What does emoticon 3 mean? Periphery with unestablished meanings, consisting mainly of individual stylistic variations of core and metacore emoticons. Why do you need the “3” emoticon on VK and how to use it correctly

When communicating with each other, we - as psychologists have established - first of all perceive not what we were told - but how we were told. “What” is the so-called verbal means of communication (words), “how” is non-verbal: voice intonations, facial expressions, gestures, posture, etc. How important they are can be seen in the example of the “ceremonious phrase” - “This is not phone conversation”(we don’t want to discuss something extremely personal over the phone precisely because the phone does not convey most non-verbal means). True, over many centuries humanity has learned to put up with almost complete absence non-verbal means in writing(having come up with only a question and question for her) exclamation marks, and even an ellipsis instead of a dot)

A meta-core of emoticons that are used little, but also with stable meanings

Emoticons are often used, especially in chats. But do they make sense if the other person knows its meaning? Here you will find out what the 3 emoticons mean and what other characters say. But even this does not guarantee that we always understand it. Some rarely used combinations are mysteries.

That's why we want to introduce 3 emojis and some of the lesser used relatives. Pictures speak more than a thousand words - it has been said. Because these are emoticons after all. Colon, hyphen, parentheses - the smiling face is ready. If we still put our heads on our side. This is what we must do now.

But in many ways it turned out to be closer to oral communication than to written communication - even in relation to e-mail : less time (compared to a paper letter) waiting for the interlocutor’s reaction, therefore less time to think about the answer, a shorter answer, etc. Even more similarities with direct communication appeared in chats and messenger programs (ICQ, etc.). Such communication could no longer do without non-verbal means - and they appeared... and were called emoticons (or - as they are more often called - emoticons).

So you see what the emoji is supposed to mean: 3. The eyes of the colon are clear, and three symbolizes something like a cat's mouth. Others also like to talk about baking hamsters. Either way, it's supposed to symbolize something cute. This is, so to speak, an improvement on the above: 3 emoticons. Cat with narrowed eyes. So, the epitome of cute.

But as soon as 3 is used in other compounds, their meaning still changes. Horns, eyes, wide mouth = cow. Some were briefly modern and then disappeared again. Today he is nowhere to be seen. Even in emoticons. Unlike keyboard shortcuts such as 3-smiley, they appear as uniformly small images. Almost everyone uses emoji in the days of the internet and smartphone. During this process, a whole series of new symbols emerged from the original smiley. All moods can now be expressed by signs.

In fairness, it should be noted that the idea of ​​pictograms used to express emotions was first expressed before the advent of Internet- in relation to written speech: in 1969, V. Nabokov mentioned in an interview that it would be nice to invent some kind of typographic sign indicating a smile. More specific proposal contributed in 1982 by the American scientist S. Falman: “ I suggest using this sequence of characters to indicate humorous messages: :-) Read from the side. In fact, given current events, it is more appropriate to highlight messages that are NOT jokes. To do this use:-(»

Many benefits for the child

From this came many more so-called emoticons. Here is a selection of the most famous symbols. This version weakens the claim, so it should not be taken too seriously. Thus, the person shows that she is innocent or an innocent lamb. This sign is only to make it clear that the sender is simply savoring the doll. To my ears: 3 There is a lot to be interpreted in this emoji, it actually only shows a happy face with a cat nose. No matter with or without a nose, everyone gets the message. If you just sent a good joke and received this token, you might feel honored. However, if this is not enough for you, you can also use this symbol. He actually laughs disgustingly about something and feels gleeful. ^^ glad to be sent, not always understood. This sign is a short form of a smile. Then send this sign. In the middle there is a head, and on the right and left a person exults with his hands. - ^ _ ^ - Not necessarily suitable for men: this emoji should smile so sweetly with a question that it even blushes. However, you shouldn't take death too literally. - If someone sends you this emoji, your interlocutor will be really annoyed. If someone has done something really stupid or embarrassing, the other person is doubtful or ashamed. Maybe a little unhappy, but this emoji is the opposite of an angel. These three symbolize the horns of the devil.

  • But not to be confused with a smiling face.
  • You can take someone the distance, but in a positive way.
  • A star is not censorship, but a kiss.
  • The sender not only gets angry, but also loudly protests.
  • The lines symbolize closed eyes.
  • A. This emoji can say "What the hell?" be translated.
  • The sender cannot believe anything.
Pleasure, after anxiety, is the second feeling that children experience.

It is difficult to say who and when first applied S. Falman's idea in practice - but in communication via the Internet it turned out to be very, very in demand. But the range of human feelings is too wide and varied for everything to be expressed in two symbols - “fun” and “sad”! Over time, many different pictograms appeared, built on the same principle - a “turned on its side” schematic image of the corresponding facial expression, composed of punctuation marks - and the set of symbols is quite stable, and will certainly be understood by the interlocutor (what is called - “so agreed”):

A small core of emoticons, widely used and with stable meanings

That's why it won't take more than two to three weeks for your son to reflect this with a smile. From there, the evolution of this gesture will be rapid and each time she will show her joy better. But in addition to expressing feeling, smiling and laughing have been shown to have great physical and psychological benefits. Expand your good mood When you are with your little one, make him laugh and you will see him become healthy, happy and very close to you.

:-| - thoughtfulness;

:-0 - surprise;

;-) - wink;

:-* - kiss;

@)->-- - rose

It is almost impossible to list everything - there are a lot of such pictograms invented.

The Japanese have acquired their own special emoticons - their system is based on the anime style:

(^_^) - smile;

(v_v) - sadness;

^_^" - embarrassment;

8(>_<)8 - ревность

What does this emoticon mean:3?

