Upstream the river. Difference between upstream and downstream cruises

The difference between upstream and downstream cruises is that downstream cruises are usually shorter. Prices for upstream and downstream cruises are usually about the same for everyone cruise routes, except for cruises between the cities of Chongqing and Shanghai, where travel upstream tends to be more expensive. In addition, excursions along the banks of the Yangtze River can vary greatly in price and program due to different schedules.

According to Chinese tourists, traveling downstream means "soft sailing", and therefore many of them tend to choose downstream cruises. In reality, both upstream and downstream cruises have their advantages and disadvantages. The choice of direction of movement depends on your general program tour and what is more important to you.



  1. Fewer days. Downstream cruises are faster than upstream cruises. The difference comes from the speed of travel: approximately 29 km per hour versus an average speed of 16 km per hour. Downstream cruises may be more suitable for people whose travel time is limited. Cruises from Chongqing to Yichang (downstream) take four days, while cruises from Yichang to Chongqing last five days. The cruise from Chongqing to Shanghai (downstream) takes seven days, and the return cruise lasts 9 days.
  2. At night the ship does not move. Vessels traveling downstream enter the port in the evening and never move at night. So at night passengers do not experience rocking motion, which could lead to sleep disturbances. People who are particularly sensitive to the effects of seasickness, as well as those who are very light sleepers, have a chance to get a good night's sleep. In addition, the ships pass all the most picturesque places during the day, so passengers cannot complain about having to miss some especially beautiful landscapes at night.
  3. For most cruise routes prices for travel upstream and downstream are usually the same. However, it is worth noting that going downstream is cheaper for cruises between the cities of Chongqing and Shanghai. (There are only Victoria Prince cruises between Chongqing and Shanghai).


The number of shore excursions on downstream and upstream cruises between Chongqing and Yichang is the same. (Most cruise ships operate between Chongqing and Yichang). However, there are also fewer shore excursions on cruises downstream between the cities of Chongqing and Jingzhou. (Only Real China Fleet operates this route.) .



  1. Slower speed. average speed when moving upstream is 16 km per hour, while the speed when moving downstream is 29 km per hour. This gives passengers more time to enjoy the enchanting scenery, listen to guides talk about the sights along the way, ask more questions and take more photos.
  2. There are more shore excursions on upstream cruies between Chongqing and Jingzhou (Only Real China Fleet operates this route).
  3. A longer cruise gives you the opportunity to learn more about Chinese culture, history, traditions and customs. You'll see more and hear more comments.


  1. Traffic at night. Due to slower travel speeds, cruise ships traveling upstream must travel at night to reach shore excursion sites and scenic attractions during daylight hours. This may affect some passengers' sleep and inevitably results in some scenic spots being visited at night. However, cruise ship schedules are designed so that the most significant attractions can be seen during the daytime.
  2. Prices for upstream and downstream cruises are usually about the same for all cruise routes, except for cruises between Chongqing and Shanghai, where upstream travel tends to be more expensive.

Climbing up steps, stairs, an elevator, or a mountain in a dream means achieving one’s goal. Climb to heights - overcome obstacles and rise in everything. Climbing the scaffold for execution is a pleasant surprise.

Seeing yourself ascended to heaven in a dream - such a dream foreshadows your unsuccessful attempt to take advantage of the wonderful opportunities that have opened up for you to achieve success in your work. Climbing up in the suspended cabin of a cable car means improving your financial situation.

Driving up a road leading upward means that brilliant prospects will open up before you. Climbing up a pole, rope or rope ladder - you can easily cope with your enemies.

Feeling dizzy while climbing up the stairs - you will take new honors for granted, but, having taken a higher position, you will become proud. Taking the elevator up means an opportunity to get rich.

Climbing onto a roof means getting scared over trifles; climbing a tree means trying to help a loved one. Seeing the mercury thermometer rising upward means overcoming all the troubles associated with business.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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K: Movies of 1984


Bob McGraw, Max, Gonzer, and Irwin are the 4 losers at Lepetemene University, the "worst" college in the US. They were sent by Dean Birch to participate in the university raft race. Among the other college teams in the race is the Ivy University team, whose students have been trained by Ivy alumnus Tozer, who plans to confuse their way to the winner's circle.

Another opponent is the Washington Military Institute team, disqualified for their attempts to sabotage the other teams' rafts.

The tabloids wrote: "Get ready to get wet... in a fun, colorful, wild raft race!"

