Vkontakte how to delete a public page. How to delete a group or public page in a contact

If your group is no longer needed, has completed its task, or you have lost interest in this topic, the question may arise of how to delete a VKontakte group. This is not difficult to do, but unlike deleting a personal page, deleting a community is a labor-intensive operation.

Methods for deleting a VKontakte group by the creator

Technically, VKontakte users cannot delete communities. Therefore, even if you are the creator of a group, you can destroy your brainchild in only two ways:

  1. Write a letter to support service social network with a request to delete the community.
  2. Delete all information and users, and then leave the group yourself.

In the second case, the procedure is as follows:

After completing these steps, an empty community will remain inaccessible to anyone, which will be deleted after some time by VKontakte technical support.

If there are a lot of materials in a group, deleting them can take a lot of time. There is a way to perform this operation with one script. To do this, open the group in the browser, click on it right button mouse and select "Inspect Element" in FireFox or "View Code" in Chrome. Next, go to the console and paste the following code:

if (!confirm("Delete all posts?")) return;

var deletePostLink = document.body.querySelectorAll("a.ui_actions_menu_item");

for (var i = 0; i< deletePostLink.length; i++) {


alert(deletePostLink.length + " posts deleted");

When you try to paste, the browser will display a warning and ask you to enter a phrase, such as “allow pasting,” as confirmation. After inserting the script, press Enter, the “Delete all messages?” window will appear, confirm again.

This convenient way mass deletion posts, but if there are a lot of them, you may need to run this script several times. There is also a possibility of temporary blocking in VK for such activity, then you will have to wait a couple of hours and then continue deleting.

Instructions for deleting a VKontakte public by the creator

If you need to get rid of a public page, you must first transfer it to a group. Go to the community management menu and click on the “Transfer to group” item.

In the next warning window, click “Transfer to group” again.

You may need to confirm with a code from SMS. After the community type is changed, further actions the same as deleting a VKontakte group.

Is it possible to restore a group to the creator after deletion?

After deleting the VKontakte group, according to the instructions above, the creator is no longer a member of the community and is not the group administrator. However, the group itself still exists, although it is not listed, it can be opened by URL.

Until VKontakte technical support deletes the unused community, the group creator can still manage it. To restore access to a deleted group, you just need to re-join it. But deletion of materials and community members is irreversible. Therefore, think carefully before deleting a group or public.

The VKontakte social network provides users with access to information on any topic of interest through Communities. This section presents groups and public pages. All large companies, news agencies and famous personalities have their own pages on VKontakte. In addition, any user can easily create their own community and add any information to it.

In this article we will talk about how to delete a group in a contact that no longer interests you, as well as remove yourself from communities created by other users.

How to delete your group in contact

To delete a group on VKontakte, you must be its administrator. The social network does not have a direct function for deleting communities. However, this can be done by deleting all participants and editing some parameters. Let's look at the step-by-step instructions:

This procedure will not permanently delete the group, but will completely clear its contents and make it inaccessible to users.

Please note that if you did not create a group, but are simply a member of it or are part of its leadership, you cannot remove members and the creator from it.

How to delete a public page in contact

The process for deleting a public page you created is similar to the process described above.

  1. Find the one you need public page in the "My Groups" section.
  2. Click "Manage Community" in the menu under your page avatar.
  3. In the “Members” tab, delete all subscribers and managers.
  4. In the “Information” tab, change the name and address of the page, and also clear the remaining fields.
  5. Delete all data in the "Links" tab.

If you followed all the steps above, the public page will not have a single follower and will be extremely difficult to discover. However, unlike a group, you cannot close the wall on a public page, so all posts will be saved. If you want to get rid of them, you will have to delete them manually by clicking the cross in the right top corner. After the wall is cleaned, click the “Unfollow” button under the page avatar.

How to remove yourself from a group in contact

If you are a member of a community created by another user or third party company, then you won’t be able to delete it. All you can do is unsubscribe from updates. To do this, go to “My Groups”, find the corresponding group or public page and click “Leave Group” or “Unsubscribe” in the menu under the community avatar.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to delete all communities in a contact at the same time. If such a need arises, you will have to delete each group manually, as described above.

