World Telecommunications Day. World Telecommunication and Information Society Day

00:01 — REGNUM Today, May 17, is World Telecommunication Day and information society. The holiday was established by the UN General Assembly in 2006.

World Telecommunication and Information Society Day replaced International Telecommunications Day, which was celebrated on May 17 from 1969 to 2005. The holiday was established by decision of the session of the Administrative Council of the International Telecommunication Union. The date for it was not chosen by chance - on May 17, 1865, the first international Telegraph Agreement was signed in Paris and the International Telegraph Union was founded, later renamed the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).

In 2005, Tunisia hosted the second stage of the world meeting on top level on issues of the information society. It adopted the “Tunisian Program for the Development of the Information Society,” the goal of which was to popularize the Internet as a publicly accessible means of communication throughout the world and develop ways to bridge the digital divide at the global level.

At the same meeting, an appeal was adopted to the UN General Assembly calling on May 17 to be declared International Day of the Information Society. On March 27, 2006, the UN General Assembly proclaimed May 17 World Day information society.

In his message, the UN Secretary General Kofi Annan noted that this holiday emphasizes the connection between huge opportunities information and communication technologies accelerating the pace of development. He called on all UN member states to develop measures to improve security and build confidence in information and communication technologies, as well as create a free, secure information society.

In November 2006, the ITU at the Plenipotentiary Conference in Antalya decided to continue to celebrate May 17 as World Telecommunication and Information Society Day.

Every year a specific theme is chosen for the celebration. Previously, these included “Big Data for Powerful Momentum”, “Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Entrepreneurship for Social Impact”, “Telecommunications and ICT: Driving Innovation” and others.

This year's theme for Telecommunication and Information Society Day is “Ensure positive results use artificial intelligence for all". As noted on the UN website, this theme aims to focus on the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) to accelerate achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It will allow ITU members and others stakeholders focus on the prospects for how AI can help accelerate achievement of the SDGs by 2030.

Since 2006, May 17 has been celebrated as a global professional holiday for specialists in the field of IT technologies. The need to proclaim a significant date was dictated by the intensive development of the branch of human activity based on the transformation of information knowledge. The UN General Assembly in March 2006 unanimously adopted a resolution approving World Telecommunication and Information Society Day. A large army of specialists, consisting of system administrators, programmers, web designers, Internet providers, editors of Internet portals and many other people.

IT at the service of humanity

Information Technology V short term changed the life of civilization beyond recognition, raising its level to unprecedented heights. Thanks to the digital system, truly revolutionary transformations in the global economy have become possible, which, in turn, has influenced a sharp improvement in the quality and increase in the quantity of products produced.

Convert any information product through computer capabilities V digital format significantly expanded people's capabilities. Today it is almost impossible to imagine our everyday life without comfortable and necessary programs with attractive pictures of interfaces that greatly facilitate and simplify our activities.

Recently mobile connection was for most of us an incredible miracle of technological progress. And today we cannot even imagine ourselves without an indispensable attribute of our life - a cell phone.

Computers have become a part of our existence, helping us every day to cope with financial issues, everyday difficulties, medical problems, educational and educational processes.

history of the holiday

Since 1969, in May, specialists directly related to the electric telegraph received annual congratulations. The holiday is called International Telecommunication Day or World Telecommunication Day. The administrative council approved the significant day of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).

The May date was not chosen by chance - it was then, in 1865, that the International Telegraph Union was founded in Paris, and a corresponding convention was signed. It is they who have become the basis of today's information transformations.

The Telecommunications Festival attracted the attention of mankind to its activities and world-class tasks set for communications. ITU became the basis for the development of communications between people, from the ancient telegraph to modern innovative technologies in the field of communication and information space.

An important milestone in the development of telecommunications was the international summit meeting on computer science, which was held in two stages. The 2003 Geneva meeting was the first step; the 2005 Tunis meeting brought the logical conclusion of an important event. The program for further progress of the information society outlined future goals and determined further paths of movement.

