Win 7 bring back the language bar. Switching languages ​​from English to Russian disappears

Hello, friends! If you have lost your keyboard layout on Windows 7 (for the same problem in Windows XP), then this article will be useful to you.

  • If you have already followed the path: Control Panel - Settings - Language and Regional Standards. And there are checkboxes, but the keyboard layout has not appeared.
  • If you tried to rollback using a restore point.
  • If you have already created a REG file and added it to the registry.

And all this did not bring desired results? Then there are a couple of options:

The Windows 7 keyboard layout has disappeared: solutions

  1. Search for the missing language bar. It will be more difficult, but quite possible.

In windows 7 for language bar The ctfmon.exe application responds. It is associated with the Task Scheduler service, in which Startup type select “Automatic”. Otherwise it will not start on its own.

Check the setting in this way:

1) Start – Computer Management

2) Services and applications – Services – Task Scheduler.

3) Open “Task Scheduler” and go to the “Properties” tab. Here check if automatic startup is set.

Another way to solve the problem if “the keyboard layout has disappeared on Windows 7”

Follow this route:

1) Start – Control Panel – Small Icons – Regional and Language Options – Languages ​​and Keyboards tab – Change keyboard.

2) The “Languages ​​and text input services” setting will open. Open the General tab.

In the window that opens, you should see two layout options: English and Russian. This indicates the presence of the Language panel. If there is only one, then click “Add” and select the missing one from the list.

3) In the “Language Bar” tab, check the “Pinned to Taskbar” checkbox and check the “Display text labels on the language bar” checkbox.

These are the main points for setting up the Language panel.

If they did not work, and the question remains open, then you need to resort to creating a REG file.

It contains information on changes in the registry (change the launch of the ctfmon.exe application, which is responsible for the operation of the language bar).

To create a REG file:

  1. Create an ordinary text file and copy the following text into it.
  2. Save the file with the extension .reg

We run our file, changes are made to the registry, then we reboot.

That's all! I think now you know why the layout disappeared windows keyboards 7 and already know how to solve this problem. I hope I helped you and you like this article to help other people. I also invite you to read an article about this or why. If you have any questions about this article, write in the comments, I will be glad to help. I wish you all good health!

With UV. Evgeny Kryzhanovsky

The language bar is a section of tools on the desktop that displays the current keyboard layout, current input languages, recognition manual entry, speech and other regional settings-related features. But the most convenient thing it does is it makes it possible to quickly change the keyboard layout directly from the taskbar.

Many will say that it is much more convenient to switch the input language using hotkeys Alt keys+ Shift or Ctrl + Shift, but agree, before switching you should definitely look at the language bar to find out the current keyboard layout.

Unfortunately, many Windows users 7 people often complain that their language bar has disappeared. The reasons why it disappears can be different: it happens that it is hidden by the user accidentally, it disappears due to system error“seven” or it is hidden by a virus. In any case, the recovery process is the same. We will describe two ways to enable the language bar if it has disappeared.

Restoring the language bar through the control panel

Open the Start menu and select Control Panel. Under Clock, Language, and Region, select Change keyboard layout or other input methods.

The “Regional and Language Options” window will appear in front of you. On the “Languages ​​and Keyboards” tab, click the “Change Keyboard” button and go to the “Language Bar” tab.

As you can see, the panel is not displayed because it is hidden. To display it, check the “Pinned to taskbar” and “Show text labels in the language bar” checkboxes and click “Apply” and “OK”.

After that it should appear on the taskbar. If you did everything as described above, but the panel still does not appear, then you need to use the second method.

In case the language Windows panel 7 disappeared after the system was infected with a virus, a situation may arise when you cannot open the control panel settings in a standard way. In this case, the following control panel applets will help us, which are entered in the search bar of the Start menu (it is opened by the keyboard shortcut Win + R). Applets are ordinary .dll libraries with a .cpl extension.

  • The intl.cpl applet opens the Regional and Language Options window (Regional Options tab);
  • applet control intl.cpl,1 opens the Regional and Language Options window (languages ​​tab);
  • applet control intl.cpl,2 opens the “Languages ​​and Keyboards” tab;
  • The control intl.cpl,3 applet opens the “Advanced” tab.

Enabling the language bar through the registry

Open the Start menu and type regedit in the search bar. The Registry Editor will open:

Go to the following path and check for the presence of the CTFMon string parameter with the value “C:\Windows\system32\ctfmon.exe”


If this parameter does not exist, then it needs to be created. Right-click on the “Run” section name or on an empty space in the section window, and select create a string parameter.

