What is the difference between cast wheels and stamped ones? Cast and stamped wheels - pros and cons

The problem of choosing between steel and alloy wheels continues to cause a lot of controversy among car enthusiasts. Manufacturers add fuel to the fire by advertising their own products in every possible way for the purpose of sale. Therefore, stereotypes have been formed about the characteristics of products made from different metals that do not correspond to reality. Hence the purpose of this material - to tell how stamped, forged and alloy wheels, how to distinguish them from each other and which ones are better suited under different operating conditions of the car.

Light alloy wheels

The name “light alloy” is given to these products due to the properties of the materials from which they are made. This is an alloy of light metals - aluminum and magnesium; titanium and copper are added to it in small quantities for strength and ductility. Hence the second name for such discs - titanium. There are 2 types of alloy rims:

  • cast;
  • forged (pressed).

These 2 groups of products differ from each other in manufacturing technology, performance properties and cost. To understand which ones are better, you need to look at disk production in more detail.

Note. Sales representatives often impose on motorists the opinion that, unlike cast products, forged rims are made from incredibly durable and expensive metals, almost platinum. In fact, this is a myth; the composition of the alloy for the manufacture of both groups of products is absolutely the same. Manufacturers can slightly change the ratio of base and additional metals in the melt at their discretion.

About production technology

As the name suggests, cast products are made by pouring molten metal into special molds (casting method). The sequence of technological operations looks like this:

  1. Metals - ingredients are placed in an oven, melted and mixed.
  2. The alloy is fed to the mold and poured into it with a special ladle.
  3. After hardening, the workpiece is removed from the mold and moved for machining. In this case, the structure of the rim and spokes has already been formed, all that remains is to remove excess material around the edges and refine the holes for the bolts, as well as balance the disc.
  4. The last stage is testing under certain speed and shock loads.

Reference. In factories famous brands the process is in full swing automatic mode Using CNC machines, even casting is performed by a robot. Manual labor is practically eliminated.

The name “forged” does not accurately reflect the production method of these discs, since they are not forged, but extruded from a heated alloy using high-power hydraulic presses. The manufacturing algorithm is as follows:

  1. As in the previous case, an alloy is prepared in the furnace, from which cylindrical blanks are cast.
  2. Each blank undergoes several pressing operations, where it is formed into a solid wheel rim without spokes or holes.
  3. Products undergo 2 heat treatment operations - hardening (strengthens the alloy) and tempering to relieve internal stresses in the metal.
  4. Using mechanical processing on a variety of machines, holes are made in the disks, the pattern of the spokes is cut out, excess material is removed from the edges and balancing is carried out.
  5. Testing at critical loads is performed on special equipment.

Note. So the second myth is dispelled - that due to the manufacturing technology, forged wheels cannot boast of a varied design. On CNC milling machines, you can cut any, even the most complex, pattern into the body of a workpiece.

Pros and cons of cast products

The main advantage of wheels made from light alloy casting is their attractive appearance, which makes a car of any age and make look much prettier. And the choice of products in terms of configuration and number of knitting needles is incredibly wide. This is the main reason prompting car enthusiasts to replace steel wheel rims with light alloy ones.

Other advantages are also important, but they are of a technical nature:

  • the reduced weight of the products results in lower fuel consumption and improves vehicle handling;
  • for the same reason, the acceleration dynamics of the car improves, and the braking distance is reduced;
  • products are initially balanced due to production technology;
  • long service life.

Of the listed positive aspects, only the durability and balance of alloy wheels is really noticeable when the car owner changes tires in a tire shop. The improvement in handling and acceleration dynamics can only be felt by an experienced driver, and the change in fuel consumption is so insignificant that it is completely unnoticeable (0.1-0.2 liters per 100 km). Therefore, the beauty of alloy wheels remains a priority, and only then their technical parameters are valued.

Now about the disadvantages:

  1. The products are resistant to strong and sharp impacts. A crack appears in the thinnest place or where an air pocket has formed inside the metal. Manufacturers claim that casting cannot be repaired.
  2. The price of the product is higher than that of stamped steel wheels. Due to price variations, the difference can range from 50 to 200%.
  3. Cast rims cannot be used on minibuses and small trucks as they are not designed to withstand such loads.
  4. Maintenance operations for such products at a tire shop (changing tires, balancing) are more expensive.

