Virtual Linux. Installing Linux Ubuntu on a VirtualBox virtual machine

Today I will show you how to install a virtual machine or, in other words, a virtual computer. What is this, you ask? Virtual machine is a special program that is installed on your main computer and replicates it exactly. That is, we get on our computer in special program, another computer :) Usually create a virtual machine, or even several pieces, in order to install different operating systems on it: Windows, Linux, Mac OS and others.

Let me show you how to install a virtual machine, what program to use for this and how to actually install Linux or any other system to this virtual computer.

1. Download the virtual machine

The first thing you need to do is download the virtual machine, or rather the program itself to install it. There are actually dozens good cars but perfect for beginners free program VirtualBox. To download virtual VirtualBox machine go to the official website and download latest version for your system.

2. Install the virtual machine
VirtualBox program

Once the VirtualBox download is complete, proceed with the installation.

The virtual machine is installed in English, but after the first launch the language will change to Russian, so no need to worry. After launching the downloaded file, click the Next button in the first two windows without changing anything, then uncheck the extra checkbox, which is responsible for installing an additional bar, and click Next, then YES and Install. After copying the files to the installation folder, you just have to click Install and Finish. I also showed all the actions in pictures.


3. Create a virtual machine

Immediately after installation, the program starts and we now need create your first virtual machine. This is done very simply, literally filling a few windows.

In the left top corner program, click the Create button.

In the window that opens, enter the name of your machine, for example, I will enter OS Linux, because I will install on this virtual computer this system. And select the system type, there are both Linux, Windows and other systems.

Now indicate what volume random access memory can be used by this virtual machine. The default is 128 megabytes, but I usually I choose 1 gigabyte, that is, 1024 megabytes. For Linux there will be so much RAM in reserve :)

In the next window, select the item Create a new virtual HDD .

Leave the type as default VDI.

Then select the disk format. It's better to choose Dynamic virtual hard disk, since such a disk will not immediately take up a lot of space, but will fill up as various programs are installed on the virtual machine.

Ready! How create a virtual machine figured it out! Now we need to show you the process of installing the system on a “new computer”.

4. Install Linux on a virtual machine

First of all, download the Linux system image, which will install on a virtual machine. After that, select the newly created virtual machine and click the Configure button.

Go to the Media tab and click on the disk with a green cross, which means Adding a drive. That is, in this way we indicate to this virtual computer, where the Linux system image is located.

Specify the location on your computer by clicking Select image and Open.

Great! Now the virtual machine knows where Linux will be installed from. Click OK to save.

All you have to do is click Launch to get started. installing Linux on a virtual machine.

If you have never had to install Linux, then please follow the steps marked in my pictures below.

Mark! IN in this case I install on a virtual machine Linux Mint! This is not the topic of this lesson, so I will not describe each step in detail, but will only show all the actions in the pictures below!

Information for reference:

1 . Reasons for creating virtual machines

main reason, which forces users create virtual machines- this is a lot of desire various systems. Including MacOS, Linux, such as XP or 98 and so on.

Also, a virtual machine allows you to feel more relaxed when visiting various sites, because you don’t have to be afraid of picking up some kind of virus or other nasty stuff!

For example, I use a virtual machine to learn new operating systems, as well as for demonstration purposes, since sometimes I have to show the installation and operation of some programs that cannot be touched on the main computer.

2 . About programs for creating virtual machines

For beginners, VirtualBox is the most convenient and understandable. But there are many other programs, better in some ways and worse in others. For example, VMware Workstation, Paragon Go Virtual, Windows Virtual PC. You can read descriptions, reviews, pros, cons, and so on.

3 . Create virtual machine 2

If you want to create another virtual machine, or even several, in order to install other systems on them, then this is done in the same way as I described in paragraph. In the same way, we click the Create button and indicate the necessary parameters: name, system type, disk and RAM size, and so on!

I wish you good luck in installing the virtual machine and operating system at her.

Sometimes you need to use Linux as a second OS, but you cannot completely remove the old operating system; constantly rebooting your computer to change the OS is time-consuming and inconvenient. What to do then? The solution has long been invented, and it is a virtual machine.

