again I advise you to first transfer all the data, make a backup.

By the way, as many as 2 warnings (usually) ...

While WinSetupFromUSB is running, it is better not to launch resource-intensive applications (games, video and photo editors, etc.) and not close the program window (sometimes, some people think that it is frozen, because it does not show signs of life ☺. But this is not so, in the lower part of the window, a small green bar "fills up", the inscriptions about the state of the process change - these are the indicators).

If the drive was successfully created (and no errors occurred during the process) - you should see a small window with one short phrase Job Done(work completed). Now the flash drive can be used ...

Checking how the flash drive works

To test the drive, I used a relatively modern laptop with UEFI. Calling the Boot Menu - the laptop showed that it sees the USB flash drive (as well as the one installed on the Windows hard drive). I tried booting from a flash drive.

Note! Instructions on how to enter the Boot Menu (boot menu) - . It may be required when you need to boot, for example, from a USB flash drive.

So here it is, and difficult, and simple at the same time.

Additions are welcome...

We have already explained where to download the program from and how to install it. Continuing the conversation about WinSetupFromUSB, instructions for creating a bootable USB flash drive will be provided right now. To get started, you will need to have only two things with you - this is the flash card itself and the image of the downloaded operating system from the Internet. Make sure the extension is ISO. If you have it, then we can proceed.

  1. First of all, plug the flash card into the computer. In the program window, select its name. In the event that the flash drive is not found, try to update the information by pressing the Refresh button.
  2. Now we need to determine the operating system that will be written to this flash drive. To do this, check the box next to the appropriate distribution version and, by clicking the "..." button, specify the path to the downloaded ISO image.
  3. It remains only to press the GO button in order to start recording the bootable WinSetupFromUSB flash drive. We figured out how to burn a USB flash drive, now let's move on to the special function that this program provides.

Create a multiboot flash drive

We continue to talk about WinSetupFromUSB. You already know how to use this program, but I want to talk about some of its features and functions. And we will start by creating a multiboot flash drive. Let's describe the process itself and tell you what it is.

As you may have already noticed, in the Add to USB disk column, there are several checkboxes that can be set, respectively, it is possible to select several images of operating systems at once. This function is quite working and involves the creation of a multiboot flash drive. After recording it when installing the OS, you will be presented with a choice of which OS you will work with in the future.

Working with various distributions

I also want to talk about the very choice of items in this menu. There are five options. Now let's talk about each separately.

  1. Windows 2000/XP/2003 Setup. WinSetupFromUSB Windows can be written to since version 2000. To do this, you need to specify the folder in which the Windows distribution itself is located. But since most often you can find only an ISO image of the system on the Internet, you can use some trick. Using the Daemon Tools program, mount the image and specify its letter. Or, using an archiver, extract all files from the ISO image.
  2. Windows Vista/7/8/10/Server 2008/2012 based ISO. Everything is simple here. This item must be selected if you want to record one of the listed versions of Windows. To do this, you need to specify the path to the downloaded ISO image of one of the distributions.
  3. UBCD4Win/WinBuilder/Windows FLPC/Bart PE. This item is intended for boot disks based on WinPE. In this case, you will need to specify the path to the folder where the folder called I386 lies.
  4. LinuxISO/Other Grub4dos compatible ISO. This item is needed if you want to install Linux distributions. In addition, by selecting it, you can burn a number of programs like Kaspersky Rescue Disk, RBCD, Hiren's Boot. To start recording, you need to specify the path to the ISO file.
  5. SysLinux bootsector/Linux distribution using SysLinux/IsoLinux. Also needed for writing Linux distributions, but for those installed using the syslinux bootloader. To start recording, you need to specify the path to the folder in which the folder called SYSLINUX.

Having dealt with all the components of this category, you can safely choose distributions and start burning them to a USB flash drive.

Additional options

You may also notice three options below: Advanced options, Test in QEMU and Show Log. Let's also talk about them in a little more detail.

  1. advanced options. The most extensive option. Its essence is to make some adjustments to the process of writing to a flash drive. By checking the box next to it, a window will appear in which you can mark a number of adjustments to be made. So, Custom menu names for Vista/7/8/Server Source will make sure that all OS menu item names are standard. And Prepare Windows 2000/XP/2003 to be installed on USB properly prepare the selected distributions for recording.
  2. Test in QEMU. Everything is simple here. By checking this item, after the flash drive is written, the program will check it for errors.
  3. showlog. It's even easier here. A window will appear that will summarize all your actions inside the program after opening it.

As you can see, these three options can be very useful, so feel free to use them.

The process of formatting a flash drive in a USB Flash Drive

Now let's talk about how to format a USB flash drive in the WinSetupFromUSB program. The instruction is attached.

