Installing Linux Mint: instructions. Setting up Linux Mint after installation

Linux Mint - operating system distribution Linux, based on Ubuntu.
Especially for their distribution by programmers Linux Mint a friendly desktop environment has been developed Cinnamon, which was initially positioned as a continuation of the project GNOME 2 in terms of a more traditional and familiar approach to the user interface, for desktops and laptops, without any drawbacks GNOME Shell And Unity.

The goal of the distribution is to provide the end user with the most simple system possible, which will be ready to work immediately after installation and will not require downloading the most popular software, including additional codecs for playing popular multimedia formats.

Shell Cinnamon looks like the original interface, mainly in gray-green tones and is designed to simplify the work as much as possible for those who just came from Windows and begins to get acquainted with Linux.

This is what the desktop looks like Cinnamon after installation and first login Linux Mint 17.1 "Rebecca":

As described above, Linux Mint 17.1 "Rebecca" ready for full-fledged work on desktop PCs and laptops. Now it's time to get acquainted with Cinnamon desktop and its settings.

Cinnamon desktop

Desktop Cinnamon, as in most operating systems, consists of a control panel (at the bottom of the monitor by default), on which all kinds of applets are located: the system menu, application launcher icons, the taskbar and the system tray.

IN system menu All applications installed on the system are located.
On the left side of the menu are the so-called favorite applications. All other applications in the menu are organized by category. The menu is also equipped with a search bar for more quickly searching for a particular application:

To the right of the system menu are icons for frequently launched applications, which are easily displayed from the menu to the panel.
To do this it is enough to find required application in the menu, click right click on it and select from the context menu - Add to panel, as the application icon will immediately appear on the panel:

Note. Adding application launcher icons to Desktop as easy as on the panel. Menu- select the desired application, right click and Add to desktop:

Whenever the user opens a program, folder or file, a corresponding button is created on the taskbar with the program logo. Clicking on the button minimizes the window to the taskbar, clicking on the same button again displays the program window on the monitor.

On the right side of the control panel there are applets system tray, displaying: user applet, calendar with clock, network connection, sound applet, keyboard layout switcher and applet Update Manager:

Applets on the control panel are easy to remove and just as easy to add. Right click on the applet and Remove this applet:

To add an applet to the panel, right-click on the place in the panel where you want to add it and Add applets to the panel:

Select the desired applet from those presented in the list, activate it, right-click on the line and Add to panel, or press the button +Add to panel in the lower left corner of the window Applets:

All applets on the control panel are moved and displayed in the order specified by the user. Right click on any free space panels, in context menu select Panel editing mode, move the checkbox and you can move the applets as you wish:

Reminder. When you're done moving applets, don't forget to return the checkbox to initial position, otherwise you will not be able to control the panel.

The control panel is located at the bottom of the monitor by default, but it can be positioned at the top or select the option - Classic (bar top and bottom). To do this, right-click on any free space in the panel in the context menu - Panel Settings:

In the window that opens Panel, In chapter Panel location select the desired option:

Note. If the panel does not move immediately, restart the environment Cinnamon: Alt+F2, in the dialog box that opens, enter lowercase Latin r(er) and press Enter:

Or right-click on the free space of the control panel, select Troubleshooting - Restart Cinnamon:

On the desktop, the user can: Create new folder, Create new document, Add diskettes, Change desktop background etc., by right-clicking on any free space on the desktop:

Cinnamon settings using the terminal command:

cinnamon-settings & exit

All settings Cinnamon rationally grouped into categories: Design, Parameters, Equipment, Administration and are set by default in each of the parameters, which can be changed at the discretion of the user if necessary.

Good luck with your work in the surroundings Cinnmamon.

Everyone good day! Today we will look at what you need to do after successfully installing the MATE desktop environment on your computer. This instruction is not mandatory and only shows the subjective opinion of the author of the article.

Setting up Linux Mint MATE after installation

When you boot your operating system for the first time, you will see a desktop with a welcome screen in front of you. To prevent this screen from popping up every time you boot up, you need to uncheck the box in the lower right corner of this window.

