Includes in-app purchases. What does in-app purchases mean in the App Store?

In-App Purchases- These are in-app purchases from the App Store. An example of in-app purchases could be bonus levels and maps, unlocking the full version of the game, extra money in the game, subscription to use a service.

Which apps have in-app purchases?

When purchasing applications in iTunes, you should look at the column: Top in-app purchases, which is located to the left of the application description:

Sometimes the application itself is free, but in-app purchases say that unlocking the full version is 4.99. Now you understand why In addition to the price of the application, you should always pay attention to the column Top In-App Purchases ?

An example of the conscious approach of publishers and developers:

Why do you need in-app purchases?

From the buyer’s side, everything is clear - he receives some additional benefits for a certain price. On the developer's side, there may be different motives for introducing in-app purchases.

1. Desire to earn money more money- this drives everyone, but it is especially evident among the creators of social games. Sell game currency, health, bonuses and other benefits, that is, calling a spade a spade - “air”.

2. Only through in-app purchases can you implement a subscription for a month, quarter, year, etc.

3. The developer's desire to protect his program from illegal distribution. As you know, jailbreaking involves hacking the program itself and installing it on any iOS device without purchasing it. But no one can get everything that is sold through in-app purchases for free. iPad owner, even if their tablet is jailbroken. And built-in purchases inside hacked programs, as it turned out, are fraught various errors(information from various English-language forums).

And now very important note for memory:

Types of in-app purchases

I will call it the same as Apple:


Example: health, extra money, double construction speed for three days, etc.

Buy again every time. Reimbursable purchases cannot be transferred between devices if you reinstall the app You won’t be able to download them for free in a new way.


Example: additional maps, unlocking the full version of the game, maps for GPS, additional game levels, etc.

One-time purchase. When transferring to another device, you can download it again for free inside the application. When reinstalling the application can be reinstalled for free.


Example: subscription for three months of online games, subscription to daily news

It's not that simple with them. There is no clear answer here - even Apple has very vague answers on this topic, if you read carefully. It all depends on how the developer decides. The good news is that subscriptions should be (and in most cases are) like uncompensated, that is, it can be transferred freely. In fact, this needs to be clarified from the developer of the specific application.

I have already covered what the in-app purchase process looks like earlier in the article: Purchases in the App Store.

That’s basically all - if there are examples of successful and unsuccessful movements of in-app purchases between devices, write, it’s very interesting. :)

As it turns out, there are many people who don’t know what the App Store is. There is nothing wrong with this, because today we will figure out what kind of program this is.

To be honest, people only come across this name when at least one gadget from Apple appears. This is where it all begins.

I will try to explain everything as simply as possible and in addition to the explanation itself, we will also consider other issues that are related to this store.

What is the App Store?

Appstore is an application store for devices such as iPad, iPod, iPad and, in principle, all computers and laptops from this company.

You should immediately understand that for each device there is the same version of the program, but the applications in it are completely different, although there is a lot in common.

Oddly enough, this store appeared later than the very first iPhone came out. In the very first iOS versions Applications could not be installed.

Literally in 2008, Ep Store appeared and then the device took on a completely new meaning. The era of applications and games for smartphones has begun.

If we consider what the App Store means, then everything is quite simple. Logically, the full name is Application Store.

And not to be confused with Apple Store, because this is the name of the places where you can buy any equipment from this company. I was confused at the beginning and that’s quite normal.

These days there is a lot available to download and there are both paid and free games/apps. Everything is divided into categories for easier searching.

What does "In-App Purchases" mean in the App Store?

Very often new users Apple technology don't understand what "In-App Purchases" might mean. This is also quite simple to explain.

Let's say you downloaded a photo editor for yourself. You started using it and it seemed like everything was free. But when you started looking at the filters, you came across a dilemma.

Started trying different variants and at a certain point, we found options where it is written that you need to pay money to use it.

These are in-app purchases. The same goes for games; everything that can be bought in a game can be attributed to this expression.

