HTML programming lessons for beginners. Page headings h1 h2 h3

HTML is the hypertext markup language that made the Internet what we know and love. It is thanks to this wonderful tool that sites look beautiful and modern, and also ensure ease of use. HTML simply arranges the elements of a web page into a user-friendly format. Its work is comparable to what people like MS Word or OpenOffice do. They turn a featureless mass of letters into a document that contains paragraphs, bold text, italics, tables, and even images. The HTML language does approximately the same thing, with the only difference being that its documents are displayed in the browser, and the capabilities of this tool are much wider than those of a text editor. Tags are used for markup - special teams, describing the structure of a web page. They are enclosed in angle brackets - so that the browser can distinguish them from the bulk of the text. Next, we'll cover the basics of HTML for beginners.

Visual editors

Beginners who have just set out on the path to learning HTML often start their work with programs that allow you to create websites without any knowledge. In them you can simply arrange elements on the screen the way they will be displayed in the browser. It would seem that this is the source of eternal grace that allows you to get rid of the majority of web developers. But not everything is so simple, since visual editors have a lot of shortcomings that make it impossible to use them in serious projects.

All of these programs create a lot of unnecessary tags that make the final page unwieldy and suboptimal. Of course, in our age high-speed Internet This matters less than it used to, but there are a number of reasons why a concise and well-written website is more practical than its counterpart created in a visual editor. A web page made in such a program will not be processed well search robots, since every kilobyte of code is important to them, and cumbersome and illogical code with a bunch is unlikely to suit their taste. In addition, editors often lag behind the times, becoming irrelevant, and spending resources on their development is impractical, since no professional uses these products. Therefore, anyone who wants to work in the website development industry must know the basics of HTML.


As mentioned above, tags describe the structure of a web page to the browser. Most of them have an opening and closing tag, but not all. For example, ..., where instead of dots there is content. The first one shows where the tag starts, and the second one closes it. There may be other page markup elements inside; they can be nested inside each other like a nesting doll. It is important to close tags in a timely manner so that the page is displayed correctly.

There are also single tags that do not need to be closed. In them, the content is located inside, just as it can be written for most HTML tags, and sets the properties of the element. It is indicated in the opening tag and looks something like this: attribute="...", where instead of dots there is the attribute value. Knowing tags is the first and most important step to master HTML. The basics of this art also involve understanding the structure of a web page.

Document structure

Every HTML document has a corresponding extension, for example Index.html. This way the browser can understand what it is dealing with and display the page correctly. It is advisable to store all files used to create a website in one directory, which will make your life much easier in the future. The basics of the hypertext markup language HTML require a clear understanding of document structure. It starts with a tag that tells the browser the version of HTML that is being used in this document. On this moment The fifth version of the language is current, so there is no need to invent anything here; you can safely insert the above tag at the beginning of any page.

Then there are the main paired structures that make up the “skeleton” of the site. The first tag, in which all the others are nested, is .... Anything outside of it is not recognized by the browser as a web page, so it opens the document and closes it. This tag is required for any document. It also contains several more required tags, which will be discussed below.


Inside the ... tag contains information of a technical nature that will not be displayed on the page, but is nevertheless important part HTML document. The foundations of the site are laid in this place; here the encoding is selected and the page name is entered. It is contained inside a required tag.... The title is displayed at the top of the browser, where you can also place a small icon that characterizes the contents of the page. It is advisable to immediately indicate the encoding of the document for its correct display. This can be done using the tag. Meta tags provide information about the structure of the page and are usually located inside the head.


Knowing the basics of HTML also involves using cascading styling, or css. They set the properties of the elements that will be displayed on the page. A modern approach to this task involves placing characteristics such as color, height and location of the element into external file for greater convenience. To include a css file, use the tag. IN finished form it looks something like this: where href indicates the location of the file, and type indicates its type.


It is in this part of the HTML document that the visible part of the page is created. Everything that is done inside the "body" will be shown by the browser. It uses a huge number of HTML tags. The basics are text formatting, working with links, and basic tools for structuring a web page. To get started working in HTML, you just need to know the basic tags and be able to use them. Below are the most popular ones: