Everything interesting and useful for a novice computer user. FastStone Photo Resizer - streaming photo processing program

Hello dear readers of the blog site. We continue to get acquainted with free graphics programs and today we will talk about the FastStone Photo Resizer program.

There are situations when we urgently need resize multiple photos or even the size of a huge number of photographs. What to do in such a situation? Of course, use one of the many programs for batch image processing. There are a sufficient number of such programs on the Internet, but we will focus on the FastStone Photo Resizer program.

FastStone Photo Resizer features:

  • Ability to transform and rename images.
  • The ability to edit the image by changing its size, color depth, adding text, watermarks.
  • Ability to rename an image with a serial number.
  • Ability to support GIF, JPEG, TIFF, BMP, and PNG.
  • Ability to load and save settings.
  • Ability to work both with individual files and entire folders.
  • And many other possibilities.

The program interface is very simple and convenient. The main window of FastStone Photo Resizer consists of two parts, left and right. On the left side is a window for selecting images, and on the right side all photos that have been selected for further actions are displayed.

To start working with the program, launch it and in the main window of the FastStone Photo Resizer program in the left window, specify the path to the folder with photos.

After which all your photos in this folder will appear on the left side of the program. You need to select the photos you need and move them to the right window of the program. To do this, select one or more photos and click on the “Add” button; the selected photos will appear on the right side of the program.

Now just below you are asked to select the desired photo format into which they will be automatically converted.

Next, we move on to the most necessary setting, namely selecting resizing options by clicking on the “Advanced Options” button. Here you are asked to change the image size; to do this, check the “Resize” box and select the image size you need from the drop-down menu or enter the image size you need manually.

Once you have selected the desired image size, click on the “Convert” button.

And the process of converting photos will begin automatically, and you will be able to monitor the conversion process in the window that opens.

Version: 3.1

System: Windows XP/Vista/7

English language

License: Free

Size: 1.42 MB

Download FastStone Photo Resizer from the official website

For more detailed information about the FastStone Photo Resizer program and its capabilities, see the video tutorial. Good luck to you! And see you again.

Users rarely worry about the settings for saving photos in their cameras - fact number one. Manufacturers set almost the maximum size and quality of the saved image by default - the second fact. Both of them can be understood. Well, why does the manufacturer need such a situation when the user buys an expensive camera, and the photos without additional settings will be like on a point-and-shoot camera. And I’m not even talking about the user - no one reads the instructions for a long time. Sooner or later, the disk space runs out, or you get bored while uploading our modest photos under a palm tree in Egypt, each 20 MB in size, to a social network. FastStone Photo Resizer will fix the situation!

Program features

So, we have photos the size of which allows us to print photo wallpapers. Yes, yes, you may not have guessed it, but the 10-megapixel cameras that are fashionable today take photos of exactly this size - 3870x2590 pixels. According to professionals, this is enough to print a picture measuring 245 cm x 164 cm (though with banner printing quality of 40dpi)! Have you imagined it in your mind? Those who could imagine and were perplexed about the need to print such photographs - read on. If such a seal is an ordinary thing for you, then you can pass by, as we will now learn to reduce the size of our valuable photo collection.

There is nothing complicated about FastStone Photo Resizer. The main window of the program (it’s essentially the only one) contains two main lists - a tree of files on the computer’s storage devices (on the left) and a window of photos selected for processing (on the right).

Now the most important thing is to choose the format and quality of the photos that we want to get as a result. The quality is selected using a lever and varies from 1 to 10 (data given for JPEG format).

The quality of the resulting “thinner” photos can be checked visually using the “Preview” button.

As you can see in the picture, the size of the photo is reduced by four times, but the quality is visually the same. In fact, there are losses, but they will only be visible on very large prints.

Resizing a Photo Collection

To reduce your photo storage size, free up disk space, or send via email, simply use the photo quality adjustment as above. If you set the task of cleaning the disk, then do not forget to backup “large” photos (for example, I copy to DVD discs). And then uncheck “Output Folder”, in this case FastStone Photo Resizer will resize the photos directly on the original without making copies.

Your collection will be smaller in size, but will still contain all your photos to show off your vacation adventures to your friends.

Changing the publication size

Another problem that can be solved using FastStone Photo Resizer is reducing photos before sending them to various Internet resources (social networks, Yandex.Photos, Picasa and others).

Here you may need more fine-tuning of the process of reducing quality and size (this time actually the size of the photo, and not the file containing it).

