In MTS with your number. Limitations on the MNP procedure

You have decided to change your mobile operator, but you don’t want to give up your good old number, which dozens of friends know, under any circumstances. There is a solution: when you change operator, you can save the number. A service with the mysterious name MNP will come to the rescue. We will talk about it in more detail below.

  • 1. What is MNP?

    It so happened historically that the service, with which you can change your mobile operator and at the same time keep your phone number, is denoted by a foreign abbreviation - MNP. It stands for Mobile Number Portability, which is translated from English as “mobile number portability.” It is not necessary to memorize so many words: in any communication salon it is enough to simply say that you want to switch to MTS with your number.

  • 2. Do I need to meet any conditions to port my mobile number to another operator?

    Yes need.

    • Everything will go smoothly only if the number is registered to you. Make sure in advance that your personal data in the transfer application - full name and passport number/series - matches your data from the previous operator.
    • The number should not have any debts to the previous telecom operator.
    • More than 60 days must have passed since the last transfer.
    • The number can only be ported within one region.
    • The number does not have to be a local number. Only federal numbers can be transferred.
  • 3. What will be required of me?

    It's simple: come to any MTS communication store with your passport. You will immediately be given an MTS SIM card with a temporary number, to which, simultaneously with the current one, you will receive an SMS with information about the stages of the transfer and the expected completion date of this process.

  • 4. What will my tariff be?

    You can immediately choose any convenient MTS tariff or take time to “think” and start using MTS communications with a special “Tariffishche” tariff plan with unlimited Internet. It is recommended to top up the balance with 200 rubles, intended to write off 100 rubles for the number transfer service. Write-off occurs upon transfer, and the remaining 100 rubles go to pay for communication services. Payment for the “Tariffishche” tariff (if you have chosen it) for the first month is made on the 15th day from the moment of connection. From the second month, the monthly fee is written off every month, on the date when you started using MTS.

  • 5. How long is the in-office procedure?

    It takes on average 5 minutes.

  • 6. I don't have time to go to a phone shop. There are other options?

Just recently, changing a mobile operator and keeping your number on another television system was something out of science fiction. Now anyone can transfer their telephone number, for example from MTS to Beeline. In this article you will find a detailed algorithm of actions on how to transfer to MTS with your number, and also learn about the rules of the transfer system.

Terms of MNP service from MTS

According to the laws of the Russian Federation, any citizen of the country has the right to change the mobile operator and then retain the numerical combination of his phone. Moreover, the procedure is available to both individuals and legal entities, as well as corporate subscribers.

However, to switch to MTS while maintaining your number, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • the most important condition for the transfer is the complete identity of passport and subscriber data. In other words, the applicant must be the real owner of the SIM card. Otherwise, manipulation will be impossible;
  • If the applicant’s passport was updated for some reason (due to loss, change of surname, etc.), the information on the mobile account will also have to be updated. This procedure can be performed at the nearest office of the cellular provider;
  • If you plan to transfer a number that is not your own, you will need to re-issue the SIM card. To do this, you need to come to the office center of the cellular operator together with the legal owner and passports and declare your desire to change the owner. After a simple procedure, the SIM card will be reissued to the new person, and he will be able to perform all further manipulations with it independently;
  • Any subscriber can switch to MTS with his number if there is no debt on his previous cellular account;
  • also, the SIM card cannot be blocked in any form: neither judicially nor voluntarily;
  • the time period of transitions between different operators cannot be less than 2 months. That is, if the client has already performed this procedure over the last 60 calendar days, a repeat procedure will be temporarily unavailable;
  • You can switch from Beeline to MTS only in your home region. That is, if the user lives in the Moscow region and his SIM card is registered there, new registration in the mobile network will be carried out only at the place of residence. Interregional transfer is not possible.

If the subscriber complies with the above rules, you can freely begin transferring the digital series. So, the step-by-step algorithm of actions here is as follows:

  1. You must come to the office of the mobile operator MTS with all the necessary documents (passport, contract, power of attorney), and you also need to have an old SIM card with you.
  2. Next, you will need to write an application to connect to the new mobile network while maintaining the old digital number. In the form you need to indicate your passport details, valid SIM card details, contact information and the reason for the transfer (can be anything).
  3. Then you need to pay a monthly fee of 200 rubles, 100 of which will be used to pay for the service provided, and 100 will be deposited into the subscriber’s mobile account. You can spend funds at your own discretion.
  4. Since transferring the number of another mobile operator to an MTS SIM card will take some time, the client is issued a temporary SIM card with a different phone number series. The subscriber also has the right to use an old SIM card with a TP running on it until it is completely transferred to MTS.
  5. The subscriber will be informed about the change of mobile operator via SMS message. As a rule, the SMS arrives a day before the card appears at the cellular provider’s office.
  6. As soon as you are informed that your card is ready, your old number series will begin to work on it automatically, and the former card from another cellular provider will be considered invalid.