The first smile, an innate gesture

Although the smile is already appreciated in the baby before birth, as one of the faces that is rehearsed during pregnancy, it is around 2 or 3 weeks of life when this gesture begins to appear frequently. It is not voluntary and is known as "smiling to the angels" because it does not affect the people around him, it is only a reflection of his contentment. This often happens after eating, when the baby is snuggling, or even when he is sleeping and dreaming about the pleasant sensations he experienced.

Soon this spontaneous smile gives way to a more active smile. Thanks to the positive reactions that this gesture awakens in those who treat it, the child gradually begins to smile voluntarily. Every time your son smiles, you and daddy respond with another smile, make cheerful gestures, and say loving words. Thus, by observing this relationship, his smile ceases to be simply a reflection of his mood, to become a form of communication. This interaction is really important because it has been observed that although smiling is an innate gesture, if this expression is not reinforced, its appearance is much less common.

But pictograms were only the first step - over time, messages were decorated with graphic emoticons. The basis was the image of a smiling face in the form of a yellow circle, black oval eyes and a black arc representing the mouth, invented in 1963 by the American artist H. Ball. Now in almost any forum or a blog, such a symbol will appear in a message if you type the sequence :-) - such a “transformation” occurs even in Word (although there the emoticon will be white) ... based on such a graphic symbol, many others have appeared - almost all emoticons that exist in the form pictograms, acquired corresponding graphic emoticons.

And it has been proven that smiling and laughing have many benefits. About 2 or 3 months ago, a "social smile" appears, which now turns to people it observes on purpose. It is also characterized by the fact that it covers much more of the entire face and not just the mouth. The whole face is smiling, which is especially noticeable in the eyes.

In 8 months, just for you

When your child develops his social smile, he will start by giving it to everyone as a way of bonding. But by eight months of the year, he will enter a stage known as the "stranger crisis", in which he will reject the presence of strangers. Therefore, for several months, he reserves this gesture only for his own and will look at others with a frown.

Now it is no longer necessary to type a sequence of characters in forums, blogs or Skype - just click on the image of a smiley face in the menu, and it will open with an extensive set of them, all you have to do is choose... And the set amazes with its diversity - you won’t surprise anyone with a smiling or sad face for a long time: here and the face in the dark glasses, and kissing emoticons, and clinking beer mugs, and shooting from machine guns or pistols, and aliens, and... in a word, what not! And this is only a “generally accepted” set, but each specific forum may have its own special emoticons corresponding to its theme: for example, on my favorite forum “Classics”, dedicated to the classic music, there is a “playing” emoticon, as well as in the form of applauding hands; on forums dedicated to films, there are often emoticons depicting the characters of these films, etc.

The best sign that something makes him happy is by far the laughter, which appears as a chirp after 3 months and bursts into action after 6 months. Laughter plays a double role for a child: on the one hand, it conveys its satisfaction.

On the other hand, this is the best tool that your little person should get in such a situation that he likes so much. The relationship is clear: if he takes the game seriously, it ends quickly, but if he laughs out loud, you repeat it over and over again. And that's great because in addition to strengthening the bond between you, laughter stimulates your brain and strengthens your body against illness.

Today they like to blame the Internet for depriving a person of “live” communication, impoverishing his emotional life. But can we call communication “inanimate”, which has acquired special signs for expressing emotions?

The set of emoticons used in practice is small relative to their total possible number. Almost always these are emotional emoticons and derivatives of “:-)”. This set consists of 3 categories.
1. A small core of emoticons, widely used and with stable meanings
2. Meta-core of emoticons that are used little, but also with stable meanings
smileykey elementshort formmeaning
:-/ / :/ uncertainty, dissatisfaction
:-\ \ :\ uncertainty, dissatisfaction
:-| | :| indifference, confidence
:-II:Iindifference, confidence
:- : surprise, amazement
:-() () :() surprise, amazement
:-* * :* kiss
:-> > :> gloat
:~- ~ :~) joyful crying
:~-(~ :~(mournful cry
8-) 8 8) excitation

Replacing the element “:” (neutral meaning) in the position of the eyes gives the meaning a hint of playfulness, pretense. A small number of writers do not highlight this shade, using a neutral meaning in appropriate situations.

Periphery with unestablished meanings, consisting mainly of individual stylistic variations of core and metacore emoticons

By the second year of life, a child discovers that laughter is not the only thing that brings him great satisfaction: he also loves to laugh. At this point, he will start showing you all the books he knows to get a laugh from you. And it is important that you understand this, this way you strengthen your emotional connection and give it a great sense of self-worth.

In this sense, you have to be very careful about what you laugh at because he will pick it up and repeat it over and over again. Try not to laugh at inappropriate behavior, which you may find surprising and amusing the first time, but it won't make you funny if you insist on repeating them.

3. Periphery with unestablished meanings, consisting mainly of individual stylistic variations of core and metacore emoticons

The majority of stylistic variations are formed by replacing individual elements in core and metacore emoticons with others without changing their meaning:

  • a) Elements ":", ";" and "8" in the eye position are replaced by "%", "F", "8", "=".
  • b) The "-" element in the nose position is replaced by "o" and "=".
  • c) The elements ")" and "(" in the mouth position are replaced with "[" and "]", respectively.
  • d) The writing of emoticons can also be mirrored.
  • e) The elements “F” and “=" are added to the smiley in the position of the upper part of the head, which usually do not carry any semantic load.
A separate category of periphery consists of alternative abbreviated forms of core emoticons:
  • a) “-)” and “)” for “:-)”;
  • b) "-(" and "(" for ":-(".

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