Internal optimization of landing pages. Is SEO promotion necessary for landing pages?

SEO optimization of landing page is not like that complex issue as many may think. First, let’s decide - the landing page should be optimized according to two, maximum three related requests, this type of site is not intended to hang in the top for numerous requests and overtake competitors in the natural search engine results. This type page is intended exclusively for advertising companies to efficiently convert traffic into leads. However, it is quite possible to get to the top for several quite successful, but not very competitive queries, receiving a volume of organic traffic to the site. You can read what a landing page is in this article. And we continue.

First of all, it is worth noting that most webmasters and layout designers like to mark up landing page titles exclusively with the H1 tag. This fact not lethal, but may confuse the robot. It's easier to make a small feint. In the site's USP, put the main request of the site and enclose it in the H1 tag, copy the styles for this header and create another class with a different name, for example p1, paste the header styles into it. And put the subsequent subheadings of the site where H1 used to be, for example: Contacts, About the company, etc. Externally, they will be identical to a regular H1 header. From the point of view of landing page optimization, everything is now correct.

Try to arrange the text component of the site not with one “footcloth”, but to correctly distribute the text among sections. This will allow you not to spoil the main functionality of the site, but also make it attractive for search engines. This type of landing page optimization is perfect for those who make the landing page the main page of the site, this way you kill two birds with one stone. Allows you to increase the weight of the site in a certain topic internal pages, and do home page– the most visited, excellent traffic converter.

To bring SEO optimization of landing pages to perfection, you should remember the usual rules that are relevant for most ordinary sites. Be sure to merge domains with WWW and without WWW, choosing the main mirror. Write some code in htaccess file and create robots file, write in it the host directive with the main character. Don't forget about meta tags too. Try to include a couple of your keywords in them. Be sure to write readable text with a small USP in the site title and description. This will have a great impact on the site’s performance after indexing.

The last thing I would like to note is the alt attribute for images on the site. Be sure to fill it out. This will help you attract traffic from image searches, even if they are not unique. In the pictures that are closer to the top in this attribute, we advise you to indicate the query keys by which you plan to promote your landing page.

In the end, I would like to note that SEO optimization of landing pages is not a panacea and will not be able to provide a wave of traffic. Quite simple operations, as you have already seen, but they can help you get some of the real, valuable, and most importantly - for free. targeted traffic to your one-page page. Traffic that will flow to your site for a very long time without any investment.

Good day, dear readers. In today's article we will talk about one of the most effective, but at the same time labor-intensive, ways of promoting on the Internet. Let's talk about SEO promotion. In particular, I will describe SEO promotion of landing pages or one-page sites.

Many argue that it is impossible to promote landing pages through SEO. I just want to tell such people to continue to think like this, because then there will be no competition;)

One of the main reasons why people give up SEO is that it is very labor-intensive and the results are only visible through a long period time, usually after 3-7 months. Therefore, those who are not committed to the long term or want immediate benefits use paid traffic sources, abandoning SEO. But you need to understand that if your site is in the TOP 3 search results, then you will have clients on complete autopilot and, most likely, large quantities.

So, is it really possible to promote landing pages in search results? Yes, it is possible and even necessary. In the future, this will be a free stream of traffic for you.

What are the differences between regular SEO and landing page SEO?

Basically, there is no difference. Landing pages are promoted according to the same principle as all other sites. Search engines have the same ranking principles. The only difference is between desktop devices (computers) and mobile ones – for them the principles of ranking are different in some respects. Otherwise, for the same Yandex and Google, there is no difference whether it is a landing page or a business card site. If optimization is carried out according to the rules, then the landing page will also be in first place.

By the way, there is also an article about independent and about. Read them!

How to promote landing pages in search results?

