Types of dns records. What are the types of NS records for a domain?

Any Internet user who has domains on the servers of hosting providers can create and edit their DNS records. DNS records have a Name, Record Type and Address. These names may change in different panels. For example, it could be like this:

Name/Host/Alias; Record type; Meaning/Answer/Destination/Address.

In all options, the “Record Type” remains the same.

Entry name

The record name, also known as host/alias, is the domain name to which the record being created belongs or is associated.

When creating an entry, the domain name is indicated in full in the “Name” field. The subdomain or alias name does not need to be specified in full. It is enough to indicate the third level name: mail, www, ftp. If you enter full name, be sure to put a period at the end. That is, the name mail and mail.example.ru. is the same name in the Name/Host/Alias ​​field.

DNS record types

Let's look at the main DNS types records that you will encounter when servicing your domains.

Record Type A

Record type: A (address record) or (Internet 4 address). This type of record associates a specific domain name with a specific, precise IP address.

You can add more than one IP address for one domain (hostname). This is necessary if a firewall is used. To do this, you need to add a second record of type A, similar to the first. By specifying only a different IP.

In theory, you can specify more than one domain for one IP address. But this is not necessary, since the Domain Name System (DNS) has a record specifically designed for creating aliases. This record type is called CNAME.

Record type AAAA

Record type: AAAA (address record for IPv6) or (Internet 6 address). Same. Same as record type A, but the IP address has appearance via IPv6 protocol. For example: IPv6-2a03:4900:0:3::99:155

CNAME record type

CNAME (canonical name record). A CNAME record allows you to have and use more than one domain name (host) on a server.

First, one type A record is created for one IP address. The domain name in the Type A record is called the canonical name. Other domains are called mnemonic. Mnemonic names can be aliases (arbitrary names) or subdomains. Here's an example CNAME record:

popov.example.ru. CNAME example.ru.(don't forget the dots at the end).

A server can have any number of aliases. For each alias, you need to create a CNAME record.

Another example of a CNAME record:

hosting-1 IN A

www IN CNAME hosting-1

ftp IN CNAME hosting-1

We buy a second IP and transfer the ftp subdomain to the second IP:

hosting-1 IN A

hosting-2 IN A

www IN CNAME hosting-a

ftp IN CNAME hosting-b , transfer to a second hosting FTP server.

Another example of a CNAME record:

hosting-1 IN A

peter IN CNAME hosting-1

oleg IN CNAME hosting-1

We associate aliases with the following CNAME records:

example.com. IN CNAME example.ru.

www.example.com. IN CNAME example.ru.

test.example.com. IN CNAME example.ru.

Thus, we link the domains example.com, www.example.com, test.example.com with the canonical domain example.ru. The periods at the end are required.

Another example of redirection using a CNAME record

www.example.ru. IN CNAME example.ru.

Typically, servers by default create CNAME records only for subdomains of the main domain and do not create them for other domains (as in the photo).

MX record type

MX (mail server). This entry creates a subdomain that is served by an internal (its own) mail server.

For example: Name/host/alias - example.ru; Record type -MX (mail server); Meaning/answer/destination/Address – mail. With this entry you create a mail subdomain mail.example.ru. If you are using the internal mail service of the server, then you need to create a record type “A” for the mail.example.ru subdomain. Name: mail - A (record type) - Address: server IP.

As postal service You can use third-party mail servers. To do this, you need to link your domain to a third-party mail server. It will automatically create an MX record for you. If they don’t create it, they will give you the address of the mail server. After that, you need to create CNAME and MX records on your server.

Use the CNAME record to redirect the mail domain mail.example.ru. to the email domain address. And an MX record for the domain example.ru itself. set the address of your third party mailbox. As an example, you can use the Yandex mail server.

  • For Yandex, the MX record type will be like this:

Name/host/alias - example.ru; Record type -MX (mail server); Meaning/answer/purpose/Address – mx.yandex.ru. Priority 10.

  • The CNAME type is:

Name/host/alias – mail; Record type –CNAME; Meaning/response/destination/Address –domain.mail.yandex.ru. Priority 10.

On the Yandex mail server, without domain delegation, you can connect it only to the Yandex mail server by creating a mailbox there.

In addition to Yandex, using MX records you can link a domain to email Google servers, Mail.ru and others:

Record type NS

Record type NS (name server). This is perhaps the most important type records. It defines domains (addresses) DNS servers servicing this domain.

Record type TXT

TXT (text entry). This is an informational entry. It does not carry a functional load.

Record type SOA (Start Of Authority)

SOA record type shows where the basic information about this domain is stored on which server. The SOA record type specifies the fully qualified domain name of the zone. The qualified domain name must end with a period. An SOA record may have an @ symbol instead of a qualified name. In this case, the domain name will be taken from the configuration file.

  • Arbitrary serial number data versions (Serial). When a secondary server requests a data update, it first checks the serial number;
  • The frequency of the request for updating data from the secondary (Secondary) server (Refresh), in seconds;
  • The period for re-requesting the secondary server in case of primary failure (Retry);
  • Data expiration date (Expire), otherwise the expiration of time after which the secondary server will stop servicing requests if it fails to restore communication with the primary server, in seconds;
  • And lastly, data lifetime DNS zones in the cache of the server (TTL) that requested them, in seconds.

Here's an example of a SOA record for Microsoft DNS

How to edit DNS records in the ISPManager panel

In the ISPManager DNS panel, records are edited on the tab: Domain names→ “Click” on the domain.

How to edit DNS records in the DirectAdmin panel

In the DirectAdmin DNS panel, records are edited on the tab: DNS Management.

  • Translation

The attentive reader will find IPv6 in this picture

People are often confused about domains. Why is my site not working? Why is this crap broken, nothing helps, I just want it to work! Usually, the questioner either does not know about DNS, or does not understand the fundamental ideas. For many, DNS is a scary and incomprehensible thing. This article is an attempt to dispel such fear. DNS is Just, if you understand a few basic concepts.

What is DNS

DNS stands for Domain Name System. It is a globally distributed key-value store. Servers around the world can give you the value by key, and if they don't know the key, they will ask another server for help.

That's all. Is it true. You or your browser requests a value for the key www.example.com and receives in response.

Basic things

The big advantage of DNS is that it is a public service, and you can poke into the servers if you want to figure it out. Let's try. I have a domain petekeen.net, which is hosted on the machine web01.bugsplat.info. The commands used below can be run from command line OS X ( oh, that is, macOS, - approx. lane).

Let's take a look at the mapping between name and address:

$ dig web01.bugsplat.info

The dig command is the Swiss Army knife of DNS queries. Cool, multifunctional tool. Here is the first part of the answer:

; <<>> DiG 9.7.6-P1<<>> web01.bugsplat.info ;; global options: +cmd ;; Got answer: ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 51539 ;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0

There is only one interesting detail here: information about the request itself. It says that we requested a record and received exactly one response. Here:

;; QUESTION SECTION: ;web01.bugsplat.info. IN A

dig requests A records by default. A this address(address), and this is one of the fundamental types of records in DNS. A contains one IPv4 address. There is an equivalent for IPv6 addresses - AAAA. Let's take a look at the answer:

;; ANSWER SECTION: web01.bugsplat.info. 300 IN A

The rest of the answer describes the answer itself:

;; Query time: 20 msec ;; SERVER: ;; WHEN: Fri Jul 19 20:01:16 2013 ;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 56

In particular, it says how long it took the server to respond, what the server's IP address was (, what port dig was on (53, the default DNS port), when the request was completed, and how many bytes were in the response.

As you can see, there is a lot going on with a normal DNS query. Every time you open a web page, the browser makes dozens of these requests, including downloading all the external resources like images and scripts. Each resource is responsible for at least one new DNS query, and if DNS were not designed for strong caching, a lot of traffic would be generated.

But in this example it is not clear that the DNS server contacted a bunch of other servers to answer a simple question: “where does the address web01.bugsplat.info point?” Let's run a trace to find out about the entire possible chain that dig "y would have to go through if the information was not cached:

$ dig +trace web01.bugsplat.info ;<<>> DiG 9.7.6-P1<<>> +trace web01.bugsplat.info ;; global options: +cmd . 137375 IN NS l.root-servers.net. . 137375 IN NS m.root-servers.net. . 137375 IN NS a.root-servers.net. . 137375 IN NS b.root-servers.net. . 137375 IN NS c.root-servers.net. . 137375 IN NS d.root-servers.net. . 137375 IN NS e.root-servers.net. . 137375 IN NS f.root-servers.net. . 137375 IN NS g.root-servers.net. . 137375 IN NS h.root-servers.net. . 137375 IN NS i.root-servers.net. . 137375 IN NS j.root-servers.net. . 137375 IN NS k.root-servers.net. ;; Received 512 bytes from in 189 ms info. 172800 IN NS c0.info.afilias-nst.info. info. 172800 IN NS a2.info.afilias-nst.info. info. 172800 IN NS d0.info.afilias-nst.org. info. 172800 IN NS b2.info.afilias-nst.org. info. 172800 IN NS b0.info.afilias-nst.org. info. 172800 IN NS a0.info.afilias-nst.info. ;; Received 443 bytes from in 1224 ms bugsplat.info. 86400 IN NS ns-1356.awsdns-41.org. bugsplat.info. 86400 IN NS ns-212.awsdns-26.com. bugsplat.info. 86400 IN NS ns-1580.awsdns-05.co.uk. bugsplat.info. 86400 IN NS ns-911.awsdns-49.net. ;; Received 180 bytes from in 239 ms web01.bugsplat.info. 300 IN A bugsplat.info. 172800 IN NS ns-1356.awsdns-41.org. bugsplat.info. 172800 IN NS ns-1580.awsdns-05.co.uk. bugsplat.info. 172800 IN NS ns-212.awsdns-26.com. bugsplat.info. 172800 IN NS ns-911.awsdns-49.net. ;; Received 196 bytes from in 15 ms

Information is displayed in a hierarchical sequence. Remember how dig inserted a period. after the host, web01.bugsplat.info ? So, period. this is an important detail and it signifies the root of the hierarchy.

Root DNS servers are maintained by various companies and countries around the world. Initially there were few of them, but the Internet grew, and now there are 13 of them. But each of the servers has tens or hundreds of physical machines that are hidden behind one IP.

So, at the very top of the trace are the root servers, each identified by an NS record. An NS record associates a domain name (in this case, the root domain) with a DNS server. When you register a domain name with a registrar like Namecheap or Godaddy, they create NS records for you.

In the next block you can see how dig chose a random root server and asked it for an A record for web01.bugsplat.info . Only the IP address of the root server ( is visible. So what exactly was the root server? Let's find out!

$ dig -x ;<<>> DiG 9.8.3-P1<<>> -x ;; global options: +cmd ;; Got answer: ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 2862 ;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0 ;; QUESTION SECTION: ; IN PTR ;; ANSWER SECTION: 3261 IN PTR f.root-servers.net.

The -x flag causes dig to perform a reverse lookup on the IP address. DNS responds with a PTR record that connects the IP and the host, in this case f.root-servers.net.

Returning to our initial request, the root server F returned a different set of NS servers. It is responsible for the info top-level domain. dig asks one of these servers for an A record for web01.bugsplat.info , and receives another set of NS servers in response, and then queries one of these servers record A for web01.bugsplat.info. . And finally he gets an answer!

Ugh! A lot of traffic would be generated, but almost all of these records were cached for a long time by each server in the chain. Your computer also caches this data, just like your browser. Most often, DNS queries never reach root servers because their IP addresses almost never change ( “We are probably talking about a large TTL for records in their database. If a DNS server’s IP address has never changed at all, this does not mean that its database is cached forever.”- approx. from rrrav). Top level domains com, net, org, etc. are also usually heavily cached.

