Company laptop stolen. How to find a stolen laptop: statement, description

In Russia and other countries of the world, thefts often occur. Thieves can take everything. First of all, we are usually talking about gadgets. Therefore, many users are interested in the question: how can I find a stolen laptop? What are the options for the development of events? In this article, we will consider several ways to solve this problem. Everyone will have to decide for themselves which method suits them best. But it is worth mentioning right away that none of the methods gives a 100% guarantee of success. Therefore, it can be recommended to use a combination of several methods to find a stolen device. Then the chance of a favorable outcome will increase markedly.

How to find a stolen laptop: statement, description

How can you find a stolen laptop? Generally speaking, this is quite possible. However, doing so is quite problematic. This is especially true in cases where the gadget is stolen along with documents. The first most logical step would be to file a police report. Here you will have to make an effort to prove that you are the owner of the laptop. You will need to describe the device. The police on external signs will be able to find the loss. However, as practice shows, quite often this technique does not end successfully. The exception is those cases when the thief was caught very quickly, in hot pursuit. The thing is that attackers are trying to sell stolen gadgets as soon as possible. Sometimes they don't even turn them on. For this reason, the search for phones and laptops through law enforcement agencies, although it takes place, but in real life often ends unsuccessfully.

How to find a stolen laptop: address-identifier

It's good that there are several solutions to the problem. You can try to find the stolen device by MAC address. Each device has a so-called serial number. With this number, you can try to determine the location of the device, if it is functioning. It is good if the gadget is used for a certain period of time. To find a stolen laptop by MAC address, you need to contact law enforcement agencies. After filing an application of the prescribed form, they can help find the stolen device. However, quite often the MAC address turns out to be useless. The thing is that laptops do not have a unique identifier, like phones do. So don't expect too much success. Let's look at a few more ways that you can use to find a stolen laptop.

How to Find a Stolen Laptop: Black Market

The next solution to the problem is quite effective. However, they are rarely used in practice. You can try looking for the device on the black market. Here they buy and sell stolen gadgets. The main sales on the black market fall on the sale of cameras, phones and laptops. This is where you need to go for help if your laptop is stolen. How can I find the device? Resellers and black market sellers can be offered a reward for returning the device to the owner. Most likely you will be able to negotiate with them. Dealers will return the stolen goods to the owner with great pleasure. In order not to be deceived, you need to tell the potential buyer the main characteristics of the laptop, as well as its serial number. The main problem here is that there are a lot of resellers. As well as places of sale of stolen goods. Therefore, you will have to seriously try to bring your idea to life. You probably won't be able to find the device on the black market on your own. This will only be possible if you live in a small town where there are few places to sell a laptop. However, do not prematurely discount such a technique. It can be quite effective, as well as other methods.

How to find a stolen laptop: bait fishing

The following tip is for thieves who plan to use a stolen gadget. In this case, a person must be smart. You can try to take the thief by cunning, or by live bait. But in order to translate their idea into reality, the user will have to play it safe. What exactly needs to be done? It is necessary to prepare a simple scheme. The user needs to create several remote network connections, enter data in the appropriate fields, and then click on the "Save password" button. When you try to connect, in fact, the thief will work on the Internet at someone else's expense. Many fall for this lure. This method helps to find the answer to the question of how to find a stolen laptop. In case of discovering the possibility of free work on the network, most likely, the thief will not be able to use such a bonus. Then you can simply call the provider and find out where the connection was made from. With the information received, you can contact the police. Further, the gadget can be tracked at the specified address. As you can see for yourself, there is nothing complicated in this method. It works surprisingly well.

How to find a stolen laptop: "bug"

What other ways can be offered to search for a stolen gadget? There are special programs with which you can find a stolen laptop. So, for example, you can download the Magic Beacon application to your computer. The principle of operation of this program is extremely simple. It is installed on a computer, encrypted and makes it possible to track the device by IP address. The advantage of this method is that the program is hidden from the eyes of the average user. Thieves who are smart will most likely not fall for this trick. They will simply reinstall the operating system. But at the same time, the “bug” will still continue to work. To get rid of it, the thief will have to completely format the hard drive. For this reason, in order to insure and find a stolen laptop in case of theft, you should install a specialized program on your hard drive in advance. Then you can use a special site to check the location of your laptop by IP address. Thus, you can easily find the laptop. This technique is quite common, often used in special organizations. However, few people use it in Russia. Such programs are rarely pre-installed on a computer.

