Installing comodo internet security. Optimal settings for Comodo Internet Security

Summary of previous articles: an approximate setup and use option Comodo Internet Security 8

Attention! The article is addressed to users who have experience using the Comodo complex Internet Security and read previous articles about him. “Beginners” are advised to study this product first. For information and regarding effective use The following setup procedure is suggested:

  1. disconnect your computer from the Internet and/or local network;
  2. install CIS;
  3. open “Main window” > “Tasks” > “Advanced tasks” > “Advanced settings”;
  4. on the “General Settings” > “Configuration” tab, double-click on the “Proactive Security” line;
  5. on the “Protection+” tab > “Sandbox” > “Auto-Sandbox”, disable the “Use Auto-Sandbox” option;
  6. on the “HIPS” tab > “Protected objects” > “Protected files”, add any file through the context menu;
  7. via the context menu, replace the added line with ?:\*
  8. Click “Ok” to close the settings window;
  9. open “Main window” > “Tasks” > “Firewall tasks” > “Hide ports”;
  10. select the “Block incoming connections” option;
  11. perform a reboot;
  12. connect your computer to the network.

Preliminary remarks

This setup procedure is given in abbreviated form. The purpose of the article is to give readers a guide to the variety of configuration options for Comodo Internet Security. It is assumed that readers are familiar with previous articles and understand the reasons for certain recommendations. Only the most general setup details are given here. ABOUT additional measures, for example, against firewall bypass (via inter-process memory access, DNS queries and BITS), protection against ransomware or against keyloggers is described in the article on using proactive protection; about access to the local network - in the article about firewall, etc.

I would like to emphasize that this configuration is not “maximum”, but more or less balanced in terms of protection and ease of use. Unidentified programs are automatically virtualized without notification. HIPS alerts are possible, but they will occur very rarely.

The proposed option is intended for personal use by an experienced user, but it is easy to adapt it for “newbies” or users with limited rights. You can, for example, turn off all notifications, or replace the automatic virtualization of unidentified programs by blocking them, or set the firewall to " Safe mode" etc.

If following these instructions leads to any problems, I ask readers to report in the comments. Messages supported by configuration export files, a list of files and each CIS log for the entire period, as well as video recording and/or provision of remote access for diagnostics.

Installation and configuration


It is advisable to install CIS on a system that is guaranteed not to contain malware. Let me remind you that you need to update the system and do it backup copy. It makes sense to disable " Windows Firewall» via the «Control Panel».

If the system is clean of malware, it is advisable to “familiarize” CIS with the files on it. To avoid conflicts, you can disable the protection components at this time: antivirus, Auto-Sandbox, HIPS, firewall and Viruscope. First, let's perform a “Reputation Scan” (“Main Window” > “Tasks” > “General Tasks” > “Scan”) and after it is completed, we will make all found files trusted. Then we will launch various installed programs and their components. Let's reboot. In the advanced settings window, on the “File Reputation” > “List of Files” tab, mark all files and use the context menu to set them to a trusted rating.

Basic setup

After installation, open the “General Settings” > “Configuration” tab in the advanced settings window and enable the “Proactive Security” configuration. When prompted to reboot, we’ll respond “Postpone.”

If you have previously configured CIS, import the initial “Proactive Security” configuration from the program catalog under a different name and activate it.

If a notification appears about choosing a network status, select the “Public place” option.

On the “Content Filter” > “Rules” tab, make sure that the “Blocked Sites” rule is located at the bottom, and change it: add the categories “MVPS Hosts list” and “Symantec WebSecurity” and set the type of restrictions not to “Block”, but to “Ask” "

Context Menu Extensions

To copy files blocked by the antivirus, add the appropriate item context menu. All materials necessary for this with instructions are given in the archive.


If an unidentified program is detected, we do not make any concessions in protection without making sure that it is safe. The easiest way to check the program is through the context menu. I note that the absence of antivirus detections is not an absolute guarantee of security. But you can more or less confidently judge the safety of a file if it has been known for a long time and leading antiviruses do not recognize it as malicious.

