What is the difference between smartphones and androids. What is the difference between an iPhone and iPad from an Android smartphone and a regular phone? Smartphone, phone, iPhone, Android: what's the difference? Is the iPhone a smartphone? iPhone or smartphone: which is better, cooler, more expensive? Which is better: Android,

The confrontation between the iOS and Android fan camps is in the nature of a “battle for life and death.” In order not to provoke the growth of empty disputes (including getting personal), in thematic online conferences there are even attempts to raise the question “which is better: an iPhone or an Android?” lead to “prophylactic” blocking of the account. In this situation, users who really want to understand which OS-based device is best for them cannot find a clear answer.

This material is intended to correct the current state of affairs. It is worth noting that it is impossible to give a clear answer to the question of which is better to buy, “iPhone” or “Android”. Each platform has its own advantages. These systems are not without shortcomings, minor and significant.

How is iPhone different from Android, which is better?

Although the Android and iOS operating systems have become their closest competitors, they have significant differences. Read more about how iPhone differs from Android devices below.


The Apple operating system is a proprietary and closed source software product. Apart from engineers and programmers from Cupertino, no one has access to it. Third-party developers must use the official SDK (software development kit) to create programs and implement in their software only the functionality contained in it.

Apple has reliably protected the OS from unauthorized use by third-party developers of officially undocumented features. Neither full access to the file system, nor installation of programs from third-party sources, nor the implementation of other hidden functionality can be achieved without Jailbreak - “hacking” the system, which Apple views extremely negatively.

This approach made it possible to achieve OS stability, optimize energy consumption, and protect it from viruses and other malware. But, at the same time, some people did not like such restrictions. These users, when asked which is better - iPhone or Android, choose the second option.

Android is an open source system. Theoretically, anyone can access it, modify the OS and change/delete/introduce new functions. Subject to Google's recommendations, any manufacturer can officially install Android on smartphones.


The iOS graphical shell has an attractive appearance, but has limitations in functionality. It does not support widgets on the home screen, and desktop management is implemented “for an amateur.” Users have to pay for the attractive appearance of the system by giving up useful functions.

Android allows you to install third-party graphical shells. There are quite a lot of similar programs in the Play Market. If desired, everyone is free to give their OS the appearance of the same iOS or Windows Phone. iPhone owners do not have this option.


The question of “which is better: iPhone or Android” and memory organization are not in favor of Apple. Access to it is limited (you cannot move freely through the file system, like on a PC), and there is no possibility of expansion using a memory card or USB drive. Android doesn't have these shortcomings. To be fair, it is worth noting that the creators of smartphones with Android also refuse to install a MicroSD slot, but more devices are acquiring USB OTG support.

In addition to the listed differences, there are also smaller ones that do not allow us to finally close the question of what is better to buy: iPhone or Android.

What's good about the iPhone?

A superficial glance may seem like Android is better in everything. But there are a number of points that do not allow us to recognize the quick conclusions as correct. Chinese manufacturers, who made Android-based smartphones several times cheaper than Apple technology, did a disservice to the system. Wanting to make products more affordable, they resort to austerity.

Processors, RAM and ROM chips, or displays are produced only by large high-tech enterprises. Chinese manufacturers buy ready-made modules from them for installation in gadgets. Therefore, in order to reduce costs, savings have to be made on the level of customer service, adaptation of the OS for devices and subsequent system support through updates. As a result, clients receive cheap, but “crude” smartphones, which are characterized by the presence of bugs and unstable operation of the OS.

Large manufacturers, such as Samsung or LG, “sin” like this less often, and only in the case of budget handsets, but they also fall under attack. Their reputation is suffering, and Apple fans are convinced that Android is an unstable and flawed OS.

Such categorical statements are not 100% true, but nevertheless, the fact is clear: Apple smartphones suffer from these shortcomings to a lesser extent. Strict selection of software also has a positive effect: if any of the programs downloaded to the AppStore works stably on 1 GB of RAM, there is software in the Play Market that slows down even on 2 GB.

Which is better to buy: iPhone or Android

To resolve the iPhone vs Android dispute for yourself, and understand what is better in a particular case, it is worth determining for what purpose the device is being purchased. iPhones are balanced smartphones with modern (though not top-end) functionality, a well-developed OS and good implementation of multimedia functions.

Android is a universal OS that is suitable for both beginners in the world of mobile technology and professionals involved in software development. For enthusiasts, such devices offer more opportunities to modify the system and customize it to suit their needs.