Give the created parameter the name CTFMon, then click on its name right click mouse and select "Edit". In the "Value" field, enter the following:


All that remains is to apply the changes and reboot. After reboot, the language bar should appear on the taskbar.

Setting up the language bar

Since we're talking about the language bar, it wouldn't hurt to say a few words about setting it up. The panel can be freely moved to any location on the screen, hidden or minimized to the taskbar (this is the state it is in by default). In the picture below you can see both described options:

The buttons and other elements that appear on the panel depend on what text input services are installed and whether the display of additional icons on the taskbar is selected. By right-clicking the mouse, you can open the settings menu to change the position on the taskbar or display the panel vertically rather than horizontally, as is done by default.

If you have configured something incorrectly and don’t know how to return everything back, use the “Restore defaults” item.

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For almost twenty years now, the Windows operating system has existed approximately in the form in which we are accustomed to seeing it. But there is one little thing that the industry giants cannot fix - the disappearance of the language bar!

They probably don’t really care about this, because they only use English language, and we switch at least between two: English and Russian. We will move from the most banal solutions to more complex ones.

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Language bar settings

To get started, do the following:

  1. Go to the menu “Start -> Control Panel -> Change keyboard layout or other input methods”
  2. In the "Regional and Language" window that opens, on the "Languages ​​and Keyboards" tab, click the "Change keyboard..." button.
  3. In the new window “Languages ​​and text input services”, check that the switch is set to “Pinned to taskbar”

In this picture (clickable) you can see all the actions in a visual representation.

IMPORTANT: for the language bar to appear, more than one language must be active in the system!

To check this, go to step 3 and on the “General” tab, make sure that more than one language is present.

Also, some users have noticed that the language bar disappears more often if the default language is “Russian”. If this is your case, then try choosing English layout default. In general, panel problems are usually associated with incorrect operation of applications. If this happens too often, I advise you to install the program Punto Switcher and disable the standard language bar.

Installing Punto Switcher

There is a radical way to solve the problem - the Punto Switcher program from Yandex.

The program is not intended to return the language bar, but it can replace it and solve problems with switching languages. The main purpose of Punto Switcher is automatic switching keyboard layouts. That is, if you enter “rjvgm.nth”, the program will automatically switch to the Russian layout and change what you entered to “computer”.

Installing the program is simple and straightforward. You will see a language icon in the system tray. By right-clicking on it, you can turn off auto-switching layouts, and then it will be just an analogue of the language bar. This is exactly how I use this program, i.e. I turn off the language bar and use Punto Switcher.

Another very interesting feature of this program is the ability to change the keyboard shortcut to switch layouts, which helps a lot if the language switching is difficult. I use one button - right Ctrl. It is very convenient to switch the layout with one button. To do this, right-click on the program icon and select “Settings”. Right in the “General” tab, select “Switch layout by right Ctrl”, for example.

If several languages ​​are installed on the system, and you mainly have to switch between Russian and English, then simply check the “Russian/English only” box. Then the right Ctrl will switch only between Russian and English, and the rest of the layouts using a standard keyboard shortcut, a very convenient function.

Restoring the language bar using the registry

If nothing works, then we will make changes to the system registry. IN previous versions Windows language the panel was controlled regular program"ctfmon.exe". But in Windows 7 it can also be used, only to do this you need to add it to startup:

  1. Launch the editor system registry: Press "Win + R" and type "regedit"
  2. Find a thread
  3. In the right part of the window, right-click on empty space and select "New -> String Parameter", give it the name "CTFMON.EXE"
  4. Double-click on it and set the value to “C:\WINDOWS\system32\ctfmon.exe”

In the end it should look like this

Reboot and check. If it doesn’t work again, then perhaps the “ctfmon.exe” file itself is missing. Download the archive with the file from me and unpack it into the folder “C:\Windows\System32”, where C: is the drive operating system.

Restoring the Windows 7 Task Scheduler

In Windows 7, unlike XP, the scheduler is responsible for launching the language bar. Accordingly, if the scheduler service is not running, the language bar will not be available. Let's check this as follows:

If the scheduler service is running, but the language bar does not appear, then check whether the task is enabled in the scheduler itself:

If you haven’t found the “MsCtfMonitor” task at all, then I suggest creating it. For this:

  1. Download the file
  2. Right-click on the “TextServicesFramework” section and select “Import task...”
  3. Select the downloaded file
  4. Enable the task and reboot

Checking Windows System Files

In particularly severe cases, you can ask Windows to check system files for correctness. To do this, you need Administrator rights and issue the command:

sfc /scannow

Windows may ask you to insert installation disk. After the verification is completed, you need to reboot.

