Yandex domain management. Yandex corporate mail

Mail on your website domain - beautiful, cool, useful!

Hi all! I decided to touch on the topic of creating mail on the website domain, because... Today this is quite relevant and it doesn’t matter what kind of website you have - corporate for business or personal blog. Creating an email on your domain is not that difficult; you can do everything in 10 minutes. How? Read on...

Mail on a domain works using the technologies of mail services - Yandex, Mail, Google (the most popular). I will show the example of Yandex and Mail. Google is a little more complicated (as always). In general, Google does not allow you to use email on a domain for free, so I will not consider it.

Article structure

Mail using Yandex technologies

To create mail on the Yandex domain, go to the following address - Next, we need to add a domain on which the mail will work.

Next, we need to confirm ownership of our domain. To do this, you need to create a file with the extension “html”. Yandex will give you the name of the file, as well as its contents. See screenshot below. Just don’t try to copy from my screenshot, they are individual for each domain.

Fill in this file to the root directory of the site.

It sometimes happens that you click the “Confirm domain ownership” button and Yandex starts complaining that the file was not found. If you are absolutely sure that the file was uploaded correctly, then you should just wait a little (3-4 minutes).

After confirmation will pass successfully, you will be prompted to enter your email username and password. Login is the name that comes before @.

By creating mail, you are essentially creating new account in Yandex, through which almost all Yandex services will be available. To log in to your mail, you can use the link above - “Login to mail”. You can also log in to your email via the main page of Your email on the domain will act as a login - [email protected](instead of yourlogin - your login, instead of yourdomain - your domain) and password - your password.

The next thing we need to do is set up an MX record so that incoming and outgoing emails go through our domain. In order not to bother with MX records, Yandex itself suggests delegating the domain to their DNS servers, but I did this once and in some cases the letters did not arrive for some reason. For example, in the Joomshopping store in general settings The store's administrator email was specified on the site's domain. The domain was delegated to Yandex. So, no letters about new orders arrived. I don’t know what this was connected with, but I found a simpler option for myself - adding an MX record on the hosting. My hosting is Beget, and I will use it as an example.

Setting up MX records on Beget hosting

Log in to the control panel and go to the DNS section. We immediately choose desired domain and go down a little lower. We see that Beget MX records are substituted by default. We need to edit them. Click on the pencil icon. I hid my domain just in case.

Beget records are replaced by Yandex by default. Let's save. That's it, it's done. You can check your mail.

If you have hosting other than Beget, then everything is done in the same way. In extreme cases, you can contact technical support. hosting support, they will advise you.

Mail using technologies

To set up mail, go to We create a project and enter the domain. Next you need to confirm it. There are 3 confirmation options - through DNS, through a file and through a meta tag. I chose the option - meta tag, it’s easier for me.

If you want to confirm like me via a meta tag, copy it and paste it into the " section » your website template. Then click the “Confirm” button. Now we also configure the MX record. I won’t repeat everything here, I’ll just say that in the templates, instead of Yandex, you need to select After changing MX, click on the “Check Now” button.

Setting up a DKIM record

If the MX record is correct, you will be asked to also create a DKIM record. Its type is the same as that of MX - TXT. DKIM is needed to confirm that the “From” field contains a real e-mail. This entry affects the “deliverability” of letters, i.e. emails are more likely to not end up in SPAM.

DKIM is created in the same place as the MX record - in the DNS section. In Beget, go to the DNS section and select your domain. Next, click on the “Add subzone” link below and enter the name of the subdomain - mailru._domainkey.

If it’s difficult for you to figure all this out, then I advise you to immediately contact your hoster for help. As a rule, they help in these matters.

After everything necessary records were added, it is necessary to create mailboxes. They are created in the “Users” section in Click on the “Add” button and enter data for the user - first name, last name, login, password (the password will be generated automatically). That's it, now you can log in to your mail with the created data. You can also log into your domain mailbox from the main page of the site. The login will be your email on the domain, for example - [email protected], and password is your generated password.

That's all. Please ask questions in the comments. See you soon!

