Installation of templates. How to attach your design to the Simpla store How to install a new template in Simpla

In this post I want to show you the process of creating a new design for the Simpla online store script.

At the root of the store's file structure, you will find a design folder. This folder contains so-called design themes. By default, you are provided with a primitive theme “default” (/design/default/). We will use it as a basis when creating our theme.

The whole process of creating a theme can be represented like this:

Now let's look at the process in more detail.

Design layout

It is advisable that the design layout follows the following structure:

That is, the store design should consist of two parts - a common part for all pages, and a central part, which changes depending on the current page.


There are no special requirements for layout layout. It can be tabular, marvelous, or even a wap version of the store. Layout it the way you like.


The style files that you use in your design should be located in the css folder, then they will be available for editing through the store control panel.

The visual text editor in the control panel automatically includes your styles from the /css/style.css file. This ensures that the text is displayed identically when editing and on the website. Please take this into account.


The images folder is where you simply put all the pictures for your design.

But there is one special image that is used when displaying your theme in the control panel when you select a theme:

This image should be called thumbnail.jpg and have a size of 150x150px.

Smarty Templates

The following files must be present in the design theme:

In fact, almost the entire appearance of the store is specified by the index.tpl template, in the center of which templates of the central block are connected, depending on the selected section of the site.

We simply copy all our html into the index.tpl file.

After we have copied our html code into index.tpl, we need to replace the designer “fish” with the appropriate variables:

Forming meta tags

In order for the necessary meta tags to be displayed on each page of the store, you need to use the variables $title, $keywords, $description. Like this:
< title >($title|escape)
< meta name ="description" content ="{$description|escape}" />
< meta name ="keywords" content ="{$keywords|escape}" />

Since the engine uses mod_rewrite, you need to add the following line before any resource calls:

< base href ="http://{$root_url}/" >

Displaying the product catalog menu

Since the directory nesting is unlimited, this menu is placed in a separate recursive template. Just connect it:
(include file=categories.tpl categories=$categories)

Displaying the site menu

Where we should have the site menu, we write something like this:
{foreach from =$sections item=s)

Displaying the currency selection

To do this, insert the following form into the template:

store currency:

Forming a user's shopping cart

{if $cart_products_num)
In cart ($cart_products_num) products
by the amount ($cart_total_price*$currency->rate_from/$currency->rate_to|string_format:"%.2f" ) ($currency->sign|escape)
Cart is empty

Create a search form

< form name =search method =get action ="index.php" onsubmit ="window.location="search/"+this.keyword.value; return false;">
< input type =hidden name =module value =Search >
< input type ="text" name =keyword value ="($keyword|escape)" />< input type ="submit" value ="Find" />

Connecting “administrator’s happiness”

In order for the administrator to see pop-up menus of actions on objects when hovering the cursor over various site objects, include the following code in your template:
(if $smarty.session.admin == "admin")
< script src ="js/admintooltip/php/admintooltip.php" language ="JavaScript" type ="text/javascript" >
< link href ="js/admintooltip/css/admintooltip.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
"section" section_id="($s->section_id)" >($s->name|escape)

And, most importantly, we display the main part of the page

The script forms the central part of the page from the appropriate templates, and in index.tpl we simply insert a variable ($content). Something like this:
  1. 6. Go to your hosting control panel and select Database.
  2. 7. Find and click Create a database. In the window that appears, enter the database name using the English keyboard layout. Write it down, you will need it later.

  3. 8. Select utf8_general_ci encoding.(Sometimes instead of the word Encoding there may be the word Comparison)
  4. 9. The screenshot shows an example when a database user is created automatically with the same name as the database itself. You may need to enter the username yourself. You can enter any name. If you decide to choose a name that is different from the base name, be sure to write it down, it will also be useful to you later.
  5. 10. Click the Create button.
  6. A message appears: The database was created successfully.
  7. To access, use login ****** and password *******
  8. Write down the database password.
  9. Maybe , On some hosting sites you will have to come up with a password yourself.
  10. To upload files to hosting you will need FTP manager . In our example we will use FileZilla.
  11. 11. Launch the FileZilla FTP manager. To connect to the server, enter the data provided by your hosting provider and click the Quick Connect button.
  12. 12. On the left side of the FileZilla window, find the simpla folder that you created in Step 1, go into it and upload the filesinstall.php And simple_source.zipto the server at the root of the site. (Right-click on the file and select Upload to server or simply drag the files with the left mouse to the right side of the window).