By the way, you can transfer your number to MTS online by ordering a card via courier delivery. To do this, you need to go to the official page of the mobile operator and fill out the appropriate application. To fill out the form, you must enter your personal data and the address where the SIM card will be delivered. You will also be informed about delivery times via SMS.

Many subscribers are interested in the question of how long they will have to wait for a SIM card replacement. The application itself is considered 7-8 days from the moment it is written and submitted. If all the documentation is in order and the form is filled out correctly, already on the 9th day the client receives a new card with the old digital combination retained.

Immediately after connecting to the MTS cellular provider, the Smart Mini tariff plan will be valid on the card. Subsequently, the subscriber can either retain the current tariff on the card or switch to another one.

Even after receiving a SIM card, it is better to double-check the information about which provider your number belongs to, since any system can fail. To determine which provider owns a particular phone number series, go to the page Here you need to enter a numerical value in a specific column and press the “Check” button. As you can see, everything is quite simple and fast.

If you do not have free access to web networks, you can also check by sending a system request in the following format: * 916 * mobile number# . Let’s immediately make a reservation that the request is not free; for each send, 2.75 rubles are withdrawn from the subscriber’s account. However, you must admit that it is not that expensive, unless, of course, you plan to check it daily.

It is important not to forget to press the correct keys when paying for communication services at terminals and ATMs. For example, a subscriber who is accustomed to paying for another cellular connection can, even after changing the provider, transfer money, for example, instead of MTS to Beeline. You need to carefully monitor this, since it will be problematic to return funds back to your account later.

If you have any questions about porting your number, you can always call the mobile operator’s technical support at 88002508250 or contact the MTS telesystem salon for detailed explanations.

On December 1, 2013, mobile slavery was removed. Less than half a percent of subscribers were interested in switching to MTS while maintaining their number, media reports state. People refused to run away from Tele 2, Megafon, and Beeline with their number.

Preliminary fuss

Office clerks are focused on selling. Get ready to hear:

  • Currently, only paid plans (monthly subscription) are available.
  • After 2 weeks you can change the plan.

Rave. A beginner has the right to dial *888#, activating Super MTS.


  1. Visit the office.
  2. Express your desire to move.
  3. Listen to them try to lure you back - avoid angering the clerks.
  4. Write a statement.

The transition takes about 10-14 days. The fact of a change in operator is recorded by an information SMS. It’s easier to switch from MTS: the following will be announced 3-4 times:

  • Transition date.
  • Moscow (local) operation time.

After a specified period of time, visit the MTS office and receive an updated SIM card.


For the remaining 10-14 days, avoid replenishing your account too hard. There are known cases of money being written off. It is extremely difficult to return. MTS offers a “temporary” number for the transition period. The subscriber is free to independently assess the advisability of unnecessary fuss.


It is impossible to port a number that has the following characteristics:

  1. Neighboring region.
  2. Negative balance.
  3. Locked.
  4. Stranger.
  5. Transferred less than 60 days ago.

Good news

MTS often gives newcomers gifts (100-200 rubles). Have a nice chat.

Official project website

The operator allocated the domain to defectors, listing the methods (besides the office):

  1. Fill out an electronic application.
  2. Leave a request to the contact center 8 800 250 0890.
  3. Request a call back.

I will share my experience of switching from one mobile operator to another while maintaining the number. In my case - from MegaFon to MTS.

The background to the story is quite simple - I have been using MegaFon exclusively for a long time, for which I was even noted by the company - I was given a 20% discount on a fairly good tariff (5 gigabytes of mobile Internet, 1000 minutes of calls), which I have been using for the last few years, Until I realized that 5 gigabytes of mobile Internet is clearly not enough for me.

Having studied the tariffs of MegaFon itself, I realized that there are options:
- pay a little more, but have 7 gigabytes of mobile Internet and the same 1000 minutes - but just two extra gigabytes did not inspire me;
- pay a lot more, have 10 gigabytes of mobile Internet (even better), and 2000 minutes of calls, which I need just like a goat button accordion (1000 was always enough for the eyes).

Prices for Internet packages are now such that all the options from the series “this tariff + this package” a priori turned out to be uninteresting.