Reference. In the post-Soviet countries there are many workshops where specialists have become accustomed to soldering cracks in aluminum castings. But such a repair cannot be called complete, and restored discs cannot be installed on the front axle of the car.

Advantages and disadvantages of forged wheels

The significant and only drawback of forged rims is their high cost, which is 2-5 times higher than casting, depending on the manufacturer. But for this money you will get the following advantages:

  • reliability and strength;
  • durability, the pressed rim will last as long as the car itself;
  • light weight of the product (even compared to casting), which improves the car’s behavior on the road and reduces fuel consumption.

Thanks to pressing and hardening in the manufacture of such rims, the metal does not have hidden holes and acquires increased strength, so cracks from impacts are an extremely rare occurrence. In addition, the spokes of the product can be made thinner and more openwork, giving the wheel design additional lightness and beauty. This is what you pay money for when you buy a forged wheel.

How to make cast alloy wheels - video

Stamped steel rims - the secret of popularity

More than 60% of all cars in the post-Soviet countries are equipped with disks made of sheet carbon steel. The vast majority of these cars are equipped with these wheels from the factory, since they are cheaper than others. Exceptions are cars in luxury configurations or luxury brands, for which the “stamping” frankly does not suit the appearance.

Despite their cheapness, iron wheels have many advantages:

  • Compared to aluminum alloy, steel has ductility and elasticity, so the rim partially absorbs impacts when driving over large uneven surfaces;
  • for the same reason, steel products are easy to repair - deformed areas can be straightened, and cracks can be welded;
  • scope of application - transport of any purpose and carrying capacity;
  • low prices for wheel maintenance;
  • There are no problems with fastening the wheels, for which factory (standard) bolts are used.

The most valuable advantage when driving on our roads is the high maintainability of stamped wheels and the ability to absorb shocks. Combined with low cost, these features make traditional iron rims the most attractive in the eyes of ordinary users. To understand how their cost is formed, it would not hurt to familiarize yourself with the manufacturing technology of such products.

Production by stamping

Thick sheet steel is used to make iron rims. Two types of workpieces are cut from it - a circle and a strip, sent for further processing. The process looks like this:

  1. On a hydraulic press, the core of the future disk with holes for bolts and technological openings is stamped from a steel circle.
  2. The strip is sent to rollers, where it is bent into a cylinder shape. The ends of the sheet are welded together, after which the seam is cleaned.
  3. A hydraulic press squeezes the finished rim out of the cylinder, then a hole for the valve is drilled in it.
  4. Both elements are connected by welding, then covered with primer and painted.

In the manufacture of stamped products, expensive CNC machines and furnaces are not used, which is why energy costs are significantly lower. Hence the low price of the final product.

Video of the assembly process of stamped products

Weaknesses of steel wheels

Compared to attractive products made from light aluminum alloy, stamped iron rims are inferior in appearance, which often becomes the reason for their replacement. Plastic ones don’t solve the problem either. decorative caps, which are always lost on the potholes of our roads, and the owner of the car has to buy new ones.

For reference. To prevent the hubcaps from flying off the wheels, many drivers fasten them to the rims with plastic electrical clamps. This helps, although it somewhat spoils the appearance of the car.

There are other negative aspects in using “stampings”:

  • due to the large weight of the wheels, the car’s handling is worse and fuel consumption is higher;
  • increased braking distance;
  • products made of stamped iron cannot boast of good balancing;
  • metal rusts and therefore requires maintenance.

Judging by the statistics, the listed shortcomings do not bother most Russian drivers too much. Again, some of the negative aspects are misinterpreted by sellers. For example, there is no basis for the statement that steel can rot in 2 years and the disk will become unsuitable for use. further use. To bring the metal to this state, it will take twice as long, and with timely care, the product will last no less than light alloy.

Note. There is a myth that the paint of stamped rims is easily scratched and quickly becomes unusable, but the light alloy surface cannot be damaged. The second part of the statement is incorrect; alloy wheels can also be scratched, but painting them is much more difficult.

It is best to select the type of wheel rims based on three criteria:

  • depending on the operating conditions of the machine;
  • car class and make;
  • active driving in cold or warm periods of the year.

Advice. If you expect to use one set of rims all year round, then, taking into account Russian road conditions, it is better not to risk money and install steel “stamping”.