An application from Oracle VirtualBox is a virtual machine for running different operating systems in separate window. It can be Windows, any Linux distribution, Android, OS X or Chrome OS. Today we will install Linux. Easy and relaxed.

We have repeatedly published articles on the topic of the VirtualBox virtual machine. Here are the latest:

What will you need?

To work you need, firstly, VirtualBox itself, and secondly, ISO image Linux. Both the first and the second are absolutely free. So you can safely download from official sites. Download VirtualBox from this link. You can choose any Linux distribution, each has its own website where you can quickly find an ISO image.

You can easily install a virtual machine yourself, there is nothing complicated there. But let’s look at how to install Linux on VirtualBox in detail.

Installing a virtual OS consists of three main stages: creation, configuration and launch.

Creating a virtual machine

In this step we will create virtual device for Linux. The characteristics of our machine should be sufficient for the OS, but not too generous - we need to leave something for Windows.

Open VirtualBox. At the top left, click Create.

A window will appear where you need to enter the name of the device (any), select the OS below, and even lower the OS version. It is more convenient to give a name that corresponds to the type of OS. For example, “Linux Fedora”. In this case, VirtualBox will select the next two points itself.

Although you can set them manually. We will install the Linux OS distribution Fedora. Therefore, in the second paragraph we select “Linux”, in the third - “Fedora”.

VirtaulBox has prepared settings for all operating systems known to it. Linux Fedora is one of them. Therefore, in the following windows (“Select the amount of memory”, “Specify the hard drive”, “Specify the type”, Specify the storage format, “Specify the file name and size”), simply click “Next”.

Setting up a virtual machine

During the setup phase we insert the disk into virtual disk drive with Linux Fedora so that our machine knows where to install the OS. Only in our case everything is virtual, even the disk. The ISO image that we downloaded is a virtual DVD.

Go to "Settings". There on the right select “Media”, then click on the empty IDE controller, then - near the drive on a window in the form of a disk. There we need the “Select optical disk image” item.

In the search window we look for the ISO file. We find and choose.

We see that now the IDE controller (DVD) is not empty, it contains a “disk” with Linux Fedora.


During the startup phase, we will finally move on to installing Linux on VirtualBox. A window will appear Fedora installations, where there are 3 options: Fedora Live – enter the OS without installation (but then you always need a disk); Troubleshooting - problem solving; and installation. To start it you need to press Tab. That's what we do.

For some reason, Fedora asks again whether to run from disk or install. Install, so select “Install to Hard Drive”.

Next is the tongue and basic settings– keyboard, date, installation location. What's convenient about Fedora is that the installation location is set automatically. There is no need to configure partitions manually like in Ubuntu. For someone trying Fedora for the first time, it’s just right. In short, click “Start installation”.

The installation has started. You can see the progress below. At the top are the items that need to be completed in the meantime.

In Linux, it is mandatory to set the Root password. Create it to complete the installation.

That's it, Linux is on your hard drive. Now you can pull out the “DVD” (ISO file). To do this, “Settings”, “Media”, “Drive”, “Remove disk from drive”.

Run Linux Fedora without a disk. Just click "Launch". If you have not created a user before, you will have to create one.

Two useful points:

  1. When you log out, it is advisable to shut down Linux culturally - through Shut Down. Sometimes, if it gets too hot, you can simply turn off the virtual machine - this is not fatal.
  2. There are two modes of mouse operation: non-integrated and integrated. You can set them in the “Machine” menu. To return the mouse from integrated mode, use “Ctrl”.

A virtual machine is very in a convenient way test new versions of operating systems without disrupting the operation of the main system. I've been using it for a long time myself. Since my main operating system is OS X, I chose Parallels Desktop for myself.

But this does not change the essence of the virtual machine - it is a simple, convenient and understandable (often on an intuitive level) means of seeing something new. Be sure to try it, as you can see, there is nothing difficult about it.

Many users want to try using Linux. However, the need to abandon the usual operating system leads to the fact that most quickly abandon this idea. But in order to try Linux, you don’t have to uninstall Windows; you can install Linux on a virtual machine and test your new system in a safe environment.

