View VKontakte pages by id. VkOnLook program for viewing hidden VKontakte data

What the program can do:
1. View albums on private pages
2. Viewing videos on a closed VKontakte page
3. View photos in which the user is tagged
4. View the user’s VKontakte friends
5. View statuses on a closed page.
6. The program does not require entering your login and password to view VKontakte data.
7. And also others.

How to use the VkOnLook 2010 program:
1. Download: , archive password: http://site
2. Before viewing data, you must be logged in to VKontakte. We launch the program, we see the following window:

3. In the “Enter id” field, enter the id of the page\user whose data we want to view.
(To find out what id the user has, go to his page and see in the address bar of your browser
for example:, copy only numbers, in our case it is “123456”):

4. Click the “Start viewing” button. By pressing the button, the program increases, and you see a list of further possibilities:

5. Select what information you want to view and click the “View” button
To exit the VkOnLook program, click “Menu - Exit”, or simply click the cross in the upper right corner.
By clicking the button in the “About” menu you will be taken to the website
By clicking the button in the “Help” menu you will be taken to this page of the program

The VkOnLook 2010 program is distributed free of charge.

The VkOnLook program does not contain malicious codes (Trojans, viruses, etc.), the program is checked for viruses 40 antivirus programs. VkOnLook is not a program for hacking accounts, pages, or stealing personal information social network in contact with. The VkOnLook program does not use VKontakte “holes”, is not used for phishing, stealing passwords, etc., it is only a program for viewing albums, videos, statuses, and a list of VKontakte friends for those users who have access to view all of the above.

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Today we will talk about how to look closed photos graphs and albums in contact. Albums will only be displayed if the user has closed the public viewing your page, rather than completely hiding the albums from viewing. After closing the album, viewing becomes unavailable.

It's actually not all that scary. There is one tricky way, which will circumvent this misunderstanding. None additional programs no need to download.

To view photos from hidden pages in Contact Ru, you need to do the following:

Note: a person’s identifier is not always displayed; his nickname, first name, last name, or some phrase may be written instead. And here the question arises: how to find out its identifier. And you can find it out very simply:

  1. Let's start the opera.
  2. Click right click On Ava, select “properties”
  3. We see the line “Address” and in it after the letter “u” we see its id

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Social networks are becoming more and more dense in our lives. For example, statistics show that now the most popular of them in the vast post-Soviet space (VKontakte) has an audience of over 100 million active users.
Based on the fact that here we leave not only personal information, but also photo, video content, as well as other data, the developers have implemented a flexible privacy system.

Can be hidden from prying eyes literally everything you want - your audio recordings, photos, videos, or even a whole page.

But what to do if you find yourself “on the other side of the barricades” and you need to either look at a person’s photographs or the latest posts on his wall? As you know, there are no hopeless situations, and our case is no exception. As always, not everything is so simple: there is a loophole, using which you can see in VKontakte hidden page. Today we will tell you about it.

You will need:

How to look knowing ID

You know that an acquaintance suddenly took and closed his page from prying eyes.

In order to view the hidden VKontakte page, we will use the most in a convenient way– service

on his home page There is immediately a photo instruction, which shows that in order to view closed VKontakte pages, you just need to know the page ID.

We copy it, paste it into a special field, and press the “send” button. Within a second, we are given links with which we can view the user’s albums, photos, notes, the last ten posts on the wall, applications, etc.

How to look without knowing the user ID

It would seem that everything is simple and clear - open closed page, just like finding out your ID in Contact, it’s a matter of a few clicks of the mouse.

Difficult to find computer user, who would not have heard or was not registered on the social network VKontakte. Internet communication has become so captivating modern people that without them we can no longer imagine our leisure time, and what’s more, our life in general. Having your own page on VK, you involuntarily notice the many nuances that this resource conceals, but not all of them are easy to deal with. For many users, all these subtleties and wisdom cause difficulties, so without outside help can't get by here.

For example, many questions are received about how hidden photos graphies In contact with. But it happens that you desperately need to see his pictures. I won’t talk about the ethical side of this intention, but I will offer you a method that may help.

How to hide photos

Before going directly to the topic of this article, I would like to remind you how you can hide your photos. I think that such information will be interesting to many, and those who already have it can refresh their knowledge. So it goes like this:

  1. Log in to VKontakte after entering your personal login information.
  2. On the left side of the window, find the line “My Settings” and click on it.
  3. Next, open the “Privacy” tab.
  4. There will be a list of settings that you can change to your liking. Here you can also,. Among them, look for “Who sees the photos in which I was tagged.” There is a drop-down list next to it that allows you to select the circle of people who will see your photos. So, you can select “Only friends” or even hide pictures from everyone by clicking “Only me”.

Once these settings are made, the changes take effect immediately.

How to view hidden photos

Now, actually, to the main question: how can you look at photos of people who have restricted access? There is no direct answer to this question, because the VK administration assumes that other people's privacy should be respected. However, if the situation is such that there are no options, I suggest you use this option.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that this method is not approved by the VK administration, so it may stop working at any time. There is no universal recipe, so you shouldn’t place too much hope. In any case, I wish you good luck!

Many users restrict access to viewing their photos using . Or this option is possible when the albums are not published on the page - you just don’t know how to access them (see).

But I really want to see what the user has hidden. Let's figure it out how to see hidden photos on VKontakte.

Use the page id to view hidden photos

Go to the page to the right user, and copy its id from the address bar (see).

In the event that there is no digital value for id, and instead the nickname selected by the user is indicated, then you need to do the following.

You need to go to view any part of the user's profile. The easiest way is to open your avatar.

Now go back to address bar. Find the next part of the code "z=photo233054".

The numbers after the word “photo” are the id. IN in this case, this is the value - 233054. Now let's move on to the next step.

How to view private photos and albums on VKontakte

If you look at the page of the user whose id we just received, you will see that only one photo is available for viewing. And there is no “Photo Albums” block. This means that all photos and albums are hidden (see).

So let's look at them already. To do this, go to the address bar again and type the following text:


As you can see, there are more than 500 photos here.

There is an alternative code. Here he is:


Enter it into the address bar, and instead of asterisks, write id again. Next "Enter". The result will be the same.

Now you can view all the photos that the user has uploaded to his page (see). Including hidden ones.