The Tunisian project called for the popularization of the Internet and its active implementation in all spheres of human activity. At the meeting, an appeal to the UN was also announced with the desire to transfer the professional holiday of May 17 to a new format.

The future of the information society and telecommunications

The main goal of establishing a significant date is to contribute in every possible way to improving the level of awareness of humanity about existing and new opportunities of ICT (information and communication technologies) and the Internet.

The theme of each Telecommunication Day is unique and determined by current problems of society. Over the years, increased attention has been paid to issues related to the protection of children in cyberspace, improving communication methods among young people, helping people with disabilities and people with disabilities.

When the next date for celebrating Telecommunication Day arrives in 2015, members of the General Assembly will organize international monitoring and sum up the interim results of the implementation of the Geneva and Tunis agreements.

Day electrical communication and information society is celebrated on May 17 in many countries, so the status of a world holiday is fully justified. Information technology plays a big role in life and development modern society. Not a single person can imagine his existence without these benefits of civilization.

On this day, everyone whose activities are related to telecommunications and notification technologies deserves congratulations: it specialists, webmasters, system administrators, designers, website editors, etc. The holiday was introduced in order to inform society about the unique opportunities that can be provided by them the Internet and information and communication special technologies.


The first celebration took place in 1969. But why was May 17 actually chosen as a holiday date? In 1865, it was on May 17 that the first international Telegraph Agreement was signed. Intense negotiations over this treaty lasted almost three months in the French capital of Paris, between two dozen countries. In the same year, the Telegraph Society was created, and in 1932 it was given a different name - the International Telecommunication Society.

Members of the union wrote a letter addressed to the Supreme Council of the United Nations with a request to declare May 17 as International Telecommunications Day. The official approval of the holiday took place in 2006, but the name was slightly changed, now it sounded like World Information Society Day.

The main mission of ITU is to support the flourishing cooperation between countries, which contributes to the improvement of the work and wise use of all existing types of telecommunications.

Electrical communication is a type of communication in which the sending of speech, letters, and visual information is carried out using electrical signals that are transmitted through wires or using radio signals. Every year new technologies are introduced into this communication system, improving its quality, and society increasingly needs its uninterrupted operation.


On May 17, a holiday dedicated to IT-technologies and electrical communications workers, a number of thematic events and celebrations take place.

Selected annually new topic for celebration world day notification society and electrical communications. In past years, this holiday had themes such as:

  1. "Women and Girls ICT".
  2. “Entrepreneurial work in the field of ICT for social impact.”
  3. “It will provide connectivity for people with disabilities.”
  4. "The city is better better life with ICT”, etc.

Various conferences, seminars and round table meetings are also held, during which the work performed is analyzed and industry problems and innovations are discussed. Management congratulates its employees with gratitude and cash bonuses.

IT workers most often celebrate the holiday in a team or family circle. On May 17, the best congratulations from family, friends and relatives are heard for them.

Current information age originated with the creation of the first computers. The rapid progress of technology has contributed to the development of civilization, increased productivity of enterprises and simplification production process. People around the world have transferred most of their physical labor to computer-controlled machines. Today, inexpensive equipment allows you to gain free access to knowledge, develop without leaving home, and instantly establish connections between different parts of the planet. World Telecommunication and Information Society Day is dedicated to the employees who improve the field of information technology every day.

When is it celebrated?

The UN resolution fixed the date of the holiday on May 17 each year. In fact, World Day is a renamed International Telecommunication Day with updated goals.

Whose professional holiday

People employed in information sphere through Internet communications, celebrate World Telecommunication and Information Society Day. These are mainly editors, website creators and designers, system administrators, providers and others.


The origins of the holiday can be traced back to mid-1844, when the first message was sent via telegraph line. The text was successfully transmitted from Baltimore to Washington in a matter of seconds. This became the starting point of the telegraph era. The development of telecommunications was accelerated by the adoption of an agreement at the international level to support communication structures through the telegraph. Worldwide information space began to expand.

The next step in the development of telecommunications was the invention of radio and telephone. After establishing regulations for relationships between communications organizations around the world, the Telegraph Union was renamed the Telecommunication Union. A little later, ITU became part of the UN organizational structure.

