Installation of satellite equipment. Business on the installation of satellite dishes

So far proposed. All of them have their advantages and disadvantages. However, there are also ideas that, with minimal initial costs, can achieve significant profits. In this regard, the business associated with the installation of antennas is of particular interest.

The main reasons for the demand for antennas among the population:

They allow you to watch movies that are shown in cinemas. At the same time, greater comfort is achieved (at home is better - this is a fact) and ticket costs are excluded. There is also a minus, which is less impression from the film. It should also be remembered about the category of people for whom visiting public places is simply an unacceptable event for a number of reasons. It should also be noted that there are many settlements in the country in which there are no cinemas;

The consumer pays for antenna installation only once. In comparison, cable television requires regular (monthly) payments;

Such antennas allow the user to select television programs according to their taste. Television is currently saturated with the negativity and stupidity of numerous shows. Mounting the antenna allows you to choose a truly informative program;

To start such a business, you first need to acquire theoretical knowledge on the installation and tuning of antennas, for this, download the materials at the very bottom of the article. It would be useful to find out the manufacturers of antennas, in particular the features of their products. If you decide to install antennas, you need to familiarize yourself with the manufacturers and settings of these same antennas. Only in this case it is possible to achieve professionalism in this matter. If you wish, you can hire specialists who will mount and tune the antennas, but this approach to business will require additional costs associated with the remuneration of these workers.

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In this type of business, you can install both satellite dishes and antennas for on-air broadcasting. But to increase the profitability of the business, it is better to establish the provision of services for the installation of those and other types of antennas.

Satellite dishes receive a signal from a satellite. The birthplace of such antennas is America, where they appeared three decades ago. In our country, this type of antenna became known firsthand in 91 of the last century. Such television is characterized by a low level of interference, the presence of a large number of channels, ease of setup, the possibility of widespread viewing: cottage, work, and so on.

As for terrestrial television, television broadcasting is carried out through local television towers. This version of television broadcasting is distinguished by simplicity, lower costs. Despite the fact that such television has existed for a long time, its relevance has not decreased to this day.

It is better to implement such a business in small towns, villages, urban settlements, and so on. This is due to the fact that they do not have the ability to connect to other types of television.

Do-it-yourself satellite dish installation - INSTRUCTIONS:

IN AND. Nazarov, V.I. Ryzhenko. All about antennas. Directory. 2008, 230 pages.

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If in the good old days the presence of 4 channels was considered a luxury, then in our time such a number of available TV channels on the TV is rather surprising, and some even panic. Therefore, if you choose to install satellite dishes for yourself as a business, you will definitely not go wrong, despite the rather fierce competition in the market. Especially in big cities.

Business on the installation of satellite dishes

This type of business is promising not only due to the constant demand, but also due to the lack of large investments to launch it. Moreover, for many, the installation of satellite television antennas becomes a “one-man affair”, i.e. you will have only one employee - you. And this 100% guarantees the high quality of the services provided, because as they say: "If you want to do well - do it yourself."

Where to start: legalization and purchase of tools

So, what and how much do you need to open a company that provides antenna installation services? To start registration. It is not required, but if you want to become a law-abiding businessman, it is highly desirable. It will be enough to register as an individual entrepreneur. The second step will be the purchase of vehicles. You will definitely need it and it is desirable that it be a minibus or "station wagon", because if you have more than 2 orders a day, all the necessary tools and components simply will not fit in a passenger car (satellite antennas are rather bulky, even disassembled).

Equipment for mounting satellite dishes

The next step is to buy tools. This is a standard set, which should include an electric screwdriver, a hammer drill, a drill and a set of screwdrivers. It is advisable to purchase professional equipment, because. with a normal number of orders, the household version of the tools will fail in the second week of operation. It is also necessary to have a device for tuning the antenna to the maximum reception frequency (digital tuner) in the kit.

After purchasing the equipment, you need to stock up on accessories and consumables. In this case, these will be anchor bolts for mounting antennas; stock up on additional sets of linings and brackets for brackets, because. usually the standard amount is never enough. It makes sense to buy in small volumes from a quality manufacturer and standard kits for satellite dishes, which include cables, a receiver, a carrier and a tuner. Most often, the sets of the above equipment out of the box are very short-lived. And the presence of a quality product here and now will be highly appreciated by your customers and can bring good profits.