App Store in English - what to do?

So, some users may have a problem when everything that is in the App Store has English language. And it’s very difficult when you don’t know him.

There could be several reasons for this:

  • an English-speaking country has been selected for the store;
  • The interface language on the phone is English.

In the first option, when you did Apple registration ID, then you indicated not your country, but for example America. This is often done to gain access to applications from that country.

To change the country, you will have to create new account. Just go to Settings - iTunes Store and App Store - click Apple ID: your login - View Apple ID - Enter your password - Country/region.

The second option is simpler and usually occurs when people want to learn a foreign language. I previously described this process in great detail in an article.

What does cloud mean in the App Store?

Well, the last thing we’ll talk about today is the cloud in the Ep Store. Many people are probably already familiar with what cloud storage is.

The essence of this expression does not change in the store. When you download an application or game, after uninstalling it, you can download it from the cloud.

The idea behind all this is quite simple: very often developers remove their applications from the store, but after downloading it at least once, you can then download it from the cloud.


Now you know what the app Store and why it even exists. I tried to tell you as much as possible more information about this, but in a short form.

Quite a lot of questions related to this topic were also considered, and I think that if you have any other questions, please contact me and I will be happy to explain.

The information contained in this article is freely available in Apple Help, but I want to explain everything to you simply and clearly.

This article is about in-app purchases. app store for free. What are in-app purchases? How to transfer them? What are they needed for?

In-app purchases are those purchases that are found inside apps from the App Store. For example, cards, bonus levels, purchasing the full version of the application, money in the game, etc.
Which apps have in-app purchases in the app store?

When purchasing an application in iTunes, you should pay attention to the Top in-app Purchases line located to the left of the application description. It is possible that the application itself is free, but with in-app purchases you can, for example, purchase the full version of the game for $5. Surely, now it becomes clear to you why you need to pay attention not only to the price of the application, but also to the Top in-app Purchases line (in-app purchases).
Apple advises game and app developers to include the purpose of in-app purchases and their benefits in their descriptions, but many do not follow this advice.
What are in-app purchases for?
For the buyer - getting the additions and extensions he needs for a certain fee.

But for the developer there may be several options:
 This is a way to monetize games. Everything possible is sold - health, energy, play money, bonuses, etc.
 Subscription for a month, a year and beyond is possible exclusively through in-app purchases.
 The creator’s desire to protect his application from illegal use.

Many people know that JailBreak hacks the program and allows you to install it on iOS without purchasing it. But what you buy through in-app purchases cannot be hacked and obtained for free. On jailbroken apps, in-app purchases lead to various internal errors.

Types of in-app purchases in the app store:
1. Compensable - energy, health, increased construction speed, play money, etc. They buy it again every time. They cannot be transferred from one device to another, and when you reinstall the application, they automatically expire.

2. Non-compensated – full version games, new game levels, GPS maps, etc. Buy once. They can easily be transferred to another device, in other words, downloaded again for free. When you reinstall the game, they are also installed for free.

3. Subscriptions – daily news, online game for 6 months, etc. Not everything is so transparent here. Even Apple itself does not give precise answers on this matter. To be honest, subscriptions should be like non-refundable purchases, that is, they can be transferred from device to device for free, but before making such a purchase, it is better to first find out about it from the developer. Be careful!

Today, many application developers prefer the shareware distribution model. Thanks to this, users are more willing to install new programs and games for iOS, and only then spend money on products available in the application. However, this approach is not always convenient. More precisely, it can quickly empty the card linked to the Apple ID. In this article we will talk about how to disable in-app purchases on iPhone.
IN Lately More and more application developers are switching to a shareware distribution model. With this model, users are much more likely to download and install new applications on their iOS devices, and after that they make purchases within the applications themselves. But this approach is not always convenient. Or rather, in this way the card linked to your Apple ID is quickly emptied. In this article I will tell you how on my iP

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that all settings related to internal purchases, are mainly designed to reduce the likelihood of unnecessary spending. Very often parents face such difficulties. Small child, playing your favorite games, can very quickly empty your balance on the card. Getting rid of these problems is very simple.

