Types of networks: local, territorial, global, corporate. Internet and other computer networks

Internet resources

Self-test questions

1. Describe the concepts: information, source of information, consumer of information, message, data format, object information network, user, subscriber.

2. Describe open information systems.

3. Give a classification of information networks according to various criteria.

Target: study the models and basic structures of information networks, as well as their informational resources.


ü study the purpose and main characteristics of information networks;

ü study the basic topologies of information networks;

ü consider and study information resources of networks.

After studying the topic you should know:

ü purpose and main characteristics of information networks.

ü basic topologies of information networks;

ü information resources of networks.

Local area network (LAN)- a distributed data processing system covering a small area (up to 10 km in diameter) inside institutions, research institutes, universities, banks, offices, etc. The channels of such a network have high quality connections and belong to the same organization.

Two network architectures are used:

Client-server architecture (allows efficient use of network resources). In such a network, one or several control and service nodes are allocated, the remaining nodes are terminal.

By functionality they stand out: file server, print server, communication server, application server, database server.

One-rank architecture involves the interaction of peer subscriber systems, where each node can perform the functions of both a client and a server. The problem with peer-to-peer networks is their security, since there are no network-scale security measures. In this case, individual resources of individual computers can be protected by a password system, and only those users who know the password can gain access to the resources. This type of network can work in small networks, but also requires users to know and remember different passwords for each shared resource on the network. As the number of users and resources increases, the single-rank network becomes ineffective. This is not because the network cannot function properly, but because users are unable to cope with the complexity of the network.

Depending on the physical means of connection used, wired and wireless local networks are distinguished.

Territorial network is a network whose systems are located in different geographical locations. It covers a large area (from a region to a group of countries). Characteristic feature is the use of long broadband channels, a large number of switching nodes or communication satellites.

It must satisfy the following basic requirements:

Include a large number of subscriber systems (up to several thousand);

Cover a large geographical area;

Provide broadcasting and delivery of messages to groups and individual recipients;

Have high throughput (up to tens of Gbit/s);

Have great reliability in operation;

Guarantee data security;

Transfer various types of data: texts, sound, images.

Figure 3 shows the classification territorial networks.

Rice. 3. Classification of territorial networks

Global network is a network whose subscriber systems are located in different countries. They were created as an association of territorial networks.

A global network consisting of a group of interacting territorial networks is also called a metanetwork, for example: the Internet. The creation of global networks led to the emergence of computer-network architecture, in which simple and highly efficient network computers have become components of these networks and are designed to take advantage of their greater capabilities. Subscriber systems built on these computers allowed their owners to integrate into the global information infrastructure.

Virtual network is a network whose characteristics are mainly determined by its software.

The virtual network must provide:

The work of operational working groups isolated from other users. A work group is a collection of users who have common resources and the rights to use these resources, created on the network to perform a specific set of tasks;

Procedures for moving, deleting network objects, the ability to change roles so that the client, when necessary, can act as a server;

The ability to ensure data security by localizing traffic within an isolated group.

For this purpose in communication network an intelligent device is installed (switching nodes, hubs, bridges, etc.), which, in accordance with the instructions of the administrative system, connects logical channels to each other, forming a local network closed to other subscribers.

Communication network topology defines the layout of communication lines and switches (this can be, for example, a ring or a lattice). The topology of networks is usually depicted in the form of graphs in which arcs correspond to communication lines, and nodes correspond to switches. Each node in the network (or in the corresponding graph) is associated with a specific set of communication lines.

Classification of networks by topology (configuration of elements in the network):



In broadcast configurations each subscriber system transmits signals that can be perceived by other systems. Such configurations include:

1) the common bus (Fig. 4,a) allows you to significantly simplify the logical and software structure of the network and reduce cable consumption;

2) tree (Fig. 4, b) is a more developed version of the common bus type configuration. A tree is formed by connecting several buses with active repeaters or network concentrators (“hubs”). It has the necessary flexibility to cover several buildings in a certain area with network means. If there are active repeaters, the failure of one segment does not lead to the failure of the rest. If a repeater fails, the tree is split into two subtrees or two buses;

3) a star (Fig. 4, c), which can be considered as a tree that has a root with branches to each connected device. In the center of the star there may be a passive connector or hub - quite simple and reliable devices. Star networks are less reliable than bus or tree, but they can be protected from cable disturbances by using a central relay that disconnects failed cable spokes. Such a star requires large quantity cable.