Where can I learn to install and tune antennas?

After you arm yourself with everything you need, you still need to learn how to install antennas. In fact, there is nothing difficult in this lesson. Any person who knows how to properly hold a perforator can handle the installation of the antenna, and instructions or videos that are abundant on the network will help you learn how to work with the tuner. Another option is to get a job in a company that provides such services. 1-2 weeks as a satellite dish installer will provide you with all the necessary skills and knowledge to work independently.

Business secrets.

One of the most important steps on the way to launching your satellite dish installation business will be finding and signing contracts with companies that provide television broadcasting services. It is desirable and even mandatory that these are well-known operators providing high quality. For example, such as Tricolor TV and NTV +. Due to the popularity of operators, you will be provided with the necessary number of orders, and your customers will be satisfied with the high quality of broadcasts. Moreover, when you connect, you will be able to receive a part of the subscription fee paid by the subscriber himself.

And if your client wants to order additional services, such as channels for adults or live broadcasts of matches. Then your additional income will increase exponentially. The main thing is not to forget that your relationship with operators providing television broadcasting services must be formalized in the form of an agreement. And the more detailed it will be. The easier and more profitable your partnership will be.

In some cases, customers may wish to install the antenna in a hard-to-reach place, where it is simply impossible to get there without aerial platform or special equipment. In this case, get acquainted with industrial climbers working in your city. Such works are charged at an increased price tag, and therefore - this is another source of your income.

The penultimate stage before launch should be the purchase of a printer, preferably a color one, and a laminating device. With this office equipment you will be able to advertise on installed satellite dishes, which can be a powerful promotion for you, or, if you do not need advertising, a source of additional income.

The last and most important step on the path to a successful business will be finding customers. Because this niche is already quite saturated, especially in large cities, the surest solution would be to search for customers in the suburbs and small towns, where you can only dream of cable television. And if you put a simple antenna, then, as we wrote above, long live the 4 main television channels.

And now about income.

One completed order brings you, as a contractor, from 2,500 rubles, depending on the complexity of the installation. With proper workload, a team of two people can complete up to 4 orders per shift. Total - 10 thousand rubles of net income per day. Agree, installing satellite dishes is a pretty good business.

Video: installing a satellite dish

For people versed in electronics, installing satellite TV, repairing, tuning, flashing tuners, antennas, and other similar equipment can be an excellent source of income, a small but quite stable business. In addition to certain professional skills, a set of certain tools, in order to start making money in this area of ​​personal services, an entrepreneur will have to conduct an advertising campaign for his enterprise.

We are talking about advertising in local newspapers, a web resource, posting ads in crowded places, distributing business cards. After 1-2 days, the first orders will begin to arrive. It is desirable that the range of services be as extensive as possible, that is, it is not only the installation of satellite dishes, channel tuning, but also firmware, repair of tuners, other electronic equipment, decoding paid channels, and so on. An entrepreneur can simultaneously establish a trade in equipment for receiving satellite TV, become a commercial partner of some wholesale supplier of this equipment.

Initially, this entrepreneurial activity begins as an option for additional income, a hobby of a person interested in electronics, and after that it develops into a full-fledged business. Suddenly, an enterprise appears that specializes in various services related to the maintenance of satellite and cable television reception systems, the repair of tuners, the sale of this equipment, cards for viewing paid channels, and so on.

It should be noted that it is almost impossible to fully run this enterprise without initial investments and current expenses. The entrepreneur will have to bear the cost of transport, that is, for this activity, a car is needed in order to be able to quickly move around the city and its environs, transport tools, materials, spare parts. Thanks to the car, an entrepreneur can process a significant number of orders per day, that is, he is mobile, does not depend on public transport.

An entrepreneur cannot do without advertising, certain financial investments in the promotion of his company. He can place advertisements in local newspapers and magazines, catalogs of enterprises in his city. In recent years, advertising in social networks, various sites, and forums has been popular and quite effective. You can create your own business card website for advertising purposes, where you can describe the list of services offered by the company, prices, and publish information materials related to this service. You should not avoid more primitive methods of promotion, for example, the same distribution of leaflets, business cards or posting ads on building facades, poles and other other places where potential customers can see them.

