To be specified index php newsid adding a comment. Open letter to the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin

Open letter to the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin and His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus'

July 22, 2012, Merekina Lyubov, expert of the RF OP Commission on Social Issues and Quality of Life

Held press conference Commissioner for Children's Rights under the President of the Russian Federation, P.A. Astakhov. Topic: “Protecting the rights of large families to housing.” And what happened was: “Refusal to protect the housing rights of large families”?! It is enough to listen carefully to the ombudsman to be horrified. It turns out, according to Astakhov, “The state cannot and should not deal with housing,” otherwise it will be like in Greece. For some reason, he does not compare Russia with the United Arab Emirates or Sweden - oil-producing powers. Further: “The state has burdened itself with exorbitant social obligations.” “The state will reduce its role in housing construction.” Much less! All the state does is take 10-30% of the space from businessmen as tribute. The state itself does not build housing, except in Chechnya. The question is, why is this happening?

Astakhov announced staggering numbers: 245,200 orphans do not receive the housing they are entitled to by law, 2,800,000 families have no housing at all. And this despite the fact that no one has repealed Article 7 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation on the social state. How can our state expect to preserve itself with such numbers?

“No one will break the law” - this only applies to disadvantaged citizens when they need to “not give” something. “Let's keep the Law!” exclaims Astakhov. “Let’s,” we agree, “comply, and start with Article 40 of the Constitution.” Astakhov repeats the mantra about “residents of the city legally,” forgetting that ALL CITIZENS of Russia live in the country legally, and by-laws are aimed at infringing on people’s rights...

But what kind of observance of the Law are we talking about when the Law is blatantly violated even in relation to orphans? It is not surprising that “his colleagues frightened him and dissuaded him from such a topic,” because during the conference the ombudsman acknowledged the complete irresponsibility of the state. In every phrase of Astakhov, the leitmotif is the idea that “the state and he personally cannot provide housing for those in need.”

“If someone abandons a child because there is nowhere to live, this is not a moral problem, this is a problem of the state,” said His Holiness during a meeting of the Patriarchal Commission on Family Issues and Protection of Motherhood.

In this regard, we were forced to send a letter to the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin. and to His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus':

To the President of the Russian Federation
V.V. Putin
His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus'

Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich!

Your Holiness!

I beg you to agree on cooperation in saving homeless, unregistered large families in Russia. Today, the 7-child family Astapenko-Chernyavskaya, whose mother has been pregnant with her eighth child in recent months, is again facing eviction onto the street from a Moscow rented apartment. Many other families are in a similar situation.

Your Holiness, we are grateful to you that on December 6, 2011, you raised the issue of the hopeless housing situation of several families who do not have registration at their place of residence with the Commissioner under the President of the Russian Federation for Children’s Rights. And although over the past almost 8 months Pavel Astakhov has not helped anyone in any way, it is now impossible to silence this topic.

And I am eternally grateful to you for blessing me and my three-year-old daughter Ekaterina (a native Muscovite, who was illegally discharged onto the street by employees of the Federal Migration Service, and her registration was miraculously restored only in court! Three children are native Muscovites, her grandfather was a participant in the Second World War, and is buried in the Novodevichy cemetery ) in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior on a holiday dedicated to the Day of the Orthodox Book. This gave me the strength to endure a 17-day hunger strike (June 15 - July 2) - in defense of the right to housing for my large family and many, many others ( ). And Pavel Astakhov could not silence this topic, to which he dedicated his press conference on July 18, and where, addressing our entire country, he devoted a lot of time to the “Merekina problem” ( ).

But the worst thing is:

In his speech, Pavel Astakhov spoke a lot and rightly about the housing problems of families who “legally,” as he emphasized, live in this or that region, but he completely silenced the problem of families without registration that you raised; introduces into the public consciousness hostility towards our social group (inciting social discord), speaking about such families - “you are strangers,” although we and our children are the same citizens of Russia, no worse than those who have “legal” registration;

Speaking about my problem, Pavel Astakhov read a letter addressed to him from the Governor of the Ulyanovsk region, who, responding to Astakhov’s request, expressed his readiness to provide my family with housing out of turn; and there are 1,403 large families on the waiting list in the Ulyanovsk region, and my children and I have not been residents of the Ulyanovsk region for 5 years, from where we were completely legally discharged to Moscow in 2007; and it was Moscow that deprived us of our registration in 2008, making us legally homeless. We are Muscovites, our last place of registration is Moscow!