In serial configuration information is routed, data is transferred sequentially from one station to the neighboring one, and can be used in different parts of the network different kinds physical transmission medium.

The most common serial configurations are:

1) arbitrary (Fig. 4, d) - all devices are connected directly. Each line can use different transmission methods. This method of connecting devices is quite satisfactory for networks with limited number connections. Advantage of this type- simplicity. However, it has a high cost, a large number of communication channels and the need for information routing;

2) hierarchical (Fig. 4, e) intermediate nodes work according to the principle: “accumulate and transmit”. The advantages of this method are the optimal connection of network elements, the disadvantages are the complexity of the logical and program structure, different speed transfer of information at various levels;

3) ring (Fig. 4, f);

4) chain (Fig. 4g);

5) a star with an “intellectual” center (Fig. 4h);

6) snowflake (Fig. 4i).

In these configurations, the network requires Full time job all blocks. To reduce this dependence, a relay is included in each block that blocks the block in case of malfunctions. Disadvantages - slow data transfer (depending on the number of workstations), less reliability. Advantages: simplicity of control methods, high throughput with lower energy consumption, ease of network expansion.

There are three main goals in choosing the optimal topology:

providing alternative routing, maximum reliability of data transmission;

Selecting the optimal route for transmitting data blocks (minimizing the number of channels of forming sequences);

Providing acceptable response time and required bandwidth.

A) b) V)
G) d) e)
and) h) And)

Rice. 4. Basic network topologies

Regional (global) networks (WAN - Wide Area Network) from the point of view of architecture and protocols are practically no different from global ones. Regional networks usually do not use transoceanic cables, but this difference cannot be considered fundamental.

Regional networks solve the problem of forming networks of regions and entire countries and even supranational networks from LAN (local area networks) (for example, E-BONE for Europe). Typically, these networks are built using SDH, ATM, ISDN, Frame Relay or X.25 protocols. Architecturally, such networks are formed from channels with a point-to-point circuit and powerful switches-multiplexers. From such fragments, backbone networks are also formed, which make it possible to reduce the number of steps from node to node. These networks mainly use fiber-optic transport systems, and where this is unprofitable, satellite or radio relay channels.

Figure 3. Regional WANs

With the advent of corporate networks such as Intranets, the concepts of local and regional networks began to partially overlap. For an Intranet user, all nodes of such a network are local, although they may be hundreds or even thousands of kilometers apart. Essentially, Intranets are overlay networks to regional networks (WANs). The Internet should also be considered an overlay network in relation to the WAN.

Regional computer networks have much in common with local ones, but they are, in many respects, more complex than them. For example, in addition to data exchange and voice exchange, regional computer networks can transmit video and audio information. These networks are designed to support longer distances than local area networks. They can be used to link multiple local area networks into high-speed integrated network systems. Regional computer networks combine best characteristics local ( low level errors, high transmission speed) with greater geographical extent. IN Lately they began to distinguish the class of corporate networks. They usually cover large corporations. Their scale and structure are determined by the needs of the enterprise owners.

When a company or organization has multiple locations that are separated by large geographic distances, it may need to use a telecommunications service provider (TSP) to connect LANs located in different locations to each other. Telecommunications service providers operate large regional networks that can span long distances. Traditionally, TSPs carried voice and information communications on separate networks. Now, to an increasing extent, these providers offer unified information network services to their clients.

Individual organizations typically use leased connections to a telecommunications service provider's network. These networks, which connect LANs in geographically separated locations, are called Wide Area Networks (WANs). Although the organization maintains all LAN policies and administration on both sides of the connection, policies within the communications service provider's network are controlled by the TSP .