An entrepreneur must work legally in order to feel confident, and therefore he will first need to register an emergency, collect a number of permits, and pay taxes in good faith.

Having your own workplace or retail space is a significant plus in this business. The entrepreneur will have to purchase or rent such premises, so that it is easier for customers to find his company. This room is suitable for the organization of trade in equipment for viewing satellite television, repair, maintenance of tuners. It is desirable that this room is located in a crowded, traveled place.

Such a favorable location is an additional element of advertising. The workplace must be equipped with a computer connected to the Internet, an advanced system of satellite reception of television channels, which allows you to demonstrate the range of company services for setting up, flashing satellite tuners.
It is quite difficult to organize an enterprise for the installation and maintenance of satellite television reception systems without a certain set of tools and equipment. An entrepreneur will need tools such as a puncher, a set of screwdrivers, keys, wire cutters, tongs and other tools. Installation and configuration of satellite TV systems cannot be fully carried out without an extension cable, a special device for tuning the antenna, and a portable TV.

It is best to purchase consumables, equipment and spare parts from the same wholesale suppliers well known to the entrepreneur. Naturally, an entrepreneur must always have certain funds on the balance sheet of his enterprise for such operating expenses (purchase of antennas, tuners, television cables, other equipment and consumables).

An enterprise that installs and maintains satellite TV reception systems can count on income from the sale of equipment (tuners, satellite dishes, other related electronic equipment). Not infrequently, the difference between the wholesale purchase price and the retail price at which such an enterprise sells equipment reaches 70-120%. Many of these satellite companies simply ignore the options for income due to equipment service, its setup, and installation. In advertising, such companies offer to install and configure the equipment purchased by them for receiving satellite TV for free. Naturally, this is a pursuit of the most stingy, low-income customers, but this is practiced.

It is desirable for the enterprise to work, as they say, on a turnkey basis, that is, to engage in the sale, delivery, installation, configuration of satellite television sets, and maintenance of satellite tuners. The cost of services should start from one hundred dollars when it comes to installing a budget version of electronic equipment for watching satellite TV.

Some of these companies earn up to 80% of their income on the repair and maintenance of this specific equipment. The cost of the call must be at least $10, and so on incrementally, taking into account the location of the client, working conditions, and the estimated budget of the order. Works such as reconfiguring a satellite reception system to another satellite, installing an additional antenna, reconfiguring for two TV sets already cost $ 20-30, except for the cost of purchasing additional equipment and parts.

The most popular orders are tuner firmware, satellite channel list update, satellite receiver software update at home. From time to time, all owners of satellite TV reception systems have to go through these procedures. The cost of flashing a tuner at home is about twice as expensive as if the client brought the equipment personally to the workshop.

At such enterprises, in the course of their activities, various trophies accumulate in the form of pieces of television cable, fasteners, faulty tuners, which, if desired, can be repaired and safely sold, that is, the business is practically waste-free. In addition, an entrepreneur can simultaneously master some business related to the installation of satellite TV, for example, repair TVs and other electronic equipment.

The demand for installation services, service equipment for receiving satellite TV is huge, despite the rather fierce competition in this area of ​​personal services. Today, satellite dishes are in almost all, even the most low-income citizens, that is, satellite TV has long been no longer considered a luxury. In large cities, where cable television networks and high-speed cable Internet create serious competition for satellite television, it is more difficult to work, but in small cities, where all these "benefits of civilization" have not yet reached, you can work. Demand for satellite TV there is stable and this trend will continue there for a long time.

The key to the success of a business in the field of any personal services is a conscientious attitude towards the clientele, the quality of service. The main weapon of an entrepreneur in the fight against competitors is the positive reputation of his company. We are talking about the presence of a permanent clientele, a wide range of services provided by his company. This is also manifested in a good choice of equipment for watching satellite TV, adequate prices, quality assurance, prompt customer service.

An entrepreneur should hire only highly qualified people who are competent in this business, versed in electronics, satellite reception systems. Only in this way can such a business be kept afloat, turned into a stable source of income. Good luck!