The question of what is better to buy – an iPhone or an Android – is decided in favor of the former for those who need a high-quality device with balanced capabilities, and cost does not play an important role. For supporters of saving, as well as those who like to “tinker” with their device, buying “Apple” equipment will be a disappointment. For this category of buyers, an Android smartphone is a good purchase.

Ordinary users choose their phone based on what is on display in the store window. Often, studying a smartphone is limited to viewing the interface and music player - buyers do not have great knowledge about the technical characteristics of the purchased product. Let's improve our own literacy level and learn more about how Android differs from a smartphone and about the incorrectness of posing this question.

Great variety

A smartphone is a cross between a mobile phone and a personal computer. For each of these devices it can be:

  • Open webOS;
  • Windows Phone;
  • Android;
  • Apple IOS.

It is a determining factor when considering how Android differs from a smartphone. To understand how incorrectly the question is posed, consider the types of operating systems. They influence the functions that a smartphone can support.

Open webOS

This operating system is the very first one used on smartphones. Now it is becoming less and less common.

Windows Phone (WP)

This MOS was released in 2010 under the leadership of Microsoft. The system also works based on the multi-touch function. Its distinctive property is Hubs. These are sections that unite a common topic (games, contacts, Internet and others). Static icons look like “live” tiles. They reflect information about the state of each partition.

Apple iOS

This type of mobile OS can be installed exclusively on Apple technical products. The screen and interface of the devices operate based on the multi-touch function (simultaneous work with 1-3 points of contact). Applications can be installed on iOS in IPA format.


Let's return to the question of how Android differs from a smartphone. Android and IOS systems are the most popular all over the world. The first version of this OS was launched in 2008. Subsequently, developers only improved Android products. Now this system is installed on many digital technology products (game consoles, watches, tablets and smartphones). Android smartphones have the following advantages:

  • have open source software;
  • support multitasking and multi-user mode;
  • widely available and relatively cheap compared to Apple products;
  • surprise with its bright and user-friendly interface;
  • Support Wi-Fi, file transfer via Internet, USB, Bluetooth.

The main disadvantage of mobile devices running on Android OS is their wasteful battery.

Android or Open webOS

Having dealt with the question of how Android differs from a smartphone, we will find out which OS is better: Android or Open webOS? Of course, give preference to the first option, because Google Corporation occupies one of the first positions in the global market. Its products meet absolutely all modern requirements for mobile devices. The most on Android is Pixi 4007D. Its price is only 1990 rubles.

Instead of a conclusion

It is common to think that Apple products are of higher quality and more prestigious. However, recently there has been a trend towards an increase in Android OS users.

Articles and Lifehacks

The epic holivar “Samsung vs Apple” affects the vast majority of young people to one degree or another.

However, paradoxically, not every one of the fierce debaters is able to clearly answer how Android differs from iOS, which, however, does not prevent anyone from defending their point of view with foam at the mouth.

Operating system iOS

Used exclusively in devices manufactured by .

At the same time, it does not suffer in any way from the lack of enthusiastic admirers - all other operating systems are not able to push it beyond second place, not to mention “murder”.

To the number most significant benefits relate:

  • An extremely friendly, well-thought-out and simply beautiful interface that allows the user not to strain his or her wits once again.
  • Integration of various gadgets produced by Apple with each other, ensuring excellent data synchronization.
  • Extensive selection to cover any user needs.
  • Closed source is not only a disadvantage, but also an advantage, depending on which way you look at it. In this case, there is a gain in security and quality of updates.
Among the disadvantages we can name:
  • Most of the Apple Store software is paid, although there is also a fair amount of freeware in the store.
  • The closed nature of the operating system eliminates the possibility of third-party developers making changes to it.
  • The principle of storing content makes it very difficult to share it directly between different devices.
  • Not everyone likes the company's strict policy regarding security and anonymity.

Android operating system

The number of manufacturers using it in their devices is not even in the tens, but in the hundreds. However, most of them are small companies, whose market share does not even reach hundredths of a percent.

However, the main competitor of Apple phones, Samsung Galaxy, in all its diversity, uses it. What is good about the “green robot”, besides a funny logo?

  • Android is an open operating system that allows any competent developer to modify it to suit his own needs.
  • contains a huge amount of free content compared to the Apple Store. Of course, there are more than enough paid applications, but even they are much cheaper compared to those for Apple gadgets.
  • The content storage system allows you to directly transfer files from one device to another without any problems.
The disadvantages are mirrored reflect the strengths of the competitor:
  • The interface is not very user-friendly, which is to a certain extent compensated for by the abundance of various shells, including those from the gadget manufacturers themselves.
  • Due to the openness of the system, its security is significantly lower.
  • The process of updating to a new version is quite complicated and does not always end successfully, depending on how much it is provided by the manufacturers of a given model.