As an additional check, you can run an unknown program in virtual environment, and then send the contents of the VTRoot directory to VirusTotal. You can independently examine the behavior of the program in a virtual environment by enabling Viruscope with the option “Apply Viruscope action only to applications in Sandbox" and opening the activity report. Viruscope also sometimes automatically classifies program behavior as malicious.

To install a new secure program call by holding down Shift key, on its installer context menu and select “Run as installer”. If a HIPS alert occurs during installation, disable the “Remember selection” option in it and select the “Install or update” policy. After installing the program, we perform its first test run through the context menu item “Run as installer without elevation of rights” and close the program. Then, on the “File Reputation” > “List of Files” tab, we transfer the unidentified files of this program to trusted ones. We also add the directory with the new program to the trusted ones.

To update installed program we launch it using the “Run as installer” context menu item, perform the update procedure and similarly transfer new files from unidentified to trusted.

It is possible that a program runs in isolation even after it has been added to the trusted list. Typically, this happens when the program size exceeds 40 MB. The solution is to add the path to such a program to the “AllowedProgs” group.

If you need to temporarily run a program without restrictions, open the context menu on it while holding Shift and select “Run as installer without elevation of rights.” It is important to remember that such a program and its child processes will be able to run any unidentified file without interference.

When any unidentified file is isolated for the first time through Auto-Sandbox, a pop-up notification appears. I remind you that it is dangerous to press the “Don’t isolate anymore” button in it.

If any data needs to be carefully protected from damage, for example, by encryption viruses, we add the word “WriteProtected” to the end of the name of the directory containing it. The contents of directories like “C:\Docs\My Projects - WriteProtected” will be prohibited from being changed by any program except Explorer. When you need to change the data, we will either temporarily rename the directory, or move the data to another directory, and after finishing the work we will return it to protection.

You should look at the event log from time to time, especially the firewall and proactive protection (“Protection+”). There you may find that a certain program requires additional permissions, for example, to carry out an update. Then you will need to adjust the configuration accordingly.

When a program is blocked by an antivirus, first of all we send it to VirusTotal through the context menu. If we are completely confident in its security, we add this program to the trusted ones. If, despite doubts, the program must be used, copy it to the exceptions directory. To do this, open the context menu on it while holding Shift, select the item “Copy infected file...” and save it to the C:\Exclusions directory. From this directory the program will be launched as a normal unidentified program in a virtual environment.

If you are concerned that the program you are running will block the OS interface and prevent you from clearing the sandbox, you can limit its execution time. Convenient way to do this is the context menu item “Run in Comodo sandbox as restricted”, suggested in the article about the virtual environment.

If you need to run a dubious program in a real environment, we do this through the extended context menu item “Run without restrictions Auto-Sandbox”. We monitor program activity through HIPS alerts. To avoid a large number of them, you can immediately select the policy “ Limited application" or "Isolated" (by enabling the "Remember selection" option). Attention! A malicious program can launch a trusted one, and HIPS will no longer monitor the activity of the child process, which can cause damage. As a mitigating measure, you can temporarily enable Viruscope in order to observe in more detail the activity of not only the dubious program, but also its child processes, and, if necessary, roll back changes.

Typically, HIPS alerts in this configuration will only occur when using the "Run without Auto-Sandbox restrictions" menu item or, less commonly, the "Run as installer" and "Run as installer without elevation" options. However, if HIPS alerts you to activity unidentified programs in other cases are a red flag. It may mean that an unidentified program ran before CIS or received SYSTEM privileges. I recommend selecting the “Block and complete execution” option in such an alert (disabling the “Remember selection” option in it), and then checking the system for vulnerabilities.

Comodo Antivirus Free is a free American antivirus that offers reliable protection from all kinds of threats and additional security tools.

Many malicious programs and files try to penetrate our computer system when installing applications downloaded from the Internet or when transferring data from removable media. Hence Windows not working correctly, a lot of pop-ups, etc. Therefore, any computer needs good, effective anti-virus protection.