Under some circumstances, you, as the owner of a public page, may need to delete it. In this article, we will reveal all the nuances regarding the deactivation of a public page on the VKontakte social network.

Today, the VK website does not provide users with a direct opportunity to delete either public pages or groups. However, this can still be done by reducing any activity to a minimum.

Transfer to group

Due to the fact that the public page will in any case be available to users of the resource, it is best to first transform it into a group. Thanks to this approach, which we described in detail in the corresponding article on the site, you will be able to delete the public, hiding it from all users.

Cleaning up the public

As was said earlier, you cannot directly get rid of the public; there is no such option on the site. In this case, deletion can be performed by clearing the public of all data ever added, including subscribers and wall posts.

  1. Open section "Community Management" through the main menu of the public page.
  2. Through navigation menu open the page "Participants" and next to each user click on the link "Remove from community".
  3. If the user has special permissions, you will need to use the link first "Demote".
  4. Now open the tab "Settings" and change the information in all presented blocks. This especially applies to the page address and title.
  5. On the tab "Sections" uncheck all the boxes and delete the values ​​in the fields « Main block» And "Minor block".
  6. In chapter "Comments" uncheck "Comments included".
  7. On the page "Links" get rid of all the URLs you once added.
  8. If you have used third party applications, on the tab "Working with API" On the page "Access Keys" delete all submitted data.
  9. In chapter "Messages" change the value of the item "Community Posts" on "Off".
  10. On last tab "Applications" you need to get rid of all added modules. To do this, click on the link "Change" next to the application and select the link "Delete application".

The next required action is to clear the main page.

  1. Use one of the instructions on our website to unnecessary problems clean the wall. If you have any difficulties with this, please contact us in the comments.
  2. Be sure to delete the post pinned to the public header and clear the status bar located under the page name.
  3. Via the menu "Actions" unsubscribe from notifications and broadcasts.
  4. In the upper right corner above the community image, click on the button "Delete photo" and confirm the action.
  5. Unfollow a public page by clicking the button "You are subscribed" and selecting the appropriate menu section.
  6. After the actions taken, the public will automatically disappear from the page "Control" In chapter "Groups".
  7. The public page itself will be inactive for some time, after which it will be automatically deleted due to abandonment. Until this moment comes, you can regain control of the public.

Please note that if people join the public of their own free will, despite the lack of material, the activity will be counted. It is because of this that it is best to resort to the first method, initially transferring the public to a group.

Mobile app

In the case of a mobile application, you will need to perform the same steps that we described in the previous section of the article. The only one, but not really significant difference here is a different arrangement and name of the sections.

Transfer to group

Unlike full version VKontakte website, the mobile application does not provide the ability to change the type of community. Based on this, if necessary, you will have to contact the website and follow the appropriate instructions to complete the removal.

Cleaning up the public

If for one reason or another you cannot transfer the public to the status "Group", you can resort to changing the data. However, as before, with this approach the guarantee automatic deletion is greatly reduced.

  1. While on a public page, click the gear button in the upper right corner of the screen.
  2. Here you need to configure each section of the public page.
  3. The most important are the pages "Leaders" And "Participants", where you need to demote and delete all existing subscribers.
  4. To minimize the time spent deleting data from a group, be it discussions with comments or videos, on the page "Services" uncheck all the boxes provided. To save settings, use the check mark icon.
  5. Get rid of the avatar and cover image on a public page from mobile application impossible.
  6. You will have to completely clean the wall of notes yourself, since official application does not provide tools to automate the process.
  7. However, as an alternative, you can always resort to using the application, where on home page public you need to click on the block "Wall".
  8. On the page that opens, expand the menu «…» and select "Clear the wall", confirming the action through the appropriate notification.

    Note: This is subject to deletion. limited quantity records, as a result of which the cleaning will have to be repeated several times.

  9. After completing the described steps, on the main page of the public, click on the button "You are subscribed" and select "Unsubscribe".

After completing all the steps from the instructions we have provided, after some time, the community will be automatically blocked. Of course, only in the absence of any activity.