As you can easily see, the situation with the rivalry between the two operating systems almost exactly repeats the story with Windows and Linux.

Except that in this case the dominance of a closed system, but more friendly to low-skilled users, is not so pronounced.

However, the conceptual shortcomings of Apple devices, as well as their frankly inflated price, are to blame for this.

And, no matter how much the Cupertines strived for “world domination,” the threat of Steve Jobs, who promised to “kill” Android, remained unfulfilled: Google’s creation successfully outlived its hater, living to this day, which is what he wishes for all of us.

Today, the mobile electronics market is filled with smartphones based on a variety of operating systems, but only 2 of them are the most popular. The first is iOS, that is, all kinds of iPhones and iPads, they are produced exclusively by the Apple brand. The second system is Android, on which a huge number of devices are produced by a variety of companies, including relatively young and not very popular ones.

Both have gained significant recognition among audiences; both have certain advantages and tangible disadvantages. Let's try to understand this specific issue: iPhone and Android smartphone, what is the difference?

What is the difference between iPhone and Android smartphones

First of all, let us turn to one of the most fundamental factors that helps to better understand the essence of the issue. iPhones are based on a closed source system: this means that it cannot be downloaded, it is difficult to hack, adapt, and so on.

  • This is why iOS has very high stability; it is developed and updated for almost identical devices that have a very similar set of functions and internal architecture.

Android is a more universal system that can easily be installed on almost any device with any hardware, and can be easily hacked, copied, and reinstalled.

  • Applications for Android are offered to the user in the form of installation packages that can be freely transferred from device to device, and the system itself can be given almost any appearance and design.

Price and performance

An Android smartphone is assembled like a regular computer: processor, video card, sound devices - all this is selected based on the final price of the device, and can be represented by products from a variety of manufacturers. This has now led to an interesting trend, when such devices began to vary greatly in price: smartphones began to appear at clearly inflated prices and solutions that, on the contrary, received an incredibly low price tag.

Apple gadgets, in general, are more expensive. Their filling is strictly defined and many elements do not change even with modification of the device version. It is for this reason that the iOS architecture makes the most efficient use of all system resources: the iPhone 5S with its dual-core processor easily competes in performance with its eight-core Android counterparts. Time will tell the winner of this race, though.

Advantages of Android

An open system is highly flexible and easier to use. It was Android that helped make many smartphone models accessible and develop the market in various consumer segments.

  • Flash support. Many interactive elements built into web pages can only be displayed by Android. iOS system does not support them.
  • Cheap apps on Google play. Some Android programs cost much less than iOS programs because they are cheaper to develop.
  • Variety of designs, models, brands. Android smartphones are produced by many famous companies: Samsung and Sony, HTC and Philips: this is a huge selection of solutions, in contrast to fairly similar iPhones with monotonous internal shells.
  • Most Android phones allow you to insert a memory card and change the battery; Apple devices do not and, apparently, will not have this.

Benefits of iOS

All Apple devices use processors specially selected for the system and, in general, all hardware components. Accordingly, the system itself is written for a specific hardware.

  • The result is high stability, economical consumption of battery and hardware resources. Much fewer glitches and failures, especially when working on the Internet, a convenient Safari browser and a lot of truly useful pre-installed software.
  • Very fast and convenient automatic update, which remains almost unnoticed by the user.
  • Serious high-quality software for music, development and design. Many full-fledged professional level programs.
  • There is a minimum of defects, which is typical for Apple; devices almost never freeze or overheat.

So, let’s look at what is better, Android or iPhone? Which device is worthy of taking first place? Let's start with the fact that their differences, although not significant, still exist, and in some cases are quite significant. And of course they are individual. What should someone who wants to buy a phone choose?

Both Android and iPhone are electronic devices, smartphones. But. Androids are produced by many companies, such as LG, Lenovo, Samsung, etc., and iPhones are only manufactured by Apple. They (Apple) diligently monitor the proprietary quality of their brainchild, not allowing the use of applications from other companies. iPhone accessories, such as a USB cable, also don't give you much choice. Whereas all kinds of wires that complement androids are quite compatible. The iPhone platform has a closed program code produced only by Apple. Which is better android or iPhone relative to the examples given?

The compatibility of iPhones in relation to Androids is quite high, while the Android OS is completely incompatible with the latest iPhone models. That is, the iOS system is quite effective not only in the operation of iPhones, but is also compatible with Androids.