Comodo Antivirus completely copes with its task of detecting and neutralizing all known viruses, Internet worms and other malicious programs. This happens thanks to the use of a proactive antivirus engine.

Comodo Antivirus has official support Windows 10. The basic principle of operation is online protection computer from Internet threats and threats coming through external media, full or selective scanning is also carried out in offline mode.

Key features of Comodo Antivirus Free

  • comprehensive antivirus protection
  • behavioral blocker
  • HIPS intrusion prevention system
  • virtual kiosk
  • Russified interface

Installing Comodo Antivirus Free

First, it is recommended to delete your old antivirus. Then, to download the Russian version of the Comodo Antivirus Free antivirus for free, go to the official website of the developer

Installation will require some user input. After launching the installer, click “OK”.

In the next window of the installation wizard, you should uncheck all the boxes to prevent the installation of unnecessary applications.

In the same window, at the bottom of it, go to the “Customize installation” tab. There again we remove all the checkboxes except the top one, click “Back” and “Forward”. We perform already familiar manipulations.

Click “I agree.” Install” and the installation process will begin.

After installation it will happen automatic update virus databases. All this will take a certain amount of time.

Well, at the final stage, the antivirus program will ask you to restart the computer.

Setting up Comodo Antivirus Free

This antivirus has a lot of settings. After the first installation, the user may get lost in them.

By default, Comodo Antivirus has all the elements configured for normal operation and computer protection and if you doubt your actions, it is better not to touch anything yourself.

This is what the main window of the antivirus program looks like:

It contains useful statistics in a clear and informative way.

Let's consider the main and most necessary functions, which will be useful in further work with the antivirus.


By clicking on this item, you can choose the most appropriate scanning option: quick scan, full scan, reputation scan, custom scan.

Advanced settings.

At this point there are detailed settings various aspects ensuring security. To get into it, you need to select “Tasks” in the main window, then go to the “Advanced tasks” tab and then “Advanced settings”.

Here you can change the interface theme, enable the intrusion prevention system (HIPS), which is disabled by default, also add the file to exceptions so that the antivirus bypasses it when scanning and does not put it in “Quarantine” and see many other settings.

How to remove Comodo Antivirus Free

If you Comodo antivirus Antivirus Free did not suit you for some reason or you decided to switch to another, it can be removed in several ways. One of them is described in the article. Another method is more preferable and of higher quality - using a professional tool for removing various software.

Getting to the settings is quite problematic, since there is no button of the same name. However, on the menu Tasks did you see the button Advanced settings(Sandbox Tasks and Advanced Tasks), by clicking which you can get to the parameters window (Fig. 4.99).

Rice. 4.99. Advanced settings

The window is divided into two parts: on the left are settings categories, on the right are changeable parameters. There are only two categories: General settings And Security Settings(Fig. 4.100).

Rice. 4.100. General settings

There are four subcategories in General Settings.

Interface. In this subcategory you can change the program language, as well as configure visual and sound parameters. To do this, check the boxes next to the appropriate parameters. The more of them are enabled, the more often the program reminds you of its presence on the computer. Separately, it should be noted that you can block access to program settings using a password. To do this, check the Protect settings with a password checkbox, click on the Set password link and enter your password in the window that appears.

Updates. It's about about updating both the anti-virus databases and the program itself. This is where you can configure the frequency of checking for updates (Fig. 4.101).

Journaling. You can disable logging or, conversely, enable it.

Configuration. The subcategory is responsible for protection priorities. By default, COMODO - Internet Security is selected, which is sensitive to threats from the Internet. If you spend a lot of time on the Internet, then don't change anything. COMODO - Proactive Security focuses on protecting from within. Select it if your computer had a large number of viruses. COMODO - Firewall Security only conducts network protection(firewall). To change the configuration, double-click on the required item (Fig. 4.102).

Rice. 4.101. Setting Up Updates

Rice. 4.101. Setting Configuration

The default security settings are set to a very high level (Fig. 4.103). The only thing you can do is lower the protection and exclude it from scanning separate files. These settings are unlikely to be useful to the average user, so we will not dwell on them in detail.

