VK public page what. Differences between a public page and a VKontakte group

    Hello friends!

    Many users do not fully understand differences between a public page (public) and a VKontakte group. But every entrepreneur who starts working on the VKontakte social network faces the issue of creating a community. After reading the article, you will understand when you need To create a group, and when public, to get maximum effect.

    Community is a general concept. There are three types of communities on VKontakte: group, public page and meeting (event).

    In order to create a community, you need to go to the “My Groups” section, and then in the upper right corner click on the “Create Community” button. In the window that appears, specify the name of the community, and also select its type: group, public page or meeting (event). After filling out the required fields, click on “Create a community.”

    Create a group or public?

    For ease of perception of information, I present it in the form of a comparative table below:

    Public page (public)




    Purpose of creation

    The goal is to inform the subscriber and hold his attention. Ideal for disseminating news and information.

    It pursues the goal of close communication between participants (discussions) and their unification by interests.

    Areas of activity

    The media, brand companies, celebrities, famous people, cultural institutions, websites.

    Communities of interest, which are less formal and more friendly, for entrepreneurs, small and medium-sized businesses, for selling goods or services.


    The community is always open, every authorized user can subscribe.

    Can be public, closed or private.

    A closed group allows only group members to access information. The private group is hidden from search, only by admin invitation.

    Participant management

    You cannot delete users because... they are subscribers. Can be added to the blacklist.

    You can remove users from a group and add them to the blacklist.

    Wall settings

    Only the administrator can leave entries; the user can only offer his own news. Comments can be turned on or off.

    There are several types of access to the wall:

    Open. All group members can post and comment;

    Limited. Posts can only be posted on the wall by the administration, but comments are still open;

    Closed. Comments are closed, only administrators can post;


    Additional content management

    For each album, you can configure who can upload photos there (only admins or everyone). Subscribers cannot download audio, video and documents, nor can they create discussions.

    All types of materials can be turned on either in open mode - so that anyone can download/create them, or in limited mode - only for

    in the user profile

    Always displayed in the "Interesting Pages" block

    Displayed on your personal page in the “Groups” block (can be hidden using privacy settings)

    In April 2014, it became possible to officially transfer the group to a public page. Just click on the “Translate to page” link in the menu on the right (under the avatar).

    Note! After transferring the group to the page:

    The News block (VKontakte markup) will become unavailable;

    All group invitations will be automatically canceled;

    The Documents block will become unavailable;

    The Discussion block will appear on the right side of the page;

    Any user can see all the information.

    You can transfer a group in which you are a creator no more than once every 30 days.

    I would not like to compare the pros and cons of groups and public pages, as you already understand, they are intended for completely different purposes. And, most likely, you have already determined what type of community suits your activities. Great! Then feel free to create and move on to filling it with information and design. This, by the way, is an equally important stage. But I will talk about this in the following articles.

    By the way, if you are interested in a step-by-step algorithm for promotion on VKontakte from A to Z, you can purchase my book.

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It is now almost impossible to imagine the Internet without social networks. A person who is not on VKontakte, Facebook or Twitter can be listed in the Red Book as a very rare endangered species. An account on a popular social network allows you not only to maintain constant online communication with friends and acquaintances, but also to earn money.

Today, many users of the social network VKontakte relegate communication to the background. A person can log into VK only to see the latest news from the communities to which he has subscribed. This article will discuss this type of community as a public:

What is public

By creating a VKontakte profile, you provide information about yourself, upload photos and videos, and then begin adding friends. As statistics show, on average, a user of the leading Russian social network has 100-200 people as friends. Some particularly sociable and popular personalities gather 1000-5000 friends.

Real stars (and “stars”) gain 10 thousand friends and here... information about what a VKontakte public is will come in handy.

Since the very inception of the leading Russian social network, there has been such a type of community as a group. Users united by common interests wrote messages on the walls, posted pictures and videos, and participated in polls and discussions. It cannot be said that public pages replaced groups: they only added diversity to the communities opened within the leading domestic social network.