  1. In the program window, in the USB disk selection and format tools column, click on the FBinst Tool button.
  2. In the window that appears, click on the Boot tab in the top bar. Select the Format option from the menu.
  3. Now, in the window that appears, check the boxes next to zip and force. Then click the Format button.
  4. As you can see, a file called will appear. You need to enter the program folder in the explorer and go to the files folder. Find the grub4dos file there. Move it with the mouse to the program window, where is located.
  5. Now on the top bar, click Fbinst Menu. You should see three lines: 1st - "default 0", 2nd - "timeout 0" and 3rd - "menu F1 grldr "grldr"". If not, then enter them manually.
  6. Press Ctrl+S to save changes.

That's all, you now know how to format a flash drive to a USB Flash Drive using the WinSetupFromUSB program.

Format Conversion Process

Now we will figure out how the conversion of the flash drive format to MBR goes. This operation should be done when the flash drive is very old. The fact is that in this case its format will be GPT, which will cause conflicts when installing the OS.

So, in order to convert, you will need to click on the Bootice button, which is located next to the FBinst Tool. After clicking, a window will open. In it you need to go to the Physical Disk tab. On it you should see a number of buttons, among which there should be a Process MBR. By the way, if your flash drive already has this format, it will not be highlighted. As you might guess, in order to convert your flash drive to MBR, you will need to press this very button.

In the window that appears, select which type of MBR you want and click the Current MBR Type button. That's it, your flash drive has now changed.

RMPrepUSB program

You may have found the RMPrep USB button next to the previous two buttons. If you are wondering why it is needed, then you will find out below in the text. But the list of its functions is so large that it will take an unmeasured amount of time to explain each of them, so we will not consider it in detail.

By clicking on the button, a window will open in front of you. Note that of the entire program, only this is in Russian. If this is not the case, then you can change it in the upper right corner.

This program provides the following tools:

  • recovering deleted data from a flash drive;
  • changing or creating a new file system (you can select all known file systems that currently exist);
  • unzipping files directly to a USB flash drive;
  • creating ISO images;
  • testing;
  • clearing a flash card;
  • copying system files.

And this is not the whole list of this utility, so if you are an experienced user, then be sure to check it out.

WinSetupFromUSB is a free program for creating bootable USB flash drives with Windows and other operating systems that run on a computer from USB flash drives. A bootable USB flash drive is required for installing, reinstalling the operating system on the computer, for performing system recovery, curing the computer from viruses, copying files from the computer, or for performing other operations.

If you cannot normally boot the operating system on your computer, to perform troubleshooting work or to reinstall the system, you need an external bootable media from which you can boot on your computer.

Modern computers often do not install CD / DVD drives. Therefore, booting on such a PC is only possible from an external USB drive. An operating system image or other bootable image must be written to a USB disk in order for this disk to become a bootable USB flash drive.

After creating a bootable USB drive, you can start the installation of any version of the operating system from it, or, for example, run the utility to perform the task of restoring the system from a backup copy, or to treat the computer from a virus infection.

The free program WinSetupFromUSB supports various distributions of operating systems, emergency rescue disks from antivirus manufacturers, images with a system preinstallation environment, various boot disks and utilities.

The main features of the WinSetupFromUSB program:

  • Support for the Windows operating system (Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows1, Windows 10, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012) of various bitness: 32 bit and 64 bit systems.
  • Support for a large number of Linux operating system distributions (Linux Mint, Ubuntu/Xubuntu/Kubuntu, Debian, Fedora, CentOS, Mageia, OpenSUSE, Gentoo, etc.)
  • Support for BSD operating systems (FreeBSD, OpenBSD, etc.)
  • Ability to create a rescue disk from a Linux-based ISO image from various antivirus vendors (ESET SysRescue, Avast Rescue Disc, Kaspersky Rescue Disk 10, etc.)
  • Support for Windows PE ISO images (Windows Preinstallation Environment)
  • Support WinBuilder, WinFLPC, BartPE, UBCD4Win, etc.
  • Support for ISO images compatible with Grub4dos CD emulation, such as Ultimate Boot CD, most DOS utilities, boot disks, Paragon, etc.
  • Starting with WinSetupFromUSB 1.1, it is supported to create a bootable USB drive capable of booting in BIOS mode and UEFI mode.
  • Syslinux boot menu using one of the sources: Syslinux or Isolinux as bootloader
  • Create support

How to create a bootable flash drive using WinSetupFromUSB? The process of creating a bootable flash drive takes place in several successive stages:

  1. Select USB flash drive.
  2. Format USB flash drive to FAT32 or NTFS format.
  3. Selecting an ISO image of the operating system or another bootable ISO image.
  4. Burn ISO image to flash drive.

The WinSetupFromUSB program runs in English on the Windows operating system. The application does not need to be installed on a computer. You can download WinSetupFromUSB from the official website of the developer.

winsetupfromusb download

After downloading, unpack the archive with the program, place the folder in a place convenient for you (on the Desktop, on a computer disk, on a USB flash drive). Run the program from the folder by selecting the file corresponding to the bitness of Windows installed on this computer: for a 32-bit operating system, or for a 64-bit operating system (read more about how to find out the bitness of Windows).

Bootable flash drive in WinSetupFromUSB

We will create a bootable USB flash drive with the Windows 10 operating system in the WinSetupFromUSB program. When creating a bootable disk, pay attention to the following circumstance:

The WinSetupFromUSB program does not yet support single Windows 10 images, consisting of both 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems (x86 / x64 - “two in one”) in one ISO image, which can be downloaded from the site using. You can separately with 64 bit (or 32 bit) bitness, including several editions of Windows in one ISO image, which can be used in the WinSetupFromUSB program.

Bootable Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 (Windows 8) flash drives are created in WinSetupFromUSB in a similar way.

Do the following:

  1. Open the WinSetupFromUSB program.
  2. The program automatically detects the flash drive, which will be displayed in the "USB disk selection and format tools" field. USB disk detection can be restarted using the "Refresh" button.
  3. Check the box "Auto format it with FBinst", select the file system "FAT32".
  4. Next, you need to select an ISO image with the Windows operating system In the "Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10 /Server 2008/2012 based ISO" field, add the path to the OS image.
  5. Click on the "GO" button.
  1. In the next windows, agree that all files on the flash drive will be deleted and agree with the formatting settings. Click on the "Yes" button in both windows.
  2. There is a process of writing a system image to a USB flash drive, which will take some time.

  1. After the files are written to the USB flash drive, a notification window will open, in which you need to click on the "OK" button. To exit the WinSetupFromUSB program, press the EXIT button.

Congratulations, you have a bootable Windows that runs from a USB drive.

Launching a bootable USB flash drive to install Windows 10

To start the boot drive, you must enter the boot menu (Boot Menu) or enter the BIOS settings (UEFI) to select the boot priority from the USB flash drive.

In the "Grub4DOS" window, boot from the "Windows NT6 (Vista / 7 and above) Setup" item is selected, press the "Enter" key on the keyboard.

In the "Windows Boot Manager" window, use the "" and "↓" arrows on your keyboard to select "Windows 10 Setup x64" (in this case).

In the following steps, without installing the system on your computer, you can start System Restore using Windows.

Article Conclusions

The free WinSetupFromUSB program is designed to create bootable USB flash drives. Using a bootable flash drive, you can install, reinstall Windows, perform the necessary troubleshooting steps in the operating system, and start operating system recovery.

The WinSetupFromUSB program supports the creation of bootable USB flash drives with various distributions of the Linux, BSD operating system, the creation of Windows PE, boot disks for system recovery or treatment in case of a computer virus infection.

This photo shows the finished result of a bootable USB flash drive. Used was 8 gigabyte.
As you can see, there are 6 functions in the flash drive menu (you can do less and more - it all depends on your imagination).
Now everything is in order.
0 is a Live CD boot. With a crashed Windows, you can save important content from disks.
There are many other possibilities as well. Check disks for errors, viruses, etc.
1 - Installing Windows XP SP3
2 - Installing Windows 7 Ultimate 32/62 bit
3 - Booting the computer from disk C (should be the last one, but it turned out like this)
4 - Acronis BOOT CD 2012 - with Acronis Disk Director and Acronis True Image
5 - Acronis BOOT CD 2013 - it's just newer in case the old one doesn't see the hard drive.

The menu labels have been edited to make it clearer to me.

Now about the procedure itself. You need the program itself - WinSetupFromUSB 1.3
You can download
The archive contains two files to run - for 32 and 64-bit Windows.
You also need disk images (disk) in iso format or bootable CD / DVD disks themselves. From them, if necessary, you can create an image, for example, using Ultra ISO.

Here is an example of creating a bootable USB flash drive with Windows 7

Select the NTFS file system, agree that all data on the flash drive will be deleted. The formatting process will begin. After that, the process of loading the image will begin. If FAT32 is selected, the program will refuse to write images larger than 4 GB, FAT32 does not "know" about such files - an outdated system. But it will offer to format it in NTFS. Truth in English. You can simply format without writing the image. And the next step, without formatting, is to write the image.
Wait for this message:

That's it, the flash drive is ready to install Windows 7 on a netbook.