Other types

There are a few more types worth knowing about. The first one is MX. It connects a domain name to one or more mail servers. Email is so important that it has its own type of DNS record. Here are the MX values ​​for petekeen.net:

$ dig petekeen.net mx ;<<>> DiG 9.7.6-P1<<>> petekeen.net mx ;; global options: +cmd ;; Got answer: ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 18765 ;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 2, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0 ;; QUESTION SECTION: ;petekeen.net. IN MX ;; ANSWER SECTION: petekeen.net. 86400 IN MX 60 web01.bugsplat.info. ;; Query time: 272 msec ;; SERVER: ;; WHEN: Fri Jul 19 20:33:43 2013 ;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 93

Note that the MX record points to a name, not an IP address.

Another type you're probably familiar with is CNAME. Deciphers as Canonical Name(canonical name). He links one name to another. Let's look at the answer:

$ dig www.petekeen.net ;<<>> DiG 9.7.6-P1<<>> www.petekeen.net ;; global options: +cmd ;; Got answer: ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 16785 ;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 2, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0 ;; QUESTION SECTION: ;www.petekeen.net. IN A ;; ANSWER SECTION: www.petekeen.net. 86400 IN CNAME web01.bugsplat.info. web01.bugsplat.info. 300 IN A ;; Query time: 63 msec ;; SERVER: ;; WHEN: Fri Jul 19 20:36:58 2013 ;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 86

It is immediately clear that we received two answers. The first one says that www.petekeen.net points to web01.bugsplat.info. The second returns the A record for that server. You can think of CNAME as an alias (or alias) for another server.

What's wrong with CNAME

CNAME records are very useful, but there is an important point: if there is a CNAME with a certain name, then you cannot create another record with the same name. No MX, no A, no NS, nothing.

The reason is that DNS performs the replacement in such a way that all records of the location where CNAME points to are also valid for CNAME. In our example, the entries for www.petekeen.net and web01.bugsplat.info will match.

Therefore, you can't make a CNAME on a root domain like petekeen.net, because it usually needs other records, like MX.

Requests to other servers

Let's imagine that the DNS configuration is corrupted. You think you've fixed the problem, but don't want to wait for the cache to refresh to be sure. Using dig, you can make a request to a public DNS server instead of your default one, like this:

$ dig www.petekeen.net @

The @ symbol with an IP address or host causes dig to make a request to the specified server on the default port. You can use Google's public DNS server or the near-public Level 3 server at

Typical situations

Let's look at typical situations familiar to many web developers.

Domain redirect to www

Often you need to redirect the iskettlemanstillopen.com domain to www.iskettlemanstillopen.com. Registrars like Namecheap or DNSimple call this URL Redirect. Here's an example from the Namecheap admin panel:

The @ symbol indicates the root domain iskettlemanstillopen.com. Let's look at the A record for this domain:

$ dig iskettlemanstillopen.com ;; QUESTION SECTION: ;iskettlemanstillopen.com. IN A ;; ANSWER SECTION: iskettlemanstillopen.com. 500 IN A

This IP belongs to Namecheap, and there is a small web server running there that simply redirects at the HTTP level to the address http://www.iskettlemanstillopen.com:

$ curl -I iskettlemanstillopen.com curl -I iskettlemanstillopen.com HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily Server: nginx Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 23:53:21 GMT Content-Type: text/html Connection: keep-alive Content-Length : 154 Location: http://www.iskettlemanstillopen.com/

CNAME for Heroku or Github

Take a look at the screenshot above. On the second line there is CNAME. In this case, www.iskettlemanstillopen.com points to the application running on Heroku.

$ heroku domains === warm-journey-3906 Domain Names warm-journey-3906.herokuapp.com www.iskettlemanstillopen.com

The story is similar with Github, but there you need to create a special file in the root of the repository and call it CNAME. See documentation .dns Add tags

What is DNS. Timing for updating DNS records. How to quickly get started with a new domain. DNS record types. How to set up automatic subdomains. Correct redirection to an address without www at the beginning.