There are several main points that affect SEO and search engine promotion. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

  • Your landing page should be adapted for mobile devices. It is important!
  • The landing page should have a nice design, easy navigation, and its content (content) should be unique and structured. Try to break the information into blocks to make it easier to perceive. First of all, you create a landing page for people, not for search engines!
    To do this, read the articles:
  • Title, description, keywords– choose your key phrases carefully. Here it is better to use mid- and low-frequency phrases. And it doesn’t matter that there are 200 or 300 requests per month. This is your targeted, organic traffic. The title should match the key as closely as possible. For example, if the phrase is “setting up contextual advertising,” then the title should also say “setting up contextual advertising.” Also, the description of the page itself should contain key phrases. There is information about optimizing titles and descriptions in.
  • External links and mentions – place links to your site wherever possible. You can, of course, buy tons of links, but I don’t recommend doing this. It is better to purchase less, but from quality resources. For example, a review from some popular blogger, or post an expert article on a city website or forum. Don't chase quantity. You need quality. Yes, it takes much longer, but your sites will always have quality traffic, which search engines love so much.
  • contextual advertising– this point could be attributed to the previous one, but I decided to highlight it as a separate one. This is due to the fact that if you advertise in and in, then Yandex and Google begin to additionally rank your site in organic search. Of course, using only one contextual advertising, you will not be included in the TOP 3, but this is an additional factor in promoting the landing page. If you don’t know how to set up contextual advertising yourself, .
  • Linking with your websites or landing pages- Also important point in SEO and promotion. And not only landing pages, but websites in general. Linking affects SEO and promotion the most. What is linking? This internal links to the site pages. For example, you have an installation service suspended ceilings, which is on a separate page. In order for readers to go to this page, we thematic pages We place a link to the landing page for this service on our websites (business cards, informational, etc.). And the more such links, the better for optimization.B in this case, as you understand, it is assumed that your landing page will be located on the main domain of your site as separate page

How to use linking on landing pages?

There are several options here. It all depends on what structure your site has.

Thanks to such actions, you can promote landing pages in search results and produce SEO optimization. The process is not simple, but effective. And if someone tells you that this is impossible, then just show him this article.

If you have any questions about this topic, write them in the comments.

The technique helps accelerate the site’s growth in search results and the number of sales.

To bookmarks

Strategy and analytics are at the heart of everything

My name is Ilya, I am the owner of the SEO agency and the promotion report generation service. I'll tell you how to work with landing pages to improve behavioral factors and conversion.

The main task of such work is to give the user what he needs, make him happy, and help the site owner increase sales. In the end, everyone wins.

It doesn’t matter what type of website you have - business card, service, online store or content project- this is true for everyone. Search engines never cease to declare that their main goal is user satisfaction and providing best results in issuance in response to his request. This means that in order for a certain page to be included in the list of these results, you need to make it at least better than that of competitors.

Ease of use, completeness and quality of information on the landing page - all this affects behavioral factors and conversion. The first metrics are tracked by search, while the second metric influences sales.

The end of the imitation game

In 2017, many surveys were conducted about future trends in Internet marketing. Many experts are inclined to believe that it is necessary to delve into the client’s business in more detail. This is true.

We are now in a transitional moment where it is easier to work on improvements for the user rather than imitating those improvements under search factors. A tighter integration of SEO into the client’s business, its target audience and marketing strategy is necessary.

Text relevance is important, but for the fight for the top and for maintaining these positions, user behavior and their satisfaction are much more important. Your site should best answer the user's query, and not just contain the right keywords.

But everything turned out to be much simpler - it’s enough to just make the user happy. And the search will notice this too.

A little materiel

A landing page is a landing page on a website to which traffic is directed from various sources. It doesn't have to be purchased. For example, in the process of working on SEO such landing pages are brought into line with the requirements of search engines, adapted to keywords and improved in order to provide the user with the most complete and high-quality answer to his request.

A simple and understandable example of a typical landing page is a page describing the service that the company provides. An SEO specialist optimizes it for targeted and commercially important queries, and also works on its structure to improve the conversion rate. For example, it structures information, adds calls to action, benefit blocks, photographs, and so on.

All this work is being done to improve two important indicators - behavioral factors and conversion. With a constant volume of traffic, a threefold increase in the conversion rate will allow you to triple your sales volume. I think now you understand why this kind of work is worth doing.

Behavioral factors are a set of metrics that reflect the totality of visitor actions in relation to the site. Search engines perceive them as an indicator of the quality of the user experience.