The ideal option is to have 2 sets of discs, using them in the warm and cold seasons. For summer driving on asphalt surfaces, light alloy rims are perfect, but for the winter you need to use stamped ones. The problem is ice that appears on the asphalt due to unremoved snow, causing a smooth road to be covered with continuous potholes. The same ice along the edges of the roadway will easily scratch your beautiful titanium wheels when pulling onto the side of the road or approaching close to the curb.

When choosing a set of new disks, it doesn’t hurt to take into account other recommendations:

  1. You shouldn’t shell out money and buy light alloy products if you drive an SUV across the fields. Conversely, luxury cars driven on smooth roads should not be stamped; it looks reprehensible.
  2. Forged wheels are suitable for any passenger car and various conditions driving, except for outright off-roading.
  3. Do not try to install alloy rims on a minibus that is used for commercial transport, you risk quickly making them unusable.

When choosing forged products, a natural question arises - how to distinguish them from casting when they are externally similar. After all, an unscrupulous seller can slip you more cheap goods for the price of forged wheels. There are a number of tips on this matter:

  1. Forging is easier than casting. For example, a forged rim measuring 15 inches weighs no more than 5 kg, and a cast one weighs 7-8 kg.
  2. On pressed products processed milling machines, you will not find burrs or small flash around the edges, as happens with casting.
  3. As a rule, inscriptions on cast wheels protrude above the surface, while on forged ones they are recessed because they are applied by extrusion.
  4. If the product is branded and accompanied by documents, then in the specification of the forged rim you will find the corresponding English word - FORGED.
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Advice. There are many exceptions to these rules, which appear when studying the products of domestic or Chinese manufacturers. The best option- buy forged rims in retail outlets with an impeccable reputation or official dealers.

Despite the numerous advantages of alloy wheels, they cannot win even half of the Russian market. A similar situation is observed in countries former USSR, where stamped products are more relevant and practical than aluminum ones. A change in trend should not be expected until there is a dramatic improvement in paved roads.

Three types are common in Russia rims. Cast ones are made from an alloy of light metals such as aluminum, magnesium, etc. It is poured into molds and then subjected to grinding and additional machining. The main advantage of cast wheels is their beauty and low weight, which affects fuel efficiency and on the handling of the car. On average, fuel consumption is reduced by 0.5-1%, and braking distance is reduced by a couple of meters.

Stamped discs are made from stainless steel sheets with a high carbon content. The blanks are sent under an impact press and after a few seconds the wheel is ready. This process is fast and cheap, which has a positive effect on the price. Such wheels can be found on all passenger cars, as well as on trucks and buses.

But forged wheels are produced using complex technology. They are first cast in light alloy molds and then sent to the anvil. A giant press compresses the hot metal with several blows, reducing its grain structure and collapsing the shells. Thus, strength unprecedented for other discs is achieved. True, the price of forged wheels is five times higher than that of cast wheels, which makes them practically unattainable for the average buyer. The main purpose of forged wheels is rally raids.

So what the best way suitable for winter season? Due to frequent temperature changes above zero, in winter the roads crack and become covered with deep gouges. The risk of getting into trouble increases. Here you need to carefully think through all the pros and cons. It's better to think about safety than beauty.

Impacts in the pits

Alloy wheels do not resist impacts well. In frosts below 10 degrees, light alloys lose their toughness and become brittle. Hitting the sharp edges of asphalt can cause chips or even cracks. But even if the disc withstood the impact, the tire itself can burst from hard contact with the hole and the rim. In addition, alloy wheels lose their appearance due to chemicals poured abundantly onto the roads. In addition, they are open to snow and dirt, which is why with heavy snowfalls, layers of ice and snow can form on the inner surfaces of the wheel, causing the wheel to start to beat. And this affects the handling of the car.

Stamped wheels resist impacts even worse, but they do not crack, they only bend. When the suspension breaks down, excess energy moves from the tire to the edge of the rim and is absorbed there. A bent disc allows air to pass through, but it does not crack. There will be no immediate loss of tire pressure and you can get to a service station. Repairing a stamped wheel costs a penny and is performed in almost any tire shop. You can quickly fix it yourself with the help of a sledgehammer and a strong word.

In addition, there is much less risk of puncturing the tire on a stamped wheel. He would rather bend himself than let it burst from a savage blow from below. Thus, in long journey It’s calmer with stampings.

Forged wheels are best left to rally professionals. Their benefits in winter are not obvious, as they come at a high price. To realize their potential on the ice, we need special settings suspension and reinforced braking system, as well as tires with centimeter studs. A safety frame inside the body will also not hurt if the grip of the tires is not as good as expected.

