World Information Society Day. Happy World Telecommunication Day

Since 2006, May 17 has been celebrated as a global professional holiday for specialists in the field of IT technologies. The need to proclaim a significant date was dictated by the intensive development of the branch of human activity based on the transformation of information knowledge. The UN General Assembly unanimously adopted a resolution in March 2006 approving World Telecommunication Day and information society(World Telecommunication and Information Society Day). A large army of specialists, consisting of system administrators, programmers, web designers, Internet providers, editors of Internet portals and many other people.

IT at the service of humanity

Information technology in short term changed the life of civilization beyond recognition, raising its level to unprecedented heights. Thanks to the digital system, truly revolutionary transformations in the global economy have become possible, which, in turn, has influenced a sharp improvement in the quality and increase in the quantity of products produced.

Convert any information product through computer capabilities V digital format significantly expanded people's capabilities. Today it is almost impossible to imagine our everyday life without comfortable and necessary programs with attractive pictures of interfaces that greatly facilitate and simplify our activities.

Recently mobile connection was for most of us an incredible miracle of technological progress. And today we cannot even imagine ourselves without an indispensable attribute of our life - a cell phone.

Computers have become a part of our existence, helping us every day to cope with financial issues, everyday difficulties, medical problems, educational and educational processes.

history of the holiday

Since 1969, in May, specialists directly related to the electric telegraph received annual congratulations. The holiday is called International Telecommunication Day or World Telecommunication Day. The administrative council approved the significant day of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).

The May date was not chosen by chance - it was then, in 1865, that the International Telegraph Union was founded in Paris, and a corresponding convention was signed. It is they who have become the basis of today's information transformations.

The Telecommunications Festival attracted the attention of mankind to its activities and world-class tasks set for communications. ITU became the basis for the development of communications between people, from the ancient telegraph to modern innovative technologies in the field of communication and information space.

An important milestone in the development of telecommunications was the international meeting at top level on computer science issues, which took place in two stages. The 2003 Geneva meeting was the first step; the 2005 Tunis meeting brought the logical conclusion of an important event. The program for further progress of the information society outlined future goals and determined further paths of movement.

The Tunisian project called for the popularization of the Internet and its active implementation in all spheres of human activity. At the meeting, an appeal to the UN was also announced with the desire to transfer the professional holiday of May 17 to a new format.

The future of the information society and telecommunications

The main goal of establishing a significant date is to contribute in every possible way to improving the level of awareness of humanity about existing and new opportunities of ICT (information and communication technologies) and the Internet.

The theme of each Telecommunication Day is unique and determined by current problems of society. Over the years, increased attention has been paid to issues related to the protection of children in cyberspace, improving communication methods among young people, and helping the disabled and people with disabilities.

When the next date for celebrating Telecommunication Day arrives in 2015, members of the General Assembly will organize international monitoring and sum up the interim results of the implementation of the Geneva and Tunis agreements.

High technologies have radically influenced technological progress and the development of civilization as a whole. As a result of their introduction into many areas of production and the national economy, the quality of products has increased several times, and working conditions have been reorganized. Today, a person is practically freed from severe physical work. It is carried out automatic systems, controlled by computer.

Wide use high technology has a significant influence on social phenomena. Information converted into digital form and free access to it provide the user with ample opportunities for self-education and broadening their horizons, instant exchange of information and facts, and promote professional and personal growth. For workers involved in the field information technologies, dedicated to an international professional holiday.

When is it celebrated?

Based on UN General Assembly resolution No. A/RES/60/252 of March 27, 2006, May 17 is considered World Telecommunication and Information Society Day. In 2019, the event is celebrated for the 14th time.