Behavioral factors include the number of page views, time spent on the site, bounce rate, share of direct visits, percentage of returns to the search results, CTR (click-through rate of the snippet) in the search results and a number of others. The last two factors are the most significant for landing page. Improving these indicators has a positive effect on the site’s visibility in search and its ranking in search results.

How to find out what users need

When a site ranks at the top for certain queries, but users do not find what they were looking for on its pages, the result may be as follows:

For e-commerce, this is especially true in relation to inventory balances. If the status on the page for a long time is that the product is out of stock, due to the high bounce rate and the user returning to the search results, the page will begin to “slide.”

It is logical that we need to work on user satisfaction. But what do they need? How to understand this? There are several methods you can use.

Method one - based on logic

The task comes down to analyzing the bounce rate by request and page, on the basis of which we can try to draw conclusions.

To do this, go to the “Sources” section - “ Search phrases» in Yandex.Metrica. Here we are interested in such a metric as “Bounce Rate”:

We pay attention to requests (see the report by URL separately) for which this indicator is higher than the average for the site. The reasons may be the following:

  • landing pages are incorrectly defined;
  • in principle, there are no landing pages for any groups of requests - and the search chose the main one as the most relevant;
  • there is no information that is present in the request (for example, the owner decided to remove the price due to a constantly changing exchange rate or due to “individual tariffs”);
  • the search results show a “promising” snippet that does not correspond to the actual content;
  • the page takes too long to load or some functionality does not work on it;
  • the page does not provide a sufficient response to the request, that is, we get the “expectation - reality” effect in action.

While reasons related to the performance or usability of a site are relatively easy to identify, reasons related to the interests and expectations of the user are much less obvious. How can you find out what is in the user’s head and what he really needs?

Method two, simple - top analysis

This method is not always 100% correct, but it has the right to life.

We analyze the top pages for queries. We take a group of queries, enter them one by one into the search and select sites similar in type to ours. There is no need to compare and rely on a page on Wikipedia or on a forum, if suddenly they appear in the search results. But you can study what issues are discussed in the desired thematic forum thread - there is a chance of finding something interesting.

After the list of sites has been generated, you can do a visual analysis:

And we carry out an analysis based on the summary table, having previously compiled a list of parameters by which we will evaluate. We note what the top sites have and don’t have.

Here is an example of a file that we use within our agency. It includes about 50 items:

The idea is simple: if 9 out of 10 sites have a price listed, then we should do it too, even if it is individual for you. It is necessary to indicate at least price guidelines or prices “from”.

If we see examples of work on all sites, it means that they are necessary for a potential client to confirm the quality of the service. We definitely pay attention to the photographs themselves: these should not be some Mexican faces from photo stocks - but real photographs, taken with high quality and naturally.

Unfortunately, the average studio doesn’t bother with any “analysis” when developing a website. Therefore, projects come to promotion in approximately this state:

Just a piece of text and a title will, at best, add a couple more advantage icons, even without optimizing the titles. You don’t have to think about prices and other things important to the client. Perhaps they are in this pile of kilosigns, but it is unlikely that visitors will want to look for them there.

If you analyze the top, make a list of necessary blocks and develop a prototype new version, based on which you turn the page, you get the following:

As a result, we will get a truly relevant page that contains all necessary information:

When a site already has search visibility and organic traffic, adding such elements will immediately provide traffic growth with good behavioral factors.

Method three, complex - analysis of the target audience

The most labor-intensive of the listed methods is detailed study target audience, potential buyer, his needs and objections.

If we already have statistics on traffic to the site, communities on social networks with a sufficient number of subscribers, creating a portrait of the target audience based on socio-demographic characteristics, interests and other characteristics is not a problem. If there is no traffic, you will have to use other methods.

The simplest option is to try to put yourself in the shoes of a potential buyer, which is suitable for most simple goods and services. However, in some niches this is quite difficult to do, and then various techniques and specialized services come to the rescue:

2. Similarweb. The quick site analysis report also contains a block with statistics on interests (“Audience Interests”).

3. "Cerebro Target". A tool for retargeting on VKontakte, which can well segment the audience of this social network and filter out bots that blur the overall picture. As a result, we get an audience filtered not only by socio-demographic characteristics, but also based on their field of activity, interests, hobbies and much more.