The Yandex search engine, in addition to the usual postal service There is also a corporate one. It's called Mail for domain and is located at They give it for free electronic mailboxes for the site in quantities of up to 1000 pieces. Or even more upon request to the support team.

Differences between corporate mail and regular mail

When we register a regular mailbox, Yandex offers to choose a name for it - login. It must be unique - something that does not yet exist in the system. But the problem is that most of the simple logins are taken. And names such as info, manager, reklama cannot be used.

The Yandex website will always be indicated in the name of the mailbox:,, And this is not very good if you need the address for business. It may scare off some clients, because it is immediately clear that the box is free.

Regular mail address

Corporate mail adds your website address to your login. That is, instead of there will be @your_site. And you can register any login, even a very simple one.

Corporate email address

You can create as many of these boxes as you like - for any purpose. Each of them will be a separate full-fledged mail.

What you need to connect corporate email

1. Regular mailbox on Yandex.

Through it you will manage all settings. Create and delete mailboxes, change passwords.

2. Domain, that is, the address of your website.

It will be added to the name of each mailbox after the @ sign.

Let's say my company has a website with the address Here is a domain. And each corporate mailbox will have this address. If I create a mail called info, its address will be [email protected]

What to do if there is no domain

Without a domain, you won’t be able to open corporate email. I'll have to buy it.

In, a domain costs about 200 rubles per year. You can buy it through some registrar or hosting company. It is better to take from trusted registrars, for example,

How to connect corporate email

To do this, go to your regular mailbox on

In the “Domain name” field, type the address of your website and click “Add domain”.

3. Confirm domain ownership.

The system offers two options. First: delegate the domain to Yandex. This is suitable when the address is empty. That is, when there is no website on it.

The second option is a little more complicated: you need to confirm ownership of the address (Step 1) and set up MX records (Step 2). This is suitable if there is a website on the domain.

After confirmation, you will have to wait until the settings take effect. This usually lasts about a day, but can be longer (up to 72 hours).

4. Create a box.

To do this we simply indicate required login, password and click “Add”.

Be sure to visit the box after creating it!

There will have to be done initial settings: Enter your first name, last name and other standard information.

How to enter the box

You can enter your corporate mailbox using the usual login form on home page Yandex. We print there the full address (along with the domain) and password.

Or add an address. To do this, click on the avatar in the right corner of the form.

We print the full address of the mailbox (along with the domain) and its password.

If everything is specified correctly, the mail will open. Inside it is exactly the same as a regular one.

Note: you can switch between boxes through the avatar in the right top corner mail.

How to edit email for a domain

The mailbox itself is configured in the same way as any other on Yandex. We enter it and click on the gear at the top right.

But if you need to do something global, for example, reset a password or delete a mailbox, then go to “Mail for a domain”. To do this, first open the box to which it is tied. Then go to

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In this article we will talk about how to connect your domain to mail for a domain from Yandex, and why you need to do this at all, and at the end of the article you will decide whether you need it or not.

Let's start with a small problem

You have your own domain, for example And you want to check mail from it on Yandex, Mail or Google in order to get the already familiar functions:

  • translation from one language to another,
  • convenient mobile application,
  • familiar interface
  • cloud storage or calendar,
  • and excellent anti-spam protection.

The simplest solution is to configure it inside your hosting panel (within your hosting) when setting up postal address regular redirection. That is, in a special field you write your or address, and all letters that are sent to your email address with a domain will automatically go to your address in your favorite service.

Now let's complicate the problem a little

  1. You already want to create corporate email on your domain. Let's say you have a small company and you want all your employees to have mail [email protected]
  2. Or you want to send mailings from a mailbox with your domain (like mine), and for this you need to register DKIM and SRV records so that,, services do not recognize your letters as spam. There is a solution to automatically register these entries.
  3. Or do you want users of your site (for example, you have a very visited portal) to automatically create mail like [email protected] on your website, or simply put a window somewhere on your website “Create mail with such and such a domain.”

What should be done in this case?