In this article we will talk about how to install Linux on a virtual machine. For example, we will use the Virtual Box virtual machine and Ubuntu, a popular Linux distribution.

To get started you need ISO file With Linux distribution. To do this, go to the website and download the latest version of Ubuntu, at the time of writing this is Ubuntu 12.10.

We also need the Oracle Virtual Box program. It can also be downloaded absolutely free from the official website.

Let's launch Virtual program Box and click on the “Create” button.

After this, a window will open with which we will create a new virtual machine. We indicate the name of the machine, the type of operating system and click “Next” to go to the next window.

In the next window, indicate the amount of RAM that will be available for your virtual machine. The selected amount should not exceed the amount of actual RAM in your computer. As a rule, 1024 megabytes is enough.

The next window prompts you to create new hard disk for the virtual machine. Leave everything as default and move on.

In the next window you need to select Dynamic or Fixed disk. Here we also leave the standard value and click “Next”.

That's it, the process of creating a virtual machine is complete, you can start installing Linux.

In the Virtual Box window, select the created virtual machine and click on the “Start” button. After this, the “First Launch Wizard” will open, here you need to indicate where the ISO file with the Linux distribution is located. To do this, click on the button with the image of the folder and select the ISO file.

When the distribution is selected, the virtual machine will reboot and the Linux installation will begin. Wait a few seconds until the screen prompts you to install Ubuntu.

In the window that appears, select the Russian language and click on the “Install Ubuntu” button.

Since our task is simply to install Linux, we will take the path of least resistance and will not complicate our lives fine tuning during installation. In the window that appears, click on the “Continue” button.

That's it, the installation has begun. While the installer copies the files, we can configure the time zone, keyboard layout and other settings.

In the account creation window, enter your name and password. You can also select “Log in automatically” here, in which case you will not have to enter a password when loading the operating system.

After this, you need to wait a little longer until the installation is completed.

After installation is complete, the virtual machine will reboot and the operating system will be ready to use.

Sometimes there is a need to simultaneously or alternately use several operating systems on one personal computer. If you don’t want to use dual boot, then you can use the only remaining option - install a virtual machine for the Linux operating system.

With a sufficient amount of RAM and virtual memory and the required processor power, it is possible to simultaneously launch several systems at once and work with them in full mode. However, you need to choose the right software to do this.

If you decide to use a virtual machine in an operating system, you first need to find out which one is right for you. Now we will consider the five most popular representatives of this species software.


This application is a universal product that can be used for the virtualization process in Linux. Thanks to it, it can support a number of other operating systems, which include Windows or even MacOS.

This software is practically no different from VirtualBox, but in some ways it is superior to the last mentioned program. Experts emphasize that their performance is approximately the same, but VMWare allows:

  • create virtual or local networks between machines installed on a computer;
  • organize a common clipboard;
  • transfer files.

However, it was not without its drawbacks. The problem is that it does not support recording video files.

If desired, this program can be installed in full automatic mode, select the required parameters, which is often very convenient.


This program is designed for ARM-based devices Android type, Raspbian, RISC OS. It is very difficult to set up, especially for inexperienced user. The fact is that work with a virtual machine is performed exclusively in "Terminal" via input special teams. However, with its help you can run absolutely any operating systems, installing them on your hard drive or writing them to a special file.

The great thing about Qemu is that it allows you to use hardware acceleration and install programs online. To install such software on an OS based on Linux kernels, V "Terminal" should be done next command:

sudo apt install qemu qemu-kvm libvirt-bin

Note: after pressing Enter, the system will ask you for the password that you specified when installing the distribution. Please note that no characters will be displayed when you enter it.


The name of the program stands for Kernel-based Virtual Machine (a virtual machine developed based on the kernel). Thanks to it you can provide quite high speed work, largely due to the Linux kernel.

It works much faster and more reliably compared to VirtualBox, but it is much more difficult to configure, and it is not so easy to maintain. But today this program is the most popular for installing virtual machines. This demand is largely due to the fact that it can be used to place own server in the Internet.