How to delete a public VKontakte page? The fact is that there is no such function in the community settings, and many users are perplexed when faced with a similar question. In fact, deleting a page is not at all difficult, the main thing is to know how. We will talk about this in this article.

How to delete a public VKontakte page?

  • remove manual;
  • clear the list of participants;
  • get rid of all content that is present in the public;
  • eliminate all posts on the wall, documents, comments;
  • make the settings.

Let's take a closer look at each of these points.

Clearing the user list

Let's start with the managers (administrators) of the public page, if, of course, you have them. Please note that only public owners, that is, the people who created it, can perform the above actions. So, we need to go to the "Manage Page" section and then go to the "Members" tab. In it we will see two categories of users: managers and subscribers. We go to the first one and click the “Demote the manager” button. It is located opposite each user image. We repeat these steps until all managers are demoted. After that, move to the “Participants” tab and remove all subscribers from the community. You will have to spend a lot of time, especially when your page has accumulated quite a lot of fans. We recommend that you think carefully about whether you are really ready to delete them all and abandon this public, since all actions are irreversible.

How to delete a public VKontakte page? Step 2.

Now you need to get rid of all the content that the public page contains. It can be:

  • photographs (albums);
  • audio recordings;
  • documentation;
  • Topics.

This is quite easy to do. However, be prepared for the fact that this stage may take a long time. Try to completely delete all data.

Deleting wall posts

To delete a public VKontakte page, you must definitely get rid of all the posts that are located on the wall. You will not be able to delete all entries at the same time, since this is not provided for by the site. Each post will have to be deleted manually.

Page settings

At the end of the article on how to delete a public VKontakte page, we will tell you how to change the page parameters. Despite the fact that there are no users or any content in the public, this must be done. Go to the “Page Management” section and delete all information. Namely: name, address, date of formation. Uncheck all the boxes. Finally, go to the “Links” tab and erase all the addresses of sites and other groups that are located in it. This is how a public VKontakte page can be deleted. We remind you once again that it will be impossible to undo all the actions taken, and before deciding to take such a step, think several times.

If you are the owner of a public VKontakte page, you may need to delete it. Now I will show you how this can be done and what nuances you should pay attention to.

So, how can you delete a public page on VK?

You may simply lose interest in filling it. But in this case, you can just leave it as is.

Materials that you posted in the group must be hidden from prying eyes(cm. ). Well, or finally, you just woke up on the wrong foot and decided that it was time to delete the public page.

In any of these cases, you must know how to carry out this process.

Removing public leaders

At the first stage, you need to remove all managers from the public page (see). To do this we do the following.

Go to the “Groups” section and select the “Management” tab.

Here we go into the desired group. Click on the link in the menu "Page Management".

Here we go to the “Participants” tab, then “Leaders”.

Here we will see the entire list of public leadership:

  • Owner
  • Administrators
  • Moderators

Now you need to delete everyone (except you). To do this, opposite the user’s avatar, click the link "Demote the manager". A form will open confirming the deletion request. Here we press the button "Demote the manager".

This is the first mandatory step in deleting a public VKontakte page. Now let's move on.

What else is needed to delete a public page on VK?

We removed all the people who could make changes. Now it is advisable to manually clean all materials.

The most important thing is to remove posts from the main feed. To do this, we go to it and hover the mouse over the entry. A cross icon should appear (in the upper right corner). Clicking on it will delete the entry.

Cleaning the list of participants

Returning to the section "Page Management". Here we go to the “Participants” tab. And using the link "Remove from community", we delete all entered people.

We complete the deletion of a public page on VK

After we spent complete cleaning, you can do latest actions. On the main page of the public page, open the drop-down menu "You're in a group". And press "Leave the group".

You will receive a warning that if you delete it, you will lose administrator rights. We confirm the operation.

Congratulations - public VKontakte page deleted.


A quick note. The community will not be displayed anywhere, but will remain accessible via the link. This is why we deleted all information. If you go there now, you will see this picture.

An empty, abandoned community. If you want - remote.

But if you are not satisfied with this state of affairs, you can send a request to the contact support service (see), at complete removal public page. Don't forget to indicate the reasons and a link to the group (see).

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