WAN networks use specially designed network devices that connect LANs to each other. Because of the importance of these devices to the network, configuration, installation, and maintenance of these devices are integral skills for an enterprise network.

LAN and WAN networks are very useful for individual organizations. They connect users within an organization. They provide many forms of communication, including sharing by email, corporate training, and sharing other resources.

Global networks differ from local ones in that they are designed for an unlimited number of subscribers and, as a rule, use not very high-quality communication channels and a relatively low transmission speed, and their exchange control mechanism, in principle, cannot be guaranteed to be fast.

In global networks, what is much more important is not the quality of communication, but the very fact of its existence. True, in currently It is no longer possible to draw a clear and unambiguous line between local and global networks. Most local networks have access to the global network, but the nature of the transmitted information, principles of organizing exchange, modes of access to resources within the local network, as a rule, are very different from those accepted in the global network. And although all computers on the local network in this case are also included in the global network, this does not negate the specifics of the local network. The ability to access the global network remains just one of the resources shared by local network users.

Peer-to-peer networks. Advantages, disadvantages, scope, structure, organization, equipment.

A peer-to-peer, decentralized or peer-to-peer (English peer-to-peer, P2P - equal to equal) network is an overlay computer network based on the equality of participants. Often in such a network there are no dedicated servers, and each node (peer) is both a client and performs server functions. Unlike the client-server architecture, this organization allows the network to remain operational with any number and any combination of available nodes. The network participants are peers.

Peer-to-peer networks are used in small offices, restaurants and cafes, waiting rooms, that is, in those places that allow the network to operate with a small number of connections. However, although this is contrary to all principles, peer-to-peer networks are also used in so-called home networks, the number of connections to which can be very large, for example 1000 or more computers. The main explanation for this fact is the chaotic way of creating a network, which, moreover, as a rule, does not require large financial investments.

In a peer-to-peer network, only 10 network participants can access a shared resource at a time. If this point is important to you, then you should install a server operating system.

Interaction model open systems: model levels.

Physical layer

The physical layer describes the physical properties (for example, electromechanical characteristics) of the medium and signals that carry information. These are the physical characteristics of cables and connectors, voltage levels and electrical resistance etc., including, for example, the “unshielded twisted pair” (UTP) cable specification

Data Link Layer

The data link layer ensures the transfer of data across the physical medium. It is divided into two sublayers: logical link control (LLC) and media access control (MAC). This division allows one LLC layer to use different MAC layer implementations. The MAC layer works with the physical addresses used in Ethernet and Token-Ring, which are “hardwired” into network adapters their manufacturers. A distinction must be made between physical and logical (eg IP) addresses. The latter is handled by the network layer.

Network layer

Unlike link layer While the network layer deals with physical addresses, the network layer deals with logical addresses. It provides connectivity and routing between two network nodes. The network layer provides the transport layer with connection-oriented services, such as X.25, or connectionless services, such as IP (internetprotocol). One of the main functions of the network layer is routing.

Network layer protocols include IP and ICMP (Internet Control Massage Protocol).

Transport layer

The transport layer provides services similar to those of the network layer. Only some (not all) implementations guarantee reliability network layers, therefore it is classified as one of the functions performed by the transport layer. The transport layer must exist, if only because sometimes all three lower layers (physical, data link and network) are provided by the telecom operator. In this case, using an appropriate transport layer protocol, the service consumer can provide the required service reliability. TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) is a widely used transport layer protocol.

Session layer

The session layer provides the establishment, termination, and management of sessions. A session is a logical connection between two endpoints. Best example This model is a phone call. When you dial a number, you establish a logical connection; as a result, the phone rings at the other end of the line. When one of the interlocutors says “Hello”, data transfer begins. After one of the callers hangs up, telephone company performs some actions to terminate the connection. The session layer also monitors the order of data transmission. This function is called “dialogue management”. Examples of session, presentation and application layer protocols are SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol), FTP (File Transfer Protocol) and Telnet.