If you this decision If you are interested, then we will talk further about how to connect a domain to such a service using the example of Mail for a domain from Yandex.

How to connect a domain to mail for a domain from Yandex?

In order to connect a domain to mail for a domain from Yandex, there are two ways.

First way— consists of two stages:

  • domain ownership confirmation
  • configure MX records

This method is suitable for domains that already have a website(s).

Why? Because the second way is delegation- when using it, it may happen that your site goes down for an indefinite period of time (up to 72 hours), and if you make a mistake at some stage, you will have to correct it, which can delay the connection process up to 144 hours. Therefore, I recommend a method - delegation - to be used for new domains.

However, with the first method, if you, for example, want to send mailings, DKIM and SRV records will not be automatically registered.

Connecting to Mail for a Yandex domain by delegation

To connect your domain to Mail for a domain from Yandex using the delegation method:

  1. You must have a domain that you want to connect. If you don't have it, you can buy it.
  2. You will need an account in Yandex. You can create it on, or use an existing one and attach all the domains that you have to it.
  3. Go to and enter your domain in the window, that is, connect.
  4. In the next step, you will receive a message telling you what to do to connect this domain. And one of the ways will be delegation. It will be indicated there, register with your registrar

    Please note that there is net at the end and some registrars need to add a period at the end.

  5. Next, after you have registered DNS records with the registrar, you need to wait 72 hours. If you've ever purchased a domain and hosting, you've probably done this step, so you won't have any problems registering DNS records.
  6. Register in the mail for the domain A an entry from the IP of your server.

Let's look at the screenshots of what it all looks like. I have a domain, I bought it on , and there are already DNS servers inside the domain management. I went there and registered and In there is no need to put a dot at the end. I clicked “Change”, waited for a while, in Mail for the domain from Yandex I saw a confirmation icon, a Play icon - the domain is connected and delegated to Yandex.

When I clicked on this link, I saw the DKIM and SRV entries. That is, from this domain I can already send a newsletter, in addition to other functions that I received: cloud from Yandex, mail from Yandex, and I can mobile application view the mail that will be sent to me at this address. This was the first way.

Connecting to Mail for a domain from Yandex by attachment

Now let's talk about domain attachment. This method, I repeat, is suitable for domains that are already hosted, that is, there is a website on this domain, and we need:

  1. Domain
  2. Yandex account
  3. Enter our domain into and click Connect domain.
  4. Confirm domain ownership in one of 4 ways. Let me remind you that attaching a domain consists of 2 stages - confirming and changing MX records. So, 4 ways to prove ownership:
  5. Adding a CNAME record
  6. Changing the contact mailing address at the registrar
  7. or Delegate, but we have already talked about this method.

The first way I personally prefer to confirm domain ownership is by uploading a file to the site directory.

There is still such a moment. If you bought new domain, then the same The best way- delegate. But if you bought a used domain that was already owned, you may previous owner domain already connected it to mail for the domain. In this case, delegation will not suit you, because at least, at the first stage. You will initially need to confirm ownership of the domain, i.e. choose one of the first three methods.

If you have a new domain, then delegation is perfect for you, you just have to wait.

  1. So we domain ownership confirmed, then wait for the check or click the Check button.
  2. Register MX records. There is also a button Check MX records, click on it, and if the MX records have already been registered, then you can use the domain and create mailboxes on it.

Let's look at the images. This is what Mail for a domain from Yandex looks like, when you log in with your login, add your domain, a page will open that says that you can delegate either Step 1: Verify domain ownership:

  1. Upload a file with a specific unique name containing specific text to the root directory of your site.
  2. When you have done this, click Verify domain ownership, or wait for automatic verification.

Once you have verified domain ownership, Step 2. Set up MX records.

Let's see what the Domain Verification step looks like. You go to your hosting, create new file with the required unique name, and inside this file, click Edit and add the required line, it is also unique.

Next, after you have done this and clicked the Confirm domain ownership button, you will see the next step - We are waiting for the installation of MX records. Step 2. Set up MX records. Here you need to go again to the DNS editor of your hosting, most likely the domain has already been transferred to your hosting, and there you need to go to the DNS editor and register MX records of the form: Subdomain name - @, Record type - MX, Data - mx. (note - net), Priority - 10.