About all this P.A. Astakhov kept silent, but completely unfairly accused large families of allegedly wanting to get housing bypassing the queue in Moscow and St. Petersburg. And at the same time, he himself is trying to arrange the same thing (allocation of housing by exclusion) in the Ulyanovsk region, without offering any systemic solutions to the problem.

Social guarantees of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the International Convention on Human Rights must ensure the protection of all citizens equally. Why are homeless people not recognized as needing housing? Registration or lack thereof should not affect the exercise of rights. Those on the housing waiting list and homeless citizens are not placed in equal conditions for exercising their rights. Those on the housing waiting list are not queuing to receive temporary housing; they are already living somewhere and waiting. In any case, not a single person on the waiting list has the same legitimate interests in housing as our homeless large homeless families. We do not have the right to receive alternative housing (only rented apartments at market prices with a huge number of dependent children in our arms). And, for example, the Moscow Housing Department did not show GOODWILL to my Moscow homeless family (the last place of registration is Moscow, and one child is still registered) to provide us with even temporary housing, let alone permanent housing. Pregnant with my sixth child, I was discharged onto the street from my property; I have been living in the city of Moscow in rented apartments for more than ten years. I pay utility bills at two addresses: rental housing and the place of residence (registration) of my youngest daughter.

My family is ready to move to the Ulyanovsk region with the condition of improving the life and security of my children, including improving the quality of life, protection from violence and cruelty. According to information provided by Pavel Astakhova, in the Ulyanovsk region there are 1,403 large families who, like I once did, have been waiting for their turn for housing for decades. I ask Pavel Astakhov to pay attention to the fact that the Ulyanovsk region did not present him with a complete picture of the housing problem, according to land for large families and about the inaction of local authorities - . Can someone prove otherwise?

Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich, your program for the construction of social rental housing is the way to solve Russia’s housing problems. But families without registration, “not belonging” to any subject of the Russian Federation, and not having a “residence qualification” will still fall out of it if the Russian Federation does not take responsibility for them.

Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich, Your Holiness, we do not need housing to own, we need a roof over our heads for our children. I beg you - help us with renting housing! Vladimir Vladimirovich, I ask you to allocate funds from the Fund of the President of the Russian Federation to the Synodal Department for Church Charity and Social Service, which, thanks to this, will be able to rent a lot of residential premises for the further accommodation of families in dire need - at the place of their actual stay. In order not to drive children who were born and raised, for example, in Moscow, somewhere around our Great Motherland - as Pavel Astakhov suggests doing.

To be honest, when I saw that they were writing about this and advising newcomers on other sites, I was a little horrified and decided to write down my note on this topic without a fatal flaw. Mostly I saw long sheets of code that implement adding comments to the site. Usually, for this purpose, they create a form, implement its processing, saving, as well as selections for display. But the advantages of this approach become less and less as time goes by.

In this post you will learn one of the simplest (but, subjectively, one of the most preferable) ways to add comments to a site - a simple example for beginners + options for more advanced webmasters.

Indeed, why reinvent the wheel and write a bunch of code that in the future will still have to be supported, fixed, etc., if there are a bunch of ready-made solutions from third-party services (we are talking about social networks + disqus)?

But before we move on to implementation itself, let's look at the advantages/disadvantages of using ready-made solutions. (If you forgot about anything, write in the comments and we’ll expand the list)

Benefits of third-party solutions:

  • Easy to implement.
  • Protection against spam “out of the box” (in my solution I would have to additionally implement this, so, theoretically, it is related to the previous point).
  • Less prone to errors, bugs, etc., since third-party solutions have been tested by millions of users (again related to the first: you can also write everything without bugs, but it will take additional time to debug).
  • As a rule, services provide a ready-made admin panel, statistics, notifications for admins, sometimes moderation, several admins, pre-moderation, etc., which can take months, if not years, for a webmaster, especially a beginner, to implement.
  • The user does not need to register, enter his name, etc. - it is assumed that he already has an account on a popular social network.
  • Most likely, it will withstand a heavy load due to the fact that social. platforms are initially designed for heavy loads.


  • Poor or complete lack of ability to change the appearance of the block with comments.
  • Indexing in search engines.

As you can see, there are many more benefits. The inability to change the appearance is most likely done in order to recognize the style of the comment service, thus creating unobtrusive advertising. (As one of the options). As for indexing, is it really that important, because not all comments carry meaning.

But enough theory, let's move on to practice.