Who's celebrating

This professional holiday is considered by Internet providers, programmers, editors of online publications, system administrators, web designers, as well as all other specialists whose activities are related to information technology.

history of the holiday

May 24, 1844 was marked by the greatest event in the world community. On this day, the first message was sent by telegraph line, which in an instant covered the distance between Baltimore and Washington. The era of the telegraph had begun. From that moment on, telecommunications began to develop at an amazing speed, especially after the adoption of an international agreement between European states on the development of the telegraph communication structure. The document gave a powerful impetus to the development of the global information space. At the same time, standardized instructions for specialized equipment and the conditions for its use appeared.

Following the telegraph came radio and telephone. In the 30s of the last century, a document was adopted regulating the interaction of telecommunications organizations around the world. At the same time, the previously existing Telegraph Union received the name International Telecommunication Union. Today ITU is a structural unit of the UN, which unites about 200 countries. The headquarters is located in Geneva.

The main goal of the ITU is to promote and coordinate the development of all telecommunications and the global information space. The importance of the activities of an international organization has increased with the advent of the Internet. The United Worldwide Computer Network has opened up new opportunities for accumulating a huge amount of information and its instant transmission. It began with several computers located in one room. Today, almost every second person living on planet Earth is a consumer information resources global network, spread throughout the world.

World Telecommunication and Information Society Day replaced International Telecommunications Day, celebrated until 2006. The date of the holiday was not chosen by chance. It is associated with the creation of the International Telegraph Union on May 17, 1865 (ITU since 1932).

All programmers, system administrators, Internet providers, web designers, editors of online publications and all people working in the field of information technology are celebrating their professional holiday today.

To put it simply – C Happy Internet, my dear!!!

The life of the modern information society is unthinkable without the Internet. It is thanks to him that I can sincerely congratulate you all on this holiday, and you can read and accept congratulations!

On March 27, 2006, the UN General Assembly adopted a Resolution declaring May 17 as World Telecommunication and Information Society Day.

This day is a professional holiday for all programmers, system administrators, Internet providers, web designers, editors of online publications and all other people working in the field of information technology.

Information technology has significantly changed the face of civilization. They created a real explosion in the world economy, resulting in a sharp increase in the quantity and quality of products. The meaning of computer science, the field of human activity associated with the processes of converting information using computers and other means computer technology, much wider. It provides humanity with a previously incredible luxury: information and knowledge become the main wealth, and unprecedented opportunities for self-education open up.

Until 2006, this Day was celebrated as International Telecommunication Day or World Telecommunication Day. This holiday has been celebrated since 1969 by decision of the session of the Administrative Council of the International Telecommunication Union.

In 2006, the UN General Assembly initiated a proposal to proclaim May 17 as the annual World Information Society Day.

This day has recently been celebrated as World Internet Day.

UNESCO distributed congratulations on the World Information Society Day, which states that this holiday should help the world's population understand that the Internet today is a common information platform for all people globe. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) recalls the enormous opportunities offered by the use of global information network and other telecommunication technologies for the economy, society and the individual citizen.

Information, telecommunication technologies and mass media can unite people anywhere in the world into one information space, which provides fantastic opportunities for development.

Almost twenty years ago, in 1991, the world's first Internet server was launched. This day is considered the day when the international standard WWW (World Wide Web) was developed and implemented and the project to create a worldwide computer network without borders was launched.

The date was chosen due to the fact that on May 17, 1865, after two and a half months of difficult negotiations, the first international Telegraph Agreement was signed in Paris, and the International Telegraph Union was founded, since 1932 - the International Telecommunication Union.

