Login is not possible due to data transfer. Login is not possible due to data transmission error - Skype error

This article will provide information on how to learn how to deal with the problem caused by the message “You cannot sign in due to a communication error” in Skype program. You need to figure out why these types of errors are generated in the application. For users who actively use Skype, this is very important.


This message often began to appear on the screen of most users. It is worth noting that it mainly begins to manifest itself after updating the program. This is the main reason for this behavior. It can be attributed to a developer error. Moreover, it is completely unclear why this happens. What should be done in such a situation? If, after updating the program, a message appears on the screen stating that login is impossible due to a data transfer error, you will have to completely uninstall Skype and then install it again.

It is advisable to choose already updated version. It can be downloaded from the official website of the developers. When such actions are completed, the message usually disappears. However, in some cases things don't go so well. It may not be an update that is causing the error. In this case, you will have to look further for a solution to the problem.


There is another rather interesting scenario. It is worth noting that a message stating that login is impossible due to a data transfer error may occur during a system failure that occurs in the program. Its causes are still unknown, but the result will not be long in coming. In this case, the user has a choice. You can completely reinstall the program by first erasing it from the computer. In some situations, this technique works and the problem that prevents you from entering the program due to a data transfer error disappears. However, the second scenario is more effective.

True, it is quite difficult to do it. In addition, it causes a lot of inconvenience. You need to open the path with administrator rights %appdata%\Skype_Old, and then copy the chatsync folder and the main.db file from there to the Skype folder. When this is done, you should run the program. It is worth noting that now this will have to be done using administrator rights. It should be noted that this brings certain inconveniences, but you can still put up with them. It is much worse when this method gives absolutely no results. What to do in this case? It's worth looking into this problem.

Wrong data

It is worth noting that something is constantly happening with the Skype program. Often there are failures, errors and malfunctions that have various causes. One of them, when the message “Login is temporarily unavailable” or something similar appears, is entering incorrect data from own account. As you know, in many cases the user sees a message that indicates data that does not coincide with reality. However, there are often situations when a notification has a different meaning.

At the same time, users begin to panic. This is especially true for beginners. One way or another, if you can’t get into Skype, first, after reinstalling the program, you should carefully check whether your personal data is entered correctly. It is quite possible that a mistake was made in a hurry and an extra or wrong letter was written in the password or login. In this case, it is not surprising that you cannot log into Skype. If you are absolutely sure that all the data is entered correctly, you should look for the reason elsewhere.

It is worth noting that if Skype indicates an error in which a message appears that logging into the program is impossible, there can be a lot of options. Thus, it is time to move on to another source of the problem and find a solution. After all, it is he who often causes problems in Skype.


There is another option for the development of events. Often, users see messages like: “Login to Skype is temporarily unavailable” if there are problems with the Internet connection. To be honest, this is a fairly common reason that is usually overlooked. Most users simply don't give it any importance. It is worth noting that the computer often indicates that the signal has been received. Why, then, consider the Internet connection as the cause of problems with Skype?

When the browser and other applications that are connected to the Internet do not work, you need to call your provider to ask if everything is fine with the connection. Perhaps there was some kind of accident on the line or the user simply lost his modem settings. If this happens, you will need to wait a little or fix the problem yourself. When it is definitely established that everything is fine with the Internet, you should try to start Skype again. If the program still does not want to work and displays a message that login is impossible, you will have to further look for the reason for this behavior.


It is worth considering another option in which problems occur when trying to log into Skype. As a rule, this often happens to users who like to install the latest operating systems. It is worth noting that Skype is not yet supported on Windows 10. This is an unfortunate omission of the developers who currently We are working hard to fix this problem. If you decide to use latest version operating room Windows systems, you should be prepared for such surprises.

However, there is no need to get upset prematurely. The program can be launched using compatibility mode. To do this, you need to set “Windows XP” there, and then try again to download the application with administrator rights. Sometimes it really works. This is evidenced by reviews from some users. However, in many cases everything remains unchanged. For fans of the operating room Windows systems 10 will have to wait patiently for the developers to correct this omission. Can also be replaced operating system to the eighth or seventh version, where Skype works stably.