Representative level

The representative layer allows two protocol stacks to “agree” on the syntax (representation) of data transmitted to each other. Since there are no guarantees of identical presentation of information, this level, if necessary, transfers data from one type to another.

Application layer

The application layer is the highest in the ISO/OSI model. At this level it is carried out specific applications, who use the services of the representative level (and indirectly - everyone else). This could be email exchange, file transfer, or any other network application.

Data packet format.

IN normal mode transmission data packets have the following block configurations (frames):

Data Frame (message frame) for transmitting messages on the CAN data bus (for example: coolant temperature).

Remote Frame (request frame) for requesting messages on the CAN data bus from another control unit.

Error Frame All connected control units are notified that an error has occurred and last message via CAN data bus is invalid.

The CAN data bus protocol supports two various formats message frames on the CAN data bus, which differ only in the length of the identifier:

standard format;

extended format.

Currently the standard format is used.

The data packet for transmitting messages via the CAN data bus consists of seven consecutive fields:

Start of Frame: Marks the start of a message and synchronizes all frames.

Arbitration Field (identifier and request): This field consists of an identifier (address) of 11 bits and 1 control bit (Remote Transmission Request-Bit). This control bit marks the packet as a Data Frame (message frame) or a Remote Frame (request frame) without data bytes.

Control Field: The control field (6 bits) contains an IDE bit (Identifier Extension Bit) to recognize the standard and extended format, a reserve bit for subsequent extensions and - in the last 4 bits - the number of data bytes stored in the Data Field ( data field).

Data Field: The data field can contain from 0 to 8 bytes of data. A message on the CAN data bus with a length of 0 bytes is used to synchronize distributed processes.

CRC Field: The CRC (Cyclic-Redundancy-Check Field) contains 16 bits and is used to check transmission errors.

ACK Field (Acknowledgement Field): The ACK (Acknowledgement Field) contains an acknowledgment signal for all receiver units that received a message via the CAN bus without errors.

End of Frame: Marks the end of a data packet.

Intermission: Interval between two data packets. The interval must be at least 3 bits. After this, any control unit can transmit the next data packet.

IDLE (idle mode): If no control unit is sending messages, then CAN bus remains in rest mode until the next data packet is transmitted.

SKS: structure.

SCS topology

The basis of any structured cabling system is a tree topology, which is sometimes also called a hierarchical star structure. All cables included in the crossover cables must be routed to the switching equipment on which switching is carried out during the process. current operation cable system. This provides SCS flexibility, the ability to easily reconfigure and adapt to a specific application.

Technical buildings

To build SCS and ICS for an enterprise as a whole, two types of technical premises are needed: hardware rooms and distribution rooms.

A hardware room is a technical room in which shared network equipment (PBX, servers, hubs) is located. In the event that the main volume installed in this room technical means consists of LAN equipment, it is sometimes called a server room, and if it is a private branch exchange and external telecommunications systems, then a communication center. Equipment rooms are equipped with raised floors, fire extinguishing systems, air conditioning and access control.

The cross-room is a room that houses SCS switching equipment, network and other auxiliary equipment. It is advisable to place it near a vertical riser, equip it with a telephone and an access control system.

The hardware room can be combined with the cross-connection of the building (KZ). In this case, its network equipment can be connected directly to the SCS switching equipment. If the hardware room is located separately, then its network equipment is connected to locally located switching equipment or to regular information sockets of workstations. The cables of the external trunk, connecting the short circuit to it, converge into the cross-connect of external trunks (KVM). Internal main cables are installed in the short circuit, connecting cross-connections (MC) to them. Information sockets of workplaces are connected to the EC, in turn, by horizontal cables. As additional connections, increasing the flexibility and survivability of the system, it is allowed to lay external main cables between the short circuit and internal main cables between the electrical elements.