What is DNS

The Internet is a network that connects millions of computers around the world. Some computers on this network are turned on 24/7 - these are servers with websites and email. Each computer, when connected to the Internet, is assigned a numerical identifier - an IP address. But it is not convenient for people to access servers using a numerical identifier, so letter domains were introduced.

DNS (Domain Name System) is a system that ensures domains correspond to IP addresses. A separate class of servers – ns servers – is responsible for storing DNS records on the Internet. Some of them are supported by domain zone administrators, others by hosters and Internet providers. These servers have their own hierarchy, and records on the servers are not updated immediately: on some - very quickly, on others - within a couple of days. The most popular ns server software is called BIND.

Timing for updating DNS records

A common question among beginners is when a new domain will go live. Let's try to answer and at the same time figure out whether it is possible to somehow speed up this process.

So you want to get your new domain up and running. To do this, you need to add records to the DNS and wait for them to spread across the Internet. The time it takes to update records ranges from several hours to three days. The limitations are caused by the operating principles of DNS, which is a distributed and highly loaded system.

After registering a domain, or changing DNS records, your site will be available to different users at different times, depending on the characteristics of their Internet providers. That is, the site may not yet be available for you, but for others it is available. Or vice versa. This is due to the fact that each Internet provider determines when to update the DNS cache on its servers.

As for subdomains, often when they are created, they become available either immediately or within 5-20 minutes (records on the hoster’s ns servers must be updated).

How to quickly get started with a new domain

If you have registered a domain, or changed DNS records, and you urgently need to start working with the site, you can add one line to the hosts file of your operating system (in Windows, the file is located at C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc, folder by hidden by default, and you need to enable the display of hidden folders in the Control Panel):

xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx site.ru

where xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx is the server’s IP address, site.ru is the domain name of your site.

DNS Record Types

For a domain to start working, you need to set up several DNS records for it.

NS entry necessary to specify the DNS server serving your domain. A domain registrar or hosting provider can offer the services of its DNS server. Another option is to set up your own NS server and use that.

Record A required to indicate the IP address of your site. The IP address is provided by your hosting provider.

AAAA Record used to specify an IP version 6 (IPv6) address. At the moment, these addresses have not yet received widespread support.

MX Record points to the IP address of your mail server. Required to deliver mail to mailboxes on your domain.

CNAME record serves to indicate one domain as the address of another domain, that is, it gives your domain or subdomain the same IP address as the domain to which you specify a link in the entry.

PTR Record is a reverse record that will allow you to receive a fully qualified domain name when requesting the IP address of your site. It is important if you are using a mail server for your domain because the PTR record is checked for validity by many mail servers (to determine if the email is spam). This entry is set by the hosting provider. You can check the correctness of the entry using a special service. Often there are no problems and the recording is initially installed correctly.

How to set up automatic subdomains for each user. Creating a wildcard DNS record

Wildcard record is a DNS record responsible for all *.site.ru subdomains. Specifying such an entry may be necessary, for example, for a CMS (WordpressMU, Drupal) used to manage subdomains.

To create such a record, you need to go to the domain DNS records management section and add a type A record, specify the * symbol as a subdomain, and the server IP address as the address, which often coincides with the IP address specified for the main domain. If you are unable to do this, you need to contact technical support.

At the same time, we’ll look at how to configure Apache to work with wildcard subdomains. Let there be a section in the server configuration file that describes the virtual host:

DocumentRoot "/home/site.ru"
ServerName "site.ru"
ServerAlias ​​"www.site.ru"
ErrorLog logs/site.ru-error.log
CustomLog logs/site.ru-access.log common

You just need to add the alias *.site.ru:

ServerAlias ​​"www.site.ru" "*.site.ru"

Correct redirection from www.site.ru to site.ru. Redirect 301

Some users link to your site by adding www. Other www are not added. This can negatively affect your promotion in search engines. Let's fix the problem using the Apache server as an example:

1. Make sure that the ModRewrite module is enabled on the server: in the httpd.conf file, the line LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so should be uncommented. If you have enabled it, then restart Apache.