It's time to look at the most unpleasant moments that can interfere with normal authorization on Skype. In some cases, messages claiming that. Problems that cannot be entered into the program arise when a hack is committed. This cause of problems is quite common and very unpleasant. This especially applies to those users who are accustomed to using programs and applications to hack something.

It could be social network or a banal game. As a result, the user's personal data is at risk. If hacked, it is recommended to try to restore access to the account, and then the password. It is worth noting that this process takes a large number of time. To save it, the best option will start new profile and use it. However, not everything is so simple here either. What other reasons could there be for such an error to appear?


When we're talking about about any problems, often without viruses. They are capable of causing complete chaos on the computer, causing crashes and other unpleasant things that interfere correct operation programs and applications. To exclude this scenario, you need to scan your own Personal Computer by using good antivirus. Next, you can disinfect all malicious or suspicious documents. You should remove what cannot be cured, and then restart the computer. If the problem was caused by viruses, everything should start working.

After reading this article, you will find answers to many questions related to problems logging into Skype program. In addition, it has now become clear how to get rid of this problem. If you have concerns, there is another scenario. In order not to perform all the actions yourself, you can seek help from a specialist. He will help you figure out the problem. It is advisable to find a trusted company that provides quality services.

So, today we will learn how to deal with the problem that is caused by the message “Login is impossible due to an error (Skype). In addition, let's try to understand why this kind of errors can be generated in the application. After all, this is very important, in particular for those who prefer to communicate via Skype. Thus, it is worth starting to analyze our topic today as soon as possible.


“Login is impossible due to a data transfer error” (Skype) - this is what began to appear very often on the screen of many users. Moreover, no matter how strange it may sound, this message begins to manifest itself after updating the program.

The point is that this “update” is what it is main reason this kind of behavior. This is a so-called developer error. Why exactly this happens is not clear. But the fact remains a fact. What to do in such a situation?

If after the update you receive the message “Login is not possible due to a data transfer error” (Skype), then all you have to do is install it completely and then install it again. Preferably already updated. The latest version can always be downloaded from the official website of the application. After you complete these steps, as a rule, the message will stop bothering you. But not everything always works out so well and ideally. Sometimes you may see the message “Login cannot be entered due to a data transfer error” (Skype) not because of an update. What's the matter? Let's understand further.


There is another rather interesting scenario. The thing is that the message “Login is impossible due to a data transfer error” (Skype) can be shown to us when a so-called system failure occurs in the program. The reasons for it are also unknown, but the result is quite clear.

IN in this case you can be offered a choice. The first scenario is complete reinstallation program with its preliminary erasing from the computer. Sometimes this technique works and the problem where “Login is not possible due to...” (Skype) disappears.

The second option is more effective, although complicated. And there are still a lot of inconveniences after it. You will have to open the path with administrator rights %appdata%\Skype_Old, and then copy the chatsync folder and the main.db file from there to the Skype folder. Once you've done this, run the program. However, from now on you will have to do this using administrator rights. To be honest, this brings some inconvenience, but you can live with it. But this is not all the problems that generate the message “Login is impossible due to a data transfer error” (Skype). What to do if even reinstallation and administrator rights did not help you? Let's try to understand this difficult matter.

Wrong data

To be honest, there is always something wrong with Skype. and problems have many sources. Here's another reason why you might get the message "Skype is temporarily unavailable to sign in" or something like that. For example, if you enter incorrect information from your account.

In truth, in most cases in such a situation, the user is shown a message about data that does not match reality. But it also happens that completely new alerts appear instead. They scare users, especially beginners. In any case, if you cannot get into Skype, then the first thing after reinstalling the application is to check that the data you are entering is correct. Maybe in a hurry you entered one extra or wrong letter in your password or login? Then you shouldn’t be surprised at the impossibility of entering.

If you know for sure that all the data is correct, then you will have to look for ways out of the situation, as well as the reasons for such behavior, elsewhere. After all, if Skype writes: “Login is not possible,” then there can be very, very many options. Well, we move on to another source of the problem. In truth, this is often the reason for the program's "disobedience."