Before installing the program, you should determine whether your computer's hardware can support hardware acceleration. To do this you need to use the utility cpu-checker. If everything in this regard is in order, then you can proceed to KVM installation to your computer. To do this in "Terminal" enter the following command:

sudo apt-get install emu-kvn libvirt-bin virtinst bridge-utils virt-manager

Once the program is installed, the user will have absolute access to creating virtual machines. If desired, you can place other emulators that will be controlled by this application.


This program is almost completely identical to KVM, but it has some differences. The main thing is that the XEN virtual machine needs to rebuild the kernel, otherwise it will not function properly.

Another distinctive quality of the program is the ability to work even without using hardware acceleration when starting the Linux/Ubuntu operating system.

To install XEN on your computer, you need to run a series of commands one by one "Terminal":

apt-get install\

It is worth noting that after installation it is necessary to carry out configuration, which for the average user will seem overly complicated.


Virtualization in the operating room Linux system V Lately is developing very rapidly. New programs aimed at this appear regularly. We regularly monitor them and recommend them to users to solve their problems.

Today I will tell you how to install a virtual machine in the ubuntu operating system. What is this and why? A virtual machine is a software environment that is installed on your operating system and allows you to virtually create space for working with different operating systems from under yours. In this case, we have the ubuntu operating system installed. By installing a virtual machine on it, we can install several operating systems on it inside our operating system. virtual space. Why is this? There are plenty of options. For example, it didn’t install right away under ubuntu. Photoshop. I'm too lazy to remove the tambourine from the wall, so I solved the problem by installing Windows XP to the virtual machine, and installing Photoshop on Windows XP. You can also try to work with various operating systems of the Linux family for informational purposes. With a virtual machine, there is no need to install an operating system on your hard drive next to your main operating system. Installing a new operating system in virtual environment and experimenting with this, a virtual machine will help us.

After downloading the environment, follow the four steps of the installation wizard. This is the only thing you need to view your desktop in full screen mode, as well as better support all equipment in general. As you can see, there is no need to install any external packages or anything at all.

First of all, obviously we will need to collect necessary tools for the textbook. It's important to leave all the options at default unless we're completely sure what we're doing. We will specify the machine name and determine which operating system we will install, as shown in the following image. In the next step we will be asked about the hard drive. If we need to install an operating system, that is, no one has gone through our virtual hard disk and we need our computer with hard drive, we will now select the “Create a virtual hard disk” option.

Let's look at an example of using a virtual machine virtualbox

Installing a virtual machine virtualbox-- open Ubuntu Application Center

In the search bar enter

Virtualbox and install the virtual machine virtualbox

At this point, we are given the format that we want to provide the virtual hard disk with. If you want to use this hard drive in other virtualization software, we will choose the option that suits us best. To finish creating the machine, we will give the virtual hard disk a name and initial size, we can usually leave both values ​​as default, but if it is necessary to vary the disk size, it is advisable to always set the larger one to the smaller one.

You can find all these architectures in the following links. Once you have the file. Once it's launched, you can launch the bootloader, which will display the installation options shown on the previous page. Important Note. Now we will create a new virtual machine for which we will right-click on the server, from the pop-up menu we will select “New Virtual Machine”.

The launch shortcut will appear in Applications - standard - VirtualBox OSE

Before the first launch, we need to add a user to the group to work with the virtual machine virtualbox. For this we go System -- Administration -- Users and Groups We find ourselves in

User Settings

The New Virtual Machine Wizard will show you your options. Typical: Create a virtual machine with general device and configuration settings. Custom: Create a virtual machine with additional parameters configurations. Select "Custom" and click "Next".

Now we will select the virtual hard disk type, options. We will indicate the size of the virtual hard drive and collateral type, parameters. The space required for the virtual disk will be allocated during creation. Thin Provisioning: A small virtual hard disk will be created, it will use the minimum space initially required and it will grow to maximum value specified if necessary. Store with virtual machine: This is the normal option, the hard disk will be created in the same folder and data store as the rest of the virtual machine files. Specify Datastore or Datastore Cluster: If we want the VHD files to be stored in the datastore storage down to the virtual machine level, we will be able to select this option. This hard drive will be reset to zero the first time the virtual machine is written to. . Select "Save using a virtual machine" and click "Next".