Let's see what it looks like. This domain that I connected is located on my CloudFlare - this is a special CDN server that allows you to load a site from those DNSs that are geographically closer to the person who enters address bar my site. There is also protection against bots and protection against DDoS attacks. CloudFlare has several packages, I use the free one.

Next, I go to my domain in the DNS editor, you go to your server, to your hosting and find these A-records, where you see the A-record, IP address, and I enter the MX record and its parameters here. Here the TTL record can be selected automatically, in in this case I have 10 minutes, Add an entry. And in CloudFlare, when you add this entry, you will be able to change the priority. It may be different in your DNS editor; perhaps you can immediately set the priority.

After I made this entry, I clicked in Mail for the domain from Yandex Check MX records, and when the MX records are checked (it may take some time, up to 72 hours), you will see the following message - Domain connected. There will be no entry “Delegated to Yandex”. You can see that there is also a link to the DNS Editor, however, it will not work. Changes you make here in this editor after connecting will not take effect until you delegate the domain.

Once the domain is connected, you can create a mailbox(es) - everything is the same as on regular Yandex— there you can change your password, create a name, and also get 10 GB on Yandex disk, and even send mailings to those people who have created mailboxes on your domain.

The nuances of connecting a domain to Mail for a domain from Yandex

  1. The method of connecting Mail for a Yandex domain is Delegation - it is better to choose for a new domain, because the site may become unavailable for several hours.
  2. After attaching a domain by changing MX records, although it will be available DNS editor, changes from it will not be applied. I mentioned this a little higher. There seems to be a link to the DNS editor, but it will not work.
  3. After attaching, all Yandex functions in mail will become available - translation into another language, spam protection, cloud hosting, 10 GB on disk, however, you will not be able to use Yandex.Money, Yandex.Direct, Yandex.Music from this account, that is, for these purposes you will need to create a separate account.
  4. You may also like

In the Internet. DNS servers, software and hardware systems (applications) ensure the functionality of this condition. Despite the complexity of the name, the process is accessible to a person who does not have programming skills.

Connecting a domain - why is it necessary?

Let’s assume that, for example, has already been purchased, and there is a desire or need to check mail on other services, such as Yandex. But the question arises: how to use this domain to obtain the following familiar functions:

  • Convenience of the application.
  • Translation of text from one language to another.
  • Familiar interface.
  • Calendars and storage.
  • Secure storage of information.
  • Filtering and spam protection.

The first solution is to set up mail forwarding within the hosting. Mail registered under the domain will arrive at another address, for example

The other two options are more complicated. They are appropriate for the following cases:

  • Creation of corporate mailboxes(a mailbox of this type is registered for each employee: [email protected]).
  • For mailing lists from an existing domain, while ensuring the delivery of emails that are not detected as spam.
  • To create mailboxes for users who are registered on the portal with an identical domain name.

Connecting mail for business: example of Yandex hosting

In order to connect a specific position to mail for the Yandex domain, you can use two solutions:

  • By confirming the right to own the domain, after which setting up an MX record will become available. In this case, DKIM and SRV records are not registered automatically.
  • Delegation of a domain to Yandex. In this case, the site will become unavailable for up to three days, so this option is suitable for recently installed domains.

How to delegate a domain?

In order to delegate a domain to Yandex, you need the following:

  • Registered domain.
  • Account in Yandex, which is registered at

  • The domain needs to be connected to

The domain that is being connected is assigned DNS:


After three days, an A-record with the server’s IP address is indicated in

How to attach a domain?

This method is suitable for hosted domains (the site is already located there). To attach a domain you will need:

  • Registered domain.
  • Yandex account.
  • Entering and connecting a domain to
  • Confirmation of ownership in the following ways: a file is uploaded to the site directory (recommended); a CNAME record is added; by changing the mailbox address at the registrar; delegation (not suitable for repurchased domains).
  • Receiving test results.
  • Prescribing
  • Waiting for the connection to end (takes up to 72 hours).
  • Checking the domain status (indicates information about the successful completion of the connection and domain delegation).

