Smart notifications in Viber what does it mean - Are there smart notifications in Viber? How to receive smart notifications in Viber? Viber notifications.

The popularity of instant messengers is growing every day. More and more users are choosing apps that allow them to communicate with friends and colleagues around the world for free. Viber has a simple interface and smart notifications. Therefore, users will be interested to know what to do if notifications do not arrive in Viber on Android.

Features of Push Alerts

For optimal Viber performance, messenger developers suggest activating the Push messaging function. Their main purposes:

  • notifying the user that he has received a new message;
  • missed call notification;
  • notification that a subscriber has installed the Viber application from his contact list on his gadget.

You can configure the receipt of such notifications directly when installing the messenger on your mobile device.

The application reports everything:

  • to the incoming contact on Viber,
  • to pop-up windows,
  • to turn on, unlock the screen.

In this case, you can use various sounds, both system and your own. Vibration and smart notification are also provided.

The latest version of the application features interactive notifications that make it easy to manage calls and messages. The developers offered Viber users full support for such news. Thanks to them, you can interact with incoming/outgoing messages in three ways:

  1. From the Notification Center.
  2. Through the lock screen.
  3. Through special banners.

To enable this feature, simply check it in Settings.

How to turn off the sound?

To turn off sounds or vibration:

  • Launch messenger.
  • Open additional options.
  • Select Notifications from the Settings menu.
  • Uncheck the box next to the “Use system sounds” option. This action will mute the sound for incoming calls and new messages.
  • The vibration signal can be turned off by unchecking the “Vibrate on call” option.

How to disable?

Groups are one of Viber's most popular features, but sometimes their constant updates can be annoying. You can disable them for Android for a specific group by following these steps:

  1. Open Viber on your Android device (make sure you have the latest version).
  2. Open the group in which you want to disable notifications.
  3. Go to settings by clicking on the gear icon in the top menu.
  4. Check the Mute Group option and you will no longer receive anything in that specific group. The news can only come if you turn the option back on.

While it's easy to disable/enable notifications for each group individually, for some reason there is no way to disable receiving them for a specific one conversation. But there is a way to completely disable receiving updates on Viber for Android.

This is done as follows:

  1. Go to Settings - Programs. Select and open Viber.
  2. Disable the "Show notifications" option.
  3. Open the Viber application, go to the messenger settings, and then to the notification settings.
  4. Uncheck these options: “Show message”, “Preview”, “New message”, “Screen backlight”, “Sounds”.

Ready! You will no longer receive news from Viber for Android, including SMS text previews, sound alerts, and pop-ups. And if there are no notifications, then you also additionally save space on your mobile device and battery power.

Clutter in the notification center, a lot of incomprehensible and often unnecessary notifications - all this confuses and distracts attention from important events. If this is not just empty words for you, but a real reality, the Base application should be an excellent way out of the situation for you.

The idea of ​​creating Base was born quite a long time ago in the company Widdit, founded by two guys originally from Tel Aviv. For a long time, developers worked on little-known projects, like creating algorithms for web developers or browser extensions. The first attempt to realize this idea was the HomeBase application, which helps you personalize and customize your lock screen. As a result, the company renamed itself from Widdit Labs to Widdit, and HomeBase received its successor and logical continuation in the form of the Base utility.

The idea of ​​customizing notifications is, of course, not new, but in Widdit the developers have taken it to a whole new level. Along with the user application, they presented a set of two useful development tools: “Brains” and “Looks”, each of which is responsible for a separate component of notifications. The first one provides a tool for data analysis that helps optimize the display of specific notifications for a specific audience of users, the second one personalizes the display process itself, providing many opportunities to change the appearance of notifications. Thanks to them, the utility will definitely not go unnoticed by third-party developers, and users will get a new way to beautifully and conveniently display alerts.

How can Base be useful right now?

The first thing you notice is the nice design. Beautiful minimalistic notifications that the utility shows you on the screen with minimal backlighting, which do not irritate or distract when it is not needed. To start fully using Base, you just need to launch it once and follow the brief instructions to understand how it works. After this, the only reminder of the presence of the application on your smartphone will be useful notifications.

When there are no new events, a stylized clock widget will be shown on the lock screen, clicking on which will unlock the phone. Missed messages, mail, calls - the application can notify you about all of this right now. Over time, it adapts to your interests and shows only those alerts that will actually be important, and does so exactly when you need it. Among other things, Base will be able to alert you to traffic as soon as you leave the house, suggest where to try the best pizza nearby, or tell you the results of your favorite football team's match online. Did you go to the store? The utility will remind you what you need to buy. Are you waiting for the train? Base will notify you when it arrives. A kind of Google Now in the world of smart alerts.

How does it work?

According to the developers, the application analyzes daily routine actions with a smartphone. Based on whether you open an app based on a notification or simply swipe right to dismiss a reminder, Base eventually starts showing you exactly the ones you're most interested in, exactly when you need them. The utility will always be aware of your routine and will not disturb you if, for example, you are at a meeting.