And here is another scenario for the development of events. The thing is that users often receive messages like: “Login to Skype is temporarily unavailable” when they have problems with their Internet connection. In truth, this is a fairly common problem that, as a rule, people try to ignore. Or they simply don’t attach any importance to it. After all, the computer quite often shows users that the signal has been received. Well, why then think that there is no Internet?

In fact, if your browser does not work, as well as other applications related to World Wide Web, then, of course, you will have to call your provider and find out if everything is fine with the connection. Maybe there was some kind of accident on the line or your line is out of order. In the first case, you will have to wait a while, in the second, you need to fix the problem with your own hands. After you make sure that everything is fine with the Internet, you can try to launch Skype again. Still not working? Does it say login is not possible? Well, we will continue to look for the reason for this behavior further.


The next option, unfortunately, applies to some users who really like to install the latest versions of operating systems. The thing is that our current program is not yet supported. A very sad omission from the creators who are now working to fix the problem.

If you decide to use the latest version of Windows, you can try to launch the application using Set "Windows XP" there, and then try again with the application with computer administrator rights. Maybe this will work. Anyway, users say that sometimes this technique turns out to be effective.

True, in most cases, as a rule, nothing helps. Users of the excellent Windows 10 need to sit patiently and wait for the creators to correct this omission. Or replace the operating system with “eight” or “seven”, where everything works normally and stably.


Well, now let’s move on to the most unpleasant moments that can only prevent us from logging into Skype normally. The thing is that sometimes messages like “unable to log into Skype” can appear when your account has simply been hacked.

This is a very common and unpleasant reason. This is especially true for those users who really like to use programs and applications to hack “something,” be it a social network or a banal game. There is only one result - you are putting your personal data at risk.

If you have been hacked, you can try to restore access to your account and then change your password. True, this is a very long and tedious process. Instead, try creating a new profile and using it. But even here, not everything is so simple. Let's see why else you won't be able to log in to Skype.


Of course, how could we forget about viruses? After all, it is because of them that crashes, malfunctions and other “delights” occur on the computer that interfere with the stable and uninterrupted operation of the system.

To exclude this option If this happens, you will have to scan your PC and then disinfect all malicious or suspicious documents. Remove what cannot be healed and then restart your computer. Please try again to sign in to Skype. In the end everything should work.


And our conversation has come to an end. Now you know why you may receive the message “Login is not possible due to a data transfer error” (Skype), and also how you can overcome this problem.

If you are very afraid, you can turn to a specialist for help. Honestly, it's the only way out, when under no pretext. The main thing is to find a suitable workshop that will do the job quickly and efficiently.

I came to work one fine day, turned on the computer, launched Skype, entered the usual username and password, but no such luck. After several unsuccessful attempts I realized that . In the window with the login and password forms, the same message was consistently displayed.

Sorry, the registration information you entered was not recognized by Skype

It seemed strange that if you intentionally entered the password incorrectly, a message would appear that the password was not correct, and if you entered it correctly, the same error message would appear, which contained the following verbatim:

Why can't I log into Skype?

I tried to change the password through the website - I still can’t log into Skype, but I can log into the site with this password.

At that time I was working under the operating room Ubuntu system 13.04 version and Skype 4.2 for Ubuntu was installed on it, respectively. I tried to log into Skype using a Microsoft account.

After several unsuccessful attempts to log in, I began to look for information on the Internet about why I couldn’t log into Skype. Most sites suggested that this error This is not a mistake at all, but a so-called “hardware ban”. That is, allegedly, my ID was entered on the Skype servers hard drive into a black list.

This version was supported by the fact that the same Skype account was used at the same time on a neighboring computer in the office, and there, after a reboot, the employee also could not log into Skype with the same message “” and blah blah blah...

On one of the forums, supposedly an anti-chat, someone suggested downloading a program to change the hard drive ID or reinstalling the system from scratch with full formatting.

Reinstalling the system was not an option for me. I was thinking about a program for changing the hard drive ID. It’s just too painful for the guys on the anti-chat to sit slyly... with their faces. You download a program, and it contains a Trojan. I decided not to risk it, especially since it was a work computer.

Solving the problem for Ubuntu and Windows

I was able to solve the problem on Ubuntu (I also describe how to do it on Windows) as follows:

After the procedure was completed, I began to log in consistently and messages like “sorry, the registration data you entered was not recognized by Skype” no longer bothered me... for now. I wish the same for you.