1. The simplest option is to add comments using a selected social network.

For example, vk. Let's look at the documentation. We copy the provided code and add it to the page (pieces of code were taken from the docs at the link, they may change in the future, so always copy from the documentation site. Here is only a possible example):

1) Add to:

VK.init((apiId: 2951023, onlyWidgets: true));

2) Add in the place where we want to see the comments widget (for example, after a note, if we are talking about a blog):

VK.Widgets.Comments("vk_comments", (redesign: 1, limit: 10, width: "665", attach: "*"));

2. Add widgets from several services. For example, like on this resource. Switch tabs:

Add to the markup (twitter bootstrap must be connected for correct operation!) in the place where you want to display the comments widget:

But this option is not the best, although it is the simplest. The problem is that with this approach, all widgets will be initialized when the page is loaded, regardless of whether the user needs them or not.

This can be avoided by implementing lazy initialization of comment widgets. First the entire code, then an explanation:

(function(global, $) ( "use strict"; $(function() ( var $tabToggler, initComments, initialized; initialized = ( "#vk-comments": false, "#disqus_thread": false ); initComments = function (type) ( var discussUserName, disqus_config, pageUrl; if (initialized) ( return; ) pageUrl = "page_url"; switch (type) ( case "#disqus_thread": // You need to set this params using your platform"s appropriate way discussUserName = "discussUserName"; disqus_config = function() ( = pageUrl; return = "page_identifier"; ); (function() ( var d, s; ​​d = document; s = d.createElement("script"); s.src = "//" + discussUserName + ""; s.setAttribute("data-timestamp", +new Date()); return ( d.head || d.body).appendChild(s); ))(); break; case "#vk-comments": VK.Widgets.Comments("vk-comments", ( limit: 5, attach: " *", pageUrl: pageUrl )); break; default: return; ) initialized = true; ); $tabToggler = $(".comments-wrapper a"); $tabToggler.on("", function(e) ( initComments($("href")); )); initComments($tabToggler.closest(".active").find("a").attr("href")); )); ))(window, jQuery);

Pay attention to the variables whose value you must prepare using the methods provided by your platform.

First, let's create a mapping of comment widget types, a variable initialized. Next, function initComments(type) allows you to initialize a comment widget, and it does nothing if it has already been initialized.

And the final touch is to initialize the default comment widget so that it appears immediately after the page loads.

Ready script for and coffeescript for gist. Example of work - below (code examples taken from this site)

Hello, friends and blog guests! Today I’ll tell you using PHP and MySQL. We will also talk about commenting systems for the site and choose the best one for your site from the ones I offer.

Question one: using PHP and MySQL?

To do this, you and I first need to create a table in the database of your site, which will be called comments. This created table will store comments in fields with the following designations:

id is a unique identifier.
page_id — this field will store the identifier of the site page on which this comment is located.
name is the name of the commentator who left this comment.
text_comment — accordingly, this is the text of the current comment.

The next step, after creating a table for comments in the database, we need to implement special code for our future comments on the site. This code on the site will allow our commentators to add their comments to our articles. Here is the code:

Your name:

Your comment:

This is a simple HTML comment form for the site. You place it on your website in a place where it is convenient for leaving a comment on a post - naturally, under the post itself.

The last step in creating a comment form for a site in PHP and MySQL is to display our comments on the site page. Here's the code for this:

That's all! Our simple comment form for the site has been created and can work on the site.

But this is certainly not for a beginner who will not bother with all this HTML, PHP and MySQL code. Nor will he learn how to create a database. He needs everything at once, quickly and without headaches. I'm right? Of course you're right!

Then let's move on to the next section of my material and find out everything about ready-made comment systems for the site and choose the most convenient, functional and acceptable for your site...

Comment systems for the site. Which one to choose?

How to make comments on a site is an important question because comments on a site play an important role not only for communication between the site owner and the visitor, but comments are also important for SEO promotion and promotion.

With the help of comments on the site, the site’s position in search results increases, behavioral factors improve, traffic to the site increases, and, consequently, your earnings increase. You see how important comments are for the site!

Therefore, let's look at how to make comments on the site and which commenting system to choose as the best option?

In general, comments on websites are displayed in many ways. These include special plugins for wordpress engines and comments from all kinds of social networks, such as VKontakte, Facebook, Disqus. There are also independent services that offer their own comment systems for the site, for example.

I’ll now give you one tablet that will immediately put everything in its place and no questions will arise about choosing a comment system for the site:

Here you can clearly and clearly see which comment system is the best and several presented ones, which are most often used by webmasters on their resources. I think that explanations are unnecessary here and the choice is yours!

I have already made a decision for myself and installed a comment system for my site from Cackle.

By the way, if you have already decided to choose a system for your site, then here is a link that gives you a 5% discount on purchasing a comment system from Cackle!

That's all I have for today! Good luck and prosperity to everyone! See you again!