Oh yes, I have a discount, I remembered, and went to seek justice at the subscriber service. To the question: “Is it possible to keep the discount when switching to another tariff”? They answered me: “no”. Well, okay. After feeling a little sad (I was still used to MegaFon, and in general I was always happy with it - but that’s not the problem, the new tariffs are not convenient for me anyway), I went to “look deeper”, and quite quickly I found a suitable tariff from MTS. Yes, less minutes (400 and another 400 in the MTS Connect application), but it also costs less, and most importantly - 10 gigabytes of mobile Internet and a whole night unlimited, which I will come in very handy - for peace of mind I periodically, and to be honest - Once every couple of days I “back up” the data of all my sites, including this one, and, as I recently discovered with interest, such a backup “weighs” about 10 gigabytes. Well, no one can cancel the need to make backups when I’m out of town. This overnight unlimited made me so happy that I decided to take a risk, despite the fact that only recently.

I also remembered that I have a rather nice number in MegaFon, which I hardly use, and I realized that its time had come - only now, I need to take advantage of the recently appeared service and go to MTS with my number.

Well, on March 30, 2016, I come to the MTS salon, where they tell me that the application must be submitted in the same region in which the ported number was registered(and that’s what happened to me, Moscow and the region are considered one region, if that’s the case), and they send it to MegaFon - check passport details. I'm going to check. Don't underestimate this point. If the data you specified in the application and the data available to the operator do not agree, the application to port the number will be rejected. So I thought that just a year and a half ago I bought a MegaFon number, of course, showing my passport. And, since nothing has changed with the passport during this time, everything should be “ok”. But no, in the MegaFon salon a polite young man, after checking my data, made some amendments and, as a matter of form, persuaded me to stay. That's where we parted ways. I didn’t go back to MTS, there was a line there and I decided to go the next day. And at home I discovered with interest that the entire procedure can be completed remotely on the MTS website and started this process.

03/31/2016 - call from MTS, we agree that a new SIM card will be delivered to me by courier (free of charge) on Tuesday, 04/05/2016.

04/05/2016 - the courier arrived (on time), brought me an MTS SIM card, a contract, as well as a ready-made and completed application to port the number, which I signed in his presence and he took it with him.

I immediately inserted the SIM card into the phone. Until the transfer, it has a “temporary” number, but in general, you can fully use the services. The number porting service costs 100 rubles and is charged directly from the new SIM card, for some reason this is not written anywhere (of course, maybe I missed it), I was only verbally warned that I needed to deposit 100 rubles on this number. Just in case, I “threw” the score at 150 and began to wait for further developments.

04/08/2016 - both SIM cards, old and new, received a message from MTS saying “welcome” and “If there are no debts, the number will be transferred to MTS on 04/16/2016 at 13:00.” That is, my application was processed and the same eight days were given that operators are given to port the number.

A little about money. Money from the old SIM card to the new one is not transferred, and, if anything, you can get them at the office of the old operator by writing a statement (this is in theory, I have never encountered this).

And also, a little earlier, when I had the idea of ​​switching to Tele 2 (which I refused due to the fact that their coverage in the Moscow region was somehow “not ice”, and I didn’t want to have a phone that didn’t work in the country ). So, at the Tele 2 office they told me “in confidence” that MegaFon likes to “paint a debt” to leaving subscribers. Considering that during the entire time I used MegaFon, this operator behaved exclusively honestly and conscientiously, I didn’t really believe it, but the words remained in the subcortex, so I kept an eye on the balance, and soon realized where these rumors came from.

MegaFon has a feature that used to be called “credit of trust,” but can now be found on a website called “pay when it’s convenient.” The idea is that based on your expenses, you are given a certain amount. Previously, this amount could have gone into the red (which is logical), and the phone continued to work. However, some time ago everything changed, and if, for example, your “credit of trust” is 300 rubles, then they are added to the total account. That is, we check the balance - we see 400 rubles. 100 are yours, the remaining 300 are MegaFon. If we see 200, then in fact you have -100. I don’t know what the deep meaning of this system is, apparently some kind of machinations of marketers (although if you think about it, it’s clear what). This has always annoyed me, fortunately, to MegaFon’s credit, you can turn it off at any time.

“Mobile slavery” was abolished in Russia five years ago, so now anyone who is dissatisfied with the quality of service or existing tariffs, for example, Megafon, can switch to more acceptable conditions for another operator (in our case, MTS), and without losing your old number.

In addition, it makes sense to switch to Megafon while maintaining the MTS number if your entire family or work colleagues chose this particular company because of some special privileges like bonuses and other things. In any case, the transition from one cellular provider to another is accompanied by a certain series of nuances that must be overcome step by step.

So, let's try to figure out whether it is possible to switch from Megafon to MTS, how long it will take, as well as what strength and nerves this procedure will require. Let's consider all the pitfalls and outline a certain set of instructions for successfully completing the task.

