Installation of system center. We accept the terms of the license agreement

To check whether Configuration Manager is ready to install, we will use the application Prereqchk.exe, which is located on installation disk in folder SMSSETUP\BIN\X64.Documentation for working with Prereqchk.exe is available here
To check the readiness of the first server for installing a Primary site with SQL on a separate server, run

E:\SMSSETUP\BIN\X64\prereqchk.exe /PRI /SQL /SDK /MP /DP /ssbport - FQDN SQL server, cm01 is the first site server whose readiness we are checking.
/PRI Checks compliance local computer requirements of the primary site.
/SQL<полное_доменное_имя_SQL_Server> Checks compliance specified computer requirements SQL Server related to Configuration Manager site database hosting.
/SDK<полное_доменное_имя_поставщика_SMS> Verifies that the specified computer meets the requirements of the SMS provider.
/MP<полное_доменное_имя_точки_управления> Verifies that the specified computer meets the requirements for the management point site system role.
/DP<полное_доменное_имя_точки_распространения> Verifies that the specified computer meets the requirements for the distribution point site system role.
/Ssbport Verifies that the firewall exception that allows connections on the SSB port is active. The default port is SSB 4022.

When the command is executed it will start GUI, which will indicate the requirements and recommendations for installation point by point:

Let's go through the main ones.

Install .Net framework 3.5:

Install-WindowsFeature Net-Framework-Core -source f:\sources\sxs

f:\sources\sxs - folder on the installation Windows disk Server 2016

Install the remaining OS components:

Install-WindowsFeature -Name UpdateServices-Ui Install-WindowsFeature Web-Windows-Auth Install-WindowsFeature Web-ISAPI-Ext Install-WindowsFeature Web-Metabase Install-WindowsFeature Web-WMI Install-WindowsFeature BITS Install-WindowsFeature RDC Install-WindowsFeature NET-Framework -Features Install-WindowsFeature Web-Asp-Net Install-WindowsFeature Web-Asp-Net45 Install-WindowsFeature NET-HTTP-Activation Install-WindowsFeature NET-Non-HTTP-Activ Install-WindowsFeature WDS

Install-WindowsFeature -Name UpdateServices-Ui installs the WSUS administration tools. I will not install the WSUS role itself on this server, because I plan to deploy Software Update Point on the second server of the CM02 site.

ADK Installation

Download and install ADK 10
I used Windows ADK for Windows 10, version 1703.
The following components are sufficient for Configuration Manager to work:
Deployment Tools
Windows PE,
If necessary, you can install additional components. I also installed ICD and Configuration Designer.

We re-run the readiness check:

There are still active comments on SQL setup server. One of them reports that it is not recommended to use SQL authentication on the server. I deliberately chose this configuration, so I will ignore this warning. The other two warnings are related to the fact that the upper and lower bounds for memory consumption of the database server are not set. The lower minimum limit for a Primary site should be 8 GB. I'll set the lower limit to 16 GB and the upper limit to 20 GB. You can do this in SQL Server Management Studio:

We run the readiness checker again and make sure that there are no obstacles to installing the first server of our site.

Installing the first site server

Mount the Configuration Manager disk image and run the splash.hta file:

We indicate the type of site that needs to be installed:

Next, the wizard will ask you to enter license key and accept the license agreement. The installer will then download the required installation files to the specified location. In the next two steps, we indicate the languages ​​that need support in the server part (Configuration Manager Console and reports) and in the client part:

If the client OS language is Russian, then all warnings and the SCCM client interface will be in Russian.

Add support required languages possible after installation. To do this, you need to run the installation again and select “ Perform Site Maintenance» in the installation wizard.
At the next step, you need to specify the site code, which will identify it in the site hierarchy. The site code cannot be changed subsequently!

As in previous versions the site name must be three letters and comply with the following rules: the site name must contain only standard characters(A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and the hyphen “-”), and be unique within your Configuration Manager infrastructure. Reserved names cannot be used: SMS, CON, PRN, AUX, NUL, OSD, SRS, FCS.