The schools in the film are various parodies. For example, Ivy University is made up entirely of rich kids, the students from Texas all wear cowboy hats. All university teams are represented by the same kind of players, created in a characteristic way for them.

This movie fits the youth comedy genre. It features college students, lots of sex, alcohol, and drug-related humor, and several topless scenes that have little to do with the plot.

“It just so happens that you are the four worst students in the entire country. You are not at the end of the list, you are the end of the list!” - Dean Birch.


  • Tim Matheson - Bob McGraw
  • Den Manahan - Max
  • Sandy Helborg - Irwin
  • Stephen First - Gonzer
  • Jeff East - Rex Grandall
  • James Sikking - Tozer
  • Blaine Novak - Captain Braverman
  • Mark Andrews - Rocky
  • Jesse Goines - Brown
  • Julia Montgomery - Lisa
  • Runyon, Jennifer - Heather Merryweather
  • Romy Windsor - Corky
  • John Hillerman - Dean Birch
  • Grant Wilson - Reggae
  • Giana Thomasina - Molly
  • Will Bledsoe - Roger von Duke
  • Robert Constanzo - campus security guard Charlie
  • Ken Gibby - campus security guard
  • Hap Lawrence - gas station worker
  • Frank Welker - Chuck the dog's voice
  • Tom Nolan - Whitney
  • Jason Kurth - Powers
  • Tim Jones - Johnson
  • Laurie Sutton - young woman
  • Peggy Trentini - student

Write a review of the article "Upstream"


  • LAWRENCE VAN GELDER.(English) . New York Times (April 7, 1984). Retrieved February 20, 2013. .
  • "Upstream" (English) on the Internet Movie Database
  • (English) on the allmovie website
  • (English) on Rotten Tomatoes

Excerpt characterizing Upstream

“This man said, near Mozhaisk, where there was a guard, they were driven away from ten villages, they carried twenty days, they didn’t bring all of them, they were dead. What are these wolves, he says...
“That guard was real,” said the old soldier. - There was only something to remember; and then everything after that... So, it’s just torment for the people.
- And that, uncle. The day before yesterday we came running, so where they won’t let us get to them. They quickly abandoned the guns. On your knees. Sorry, he says. So, just one example. They said that Platov took Polion himself twice. Doesn't know the words. He’ll take it: he’ll pretend to be a bird in his hands, fly away, and fly away. And there is no provision for killing either.
“It’s okay to lie, Kiselev, I’ll look at you.”
- What a lie, the truth is true.
“If it were my custom, I would have caught him and buried him in the ground.” Yes, with an aspen stake. And what he ruined for the people.
“We’ll do it all, he won’t walk,” said the old soldier, yawning.
The conversation fell silent, the soldiers began to pack up.
- See, the stars, passion, are burning! “Tell me, the women have laid out the canvases,” said the soldier, admiring the Milky Way.
- This, guys, is for a good year.
“We’ll still need some wood.”
“You’ll warm your back, but your belly is frozen.” What a miracle.
- Oh my God!
- Why are you pushing, is the fire about you alone, or what? See... it fell apart.
From behind the established silence, the snoring of some who had fallen asleep was heard; the rest turned and warmed themselves, occasionally talking to each other. A friendly, cheerful laugh was heard from the distant fire, about a hundred paces away.
“Look, they’re roaring in the fifth company,” said one soldier. – And what a passion for the people!
One soldier got up and went to the fifth company.
“It’s laughter,” he said, returning. - Two guards have arrived. One is completely frozen, and the other is so courageous, dammit! Songs are playing.
- Oh oh? go have a look... - Several soldiers headed towards the fifth company.

The fifth company stood near the forest itself. A huge fire burned brightly in the middle of the snow, illuminating the tree branches weighed down with frost.
In the middle of the night, soldiers of the fifth company heard footsteps in the snow and the crunching of branches in the forest.
“Guys, it’s a witch,” said one soldier. Everyone raised their heads, listened, and out of the forest, into the bright light of the fire, two strangely dressed human figures stepped out, holding each other.
These were two Frenchmen hiding in the forest. Hoarsely saying something in a language incomprehensible to the soldiers, they approached the fire. One was taller, wearing an officer's hat, and seemed completely weakened. Approaching the fire, he wanted to sit down, but fell to the ground. The other, small, stocky soldier with a scarf tied around his cheeks, was stronger. He raised his comrade and, pointing to his mouth, said something. The soldiers surrounded the French, laid out an overcoat for the sick man, and brought porridge and vodka to both of them.
The weakened French officer was Rambal; tied with a scarf was his orderly Morel.
When Morel drank vodka and finished a pot of porridge, he suddenly became painfully cheerful and began to continuously say something to the soldiers who did not understand him. Rambal refused to eat and silently lay on his elbow by the fire, looking at the Russian soldiers with meaningless red eyes. Occasionally he would let out a long groan and then fall silent again. Morel, pointing to his shoulders, convinced the soldiers that it was an officer and that he needed to be warmed up. The Russian officer, who approached the fire, sent to ask the colonel if he would take the French officer to warm him up; and when they returned and said that the colonel had ordered an officer to be brought, Rambal was told to go. He stood up and wanted to walk, but he staggered and would have fallen if the soldier standing next to him had not supported him.