If during the installation process you did not have an Internet connection, then you do not have all elements of the system in Russian. To fix this, you need to install full support for the Russian language. We have already looked at how to get it, so we will not dwell on this in detail. Now we need to configure switching keyboard layouts. Personally, I find it convenient to switch languages ​​using the alt+shift combination, but you can choose the one that is convenient for you. We find on the bottom panel an indicator with the inscription en and right-click on it. In the menu that opens, select “keyboard options”.

Select the “Russian” layout and click on the “parameters” button. Find the line “switch to another layout” and put it opposite the desired combination tick.

We close the window and now the language switching is configured. In the lower left corner of the screen, the menu button still remains with an English inscription. Let's replace this inscription with the familiar Russian one. To do this, right-click on it and select “settings” in the menu that appears.

Erase the text on the button and enter “Menu” or “Start” (you can write anything there)

Now that we've sorted out the menu, let's move on to the clock settings on the panel. Right-click on them and select “options” in the menu that appears.

In the “general” tab, uncheck all the checkboxes (if you need a date in your watch, then leave this checkbox). You still won’t see the weather and temperature (even if you set the terrain). In the "terrains" tab you can specify locality, in which you live. There is no practical benefit from this.

You shouldn’t even go to the “weather” tab, as this functionality doesn’t work. We've sorted out the clock and it's time to update the system (this needs to be done while the Internet is connected). Go to menu-system-terminal and enter the command sudo apt-get update. This command will update the list of repositories and available software versions. After that, enter the command sudo apt-get dist-upgrade. This command will update your system and download all available updates.

An easier update option is to launch the update manager. Find this icon on your dashboard:

Click on it and the update manager window will appear in front of you.

As you can see, there are few updates, but this is due to the fact that we have not updated the list available updates. To do this, click the "check for updates" button. After this, you need to click on the “install updates” button.

Linux Mint drivers

Most drivers for your computer are already installed when you install the system. To check the available drivers, go to the menu - administration - driver manager.

There are no drivers available for installation on my system, but your list may show an available driver for your video card. Select the one that says "recommended" and install it. After this, restart your computer.

Setting up the Linux Mint desktop

Our desktop currently displays the "computer" and "home folder" shortcuts. Let's remove them and add a cart display. We go to the menu-parameters-desktop settings and check the necessary boxes.

Now you need to adjust the screen resolution. We go to the menu-parameters-monitors, set required resolution and update frequency.

Let's optimize the system boot process. To do this, go to the menu-parameters-launched applications.

This displays a list of all the programs that start when your computer starts. Personally, I remove nintUpload, mintWelcome and general access to the desktop.

To prevent your screen from locking after 5 minutes of inactivity, go to the menu-options-screen saver and uncheck the boxes.

All other settings can be found in the “control center”.

Removing unnecessary programs

IN installed system There is a necessary set of software for full operation. But you're used to working in other programs, so let's remove everything unnecessary. Launch the terminal and one by one enter following commands:

sudo apt-get autoremove hexchat*

this command will delete the chat

sudo apt-get autoremove banshee*

This command will remove the audio player

sudo apt-get autoremove brasero*

this command will remove the disc burning program (personally, I don’t even have a CD-ROM)

sudo apt-get autoremove thunderbird*

this command will remove the application for receiving and sending email

sudo apt-get autoremove simple-scan*

This command will remove the program for scanning documents

sudo apt-get autoremove transmission*

This command will remove the torrent downloader

Installing the necessary programs

We need a normal audio player and that is deadbeef. Go to and download debubuntu package i686 (if you have a 32-bit system) and debubuntu package amd64 (if you have a 64-bit system). Go to the folder where you downloaded installation file, right-click on it and select “open in gdebi”

Click on the Install Package button and wait for the installation to complete.

To download torrents we need the qbittorrent program. Open a terminal and enter the command

sudo apt-get install qbittorrent

So we looked at what needs to be done after installing Linux Mint. If you have anything to add this article, then write about it in the comments and I will make additions.