Next, we indicate whether the site should be added to the existing hierarchy or a Stand-alone site should be created:

A warning window will appear indicating that we have selected a Stand-alone site. But unlike the ConfigMgr 2012 version, this warning informs us that if we need to create a site hierarchy, we can do this by installing the Central Administration site:

In the next step, we will indicate the name of the SQL server that we prepared. We leave the instance name empty, because When installing the SQL server, we left it by default. We also leave the port 4022:

At the next step, we specify the paths to the database and transaction log on the SQL server.
Now we indicate the server on which the SMS provider should be installed. In our case, this is the same cm01 server:

The next step is to configure how clients interact with site roles. I choose the option of setting up the interaction method separately on each site role, because... I plan to configure the PKI infrastructure for clients and site roles later. Checking the “Clients will use HTTPS when they have a valid PKI certificate and HTTPS-enabled site roles are available” checkbox allows clients to select a site system configured to connect via HTTPS with priority.

Next, we indicate the names of the servers on which you need to install the management point and distribution point. In our case, this is the same server on which we ran the installation:

Next, you need to configure Configuration Manager update settings. In new versions of Configuration Manager, it itself receives updates through the Configuration Manager cloud service. To do this, the “Service Connection Point” site role is used, which, among other functionality, downloads updates applicable to your SCCM infrastructure.
We indicate the server on which to deploy Service Connection Point and, if required, proxy server settings for Internet access:

At the next step “Settings Summary”, we check all the specified parameters in the installation wizard again and click next, after which the compliance check of the prepared infrastructure will start to continue the installation.
In my case, I received a warning that the SQL server is configured for the “Mixed Mode” authentication mode, but because... This is intentional, I ignore this warning and continue with the installation:

We check the success of the installation on all points:

You can also check the System Management container for site and management point entries:

This completes our Primary Stand-alone site.

System Center Configuration Manager, let's spend a little time on a couple of points. Firstly, what is this product for? Secondly, it is very important not to miss some preparatory work. Otherwise you simply won't be able to run necessary programs and utilities. We will immediately warn you that the process will take quite a long time - if you are in a hurry, then do not proceed with the steps. Installing System Center Configuration Manager 2012 r2, how to launch, configure and uninstall this configuration manager client is discussed below (if you have already prepared your system).

System Center Configuration Manager 2012 r2 is very good program, which will help you manage your resources more productively

System Center Configuration Manager 2012 r2 provides a scope for IT infrastructure management based on Microsoft Windows and related devices. What can a user or developer do in this system? For example, you can regulate updates, deploy software and operating systems, manage remote access and do other similar things. To date latest version This product is a 2012 release - this is System Center Configuration Manager 2012 r2. It is on the example of this version that today we will consider all the nuances of use software. First, we will do some preparatory work. So to speak, let’s bring the “soil” to the desired consistency before planting the seeds there.

Preparatory settings

Adding Roles and Features

  1. First, you need to decide system requirements programs: you must have Windows Server 2008 or SQL Server 2008 with appropriate updates. The same applies to supported client operating systems- Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, Server 2003, 2008, 2012 or MacOS. The latest software updates required for SCCM operation must be installed everywhere.
  2. Secondly, we will need to add special components For correct operation. To do this, launch “Server Manager” (or server) on your computer or laptop.
  3. On top panel tools, click on the “Manage” button and select “Add roles and components” in the list that appears.
  4. Now the Add Roles and Features Wizard dialog box will open in front of you. After reading the presented text, click “Next”.
  5. Since we do not need to install Remote Desktop Services, we select the first item, “Install roles and features.” We confirm our choice with the already familiar “Next” button.
  6. On the next page we will need to select a server from the server pool. Click once on the one we need special list in the table and click on “Next”.
  7. In the server roles window, by default there is a checkmark in the file services and storage item. We do not mark anything else additionally and click “Next” to go to the next page.
  8. In the selection of components, we will already have to select several more items, in addition to the standard one marked - functions NET Framework 5, background intelligent transmission service, remote diversity compression and facilities remote administration Server. Then you can move on.
  9. The ninth step opens the ISS installation wizard, in which you will need to check ASP.NET5 and 4.5. Also check check Windows authenticity, WMI and IIS6 compatibility. Click “Next”.
  10. So, we have reached the finish line, where we need to click the long-awaited “Install” button. Now we just have to wait for the process to finish, after which we can start preparing SQL.