On March 26, 2006, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution declaring May 17 as World Information Society Day. This date was not chosen by chance. The fact is that on May 17, 1865, the first international Telegraph Agreement was signed in Paris, and the Telegraph Union was founded, and since 1932 - the International Telecommunication Union. Our world today is a world of information globalization. This is incredibly interesting - constantly learning something new, experiencing something that was previously inaccessible - not for understanding, no, simply due to the lack of possibility of obtaining information as such, at least on such a scale. May 17 is a professional holiday for all programmers, editors of online publications, web designers, system administrators and all people working in the field of information technology. Until 2006, this day was celebrated as International Telecommunication Day or World Telecommunications Day. Modern society can rightfully be called informational. Who would be surprised now by such terms as PC mouse, keyboard, monitor or flash drive? What about the hitherto unknown word “gadgets”? It would seem, what could it mean? And this is just an original, non-standard device. Today, gadgets can be defined as any digital device small enough to be worn on your hand or connected to a computer. They are distinguished by portability, low weight (up to 300 g) and small sizes allowing them to fit into pockets. But... this is a small digression. Let's return to the topic of information technology and try to determine the sources of this now huge river, even a waterfall of tools for transmitting information. So, what can be attributed to the beginning of the development of information technology? Invention of radio in 1898? For the first time, A. S. Popov demonstrated a device capable of detecting radio waves on May 7, 1895 at the Russian Physical and Chemical Society. This was the prototype of a modern radio receiver. Its main part was a coherer - a small glass tube filled with sawdust. An antenna was attached to the coherer, and the other end was connected to ground. Military sailors immediately became interested in Popov’s experiments. Indeed, at that time, ships going to sea completely lost contact with the shore, and wireless telegraphy was simply necessary. However, the first package of documents for the invention of radio was drawn up by the Italian physicist Guglielmo Marconi. It was only in 1898 that radio communication was established in Russia over a distance of more than 40 km. A huge achievement for that time. Even earlier, in 1838, Samuel Morse proposed the telegraph alphabet. Manual transmission of text using Morse code is carried out using a telegraph key, this method of communication was used until the end of the eighties of the last century, as well as an electronic radio key. Morse code is a means of transmitting messages in places where other means of communication are not available (for example, in prisons). In 2004, the International Telecommunication Union introduced Morse code new code for the @ symbol to make it easier to send email addresses. IN Lately information technology means Computer techologies. Application information systems the most diverse. These are economics, medicine, geography, design... it’s impossible to list everything. Yes, in fact, in our modern life there is probably no area that is not covered by information technology. However, not everyone still uses these unique opportunities for self-improvement, self-knowledge, and self-education. But, among other things, this type of information is convenient because it is always at hand. To summarize, we can say with confidence that today in the form of information technology we have powerful tool to gain all kinds of extensive knowledge. And on May 17th we will celebrate World Information Society Day!Source:

Another reason for thought. The question on the agenda is when and where did the Internet actually come from?
We sit at the computer, play online games, hang out in social networks, we correspond, we are smart, we are stupid, we get to know each other, we swear there, we watch videos, finally, we read statuses about the Internet, and we do everything (or rather, we do nothing) thanks to it... Let's delve a little into history, for those who are of course interested.

So the Internet, it turns out, emerged from America thanks to the military. In 1957, the US Department of Defense decided that in case of war, America needed reliable system transfer of information. Advanced Defense Agency research projects The United States proposed to develop a computer network for this purpose. The development of such a network was entrusted to the University of California at Los Angeles, the Stanford Research Center, the University of Utah and the University of California at Santa Barbara. The computer network was called ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network), and in 1969, as part of the project, the network united four of these scientific institutions. All work was funded by the US Department of Defense. Then the ARPANET network began to actively grow and develop, scientists from different fields of science began to use it.
The first ARPANET server was installed on September 2, 1969 at the University of California. The Honeywell DP-516 computer had 24 KB random access memory. Can you imagine how to play modern games on such a computer?
On October 29, 1969, at 21:00, a communication session was held between the first two nodes of the ARPANET network, located at a distance of 640 km. The first attempt was unsuccessful and at 22:30 the next attempt was successful. This date and time can be considered the birthday of the Internet.( Attention - this is the first date)
Three years later, the first program for sending email over the network appeared. Two years later, in 1973, the first foreign organizations from Great Britain and Norway were connected to the network via a transatlantic telephone cable, and the network became international. Various protocols appeared that accelerated the mutual understanding of computers and communication between people. Further development The network was the emergence of WWW. The result of the unification of computer networks of European countries is the birth of a distributed computer network, which received the name in 1992 The World Wide Web. Next, every year, there will be some kind of discovery. Behind every discovery there are brilliant people, and if you list everything, it will be very long, although interesting.