Linux Mint is one of the most popular operating systems today Linux.
Developers Linux Mint They release several distributions with different desktop environments: Cinnamon (own development), MATE, Xfce, KDE And LMDE(Rolling release based on Debian, also of our own design).
Xfce it's fast and easy working environment, low consumption system resources. At the same time, it is visually attractive and user-friendly.

This is the desktop with Welcome screen, which displays various links to help a new user get started with the system.

At the very bottom of the monitor, as in most distributions, there is a control panel, which includes applets: menus, icons quick launch applications, buttons open windows and system tray.

The disadvantage of this environment that new users encounter is the absence of a keyboard layout icon after the first login, because... Even after opening the browser, the user is at a loss as to how to switch from English to his native language, although the system was installed and is displayed in it.

1. Keyboard layout and hotkey assignments

To display a keyboard layout icon, you need to add it to the panel. To do this, click right mouse button on any free space in the panel and in the menu that opens, select Add new items:

When the window opens Adding new elements, select Keyboard layouts and press the button Add:

Note. All newly added items are always displayed in the right corner. To move them on the panel, right mouse click on the element/icon, select Move, move it to the desired location on the panel and left clicking pins it.

To assign keyboard layout hotkeys, right-click on the icon and select from the menu Keyboard settings:

In the window that opens Keyboard, in the tab Layout turn off Use standard system settings and in the parameter - Change layout options activate the key combination you need:

Now that we have completed the missing element on the panel, it’s time to update the system, because... after the first login, this must be done Necessarily.

2. System update.

In the system tray, on the panel you should see an icon in the form of a shield with Latin letter i - Update Manager:

Click on the icon and it will open Update Manager with a single line - mintupdate:

And click on the button - Install updates. After this update manager itself, you should see a list of recommended system updates:

Press the button again Install updates and wait for the system update to complete.

Once all updates have been completed, the icon has been installed and keyboard shortcuts have been assigned, you can now work in the system Linux Mint 17.1 "Rebecca" Xfce, as in any other: travel across the vast expanses of the Internet and download necessary files, watch movies, listen to music, type in Libre Office and use a printer, download pictures from the camera and edit them, view your video from a video camera, communicate with family and friends, in general, everything that can be done in a regular operating system.

The further steps proposed in the article are not mandatory; they simply introduce you to the system and its capabilities.

3. Desktop setup

Right-click on any free space on your desktop and select from the menu that opens - Desktop customization:

In the window that opens Desktop three tabs: Background, Menu And Badges.
In the tab Background you can change the background image by clicking on it from the proposed catalog, or activate the option Change background at certain intervals, the desktop background images will change automatically, after a time set by the user:

Tab Badges is responsible for the appearance of the desktop. In it you can activate the display on the table Home folder, Baskets etc. elements, as well as change their size and font size:

Among other things, on the desktop the user can right-click the mouse to create an additional directory, link, open a terminal or system application menu:

4. System settings

Settings systems you can find in Menu by clicking on the icon All settings:

System settings are divided into categories: Personal, Equipment, System And Other. All of them are already set by default, but you can change them at your discretion.

5. Additional programs to install

The system already has necessary programs, which the user can find in the menu. If you haven't found any special program in the menu, then in distributions Linux you don’t have to look for them on the Internet, first of all open them in the system menu Program Manager, most likely you can find the necessary additional software there:

As you can see in the picture, all programs are divided into categories, which makes it easier to find the one you need. Click on the selected category and view the list of programs offered, or enter the desired name in the search field, click Enter on the keyboard, select the program, click on it and press the button Install:

Once the installation is complete, the program can be found in the menu.

6. Enable Compiz window manager

No matter what they say "anti-Plyushkins", who claim that all sorts of goodies in the system are useless, I think on the contrary, the system should not only be stable, but also beautiful, if the hardware has it.

Compiz- composite window manager, used for acceleration 3D graphics OpenGL. It provides many different graphic effects and is a complex of plugins, decorators, interface customization tools and effects.
Compiz window manager integrated into the system by developers Linux Mint 17.1 "Rebecca" Xfce, but is not enabled by default, because as described above, it needs acceleration 3D. In other words, your computer must support 3D graphics. To check this, open a terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T), copy and run the following command:

/usr/lib/nux/unity_support_test -p

If in the command output, in the line Unity 3D supported: you see yes, means to use Compiz perhaps, if no, then enable the window manager Compiz You can not.