SCS subsystems

In the most general case, the SCS includes three subsystems ( rice. 2):

The external trunk subsystem, or, in the terminology of some SCS European manufacturers, the primary subsystem, consists of external trunk cables between the KVM and the short circuit, switching equipment in the KVM and short circuit, to which the external trunk cables are connected, and patch cords and/or jumpers in the KVM. The subsystem of external highways is the basis for building a communication network between buildings (campus) compactly located on the same territory. If SCS is installed autonomously in only one building, then there is no subsystem of external highways.

The subsystem of internal trunks, called in some SCS a vertical, or secondary, subsystem, contains internal trunk cables laid between the short circuit and the electrical element, the switching equipment connected to them in the short circuit and the electrical element, as well as patch cords and/or jumpers in the short circuit. The cables of the subsystem under consideration actually connect individual floors of the building and/or spatially separated rooms within the same building. If the SCS serves one floor, then the subsystem of internal highways may be absent.

The horizontal, or tertiary, subsystem is formed by internal horizontal cables between the EC and the information sockets of the workplaces, the information sockets themselves, switching equipment in the EC to which the horizontal cables are connected, and patch cords and/or jumpers in the EC. As part of horizontal wiring, it is allowed to use one transition point at which a change in the type of cable being laid occurs (for example, a transition to a flat cable for laying under carpet with equivalent transmission characteristics).

Switching in SCS

The fundamental feature of any SCS is that switching, unlike electronic telephone exchanges and network computer equipment, is always done manually using patch cords and/or jumpers, that is, the functioning of the SCS is fundamentally independent of the state of the power supply network. The introduction of electronic or electromechanical switching elements into the SCS immediately entails the mandatory use of a standard power source in the equipment. Such a decision is absolutely unjustified at the current stage of technology development from an economic and technical point of view. This is due to the fact that the average number of switches per port in an operating system is once a year, and the power supply has significantly lower operational reliability compared to other passive components. The downside of refusing to use a standard power source is:

the need to use patch cords, which significantly worsen the weight and size parameters of switching equipment and require the use of special measures to solve administrative problems;

the impossibility of introducing standard controllers, sensors and other similar equipment into the SCS, which reduces ease of use, increases troubleshooting time, complicates ongoing diagnostics, etc.

Only a few developments are known aimed at introducing active components into some SCS subsystems, which have been brought to serial production. However, they are of an auxiliary nature (poll of port status, indication, switching of signals for low-speed applications), do not affect the process of transmitting information signals and are not standardized by current and future standards.

Network routing.

Routing ( English Routing) is the process of determining the route for information in communication networks.

Routes can be set administratively ( static routes), or calculated using routing algorithms, based on information about the topology and state of the network obtained using routing protocols(dynamic routes).

Static routes can be:

routes that do not change over time;

routes changing according to schedule;

Routing in computer networks is performed by special software and hardware - routers; in simple configurations can also be performed by general-purpose computers configured accordingly.

The first routers were specialized software that processed incoming IP packets in a specific way. This software ran on computers that had multiple network interfaces that are part of different networks (between which routing is carried out). Later there appeared routers in the form of specialized devices. Computers with routing software are called software routers, equipment - hardware routers.

Modern hardware routers use specialized software (“firmware”) to build routing tables, and to process IP packets switch matrix(or other hardware switching technology) extended with address filters in the IP packet header.


1. Build a fully connected topology of 7 PCs.

2. Using the table, construct a frequency response graph. Using the resulting graph, determine the bandwidth of the communication line at a level of 0.5 frequency response. What parameters of a communication line does bandwidth determine?

f, Hz
Uout, V 0,2 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,3

3. What is link capacity? What is it equal to at a data transfer rate of 5 GHz?

4. The radio network operates at a frequency of 902 MHz. What wavelengths correspond to this range? Why must line-of-sight conditions be met when transmitting on these frequencies?

5. Determine the type of connectors (AUI, RJ-45, BNC).

a B C)

6. Lay out the packet path in an 8*8 matrix using tag 101.

7. How can you set a tag for a broadcast packet in such a matrix?

Why do you think so? Explain the answer.

9. The following laying scheme is proposed network cable in room. Recommended to use twisted pair.

Is the twisted pair standard (by cable length) violated? On what segments (list)? What type of cable should be used in this case? Why?