It seems that the date was found out, but Wikipedia says that they tried to introduce International Internet Day several times on different dates, but none of them became traditional. And here are some examples:
May 17, 1991 is another Internet Birthday.( second date) Until this day existed Email, newsletters and file transfers. And on May 17, 1991, the standard for WWW pages was approved. World Wide Web) - in fact, this is what we mean today when we talk about the Internet. According to other sources it was: August 6, 1991 ( third date), March 13, 1989 ( fourth date)…

International Internet Day is also celebrated on April 4 ( fifth date) -It is believed that this day was approved in 1998 by Pope John Paul II. The patron saint of the Internet is the Spanish Bishop Isidore of Seville, who is canonized. It is believed that he was one of the most educated people of his time and compiled the world's first encyclopedia. April 4 is the day of the Ascension of St. Isidore of Seville. Also, the date 4.04 is very similar to HTTP error 404.

“World Telecommunication and Information Society Day” replaced the previously celebrated “International Telecommunications Day” (International Telecommunication Day) and “World Information Society Day”.

On May 17, 1865, after two and a half months of difficult negotiations, the first international Telegraph Agreement was signed in Paris, and the International Telegraph Union (from 1932 - International Telecommunications Union) was founded. ITU has contributed to the development of communications in the world from the times of telegraphy to modern communications and information space.

Currently, the International Telecommunication Union is a specialized agency of the UN. The goals of the union are to promote the development of international cooperation to improve and rationally use all types of telecommunications (telegraph, telephone and radio). Today, the International Telecommunications Union includes more than 180 countries around the world. The ITU headquarters is located in Geneva.

Since 1969, World Telecommunication Day has been celebrated on May 17 by the decision of the session of the Administrative Council of the International Telecommunication Union. The date was chosen due to the fact that on May 17, 1865, after two and a half months of difficult negotiations, the first international Telegraph Agreement was signed in Paris, and the International Telegraph Union was founded, since 1932 - the International Telecommunication Union.
An appeal was also adopted to the UN General Assembly calling on May 17 to be declared “International Information Society Day.” Subsequently, instead of “International Telecommunications Day”, the UN General Assembly on March 27, 2006 proclaimed May 17 “ World Day information society" (UN Resolution number A/RES/60/252 of March 27, 2006).
At the proposal of the International Telecommunication Union, in 2007 the holiday began to be celebrated as World Telecommunication and Information Society Day.

In his 2006 message dedicated to World Day information society, UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan noted the importance of establishing this memorable day.
The date being celebrated, said Kofi Annan, emphasizes the connection between huge opportunities information and communication technologies (ICT) and accelerating the pace of development. He called on all UN member states to develop measures to improve security and strengthen confidence in information and communication technologies, and create a free, secure information society.

In November 2006, the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference in Antalya (Turkey) decided that both events (World Telecommunication Day and World Information Society Day) would be celebrated on 17 May as World Telecommunication and Information Society Day.

The updated Resolution invites Member States and Sector Members to commemorate the day annually by organizing appropriate national programs to:
– encouraging the submission and exchange of ideas on a topic adopted by the Council;
– discussions various aspects this topic with all partners in society;
– compiling a report reflecting national discussions on the issues underlying the topic, for distribution to ITU and the rest of the Union.

World Telecommunications and Information Society Day is considered a professional holiday for all programmers, system administrators, Internet providers, web designers, editors of Internet publications and all those who work in the field of information technology and other professions in this field of activity.
The purpose of this international celebration is to help raise awareness of the opportunities that the use of the Internet and information and communications technology (ICT) can bring to societies and countries, as well as ways to bridge the digital divide.