Implementation of a library of standard subsystems. Development of a configuration “from scratch” Instructions for implementing a library of standard subsystems

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A short instruction for quickly starting to develop your own configuration based on the “Library of Standard Subsystems” is described on the ITS disk here. It describes only the mandatory actions that are necessary for the first launch of the solution being developed.

Stage No. 1 Decide on the list of subsystems to be implemented. To do this you need to start processing First Implementation of BSP included in the delivery kit, which allows you to select subsystems for implementation, taking into account their dependencies on each other.

Rice. 1

Stage No. 2. After determining the composition of the subsystems, click Save settings for the configurator and specify a file name to save the settings.

Stage No. 4. Create a new empty database and perform the following steps:

  • Call the Configuration menu – Compare, merge with the configuration from the file.
  • Select the file from the BSP delivery.
  • When asked to perform a full configuration download, answer No.
  • To the offer of support, answer Yes.
  • Select Actions – Load settings from file. Specify the file saved in step No. 2
  • Then click Run. If not all BSP subsystems are implemented, when completing the procedure for comparing and merging configurations, a window may appear with information about the presence of unresolved links (see the example in Implementing the “Data Exchange” subsystem without the “Working with Mail Messages” subsystem). You must ignore the messages in this window by selecting the Continue button.

Stage No. 5 Actions after comparison, merging

  • Set the configuration properties to the configuration name, for example, “MyConfiguration”.
  • Set the version number of the configuration being developed in the configuration properties. For example, when starting to develop a configuration, you can set the number to
  • Copy the common module UpdateInformationBase.
  • Replace the name of the copied module with the name or abbreviation of the configuration name (for example, Updating the MK Information Base).
  • Replace the module text with:
Procedure When Adding a Subsystem(Description) Export // configuration name and version number on Description.Name = "MyConfiguration"; Description.Version = ""; // A library of standard subsystems is required. Description.RequiredSubsystems.Add("StandardSubsystems"); EndProcedureProcedure WhenAddingUpdateHandlers(Handlers) Export EndProcedures Procedure Before Updating the Information Base() Export EndProcedures Procedure After Updating the Information Base(PreviousVersionValue, CurrentVersionValue, ExecutedHandlersValue, OutputUpdateDescription, ExclusiveMode) Export EndProcedures Procedure WhenPreparingLayoutDescriptionsUpdates(Value Layout) Export EndProcedure Procedure When Adding Transition Handlers From Another Program( Handlers) Export EndProcedures Procedure When Determining the Data Update Mode( DataUpdateMode, StandardProcessing) Export EndProcedures Procedure When Completing the Transition From Another Program(Value PreviousConfigurationName, Value PreviousVersionConfiguration, Parameters) Export EndProcedure

Stage 6. In the procedure When Adding Subsystems of the general module Configuration Subsystems Overridden, you must add the line

Subsystem Modules.Add(“Updating the MK Information Base”);

Figure 2 shows an example where I created a configuration from scratch called Translator

Fig 2

If you do not add this line or do not create a common module by updating the infobase according to the rules at step 5, then when you start in the application launch mode, an error of this kind occurs:

(GeneralModule.StandardSubsystemsRestart.Module(77)): Error when preparing subsystem descriptions: in the common modules specified in the SubsystemsConfiguration Overridden procedure. When Adding a Subsystem, no description of the subsystem matching the configuration name was found

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Instructions for implementing a library of standard subsystems

The library includes a set of universal functional subsystems,
intended for use in application solutions on the “1C: Enterprise 8.3” platform

Delivery files contains

1. – library delivery file. Not intended to be created
information databases based on a template.
2. 1Cv8_demo.dt – demonstration base.
3. – demonstration database delivery file.

The first implementation of library subsystems in the configuration and updating the version of an already implemented library are noticeably different. After loading the file into an empty configuration, you need to configure the library objects as described in section 2.2, otherwise a message will be displayed when running in enterprise mode

When I first implemented BSP, I used the file, where everything was already configured and loaded it into an empty configuration, and then enabled the ability to change the configuration and methodically deleted the added objects that I did not need in the configuration file and prepared myself another cf file that can be loaded into an empty one configuration without setting up migrated library objects.

In general, the implementation process consists of the following stages:
Stage 1. Transferring metadata objects from the library delivery file to the configuration.
Stage 2. Configuring migrated library objects.
Stage 3. Using library objects when developing a configuration.

All functional subsystems included in the library belong to the parent subsystem “Standard subsystems” in the tree of metadata objects of the configurator. Subsystems designed for configurations designed to work in the service model are subordinate to the “Working in the service model” subsystem.
For the task of initial implementation and subsequent updates of library versions in application solutions, the distribution kit includes a special tool - an implementation assistant (external processing First ImplementationBSP.epf).