Base is an incredibly promising and convenient way to organize and personalize your notifications, the functionality of which you can evaluate now. The application is completely free and available for download on Google Play. How useful and convenient will Base be for you? Install and share your impressions.

Everyone is familiar with the situation when you have subscribed to some group on Viber and during active communication, your smartphone literally plays a sound notification about a new message every few seconds. Of course, you can turn off or reduce the sound level when you are at a business meeting or cannot answer, but you must admit that this is not a solution to the situation.

The developers came up with a special function “ Smart notifications in Viber" Sometimes it is also called smart notifications, but the essence does not change.

Smart notifications will be especially useful for those people who communicate a lot and subscribe to different groups. The main task of smart notifications is to reduce the user's awareness of new messages received.

How it works: you are a member of the "parents of class 8-b" group if someone previously typed 5 messages and you listened to all 5 beeps. Then, when you turn on smart messages, you will receive only one, and all the rest of the text will be grouped nearby.
This rule also applies to regular chats; no matter how many messages you receive from another person, you will receive only one notification, all others will be grouped. This will allow you not to be distracted from important matters and respond when you have free time.

How to enable Smart Notifications

On a smartphone:

  • Open the Viber application on your phone or other gadget;
  • Select the desired dialog in which you want to install Smart notifications
  • Move the screen window and go to Dialog Settings.
  • At the bottom, enable the “Smart Notifications” option.

On your computer:

  • Open Viber on PC;
  • Click on the gear icon (Settings) in the upper corner of the program
  • In the window that appears, look for the “Notifications” tab.
  • Check the box “Play sounds for” - “Grouped messages and all calls”;
  • We confirm the actions taken by clicking on the “Ok” button.

Thus, you can significantly increase the comfort of communicating with friends and acquaintances. If you have any questions, ask in the comments.

There is no need to explain to you how notifications work in the messenger. But we’ll tell you about smart notifications in Viber - what it means and how it works. This is a new and very convenient option. Especially when you participate in crowded group chats where conversations are constantly taking place.

What is it for, how does it work and how is the option connected?

Imagine: it’s a working day, you’re trying to concentrate, but in the group chat where you’re a member there’s a heated correspondence, messages one after another. And since the application works according to the scheme “one message – one notification” (1+1), then your phone makes sounds non-stop. But I don’t want/can’t completely turn off notifications for this group.

Not a very cheerful picture, huh? However, the Viber developers took care of your comfort here too, adding one useful function to the messenger’s functionality. We already know everything about it and are ready to tell you what smart notifications are in Viber and how to enable them on mobile devices.

A simple sound indication in Viber, as we mentioned above, works according to the 1+1 scheme. Which is what actually causes the problem with groups. And connecting the option in question turns 1+1 into 3+1, 4+1, etc. That is, only one notification will be received for several messages. True, we are talking about messages that came one after another, when people write in a general chat continuously, with a short interval of time.

We figured out what smart notifications in Viber mean. Now let's talk about how to enable them.

    • Select from the list of chats the one in which you want to set a limit on the sound indication.

    • Open it and swipe the screen to the left. This will take you to the tab containing information about the conversation. (Android); Click on the top menu and the settings will open;

    • Click on "Group Notifications".

  • Choose "Smart".

Done, now this chat will remind you of itself much less often.

About why notifications in their current form only cause harm. What algorithms already exist for maximum notification targeting. What to pay attention to and how to be prepared for serious changes.

Alex Potrivaev - Product Designer at Intercom shares his pain:

My phone vibrated. I'm somewhere in Iceland. My car and the nearest humanity are over 10 miles away. The smartphone's charge is on its last legs. I quickly turn on the Internet to plot my route on Google Maps and see: “Spotify has added 2 new songs to your playlist. Right on time, damn it, this is what I need, right here and now))). Periscope offered me “@kayvon is broadcasting,” 2 new emails in my inbox, a new follower on Twitter, notifications from my Slack channel.

A total of 9 notifications. Nothing useful at that time. Situation: me, some kind of wilderness, the last 2% of charge on the phone, a bunch of useless notifications, a weak Internet signal and an insane need to use maps.

In fact, the same approach was used back in the early 2000s, and a lot of time has passed since then. Yes, many companies, startups, manufacturers and entrepreneurs are discussing the topic of notifications. They agree that it is time to change the mechanics and operating principles, the question is: how? Let's see how this will be implemented and what developments are already in place.

Data is everything

Algorithms that analyze massive databases decide everything from what we see in a Google or Yandex search to our Facebook news feed. Self-learning algorithms have recently appeared and are actively used in Facebook and Google Now. Yes, smart algorithms are just starting to appear, but fortunately, this data should already be enough for smart, truly useful notifications. We recently discussed how the model of user communication on the Internet has changed and how this has affected online consultants .

