Recover deleted messages in VK vkopt. “You can’t collect burned letters”: how to restore correspondence in VK and in what cases is this possible

The VKontakte social network is aimed at communication between users, which involves sending each other text messages, photos, music, documents, voice recordings and much more. All this can be done through personal messages on VKontakte, in which correspondence between users will be stored until it is deleted. At the same time, correspondence can drag on for years, however, it will always be possible to use a search to find sent messages, view transferred files, etc.

For many, VKontakte correspondence is of great importance, and deleting it could be an unpleasant incident. In this article, let's look at what can be done to restore VKontakte messages if they were accidentally deleted.

Table of contents:

How to delete VKontakte correspondence

Before moving on to the issue of restoring correspondence, you need to understand how it can be deleted. There are two options for how to erase messages between VKontakte users.

The first option involves deleting one message. To do this, in the dialogue with the user, you need to select the message (by clicking on it with the left mouse button) that you want to delete. Next, a corresponding button will appear at the top - delete. Click on it, and after that the message will be erased.

Please note: by deleting messages in this way, you only delete them from yourself. That is, if you wrote something to a person, but then did not want him to read it, then by deleting the message in a similar way, you will not be able to correct the situation - in any case, the message will reach the person, even if you delete it before it is sent. read by the interlocutor.

The second option involves deleting all VKontakte messages within one dialogue. To do this, you need to go to the dialogues of the social network and then initiate a dialogue with one of the interlocutors. An icon with a cross will appear on the right side of the dialog selection window. By clicking on it, a pop-up window will appear asking if you really want to delete the conversation. If this is the case, then click “Delete”, after which all messages with the interlocutor will be deleted from your VKontakte profile.

Please note: deleting a dialogue is one-sided, that is, the user with whom the correspondence was conducted will not have his messages deleted.

How to recover VKontakte messages

Two ways to delete messages were discussed above, and there are two options for how to restore them. One of them allows you to restore only one message, and the other the entire correspondence, but it is more complex and does not always work.

How to recover a deleted VKontakte message

If you accidentally or deliberately deleted your message or his message during correspondence with a person, restoring it will not be difficult. Immediately after deleting a message, a “Restore” button will appear in its place. Just click on it to return the message you just erased to your correspondence.

Important: the “Restore” button will be active until you reload the page. That is, you can switch between dialogs, and at this moment you will still have the opportunity to return the deleted message. But if you decide to close the page or go, for example, to the list of your groups, that is, exit the dialogs, the message will be erased and the “Restore” button will disappear.

How to recover deleted VKontakte correspondence

If you deleted the entire conversation, it is possible to restore it, but this is much more difficult. Since the correspondence is deleted only from your account, it means that it is stored by the second interlocutor and in the VKontakte database. A simple option to restore correspondence is to ask the other person to send you the message history, but if it is long, this will be problematic, given that you can send no more than 100 messages at a time. Then all that remains is to contact the VKontakte support service.

It is best to submit your appeal as follows:

Important: this method does not guarantee a 100% return of deleted correspondence, and even more so, you should not abuse it. In many ways, whether deleted VKontakte messages will be restored to you or not depends on the will of the support specialist to whom your question was submitted for consideration.

). But what if you suddenly need to access remote correspondence?

Now we will look at how you can view deleted messages in a contact..

If you deleted one or more messages in a conversation, you can restore it directly in the chat window. To do this, click on the “Restore” link.

Please note that if you delete individual messages in this way, they will remain in the dialog of the user with whom you are talking.

After restoration, messages will be available in standard mode.

If you have completely deleted a dialogue with a user, it is possible to restore it through a support request (see).

Go to page:

Please note that the brief information states that a copy of your conversation is saved by the user with whom you are corresponding. Therefore, you can ask him to send you the entire correspondence history.

But let's get back to communicating with support.

In the block “Describe your problem”, type any text.

Below are instructions that should help you solve the problem. If you don't find the answer there, then click the button “None of these options are suitable.”.

You will be moved to a new window. Here click the “Ask a Question” button.

Post your request in a special form. Ask for your correspondence with the user to be restored. Indicate the address or id of its page (see).

All that remains is to wait for the result. The answer will be displayed on the “My Questions” tab.

Checking the VKopt extension in action

Before preparing this material, I analyzed information regarding the recovery of deleted messages. Many people advised using the VKopt extension. Supposedly, you can use it to collect all the statistics of your messages (see), and view any dialogue, including deleted ones. I tested this extension at work. Here's what I got.

Select the version for your browser and install in standard mode. After that, go to your VK page.

Set the parameters as shown in the image below. Then click the "Let's go" button.

Please wait some time for all data to be processed.

As a result, you will get this result.

All your dialogues will be collected here. Pay attention to the column "Last message". The date and time are indicated there - and they are made in the form of a link. The developers claim that if you click on it, you will be taken to a dialogue page. Even if it was deleted.