Points to remember

  • When delegating, the site will be blocked for 72 hours, so this method is best used for new domains.
  • Attaching MX records activates the DNS editor, but changing the editor does not apply.
  • The availability of Yandex functions in mail will become possible after attachment. It is worth noting that three positions constitute an exception and are limited - these are “Yandex.Money”, “Yandex.Direct”, “Yandex.Music”.
  • Mailings within corporate mail are allowed.

Removing a domain from delegation

Hosting has the right to remove one or another domain from delegation. This procedure ignores the specified DNS servers. If a domain is removed from delegation, then access to it is impossible. Both the owners and the registrar can initiate withdrawals.

The reason that affects domain redelegation may be the fact that the initiator of the removal - the owner - independently sets the UNDELEGATED status for sites and services that need to be disabled.

If the initiator is the registrar, then the withdrawal occurs as a result of the following reasons:

  • When the registration period has expired, it is blocked for the period specified in the registrar’s rules and upon its expiration is deleted from the register);
  • detection of a virus that replaces content, resulting in a phishing page;
  • data confirming the right to own the domain has not been provided;
  • DNS servers are not working correctly;
  • court decision to cancel registration.

The reasons for redelegation are clarified when contacting the registrar's technical support, if the hosting rules established by the registrar are not violated.

Finally, it is worth mentioning that the user can independently check the domain delegation. There are services on the Internet that will help you find out this information. They are easy to work with and the procedure only takes two minutes. The user needs to enter the domain name in the appropriate line and click the “Check” button.

The transition to corporate Yandex.Mail is very simple and accessible to anyone. No need to have knowledge system administrator, just read our instructions

Many small and sometimes medium-sized companies that have their own website use mailboxes on free services, such as, or

These email services are being improved every day, they are quite reliable and in general it is convenient to work with them, but still, in comparison with Yandex corporate email, which will be discussed below, they have a number of significant disadvantages:

  • Most modern mailboxes look like igor85@…, or oleg_666@…, or some even more intricate set of characters and underscores. This is because 99.99% of short and beautiful names for the box are already taken. On free postal service you will not be able to use the email name you want.
  • In case of mailing large quantity letters you quickly end up in the database marked “SPAM”; the likelihood of getting into this database when using corporate mail is much less.
  • On the website, on a business card, even the email [email protected] written by hand on paper looks much more solid and presentable than [email protected] or than any other option from a free email service.

Now, on the other hand, let's consider the advantages of Yandex corporate mail.

  • A beautiful mailbox like: [email protected] (or .com, .edu, .biz, .xxx and any other domain).
  • Unlimited mailbox volume.
  • Built-in free antivirus. Yandex automatically scans letters and does not allow viruses to get from mail to your computer.
  • Perhaps the most user-friendly interface Yandex.Mail, with the ability to change boring themes.
  • Access to mail from any device with Internet access.
  • Ability to use POP3 and IMAP protocols.
  • Built-in smart SPAM filter with the ability to customize it.
  • The most diverse useful tools for working with mail in the web interface: listening/viewing attached files, labeling/grouping/sorting letters, the ability to download all attached files in one archive.
  • All mail is stored on Yandex servers and does not take up space on the hosting.
  • Possibility of using Yandex.Calendar. For example, you can create a Meeting event, set a date and time, and specify the participants who will receive notification of the upcoming event.
  • Yandex.Disk 10 GB. You no longer need to carry a flash drive with you and be afraid of leaving it somewhere. All necessary information always at hand.

How to connect corporate Yandex.Mail?

Switching to Yandex.Mail is very simple and accessible to anyone. You don’t need to have system administrator knowledge, just read our instructions. or contact Yandex.Help.