2. Add the following lines to the .htaccess file, replacing site.ru with the address of your site:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %(HTTP_HOST) ^www.site.ru$

3. Try to access the site using the address www.site.ru in the address bar of your browser. The address should change to site.ru.

4. You can add the following lines to the .htaccess file:

RewriteCond %(HTTP_HOST) !^site\.ru$
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://site.ru/$1

This will allow you to correctly process requests to your site when there is a dot at the end of the domain: site.ru. instead of site.ru

We hope this article helped you get an idea of ​​working with domains. Please leave questions and comments in the comments.

On the page DNS zones a list of zones that you can edit is presented (the changes you make will be updated on our server within 30-40 minutes, but how quickly this will be noticeable to users directly depends on the settings of the Internet provider server through which you connect to the network ). When you click on the zone name (let it be in our example domain.tld) the DNS editor page opens. Let's look at each of the fields presented on this page separately.

    Field "name" suggests several filling options:

    • @ — the “@” symbol means that the entry will apply to the zone on which you are on the editing page. In our case, this is domain.tld.
    • abc - a set of letters and numbers ("abc" was chosen as an example - you can enter your name) means that the entry will apply to a zone at a lower level than the one you are on the edit page. In our example, the recording action will apply to the zone abc.domain.tld.
    • * — the “*” symbol means that the recording will apply to all zone options below the one you are on the editing page. In our case, this is 123.domain.tld, abc.domain.tld, qwe.rty.domain.tld etc.
  • In the "type" field you are offered several options. Let's look at each of them separately:

    • A— used to indicate the mapping of a hostname to an IP address.
    • MX - used to specify the mail server for a domain.
    • CNAME - used to redirect a hostname to another name.
    • SRV - used to specify the server that provides the services of a particular service. Roughly speaking, this is analogous to an MX record, which specifies where email that is addressed to a specific domain should be delivered. Standardly supported by such protocols as XMPP (Jabber), SIP, LDAP. By using this type of record, you can host the Jabber server on a separate machine, and not on the same machine that the DNS A record points to.
    • TXT - used to indicate additional textual information that the domain owner wants to communicate.
  • "MX preference" field available for filling only in case of creating/editing MX type records. The numeric value specified in this field determines the priority of using the mail server. Since several mail servers can be specified for one domain, the sequence in which attempts will be made to deliver a letter to these servers is determined precisely by the priority of the corresponding MX record. The lower the number in the “MX preference” field, the higher the priority of the server itself.
  • Field "value (IP/host.)" is filled in depending on the selected entry:

    • For A-records IP address is indicated.
    • For MX records the name of the mail server is indicated. If you write the name in full, be sure to put a period at the end!
    • For CNAME records indicates the host name to which we set the redirection. There must be a period at the end of the name!
    • For SRV records a string of the form “priority weight port value” is indicated, where priority, weight and port must consist only of numbers, and the value is the full host name with a dot at the end.
    • For TXT records an arbitrary text string is specified. Restriction - the entry can only consist of letters of the Latin alphabet, numbers, spaces and the following symbols: . , ; : - = " / ~ ?

Representative DNS records

Let's look at a few of the most popular situations:

A-record: it is necessary that the site opens from another server

  • If it needs to be done

    • @ IN A<серверы.masterhost>
    • Name: @
    • type: A
  • If it needs to be done for a subdomain of the domain specified in the “DNS zones” section
    • abc.domain.tld in the domain zone domain.tld.
    • type: A
    • value (IP/host.): server IP address

MX record: Domain mail needs to be served by another server

    if you the server name is unknown, but you know its IP address - You must first create a new entry in the domain zone with the following parameters:

    • name: mail-server
    • type: A
    • value (IP/host.): IP address of the mail server
  • If you want to change the mail server for the domain specified in the “DNS zones” section, Click on it with the mouse and, if there is an entry on the new page:

    • @ IN MX 10<серверы.masterhost>

      turn it off. After the entry is disabled, click on the “add new entry” link and create an entry like:

    • Name: @
    • type: MX
  • If you want to change the mail server for subdomain of the domain specified in the “DNS zones” section, click on the domain name with the mouse and add a new entry with the following parameters:
    • name: abc ("abc" is given as an example. Works if you want to create an entry for a domain abc.domain.tld in the domain zone domain.tld. In your case there will be some other name)
    • type: MX
    • MX preference: numeric value, say 10.
    • value (IP/host.): mail-server

SRV record

To make an SRV record, you must obtain the following data from the service owner:

  • Service
  • Protocol
  • Priority
  • Weight
  • Port
  • Server (target)

* TTL does not change, so it is not necessary to specify it;

The entry name is formed from the service name and protocol: _service._protocol

The entry value has the following format: priority weight port server.(there must be a dot at the end of the name!)

List of subdomain NS servers

If the main domain is delegated to the masterhost servers, then changing the NS servers of the third-level subdomain is done through the editor.

If the main domain is supported on third-party servers, then changing the list of NS servers for its subdomains is done in the control panel of these servers.

PTR Record: You have allocated me an IP address and I want to match that IP address to a specific hostname

To do this you need to go to the section DNS zones, select your IP address and click on the button «>>» . In the editable field, enter the host name with a dot at the end and click “save.”

SPF entry

A fairly common technique used by organizers of SPAM mailings is faking the return address of the letter. In this case, your mailboxes may sometimes receive service error messages (bounce messages), if one or more such SPAM letters with the return address of your mailbox were blocked by the recipients' servers.

There are several technologies that will help protect your email domain from being used by attackers: SPF, DKIM, DMARC

Currently, our mail servers support SPF and DKIM technologies. If sending mail on behalf of your domain addresses is carried out only from our mail servers, we recommend adding the following TXT record with our SPF rule to the DNS zone of this domain, which will not allow your domain to be used on third-party mail servers.

  • Name: @
  • type: TXT
  • value: v=spf1 include:_spf.site -all

This rule will force recipient servers to block all SPAM emails that use your domain name as the sender address. .

Dear users, we kindly ask you to be especially careful when editing DNS zones; incorrect DNS zone configuration can lead to the inoperability of your resources for a fairly long period of time!


To protect against fraudulent activities on behalf of your domain, we recommend adding a DKIM record to the DNS zone. If you use our email, you can add DKIM in your Personal Account.

Using this entry, you can specify the certification authorities that have the right to issue SSL/TLS certificates for this domain. A CAA record helps prevent unauthorized issuance of certificates by mistake or fraud.

This is just an example; exact information on the contents of the “Value” field should be clarified with your certification center.

Changing domain NS servers

To change the list of DNS servers:

  • Go to ;
  • Specify login cXXXXX and password;
  • Open the “General Services” section and click “edit” next to the desired domain;
  • Click on the link “Change delegation settings”;
  • To specify third-party servers, select "Delegate to third-party servers";
  • Enter the DNS server addresses one per line;
  • To cancel preliminary testing of DNS servers, check the “No testing” property;
  • Click the "Save" button.

If login cXXXXX and the access password to your Personal Account are lost, you can use the link to restore your access details.


  1. Changing the list of DNS servers is possible only after completing mobile authorization.
  2. From the moment of domain delegation (changing its list of NS servers) it will take from 6 to 72 hours before it is available on the Internet.

DNS (Domain Name System) is the “phone book” of the Internet. It uses an IP address as a phone number, and domains as contact names. In such a book you can enter not only a “phone number”, but also additional information about the contact (“e-mail”, “place of work”, etc.).

Domain information is stored on DNS servers. To add it to the DNS system, you need to register resource records. With their help, servers share information about domains with other servers. Until resource records are registered for a domain, it is not in the Internet “phone book”. Therefore, the operation of the site or mail on it is impossible. Before you start specifying resource records, you need to delegate the domain, that is, register DNS servers for it. You can do this according to the instructions: . Then move on to resource records. The changes will take effect after the DNS servers are updated (usually within 24 hours).