  13. That's it for working with the FTP manager. FileZilla is finished.
  14. Step 4. The final stage of installation.
  15. 13. Open your browser. In the address bar, type the name of your site, a slash (slash) and install.php(For example: mysite/install.php).
  16. 14. The Simpla Settings page will open, click I agree with the agreement, start installation

  17. 15. A message will appear on the next page:
  18. The check was successful. Now we will unzip the files into a folder (website address).
  19. Click Continue and wait until the program unpacks the files.
  20. 16. A message will appear, that the files were successfully unpacked, Click Continue.
  21. In the next step, you will be asked to enter your database details. This is the data you recorded in Step 2.
  22. 17. In the Server field, enter the server address(provided by hosting provider)
  23. 18. In the Database name field, enter a name, which you have assigned to your database.
  24. 19. In the login field, enter the database user name.
  25. 20. In the Password field, enter the password for your database.

  26. 21. A message will appear:
  27. The database has been successfully configured. Click Continue.
  28. 22. On the next page you will be asked to set the site administrator login and password. Come up with them and enter them.
  29. 23. Next you will be informed:
  30. The site administrator password has been set successfully. Don't forget it.
  31. 24. On the next page, click
  32. Get a license key.
  33. The key will be generated by the program.

  34. 25. You will be thanked for using the licensed version of Simpla. Click Continue.
  35. 26. And finally:
  36. Installation completed successfully.
  37. The address of your website and the control panel of your website.
  38. Follow the links and start working with your online store.
  39. Good luck!

Hi all! Today I tested another CMS called Made Simple. It’s clear even from the name that everything will be simple. A really decent CMS with a lot of bells and whistles and settings. Everything you need can be edited. There are a bunch of modules, I would even say a ton of modules and templates. Themes are installed separately for the admin area and for the user part of the site. There is also a Russian language, but the CMS is not fully translated, you may need to add something yourself... In a nutshell, it is better than joomla, it is more understandable. With its help you can make an awesome website in a short time and everything is easy to install and edit. Now let's install cms...

2. Extract all files from the archive.

3. Upload all files to your hosting.

4. Run the installer; to do this, write in the browser:

You should see something like this:

Select ru_Ru (Russian Language) and click on the button Submit

You should now have a picture like this:

Now you have this picture:

The following picture appears:

We don’t pay attention and press the button Continue

The following picture will appear:

Now we need to create an administrator.

Enter your login, email and repeat the password 2 times, then click on the button "Continue"

The following picture will appear:

Now we need to connect to the Database, for this:

In field DBMS server name enter the server IP or domain.
In field Database Name enter the database name.
In field Login enter the database username.
In field Password enter the database user password.
Field Database Port x you can not touch.
Field Prefix to tables leave it the same.
You can also leave the checkboxes just below...

Then click on the button Continue and you will get this picture:

For the default site language, select Russian “ru_RU” Then click on the button Continue

Installation completed! Click on the “Go to Administrative Interface” button and you will see this picture:

Immediately here we see 2 notifications. We are told that we must configure “Mail” and Delete the Install folder. So do it gentlemen...

Delete the Install folder, and you can configure mail later...

How to change the design?

In order to change the design of the site, that is, the design, you need to go to the menu Appearance > Templates Then put a tick instead of a cross and click on Set for all pages .

By the way, everything is fine with Russian, it displays perfectly and has CNC.

By the way, you also need to change the file permissions config.php(only reading)

Installing templates

Downloading templates in XML format

To install templates in XML format, you must use the template manager. To do this, select Appearance->Template Manager in the administrative interface. You will be presented with a list of all downloaded templates. Go to the “Import” tab and select the file to download in the “Upload theme” field. After importing, the entire theme (template, style sheets, images, menu template if necessary) will be loaded into the system.

In order for the template to be used on pages, it must be activated. In the administrative interface, select Appearance->Templates. You will again be presented with a list of all templates loaded into the system. Opposite each template, the “Active” column indicates the status of the template. Only active templates can be used on pages. You can change the status by clicking on the red cross next to the template.