The main difficulty is to find communities with a truly high-quality audience on VKontakte - even if we're talking about about a popular niche. If it is difficult to find such a group, we collect it bit by bit - we take many small communities. Then we put the pieces of the audience together and analyze them.

4. Interaction with business. After the potential of services and other tools has been developed, the last bastion remains - close interaction with the business owner himself. It’s better to start with this, but unfortunately, the customer does not always study his target audience in detail and is not always able to highlight the needs of his potential clients.

Personal meetings, the right questions, briefings and other methods of obtaining the necessary information will help here.

Based on the results of such interaction, using the example of the service of diamond cutting of walls and openings, the following set of problematic issues can be generated for the customer’s potential audience:

And here is how we can propose to solve them by adding and arranging information blocks on the page:

Practical examples of working with landing pages

Let's look at various topics and techniques that lead to positive results in the form of an increase in positions, traffic or conversions from search.

Example No. 1. Medical topics

In this area, working with landing pages is almost The only job which leads to the result.

Here we deal exclusively with landing pages and understand what worries people (and there are a lot of objections in this area). Moreover, the “like everyone else” method, that is, analyzing competitors, is not always suitable. The best decision- this is communication with client representatives, analysis of the most popular questions before making an appointment.

We must close all “alarms” on the page and replace dry texts with information that is important for a person.

This gives the results:

Example No. 2. Forecasts for Sport

Often in this topic there are simply “dry” text reviews from the site’s editors, which do not fit well into the top.

The “put yourself in the user’s shoes” method is quite suitable here. In any case, I would always like to see the opinion of several specialists and also find out their expertise. All this can be added to functionality.

To these needs you can and should add analysis of the top search results. Then rework both the pages of specific matches and general pages of sports and championships. And get good and stable growth:

Example No. 3. House design

Let's look at an example from the perspective of one page. Obviously, examples of work are needed in this topic - and they were there.

But no one thought about the number of these works. Initially, there were seven examples on the page.

But if you increase this volume to a full-fledged portfolio of almost three dozen works, add a small set of filters - the visitor begins to interact with them with pleasure. And with these works he covers his fears and objections. And the most important thing is that often among the works he finds something that he would like to implement in his own home.

This is exactly the topic where images literally sell. Along with traffic, orders are also actively growing.

Let's sum it up

Working on landing pages (Universal SEO) is an important element of SEO strategy and internet marketing in general. They are the main and most valuable entry points for website visitors. How well the landing page is designed will determine how good the conversion of visitors into clients will be. Otherwise, there is a high probability that the entry point will simultaneously become an exit point.

If we summarize all of the above, conclusions and recommendations for working with landing pages in the near future can be summarized as follows:

  • The main goal is user satisfaction. To give him what he came for, the information must be comprehensive. This is the only way to turn a potential client into a real one.
  • Trying to imitate improvements for search algorithms is a dead end. Even if you succeeded, after a month the algorithms changed, and so did the evaluation factors. What to do now - redo everything again? But user satisfaction is a more constant value, and search engines take this into account due to behavioral factors. If the user is happy, search will understand this.
  • An important positive effect when improving landing pages is an increase in conversion. Optimizing this metric is the best way to get more sales and leads with constant traffic and without increasing advertising budgets.
  • Analysis of the top and analysis of the interests of the audience is our everything. Without understanding what problems your potential customers are trying to solve, there is no way to offer them what they are looking for. Studying competitors is a proven way to find recipes for such solutions without spending half your life.
  • One of the best ways understand the interests of the target audience of a particular business - obtain this information from the entrepreneur himself. The problem is that often the owner himself is not able to clearly formulate the needs of his potential clients. Then we just have to be patient and learn to ask the right questions.

Analysis of the top and competitors, combined with studying the target audience and diving into the business of competitors, are the methods that allow you to design landing pages that will be truly useful for users. You improve behavioral factors and increase conversion.


A landing page is a page that is optimized for a target group of queries. The goal of internal page optimization is to provide the search engine with information that the semantic content of the page corresponds to the queries being promoted, that is, is relevant to them.