For those for whom the terminal has determined the possibility of using Compiz - yes, the next step is to launch Compiz. Open the window Search for applications - Alt+F2, enter and execute the command (press Enter or button Launch):

compiz --replace

To Compiz started at login, this command must be entered in Autorun applications. Open the program Sessions and launch, tab Autorun applications, press the button +Add, which is at the bottom of the window and enter in the window that opens additional window as in the picture:

7. Desk cube

After Compiz launched, you can enable additional plugins and various effects in the program, which is in the menu by default:

To use the plugin Desk cube, the first thing you need to do is add virtual workspaces. For this purpose in CompizConfig Configuration Manager sign in General settings , tab Desk size and set the parameters virtual sizes: 4 - horizontally and 1 - vertically, as in the picture:

Next you need to activate the plugin Rotate the cube and go into its settings to change the size of the rotating cube, otherwise it will be one to one with the desktop. In the parameter Change scale replace the first zero with a one:

Now try to rotate Cube Press the keys simultaneously Ctrl+Alt+left mouse button and move the mouse to different sides(For laptops at the same time Ctrl+Alt+left touchpad button and move your finger across the touchpad). The cube should rotate on a black background. To enable background with color scheme by default, open the plugin settings Desk cube, tab Appearance and activate the parameter - Background:

This is the cube I got in my system Linux Mint 17.1 "Rebecca" Xfce:

Note. In the picture you see a rotating Cube in the background of the image I added in the parameter Background image, but after a reboot it "flies" and returns to the background with the default color scheme.

8. Installing the Cairo Dock

Panel Cairo Dock, one of the best panels quick launch of programs, specially designed for Linux. There are others, but I prefer this one Cairo Dock, because I find it the most customizable and the most beautiful.
Most effective Cairo Dock looks at the bottom of the screen, so we will have to move the main control panel Xfce V top part monitor, thereby freeing up space for Cairo.
Right-click on any free space in the panel, select Panel - Panel Options:

And uncheck the option Lock panel:

You should now see two vertical dash-dotted lines next to the menu in the left corner of the panel.

Grab the panel at this location and drag it to the top of the monitor. Now go back to Panel Options and activate the item Lock panel.

Next we need to install the panel Cairo Dock. Open Program Manager, enter in the search box Cairo Dock and press the button Install, or run the following command in a terminal:

sudo apt-get install cairo-dock

Once the installation is complete, you will find two programs in the menu Cairo Dock: Cairo Dock andCairo Dock (Fallback Mode):

Choose the first one, because... she's for more powerful computers and it has more effects, since we install it with Compiz. The panel should appear at the bottom of the monitor by default, although it can be “sticky” anywhere on the monitor, even in the middle.
Icons can be dragged onto the panel from the menu or after opening a program, its icon will appear on the panel, right-click on the icon and select Set as launch icon:

Icons are also easy to remove from the panel. Right click on the icon - Delete.

Of course, what you see in my photo and the default panel are absolutely two different panels, because I have already configured mine to my taste. And the settings Cairo Dock so much so that I could continue writing this article for a week in order to describe all the settings. Then it won’t be an article about Linux Mint 17.1 "Rebecca" Xfce, and the manual is about Cairo Dock.
To configure the panel, right-click on any icon and select - Settings:

9. Create a Magic Lamp Effect with Compiz and Cairo Dock

After we have engaged Compiz and installed the panel Cairo Dock, God himself told us to install a very colorful effect Magic lamp.

Effect Magic lamp or Magic Lamp, this is the effect that is installed by default on systems MacOS X from Apple.
The effect is that all minimized/restored application windows smoothly “flow” out of their icon and “flow” back into the panel Cairo Dock.