Setting up SQL 2012

  1. First, let's launch installation file. This will open the SQL Server Installation Center window. Click on “Install”.
  2. Naturally, this is ours new installation isolated instance, so we select the appropriate item in the list.
  3. Next, the support rules will define some errors or problems that may appear in the future. If you don’t have any, then click OK. Otherwise, you will need to fix these problems yourself.
  4. At the next stage, the program will require you to maintain product keys. After entering, click on “Next”.
  5. Read the license terms for the installed software. If you agree with them, check the box below and click “Next”.
  6. Now check the box to enable SQL Server update (if the program itself prompts), then click “Next”.
  7. We wait for the operation to complete and move on to the next window, where you will need to install the components. Check the box, mark the items below and click “Next”.
  • Database Engine Services
  • Reporting Services
  • Controls
  1. We don’t touch anything in the instance window and move on to the next requirements window and free space. Here the fact of the possibility of installation on HDD. Therefore, we can move on.
  2. Select the name from which the service will be launched and go to the next dialog box.
  3. So, the window with the server configuration. There will be two tabs here: service accounts and sorting options. Click on the second one and enter the following Database Engine there: SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS. Let's move on.
  4. Now we assign SQL server administrators using the “Add” button and move on to the next section.
  5. The Reporting Services main mode should be set to Install and Configure. Go ahead.
  6. You can optionally select the option to send errors to Microsoft. This is optional, so it is at your discretion.
  7. We check the installation configuration rules window and click “Next” if there are no errors.
  8. Well, the penultimate step is to look at the report of the selected parameters and click the coveted “Install” button.
  9. After completing the installation process, close the program. To complete this, you will need to install SP and CU for SQL Server yourself, and then integrate with AD.

Installing and configuring System Center Configuration Manager 2012 r2

How to install?

  1. Run the installation file. In the welcome window, read the text and move on to the next one.
  2. In the new window, check the first box next to “Install the Configuration Manager Primary Site” and click Next.
  3. Now select the license type for the product you are installing. if you have special key that you previously purchased, then check to install the licensed version. Otherwise, choose the first option.
  4. The next window will show you the license agreement, which we accept by checking the appropriate box and clicking on the “Next” button. Please note that you will need to repeat a similar process next.
  5. So we got to the loading necessary components. Select the appropriate item with a tick and move forward.
  6. If you chose the method of downloading new files from the network, then wait until the downloader downloads Required documents, which are available for viewing in the folder.
  7. Then two windows for selecting the languages ​​of the program and the client will appear in turn - mark the ones you need and move on.
  8. The installation wizard requires you to specify the site code, which cannot be corrected later. That is why it is recommended not to write it just like that, but only after thinking carefully about the password. Also write the name of the site, check the console installation box at the bottom of the window and click “Next”.
  9. In the primary site installation window, select the second item (as a standalone site). If you already have a certain hierarchy, then mark the first option and write the complete Domain name(administration center site server).
  10. Fill out the fields in the database details window as needed and move on.
  11. Write the name of the server where you will need to connect the SMS provider.
  12. It's time to set the communication parameters: if HTTPS protocol you are not going to use it as a direct method, then put a circle on the second point. Otherwise - on the first. Go ahead.
  13. Now specify whether the wizard should install a management point or a distribution point by filling in the fully qualified domain name.
  14. In the next window you will see a summary of the parameters, which it is advisable to double-check so as not to bite your elbows for your mistakes later. Click “Next” and wait for the installation process to complete.
  15. If you encounter any errors at this time, you should definitely eliminate them. Only then try again.

How to setup?

To set the basic settings, you need to run System Center Configuration Manager 2012 r2. Here you will need to configure some detection types, namely:

  1. Heartbeat, which is turned on automatically by default.
  2. An AD forest discovery method that allows you to set AD site boundaries and IP subnets automatically.
  3. AD groups whose method is used to retrieve them.
  4. The active directory detection system provides the user with information about the PC, namely its name, address, AD site and other data.
  5. AD users. Their detection provides information about user accounts.
  6. Network resources, the source of information for which is a special router via the SNMP protocol.