Then you can upload additional disk images to this USB flash drive in the same sequence. You can also download the image of Windows 8, but I have not tried the Ten.
But don't check the Format box.
There are features of loading the installation Windows XP:
First you need to unpack the contents of the XP image (files, folders) into any created empty folder. In the program, respectively, use the upper window (strip):
Windows 2000/XP/2003 Setup

To burn an Acronis Boot CD image to a flash drive- select the program option:
Linux ISO/Other Grub4dos compatible ISO
Accordingly, check the box next to this window and specify the ISO image of Acronis Boot CD
And the GO button. I don’t make a screenshot, I think everything is clear.

To burn a Live CD used another way:
I unpacked the Live CD image (I had a Win7 Live CD x86x64 by Xemom1) into the created empty folder, the only folder in the image was named XMPE.
Then I copied it to the root of the flash drive, and added the following lines to the menu.lst file, which is on the flash drive:

Title Win7 Live CD x86&x64 by Xemom1

At the same time, I also edited the menu lines that are displayed on the screen when the flash drive is launched.
Each line starts with the word title, followed by a space, and then write whatever is more convenient for you.
Don't touch everything else. True, I changed the waiting time from 10 seconds to 30.
and save the menu file - menu.lst opens as a plain text file.
This is what I got - this is the text of my menu.lst file
Of course, it will be different for you - depending on which images you choose for this.

Color black/cyan yellow/cyan
timeout 30

#graphicsmode 0x6A
graphicsmode -1 640 480:800 24:32 || graphicsmode -1
## Menu AutoNumber
write 0x8274 0x2001

#graphicsmode -1 800:640 -1 24:32 || graphicsmode -1
#font /unifont.hex.gz

#clear mappings and set root in case we return from bootmgr
map --unmap=0:0xff
map --unhook
map --rehook
ls /usbdrive.tag > null || find --set-root --devices=hf /usbdrive.tag > nul
ls /default > nul && default /default

Title Win7 Live CD x86x64 by Xemom1
chainloader /XMPE/WinPE/bootmgr

Title Setup Windows XP SP3 2013 by Chip
map --unmap=0:0xff
map --unhook && map --rehook
ls /usbdrive.tag > null || find --set-root --devices=hf /usbdrive.tag
configfile /winsetup.lst

Title Setup Windows 7 Ultimate 32x64 bit by Gorskiy
map --unhook

savedefault +1
ls /shiftd.bat >

chainloader /BOOTMGR

Title Boot first internal disk (boot disk C or Your Windows)
map --unhook
map --unmap=0:0xff && map --rehook
ls /shiftd.bat > nul || find --set-root --devices=hf /shiftd.bat
if "%RDSK%"=="" pause Fatal error while swaping hard disk order, cannot continue! && configfile /menu.lst
pause --wait=1 Booting MBR on hd0 ...
chainloader (hd0)+1

Title Acronis BOOT CD 2012
map --unmap=0:0xff
map --unhook && map --rehook
cat --hex [email protected](md)0x3D0+0x130 >
set /adev=*0x8280&0xff
set ISO=/ISO/AcronisMedia.iso
ls %ISO% >
ls %ISO% >

set /adev=*0x82a0&0xff
debug 1

debug off
set check=%check:~-5.4%

map --hook
root (0xff)
chainloader (0xff)

Title Acronis BootCD WinPE-Based 2013
map --unmap=0:0xff
map --unhook && map --rehook
cat --hex [email protected](md)0x3D0+0x130 > nul && echo Cannot continue if PLoP is active, please start this entry without loading PLoP first && echo && pause Press any key to return to the main menu && configfile /menu.lst
set /adev=*0x8280&0xff
set ISO=/ISO/AcronisBootCDWinPE-Based.iso
ls %ISO% > null || find --set-root --devices=hf /usbdrive.tag|| echo Error! Could not find usbdrive.tag && echo && pause Press any key to return to the main menu && configfile /menu.lst
ls %ISO% > null || find --set-root --devices=hf %ISO% || echo Error! Could not find %ISO% && echo && pause Press any key to return to the main menu && configfile /menu.lst
map %ISO% (0xff) || map --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 %ISO% (0xff) || echo FATAL ERROR mapping %ISO%, please check if file is present and defragmented && pause Press any key to return to main menu && configfile /menu.lst
set /adev=*0x82a0&0xff
debug 1
parttype(%dev%,3) | set check=
debug off
set check=%check:~-5.4%
if "%check%"=="0x00" partnew (%dev%,3) 0 0 0 && partnew (%dev%,3) 0x00 %ISO%
if not "%check%"=="0x00" echo WARNING: PARTITION TABLE 4 IN BIOS DEVICE %dev% IS ALREADY IN USE! && echo && echo To prevent possible data loss will not continue further && pause && configfile /menu.lst
map --hook
root (0xff)
chainloader (0xff)