Open CompizConfig Configuration Manager- plugin Animations and switch to the tab Minimize Animation. Click the button Create, to create the effect Magic Lamp. In the window that opens, in the parameter Collapse effect select Magic Lamp. Effect display time - Duration put on 300 (exactly this optimal time in milliseconds). And in the parameter Window Match copy/paste: (type=Normal | Dialog | ModalDialog | Unknown)
So that all minimized windows do this effect and close the window Change.

The line with the effect will appear last in the list. In order for the created effect to be executed Compiz, it needs to be raised to the first line. Click on the line with the effect Magic Lamp and press the button Up to make the line first

Do the same in the tab Unminimize Animation:

Now open any program from the panel Cairo Dock and click on the same icon again to minimize the window to an icon. Clicking on the icon again will display a window with the effect Magic Lamp.

Note. Sometimes minimized/maximized windows “flow” into something other than the panel Cairo Dock, and in the window buttons on system panel. After installation Cairo Dock applet Window buttons can be removed so it's not confusing Compiz. Right-click on the panel in the applet area and Delete, because now performs its functions Cairo Dock.

Change the arrangement of windows on the desktop.

Default with working Compiz, involved Smart mode for placing windows on the desktop, i.e. all newly opened windows are placed on the free space of the monitor, but this mode can be changed at your discretion in the plugin Compiz - Window placement, tab Are common by selecting Placement mode - Centered:

Now all windows will open in the center of the monitor and the effect Magic lamp will be displayed more symmetrically with respect to the icon on the panel Cairo Dock.

10. Installation additional programs on the desktop

Let's add some more goodies or frills to the desktop.

10.1 Weather widget informer

And although the additions to both panels have their own weather elements, I think the widget is the most colorful and accurate for displaying the weather in your area GisWeather.

Installing the widget GisWeather

Open a terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T), copy and run the following commands:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:noobslab/apps
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gis-weather

Once the installation is complete, you will find GisWeather in programs Tools or search in the menu.

How to customize the widget and display your area, see.

10.2 Conky Manager

Manager Conky also not in Program Manager, so you will have to install it by connecting your own repository.

Installation Manager Conky

Open a terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T), copy and run this sequence of commands:

sudo apt-add-repository -y ppa:teejee2008/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install conky-manager

After installation you will find Conky Manager in programs Tools or search in the menu.

Settings Manager Conky you will find .


System Linux Mint 17.1 "Rebecca" Xfce After installation and all the settings described above, it works stably, smoothly and looks very beautiful.
You can create such a fun desktop in Linux Mint 17.1 "Rebecca" Xfce.

P.S. I'm sure some users will have a question about the window theme I'm using. This is the topic Gnome Cupertino. I use it all the time in distributions. Linux Mint.

Installing a theme Gnome Cupertino

Run the following commands in a terminal:

cd /tmp && wget && tar -xvf 165104-Gnome-Cupertino.tar.gz
sudo mv Gnome-Cupertino /usr/share/themes

After installation is complete, open the program Appearance to activate the theme.

And one more point in the desktop settings.

How to move window control buttons left?

Open a terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T), copy and run the following command:

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences button-layout "close,minimize,maximize:"

If you want to move them to the right again, run this command:

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences button-layout ":maximize,minimize,close"

If you don't have it installed yet Linux Mint 17.1 "Rebecca"Xfce(Final), you can download it using the following links:

Or from the official website: Linux Mint 17.1 “Rebecca” Xfce (Final)

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Linux Mint is Linux distribution, based on Ubuntu. It differs from it mainly only in pre-installed software, proprietary programs included in the distribution, its own desktop environment: Cinnamon, as well as minor improvements and modifications. Therefore, compatibility with Ubuntu applications complete, and the developers themselves do not deny this.

The goal of the distribution is to provide the user with the most ready-to-use environment immediately after installation. In the latest this moment version of Linux Mint 17.3 the software was updated, some bugs were fixed and used a new version Cinnamon 2.8 shells.

In this guide, we will look at how to install Linux Mint 17.3 on your computer or laptop. The process is not very different from Ubuntu installations, I would even say that they are almost the same, but still I will describe in detail how to download the installation image, burn it to a flash drive or disk, and then step by step guide you through the entire installation process. Let's get started.