Rice. 4.103. Security Settings


You can start scanning in the main window using the button Scan. You can also use the button Tasks (General Tasks Scan). In the window that opens, select the scan type (Fig. 4.104):

Quick scan - checks areas of the computer that are susceptible to infection;

Full scan - scans all files on the computer;

Custom Scan - scan individual files or folders ( Custom Scan Scan Folder or Scan file)(Fig. 4.106).

rice. 4.104. Scan profiles

Rice. 4.106. Custom Scan

In addition, you have the opportunity to create your own profile. To do this in the menu Custom Scan click the button Other options, in the window that opens, click the button Add(Fig. 4.107).

Rice. 4.107. Creating a Scan Profile

In the next window (Fig. 4.108), give the profile a name and add scan objects: individual files and entire areas (tab Objects). On the tab Options select the thoroughness of the check. The more checkboxes you check, the more thorough the check will be. In the tab Schedule set the time and frequency of this type of scanning. Click OK.

Rice. 4.108. Setting up a scan profile

Now in the window Scanning(see Fig. 4.104) the created object scanning profile will appear. Check the box to activate it, and the antivirus will begin scanning at the scheduled time.

To summarize, it should be noted that COMODO Antivirus is highly effective. He copes well with the task assigned to him. The disadvantages include a not very clear interface.

As a result of unsuccessful attempts to force the database to be updated, I decided to simply install Comodo again, but with a younger version, in order to test it. Comodo Internet Security is a complete protection that includes an antivirus, firewall and proprietary features such as Hips and more.

Before Comodo, I tried various antiviruses. This includes Doctor Web, Kaspersky, AVG, Nod32, Avast, Panda, MalwareAntimalware and even the Chinese Rising, which works surprisingly well.

Most of all I like Kaspersky, which served me faithfully for several years, but the time has come to find something to replace it and, as a result of a long search, I chose the free Comodo. Now he has been protecting the computer for several years.

Comodo, and everyone admits it, has an awesome firewall. In fact, it alone solves the problem of online security. The antivirus is also excellent, but I prefer not to use it, although it works normally. Instead of an antivirus, I download a scanner from DrWeb called CureIt and check my computer every few months.

Comodo has a huge amount of customization and gives the impression of a very professional (and it is) product. Overall, I like Comodo and am happy with it. It just needs to be configured correctly. I can easily understand any program, so it wasn’t difficult for me to understand Comodo’s settings.

I specially made several screenshots of Comodo for this article, for which I had to go into WinXP, where I have the latest version of Comodo installed, which I haven’t visited for probably six months.

I won’t talk about all the Comodo settings. You can decide for yourself whether to leave any updates, messages, or notifications or not. I will tell you only about the most basic settings, as well as some tricks in these settings.

What to do if your browser is infected? Read about it.

This Comodo differs from the 5th version in its improved and beautiful interface.

In my opinion, despite its beauty, the 5th version is still more convenient. There, all the settings are better grouped and informative.

For example, in the new version of Comodo it is not clear when the anti-virus database was updated; no date. In version 5 this is indicated by the update date.

The settings for anti-virus scanning profiles and exclusions are hidden in such a way that they can only be found if you have a good understanding of the structure of the Comodo interface in previous versions.

More on this below. Although, let's start right there.

As for the antivirus, you can leave the setting to scan the computer's memory at startup. The default option is to scan archives. I always remove it, because there are often tablets in the archives, and the antivirus mercilessly removes them.

As for cumulative scanning, this mode will scan those files that have changed since the previous scan. You can select "Scan on Access". It's up to you to decide. I always choose cumulative scanning.

The American developers, in my opinion, were clever with the list of scans. The fact is that if you do not know how to set up an antivirus, an antivirus scan will occur every time you start your computer. Not everyone needs this and not always. And to disable this automatic scanning, you need to know where to do it. The Comodo developers made this non-obvious for some reason. In general, to set it up as we need, we go to the “List of scans” and there we see the default list, and at the bottom there is a barely noticeable arrow.