But this function doesn't work! I specifically tried to delete correspondence with the user, then went to it from the “Statistics” page. As a result, I ended up with a general list of dialogues.

I discussed all 3 methods in a short video tutorial.


As you probably understood, the fastest way to view deleted correspondence is to ask your interlocutor to delete his message history. All other options take time.

Don't despair if the support service refuses you. Try to explain the essence to them in a reasoned manner. After all, the messages remain with your interlocutor. This means that they are not deleted from the database. It is logical to assume that if they wish, they can restore them.


Please ask your question in the comments, describing the problem you encountered.

We and our users regularly discuss possible problems and difficulties. Together we will solve your problem.

When using the capabilities of the social networking site VKontakte, according to statistics, most users are faced with the problem of deleted messages or entire correspondence that urgently need to be restored. In this article, we will tell you about the most convenient methods for restoring lost dialogues.

It is worth immediately noting that today there are many different types of programs for the VK website that provide potential users with a guarantee of restoration of any correspondence. However, in practice, none of these additions allows you to do anything that cannot be done with the basic tools of the resource in question.

Because of this, in this article we will only touch on standard features that you may not know about.

In order to avoid additional problems along the way, make sure that you have full access to the page, including a current phone number and mailbox.

Method 1: Restoring the message in the dialogue

This method consists of using the ability to instantly recover a deleted message within one conversation. However, the method is relevant only if you decide to restore the lost message immediately after it was deleted.

As an example, we will consider a situation consisting of writing, deleting and instantly recovering letters.

Please note that the letter may not be at the top of the list in terms of freshness, but somewhere in the middle of the entire correspondence. But despite this, the message can also be restored without problems.

As you can see, this method is relevant only in a small number of cases.

Method 2: Restoring the dialogue

This method is very similar to the first one, since it is suitable only for those cases when you accidentally deleted a dialogue and decided to restore it in time.

This cannot be done if, before deleting the correspondence, you were provided with a notification that it was impossible to restore the dialogue in the future.

After completing the actions, the dialogue will return to the list of active conversations, and you can continue communicating with the user.

Method 3: Read messages using E-Mail

In this case, you will need access to the mailbox that was prematurely linked to your personal account. Thanks to this linking, which you can do according to special instructions, if you have not done so previously, copies of received letters will be sent to your email inbox.

In addition to the above, in order for messages to successfully arrive to your email, you will need to correctly set the E-Mail notification parameters.

  1. After you have verified that you have a valid email link, open the main menu of the VK website and go to the section "Settings".
  2. Using the navigation menu on the right side of the page, switch to the tab "Alerts".
  3. Scroll to the very bottom of this page, right down to the block with parameters "Email Alerts".
  4. On the right side of the point "Alert Frequency" click on the link and set as a parameter "Always notify".
  5. Now you will be provided with a more extensive list of parameters, where you need to check all the items that you would like to receive notifications about changes.
  6. Be sure to select the selection next to the section "Private messages".
  7. Further actions require you to go to the mailbox that was associated with the page.
  8. Copies of emails are sent only when your personal profile is offline.

  9. While in your mailbox, check the latest incoming messages from « [email protected]» .
  10. In the main content of the letter there is a block with which you can quickly read the message, find out the time it was sent, and also respond to it or go to the sender’s page on the VKontakte website.

You can set up sending messages to a phone number, but we will not touch on this process due to the requirements for payment for services and the minimum level of convenience.

By doing everything clearly according to the instructions, you will be able to read messages that were ever deleted but forwarded as an email notification.

Method 4: Resending messages

The last possible way to recover messages from a deleted VKontakte dialogue is to contact your interlocutor with a request to forward the messages you are interested in. At the same time, do not forget to clarify the details so that the interlocutor has a reason to waste time resending messages.

Let's briefly consider the process of sending a message on behalf of a potential interlocutor.

In addition to this method, it is important to note that there is a special VkOpt application on the Internet that allows you to pack the entire dialogue into a capacious file. This way, you can ask your interlocutor to send just such a file, thanks to which all letters from the correspondence will be available to you.

It's no secret that many people use VK to communicate with other users. The “send message” function exists for this purpose. Typically, the entire dialogue is saved for the entire life of the account. However, sometimes it may be necessary to restore the dialogue on VKontakte. This happens in situations where the user accidentally or for some reason deleted text messages, and a little later he needed similar correspondence.

Unfortunately, there is no 100% method of action in such a development of events. However, there are a number of recommendations that, under certain circumstances, can lead to a positive result and restore all correspondence completely.

So, how to restore a deleted dialogue in VK? The easiest way to do this is immediately after such an action. That is, until the profile page is updated again. I would like to immediately note that this option is only suitable if the user has deleted a separate message, and not the entire conversation. If this is the case, then just click on the “restore” link in the place where the destroyed message was previously posted.