In this mode you can control almost everything! The program can resize photos to any resolution using the selected filter (only specialists will understand the meaning of its choice). A lot of other features are also implemented:

  • image rotation,
  • resizing the canvas,
  • cutting to a certain size,
  • change in color depth,
  • improving photos (brightness, saturation, etc.),
  • DPI change,
  • inserting text or watermarks,
  • frame insertion.

The main thing is that all these operations can be performed on the entire list of selected photos at once.

You say that editors like Adobe Photoshop can do all this? I agree, but they are expensive, consume a lot of system resources, and are also difficult to learn. If you are a professional, then you are definitely better off using a more complex tool. If you just need to reduce the size of a photo without studying thick books on working with Photoshop, then FastStone Photo Resizer is quite suitable for this task, because it is simple, free and does not require learning complex settings and their values.


FastStone Photo Resizer is an excellent free program for resizing images (both dimensions and disk space). We can recommend it for use as a tool for processing a personal photo collection, or as a means of preparing for publishing photos on social networks and photo services.

Good day, dear friends, acquaintances, readers, admirers and other individuals.

A digital camera, a mobile phone with a camera, or anything else capable of taking photographs is now found in almost every home. In connection with this, a fairly significant number of snapshots, images and other picture-differences sometimes accumulate on the computer, which take up a significant amount of space on the hard drive (;)).

In connection with the above, I will share with you the most valuable program that I found on the Internet, which will help you significantly simplify the processing process, reduce the weight of photographs and images without much loss in quality, and also make it possible, say, to quickly work with a large number of add various “flavours” to your pictures (for example, highlight them with a frame or put your signature in the corner) or convert them into the format you need.

Let's get started.

FastStone Photo Resizer, - a program for mass photo and image processing

As you already understood from the title, the program is called “FastStone Photo Resizer” and is engaged in re-compressing, simplifying, signing, changing the format, adding a frame and doing other miracles with your photographs, not individually, but with all selected ones at once.

It is completely free, fast and its only drawback (if this can be considered a drawback) is the English language. However, users in need will probably find a cracker on the Internet, but for now I’ll tell you how to work with this happiness without any unnecessary installations and ideas;)

The installation is extremely simple and I won’t dwell on it (just run the file and click the “Next” button), so let’s quickly move on to setting up and using it.

To begin, using the good old Windows Explorer, take a few images and copy them to some folder. We will work with them, so to speak, in test mode, so that you understand what's what.

As a matter of fact, on the left, in this window, you can select a folder on the disk (to do this, click on the button with the image of three dots) where you have the images with which you will work. Select the folder with images that you prepared in advance (above in the text of the article).

If you did everything correctly, you can now select specific images in the list with which you will work and, by clicking the "Add" button, move the desired photo from the folder to the right window, i.e. into a window containing a list of photos that will be edited.

You can select several photos by holding down the "Ctrl" key (individually) or "Shift" (list) and clicking on the photo name. You can remove photos from the right list by highlighting their name and clicking the "Remove" button. Add everything at once by pressing the "Add all" button.

The "Output Format" column allows you to select the format in which the photos will be after editing. That is, if you need, for example, to change the resolution from .bmp to .jpg, then set “JPEG Format (*.jpg)” in this field. Next to this line there is also a “Settings” button, which will allow you to set optimization settings (quality, compression method, etc.) in order to save the maximum amount of space after converting/optimizing photos/images:

The "Output Folder" column allows you to select the folder where the program will save the photos after editing. Specify a folder using the "Browse" button.

The "Advanced Options" button allows you to set photo editing settings (pictures or whatever you have):

Let's take a closer look at what's what so you have an understanding:

  • The first tab, called "Rezise", allows you to set the size of photos in pixels. It is optimal to choose something like 1280 x 1024, because it is unlikely that if you are not going to print these pictures, you will need a higher resolution. Just in case, check the box " Do not resize when original size is less than the new one", which will tell the program that there is no need to change the resolution if the file is lower (and not higher) than specified (that is, so that the photo does not stretch);
  • The second tab, "Rotate", allows you to flip photos horizontally or vertically, or rotate them by "90-0180%: If you need this, then check the “Flip / Rotate” checkbox, and then either the “Flip Horizontally”, or “Flip Vertically”, or “Rotate” checkbox;
  • The "Crop" tab allows you to crop your photos. I don’t recommend using it, because in streaming mode you can cut things off, which will be offensive later;
  • The "Canvas" tab allows you to add.. mmm.. something like fields/background, but why this is needed is personally not clear to me, because for this there are settings for the frame around the photo;
  • "Color Depth", "Adjustments" and "DPI". The first allows you to reduce the color palette, which, from the point of view of optimizing the weight of the file, can be very useful, but from the point of view of quality, it can lead to dire consequences;
  • "Adjustments" allows you to in-line change a bunch of goodies, such as brightness, contrast, gamma and other things:

    I would not recommend using it, because each photo should have its own parameters and massively redrawing them without looking at what happens is a rather controversial decision;
  • "DPI" allows you to set the number of dots per inch, which is useful when printing and is often not needed in our case;
  • The "Text" tab allows you to sign photos with text. One of my favorite options as a photographer, with which you can put, say, a tag on photos or the date of shooting:
    This is done very simply: enter the text in the upper right corner, then use the "Font" button to select the font, font size, etc. Next, set, if necessary, the background, shadow and their (background and shadow) colors with the "Shadow" and "Background" checkboxes (you can round the corners of the background with the "Round" checkbox), and the transparency of the inscription with the "Opacity" slider;
  • And finally, using the mouse or the “Position” option, we set where this inscription will be located: You can make a preview (by the way, of any changes that we specified in the program) and see what our inscription will look like using a button with a piece of paper and a magnifying glass;
  • The penultimate tab, called "Watermark", allows you to protect your photos with the so-called watermark, that is, attach an image of, say, a logo:
    This is done by selecting the image itself, using the button with three dots and, again, by setting up all sorts of options such as transparency, shadow, position, etc., which I described above;
  • Well, the last tab, “Border”, will allow you to create a frame for your photos, and even, if necessary, a multi-faceted one, so to speak:
    The setup is generally simple - simply tick the number of frame strips ("Frame 1-2-3"), set their thickness ("Width" parameter) and color ("Color" parameter) and, using the preview button, bring it to your ideal.

Having completed all the settings, click the “OK” button and, returning to the program window, making sure again that you have set everything you need, feel free to click on “Convert”.

Then all that remains is to wait for the conversion process, enjoying the numbers that indicate how much space is saved from each photo (the last column, which is called "Save (KB)"), and then go to the folder that was set as the save location ("Output Folder") and look at the result.

That's all for now. Let's move on to the afterword.


Here is such a tool for mass photo processing and saving free space (I must say that sometimes you can save entire gigabytes), and it’s just a useful thing.

As always, if you have any questions, additions, etc., please feel free to comment on this post.

Good day, dear friends.

A digital camera, a mobile phone with a camera, or anything else capable of taking photographs is now found in almost every home. In connection with this, the computer sometimes accumulates quite a significant number of snapshots, images and other picture-differences that take up a significant amount of space on the hard drive (and, as you know, it is not rubber).

In connection with the above, I will share with you the most valuable program that I found on the Internet, which will help you significantly simplify the processing process, reduce the weight of photographs and images without much loss in quality, and also make it possible, say, to quickly work with a large number of images various “grace” (for example, highlight it with a frame or put your signature in the corner) or convert them to the format you need.

FastStone Photo Resizer - streaming photo processing program

As you already understood from the title, the program bears the name “” and is engaged in re-compressing, simplifying, signing, changing the format, adding a frame and doing other miracles with your photographs, and not individually, but with all selected ones at once. It is completely free, fast and its only drawback is (if this can be considered a disadvantage), is English. However, users in need will probably find a cracker on the Internet, but for now I’ll tell you how to work with this happiness without any unnecessary installations and ideas

You can download the program follow this link.
The installation is extremely simple and I will not dwell on it.

FastStone Photo Resizer - setup and use

To begin with, using the good old explorer “ Windows“, take a few images and copy them to some folder. We will work with them, so to speak, in test mode, so that you understand what's what.

By launching the program shortcut you will see this window (click to enlarge):

As a matter of fact, on the left, in the window, you can select a folder on the disk (to do this, click on the button with the image of three dots) where do you have the images you will work with? Select the folder with images that you prepared in advance (above in the text of the article).

If you did everything correctly, you can now select specific images in the list with which you will work and, by pressing the “ Add, move the desired photo from the folder to the right window, i.e. into a window containing a list of photos that will be edited. You can select multiple photos by holding down the “ key Ctrl“(piece by piece) or “ Shift“(list) and clicking on the photo title. You can remove photos from the right list by highlighting their name and pressing the “ button Remove“. Transfer everything at once by pressing the “ button Add all“.

Count Output Format allows you to select the format in which the photos will be after editing. That is, if you need, for example, to change the resolution from .bmp V .jpg, then enter in this field JPEG Format (*.jpg). Next to this line there is also a button “ Settings“, which will allow you to set optimization settings in order to save the maximum amount of space after conversion/optimization. To do this, press this button and set everything as in the screenshot:

Count Output Folder allows you to select the folder where the program will save photos after editing. Specify a folder using the button Browse.