Today Faktrum invites you to try your hand at finding answers to six questions that Soviet second-graders coped with in just five minutes!

Look at the image and try to answer the following questions:

  1. Does the steamboat go up or down the river?
  2. What time of year is shown here?
  3. Is the river deep in this place?
  4. How far is the pier?
  5. Is it on the right or left bank of the river?
  6. What time of day did the artist show in the drawing?


  1. The wooden triangles on which the buoys are mounted are always directed against the current. The steamboat is sailing up the river.
  2. The picture shows a flock of birds; they fly in the form of an angle, one side shorter than the other: these are cranes. Flocking migration of cranes occurs in spring and autumn. You can tell where the south is by the tree crowns at the edge of the forest: they always grow thicker on the side facing south. The cranes are flying in a southerly direction. This means that the picture shows autumn.
  3. The river in this place is shallow: a sailor, standing on the bow of the steamer, measures the depth of the fairway with his pole.
  4. Obviously, the ship is mooring to the pier: a group of passengers, having taken their things, prepared to get off the ship.
  5. Answering question 1, we determined which direction the river flows. To indicate where the right and where the left bank of the river is, you need to stand with your face turned towards the flow. We know that the ship is mooring to the pier. It can be seen that the passengers are preparing to exit on the side from which you are looking at the drawing. This means that the nearest pier is on the right bank of the river.
  6. There are lanterns on the buoys; put them on before evening and take them off early in the morning. It can be seen that the shepherds are driving their flock to the village. From this we come to the conclusion that the figure shows the end of the day.

"And immediately drank..."
...I, hungover in the morning, hide from heaven and earth, because this is more intimate than any intimacy!.. Before work I drink - I hide. I drink while working and hide... And these!! "trans-cen-den-talno!"
My delicacy is very harmful to me, it has distorted my youth, my childhood and adolescence... More like this: rather, it is not delicacy, but simply I have limitlessly expanded the sphere of the intimate - how many times has this ruined me...

("Moscow - Petushki". Venedikt Erofeev)

The same “Vitkar” brought us to a sense of reality in the morning. Of course, we touched this drink after cleaning our tusks and washing ourselves. The mouth was new, the cats were driven out and Vitkar rolled down the throat like a balm, soft warmth, quietly fading away in the womb, spread throughout the whole body.

On the stroke of the oar...

Again, everything was normal and the tough guys moved on, periodically dragging their watercraft through small riffles.

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The transformation begins. Voy is no longer in the photo. This Jack. He told us so himself! Like: - when I’m the lookout on the boat, call me Jack. And when on the shore - I am a hunter Howl!
You need the market, Jack! - we answered and... immediately drank.

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No, we are not polar explorers. Bye, we are geologists!

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Well, Jack, as usual, is on the tank.

We met a local boy, he drove several kilometers up from the village to catch haruzka.

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The first graylings

Having risen even higher, where a seething riffle awaited us at every turn of the river, we decided to stand up and catch the graylings. Sergey, having taught a master class, decided to start with fly fishing, some kind of Spanish fly. Another name for this gear is bulldozer. It consists of flies tied on leashes one after the other and a float at the end of the fishing line.
The cunning grayling is not so cunning, and in the end it grabs the fly with the hook.

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Not... for fishing!

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At that time, Jack still did not get out of the water. It was warm and the dog was not air-cooled, but water-cooled.

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Forward, only forward, until the impulse in your ass fades away...
Many of our travels have been under this motto. And of course, this time we traveled thousands of kilometers for a reason... We really needed phosphorus, and fish has a lot of it.