10. The equipment room was located in the attic of the college. Does this arrangement meet the standards? What hardware requirements were violated? Offer your accommodation option that complies with GOST.




Teacher : Burmistrova A. S.

Considered at a meeting of the cycle commission

"VTiIT" "___"__________2014

Chairman of the Central Committee: Biryukova O. V.___________

Types of networks: local, territorial, global, corporate.

1. Local network (a network in which computers are located at a distance of up to a kilometer and are usually connected using high-speed communication lines.) - 0.1 - 1.0 km; LAN nodes are located within the same room, floor, or building.
2. Corporate network (within the limits of one organization, company, plant). The number of nodes in a FAC can reach several hundred. At the same time, the corporate network usually includes not only personal computers, but also powerful computers, as well as various technological equipment(robots, assembly lines, etc.).
A corporate network makes it easier to manage and manage a business technological process, establish clear control over information and production resources.
3. Global network (a network whose elements are located at a considerable distance from each other) - up to 1000 km.
Both specially laid (for example, transatlantic fiber optic cable) and existing communication lines (for example, telephone networks). The number of nodes in a WAN can reach tens of millions. The global network includes separate local and corporate networks.

4. Territorial networks include all workstations located within one specific city or region. Note that trunk fiber optic cables are used as communication lines in territorial networks. And using them, as we already know, you can transfer data with very high speed. Economically this network is very beneficial for the consumer, since none private network It won't be cheaper than a local network.

The territorial network has an owner in the person of a certain public or private company, which provides access to clients. But clients are not accountable for using the received network resources to these companies.

Let's consider territorial networks, which consist of backbone networks and access networks

It is advisable to divide territorial networks into two large categories:

· backbone networks;

· access networks.

Backbone wide-area networks are used to form peer-to-peer connections between large local networks belonging to large departments of the enterprise. Backbone territorial networks must provide high throughput, since the backbone combines the flows of a large number of subnets. In addition, backbone networks must be constantly available, that is, provide a very high availability factor, since they carry traffic of many mission-critical successful work enterprise applications (business-critical applications). Due to the special importance of highways, they can be forgiven for their high cost. Since an enterprise usually does not have many large networks, backbone networks are not required to maintain an extensive access infrastructure.

Typically, digital dedicated channels with speeds from 2 to 622 Mbit/s are used as backbone networks, through which traffic of networks switching frame relay, ATM, X.25 or TCP/IP packets is transmitted. In the presence of dedicated channels, a mixed redundant topology of connections is used to ensure high availability of the backbone, as shown in Fig. 4.

Rice. 4. Structure of the global enterprise network

Under access networks refers to territorial networks necessary for connecting small local networks and individual remote computers with the central local network of an enterprise. If great attention has always been paid to the organization of backbone connections when creating a corporate network, then the organization of remote access for enterprise employees has become a strategic important issues only recently. Quick access to corporate information from any geographic location determines the quality of decision-making by its employees for many types of enterprise activities. The importance of this factor is growing with the increase in the number of employees working at home (telecommuters) who are often on business trips, and with the increase in the number of small branches of enterprises located in different cities and, perhaps, different countries.

ATMs or cash registers can also act as separate remote nodes, requiring access to a central database to obtain information about legal clients of the bank, whose plastic cards must be authorized on site. ATMs or cash registers usually designed to interact with central computer over X.25 network, which at one time was specially developed as a network for remote access of non-intelligent terminal equipment to a central computer.

Access networks have requirements that are significantly different from those for backbone networks. Since an enterprise can have a lot of remote access points. One of the main requirements is the presence of an extensive access infrastructure that can be used by enterprise employees both when working at home and on business trips. In addition, the cost of remote access must be moderate to economically justify the cost of connecting tens or hundreds of remote subscribers. At the same time, the bandwidth requirements of an individual computer or a local network consisting of two or three clients usually fall within the range of several tens of kilobits per second (if such speed does not fully satisfy the remote client, then the convenience of its operation is usually sacrificed for the sake of saving the enterprise’s money ).