If you have questions or other solutions, please leave them in the comments.

But there is another common type of error that people complain about when they can’t log into Skype...

Unable to sign in due to Skype data transfer error

Since we're talking about this, I'll also write about the message " Login is not possible due to transmission error Skype data "Apparently the error occurred when Microsoft stopped supporting systems on Linux based. Although there were reports that it was impossible to log into Skype on Windows with the same error wording.

One of the forum members wrote that he chatted with Skype support, and he was told that he had to wait until the end of August before everything was fixed.

I haven’t encountered this error myself, but I found solutions for Ubuntu and Windows on English-language forums that helped people cope with the problem.

If login is impossible due to a Skype data transfer error on Ubuntu, Linux or Windows, what should I do?

If you are unable to log in due to a transmission error Skype data on Ubuntu or Windows, then, most likely, Skype just needs to be updated, while deleting the old version and ending the Skype process through “System Monitor” in Ubuntu or “Task Manager” in Windows in the same way as when solving the first problem in this post with the message "The registration data you entered was not recognized." The solution is absolutely the same, read in detail in the first part of this post.

In short, on both Ubuntu and Windows you need:

  1. Quit Skype and end all processes
  2. In Windows, delete all temporary files in Temp folders
  3. Rename the Skype folder to Skype-old (where it is located in Ubuntu and Windows, see above in this post)
  4. Install the latest version / launch Skype

A couple of quotes that helped most on the forums

And finally, I will give quotes from those messages for which the authors were thanked the most.

Sign out of Skype or use Manager Windows tasks to close all Skype.exe processes. Click "Start" and in the "Search programs and files" field type %appdata% and press Enter or click OK. A window will appear Windows Explorer with application folders. Find the “Skype” folder there. Rename it, for example, “Skype_old”.

If you have Skype version 6.5/6.6/6.7/6.9/6.10, then also do the following:

Click "Start" and in the "Search programs and files" field type %temp%\skype and press Enter or click OK. Delete the "DbTemp" folder.

Restart Skype.

What helped me:

Killed all Skype processes. In the console I typed:

sudo apt-get remove skype

sudo apt-get autoremove

Sudo apt-get install skype

I hope I could help you solve your little problem. If not, write in the comments. If not me, then someone else may see your message and help you.


Alexander, good afternoon!
Thank you for the article. I tried to follow the steps described on Win 8, and so far nothing works. At AppData\Roaming\Skype\ I have the following folders and files:
Accordingly, I don’t understand what needs to be renamed... I tried to rename the entire skype folder, but after launching there were simply two of them - a folder with a new name and an old one...

September 6, 2014, 10:57 am Alexandra:

Hello. You did everything right with the folder. If Skype is absent, it simply creates a new one with a new profile, only before renaming you need to stop the Skype process. To do this, you need to call the task manager. You can do this by pressing the key combination Ctrl+Shift+Esc. There you need to find all the processes with named Skype and complete them. Only after this you need to rename the folder and start Skype again.

September 6, 2014, 3:09 pm :

I stopped everything, of course) I checked. Unfortunately, it didn't help. I'm trying to use Skype for Win 8, but I can't believe that I can even get used to it!

September 7, 2014, 8:17 pm Alexandra:

If you want to clear your registry of Skype entries, I recommend Advanced Systemcare free. There is a utility there that, when uninstalling, can do " Powerful scanning". That is, it looks for the remains of entries from the program in the registry. Here I wrote about this program:

September 8, 2014, 02:02 :

Dear Alexander And I have questions about the program that you recommended to us!? If you have the desire and time, answer me (Nazar) [email protected]! Thank you!

November 19, 2014, 6:03 pm Alexander Alpidovsky:

Nazar Narov, please write questions here or in the comments to the article about the program.

November 23, 2014, 04:30 Alexey T.:

Strange. Maybe you should try to completely remove Skype, end the process, clear the registry of entries, download the latest version of Skype and install it from scratch?

I also read that updating or installing helped someone latest Internet Explorer.

If you want to clear your registry of Skype entries, I recommend Advanced Systemcare, which is free. There is a utility there that, when uninstalled, can do a “Power Scan”..."