This is what we need. We drag it up, the “Add”, “Edit”, etc. windows appear, where we can already do something. We cannot delete default scan list profiles, but we can change them or add our own. In the line "Graph" we set desired position so that scanning does not start automatically when the system starts. If we need a scan, we can always launch it manually from the main antivirus window by clicking on the “Scan” button.

However, profiles can be configured so that scanning is activated once a week, for example, at night or during the day. The idea itself with a schedule for “Full” or “Quick” scans is good, but it should have been done more clearly, and not hidden far into the depths of the program from the user.

The situation is similar with “Exceptions”. The developers also managed to hide the setting of this extremely important item behind this arrow, which is visible at the bottom of the main window when you go along the path “Antivirus ---> Exceptions”.

We drag this arrow up and a window with actions will pop up, thanks to which we can already fully work with exceptions.

We add to the "Exceptions" all those files and folders that, in our opinion, should be ignored by Comodo.

A few words about the Proactive Protection Mode. This is a proprietary feature of Comodo, which they consider almost the main one in protecting your computer. The version we are reviewing has a HIPS setting (Host-based Intrusion Prevention System or simply “intrusion prevention system”). The settings are below on the screen. You can select "Safe Mode". In it, all unknown actions on the computer will be under control. If you know/are sure that there are no viruses on your computer and it is clean, then you can set the “Clean PC” mode. In this mode, all files are recognized as trusted, and we receive fewer alerts from Comodo. I set the settings to "Clean PC".

It is not necessary to use HIPS; you can disable it. But if you use it, then I recommend that you check the box next to “Create rules for secure applications", specially highlighted in green. This will make it easier for you to further interact with Comodo. It will create rules and once you confirm them, you will not receive messages from Komodo on the same occasion.

Well, setting up a firewall, or simply a firewall. Comodo's firewall is one of the best on the market. This is recognized by all specialists and ordinary users. Some people specifically download only the Comodo firewall to use it with a third-party antivirus. There is nothing complicated about the settings.

Just like in the screenshot above, be sure to check the box to create rules so as not to receive constant messages from Comodo. The rest is up to you. I set it to "Safe Mode". Even with the default settings, the firewall does its job perfectly.

If you want to make your computer invisible on the network, you can use the Hidden Ports Wizard to enable the mode of blocking all incoming connections and hiding your ports for all incoming connections. But if you use home network, which most often happens, it is better to activate the notification mode about incoming connections and acceptance separate decision for each port. For the particularly advanced: in the advanced firewall settings, you can check the boxes everywhere except for NDIS monitoring, other than TCP/IP.

A little about Sandbox mode. This cool thing, if enabled, isolates all unknown files and runs them in itself (sandbox). In this mode, files, if they are dangerous, will not harm the system. Not every paid antivirus has a sandbox. The free Comodo has it. So, take advantage.

You should know that the Sandbox and Protection Plus (Proactive) modes are not required to be activated. Without them, just with an antivirus and a firewall, you can normally secure your system. But the above modes make the protection even more reliable and powerful.

And I would also like to say something about configurations. There are three of them by default. These are: Internet Security, Proactive Security and Firewall Security. For many, these things are incomprehensible, but there is nothing complicated here. These are, in essence, a kind of presets, ready-made presets. Firewall Security gives priority to protection on the network, the activity of the antivirus seems to be reduced: it seems to be working, but it doesn’t seem to be. In general, it is almost invisible and inaudible in this mode. In other modes it’s the same: In Proactive, priority is given to proactive protection; in Internet Security, priority is given to antivirus and network protection. I usually set it to Internet Security. In any mode, if anything, you can tweak the settings to achieve the desired functionality.




What is the power of Comodo Antivirus

If you read my article and the news about WikiLeaks, then you know that now everything is being hacked - from printers to smart TVs. Antiviruses, once designed to protect computers from threats, have turned into clumsy machines with functions that can only be called “whistleblowers”. Well, why does the antivirus package come with a password manager, another browser, a system optimizer and other things? They are not directly related to eliminating virus threats.