Sometimes Jack got tired of looking at the rushing river. The hysterical roar of the engine, either blowing up the breakers of water behind the stern with the propeller, or choking and squelching in the rapids, was able to lull Jack and, curled up, he slept like a baby in a sock.

And all around there are taiga beauties, from the shore the smells of herbs, mosses, spruce trees, wild rosemary and currants...

The Soap River meandered incredibly. Sometimes you could get to its loop in fifteen minutes on foot, but the boat ride took about an hour.
Tiring dragging through the rifts and breakers, already damp feet, and with the sunset the cold began to creep through.
Kilometer after kilometer, turn after turn, riffle after riffle... finally we saw hunting huts on the shore.
It was decided to moor.

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Like true forest aristocrats... sparkling wine was poured into glasses

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And immediately drunk!

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Heat my bathhouse...

Everything in the hut is traditional. An iron stove, bunks with moose skins on them, a table.

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The fire pit is as simple as the world and... brilliant. Adjustment in two planes allows you to cook your meat more evenly by heating it from all sides, and the pendulum design of the device allows you to prepare the most delicious dishes, for example the same Marseille bouillabaisse soup.

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The second hut was unsuitable for habitation, but we adapted it as a bathhouse.

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On the benches in the old hut, the hieroglyphs of former student geological exploration expeditions are scratched, and the tourists themselves had a hand in this, leaving the traditional one - “Vasya was here”

And this is nothing more than moss on the roof

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Cleverly lit a fire

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Victor promptly peeled the potatoes

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And then he turned the dog out. To turn the dog inside out meant that by combing the dog's secret places, one could do whatever one wanted with it. Pulling the mustache, stretching the ears, pressing on the nose.

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At this time I was not idle either. He filmed everything that was happening with a camera and smoked a cigar during a break, sitting in a chair next to Sergei, sipping whiskey.

Finally, Victor was strictly instructed that he would finally stop doing nonsense, mocking the dog and start frying potatoes!

After the potatoes, we topped up the whiskey and... the morning literally overwhelmed us with its suddenness already in the house... A fragment of that evening was formatted in memory, the clusters were lost...

Along the Stone and Larch Valsa

It’s not clear what day it’s morning. Polar day, no calendar. But we remember how on this day, at the general meeting, the most stringent rules of speech were adopted.

But first a picture characters at the hut.

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this is better, there are only faces here

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The hut stands at the mouth of the Larch Valsa River. We decided to hike up the Valsa, and in a day. if during exploration there is enough depth. then go to Kamennaya Valsa by motor boat.
Our task was to catch grayling and eat our fill.

While we were packing, we came across local artifacts. A bucket without a bottom and a bear hunting fork. With one blow to the bear, this weapon inflicts six holes at once, after which the bucket is immediately placed on the bear’s head and that’s it.

We decided not to remove these guns too far, because... There were bear tracks everywhere.
We placed a hole-punch and a bucket next to the shed and, not forgetting the spinning rods, equipped our backpacks, and went for the Kharyuz.

Taiga, peonies, tequila, and soap bubble.

We walked for a long time, but when we went around the bend along the river from the house, we decided to give it a go. Otherwise, the pebbles on Vals are so slippery.
Have you drank a lot of tequila in the taiga near a noisy river on a pebble bank? Same thing.
And we drank. And you know, I’ll tell you, it’s very, very tasty...

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Burkhanim according to all the rules

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The taiga stores a lot of riches, for example, a front garden with wild peonies on the shore. Actually, we got there a month ago. Nature only only. Bird cherry, kupalitsa, night blindness and currants were still beginning to bloom.

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Since I was the only one with a camera and short boots this time, I was dragged from shore to shore on all fours.

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And this is a soap bubble. Sometimes your whole life is like a soap bubble. You blow and blow, you reflect something in yourself, your sides sparkle, and then clap...

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And on the shore there is nothing new, just moose and bears.

And now I see Howl raising his muzzle upward, moving his nose and whining. The black wolf's eyes lit up, the dog rushed to swim across the river and disappeared into the taiga. Fifteen minutes later we heard a dog barking around the bend in the river. I rushed along the shore towards the barking, immediately realizing from the tone that he was working on a large animal. Looking out from behind the fallen trees at the riffle I saw a picture - Howl was running along the shore, sometimes swam and barked at an elk standing in the middle of the river... Taking advantage of the fact that the dog was distracting the animal and masking himself with the noise of the river, he got closer and closer with the camera...