Download templates in ZIP format

Some themes are distributed in ZIP format. In order to install such a theme, you need to unzip the ZIP file. It is possible that in the resulting folder you will find a readme file. To install, follow the instructions in this file.

If the readme file is not in the folder, then follow these standard instructions:

  • Copy all images to the uploads/images/ directory
  • Create a new template in the administrative interface Appearance->Templates->Add new template.
  • Open the template file from the ZIP folder in a text editor and copy its contents into a new template in the admin interface. At the same time, delete any other information that appeared in the window when creating the template. Save the new template.
  • Create a new style in the administrative interface Appearance->Styles->Add Style.
  • Open the CSS file from the ZIP folder in a text editor and copy its contents into the new style in the admin interface. At the same time, delete any other information that appeared in the window when creating the style. Save the new new style.
  • If the unpacked archive contains a file with the extension .mm, this means that the theme uses a custom template for the menu. To add this template, open the file in a text editor and copy the contents. After that, go to Appearance->Menu Manager->Add Template and add the contents of the mm file in the editing window. Remember “New template name” and save the template. You need to manually adjust the name of the newly created template in the page template. Find the template in Appearance->Templates for editing and look for the line containing (menu template='XXXX'...) or (cms_module module=”MenuManager” template='XXXX'....) You must specify the name of the menu template in the parameter marked 'XXXX' ' in the examples.
  • The last step is to combine the template and CSS. In the administrative interface, go to Appearance->Templates and in the list of templates, click on the orange button labeled CSS next to the template to open the “Available Links” page. Find the style in the drop-down menu and click on “Add new CSS”. The style name will appear in the list above the drop-down menu.
  • The template is now installed and can be used on content pages.
  • Apache with mod_rewrite installed;
  • PHP4 or PHP5;
  • zLib and GD libraries are desirable;
  • MySQL 4.1 or higher, InnoDB not required;
  • Zend Optimizer is not required.


  1. Copy the install.php file and the archive to the server
  2. Run the installation script. To do this, open the address http://your_site/install.php in your browser
  3. Follow the installation program instructions. During the installation process you will need to enter the following information:
    • MySQL server address
    • MySQL database name
    • MySQL username
    • MySQL user password
    You can obtain this information from your hosting provider.
  4. After installation is complete, you can immediately start working with the site

Control Panel

When you log in to the control panel, the main page opens with new orders and recently changed products.

The main control panel menu is displayed at the top. This menu is available on every page of the control panel.

To the left of the top menu there is a bookmark for quick access to the external part of the site.

At the very bottom of the control panel there are links to the terms of use and exit from the control panel.

Clicking the “Log Out” link does not guarantee a complete exit from the control panel. The login and password are saved in the browser cache and can be automatically used when logging in again. We strongly recommend that you do not access the control panel from someone else's computer.


Each page can be located in a specific menu (for example, top, side) or in “other pages”. Other pages are pages that are not linked to in the menu, but at the same time, these pages can be accessed directly at their address or linked to from other pages (or even other sites).

“Other pages” are full-fledged pages, and along with other site pages, they are indexed by search engines and are present in the Google Site Map.

Creating/editing a page


Page Title - used as the name of the menu item linking to this page.


The page title is displayed on the page itself as the title itself.


The page can be located in one of several menus on the site (the number of menus on the site is determined by the design) or be “another page”. “Other pages” are full-fledged pages, and along with other site pages, they are indexed by search engines and are present in the Site Map, despite the fact that they are not explicitly present in the menu.


Page activity is affected not only by hiding/showing a page in a specific menu, but also by the availability of this page at the direct address. An inactive page is not at its direct address and is not in the Site Map.


In order to display a news feed on the site, you need to create a page in the “Materials → Pages” section, specifying the “News Feed” type for it. Also, the design may provide for the display of news not on a separate page, but as part of a page. In this case, the news is available without creating an additional page.

News is sorted automatically by date, regardless of the order in which it was added to the site.

Creating/editing news


Set an interesting headline for the news


By default, the current date is suggested, but you can change it using a convenient calendar - just click on the input field.


This parameter determines whether the news will be visible to site visitors and search engines.


This parameter specifies the URL of the news item within the site. This parameter is optional, but it is recommended to provide a meaningful address for the benefit of site visitors and search engines.




It is perceived by the search engine as a description of the page, and can be used when displaying search results. Provide a concise description for the page (news).