In general, in bad autumn weather it’s better not to think about speed. Stampings are cheap, and you can easily buy a set of wheels and put winter tires on them, so that you don’t have to spend money on subsequent tire fittings in the spring. You can remove them yourself and take them to the garage for storage. Well, it’s better to put a summer set of tires on cast wheels. In warm weather they are more preferable, as they are perfectly balanced and designed for high speeds. Therefore, experts recommend taking stampings in winter and going to casting in summer.

We talked about the advantages and disadvantages of each type. Today it’s time to compare alloy wheels with stamped ones and determine which ones are better. We will not torment you with waiting and will immediately get down to business!

Stamped discs are the most common. They are the standard equipment of any car, regardless of make and model. People often call them “pieces of iron.” It was not by chance that they received this nickname; the fact is that stamped discs are made from ductile steel. The production technology is indecently simple - two circles are knocked out of a piece of steel using a mold, which are essentially the inner and outer parts of the disk. Later, the blanks are rolled, welded and coated with an anti-corrosion coating. Ready!

Alloy wheels are right behind stamped wheels in popularity. Their main difference from the latter is the material used in their creation. Alloy wheels are literally cast from an aluminum or magnesium alloy.

Advantages and disadvantages of stamped discs

+ Strength. The main advantage of stamped discs is that when they fall into a hole, they do not split, but bend. Thus, they can be easily and quickly revived, and even a non-professional can do it.
+ Suspension protection. When hitting an obstacle, stamped disc caps absorb the full force of the impact, which relieves the suspension from unnecessary loads and extends its service life, and therefore protects the car owner from unexpected repair costs.
+ Low cost. Stamped wheels are several times cheaper than cast wheels, and now it’s clear why they are standard equipment on most modern cars.
Unpresentable appearance. Stamped discs are a budget option, therefore one should not expect attractive things from them appearance. That is why car owners often decide to replace the hardware with more attractive cast ones, while others solve this problem with the help of hubcaps.
Susceptibility to corrosion. When purchasing a stamped disk, you should carefully examine its surface for chips and scratches. The fact is that at the slightest violation of the integrity of the disc coloring, especially in winter time, under the influence of water and reagents, the disk runs the risk of turning into a rusty piece of hardware.

Advantages and disadvantages of alloy wheels

+ Light weight. One of the significant advantages of alloy wheels is that they weigh relatively little, and therefore protect the suspension from unnecessary overloads, which allows you to extend its life.
+ Attractive design. The manufacturing technology of alloy wheels allows them to be created in any shape, which is appreciated by car owners who prefer their car to stand out on the road.
High price. Of course, cast wheels are not as expensive as forged ones, but compared to stamped ones, their price is several times higher.
Fragility. If a cast disk falls into a hole, it will not be dented like a stamped one, but will crack, so it will be impossible to restore it, so you will have to buy a new one, and this is an additional expense.

We have presented to your attention the main characteristics of cast and stamped wheels. Each species wins in some ways and loses in others. It is quite difficult to say which wheels are better, because each car owner has his own requirements for them. Therefore, which wheels, cast or stamped, is up to you, dear visitors of our portal, to decide. Good luck on the roads and, as they say, no nails, no wands!

It may be associated with their breakdown, the desire to change their appearance vehicle or with need quick replacement sets of tires. The question inevitably arises, which wheels are better - there are currently many types of products on the automotive components market. It is worth remembering that the strength, reliability and other properties of wheel rims depend both on the material used in their manufacture and on the chosen production method.

The question that many motorists face is: “Which wheels to choose?”


Budget cars or vehicles in the simplest configurations are usually equipped with stamped steel wheels. Such products are made from regular sheets rolled metal of a given thickness - blanks for the rim and hub are processed by a hot press and then joined by welding. The use of steel makes it possible to achieve high strength of the disks, as well as their ductility. It is this that determines the main advantage of such wheels - when they hit a large obstacle or with a strong impact, they bend, but do not burst or crack. Therefore, a stamped disk can be repaired without the use of special equipment - just hit it with a sledgehammer or a heavy hammer.

However, to say that it is better - stamped steel wheels or their expensive alternatives, it definitely won’t work. The maintainability and low cost of such automotive components is counteracted by their very large weight. Increase unsprung masses of the vehicle leads to an increase in the wear rate of the suspension, deterioration in comfort, as well as. Most manufacturers try to lighten stamped wheels by cutting special holes in them, but even such products weigh 2-3 times more than their light-alloy counterparts.