Analogue telephone networks, ISDN networks and, less commonly, frame relay networks are usually used as access networks.. When connecting local branch networks, dedicated channels with speeds from 19.2 to 64 Kbps are also used. A qualitative leap in expanding the capabilities of remote access occurred due to the rapid growth in the popularity and prevalence of the Internet. Internet transport services are cheaper than long-distance and international telephone networks, and their quality is rapidly improving.

Software and hardware that provide connection of computers or local networks of remote users to the corporate network are called remote access means. Typically, on the client side, these facilities are represented by a modem and associated software.

The organization of mass remote access from the central local network is ensured by remote access server (RAS). A remote access server is a software and hardware complex that combines the functions of a router, bridge and gateway. The server performs one or another function depending on the type of protocol it operates on. remote user or remote network. Remote access servers typically have quite a few low-speed ports to connect users via analogue telephone networks or ISDN.

Territorial network organization is a commercial structure that provides electricity transmission services together with the use of equipment and devices belonging to the electrical grid. Territorial criteria network organizations assume that they can only include those networks that do not belong to the all-Russian national networks.

List of territorial network organizations should not contain objects that are under government control. Thus, the creation of the concept itself TSO involves commercial use of networks.

Criteria for classification as territorial network organizations

There are several main points that distinguish the characteristics of an enterprise so that it can be identified as a network organization. The total power of the network plays a role, since this includes only those companies whose total power of power transformers installed at subordinate facilities must be above 10 MVA. But there is an exception here. If we're talking about about isolated systems, this criterion is not taken into account.

Power transformers must be owned by legal entity(other legal grounds holdings are also taken into account). Security electrical energy from these transformers should go only to facilities located on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Signs of a territorial network organization They also include the criterion of owning power lines, which provide current at several voltage levels. This applies to both overhead power lines and standard cable lines. The only exceptions are isolated systems, as in the above case.

At the same time, a number of requirements are put forward for power lines:

* high voltage must be maintained from 110 kV or more;

* low network voltage should not exceed 1 kV;

* used only for facilities whose activities are located within the administrative borders of our country;

* the lines must be owned by a legal entity that meets the criteria.

When it comes to rentals, the tenure period should always be no less than the estimated regulation period. Otherwise, the company will not be able to provide services.

The next criterion is the absence of three recorded cases of application of reducing tariffs to regulate the company’s work over the last three terms. Territorial network organizations may not receive such status if they benefit from reduced tariffs for three consecutive regulatory periods. Must not be special conditions to adjust prices for services provided, provided for a long-term period. In other words, feed-in tariffs should not constantly support the organization's activities.

It is necessary to exclude the presence of unreliable data in reports on the organization’s work. All information that relates to the calculation of actual values ​​for the quality of services provided, network parameters and other things must be accurate. If an organization does not provide all the data, then it also cannot log in. register of territorial network organizations.

The criterion for starting official activities is the presence of a dedicated telephone line so that subscribers can contact about the provision of services. It is also necessary to have an official website with the information necessary for clients. Eg, territorial organization of FKP Scientific Research Center of RKP meets all necessary requirements.

If a company does not meet the above set of criteria, then it may leave list of territorial network organizations.

Additional reasons for exclusion

Economic disputes often arise to exclude a company from the register. On real examples The following types of proceedings can be seen:

* disputes regarding the fulfillment of obligations under concluded agreements with the company;

* consumers with the company providing the service (this especially applies to the amount of tariffs, which may change over time or do not comply with legal norms);

* in connection with applications of the organization itself to regulatory authorities regarding accession according to an individual project, submitted even before the company was transferred to another status;

* if the regulatory body refuses to revise service tariffs for the company for a further period (especially if they do not comply with government standards).

Association "Non-profit partnership of territorial network organizations" includes a list of companies that meet the required criteria. But if difficulties arise during work and someone loses his status due to disputes or other reasons, then he will be expelled from the association.

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