Personal information

The popularity of social networks has made the process of distributing personal data easy and simple: why force someone to register if you can simply provide the opportunity to log in through a social network? This way you will also automatically find out the name of your client.

This is what visitor data looks like in our service:

The user didn’t even register, but simply left his email in the chat or any form on the site, and we already know not only about his actions and where he came from, but also his name and social contacts. networks.

Behavioral information

Even if a site doesn't collect additional information about a user, a lot can be learned from each user's behavioral history. When do they usually visit the site? How much time do they spend there? Is there any relationship between the time of day and the completion of the target action? You can even follow the visitor online and, if anything happens, ask him a question or help him with a purchase (any other action).

Information about the ecosystem surrounding the client

It is important to understand:

  • What are the other interests of this or that user?
  • What other products does he use? How exactly does he use it? Are there any common features?
  • What else interests him?
  • Where does he go?
This can be achieved by combining customer information. By the way, there is already a possible solution to the problem with personal information. In Google's recently announced smart auto-reply feature, people are not allowed to read private conversations. On the other hand, algorithms can both read and segment the user.

Truly smart notifications

If we have all the information we can about a user, what should smart notifications look like? At a minimum, they would be genuinely helpful, personalized, punctual and accurate; in other words, they would always be on topic.

Notifications that arrive at the right time

Instant notifications are not always appropriate. Recently, Basecamp3 (an online service for project management, collaboration and task setting) released an update that made it possible to choose the time when notifications can arrive.

For example, you definitely don't want to receive a notification from your colleague in a different time zone during your date. Notifications at the wrong time - worse than ever. Inappropriate signals not only do not attract real attention, but they irritate the recipient and are distracting. The user immediately transfers all these emotions to the company.

Future notifications will arrive automatically at the right time. The notification mechanism will take data from the context, figuring out at what time you are more or less available and will read the notification from the service, and at other times you will be able to enjoy your evening date to the fullest.

Smart location

Geolocation is critical to understanding context and user accessibility. If someone has recently flown out of Russia, this is not the best time to send them a notification about a one-day sale from IKEA in Moscow. Many applications already use geolocation for their purposes. For example, Foursquare alerts you when you've visited a new place and sends you useful information about that place. And many task managers automatically remind you of tasks that are best completed at a particular point on the map when you find yourself there.

Smart segmentation

Like any system built on push notifications, notifications are a rather subtle and complex tool. If a service uses notifications too much, then users gradually begin to get used to them and simply close them. Even if the calls are useful and interesting, it doesn’t matter. This is why segmentation is becoming more and more important.

Remember how Facebook groups similar notifications, such as who liked your photos. It partially shows the names and number of likes, and if the user wants, he can expand detailed information.

If we develop this idea, we can make such segmentation. If you often get no more than 10 likes per photo, then you might want to know about each of them. Also, you will probably be more interested in notifications from close friends and relatives, and maybe from various famous personalities. Well, for example, if Mark Zuckerberg comments on your post, you would want to know about it right away, right?

Smart reaction

Yes, we are all unique, but adapting to everyone is unrealistic. We have to make compromises. Smart notifications have a better chance of capturing the user's attention. Depending on how you handle the content, you will be able to offer more and more interesting options. How do you usually react to notifications about new likes? Do you skim or just barely glance at them? Or do you thoroughly review every notification? Notifications may be adjusted depending on your behavior.

Smart targeting

Let's look at our example of personalization, how we allocate an audience for a specific task. We send targeted messages to precisely those users who can provide a valuable answer to our question. For example, when we created the “Live” section, to evaluate and improve it, we identified a segment of those who had already tried “Live”. We wrote to them and found out if they had any difficulties in their work and what benefits they received for themselves.

This process can also be automated if you want to ask people constantly over time. The person took an action - you sent him a letter (showed a pop-up window or chat). A message sent to the right people at the right time has a high conversion rate and provides truly valuable feedback. With all this information, notifications can become truly valuable and smart, focusing on certain users and not bothering others.

Smart notifications vs notification system

Smart notifications are more like a note from your assistant. Compare this to the system notification that appears at the top of the screen. Should they show the same persistence? Should they be the same size and personalized?

People tend to experience such psychological phenomena as pareidolia: the ability to notice human features in ordinary everyday objects. We see dumb faces, animals in cartoons speak and act like people, and robots in science fiction look like humanoids. We feel the same way about Siri, SlackBot and Google. A notification from a bot is much more interesting to people because the bot has a personality and the notification sounds human. In truth, messages from the bot become more conducive to conversation. Here is a comparison of what happened a year ago and what is happening now in Slack:

The future of smart notifications

Obviously, notifications will change soon. They are distracting. They are not loved. However, at the same time, we have all the capabilities to create smart notifications. There are services that use the collected data for smart notifications, they are already trying to make their notifications really useful and timely. We try to implement what depends on us in our service. Personalization and automation are already in the present; there is no time to put it off for the future.