In addition, steel products are subject to corrosion, which can destroy them within 2–3 years of intensive use. To prevent rust, they are coated with a primer or a special varnish, but such a solution cannot provide ideal protection for the wheels. Finally, it is necessary to note the primitive design, which is rarely combined with the appearance of a modern car.

Classic casting

Most motorists are faced with a choice - cast or stamped wheels. If you have financial capabilities, experts recommend choosing the second option. Light alloy products are formed by classical casting into a pre-prepared mold. Thanks to this, there is virtually no boundary between the rim and the disk - this increases the reliability and durability of the wheel. The material used to make cast wheels is usually an alloy of aluminum with other metals - for example, magnesium or titanium.

In terms of strength, cast wheels are significantly superior to stamped steel ones. The limit of their deformation is much higher - to damage a light-alloy wheel, you will need 3–5 times more impact energy. However, the ductility of the non-ferrous metal alloy is much lower than that of steel, which causes serious difficulties when it is necessary to repair the disk. To eliminate damage, hot rolling, drawing, argon welding and other methods that require the use of expensive equipment are used. After the disks are restored, the metal loses its original molecular structure, which leads to a significant decrease in the strength of the wheels.

If you want to know the difference between alloy wheels and steel wheels, you should know that alloy wheels have much less weight. This has a positive effect on the following properties of the car:

  • Comfort;
  • Economical;
  • Reliability and durability of the suspension.

Alloy wheels are not subject to corrosion and other types of damage, even if they are severely damaged. The only exceptions are products using magnesium - they are destroyed by moisture, which requires the use of multi-layer protection. That is why it is recommended to install balancing weights on alloy wheels of this type using a special polymer adhesive rather than traditional brackets. Another advantage is the geometric precision of manufacturing - tolerances do not exceed 0.1–0.15 mm, which ensures excellent vehicle control accuracy.

Maximum strength

However, light alloy wheels are also available in various types- if you purchase them in big store, then after determining the required size you will be asked whether you need forged or cast wheels? It’s worth saying right away that mechanical forging has nothing in common with manual forging, which can be seen in small enterprises working with metal. In fact, forged wheels are made by stamping a light alloy billet - the difference from the production of steel wheels lies in the use of different shapes and the use of very high temperature, in which the metal is in a semi-liquid state. Forged wheels are also made from non-ferrous metals, but the proportion of high-strength components such as magnesium or titanium is much higher.

If casting involves complete melting of the metal, accompanied by a violation of its molecular structure, then this does not happen during forging. As a result, the wheels gain even greater strength, which ensures their reliability and durability. Experts say that if you hit a large obstacle, you are more likely to damage the suspension components than the forged wheel. The difference lies in the weight, which is 5–25% less for products obtained by forging. This reduces fuel consumption, reduces wear and tear, and improves vehicle comfort.

The only serious drawback of forged wheels is the high cost due to the features technological process production. It is also worth mentioning that they cannot have a complex design, since the stamping mold imposes its own restrictions on the curvature of the surfaces. This is the answer to the question of how to distinguish forged wheels from cast ones - they have a chopped rough shape. Despite some design limitations, forged wheels are a favorite among street racers and tuning enthusiasts. They can improve the dynamic parameters of the car, as well as give it an unusual appearance.

What to choose?

If you are planning to travel good roads, but you don’t plan to spend a lot of money on equipping your car with new wheels, it’s better to give preference to alloy wheels - in Lately there are many quality ones on sale inexpensive models. The best option- discs made in Russia, Korea or Europe, but products from Turkey and China should be avoided. Fans of high-speed driving can recommend forged wheels, which are characterized by their low weight and excellent strength. If you often have to travel bad roads or even go beyond the asphalt, it is better to purchase stamped steel wheels. Their advantage is not only their low price, but also their ability to self-repair after a minor breakdown.

Good afternoon, dear readers.

A car wheel consists of two parts: a tire (tire) and a rim. Features of tire installation were discussed in the article

Today we will talk about rims. You will learn the differences between cast, stamped and forged wheels, as well as the features of selecting wheels for a particular car. Let's get started.

A short explanation for novice car enthusiasts. Wheel rim- this is the central metal part of the wheel on which the tire is mounted.