Basic resource records: A, CNAME, MX, TXT and SPF records. Let's take a closer look at them.

Record A

The A (address) record is one of the key resource records of the Internet. It is needed to connect the domain with the server IP address. Until the A-record is registered, your site will not work.
When you enter the name of a site into the address bar of your browser, it is the A record that DNS determines from which server your site should be opened.

Examples of A record:

Entry nameRecord typeMeaning

You can register an A-record according to the instructions:

CNAME record

CNAME (Canonical name) is a record that is responsible for linking subdomains (for example, www.site.ru) to the canonical domain name (site.ru) or another domain.
The main function of CNAME is duplication of domain resource records (A, MX, TXT) for different subdomains.

Examples of CNAME records:

Entry nameRecord typeMeaning

If you enter a CNAME for a subdomain www.site.ru and specify the value site.ru, the site will open from the same IP address as site.ru. If you enter CNAME for mail.site.ru and indicate the value webmail.hosting.site, then on mail.hosting.site The same resource records will be distributed as for webmail.hosting.site.

The use of a CNAME record precludes the use of other resource records for a given subdomain, i.e., for a subdomain webmail.site.ru or www.site.ru You cannot add both an A record and a CNAME record at the same time.

You can register a CNAME record according to the instructions:

MX Record

MX (Mail Exchanger) is a record responsible for the server through which mail will work. MX records are critical to mail functionality. Thanks to them, the sending party “understands” which server to send mail for your domain.

MX record examples:

Entry nameRecord typeA priorityMeaning
site.ruMX10 mx1.hosting.site
site.ruMX15 mx2.hosting.site

where mx1.hosting..

Typically, two mail servers are specified so that if one of them is unavailable, mail will still be sent to the other. Write priority determines which server mail should be sent to first. The lower the number, the higher the priority. Thus, for the domain name site.ru, the mail server is mx1.hosting..hosting.. If the priority is the same, the server is selected randomly.

You can register an MX record according to the instructions:

TXT entry

TXT (Text string) - a record that is used to set the necessary text comments for the domain. It is often used to check domain ownership when connecting additional services, and also as a container for SPF records and DKIM keys. You can register an unlimited number of TXT records, as long as they do not conflict with each other.

You can register a TXT record according to the instructions:

Record SPF

An SPF (Sender Policy Framework) record contains information about the list of servers that have the right to send letters on behalf of a given domain. Helps avoid unauthorized use. The SPF setting is specified in the TXT record for the domain.

Example of an SPF entry:

Entry nameRecord typeMeaning
site.ruTXTv=spf1 include:_spf.hosting..123.123.123 a mx ~all

where is the IP address of the server you need.

In this example:

  • v=spf1— determines the version of the SPF record used;
  • include:_spf.hosting.site— includes in the SPF record the value of the SPF record of another domain. That is, all SPF record values ​​for the domain “_spf.hosting.site” will be valid for the domain;
  • ip4: - allows receiving mail from IP address;
  • a— allows receiving mail from a server whose IP address is in the domain’s A-resource record. Simply put, from the server where the site is hosted;
  • mx— allows receiving mail if the sending server is specified in one of the MX records for the domain;
  • ~all— if the letter came from a server that is not included in the above list, it is worth analyzing it more carefully. Also sometimes used -all- in this case, the letter does not pass additional checks and is immediately rejected.

You can register an SPF record according to the instructions:

NS, PTR, SOA records are service records and, as a rule, are configured automatically.

NS entry

NS record (Authoritative name server) points to DNS servers that are responsible for storing the remaining resource records of the domain. The number of NS records must strictly correspond to the number of all servers serving it. Critical to the operation of the DNS service.

PTR Record

PTR is a reverse DNS record that associates a server's IP address with its canonical name (domain). The PTR record is used to filter mail. If you have ordered a VPS or Dedicated server, you can register a PTR record according to the instructions:

SOA Record

SOA (Start of Authority) is the initial zone record that indicates on which server the domain name reference information is stored. Critical to the operation of the DNS service. You can find out more about what an SOA record is and how to check it.

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