Managing groups, go to Group Settings

Finding a group vboxusers, go to its properties. We put a tick next to our user name

That's it, now you can start a virtual machine and install various operating systems on it

The default option "Independent" is not set, and we should not check it unless we are clear about its effects. We check the "Edit virtual machine settings before completion" option to change the settings of the virtual machine after it is created. Click Continue to create the virtual machine.

After creating the virtual machine, the wizard will display the virtual machine settings window. We will indicate the installation type and capabilities. This option is recommended for novice users or if we have data on a hard drive or another operating system. Something else: the wizard will allow us to select the splitting options manually, this option is recommended for advanced users. We will be sure that we do not have data on the hard drive because this process will eliminate them, we will click "Install Now".

And enjoy life

If you've dropped your laptop or otherwise broken or cracked your screen, it's not really a big deal. The laptop screen, which is correctly called a matrix, is not at all difficult to change yourself. It is enough to order and buy a matrix for your laptop model, and replace the broken one with a new one. In this case, you do not need to take your laptop for repair and pay money for the work of a third person.

With the text Installation complete. This gives us an advantage in being able to test different systems without having to format our equipment or create backups of information that took time. We install them with the following commands. We install it using the following command. We have two ways to install the application on our computer. The first is to add the repository to our system and perform the installation. This is how we take this step.

Now we move on to downloading the public key and installing it on the system. We have updated the repositories and installed the application. To install this method we have to go to official page. Now we simply open a terminal and install the downloaded package using the following command.

In one of the previous articles I talked about. Now let's try to make a virtual machine on which we will install Ubuntu.

You must first download the Ubuntu installation image. I recommend the LTS (long-term support) distribution of Ubuntu 14.04, which you can download from the official Ubuntu website.

Launch Virtualbox and click the “Create” button:

Finally, the installation is complete, we can find the application in the menu of our system to launch it and begin testing the various systems that we find on the network. First, we will briefly outline what it is, besides its advantages and disadvantages, followed by the appropriate installation of the application and creation of a virtual machine. A virtual machine is computer program, which imitates behavior full computer. That is, it is a program that allows us to have several simulated computers on one computer.

You can have several separate operating systems running in parallel. You can use it to do things you wouldn't do on your computer.

  • They are easy to create and wash.
  • You can enable or disable them at any time and even pause them.
  • The virtual machine receives its resources from the host computer.
  • Thus, it slows down the underlying operating system.
It is very easy to install as it is included in the official repositories. If you don't want to use Software Center, you can install it via terminal using.

Enter the name of the virtual machine, select the Linux type, Ubuntu 32bit version (of course, Ubuntu 64bit is also possible):

Specify the allocated amount of RAM. By default, Virtualbox offers 768 megabytes for a virtual machine with Ubuntu, you can allocate more if possible:

The first thing we need to do is create our first virtual machine. When opening the program we will see the following window. To do this, click “Create” and we will start interacting with the creation assistant. When we run the wizard, it presents the program and we give "Next".

The first step is to name the machine to distinguish them from others, and from the operating system that we are going to install. This last part serves as the application's minimum operating system requirements for subsequent steps. But we must take into account the requirements of the operating system.

The next step is to create a hard drive. Select “Create a new virtual hard disk”.

You can leave the virtual hard disk type as “VDI”.

Storage Format: Dynamic Virtual Hard Disk (i.e. hard file the disk will increase as it fills. A fixed hard disk file immediately takes up all the space we allocate to it)

As in the previous section, we must consider the advantages that our computer has. It is enough for installation, but depending on what we provide to the virtual machine, we will adjust it. If we have already created a virtual hard disk, we will simply specify the path.

But in this tutorial we will create a disk from scratch. We select "Create a new virtual disk" and clicking "Next" opens another creation wizard virtual disk. Now we need to select the virtual hard disk type. There are several programs for creating virtual machines, each of which uses a different format, viz.