Selection of rims for a car

The ability to install a disc on a specific car is determined by several numerical parameters. For example, a disk characteristic might look like this: 7J R17 PCD5*112 ET45 d57.1

Car manufacturers usually provide recommended wheel rim parameters. The car suspension is designed for wheels with certain parameters. Therefore, if you want to avoid possible problems in the future, use the recommended settings.

Let me note that in practice, when purchasing rims, the following may arise: problem. Wheels from official dealers are very expensive compared to similar wheels in specialized stores that sell tires and wheels. Discs sold by dealers strictly comply with the recommended parameters, while discs sold in car dealerships may differ in one or more parameters. What to do?

1. You can buy wheels from a dealer and not worry about the parameters of the wheels.

2. You can find wheels in car stores that strictly comply with the required parameters. I note that in practice, even in large cities, problems may arise with finding disks that meet all the parameters. Nevertheless, there is always the opportunity to contact one of the online stores in the capital, where there are no problems with choosing disks.

3. You can buy discs that differ in one or more parameters.

For example, you can buy discs of larger or smaller diameter. You can buy larger discs central hole, different offset or greater width. The only parameter that cannot be changed is PCD (since the mounting holes of the disk must strictly correspond to the mounting holes on the car).

Let me emphasize once again that using disks with parameters different from those recommended can lead to additional faults car. In addition, this may cause problems with warranty service.

Let's go back to rims. On average, smaller drives cost less than larger drives. For example, in practice it may be cheaper to buy winter tires and an additional set of 16-inch wheels than a set of 17-inch winter tires without wheels.

Note. In the text of this article, for comparison, I will provide prices for 14-inch rims, current in 2010.

Stamped discs

Perhaps the most common type of wheel rims are stamped steel rims. Their popularity is largely due to their low cost (for 14-inch in the region of 1,000 - 1,500 rubles per disk).

A significant contribution to the spread of stamped wheel rims is made by the fact that many new cars are sold on such rims. Well, owners are in no hurry to spend money on new wheels, but use existing ones for the entire life of the car.

Advantage stamped rims is their good reaction to getting a wheel into a hole. In this case, stamped discs usually do not crack, but bend. After this, the damaged disk can be repaired, and it can serve for quite a long time.

Disadvantage stamped wheel rims is their weight, which exceeds the weight of cast and forged wheels. Another disadvantage of stamped discs is their appearance. All stamped discs are the same (the disc can be seen in the picture on the left) and for some reason are not loved by many car owners.

The problem of the appearance of stamped discs is solved by installing wheel covers , covering the disc and giving it an individual look.

Alloy wheels

Another popular type of rims is alloy wheels.

Unlike stamped wheels, which are made of steel, cast wheels are made of aluminum or magnesium alloy. In this regard, alloy wheels have less weight, which is their significant advantage. Also, alloy wheels have greater thermal conductivity and this contributes to better heat removal from the brake mechanisms.

The technology for manufacturing cast wheels allows them to be given almost any shape. Therefore, in practice, alloy wheels look more attractive than their stamped counterparts.

Disadvantage alloy wheels is their relatively high price (for 14 inch 3,000 - 4,000 rubles per disk). The second disadvantage of alloy wheels is that if the wheel gets into a large hole rim may split. It is impossible to restore a split disk; it must be completely replaced.

Nevertheless, alloy wheels find many supporters.

Forged wheels

The third type of wheel rims - forged wheels. Their manufacturing technology differs from the two previous types of disks.

Advantages Such discs are manifested in their high strength. In addition, forged wheels are the lightest among those considered today.

Another undeniable advantage forged wheels - unlike cast wheels, they do not split when they fall into a hole. From this advantage follows one of shortcomings forged wheels. Since forged wheels can easily survive falling into a hole, almost all of the impact energy is transferred to the suspension, which adversely affects the condition of the car.

The second disadvantage of forged wheels is that the design of such wheels is limited by their manufacturing technology.

Forged wheels cost about the same as cast wheels (3,000 - 4,000 rubles per disk for 14-inch wheels). Therefore, they have both supporters and opponents.

Let's summarize this article:

  • When choosing rims, you need to take into account the parameters recommended by the car manufacturer.
  • There are 3 types of rims.
  • Stamped wheels are the cheapest and heaviest. They can be repaired.
  • Alloy wheels are more expensive and lighter. They may break if they fall into a hole.
  • Forged wheels have the lowest weight and the greatest strength. Their use may damage the vehicle's suspension.

Good luck on the roads!

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