The Linux Mint installation image can be downloaded from the official website. The system comes in six editions, depending on the working environment and the purpose of the distribution: Cinnamon, Cinnamon without codecs, Cinnamon OEM, and MATE, MATE without codecs, Mate OEM:

Select the desired edition and architecture and download the image. The image will occupy about one and a half gigabytes. In this tutorial I will use the traditional Linux version Mint Cinnamon.

Step 2. Burn Linux Mint to media

To burn an image to disk in the KDE shell, use the k3b utility; Gnome and Ubuntu have the Brasero utility. You can also burn a Linux Mint image from the console:

cdrecord ~/linuxmint.iso /dev/cdrom

In Windows, you won’t have any problems with writing to disk, since there are such popular utilities as UltraISO, Alcohol, Power2Go, etc. For those who don’t know yet, let me remind you that simply moving the image file to disk with the mouse is not enough, I don’t I just listed all these utilities here.

If you want to install Linux MInt from a flash drive, use the unetbootin utility or the dd console utility to write the image to Linux:

dd if=/linuxmint.iso /dev/sdb1

Here /dev/sdb1 is the file name of your flash drive. On Windows, it is most convenient to use rufus for these purposes. More about the recording installation image on the flash drive, see the article: . For LinuxMint, all steps are similar.

Step 3: Set up BIOS to install Linux Mint

Restart your computer and enter the menu BIOS settings. Here you need to set the boot from the media that you just recorded. To open BIOS menu press F10, F2, F8, Del during the BIOS splash screen, then go to the Boot tab in the menu. Here you need to set the boot priority for CDROM or USB, in the Boot Device Priorty or 1s Boot Device item. For example, like this:

Installing Linux Mint 17 from a flash drive is no different from installing from a disk, except that copying files will be much faster. It is only important that the flash drive is installed before the computer boots, so that the BIOS can detect it and it will appear in the selection menu.

When you select the device, go to the Exit tab and save the settings by clicking Exit & Save Changes.

Step 4 Start the system

Immediately after exiting the BIOS, loading will begin; in the first window, you can launch the menu by pressing any key or just wait 9 seconds until it starts automatically Linux boot Mint.

Wait for the download to complete:

Step 6: Start the installation

A full-fledged Cinnamon desktop will open in front of you, and you can immediately look at and evaluate the system without installing anything.

When you complete the inspection, click on the shortcut Install Linux Mint:

Step 7. Select a language

Select the language in which you want to install the system and click continue:

Step 8: System Requirements

The system will check the available disk space, click continue:

Step 9. Disk partitioning

There are two options here: either automatically install Linux Mint on the entire disk, or choose a location to install manually. If you need to install linux mint next to windows, then you definitely need to choose manually.

We will consider the second option. This will be useful for those who want to install Linux Mint next to Windows. In the editing table you see all sections of your hard drive, or free place. For Linux, you need to create three main partitions: root - for the system, home - for user files, and swap for dumping contents there random access memory. You can also create a boot for the bootloader, but if you don't plan to do anything extraordinary, you can do without it.

To create a disk, click on free space and press the button with the sign plus.

Here you need to specify the size, file system and mount point. The root size is recommended up to 8 GB, but I would advise taking all 30 so that all the games and programs that you are going to install can fit there, swap should be equal to the size of RAM, and if you decide to do boot, 100 megabytes will be enough. The rest of the space is for user files. File system It's better to leave ext4 as is. Mount points - for root - /, for home - /home, for boot /boot.

When you complete the code, press the button Install now.

Step 8. Confirm installation

Check if everything is correct and confirm to continue installing Linux MInt 17.3:

Step 9: Select your time zone

Select a time zone on the map and click continue.

Step 10. Selecting a Keyboard Layout

Select your keyboard layout and press continue

Step 11: Create a user

Create a system user. Enter your name, computer name, username and password for the user.

Then click the button continue.

Step 12: Installation

Wait for the installation to complete.

Reboot your computer after the installation of Linux Mint 17.3 is complete

Step 14: Login

Use the username and password you specified during installation to log in.