November 25, 2014, 6:32 pm :

Thanks bolshoe za sovet resheniya problemi Skype on Ubuntu!

November 26, 2014, 00:30 Alexander Alpidovsky:

Easy to check. Take out yours HDD, insert another one. Install the same system on it, install Skype. If it works, then perhaps it really is a hardware issue.

November 26, 2014, 5:15 pm Alexander Alpidovsky:

Please. I suffered myself.

November 26, 2014, 5:16 pm Alexander Alpidovsky:

Either change the hard drive ID, or make an image of it and upload it to new hard disk and insert it instead of the old one.

November 27, 2014, 1:57 pm Alexey T.:

Alexander, you and I have already discussed this on Google+.)
The only thing I’m wondering is how to apply this method on a smartphone now? Skype is also installed there. And also entry into it is not possible.

November 28, 2014, 03:27 Alexander Alpidovsky:

On a smartphone? Now this is completely strange.

November 30, 2014, 6:11 pm :

There are 2 Skype account. On the computer I log in under both, on the laptop after the update I log in under one account calmly, under the second - “Sorry, the registration data you entered was not recognized.” On laptop XP SP3, Skype 6.7. Can you tell me what to do?

January 8, 2015, 8:29 pm :

I join the question. I have Windows 7 on my laptop, Skype 7

January 17, 2015, 00:10 Denis Krishtal:

I tried everything above the show, it didn’t help, I’m sitting on Windows laptop 8 . Can anyone suggest other ways to solve the problem?

February 3, 2015, 8:43 pm :

Alexander, thank you very much!!! It helped after renaming the folder, otherwise my brain was already starting to boil)))

January 21, 2016, 11:21 pm-DIKO-TV:

Alexander, Thank you very much, after I deleted the Dptemp folder and restarted Skype everything became fine. Now I will always read your articles on problem solving.

January 23, 2016, 6:38 pm Alexander Alpidovsky:


January 25, 2016, 6:58 pm Unknown:

I had the same problem. All because I turned off protection in IE (Internet Explorer). I have no idea why the fuck it’s needed, but Skype doesn’t work without it. So for everything to work, go to IE and set all the settings to By default, having done this, go to Skype and log in. I hope I helped someone if there is no luck.

February 8, 2016, 2:25 pm Arkady Shcherba:

three days of dancing with tambourines around THIS TROUBLE led to a very simple solution Installing Skype version 7.14. And no less and no more.

May 4, 2016, 11:20 am:

Thanks a lot! It helped me!!!

August 5, 2016, 01:43 Antonina Piven:

Alexander I can’t log into Skype. I have two accounts: home and work; under work, I log in under home; no. on the same laptop. I've already changed my password 100 times and it doesn't work.

October 23, 2016, 1:26 pm-THE- -PAFFOSS- :

help me, I've been struggling with this problem for a month now

December 12, 2016, 6:33 pm :

Hello! I have exactly the same problem. Win10 system. I tried everything possible, nothing helps. At correct input login and password, claims that the data is not recognized. What else can be done, please tell me!

December 13, 2016, 02:44 :

Hello! I have exactly the same problem, but it can’t be solved in any way, I tried everything possible, including your recommendations. Help, please tell me what else can be done?

December 13, 2016, 1:31 pm Nikolay Botnikov:

Hello and Happy New Year to you Alexander! I did everything that was recommended under the heading: “I can’t log into Skype: Sorry, the registration data you entered was not recognized,” but everything is useless, when I start logging into Skype and enter my username and password after making the settings according to your recommendation, it means that: “The account or password is incorrect. If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it now." I tried to change the password, but to no avail, although I log into the same account on the Skype website. I also tried to link my account with email (Email) by phone number, but SVS does not arrive. Please tell me what should I do, because I can’t log into my main Skype, which contains all my contacts, including my team’s? Thanks in advance Nikolay.

January 3, 2017, 11:12 am :

If nothing helps you like me, then I advise you to download the utility

Hard Disk Serial Number Changer, and change any digital character of your disk to another - run as administrator, then restart the computer, if after this it works - you have a hardware ban from skype - the reason is not clear

January 25, 2017, 02:06 Alex Alpidovsky:

Nikolay, tried to log into Skype from another workstation or from a smartphone? It might also be worth trying to find and install more early versions Skype.