An abstract is a brief description of an article in the news list. Depending on the design of the site, the annotation may be of different sizes or absent altogether.

Full text

The full text of the news is displayed directly on the page of this news.


In order to display articles on the site, you need to create a page in the “Materials → Pages” section, specifying the “Articles” type for it. Also, the design may provide for the display of articles not on a separate page, but as part of a page. For example, the last few articles on the main page.

Create/edit an article


Give an interesting title for your article


This parameter determines whether the article will be visible to site visitors and search engines.


This parameter specifies the URL of the article within the site. This parameter is optional, but it is recommended to provide a meaningful address for the benefit of site visitors and search engines.


The contents of the title parameter are displayed in the title of the browser window. The parameter is used by search engines to be displayed in search results and affects the site’s position in the search rankings.


Instructs the search engine about the keywords on the page. It has not been used by search engines for its intended purpose for a long time.


It is perceived by the search engine as a description of the page, and can be used when displaying search results. Provide a concise description for the page (article).


An abstract is a brief description of an article in a list of articles. Depending on the design of the site, the annotation may be of different sizes or absent altogether.

Full text

The full text of an article appears directly on the article page.


In the “Products” section you see a list of all the products in your store. Each product can belong to one category and brand. To the left of the list of products there is a filter by category and brand. Select a category or brand to see only products from that category or brand. If you need to find a specific product, use the search form. The search for a given word (or several) is carried out in the name (model) and description of the product.

List of products

The list of products provides quite convenient opportunities for managing products without going into the product editing form, namely:

Arranging products

After adding a new product, it automatically becomes the top one. You can manually move any product relative to its neighbors using the arrows on the left side of the product line.

The order of goods can be specified exclusively within one product category. Items from different categories cannot be swapped.

Product activity

Product name and link to product page

Creating a copy of a product

When you click on the icon for creating a copy of a product, the product is duplicated, and editing of a new product immediately opens. The word “copy” is added to the product name; the new product is inactive by default. Since the product URL cannot be duplicated, it is assigned automatically.

If you clicked “make a copy” and did not save it, it will remain on the site. If you don't need a copy, delete it manually.

When creating a copy of a product, additional images remain the same for both products. If you need to change them, remove additional images from the product copy and upload new ones.


Product comments

The comments icon for a product is inactive if no comments have been written for this product. If a product has comments, a tooltip with the number of comments is displayed above the icon, and the icon itself is a link to search for comments for this product in the “Comments” section.

Prices and quantity in stock

You can change the price and quantity of products in stock for several products in the list at once. Set the required values ​​and click “save” at the bottom of the page.

If, when the price of an item changes, it is in the cart of a certain buyer, the price in the cart will be updated automatically. If there are fewer goods in the warehouse than in the buyer’s basket, the quantity in the basket will automatically decrease. If changes occur after the order has been completed, the order will contain the data at the time of order.

Removing a product

When deleting a product, in addition to the product itself, its additional images and comments are also deleted. Also, this product ceases to be associated with other goods if it was indicated as associated with other goods.

If, when deleting an item, it is in the cart of a certain customer, it will automatically disappear from it. If a product is deleted after the order has been completed, information about this product will remain in the order.

Creating/changing a product


The name of the product can be either an arbitrary name or a product model (for equipment) or article number.


Specify the brand for the product. The list of brands is specified on the “brands” tab


An inactive product is not displayed on the website, is not visible to search engines and is not included in price lists.

If it happens that you have disabled an item while it is in the cart of a certain customer, it will automatically be removed from the cart. If the buyer managed to order it, this product will remain in the order.


Any product can be marked as a hit. The meaning of this parameter depends on the site design. For example, hits may have a “promotion” or “best seller” icon and be displayed on the main page of the site.


For each product, a category must be indicated. Please note that one product can only be in one category. Possible product categories are configured on the “categories” tab


The price of the product is set in the main currency of the site. Pennies are separated by a dot

If, when the price of an item changes, it is in the cart of a certain buyer, the price in the cart will be updated automatically. If the price of a product has changed after placing an order, the old price valid at the time of order will remain in the order.

Quantity in stock

The system automatically records goods in the warehouse. The product is written off from the warehouse at the time the order is accepted for processing or at the time the order is paid for online. If a product is out of stock, site visitors are not able to order it. Also, visitors cannot order more goods than are in stock.