Any of these detections can be easily configured by clicking right click mouse using the selected method. Then select “Properties” and check the enable box. You can also set configuration parameters here if necessary and click OK.

How to remove Configuration Manager Client

  1. To remove Configuration Manager Client you need to run the command line.
  2. To do this, open the bottom toolbar on the desktop of your computer or laptop.
  3. In the search field, enter " Command line"and using the found application shortcut, launch the executive file.
  4. In the program window, enter: Ccmsetup.exe /uninstall.
  5. Now press the Enter key.
  6. Please note that you will not see the deletion itself occur. That is, no sliders, percentages of work completed or other indicators of process progress will appear in front of you. To verify that you were able to uninstall System Center Configuration Manager 2012 r2, look for CCMSetup.log, located in the "ccmsetup" folder at %windir%\system32\. This file will contain all the necessary information.
What's available:
TL-SCOM - Win2016 Standart server
SQL 2016 Enterprise
SCOM 2016
Preparing the installation environment.
1. Install Windows 2016 Standard, add it to the domain
We create the required Accounts in AD And add them to TL-SCOM Administrators:
I created a security group SCOM_admin, in which I included the following logins
2. Install NET Framework 3.5
— connect the Win2016 image and execute the command in PoSh:
DISM /Online /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:NetFx3 /All /LimitAccess /Source:F:\sources\sxs
- where F:\sources\sxs is the path to the Win2016 NET image files
4. Install the following roles and components:
Add-WindowsFeature NET-WCF-HTTP-Activation45,Web-Static-Content,Web-Default-Doc,Web-Dir-Browsing,Web-Http-Errors,Web-Http-Logging,Web-Request-Monitor,Web-Filtering ,Web-Stat-Compression,Web-Mgmt-Console,Web-Metabase,Web-Asp-Net,Web-Windows-Auth –Restart
5. Register ASP.NET 4.0 in IIS
in CMD we execute:
%WINDIR%\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\aspnet_regiis.exe –r

Reboot the server
6. Open the IIS management snap-in, go to the ISAPI and CGI Restrictions setting and allow (check the permission) the execution of ASP.NET v4.0.30319

SQL Installation Server 2016
7. Installing SQL 2016 (everything according to Next + changed the paths to the databases to D:\MSSQL):
! SQL Server Feature Installation
- Datedase Engine Services
- Reporting Services
- Full-Text and Semantic Extractions for Search

+ download and install SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)
Download, run the distribution, Install, wait for the installation to complete.
Upon completion, restart the server
9. Remote Registry Service: must be enabled and running.
— in PoSh we do:
Set-Service remoteregistry -StartupType Automatic Start-Service RemoteRegistry
10. Install SQL CRL 2014
Installing the first Management Server
12. Unpack the SCOM 2016 installation disk image, run the SETUP.EXE file and select Install

13. Select the required roles for installation - select all SCOM roles

14. Leave the default installation path

15. We are waiting for all prerequisites to be verified.

16. The next step is to create the first management server. Specify the name of the management group

17. We accept the terms and conditions license agreement.
18. At the step of specifying the parameters of the created operating base SCOM data we will indicate the name of the SQL Server server, instance and port. In our case, the default instance (MSSQLSERVER) is used, so it can be omitted. The name of the operational database and its initial size are left at the default value.

19. At the step of specifying parameters created base For SCOM storage data, we will specify the SQL Server server name, instance and port. If, as in our case, the default instance (MSSQLSERVER) is used, then it can be omitted. The Create a new data warehouse database parameter determines that we are creating a new database.

20. Click Next on the reporting service location

21. Leave the default value – Default Web Site is the name of the IIS site existing on our server, which will be used to host the Web console.

22. At the step of selecting an authentication method for the SCOM web console, select mixed mode - Use Mixed Authentication, since we plan to use this website only internally local network and we want the method of end-to-end verification of credentials (SSO) available to us