Hello everyone, I haven’t written on this blog for a long time, but I still decided to, today I want to talk about what I recommend everyone to do after installation. I decided to write an article because I installed this wonderful operating system on my computer. It’s not surprising, but my attitude towards linux mint 15 was ambiguous, maybe I just got used to the new environment in ubuntu, or maybe it just didn’t work out. And besides, after installation there were enough bugs with graphics, sound and other heresies, when running the software through wine, atop showed 100% system load, and it didn’t matter what exactly I was running, be it notepad, be it microsoft office. Despite everything, I always liked this environment for its simplicity, friendliness and unobtrusive appearance, so after waiting a little time after the official release of Linux Mint 16 Petra, I decided to install it, the surprise was overwhelming (perhaps this was also influenced by the fact that I was tired of Ubuntu =)) and this even despite the fact that mint 16 was collected on Ubuntu based 13.10.

After installing any new OS, only one question comes to mind: what to do next? And this is despite the fact that any build of Linux systems comes with a standard package of programs and drivers, which may be quite enough for work, but we want more, don’t we? You can, of course, entrust the development of the website to more qualified specialists, such as a company digital agency Baturin Andrey, and then just enjoy working on your site.

So what should you do after installing Linux Mint 16:

I wrote this article using the assembly Linux Mint Cinnamon, despite this, all the recommendations I proposed in this article will be relevant for the version Mate.

1. Installing updates.

The first thing I recommend doing on any OS, be it Windows 7 - 8, or Linux. Since a lot of time could have passed since the release of the image for downloading the OS and the developer company could have released new updates to close system holes and other little things, thanks to the updates you can easily download the missing drivers and software for your system.

Update Linux Mint possible in 2 ways.

1 -via the console (press Ctrl+Alt+T) and enter the command:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade

2 - through menu - Administration - Update Manager.

2. Install the necessary drivers.

Let's start installation necessary drivers, go to " menu - Administration - Driver Manager", we choose, for starters, those recommended to us by the system itself.

3. Installation of the rar archiver

In order to install, open a terminal and enter:

sudo apt-get install rar

4. Installing windows fonts

To install basic truetype Microsoft fonts, open “ Program Manager"Go to the fonts tab and install the most 1.

5. Install the required languages, locales and layouts.

I think this point cannot be explained. First, let's install the language we need, " Menu - Options - Language and systems". Add the language we need, drag it to the top and click apply to the entire system. Next we go to “ Menu - Administration - Region and language", go to the keyboard layout tab, click + and add the language we need, use the up and down arrows to move it, thereby setting the priority. To change the layout, click parameters and select “ Keys for changing layouts" in my case it is installed: Left Alt + left Shift

6. Install a new theme and a new wallpaper.

Oh, I think everyone fulfills this point without exception, although it is quite banal, but I will still describe it. To select, go to “ System SettingsBackground pictures ", select the image we need as quality background image, by the way, you can also try installing it on your desktop.
In order to change the design theme, again go to all the settings, then to the themes section, to install new ones, go to the “all available" tab, select the ones we need and click on the install button.

7. Installing Clipit or glipper

Without these software I can’t imagine working with linux systems. These programs are text clipboards that greatly simplify routine work, if you have not installed or worked with them yet, I recommend them. In order to install them, there are two ways: as always, you can use the console, or you can use the application manager. I still installed Clipit, let’s open the console and write:

sudo apt-get install Clipit

Launch it, right-click on the icon on the panel, settings, go to the hotkeys tab, set C to the first field and enjoy its work.

8. Install Oracle Java Packages

In Linux Mint, OpenJDK is already installed by default, but some programs, as well as web services, may ask you to install the Oracle Java Runtime Environment (JRE) beforehand; to install it, type in the terminal:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-installer

9. Installing Skype and chrome browser

Skype is an application that is used by most users on various operating systems, I have already written a guide to setting it up, you can read it at .

Everything is as always very simple:

sudo apt-get install skype

sudo apt-get install google-chrome-beta

10. Adding the necessary applications to autorun.

That's all, of course, there are many more programs that I install, including playonlinux and many others, but which programs do you immediately install after installation?