Specify the name and size of the virtual disk (10-20 gigabytes is enough for Ubuntu)

The virtual machine has been created, but we need to configure it a little, in Virtualbox window select the created machine and open its settings.

In the “Display” settings you can increase the size of the allocated video memory and enable 3D acceleration

The next step in creating a virtual disk is choosing how to occupy disk space. Dynamic: The hard drive starts to take up as little space as possible, and as the virtual machine requires more space, it will expand until it reaches the limit we want at the next point. Dual boot allows you to determine at boot time which operating system you want to use. Benefits of a virtual installation.

The virtual machine will set up its own video configuration, so you don't have to worry about installing proprietary ones graphics drivers to get a reasonable screen resolution.

  • The size of the installation should not be predetermined.
  • This could be a dynamically modified virtual hard disk.
You can call the car as you wish.

Connect the downloaded Ubuntu image

The sound can be turned off at your discretion:

In the simplest case, we only need one network adapter, the connection type is “NAT” (then the virtual machine will not be “visible” to other devices on the network) or “Network Bridge” (the virtual machine works as a full member of the network which can be accessed from any device online). If you selected “Network Bridge”, then you must also specify “NAME” network adapter real computer through which the network connection will go:

In theory, a dynamically expanding virtual hard disk is best because it will only take over what you actually use. Read them and then you will also want to mark them so you don't see them again. We start with a base that has a computer with the OS installed, regardless of the version. With the default settings there is more than enough left. Keep in mind that if you exceed the virtual machine's resources, your computer will suffer. In addition, you always have time to change these settings when the virtual machine is turned off.

You can also connect a shared folder for simple exchange files between the host computer and the virtual machine. We indicate the path in the shared folder and I recommend turning on the “Auto-connect” item

After that, launch the virtual machine and install ubuntu. How.

Unlike a real installation, we have nothing to worry about. You will find it on virtual optical disk. To do this, simply go to the main window and click “Create a new virtual machine.” The virtual machine creation wizard will ask you to virtualize the operating system installer. We will only be prompted for a name and username to create a primary user account. We'll change the settings later if we see that the virtual machine isn't running as fast as we'd like.

“Create a virtual machine” or “Create a virtual machine” appears in the options panel. We can leave the default settings. If something doesn't work, we will only need to change it in the virtual machine configuration until a suitable option is found. However, this ad contains a lot small print. For the average user this option is of little use.

Installing guest OS add-ons

The next step is to install add-ons for the guest OS; they are necessary so that the guest OS can support usb devices, shared folders, dynamically changing screen resolution, RDP servers, etc.

With something that runs internally, you can use it whenever you need it without having to reboot. On the program launch screen, click the “Create” button. On the first screen of the Create Virtual Machine Wizard, enter a name for the new machine.

On the next screen, select the amount of memory that will be used by the virtual machine, and then click Next. In the Hard Disk section, select the Create a new virtual hard disk now checkbox. In the section "Physical storage on hard drives» check the “Dynamically assigned” checkbox, so the file on the disk will take up little space and grow if necessary.

To install add-ons for the guest OS in the window of a running virtual machine, open the menu item “Devices” - “Mount the Guest OS Add-ons disk image”:

After mounting the “Guest OS Additions” image, the disk will autorun and you will see a proposal to install add-ons, install them:

Next, enter the superuser password and the installation of add-ons for the guest OS will begin. After the installation is complete, press Enter and the console window in which the add-ons for the guest OS were installed will close:

To apply the additions for the guest OS, reboot the virtual machine.

Configuring access to a shared folder between the main and guest OS

The shared folder between the host computer and the guest OS is located in /media/sf_shared_folder_name. But there is no immediate access to it. To access the shared folder in the guest OS, you need to run the following command in the terminal:

Sudo adduser current_username vboxsf

This command adds current user to the vboxsf group, whose members have access to shared folders for the guest OS. After executing the command, you must reboot the virtual machine to apply the rights.

This completes the article on setting up a virtual machine with Ubuntu. See you again on the pages of our blog!