Internal optimization factors influencing relevance, in descending order of importance:

1. Title tag.

Page title. Most significant element. It is displayed in search results and accordingly affects the click-through rate. Click-through rate on a link in search results is one of the most important behavioral factors. If the click-through rate is below a critical value, the site may lose positions for this reason alone.

An optimized title should be non-spammy, concise, and contain promoted keywords and phrases. To optimize, one occurrence of the promoted phrase in the title is enough; the closer to the beginning of the text, the better. It is advisable to use the exact occurrence of the promoted query if this does not spoil the sentence structure of the title. Otherwise, it is better to use a word form.

The title should consist of no more than two sentences, preferably one. The content of the title should not alienate the user, but rather should attract attention and arouse interest.

If the page information is targeted at users from one specific city, then it is advisable to use the city name in the title. For users from a given region, the city name is usually highlighted in bold in Yandex search results, even if the city name was not included in the user's query.

Thus, the title becomes more visible and attractive to users, which allows them to improve behavioral factors and get more traffic from search.

To come up with a good title, you need to meet quite a lot of requirements, often contradictory. In some difficult cases, with a large number of promoted requests, combining all the requirements in a title is an art.

2. H1 tag.

Main page title. There should be one on the page, reflect the essence of its content, be brief, and contain keywords. H1 should be visually larger than the headings low level, must not include links or be used to form website design elements.

3. Page text.

Must be unique, not copied from anywhere and be identified by search engines as the original source of content. Yandex Webmaster has the “Original Texts” tool, where you need to add new unique articles before posting. For Google, the only hope is that competitors don't copy the text before the search engine indexes it. Google's indexing, however, is quite fast.

The text of the page must be correctly written, carry useful information, do not cause rejection, contain at least one occurrence of promoted key phrases(or their word forms). One occurrence is enough for optimization. You can have more than one if it is really necessary within the meaning of the text.

The volume of text should be sufficient to “expand the topic.” For one page this can be 300 characters, for another - 3000. The recommended amount of text depends on the purpose of the page and the number of queries promoted on it.

Avoid hidden text on the page, including text in collapsible windows. I love it hidden information should be kept to a minimum. The logic of search engines is this: all indexed content must be explicitly present on the page. Anything else is inconvenient and suspicious. Previously, unscrupulous optimizers actively used spammed text in hidden blocks for “promotion”, and search engines still treat such code with some prejudice.

In addition, search engines work quite poorly with scripts. If their analyzers cannot accurately determine what content the user will see when going to the page, and what content will need to be looked for in hidden blocks, then such a page may be pushed further away. Search system will not rank highly a page for which it cannot adequately calculate relevance.

4. Page URL.

The URL of the page should be short, formatted as a CNC (human-readable URL) and include transliterated keywords. It often happens that the URL is generated automatically by transliteration of the title. This is not very good, since such URLs turn out to be excessively long and sometimes spammy. It is advisable that the page URL include 2-3 words from the promoted ones, and be limited to them.

5. Internal linking.

If there are links with the right keywords to the promoted page from other pages on the site, this increases the relevance of the promoted page. It is also good if the link to the promoted page is present in the end-to-end menu of the site.

6. Tags h2...h6.

Headings are lower level than h1. The requirements for them are similar to the requirements for h1, but there can be any number of such headings on the page, and their significance for search engine optimization not tall.

7. Images.

If there is an image on the promoted page, an illustration for the text is good, as it appears additional opportunity to increase relevance and improve the user experience of the page.

The name of the image file itself is optimized (one or two keywords in transliteration), keywords are also inserted into alt attributes(alternative text in case the browser for some reason cannot display the image) and title (pop-up text that appears when you hover over the image).

Irrelevant elements of internal optimization

Elements that used to be important for on-page optimization, but are no longer relevant: highlight tags (strong, em and the like) and the keywords meta tag.

The page code must be “clean”: layout elements are used for their intended purpose, all styles are included in CSS.

The page should load quickly in the browser and should not be oversaturated with graphics and other elements that slow down loading.

It is desirable that the layout matches modern standards, did not contain obsolete tags.