Its functions include support for decision-making on the implementation of the library in the configuration, as well as automatic control of the actual result of the implementation. Since making decisions on implementation and monitoring their implementation does not require immersion in the technical details of the implementation, design, implementation and control can be performed by different specialists and at different points in time

Step 1 Transfer metadata objects from file
delivery of the library to the configuration.

First implementation

Step 1. To transfer library objects to your configuration during the first implementation, you need to select the menu command Configuration – Compare, merge with configuration from file in Configurator mode. In the dialog box, specify the library delivery file and confirm the request for support.

Step 2. In the window that opens for comparing and merging configurations, uncheck all the boxes, check the box “include the area of ​​subordinate subsystems” and mark the transferred objects using the command Actions – Mark by supplier configuration subsystems.

From the Standard subsystems group of subsystems, select:

  • mandatory subsystems: Basic functionality, Information security version update, Users, Contact information. Note that when implementing the “Users” subsystem for use in the service model
    subsystem "Contact information"
  • subsystems that need to be implemented in your configuration, for example, service subsystems, regulatory information and
  • if the configuration is supposed to work in the service model, then you need to include additional subsystems that must be transferred to the configuration to work in the service model

Step 3. Additionally, you need to check or uncheck the boxes for individual library objects and their properties and select the merging mode Take from file (Actions – Set mode for all...) and click the Run button. In the window with a list of dependent objects, click Continue.
Step 4. After completing the comparison and merging, proceed to the second stage - setting up library objects. Depending on the number of subsystems being implemented, this step may take from one to several hours.

Updating the library version

This section describes the general scheme for updating to a new version of the library. Separate features of updating each specific version of the library are given in the accompanying document updateSSL.htm included in the library delivery. As a rule, when moving between editions, sub-editions and releases of a library (first,
second and third digits in the version number) additional update steps are required, and when moving between patch releases of the library (fourth digit
in the version number), as a rule, no additional actions are required. In rare cases, when additional steps are still necessary when updating to a patched library release, the corresponding instructions are contained not only in updateSSL.htm, but also in the readme.txt file in the Important section. To update the library version, select the menu command Configuration – Support – Update configuration. In the dialog box, select the Select update file option, set the path to the library delivery file and confirm the request for
updating the vendor configuration version.
Step 1. You must first prepare obsolete library metadata objects for removal from the configuration. To do this, in the window that opens for comparing and merging configurations, uncheck all the boxes next to metadata objects, then set the comparison and merging filter to the value Show those present only in the old supplier configuration in the New supplier configuration group<- Старая конфигурация поставщика, как указано на рисунке.

Next, mark all metadata objects with checkboxes, select the merging mode Take from new provider configuration (Actions – Set mode for all...) and click the Run button.
If there are references to obsolete library objects from other configuration objects or from other objects in the library itself, the Continue button is not available. You must manually clear all references from other configuration objects and proceed to step 2 (but references from library objects will be removed automatically in step 3).
If no references to outdated library objects were found and the Continue button was able to put the configuration into support, then you should cancel the support by returning to the original database configuration (menu Configuration – Database Configuration – Return to Database Configuration).
Step 2. Repeat the command Configuration – Support – Update configuration, specifying the path to the library delivery file in the Select update file option. In the window that opens for comparing and merging configurations, clear all the checkboxes and mark the transferred objects using the command Actions – Mark by subsystems of the new supplier configuration. From the “Standard subsystems” group of subsystems, select:
● mandatory subsystems;
● additional subsystems that must be transferred to the configuration to work in the service model;
● all previously implemented subsystems, as well as subsystems that additionally need to be implemented in your configuration;
● subsystems on which the above-mentioned subsystems depend,

Then check the boxes for transferring the same set of subsystems (metadata object “subsystem”), as well as the Administration subsystem (if it was implemented previously or is planned to be implemented) in the window for comparing and merging configurations.
Select the merging mode Take from the new supplier configuration (Actions – Set mode for all...).

Then you need to mark all obsolete library metadata objects for removal from the configuration. To do this, set the comparison and merging filter to the value Show those present only in the old supplier configuration in the New supplier configuration group<- Старая конфигурация поставщика, как указано на рисунке.

Next, check all metadata objects and click Run. In the window with a list of dependent objects, click the Continue button.
Step 3. After completing the comparison and merging, proceed to the second stage - setting up library objects.

When updating the 1C platform, the system very often displays an error message. Let's look at how to fix the error “The integrity of the configuration structure was violated when updating 1C.”