In order to switch from Megafon to MTS, keeping the number, you will need:

  1. Wish.
  2. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  3. About 100 rubles in cash.


Preliminary verification of passport data

The procedure differs from the standard scenario in that in most cases you will not have to see or hear your actual operator. The advantages of this arrangement are quite obvious: you will be freed from persuasion to stay on some additional conditions with new bonuses, a loyalty program that came from somewhere and other brainwashing. If the mobile service provider did not have enough of all those months/years that you were with him to make his client satisfied with the quality and level of services, then it means that this is a bad (at least for you) operator.

But it may very well turn out that a trip to Megafon cannot be avoided. This happens in cases where the details of your passport specified in the contract differ from those actually presented in the salon of the operator to whom you want to switch. Keep this in mind before switching from Megafon to MTS.

In general, there can be only two reasons here:

  1. Error of the current operator when entering your passport data during the execution of the contract.
  2. Changing your passport details.

The first problem is easily solved without a visit to the salon: we find our old contract with Megafon, check the data and continue the re-registration procedure. If your passport has changed, then a personal visit to MTS cannot be avoided. Also keep these nuances in mind before switching from Megafon to MTS.

Let's go to the salon

We take a Russian citizen’s passport and go to any nearby MTS salon. In general, the competition between the “big three” (MTS, Megafon and Beeline) is very high, so your desire to switch to “us” will be received, if not with delight, then with due cordiality for sure.

The first thing you will be asked to do is show your passport and fill out a relatively short form to transfer your subscriber number. Here you must indicate the correct phone number of the previous operator. Pay special attention to this point before switching from your Megafon number to MTS. Here you can decide on the tariff you like from MTS.


Next, you need to sign the proposed agreement on the provision of communication services with the new company and pay about 100 rubles for this service. Along with a copy of the signed agreement, you will be given a brand new SIM card, which, by the way, will not start making you happy with your connection right away. Also keep this in mind before switching from Megafon to MTS, and do not sound the alarm ahead of time.

Generally speaking, the entire procedure from starting a conversation with an operator about changing a cellular company to leaving the phone shop with a contract and a SIM card in hand takes no more than 20 minutes, unless, of course, it’s rush hour and there are no long queues. In fact, there is no talk of any critical time expenditure. As for nerves, it’s unlikely that pretty and competent cashier girls will ruin your mood.


According to the current law on the provision of communication services to the population, the former provider is obliged to reconnect your subscriber number to the new cellular provider within eight days. Keep this in mind before switching from Megafon to MTS.

After you sign an agreement with the new operator, you should receive an SMS from the old one with words of gratitude for the time spent with them and the use of services, and most importantly - the approximate date of transfer of your subscriber number.

If everything went as it should, then after the first SMS you will receive the next one, which should inform you about the successful verification (preliminary) of your data for subsequent transfer.

Important points

Before switching from Megafon to MTS, the consultant will strongly recommend that you “not go into the red” for the entire transition period. If your balance becomes negative, the system may record a debt to the previous operator and refuse to port your subscriber number.

About a day before the end of the procedure, you will receive another SMS about the need to change the SIM card of the old mobile operator to a new card from MTS.

Successful transfer

On the day of transfer indicated in the message, the SIM card from Megafon will no longer be valid. That is, telephone communication and the transmission of any messages will not work on the old card, and the only thing that will remain is the Internet.

Sometimes unpleasant moments happen when the old SIM card stops working and the new one has not yet connected, but, as a rule, this transition period does not last more than five hours.

There are a lot of rumors on the Internet about problems with communication immediately after the number is transferred, but such issues either do not affect everyone, or there are good reasons for this (MTS tower is further than Megafon, etc.). But in most cases everything goes fine and without any incidents. It would also be useful to keep this in mind before switching from Megafon to MTS.


You can immediately upset the owners of city numbers. The only thing that MTS can do in this case is to transfer only the federal version of your subscriber number, that is, ten characters. The short number will remain at the discretion of Megafon and, whatever one may say, cannot be transferred.

In addition, the transfer cannot be carried out if your number is blocked for any reason (minus balance, inactivity, etc.). The procedure is also not possible if the subscriber is registered in another region.

In addition to these conditions, it is worth mentioning separately the methods of payment for a new subscriber number after the transition. In some cases, it is impossible to pay for communications using bank cards or all kinds of “Dixies”, “Kukuruz” and other things. At first (about two weeks), you can top up your balance only in the MTS salon and nothing else. For some online personalities this is quite a critical problem, but for others it is a bit of an inconvenience.