Giving a definition, we can say that publics ( from the English word “public” – public, public, open) are representations of the popular ( or dreaming of becoming popular) person, organization or brand on a social network. Such pages are designed to interest many users ( while a regular VK page can only be used to communicate with friends).

However, in order to better understand the essence of a public page, it is necessary to consider it in comparison with a group.

Public or group?

Many community creators initially make the wrong choice and subsequently see no other choice but to turn the group into a public one. Fortunately, VKontakte has made this procedure simple and without harm to the community. But first, let’s compare a group and a public page on VK.

  • Access. Posts posted in the public are visible to absolutely everyone. Open groups in this regard are no different from public pages, however, there is a type of community called closed groups, information in which can only be viewed by participants ( The decision to join the group is made by the administrator);
  • Messages on the wall. Only the administrator can write on the public wall ( or an editor appointed by the administrator). Other users can offer their news by leaving a message in the appropriate section:
If the administrator likes your post, he will publish it ( with or without author attribution). As for the group, posting on the wall can be allowed for all participants, however, if desired, the administrator can leave the ability to fill the wall only for himself and the editors.
  • Invitation of participants. If you are a group administrator, you can use the invite members option. This is a fairly convenient tool, but it is not suitable for full promotion of the community ( You can invite only 40 people per day). There is no such function for a public page ( you will have to send messages to friends on your behalf);
  • Possibilities. In general, we can say that the group provides greater scope for action. Settings for confirming the entry of participants, whether the wall is open or closed, the ability to store various documents - all these are differences between a group and a public page. However, in most cases, the opportunities that the public provides are quite sufficient to achieve all the goals set for the project;
  • Purpose of creation. Creating and maintaining a group is more suitable for commercial projects ( for example, an online store). However, you should not think that public spaces are not capable of making a profit. The lion's share of online business income comes from advertising, and it can be placed both in groups and on public pages. However, if we are talking about a public page to popularize an organization, brand or personality, then only information of an official nature can appear on the wall. At the same time, the public will not directly generate any income.

Another difference between a group and a public that is worth mentioning is the location of the list of communities on user pages. Public pages are located in the block " interesting pages» ( right under Friends). In turn, the list of groups can be seen by opening the “ detailed information».

If you decide to change the type of community, then you need to know that information on how to make a public from a group and vice versa will only be useful to the creator of the community. Even if you are made an administrator, you still will not be able to convert the group or public.

If you were the one who created the public, then transferring it to a group will not be difficult. To do this, click on the link “ Transfer to group» in the admin panel:

Please pay attention to the warnings before transferring a public page to a group:

Why do you need a public page?

Let's list the goals that the creation of a public VKontakte page can pursue.

  • Self-expression. There are creative people who want to convey their brilliant ideas to the people, but do not know how. Making a public VKontakte is an excellent solution to this problem. The leading Russian social network has many original public pages. As a rule, the number of subscribers to such public pages is small, because a person who is interested in the creative process itself rarely thinks about investing money in advertising;
  • Popularization of a brand or personality. A public page can be used as a source of official information, for example, for fans of an artist ( concert schedule, ticket prices). Of course, increasing the popularity of a person or organization has a positive effect on income, so this point is closely related to the following;
  • Earning money from the community. Once you have a sufficient number of subscribers to your public page, you can start monetizing it. The most obvious way is advertising ( posts from other communities). A widely used advertising format is posting a post for a day, while the first hour the post is in the top of the community wall. You can also use the VKontakte advertising exchange;
  • Project support tool. You don’t have to place ads in your public page, but use the community to attract people to your own website ( where will the advertising be?). Maintaining communities on social networks is one of the main ways to promote information resources.

It’s also worth noting that you don’t have to create a community yourself. You can buy a public VKontakte account and use it to achieve one of the above goals. You can make a purchase after you agree with the owner of the community. After all financial issues have been settled, you will need to take control of the account on whose behalf the public was created.