  • Firstly, Yandex.Mail is always “attached” to a domain, which means you must purchase a domain. If you have a website, then you have a domain, and it matches the name of the site. For example, if the address of your website sounds like this:, then your mailboxes in the future will look like … If you don’t have a domain or a website, you can always buy a domain on a domain registrar website (, or any other).
  • Secondly, you need to create (or use an existing) mailbox on Yandex, not yet a domain one. The domain of the organization will be assigned to it and in the future from under this account All settings will be carried out, including the creation and deletion of domain mailboxes.

After logging into your Yandex account using your username and password, you need to follow the link (or type this address in the browser line)

Enter the domain name for your email and click “Add Domain”.

There are three ways to verify the owner of a domain in corporate Yandex Mail:

  • Place the .txt file in root directory your site. In this case, the name and content of the file must comply with Yandex requirements specified directly on the confirmation page. This is the simplest and quick way. We recommend using it. If you do not know how to place a file on the site, ask the organization that maintains the site to do so. They will do it for free. The posted file will not affect the operation of the site.
  • Adding a CNAME record.This method is for more advanced users. You need to enter the domain settings panel, select the section DNS editing and create a CNAME record with a Name and Value that meets the Yandex requirements specified directly on the confirmation page.
    If the confirmation page contains the string “yamail-123456abcdef”, then the CNAME record name will be “yamail-123456abcdef.yourdomain.tld.”, with rare exceptions there should be a period at the end of the name. There are cases when it is enough to create the name “yamail-123456abcdef”.
    The value of the CNAME record is “”. This line is unchanged, instead of the inscription “domain” you do NOT need to substitute your domain name!
    Wait for the changes made to DNS to take effect. This process can take up to 72 hours, but in my experience, a few minutes are often enough.
  • Change of contact address at the registrar. This method is complex and has a number of limitations. It's better not to use it.

Regardless of the method you choose, after the completed operation, open the confirmation page in Yandex Mail for the domain and click the “Verify domain ownership” button.

The process may take some time, but eventually you will get to Step 2 of connecting your domain - Setting up MX records.

MX records are postal records DNS servers. By making an entry, you indicate that all mail should be sent to Yandex. An MX record is created exactly like a CNAME. After making the entry, click the “Check MX Records” button and you will see the message “Domain connected.”

Now you can create new mailboxes in Yandex corporate mail and start working with them.

When logging into a new mailbox for a domain for the first time, Yandex will ask the user to enter information about themselves and set Security Question in case the user forgets the password.

Delegation of a domain to Yandex servers

There is an easier way to switch to Yandex.Mail. This is domain delegation to Yandex servers.

The advantage of this method is that the domain will be automatically confirmed, and all DNS records necessary for mail operation will be made. The disadvantage of this method is that if you previously had DNS records configured, they will be lost and will have to be manually transferred to a new DNS server. Additional difficulties also include the fact that it is only possible to delegate a domain to Yandex servers after you have added it to Mail for the domain.

To delegate a domain to Yandex servers, you need to log into your domain's control panel on the registrar's website, go to the delegation settings section and change the values ​​of the primary and secondary DNS servers as follows:

The primary DNS server is “”. Note the dot at the end.

The secondary DNS server is “”.

(If your Control Panel has fields for entering IP addresses, leave them blank.)

Let us remind you that changes made to can be updated up to 72 hours.

Check the status of your domain on the My Domains page - its value should be “Domain connected and delegated to Yandex”.

“By default” on Yandex.Mail you can create up to 1000 mailboxes for a domain. In case you need more, you can contact technical support Yandex via " Feedback» and get the opportunity to create more boxes.

Of course, Yandex.Mail will be inferior in comparison with such giants as or Cloud Exchange; the latter have more functionality. However, you need to keep in mind that Yandex.Mail is free solution(we don’t count the cost of the domain; any organization with a website pays for the domain anyway). And the cost, for example, of Cloud Exchange starts from 250 rubles per month for one mailbox.

Taking into account all of the above (functionality, simplicity, convenience, cost), we can conclude that corporate Yandex.Mail is great solution for small, medium, and in some cases large organizations.

If you still have questions, ask, we’ll figure it out and set everything up in the best possible way.