This is what an error about a violation of the integrity of the configuration structure looks like

The occurrence of such a problem is due to various reasons. This can happen when updating a configuration (especially dynamic), when generating reports, when trying to post a document, and so on. It happens as if it appears “out of thin air” - when no one seems to have done anything, but there is an error. It would be more correct to say in this case that the cause has not been established.

It is found in completely different platforms - in file databases, in client-server ones, etc.


There are several options for treating integrity (do not forget that before any actions you need to make a backup copy of your database):

  • Delete temporary files (read our). This helps when the error occurs only for one of the users;
  • If the configurator is available and can be opened, test it and fix it (see below). If you can’t open it, do it with the chdbfl.exe utility (but only if the database is a file one). Its approximate location: - C:\ProgramFiles(x86)\1cv8\\bin);
  • If the database is client-server and installed on a SQL server, use the “delete*fromconfigsave” request;
  • If the configurator is available, try to upload and download the database;
  • Some bugs are fixed in later versions of the platform - install a new platform;

If none of the options brings a fix, contact a specialist.

IMPORTANT. Be sure to make a copy at least once a week!

Let's look at the specifics of using the system utility to test and fix the database.

Before carrying out any actions, make a backup copy of your data!

To enter the testing/fixing mode, go to the system configurator, select Administration/Testing-fixing from the menu.

Test window and modes

This window is intended to indicate the list of actions performed for the utility to operate. Let's describe the functions of each of them:

Reindexing tables

When this option is set, the specified tables are reindexed. This means a complete rebuild of the indexes. After such a procedure, system performance increases significantly - it will not be superfluous.

Logical integrity

This function checks the logical and structural integrity of the database and finds errors in data organization.

Referential integrity

In this case, the information is checked for the presence of “broken” links. They are a consequence of incorrect data processing - most often when they are deleted or exchanged.

When they are detected, there is a choice of three options for operations:

  • Create objects - the system creates empty stub elements (they can later be filled with information);
  • Clear links - they will be cleared programmatically;
  • Do not change - links will only be shown.

Recalculation of results

Totals is a table of calculations and results of accounting data. Their recalculation increases productivity.

Table compression

The possibility of compression and ultimately reducing the volume of the database is due to the fact that when deleting data, 1C does not physically delete it. That is, the user does not see them, but they exist. It is the compression function that permanently deletes invisible records. A similar effect is achieved by uploading/downloading the database file (with the dt extension).

Restructuring tables

The table re-creation procedure is called when the metadata structure changes. Complete restructuring is a very long process, you need to be extremely careful.

If testing/correction does not bring a positive result, use the chdbfl.exe application.

Creating a backup (manually and automatically)

Archiving is an important operation necessary for every user, programmer, and administrator. Such a copy of the database is often called a 1C backup.

Having a backup helps you maintain your presence of mind, time, money and much more in unexpected and unpredictable situations. If someone pulled out the cord from the system unit, there was a power failure, a flood of coffee flooded the computer, but who knows what...

Creating a backup takes up to ten minutes.

If such a situation occurs and you don’t have a backup, then you will definitely create one now!

There are two types of administrators: some make backups, others will make backups.

Uploading a file

If you select your company in the initial window of the program and click the button shown in the figure, then we will enter 1C in the “Configurator” mode.

This mode is generally intended for development and administration. Next, you need to select “Administration/Upload infobase...” from the menu:

Then you will need to respond to the system when prompted to select a path - where exactly the file should be uploaded and its name.

You will be the first to know about the successful operation.

Restoring a backup file

The database is also restored from the familiar configurator mode, but now we select the “Administration/” option:

Select Load information base

You must select a previously saved file (with the mdt extension). Then agree with the system warning about the loss of unsaved information (will be lost).

If successful, 1C will offer to restart the configurator.

Automatic archiving

To avoid your own forgetfulness, you can use one of the autoarchive programs, for example, Effector saver 3.

It allows you to easily, in a few steps, automate the creation of backups. Capable of performing its functions both with the file system and with the client-server system. Setting it up only takes about fifteen minutes, but its benefits are non-negotiable.

This application can process any version of 1C: 7.7, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3. It doesn’t care what to process - file data or located on the MS SQL or PostgreSQL server. Plus it is free (there is a commercial version, extended).

First, download and install the Effector Saver distribution.

After specifying the directory, the final step is to configure the schedule. To do this, on the tab of the same name, the mode of processing the task and the time for its execution are indicated:

In order to make sure that the settings are correct, you need to click on the button on the bottom panel - “check”. If the verification is successful, a pleasant message “Basic parameters are filled out correctly” should be displayed.

We have introduced you to the causes and correction of the problem “the integrity of the 1C configuration structure is violated.” After reading this material, you will easily cope with this problem.