However, it is worth noting that selling and buying a community is a violation of the VKontakte rules. The leading Russian social network is fighting to ensure that the personal data of accounts corresponds to reality, and by buying a public page, you gain control over someone else’s page. In principle, an unscrupulous seller may even complain about you to technical support in order to get his account and, accordingly, the public back.

We create a public

Before you start promoting your potentially successful project on the leading Russian social network, you need to at least learn how to create a public page on VKontakte. There is nothing complicated about this, and even a first-time user will be able to intuitively understand what needs to be done.

  • To begin, select the “My groups" item from the menu:
  • Click on " Create a community»:
  • Enter the name and check the box next to “ Public page»:
  • Next, you are asked to select the type of page, as well as accept the rules for using the site:
  • Click " Create a page" Process completed:
If you are tired of managing your community and you are thinking about how to delete a VKontakte public page, then the functionality that the leading Russian social network provides will upset you a little. It does not have a button Delete public page" All you can do is clear the community wall and unsubscribe all subscribers (including yourself).

How to find out who is the admin

In most cases, you don’t need to think about how to find out the admin of a VKontakte public page. Community leaders are listed in the “Contacts” section in order to maintain feedback with subscribers and consider offers from advertisers.

Greetings, dear blog readers. Ruslan Galiulin is in touch. Today we will talk about various social terms and tell you about the types of communities in VK.

Despite the variety and diversity of electronic services and portals for disseminating information, promoting products, blogging and other commercial activities, VKontakte remains the most popular social network on the Runet and is gaining more and more users abroad. In this regard, the use of the platform for the functions listed above is justified and advisable.

Questions arise: what form of platform community should I use - a group or a public? The choice of one form or another determines the further possibilities and path of the project.

What is the difference between a group and a public VKontakte page: pros and cons

The article describes the differences and similarities of concepts, the pros and cons of each type of community.

Public page

Public on VK- this is the place where the user officially presents his product, brand, service, work. The purpose of a public page is to promote the selected item.

Characteristics of a public page, which, depending on the user’s preferences, can be both disadvantages and advantages:

  • publishing posts on the wall is the prerogative of administrators; subscribers can comment on posts - if commenting on posts is open in the community, and suggest news that will be published after moderation;
  • all public information - media, documents, is in open mode and available for public viewing;
  • sections “Photos”, “Audio recordings”, “Video recordings”, “Discussions” are located on the right edge of the page;
  • there are no “Latest news” - a link in the group where you can view the latest posts;
  • instead of this link, wiki pages are used - a way to decorate the visual appearance of the page by adding a colorful article with various types of formatting;
  • creation of events is available - events about which all public subscribers will be notified;
  • it is impossible to download documents - text and other files, which are usually attached from a home computer and stored on the page;
  • there is no button to invite new friends;
  • on subscriber pages, under the “Friends” field, the community logo is displayed, which is also visible to other users - the ability to disseminate information about the public, use marketing techniques for remembering symbols and colors that can be applied.

Group on VK

This type of community involves a platform that brings together participants on interesting topics. The goal is the exchange of information, opinions, interests. These are unique hobby societies for which you can set closed access and privacy settings, which is what makes them so popular. Often they form groups of friends, colleagues, classmates, etc.


  • three access modes - open, when each VKontakte user can join the society independently and view content without joining; closed - it is impossible to see the content of the group, entry occurs by submitting an application and with the approval of the administration; private - only admins can invite participants;
  • if the group is open, members can submit their news and it will instantly appear on the wall;
  • it is possible to close this feature and even remove the function of leaving comments under posts;
  • there is no function for creating events;
  • sections “Discussions”, “Photos”, “Audio recordings”, “Video recordings” are located at the top of the community page;
  • there are “Latest news”;
  • Inviting friends is available, participants can invite their friends to the society;
  • it is possible to download documents and store them on the server;
  • For participants, the group is displayed in the general list of groups - without a logo, just a name, which is not as attractive as the visual appearance of the public.