And here sandbox mode- another thing. It does not eliminate, but protects against viruses by launching unknown programs in a mode isolated from the surrounding system. The isolation is not complete, but sufficient to protect critical parts of the operating system.

  1. Instead of real ones system files isolated software works with duplicates, so after infection virtual system or system files are damaged, all changes will simply be deleted, Windows will work as if nothing had happened.
  2. Important folders with confidential information (saved passwords in the browser, cookies with authorization on websites, etc.) will be hidden from isolated programs (manually configured), so a running Trojan will not be able to steal them.

In Comodo Antivirus mode"sandbox" is called Comodo Sandbox (or Containment in new version). It is not unique - a similar mode is built into Avast Pro Antivirus and Avast Internet Security, as well as separate program Sandboxie. Used to be in Kaspersky antivirus Internet Security, but for some reason the developers abandoned this function. All these programs are paid, while the antivirus from Comodo free.

Benefits of Comodo Antivirus:

  • Free (really free!).
  • Sandbox mode.
  • Lots of settings.


  • Intrusiveness - the program offers to update to paid version(can be disabled in settings).
  • Impact on performance - slow computers They slow down if you don’t turn off some of the functions.
  • Unnecessary software is installed with the program.

Disadvantages can be overcome, I will talk about this below.

Where can I download

The Comodo Antivirus installer is on the official website: (green button"Download for free").

Antivirus works in operating rooms Windows systems 10, 8, 7, Vista and XP.

Main features:

  1. Default Deny technology (blocks the launch of known malware).
  2. Auto Sandbox technology (or Auto-Containment, launch unknown programs in sandbox mode).
  3. Quarantine (so as not to delete forever suspicious file and be able to restore it).
  4. Cloud whitelisting system (developers have a file reputation base)
  5. Game mode (the antivirus does not receive notifications and does not load the processor when the game is running)

How to install

After downloading and running the installer, take your time to run through the installation. Look carefully - at some stages you need to uncheck the boxes. For example, in the second window, not very popular software is offered:

At the next step, you most likely will not want to send antivirus performance statistics to the developers:

Then there will be a step Comodo settings Dragon is a secure browser, a relative of Chrome. You have your favorite browser, right? Therefore, uncheck both boxes:

After this the installation will begin:

After installation is complete, the antivirus will run a full scan of your computer. While it is running, you can start setting it up.

Do not forget to remove the software installed in the antivirus load. Go to Control Panel - Programs and Features (in Windows 10, the classic Control Panel is called up by clicking right click mouse on the Start menu icon - Control Panel) and uninstall Comodo Dragon and Comodo GeekBuddy.


Without configuration, the antivirus is VERY annoying. Therefore, in the main window, click “Settings”:

Tab General settings - Interface. This is where the intrusive nature of the program is tamed:

Then you need to configure the actual operation of the antivirus module. Tab Antivirus - Antivirus monitoring:

There are two important features here that affect computer performance and security.

Setting the checkbox to “Scan the memory when the computer starts” will slow down the startup of the computer, but malware that is registered in startup will be detected faster.

The “heuristic analysis level” affects the quality of detection of unknown viruses. Without heuristics, an antivirus can only identify those known in the database. WITH high level there are a lot of heuristics false positives and programs in general will run slower. In general, it's up to you to decide here. On slow PCs, enabling heuristics will significantly slow down the launch of programs.

HIPS mode- perhaps the second most important advantage of Comodo Antivirus after the sandbox:

HIPS is behavioral analysis programs. What exactly is monitored can be configured by clicking “Monitoring Settings”:

By default, there is a safe mode, in which, in case of any serious interference with the system, a question will be asked (appears at the bottom right of the screen) to select a program category - allow, block, classify as trusted, and so on.