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Periodically, Howl swam right up to the moose cow, which was fraught with an attack, which is what happened

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The dog barely wriggled out from under the sharp hooves and scooped out from under the elk. In the photo, the dog is directly under the moose on the left in the spray of water.

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The moose snorted at me and roared, but on the other hand, Howl did not let her in, holding a loud defense. As a result, I stepped aside and the animal noisily went into the taiga. As it turned out later, this was not the last situation with moose, and one day Voy managed to drive the moose into the water and barked at it for a long time right 200m from our camp, which we observed
I will show you later how the dog worked on sable.

Graylings for 4 kg, a man with a mustache and again - graylings

Finally, I’ll make your mouth water and tell you why three men, leaving work and affairs, loved ones, home and comfort, went 2 thousand kilometers away...

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Spinning on moss

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Dog on the moss

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Seryoga on moss

The Man in the Scarf and Kharius

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Howl. He continued to delight by driving the nimble sables onto the trees and barking at them. It was beautiful to watch the little husky working excitedly.

And I met this stupid-looking dude with a mustache in the taiga. It’s immediately obvious that he’s a dangerous and unpredictable person.

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Finally, after wandering around the river and taiga and catching the required number of tasty fish, we gathered in the house.
The gutted fish was placed in a pot. It was enough to begin to satisfy the acute need for women that had accumulated among three wild-looking men... for phosphorus, I beg your pardon.

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Uncle Vitya is a geologist, he distinguished himself. He caught a record-breaking grayling, which on our Ketaish scales pulled over a thousand kilograms!

The total weight of gutted fish caught while fishing, despite tequila and moose, was no less than almost 8 kg

You're probably thinking. that they are hungry. the men, overgrown with stubble, immediately rushed to cook the fish. Well, how naive you are. Of course not. We remembered the “old times”, and Sergei, showing the wonders of culinary art, made incomparable canapés.

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The lens immediately fogged up, but the gaze through it was sharp and sober. They even got their hands on the fish. No, of course we were able to reach the fish with our feet, but we did everything with our hands.

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Northern cuisine guru Sergio Victoricci, in live runs a section on preparing grayling dishes

Dish of tails and heads in the ear

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Carcasses for roasting and lightly salted

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In the evening, after sunset, it became rapidly colder, the temperature dropped to 3C. Dressed up. And three heroes, partners of the evening program, stepped on guard.

Breaded grayling fried in oil, huh??? how do you like it???

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“When you want a woman, what do you do? For example, I ring the bells.
“And I’m chopping wood”

From the film "The Taming of the Shrew" with Andriano Cilentano

There is a lot of energy in such places, and we also have a lot of energy and stupidity. We decided to release a little into space and began sawing and stabbing. Fortunately, the friendship we found in the barn was extremely stupid and not divorced. Therefore, energy consumption was in order.

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Seryoga even decided not only to let off steam, but also to shorten the log!

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While the essence is the matter, the salted milk is ripe. With onion, butter, melts in your mouth... food of the forest gods.

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Smoothly, very smoothly we moved into the hut. They heated the stove. The temperature in the taiga began to drop to 0C. There is a fish sizzling in a frying pan on the table, intimate conversations, whiskey, a soft, viscous evening in the company of friends...

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Here he is, the God of the forest, eating fried grayling.

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What Men Talk About...

Yes, I understand... well, why so many lines at once. Yes, we had a drink, yes it was warm, yes, men, and we had been in the taiga for a long time...
In short, we sat down and unanimously decided to ban words that in any way speak about women and sex.
The following words and expressions became prohibited from pronunciation:girlfriend, woman, tits, ass, legs, bed, fry, carrot, insert, take out the carrot and fry,well, and a lot of other words and expressions that could draw at least some analogy to sex or a woman
The worst thing was when Vitya decided to ban such a dish as -Makalovo, but thank God the council lifted the sanctions against Makalov. About the dishMakalovoBy the way, I'll write later.

Then it came to the dilapidated hut standing nearby. We decided to organize a bathhouse.

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Everyone to the bathhouse!

You probably think that the words - taiga dwellers, geologists, travelers, and other polar explorers - are characterized by one thing - unshaven, unwashed, uncleaned, unwashed men.
Yes, there are some crap out there. We had daily swims in the river with AX shower gel and laundry. We did friction in the mouth with a toothbrush in the mornings and evenings and were new
But when the air temperature somehow dropped to zero, something drizzled from the sky that even mosquitoes and midges hid, we wanted a warm woman... I'm sorry, a warm bath.
And whoops. We repaired the chimney in the old hut as best we could, and lined the stove with pebbles. They pulled out an old 20-liter saucepan from the shed and put it on the stove, filling it with water. They swept the floor, even broke the broom, brought another bucket of cold water, and heated it all day or night, it’s not clear. It turned out black and smoky. But the bathhouse, it’s warm, ahhhh baby it’s great, ahhhhh hot water!