Old price

The old price is displayed on the website crossed out next to the new one.


You can specify a warranty period for a product. Can only be an integer


This parameter specifies the URL of the product within the site. It is not required, but it is recommended to provide a meaningful address for the benefit of site visitors and search engines.


The contents of the title parameter are displayed in the title of the browser window. The parameter is used by search engines to be displayed in search results and affects the site’s position in the search rankings.


Instructs the search engine about the keywords on the product page. It has not been used by search engines for its intended purpose for a long time.


It is perceived by the search engine as a description of the product page, and can be used when displaying search results. Give the page a concise description.

Related IDs

Specify the IDs of several products separated by commas, and they will be displayed on the current product page as recommended. You can find out the ID of any product by the tooltip above the product name.

Main product image

The main product image, like other images, can be downloaded either from your computer or from the Internet by simply entering the image's URL. If the image is too large, it will automatically be reduced to the size specified in the site settings.

After changing the maximum size settings for product images, previously downloaded images will not change their size.

Short description

Brief description of the product - description of the product when displayed from the list of products

Full description

Full product description - description directly on the product page.

Main product image

The main product image, like other images, can be downloaded either from your computer or from the Internet by simply entering the image's URL. When downloaded from the Internet, the image is copied to your server and will be available if it disappears from the source. If the image is too large, it will automatically be reduced to the size specified in the site settings.

After resizing images in the settings, previously downloaded images will not change their size.

Small product image

If the small image is simply a smaller copy of the main image, specify "create small automatically" when uploading the main image. A small image will be added automatically and will have the dimensions specified in the settings.

If you don’t see the “create small automatically” checkbox, check whether the GD library is installed on the server.

Additional product images

A product may have multiple additional images displayed on the product page. Upload more images - people love pictures.

Product categories

Organizing categories

The order of product categories sets the order in which categories are displayed in the site menu, as well as the order in which products are displayed on the site - products are ordered first by category, and only then among themselves.

Category activity

Delete a category

Creating/changing product categories


Singular name

Used as a prefix to the name of products in this category. For example, " Telephone Mitsubishi Trium Aria. If such a prefix is ​​not required in the product names, leave the field blank.


Category activity


This parameter specifies the URL to the product category (the page that lists the products in that category). It is not required, but it is recommended to provide a meaningful address for the benefit of site visitors and search engines.


The contents of the title parameter are displayed in the title of the browser window. The parameter is used by search engines to be displayed in search results and affects the site’s position in the search rankings.


Instructs the search engine about the keywords on the page. It has not been used by search engines for its intended purpose for a long time.


It is perceived by the search engine as a description of the category, and can be used when displaying search results. Provide a concise description for the category.


Category description


The list of brands on the website and in the control panel is organized alphabetically.

On the site, the division by brand occurs within a certain category. That is, you cannot display all products of a certain brand without first selecting a category.

You can delete a brand only when there are no products of this brand.

Brand creation/change


The brand name will be used as a prefix to the name of the products of this brand. For example, "Phone Mitsubishi Trium Aria."


This parameter specifies the URL of the selected brand's product page. It is not required, but it is recommended to provide a meaningful address for the benefit of site visitors and search engines.


After the user has added one or more items to the cart, he is given the opportunity to select a delivery method and fill in information about the recipient. After these steps, the order is saved in the database, and the user goes to the order status page. This page remains available to the user at all times.

Also, at the time of placing an order, notifications about the order are sent to the user and administrator.

The delivery cost of the order in the user's cart is displayed in accordance with the current order amount. This cost is calculated taking into account the possible user discount. It may also happen that it is more profitable for the user to buy goods without a discount, slightly increasing the order amount, but at the same time receive free delivery.

Each order contains information about the ordered goods (quantity, price) and information about the buyer, which he filled in during the order.

All information in the order is valid at the time of ordering and takes into account the user's discount at the time of order. If the price of an ordered product changes, or the product is removed from the store altogether, or if a user's discount is cancelled, this will not affect the order data in any way.

Order statuses

Each order can have one of the following statuses: “new”, “processing”, “completed”. Regardless of the status, the order may be in the “paid” or “unpaid” state.

