Are they releasing the iPhone 6 now? Apple will discontinue the iPhone and burn all owners alive (the story of one headline)

2018 has arrived, which means it’s time to change something in your life. For example, change your old iPhone, otherwise it’s already inconvenient to walk with the old one or it’s become very slow. I already wrote about which iPhone is better to buy in 2018, but in it I talked mainly about latest models. But now you can find older iPhones on sale, for example iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. And even though it came out quite a long time ago, people are nevertheless concerned about the relevance of its acquisition.

In this article I will try to describe all its pros and cons, after which you will understand whether it is worth buying it or looking for something newer.

Pros of buying an iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus in 2018.

First, let's look at the advantages for which it is worth buying this smartphone Now. Unfortunately, there are very few of them, but they still exist.

1. Battery.

In terms of battery capacity, in the iPhone 6 it has a capacity of 181 mAh, and in the iPhone 6 Plus as much as 2915 mAh. As you can see, the numbers are not bad enough even by modern standards. And such a battery should last you almost a whole day of use. This really only applies to new devices. If you buy a used one, then most likely the battery will have to be replaced.

Of course there is no fast charging neither wireless charging, but expecting such an opportunity from a 2014 gadget is not entirely reasonable.

2. Price.

The second, last, and perhaps the main advantage of the Six is ​​its low price. It’s true that Apple no longer sells these smartphones, but you can still purchase them from official resellers. However, I would recommend purchasing these smartphones refurbished, gray, or used in good condition. Buying from official stores will cost you at least twice as much .

Now, if you look hard enough, you can buy an iPhone 6 with 16 GB for 9 thousand rubles, and an iPhone 6 Plus with the same amount of memory for 13 thousand rubles. The price is of course very attractive, but you shouldn’t chase the minimum price, because Apple technology popular and counterfeited quite often. Be careful when purchasing.

Disadvantages of buying an iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus in 2018.

Not many benefits iPhone purchases 6 in 2018 we sorted it out for you. Now let's deal with the disadvantages, of which, unfortunately, there are many more.

1. Design

We'll start with appearance smartphones. The fact is that iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus were the first smartphones when Apple decided to increase the screen diagonal in its devices. And in order for users to have a choice, they presented us with two models with 4.7 and 5.5 inches screens.

Externally, smartphones looked very controversial. Few people liked the antennas, made in the form of two metal strips on top and bottom. The fear of scratching a smartphone arose every time when it was necessary to put the smartphone on the table.

For comparison, you can go to any store and pick up an iPhone 8, for example, and you will immediately understand how old the design of the six looks.

From the point of view of choosing colors, there are no frills here either. There are only three versions Gold, Silver and Gray space. Although if you carry your phone in a case, then the design doesn’t play a special role.

2. Productivity.

Both six models have 2 nuclear processor Apple A8 and only 1 GB random access memory. If previous models with this amount of memory worked well, the iPhone 6 has already begun to work worse with the enlarged screen. And even to iOS 11 I would not recommend upgrading.

Let's not forget about the recent issue with old batteries causing Apple to slow down iPhones. True, when you buy a used smartphone, you simply change the battery and enjoy life.

There is only one conclusion here, that today the performance of the iPhone 6 is not enough for everyday use. And the situation here is unlikely to improve, since games and applications will only become more and more demanding on hardware.

3. Camera.

Nowadays, it has become very fashionable to post photos on your Instagram. But for this, your smartphone should not have the worst camera.

Both models, both iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, have 8 MP main and 1.2 MP front camera. The Plus version also has optical image stabilization.

Is this enough or not? Provided there is good lighting, very good photographs can be obtained. But once the darkness comes and just normal quality You can forget about taking pictures. You won’t be able to take high-quality selfies either.

If you need a device with a good camera, then it's not about the iPhone 6. Over the past few years modern gadgets We learned how to take great photos and even at night you can get decent quality pictures.

4. Features

The iPhone 6 does not have 3D Touch, the second generation Touch ID, and there is no point in even talking about a dual camera. That year, iPhones just received NFC support and optical stabilization was added to the Plus version. The main advantage was new design and big screens.

So essentially we got a device for making calls, scrolling through the tape in in social networks and other basic things.

The phone is too old and nothing can be done about it. Time spares no one.

Should you buy an iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus in 2018?

And so, we have sorted out all the pros and cons of these smartphones and it’s time to sum it up. I want to say that at one time the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus were good gadgets. But a lot of time has passed since then and technology has advanced greatly. True, if you compare the design of the iPhone 6 and iPhone 8, there is a difference between them, but not huge. However, in other respects, the six is ​​very much inferior to modern models.

Therefore, my verdict is that there is no point in buying an iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus in 2018. It makes sense to take a closer look at the 6S or SE. The filling is better there, and the price is about the same.

True, if you need a smartphone for making phone calls, using instant messengers and sometimes taking a couple of photos, then it makes sense to think about purchasing it.

Analyst Chinese company KGI Securities Ming-Chi Kuo often shares inside information regarding Apple gadgets, and in most cases it turns out to be absolutely true. It was from him that the world first heard that Yabloko was preparing a revolutionary facial recognition system, Face ID, and this happened nine months before the gadget’s premiere.

The other day, Ming-Chi Kuo stunned everyone with a new insider: iPhone X will stop being produced at the end of summer, and after the presentation of new gadgets, which traditionally takes place in early September, the current flagship will disappear from the shelves. This is surprising, because usually new flagship gets along quite well with the old ones. So, at present, along with the recent “eights” and “ten”, not only the iPhone 7 and 7 Plus, but even the 6s model are still being produced and selling well.

However, there are indeed reasons to discontinue the release of the iPhone X. Of course, the Apple flagship cannot be called a failure, but it did not achieve the expected success either.

X don't want to buy

According to Ming-Chi Kuo, Tim Cook's company expected to sell 50 million smartphones in the first half of 2018, but sales results for November and December forced Apple to reduce the plan by almost half - by 20 million units.

The anniversary iPhone X is being sold all over the world worse than previous models, but not by much. Americans, Europeans, Russians - everyone criticizes the smartphone, but nevertheless continues to buy it. It was the same with previous models- everything new at first causes rejection, and then becomes familiar and loved. This happens to everyone. Except the Chinese.

China showed some of the lowest sales results. But the Chinese market is the largest in the world, so for Yabloko the Chinese dissatisfaction with the new flagship was a real blow. And there is no hope that the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire will change their minds; it would be easier to remake the smartphone for them.

What will change in new smartphones

Rumors have been circulating about new 2018 products for a couple of months now, which only confirms the theory that Apple will remake the flagship so that it meets the needs of the Asian market. Or rather, not a flagship, but flagships...

Change one: variety. Released in the past year iPhone X leaves customers no choice in anything, even something as trivial as size. “Ten” is slightly larger than “seven” and “eight”, while significantly smaller than 7 Plus and 8 Plus. At the same time, the Chinese are fans large screens and always preferred the Plus version. So in the fall, two more variations will be added to the 5.8-inch smartphone - 6.1 inches and 6.5 inches.

Change two: price. Previously, there were two flagships: large and small. Now there will be three, but the reason is probably not a greater variety of sizes, but the desire to make the flagship more accessible. Along with two expensive modifications, there will also be one budget version. Instead of an expensive OLED display, which is almost a third of the cost of the iPhone, the “state employee” will have a simpler LCD screen. In theory, all the other components should not change, so those who are not ready to pay for a smartphone under 100 thousand rubles will finally have an alternative.

Change three: “island” on the display. The biggest dissatisfaction among the Chinese is the black island at the top of the display, on which the sensors that enable Face ID work are located. Firstly, it reduces the working surface area of ​​the screen, which, according to the Chinese, is already small. Secondly, the most popular in China mobile applications are not adapted to this display format and look simply terrible on the iPhone X screen. So the “island”, which seems to have already become an Apple “feature” from a deficiency, may also disappear in the future generation of the gadget.


Where will the iPhone X go?

What does the end of iPhone X production mean for ordinary buyers? In fact, nothing bad - this does not mean that the “ten” cannot be found in stores. Yes, it will disappear from the official Apple website, but large retailers will sell the model for quite a long time.

We've already gone through this iPhone example 5, which consumers initially also reacted with hostility. Its production and sales were stopped a little over a year after its launch, but the “five” was sold in unofficial stores for several more years.

When it comes New Year, then you immediately want to change something in your life. Smartphones have occupied a very important part and therefore, we often want to update the device that we use every day.

The topic of iPhones has always been interesting and remains so in 2018. The price tags for these devices are not falling, so there is a desire to buy more old model. Today we will discuss the iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus.

They can still be found in official Apple Store and this is a very good sign, because they usually try to sell the most current ones.

In this article we’ll go over the main qualities of the gadget, whether it’s worth buying and how much you can buy it for this year. It will be very interesting.

Pros and cons of iPhone 6s in 2018

To understand how relevant the iPhone 6S is in 2018, I think it would be ideal to just go through the characteristics in general and then we’ll understand what’s what.

What about the appearance?

Let's tell it like it is, the iPhone 6S is not the most beautiful device. Apple and he’s really not an acquired taste. The case saves the situation, but if you don't use them, you'll have to put up with a bulging camera and terrible antenna strips.

I myself used the iPhone 6 (it’s exactly the same as the 6S) and in life, when you hold the device in your hands, it’s not all that bad. It looks much worse in the photographs.

So the conclusion we can draw is that the design is outdated for 2018, but there will always be people who like it. The situation with flowers is also not bad, because there is: pink gold, space gray, silver and gold.