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Farther and farther...

Finally, the clouds parted, the thermometer crept to 15 above zero, and it began to glow and sparkle, and the long-awaited mosquitoes flew out. We cleaned up the house, patched up the holes in our vessels, loaded up and moved on. Upstream the river.

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Mouth of Myla and Valsa (right)

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Boat in running order with Jack on the forecastle

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Stopping on the rifts and rapids and catching kharyuz.

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We climbed another couple of tens of kilometers and reached the end point of our journey, the point after which it was time to start rafting back.
Along the way, we noticed another hunting lodge, brand new and also with elk skins and a stove. We decided on way back spend the night in it.

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Jack again took his place on the tank and looked forward and to the sides.

Hey Jack!!!
He's the one sticking his tongue out at you

The grayling also became more cheerful and was actively caught behind almost every pebble and boulder.

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While fishing, Voy ran along the shore and barked at sables, moose, and wood grouse in the taiga. You won’t be lost with Howl, I have grown into a good friend and assistant.

Another night in a tent

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Boats on vacation

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For dinner - grayling baked in foil, lightly salted grayling, fried potatoes and onions. Ah, how? We know how to relax culturally

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Well, after the frying is done in a frying pan, in butter, we throw in slices of bread and roll them in the contents... that’s it - Makalo

I personify the river with the woman.
This river is like a young beautiful woman. Elastic beautiful body and contours of the banks. Jets of water are like curls of hair falling from the shoulders. She is playful, fast and willful. Her whispers and rolling laughter captivate you. In her eyes is a reflection of the sky and freedom. Free, running barefoot along taiga mosses and pebble banks. You saw her and fell in love like a boy. And now she seems to be nearby, but she runs away laughing and you cannot catch up with her, this wild girl...

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The way back was of course downhill, we walked quickly. They flew through the riffles and sills in such a way that in the end there was barely enough glue and PVC materials for all the holes, of which there were almost 20. Moreover, one hole was not a hole at all, but a meter-long hole. But no one was upset, finding their advantages in everything. For example, when the guys had a boat full of water and they scooped water from it, they proudly announced that: “But we have a jacuzzi!”

And this photo is called - Vitya defeated the wolf

And what soulful evenings we had around the fire...mmm...

Return of Boniface and co.

Upon arrival at the village where the car was parked, we were just as happy as when we left.
Victor even danced on the sand to the sound of music turned on in the cruiser

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And this is the mileage at the time of departure from the north to the mainland

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When we were driving to the ferry along the grader, we came across a caterpillar tractor with dragging tracks made of tracks. He leveled the road. We pulled off the road to make way for him and immediately fell into the swamp up to the apricots. Time was running out and, fortunately for us, the 82nd Belarus was on its way. He pulled us back to the dump. We did not go to the ferry, but flew. the wheels barely touching the canvas. A narrow embankment path and a cruiser with a boat on its roof flies along it at a hundred kilometers per hour. It looked spectacular Geologists and abstinence
Abstinence (or abstinence, from the Latin abstinere - to abstain) is a voluntary volitional refusal of something, the suppression of any desires within oneself for a certain period of time or throughout life.Wikipedia

Geologists and abstinence are essentially synonymous, just like travelers and abstinence, polar explorers and abstinence. No, we are a little clearer about polar explorers from TV shows.
Actually, this is what it leads to...

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As they say, abstinence is evident. So don't abstain, it's harmful. Well, then devastation sets in

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And this is geologist Victor, on his way home from the north on leave. Can you imagine what kind of abstinence he has???

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Fuel consumption was 10 bottles of whiskey, 1 bottle of tequila, several bottles of sparkling wine and beer. This is not taken into account. Oh, another 1 liter of vodka.
We traveled on six ferries. Ferries cost an average of 350 rubles.

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In total, our money expenditure was 16 thousand rubles. per person. They didn’t deny themselves anything. A fabulous sum of 3,400 rubles was spent on food from this money! The rest is fuel. They also took 6 cigars. Without them, the taste of travel would be incomplete. That's all. Savor and travel!

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