Disabling internal purchases

1 .Go to " Settings».

3. There we turn on " Restrictions".

5. Move the toggle switch next to the “In-App Purchases” item to the inactive position.

After completing these simple steps In-app purchases on your phone or tablet will be disabled.

I hope this article was useful to you. And that's all I have for now.

Lately, many parents have been surprised by large write-offs. credit cards, tied to App Store . After some investigation, parents realize that their young children are to blame for the big expenses. And, as a rule, the main expenses are so-called “in-app purchases,” although purchases of programs and games can also significantly empty a parent’s wallet. Ways to limit in-app purchases, with the advent iOS 7 have not changed, but let's first remember what in-app purchases are.

In-App Purchases - these are purchases that can be made inside already installed application. It doesn't matter if it's paid or free application(program or game) you installed on your iPad or iPhone – it may contain the opportunity to make such purchases.

As a rule, game developers who release games in this way make money. freemium -versions, but in the game itself they push the player to make purchases of in-game currency for real money. In-game currency makes it easier to complete games in general. The most striking example is the game Clash Of Clans or, more recently, Evolution: The Battle for Utopia. It is also worth noting such programs as Read! and Listen! from liters, which are initially intended for the purchase of books and audiobooks.

Apple , until recently, did not draw the attention of users to such significant risks that are present in App Store , until government agencies in the USA and Europe paid attention to this. Statistics showed that a significant portion of such purchases were made by children.

How to limit in-app purchases?

There are several ways to protect yourself from the fact that someone else (your friend or a child to whom you have entrusted iPad ), will make an in-app purchase.

1 way.

The simplest advice is suitable for those who do not want to understand the settings iPad – just don’t install on your device from App Store no programs or games with in-app purchases. To do this, before installing the application, just carefully look at its description. Firstly, right below the application name you will see the inscription “Offers in-app purchases” (see screenshot below).

Secondly, if you scroll down the description a little lower, you will see the “In-App Purchases” item, where you can see the list of such purchases. As you can see, in the game “Evolution: Battle for Utopia” the most expensive in-game purchase costs as much as 3,290 rubles!

True, this method is not the best, because a child, if desired and having certain knowledge, can install the application himself. Therefore, I recommend the second method.

Method 2.

Go to Settings – General – Restrictions.

First, click “Enable restrictions” (see screenshot above). If you have not yet activated this menu item, you will be required to assign a password to access the function of enabling/disabling restrictions. It must not be the same as the device password.

Enabling restrictions allows you, first of all, to flexibly configure access to various applications. Below we see that there is a list of applications and options to which we can restrict access.

For example, if we place a switch opposite Safari to the “OFF” position, then no one, not even you, will be able to start this browser. But we are interested in the following points:

Installation of programs. Blocks the very ability to install applications from App Store.

Removing programs. Blocks the ability to remove programs from iPad.

In-app purchases. Blocking the ability to make in-app purchases.

As you can see, you can completely block in-app purchases, as well as the installation or removal of any programs and games. To do this, you need to set the switches to position“OFF”.

3 way.

I'm not a fan of those radical measures, as in the 2nd method, because if you prohibit “In-App Purchases”, then we ourselves will not be able to use them. Therefore, the best solution, in my opinion, is not to touch the “In-App Purchases” switch, leaving it in the “ON” position.

Let's go into it.

We see that we have 2 options: "Straightaway" or "15 minutes". We choose the first option. Now, when installing applications or making purchases within them, the system will always ask you for a password for your account Apple ID . No one except you and those people who know this password will be able to perform these actions. This means your money will be safe.

The second option “15 minutes” is bad because after entering the password for the first time, the system gives a 15-minute period of time during which you can make purchases without entering the password.

I hope our instructions were useful. Stay with us!