ITU is coordinating the improvement of information spaces and electronic types communications. Its importance increased with the invention of the Internet. At an early stage of development World Wide Web consisted of several computer machines in one room. Now this is an opportunity to collect and store a lot of information in the public domain.

World Telecommunication and Information Society Day marked the beginning of a new era in the development of human civilization. May 17 was chosen as the date of celebration because the Telegraph Union (later the Telecommunication Union) was founded 141 years ago in 2006.

World Day Traditions

Since 2006, each time World Telecommunication and Information Society Day has been dedicated to it, a specific topic of discussion has been dedicated to it. It was discussed at conferences, seminars and forums with the aim of developing recommendations for expanding the information field in the territories of different states. The questions raised in different years were of interest to the majority of Internet users and reflected the current state of ICT:

  • 2006 - on ways to improve security in the context of the use of global cyberspace;
  • 2007 - about the limitless possibilities of socialization of young people, regardless of communication skills, areas of interest, appearance and race;
  • 2008 - about the interaction of people with disabilities via the Internet, technologies were presented that allow the exchange of information even in the absence of vision, hearing and the ability to type;
  • 2009 - protecting children from viewing inappropriate content became relevant; part of the problem was solved with the addition of the “ Parental control» in antiviruses and browsers;
  • 2010 - improving the appearance of cities and increasing the standard of living with ICT;
  • 2011 - on how ICT can improve life in villages;
  • 2012 - about the role of the fair sex in ICT;
  • 2013 - how ICT can contribute to road safety;
  • 2014 - about the nuances of broadband development;
  • 2015 - the role of ICT and telecommunications in the development of innovation;
  • 2016 - the impact of entrepreneurship in ICT on the social sphere.

Thanks to World Telecommunication and Information Society Day, now almost every second inhabitant of the planet uses the limitless possibilities of the Internet.

World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (in other official UN languages: English World Telecommunication and Information Society Day, Spanish Da Mundial de las Telecomunicaciones y la Sociedad de la Informacin, French la Journe mondiale des tlcommunications et de la socit de l" information) replaced the previously celebrated International Telecommunications Day and World Information Society Day.

This holiday has been celebrated since 1969 by decision of the session of the Administrative Council of the International Telecommunication Union. The date was chosen due to the fact that on May 17, 1865, after two and a half months of difficult negotiations, the first international Telegraph Agreement was signed in Paris, and the International Telegraph Union was founded, since 1932 - the International Telecommunication Union.

As part of the World Summit on the Information Society, which took place in two stages: in Geneva in 2003 and in Tunis in 2005, the Tunis Program for the Development of the Information Society was adopted, the goals of which, in particular, were popularization of the Internet as a publicly accessible means of communication throughout the world; developing ways to bridge the digital divide at the global level.

An appeal was also adopted to the UN General Assembly calling on May 17 to be declared “International Information Society Day.” Subsequently, instead of the “International Telecommunications Day”, the UN General Assembly, in resolution number A/RES/60/252 of March 27, 2006, proclaimed May 17 as World Information Society Day (in other official UN languages: English World Information Society Day, Spanish Día Mundial de la Sociedad de la Información, French Journée mondiale de la société de l"information).

In his 2006 message dedicated to World Information Society Day, UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan noted the importance of establishing this memorable day. The commemoration, said Annan, highlights the connection between the enormous capabilities of information and communication technologies (ICT) and the acceleration of the pace of development. He called on all UN member states to develop measures to improve security and strengthen confidence in information and communication technologies, and create a free, secure information society.

Subsequently, the ITU (now a specialized agency of the UN) at the Plenipotentiary Conference in Antalya in November 2006 decided to continue to celebrate May 17 as “World Telecommunication and Information Society Day”.

World Telecommunication and Information Society Day themes
2006 - “Promoting the development of global cyber security”
2007 - “Helping youth communicate: the possibilities of ICT”
2008 - “Ensure communication between people with disabilities”