HIPS has a disadvantage: initially this antivirus module does not know about your system Nothing and pesters you with questions. Even a full disk scan with an antivirus will not allow it to understand which programs are doing what and what they should be allowed to do. All questions will appear while the programs are running. Most typical problem- a request appears after opening documents through the “Open with” menu item. It's annoying and tiring. Therefore, if you are convinced that the programs on your computer are safe, you can speed up the “training” process by switching HIPS to training mode (instead of “Safe Mode”, put “Training Mode”). The antivirus will form a rule base, allowing all software actions during your work. Then, a week later, HIPS needs to be switched to “Safe Mode” again and then requests will appear only when the behavior of programs differs from what was previously recorded.

Any rules - both programs and the behavior of the anti-virus module - are configured in the remaining tabs of the HIPS section. You can protect registry keys and files of some important programs that the antivirus developers did not know about.

All this sounds quite complicated and does not add convenience to users who just use the computer. But if you care about security, HIPS mode will become your faithful assistant in protection.

Please note that in the screenshot above I checked the “Run heuristic analysis V command line For certain applications». Removal Checking this item will eliminate the pop-up windows indicating that a program has entered the sandbox at the address “C:\Program Data\Comodo\Cis\tempscript\C_cmd.exe...”.

UPD from 04/04/2017: Thanks to Georg for the correction: it turns out that my advice to check the box “Adapt operating mode when system resources are low”, on the contrary, causes a decrease in performance.

Sandbox antivirus is configured in the section Sandbox - Sandbox settings (Containment in the new version):

In principle, there is nothing to configure here, except, perhaps, for the fact that by default, browser folders with all settings are available for stand-alone programs. This is fraught with the theft of passwords saved in browsers and the installation of malicious add-ons to them. So click on “... specified files and folders", then right-click on "Area public access" - "Change" - "Yes" - a new window will open where you can remove the permissions you are looking for:

Then programs running in the sandbox will not be able to access private data.

Whether you need cloud verification is up to you. The impact on performance is minor, I did not notice any changes.

Chapter VirusScope It’s better not to touch, everything is optimal there:

What affects PC speed?

By speed of work I mean:

  • time from turning on the computer to full load desktop,
  • the speed of program launch and their response during operations of writing and reading data from the disk.

Both are affected by the degree of paranoia of the antivirus. The fewer functions are enabled, the higher the operating speed.

If your computer is slow, disable:

  1. Heuristic analysis (Settings - Antivirus - Antivirus monitoring - bottom item).
  2. HIPS (alas, it greatly reduces the speed of programs). It is disabled in the settings and in the antivirus menu when you click on its icon near the clock.
  3. Function automatic start programs in the sandbox (Settings - Sandbox - Auto-Sandbox - uncheck "Use Auto-Sandbox").

One more point: the antivirus, as part of its duty, must scan all opened files, launched programs and analyze their contents and activity. If files have been scanned before, the scan speed increases many times over. That's why full check immediately after installing the antivirus, it is necessary that the antivirus knows what's what.


Comodo Antivirus is an example of good software. Yes, the browser and GeekBuddy are installed along with it, but after finishing it, the antivirus performs its task without interference. Unlike competitors, it tries to do only what it is intended for - protect against threats. And in three ways:

  1. Standard virus database scan.
  2. Behavior analysis.
  3. Running in isolated sandbox mode.

Can you ask for more from a free antivirus?

But about paid software I want to say a couple of affectionate things. In my opinion, developers working on security systems should have high qualification. Well, or they should work according to the rules dictated by common sense. In the end, people don’t pay them money and trust them for their beautiful eyes. What can we say about the developers from Trend Micro, who made it possible for websites to be opened to execute any commands on the computer and steal user passwords. Is this complete nonsense or what? The developers simply made this security hole:

The developers of the hero of today's article have also proven their carelessness. The GeekBuddy program, which comes with Comodo Antivirus, in its first versions allowed connecting to a computer without password. Think about it: in the user help program designed to show the contents of the screen (Comodo technical support must see it to solve the problem) there was the same password on all computers! Of course, the problem was fixed, but with the proper level of responsibility it would not have existed at all.