I can also remind you that there are two versions: with 4.7 and 5.5 inch displays. The first is thin, small and neat, but the Plus is a bit heavy to fit in your pocket and its weight is noticeable.

I think this point can be left neutral. The device isn't ugly, but it's not memorable either.

How about the speed of work?

If you look at the hardware in general, the picture as a whole is very good: Apple A9 and 2 GB in both devices. This was quite enough for iOS until a few unpleasant moments appeared.

I think everyone has heard about slowdown and when your battery is old, performance will decrease. But a little later there will be an update and you will be able to choose whether to enable this feature or not.

The second point is much more serious, because due to the Specter vulnerability, it was necessary to slightly slow down the operation of the devices, reducing the performance of the processors.

Judging by the reviews, for some it works well, for others it works poorly. I think a lot still depends on the slowdown that is associated with the battery. But as practice shows with iOS 11, everything works quite well and with new updates the situation will only improve.

There is no doubt that iOS 12 will work on these devices. In terms of performance, you won’t have to worry about it for the next year or two, and then we’ll see.

How good is the camera?

Absolutely all iPhones have always had good cameras and Apple makes them for sure so that there is a reserve. Therefore, both the iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus are equipped with excellent cameras.

12 MP rear camera and front - 5 MP. The photos come out quite wonderful and this is more than enough to not take a camera with you on your next trip.

Difference between Plus and regular version the fact that the first one has optical stabilization. If you like to make videos, then we definitely get the larger version.

This is certainly not dual camera like the iPhone X, but you can and even need to take normal pictures. Your Instagram feed will definitely not suffer from a lack of beautiful photos.

How long will the battery last?

If we buy an iPhone 6S, we get 1715 mAh and, to be honest, this is not enough for a modern user. With the iPhone 6S Plus the situation is more cheerful and there is 2750 mAh.

If you buy new devices, then for a year or two you can not pay attention to the battery at all. Everything will work like a clock and you will only have to charge it in the evening.

Only then do problems begin with shutdowns in the cold, and, as you already know, a slowdown problem emerges, which can be solved by replacing the battery with a new one.

We get a normal standard volume, which will be enough for you for a full working day.

What about the features and price?

There is already a 3D touch, and it’s also nice to have a second one Generation Touch ID. In all other respects, it is not very different from the previous model.

iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S – features and price

We get regular phone, because then Apple added everything very gradually and then, as we remember, they received a big update on this part in the iPhone 7.

If we talk about cost, then this is probably the most pleasant part to discuss. iPhone 6S 32 GB official store can be purchased for 35,990.00 rubles, and iPhone 6S Plus - 43,990.00 rubles.

If you buy gray ones or just in other stores, the price will be even better. Here it’s up to you to decide where exactly to purchase products from Apple.

Not a lot of features, but the price is reasonable and for experience with iOS, it will be a pretty good offer.

Should you buy an iPhone 6S or iPhone 6S Plus in 2018?

We went through the most basic iPhone items 6S and it’s time to draw conclusions: is it worth the money and is it even worth buying in 2018?

The smartphone is still quite fast and will remain so for the next two years for sure. The cameras will only fail in case of insufficient lighting.

If you are not chasing technology, then this is definitely your choice. Behind good price, you can take an iPhone that will fully fulfill all your needs.

But I can immediately warn you that you should forget about such things as:

  • stereo speakers;
  • moisture protection;
  • True Tone;
  • dual camera;
  • and much more.

On the other hand, you can also carry out 90 percent of the tasks that a user of the same iPhone X does without any problems. The iPhone 6S is definitely worth the money, you just need to understand what kind of device you are buying and for what period of time, because the longer you want to have an up-to-date device, the more recent you need to buy.

How much will the iPhone 6S cost in 2018?

Prices definitely won't fall for the iPhone 6S or iPhone 6S Plus. This will happen only at the usual time for us - after the next Apple presentation.

In the paragraph about prices, I told you the starting prices for both gadgets. Also use price catalogs, there will be a more complete picture. In the meantime, the full picture of prices in Apple Store:

There have always been good prices for refurbished options, but here you also need to be careful, because you can end up with something assembled from Chinese spare parts.

There are two pieces of advice here: don’t buy from dubious places and don’t be fooled by too low a price. It’s better to pay normal money and use a normal device than to regret making a mistake.

2. Main innovation: 3D Touch screen

The screen's ability to recognize different degrees of pressure is the most significant difference new iPhones 6s and 6s Plus from all smartphones ever released (Huawei's headline-grabbing announcement concerns , which will hit the market at an unknown date). According to the latest data from sources, the technology on the new iPhone will no longer be called Force Touch, as on the MacBook, but 3D Touch. The number 3 in the name is not without reason - it means that three types of finger interaction with the screen are recognized: touch, simple press and force press. At the same time, the built-in Taptic Engine vibration motor will provide feedback, making using the technology more intuitive.