If you deleted the dialogue completely, you can try the following instructions:

  1. First of all, contact the interlocutor with whom the communication took place. If he has not performed similar actions, then you can ask him to copy and forward the correspondence.
  2. When setting up their own profile, many users set in the parameters an item such as email notification. That is, each letter is duplicated and sent to the mailbox associated with the account. If this is the case, and the incoming letters have not been deleted from the E-mail, then you can restore at least a partially destroyed conversation. At least the part for which the opponent/interlocutor was responsible.

What should you do if you want to return a long-deleted dialogue, but all the options described above do not work? The only way is to contact the support service of this social network. Previously, there was a special function for this - “help”. The updated version of VK does not have it.

Yes, you can go to its analogue, which opens using a small triangle located next to the name of the profile owner (upper right part of the screen), but this will only lead to the opening of a page where you can read answers to the most popular questions. In particular, it says that such messages cannot be restored. However, you can try to do this. To do this you need:

  • Go to the form to communicate with the resource’s technical support:;
  • Fill in two fields. The second is as detailed as possible;
  • Submit a request for help.

We can only wait for an official response. But, as practice shows, this option rarely brings a positive result.

There is another option. But it only works in the situation where such a feature was initially activated. It consists of installing a special plugin. For example, if a person uses Google Chrome, then VkOpt is perfect.

The main purpose of the VKontakte social network, like other instant messengers, is to provide instant messaging. It happens that as a result of excessive congestion in the “My Messages” section, hacking of your page and subsequent disposal of messages or for other reasons, dialogues disappear, then there is a need to restore correspondence or individual messages. The article will discuss current methods for restoring accidentally deleted messages in VK and instructions for their implementation.

Method 1. Instant restoration of VKontakte dialogue

Suitable for those who have deleted specific post(s) but have not yet refreshed the page. In this case, you just need to click on the “Restore” tab.

Recover the message by clicking on the “Recover” tab

Method 2. Search for deleted messages in email or SMS archive

This solution can help those who have their settings set to receive notifications about new messages in VK by email or phone number.

It’s even easier with a phone - if you have alerts activated for the number to which the page is linked, notifications will be sent automatically in the form of regular SMS messages.

If you have notifications disabled, then, in the future, you can activate their mailing like this:

  1. In the address bar of the browser we type "";
  2. Pay attention to the profile editing toolbar located on the right, find the “Alerts” tab there and click on it with the left mouse button;

  3. In the top menu of the page there is the “Alert Settings” panel, where from the three presented types of notifications you can choose the ones that are convenient for you; even lower there is the “Event Types” block, where you can specify in which cases you should be sent an alert;

  4. Let's scroll down the page and find two more blocks - "Alerts via SMS" and "Alerts by email", respectively, if you want to receive notifications on your phone, check the box next to the item "Receive SMS alerts". If you are interested in sending alerts about new messages to your mailbox, click on the “Bind e-mail” button located at the very bottom of the page, enter your email address and click “Bind page”;

  5. After this, we will be asked to confirm the e-mail linking by entering the VK profile password, enter it and click “Confirm”, then you need to go to your mailbox and follow the link confirming the linking of the e-mail to the VK page.

Method 3. Recovering messages using VK API

A little-known, but very effective method that allows you to guaranteed “resurrect” messages received or written in the last 24 hours. It is implemented in several steps:

  1. We go to the “My Messages” section and open a dialogue with the user, fragments of correspondence with whom we need to restore;
  2. Right-click on the last message sent to the user and in the window that opens, select “Examine element” (for Opera - “View element code”, for Edge - “Check element”);
  3. A panel opens with a message code in which we need to find the line "im-mess im_in _im_mess _im_mess_******", where ****** is the message identifier; more specifically, a fragment of this code is located after the tag «
  4. , we need to remember the identifier;
  5. We go to the VK API itself using the following link -;

  6. Scroll the page down to the end until we find the “Example request” block;
  7. There are two input forms here, we are interested in the first one, which is called “message_id”, here we enter the message number mentioned above;
  8. Here lies the main point: if the deleted letter was written after the message whose identifier was copied, then change the last digit of the number by 1 upward until then. Until the value appears in the query results panel located to the right of the “message_id” form "response" equal to one. If the deleted message was sent earlier, then, on the contrary, we decrease the identifier value by one until "response": 1;

  9. After this, we refresh the page with the dialogue and the deleted message should reappear.

You can learn more about this method of restoring correspondence in VK from this video:


Unfortunately, there are scammers who offer to use special programs or extensions to recover deleted VK messages. Do not fall for this trick under any circumstances, since often this software hides ordinary Trojans that steal your personal data (including the login and password for the VK page) and then use it for their own purposes. The Vkontakte administration itself warns users that there are no programs for restoring correspondence (you can read more about the text of the warning here - You can only use the methods listed above - they are guaranteed, under certain conditions described in each solution, to help you recover deleted VK messages.