The lack of a memory card slot in iPhones in some cases can be considered a significant disadvantage when using this device. And it also hits hard on the wallet.

Androids easily work with applications from different manufacturers, but replacing native programs and iPhone applications with analogues is quite risky. For users, such castling can cause quite a bit of trouble.

It should be noted that despite the many positive qualities in the functionality and characteristics of iPhones, some expensive smartphones are not only not inferior to their rivals, but even superior to them. And engineering innovations of androids sometimes deserve the greatest attention of users.

Another noticeable difference in the functionality of these devices is the ability to replace the battery. For example, a non-removable iPhone battery causes certain inconveniences. While replacing the battery on an Android is not difficult. If problems arise with the iPhone battery, you have to change the device itself, which in turn is not cheap and not at all convenient. In terms of efficiency, it should be noted that Androids are often inferior to iPhones. The dimensions of the Android display sometimes overlap the dimensions of the iPhone. Due to this, energy consumption increases. But still, the top Android models are not inferior to the iPhone in this regard.

According to statistics, the iPhone has the lowest percentage of defective devices; the figures are approximately ten percent higher.

Due to the long existence and development of Google Maps, androids have the most powerful navigation system, accordingly relegating their rivals to the background in this regard.

For four years there has been a continuous struggle for the primacy of these devices, which has allowed Android manufacturers to sufficiently strengthen their position. Flash supported by Android is applicable and compatible with a large number of sites offering files for downloading. Simplifying these operations, the optional use of special programs for transferring files. This can be done using a flash card or USB cable.

The iPhone itself is much less likely to freeze or fail. It should be noted that the reliability and duration of operation are many times greater than the capabilities of Android smartphones. Which in itself established the iPhone among the elite, successful sections of society and, of course, expanded the circle of Apple users.

Due to the favorable balance, the ratio of software and hardware content, Apple does not have to chase improvements and increases in performance indicators (megapixels, gigabytes...) of the iPhone electronic device. The operating speed of smartphones is highest from the same manufacturer - Apple. And at the same time, technical improvement goes to Android, which in turn encourages iPhone manufacturers to constantly improve their models.

The correct ratio of the iPhone system product and the calculated capabilities of the device makes it possible to increase productivity while consuming the least amount of energy.

Considering that Apple produces not only the iPhone device itself, but also the operating system of this device, there is no doubt that the quality of both positions increases significantly. The very absence of malware or a small percentage of its existence in iPhone devices makes this device the most secure. While Android is subject to the greatest attack from all kinds of virus carriers, precisely because of the possibility of using various and non-native programs and applications. Due to this, the update speed in Android program systems is underestimated, which in itself correspondingly reduces the speed of troubleshooting problems that arise.

Well, of course, the safest and most secure of these two types of smartphones is the iPhone. Due to automatic encryption of incoming or outgoing information, access to it is difficult. This is just one important difference between iPhone and Android.

Well, the significant difference between Android and iPhone is the price range. The Apple brand itself is one of the most famous brands in the world of electronics. Which naturally affects the pricing of iPhone models. The price of the iPhone is much higher than its similar competing Android devices. The cost of models within Apple increases with each new development of a subtype (device).

Android price tags have much more variations than iPhones and will undoubtedly find their buyer in this category. But the iPhone has a fairly high established price with the smallest number of positions in the price category. But used devices from Apple almost do not lose in price, while the price of not new Androids most often drops significantly.

The best application developers prefer to initially try out their programs by downloading them, for example, iPhone 7vs, and then on Android. Due to this, quite frequent changes, improvements and modifications occur in the Android system.

When working with the interface for a user who is not entirely knowledgeable in this area, the Android system will be much more convenient. Whereas the iPhone interface requires some knowledge in designing it to meet certain user requirements, as well as habits.

Android supporters calmly move the necessary files from the computer and back to the smartphone. Transferring folders of audio, video files, necessary documents, applications, contacts is easy to transfer to Android and does not require any additional inclusions. At the same time, to perform similar operations, an iPhone requires the installation of iTunes, and only through it can you transfer the necessary information. Of course, smartphones, with each new model, become more and more different from previous versions, and each of them is good, better than the previous one. But there are also those who are not ready to exchange their old device for a more advanced one, and when the usual model breaks down, they go to the store to choose the same version.

As you already understood from the above differences between iPhones and Androids, although they are similar in many ways, they still have a significant difference. Both of them found their users. This is a matter of preferences, income and individual needs when working with smartphones. Buy an iPhone or Android, the decision is individual.

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