Immediately after the user places an order, the order has the status “new”. and the goods have not yet been written off from the warehouse. If it turns out that your order is no longer relevant, you can simply delete it and not worry about any changes in stock.

After you verify that the order is correct (for example, contacted the buyer), transfer the order to processing. In this case, the ordered goods will be written off from the warehouse.

If the order is successfully completed (for example, the product is delivered to the buyer), change it to the “completed” status.

When deleting an order that has been completed or is being processed, the ordered goods are “returned” to the warehouse. Also, when the order status is returned to “new”, the goods are also returned to the warehouse.

Order payment status

Order payment is divided into two types: manual processing and online payment.

Manual processing refers to forms of payment that require the intervention of the site administrator. For example, payment to the courier or cash on delivery.

Online payment - the buyer pays for the order directly on the website, without administrator intervention. For example, payment through the Webmoney system or by bank card.

An important difference between manual and online payment is that when paying online, the order status changes to the “paid” state automatically, and the goods are debited from the warehouse regardless of the order status.

User notifications about order status

When the order status changes, the user is automatically sent a notification about the current order status and detailed information about the order.


The “buyers” section contains all registered site visitors. Considering that registration on the site is not required to order, it still provides additional opportunities: storing the buyer’s order history, as well as assigning discounts to groups of buyers.

Immediately after registration, the user is not included in any of the groups and does not have a discount.

Once a user is assigned to a certain group, all prices on the site will be automatically recalculated for him taking into account his discount.

If a user's discount (group) changes while he has items in his cart, their price will be recalculated taking into account the new discount. The same thing will happen if the user added products to the cart and logged in using his login only after that - the discount will automatically be taken into account in the cart. Obviously, the total amount of the order will change, and, accordingly, the delivery cost may also change. If the discount size changes after placing an order, the cost of goods for the order will no longer be recalculated.

You can temporarily block a user, after which he will not be able to log in under his name, and if he is logged in at this time, he will be automatically logged out.

In the list of buyers, it is possible to view the number of orders for each user, and go to view the list of his orders. Based on this, the store administrator can decide to award discounts to users.

To install templates in XML format, you must use the template manager. To do this, select Appearance->Template Manager in the administrative interface. You will be presented with a list of all downloaded templates. Go to the "Import" tab and select the file to download in the "Upload theme" field. After importing, the entire theme (template, style sheets, images, menu template if necessary) will be loaded into the system.

In order for the template to be used on pages, it must be activated. In the administrative interface, select Appearance->Templates. You will again be presented with a list of all templates loaded into the system. Opposite each template, the "Active" column indicates the template's status. Only active templates can be used on pages. You can change the status by clicking on the red cross next to the template.

Download templates in ZIP format

Some themes are distributed in ZIP format. In order to install such a theme, you need to unzip the ZIP file. It is possible that in the resulting folder you will find a readme file. To install, follow the instructions in this file.

If the readme file is not in the folder, then follow these standard instructions:

  • Copy all images to the uploads/images/ directory
  • Create a new template in the administrative interface Appearance->Templates->Add new template.
  • Open the template file from the ZIP folder in a text editor and copy its contents into a new template in the admin interface. At the same time, delete any other information that appeared in the window when creating the template. Save the new template.
  • Create a new style in the administrative interface Appearance->Styles->Add Style.
  • Open the CSS file from the ZIP folder in a text editor and copy its contents into the new style in the admin interface. At the same time, delete any other information that appeared in the window when creating the style. Save the new new style.
  • If the unpacked archive contains a file with the extension .mm, this means that the theme uses a custom template for the menu. To add this template, open the file in a text editor and copy the contents. After that, go to Appearance->Menu Manager->Add Template and add the contents of the mm file in the editing window. Remember "New template name" and save the template. You need to manually adjust the name of the newly created template in the page template. Find the template in Appearance->Templates for editing and look for the line containing (menu template="XXXX"...) or (cms_module module="MenuManager" template="XXXX"....) You must specify the name of the menu templates in parameter marked "XXXX" in the examples.
  • The last step is linking the template and CSS. In the administrative interface, go to Appearance->Templates and in the list of templates, click on the orange button with the inscription CSS opposite the template to open the “Available Links” page. Find the style in the drop-down menu and click on "Add New CSS". The style name will appear in the list above the drop-down menu.
  • The template is now installed and can be used on content pages.
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