With 3D Touch you can access your context menu and other options that require multiple touches on regular screens. For example, if the user opens Maps and holds his finger on a point, the application will immediately get directions to the specified location. And in “Music”, by pressing the title of a track or album, you can add it to a playlist or save it for offline listening.

Another option is " quick action", performed by long pressing the application icon. For example, you can immediately make a call favorite contact by pressing firmly on the Phone application icon. Finally, by “deep” pressing it will be possible to view in Safari content pages via a link without opening them. The scope for the imagination of developers is simply enormous, especially when it comes to control options in games.

I'm not offended that no one will need my iPhone X in six months. But never before has an Apple flagship become obsolete in such a short time:

The iPhone X will be discontinued immediately after the presentation of the new iPhones. And it’s normal if, instead of the “dozens,” Apple releases the iPhone that I’ll talk about below.

Hasn't this happened before? A similar situation actually happened with the iPhone 5. This iPhone was removed from sale in 2013 as soon as the iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c were released.

There were two logical reasons for this then.

Firstly, the iPhone 5 suffered from an unpleasant problem. It had an initially defective cable for the screen lock button - and therefore it often failed long before the warranty expired. Almost all the owners of the “five” I know have gone through this. It’s strange that they didn’t open it for the train official program replacements.

And secondly, the iPhone 5 made no sense when it was replaced by the iPhone 5c. Yes, the same one, supposedly popular, made of plastic. Its hardware was almost identical to the iPhone 5, but the “modem” was additionally improved - and therefore the iPhone 5c worked in Russian LTE networks. It would be stupid to keep two identical smartphones on the market if the “budget” version is objectively better than the previous flagship.

The iPhone 5 was discontinued approximately 350 days after it went on sale. History will allegedly repeat itself with the iPhone X, but it will be “removed” much earlier. Sales started in November 2017, and we are promised a new generation of iPhones and the abandonment of the current one in September 2018. Why does Apple want to get rid of the iPhone X so quickly? Maybe the company knows something and therefore wants to get rid of X quickly? For example, he is afraid of OLED burnout. We all took superiority at face value. Apple displays above other market flagships. But that doesn't mean that iPhone screen X will not burn out. After one and a half to two years regular use owners will be more likely to notice traces of the interface on light backgrounds. Further - worse. And this is a non-guaranteed point that will not be recognized as a defect.

I hope I'm wrong and we don't end up in a situation where flagship smartphones you will have to change it strictly every two years so as not to tolerate afterimage. The other option seems more realistic. According to analysts, at least 2 new iPhones will appear this fall: an improved iPhone version X in the same body and a large 6.1-inch iPhone with thin frames.

What's so special about the 6.1-inch iPhone? Let's assume this is new big iPhone will be called iPhone 9. Not iPhone XI or iPhone XI Plus.

iPhone 9 will continue the idea Plus line: large body and big screen for those who really care about it. There are many such people: for example, the iPhone X did not take off very well in Asia precisely because of its small screen.

Everything is heading towards the fact that the iPhone 9 will have an LCD display, and not an OLED, like the “ten”. In the technology world, this is considered a “downgrade”: there will be no deep black color and features like activating the screen when you touch the glass. The reason is simple: greed. Apple doesn't want to spend money on OLED when producing a weirdly shaped 6.1-inch screen. This is still an expensive pleasure, not to mention the amount of waste. Remember how difficult it was for the Cupertino team to release iPhone display X on an industrial scale? Tim Cook is not yet ready to repeat this headache and decided to leave it for next year.

The iPhone 9 may also be stuffed with one-year-old hardware from the iPhone X to further increase margins. Well, the processor there is still powerful. Why not wait a year or two and earn another 5-6 billion dollars?

If so, then these tricks serve one purpose.

This iPhone 9 will really replace the iPhone X. Due to the cheaper display, last year’s technologies and the use of the “chassis” from the iPhone 8, the new large version of the iPhone will cost less than the iPhone X - that is, less than $1,000 or 79 thousand rubles.

At the same time, it will be an iPhone X in a large case, and therefore even on a store shelf it will look more interesting than the “ten”.

It turns out logical. iPhone 9 will replace the iPhone X, but will be sold for the same money that the iPhone 8 currently costs. That is, it will occupy the niche of the “basic” model. And the iPhone XI will continue to sell for $1,000 or more.

When entering a store, you will choose between a large, but slightly outdated smartphone - and a small, but flagship one. A bit of an odd choice, but one thing is clear: the iPhone X doesn't fit into it.

So, dear ones iPhone owners X, set timers. The days of the tenth iPhone are numbered, and no one will miss it. I wonder how many people will change their X to big iPhone 9 only because large display? There are already queues.