To promote the community, the function of inviting friends is important, which public pages lack. On the other hand, the group cannot invite more than 40 people per day; this limit narrows this advantage of the group.

But public pages can attract attention by being displayed in the form of a bright logo with a name and status in the “interesting pages” section. And groups are displayed in a boring list, which can also be hidden.

Also, public pages benefit from a psychological position - as a new type of community, often with entertaining content and colorful articles, they displace groups and make them old-fashioned. The activity of subscribers to public pages is higher than the activity of group members, although organized administration can bring groups to the peak of popularity.

When choosing between two forms of community, you need to decide on the purpose - what material will be published. If you plan to advertise a brand, products, maintain a blog, a culinary or other page, or a feed about any events (public pages about celebrities are popular), then a public page is better suited - a bright news platform with many media files.

If the goal is not to display popular and entertaining information, then you should rather choose a group. Groups unite people based on more serious interests; they are also used between fellow students, teachers when it is necessary to upload files for public use, colleagues, and official communities of companies and entrepreneurs.

Create a group

Unlike a public page, when creating which you need to decide on the audience from the selected options, a group is created by pressing one button.

You need to come up with a name for the association, select “Group” and then configure the community’s capabilities. You can select a topic from the proposed list, set age rating restrictions, specify a link to the main site, location, attach to the profile application from VKontakte - Snapster, in simple words, a photo editor from which processed images can be sent to friends.

As mentioned, privacy is configured in the group - open, closed and private group.

Another difference between a group and a public is the separation of the community and its leadership. The page is both a community and a user page. The group can have administrators, moderators, caretakers, and any other positions that are listed to the right of the wall. This property of the group allows participants to contact leaders directly and conduct personal dialogues.

With high-quality management of the group, for example, spending time on creating beautiful photo albums, discussions, consolidating the rules in the main information of the community, providing links to partner and similar pages, interacting with participants, constantly adding fresh news, the community will find its audience and can gain such turnover, which is in no way inferior to modern public pages.

I hope you understand the difference between a group and a public VKontakte page and will always be able to use the opportunities offered by the social network for earning money and communicating. Don't forget to subscribe to the blog newsletter and look forward to seeing you in new articles. All the best -))).

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Sincerely, Galiulin Ruslan.

    if you want your community to become popular, I recommend creating a group. If you create a public page, then any network user (even those who are not registered on VKontakte) will be able to see everything that you have in the community and not join the community for obvious reasons. People subscribe to groups more often. You can create a public page if you are a public figure, a representative of a company, etc.

    If you just need a database, then it’s better to create a group, not a public page, then more and more people will be added to you. They are added to public pages less often, which is its disadvantage.

    But the public has its advantages - additional links to user countries, the ability to offer news.

    I think that a thematic group on the VKontakte social network is most effective for promoting goods and services. A group is easier to find by searching than a thematic page. Moreover, a thematic page can be blocked for advertising, but the group is spared such a fate if you do not violate the rules of the site.

    To have a collection of your posts and make it easier to work with them, then use a group, and if you just post funny posts, etc., then you will need a public page.

    Today, companies, musicians, other creative individuals, aspiring entrepreneurs, and just people are turning their attention to the Internet consumer audience. This is natural, since many commercial and not-so-commercial problems on the Internet are solved through popular social networks. And today, marketing is rightfully an integral part of Internet advertising. promotion on social networks! namely:

    • promotion on VKontakte network
    • promotion of VKontakte publics
    • promotion of public VKontakte pages
    • promotion of VKontakte groups
    • promotion of VKontakte meetings
    • promotion of VKontakte events
    • business promotion VKontakte
    • VKontakte brand promotion
    • artist promotion VKontakte
    • promotion of VKontakte personalities

    Before creating their community, people are often interested in the question: what is it? difference between public pages (publics) and groups?