February 10, 2017, 12:08 pm Alex Alpidovsky:

You are not alone. I remember that the installation helped someone else old version.

February 10, 2017, 12:12 pm Alex Alpidovsky:

The last thing you can do is reinstall the operating system. There are also some in the comments good advice, which may help, like installing an earlier version of Skype.

February 10, 2017, 12:14 pm

On startup Skype messenger Users often encounter the error “You can’t sign in due to a Skype data transfer error.” As a rule, everyone tries to restart the computer or reinstall the program, but this does not bring the desired result. In this article we will tell you how to quickly resolve this error.

Step-by-step instruction

To resolve communication problems, first close the program. To do this, just go to the application menu and click on the option to exit the messenger (“Exit Skype”).

Further restoration of the program is carried out as follows:

  1. Go to the Users section on drive C, select the “Computer Account” tab.
  2. In it, find the AppData/Roaming/Skype tab and go to the file with your account.
  3. After that, go to the folder with your login account. It is necessary to delete the file main.iscorrupt.

After these manipulations and restarting Skype, the program will work without failures. But if this method does not help you, we suggest using other means of eliminating the error.

There are times when deletion extra file in the account does not help.

Note: In this case, it is better to delete the profile after saving the correspondence.

You can do it like this:

  1. Exit the program as shown above;
  2. Open the Start menu and type %appdata%/skype in the search bar. You will be taken to the same account section. Rename your login so that later you understand that this is where your old data is located.
  3. We restart Skype using the old username and password. Now let's save the correspondence. Exit Skype again, go to your account folder and copy the main.db file to the tab with the new profile.

After these manipulations, the messenger should start without errors. This method suitable for those who want to save messages from their profile. But if she is not important, restoring communication will be even easier.

To do this, simply delete your profile, namely the folder with personal data and correspondence. In other words, you perform all the steps described in the previous paragraph, but do not rename the login section, but simply delete it. After restarting the program, all contacts will be saved, but all text messages, unfortunately, will be lost.

Hi all! I encountered an error when starting Skype: Login is not possible due to a data transmission error. Try restarting Skype. Trying to restart Skype or the computer did not bring any result. Tried to update the version Skype error preserved. Everything turned out to be more trivial than I thought. But you will find out what you need to get rid of the error by reading this article.

Solution 1

So, you see a window with an error - Login is not possible due to a data transfer error. Try restarting Skype, let's start fixing it.

First, close Skype by clicking on the icon in the lower right corner and selecting “Exit Skype.”

After this you need to go to the folder C:\Users\<Учетная запись на компьютере>\AppData\Roaming\Skype\<учетная запись в Скайпе> , for this you need to make visible hidden files or you can click the “Start” button (you can use the Win + R key combination) and enter in the search bar %appdata%\skype

Open the folder with your Skype login.

Once you are in your Skype profile, find and delete the file main.iscorrupt.

Now launch Skype, after this short procedure you can enjoy communication.

Solution 2. Deleting a Skype profile while saving correspondence.

If the first method does not help you, you can delete your Skype profile while saving your correspondence history. To do this, log out of Skype ( right click to the icon - “Exit Skype”)

Go to your profile (Start and enter %appdata%\skype in the search bar) and rename the profile (for example, add OLD at the end).

After that, launch Skype and enter your username and password. After logging into Skype, click sign out and sign out (right-click on the icon - “Exit Skype”). Then, in the folder where you have profiles, go to the old profile (with the ending OLD).

And copy the file main.db(it stores the history of correspondence) to a new profile (replacing the old main.db).

After this, launch Skype. It should start for you without the error " Login is not possible due to a data transmission error. Try restarting Skype«.

If correspondence is not important to you, you can simply delete your Skype profile(at the same time, the entire correspondence history will be deleted!!! contacts will remain).

To do this method, close Skype - right-click on the icons - “Exit Skype”.

Then find your profile, to do this, click the “Start” button and enter in the search bar %appdata%\skype.

After this, you can launch Skype, enter your username and password and enjoy communication.

I really hope my article helped you! Good luck to all!!!

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