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Active users of the operating system from Bill Gates have probably experienced the fact that the language bar is not displayed in Window 7.

Why this happens is a good question, but it probably won’t require an answer if you know how to eliminate this shortcoming.

The easiest way to solve the problem

There are many options for why the language bar may disappear, and the most popular of them is the incorrect operation of one or several applications at once.

This method is used by most users trying to eliminate the language bar error. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • In the lower right corner of your screen, find the Start tab.
  • Click on the “Control Panel” line.
  • Find the line “Change keyboard layout” and click on it.
  • Click on the “Regional and Language” window that pops up.
  • Find the “Keyboard Language” tab and click “Change Keyboard”.
  • In the new window “Languages ​​and text input services”.

Advice! If after all the settings the language bar still does not appear on your screen, then check how many languages ​​are active on your computer. The action algorithm will be useless if only one language is active.

Check quantity active languages can be done as follows:

  • Go through two points of the above algorithm again;
  • Find the “General” tab.

Inexplicable, but true, users Russian version Windows 7 noted that it is the language bar with the Russian language that disappears most often. Why this happens and whether it is true is unknown.

But you can conduct the experiment yourself if you install the English or any other language layout.

Restoring the Task Scheduler on Windows 7

The language bar on Windows 7 has one main difference from the same Windows XP - for launching the language model in in this case The task scheduler responds.

If this program will not be launched, then the language bar will not be displayed. You can trace this as follows:

  • On your desktop, find and open the “My Computer” shortcut.
  • Find the “controls” tab and click on it.
  • Then on the right side of the list you will find the line “Services and applications”. Select the “Services” icon.
  • In the pop-up window on the right, see the “Task Scheduler” service.
  • After opening the service, make sure it displays working condition. We also advise you to indicate automatic type launch.
  • If the service displays the startup type “Manual”, then double-click the right mouse button and change it to “Automatic”.
  • The last step is to restart your computer and check for the language bar.

Let's consider the option when all the settings are in order, however, the language bar is missing on the monitor screen.

Most likely, the problem is that the task is disabled within the service itself.

  • On the monitor screen in the lower right corner, click on the “Start” line.
  • Then, in the search engine, enter the word “Task Scheduler”.
  • Find the line “Task Scheduler Libraries” and click on it.
  • Then, specify two commands one after the other: TextServicesFramework and MsCtfMonitor.
  • On the MsCtfMonitor command, you need to right-click twice so that the “Enable” line appears and then click on it.

Advice! Note the status of the MsCtfMonitor command. If the line already indicated “Enabled,” then the reason for the absence of the language bar is something else.

Please note that not every computer has the MsCtfMonitor service installed. Without it, it is unlikely that it will be possible to return the control panel to its place. You can create this program yourself using the following algorithm:

  • Download the program for free and unpack it;
  • Open the downloaded file;
  • In the main menu on the right, find the TextServicesFramework section;
  • Double-click on the TextServicesFramework section with the right mouse button to open the “Import task” tab;
  • Double click left mouse click on the downloaded file;
  • Click on the task and then restart your computer to make sure the language bar is back in place.

Using the Registry to Restore the Language Bar

If none of the above methods helped you, then it makes sense to check the system registry for serviceability. Earlier operating rooms Windows systems differed from the seventh theme, the language bar could be controlled using ctfmon.exe.

But in this case it may also be appropriate. Download the program and then extract it. If you have any problems with the work, proceed as follows:

  • To launch the system registry, enter the combination “Win” + “R”. Then enter the command “regedite”.
  • Next, click on the line.
  • Then, in the empty right part, right-click so that the “Create” line appears. Name it CTFMON.EXE.
  • Click on the title with the left mouse button to access the link C:\WINDOWS\system32\ctfmon.exe."

If you strictly followed the algorithm of actions, then try to restart your computer and check if the language bar appears.

Solving the problem via Punto Switcher

If none of the above methods helped you, then as a last resort there is always a solution that has helped out users of the Windows 7 operating system more than once.

This can be done using Yandex, or more precisely, using a program from its developers - Punto Switcher.

To be precise, the essence of this program is not to return the language string to the monitor screen, but to become its replacement if necessary. IN Punto program Switcher allows you to switch from one language to another.

Once you have the “Settings” mode in the main menu, click on it to switch to “Keyboard Language”. Problem solved. Simply put, you downloaded an analogue of the language bar due to the lack of the original.

Advice! The program includes more than a hundred languages. So that you don’t have to constantly waste time searching for the ones you need, select a few that you will use most often, for example: Russian-German-English.