    Difference between groups, public pages, VKontakte

    Public VKontakte pages (publics) distinctive features:

    VKontakte groups distinctive features:

    Initially, a group and a public VKontakte page have completely different goals. For example, the purpose of creating a public VKontakte page is to disseminate information about the brand and news from the company’s activities, while the VKontakte group is better suited for conducting discussions and exchanging opinions.

    A public VKontakte page can be created for a small company, for example, a cafe, cinema, museum, shopping center or store, or for an organization, a famous person or, for example, a specific product. The VKontakte group, in turn, is created to unite people into clubs based on their interests.

    The set of functions available for administration in groups and in public pages is quite similar. So, in the functionality of both the group and the public page on VKontakte, you can optionally include events, discussions, photo albums, videos, and audio recordings. Also in groups and public pages a block of links can be included: this block usually includes community-related resources, such as the main company website or thematic groups and VKontakte pages.

    On a public page, it is possible to display the contact information of an official representative of the company, and only its managers are indicated in the group. In turn, each participant can invite their friends to the group. This option is not provided for public pages: a subscriber can only tell friends about the page by publishing a link to the page in his feed.

    Video comparison Group or Public Page?

At first glance, VK groups and public pages are no different. The functions are basically the same - delivering any information or content to its subscribers or participants. But this consideration is rather superficial. It was not for nothing that the developers of the social network created two different types of communities.

Public page

A public page was created, first of all, to represent a site, community, character, company, musical group, etc. on a social network. from the outside, that is, anyone who wants to attract an additional audience or introduce consumers to their news through the VK network. Hence the possibilities of the public: unlimited PR of any website, that is, the use of its links in posts. But, nevertheless, the main goal of the public is not to obtain commercial benefits, but only to convey information to the reader, at least officially.


The group is the most ancient type of community and, as a result, the most studied. Groups have appeared since the beginning of the existence of VK itself. A group is a gathering, an open or closed get-together that brings together people based on common interests. There they can communicate, exchange ideas, suggestions, and in some cases even publish their posts (as a rule, in small or regional groups this opportunity is almost always available).

Functionality and design

This is where the bulk of the differences between the group and the public are revealed. If we start with the simplest thing, then even after going to the group’s page, the user sees the “Join” button, and when going to the public page, the “Subscribe” button. The group can be made open or closed; if the group is closed, then access to it is determined by the moderator: he either approves or rejects incoming user requests. The public will always be available for everyone to view. In addition, in a group, the administrator has the ability to make certain posts available only to certain users, often to those who are members of the group.

Promoting a group at first glance seems easier - in this type of community there is a button “ Invite friends", whereas in the public there is no such button. In fact, this is a rather outdated method of promotion, which is unlikely to allow you to recruit a large number of participants, and targeted advertising and advertising and advertising in other communities are possible both for the public and for the group. In addition, you can create as many as four different types of public pages, which differ in purpose: place, company, famous person, work.

There are minor differences in design, but still, in general, an inexperienced user will have difficulty distinguishing between a group and a public page at first glance if he does not pay attention to the “Join” and “Subscribe” buttons mentioned above, and to the type of community itself, which is so is registered. The information block of the public may include the date of creation and website in addition to the description. However, all these fields will differ for different types of public pages.

There is no such element as creation date in the group, but you can select a location. The title, status and avatar in both types of communities are no different. The possibility of creating a pinned post that will rise above the news feed is also the same. However, the group has a fresh news section, which is located in the information block. Some of this section make a group menu.

Discussions, photographs, audio recordings, videos, links and contacts differ in communities solely by their location, but in a public setting these functions can be disabled if desired, but not in a group. Only the events, places and documents differ from the rest. The “Documents” section is present only in the group; it is not available to public users. But Events and Places are the opposite. They can only be used on public pages. But with various tricks, all sections can be added under different guise to both types of communities.

You can find out more information in the following video:

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