Button Advanced Options allows you to set photo editing settings:

The first tab, which is called “ Rezise”, allows you to set the size of photos in pixels. It's best to choose something like 1280 x 1024, because it’s unlikely that if you are not going to print these pictures, you need higher resolution. Just in case, check the box “ Do not resize when original size is less than the new one“, which will tell the program that there is no need to change the resolution if the file has a lower (and not higher) specified resolution (i.e. so that the photo does not stretch).

Second tab, “ Rotate" allows you to flip photos horizontally or vertically, or rotate them 90-0180% . If you need it, check the box “ Flip/Rotate“ and then either check “ Flip Horizontally“, or “ Flip Vertically“, or “ Rotate“.

Tab Crop Allows you to crop photos. I don’t recommend using it, because in streaming mode you can cut something off, which will be offensive later.

Tab Canvas allows you to add.. mmm.. something like margins/background. Why this is needed is absolutely not clear to me, because for this there are settings for the frame around the photo.

Color Depth“, “Adjustments" And " DPI“. The first allows you to reduce the color palette. From the point of view of weight optimization, it can be useful, but from a quality point of view, I don’t recommend touching it. “ Adjustments” allows you to in-line change a bunch of goodies, such as brightness, contrast, gamma, etc. I wouldn’t recommend using it either, because each photo should have its own parameters and changing them en masse without looking at what happens is a rather controversial decision. “ DPI” allows you to set the number of dots per inch, which is useful when printing and is not at all necessary in our case.

Tab Text allows you to sign photos with text. One of my favorite options as a photographer, with which you can put, say, a tag on photos or the date of shooting. This is done very simply. Enter the text in the upper right corner, then click “ Font” select the font, font size, etc. Next, set, if necessary, by ticking “ Shadow" And " Background” background, shadow and their (background and shadow) colors (check “ Round” you can round the corners of the background), and the slider “ Opacity” transparency of the inscription. And finally, using the mouse or the “ Position” we set where this very inscription will be located. You can make a preview (by the way, any changes that we specified in the program) and see what our inscription will look like using a button with a leaf and a magnifying glass (see screenshot above).

The penultimate tab, with the name “ Watermark, allows you to protect your photos with a so-called watermark, that is, attach an image of, say, a logo. This is done by selecting the image itself, using the button with three dots and, again, by setting up all sorts of options such as transparency, shadow, position, etc., which I described above.

Well, the last tab, “ Border“, will allow you to create a frame for your photographs, and even, if necessary, a multi-faceted one, so to speak. The setup is generally simple - just tick the number of frame strips (Frame 1-2-3), set their thickness (Width parameter) and color (Color parameter) and, using the preview button, bring it to your ideal.

Having finished all the settings, press the “ OK” and, returning to the program window, once again making sure that you have set everything you need, feel free to click on “ Convert“. Then all that remains is to wait for the conversion process, enjoying the numbers that indicate how much space is saved from each photo (last column called Save (KB)), and then go to the folder that you set as the save location (Output Folder) and look at the result.

Small results.

Here's a tool for mass photo processing and saving free space

(I must say that sometimes it is possible to save entire gigabytes)

The FastStone Photo Resizer program is designed for various manipulations with photos and pictures. The application is known for its user-friendly features and a pleasant interface that is easy to get used to. Using this software, you can resize a graphic file and convert the image to popular formats (JPEG, JP2, TIFF, BMP, PNG, GIF). In addition, the program contains other interesting features - changing the color depth, applying color effects and test watermarks. The application can support working not only with specific files, but also with entire folders. The program is easy and pleasant to work with thanks to the support of Drag&Drop technology.

Settings and use of FastStone Photo Resizer

To begin, take a few images and copy them to some folder. We will work with them, so to speak, in test mode, so that you understand what's what.

By launching the program shortcut you will see this window

FastStone Photo Resizer Interface

The left side of the window is used to select photos. They are added to the list simply - by clicking the Add button, if we need to add one photo, Add all - if all.

Below we select the output format and the folder in which the modified photos will be located.

Even lower is the most important button, but which is very easy to miss - Advanced Options. This is where the parameters are selected.

In the parameters window you can familiarize yourself with the main features of the program: resizing, rotating, cropping, changing the depth of the palette, changing brightness/contrast, applying text, watermarks, frames. Of course, there are a lot of possibilities, but it’s still better to change the brightness and contrast manually.

FastStone Photo Resizer Options Window

We apply the parameters, which, by the way, can be saved in a separate file for later use, press the Convert button and get the changed files in the specified folder.

For detailed information, we suggest watching the video: How FastStone Photo Resizer works

2024 gtavrl.ru.