How to find a stolen laptop: device number

Some users are interested in whether it is possible to find a stolen laptop by serial number. In fact, doing this is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. As mentioned earlier, it is impossible to track the device using standard methods. Most likely, attempts to do this will end in failure. You can check by serial number via the Internet. There are various services on the network that offer to search for gadgets using this or that information. In fact, most of these services are simply cheating gullible users for money. Therefore, if you want to find a stolen laptop via the Internet, you need to prepare for the fact that most of the services presented on the Internet are fraudulent. You can try to contact some proven hosting. One of these hostings is Prey. Finding a laptop by its serial number is almost impossible. Searching for a device via the World Wide Web is nothing more than a purely theoretical scenario.

How to find a stolen laptop: GPS

What other recommendations can be used to find a stolen device? Some laptops have a GPS navigator installed. This makes it possible to easily track the location of the device by IP address or serial number. This search method is the most correct. However, it should be borne in mind that GPS navigation is a rarity for modern laptops. You will be able to implement this feature only if the laptop initially has this feature. To start searching, you first need to find out if your laptop is equipped with GPS navigation. If there is such an opportunity, then even the police will be able to help you without any problems. It will be enough to provide the serial number of the device. If the computer was turned on, then the relevant information can be easily checked. The thief will be caught, and the gadget will be returned to its rightful owner.

How to find a stolen laptop: BIOS

Are there other ways to find a stolen laptop? Finding modern gadgets is actually easier than it might seem. Although you still have to make some effort for this. How can you find a stolen laptop? It is worth knowing in advance about the device of the I / O system or BIOS. The thing is that today, on many computers in the BIOS, a program called Computrace is automatically launched. This program sends location information. It also transfers data from the user's computer to a special database. If your laptop is equipped with this utility, then you can contact the company that installs Computrace on computers and, for a fee, find out where the device is located. The problem in this case is that thieves may not turn on the stolen gadget. So, detecting a laptop in this way will not work.

More and more often in Russia and in other countries there are thefts. Thieves take everything they can. And gadgets in the first place. Therefore, many are interested in how to find a stolen laptop. What scenarios can be assumed? Users offer several solutions to the problem. Everyone has the right to choose the method of detection that seems to him the most effective. Nevertheless, it is worth noting that no one approach gives a 100% guarantee of success. Therefore, many recommend using a combination of various methods to search for a stolen gadget. Then the chance of a favorable alignment increases several times.

Statement & Description

Can a stolen laptop be found? In fact yes. But to do this is very problematic. Especially if a gadget with documents was stolen. How to act in such a case?

The first and most logical step is to file an appropriate statement with the police. There you will have to prove that the applicant is the true owner of the laptop. Next, you need to describe the gadget. According to external signs, the police will look for the loss. True, as practice shows, quite often such a technique does not end successfully. An exception is if the thief was caught in hot pursuit and very quickly.

The thing is that stolen gadgets are trying to sell as soon as possible. Sometimes without even including them. Because of this, the search for laptops and phones through law enforcement agencies, although it takes place, is extremely difficult to achieve in real life.

Address identifier

Fortunately, there are several more options for the development of events. You can try to find a stolen laptop by MAC address. Each gadget has a so-called serial number, just like a phone. With it, you can determine the location of the device, if it was turned on. Even better - when the gadget is used for some time.

In order to find the stolen laptop by the MAC address of the network adapter, you need to contact law enforcement agencies. They will be able to search after submitting an application of the established form for the specified device. But, as practice shows, the MAC address is usually useless. A unique identifier, like phones, is not provided on laptops. Therefore, hope for success is not worth it. It is better to look for other ways to answer the question of how to find a stolen laptop.

Black market

The next option is more successful, but it is usually extremely rare in practice. Worth the black market. This is where stolen goods are bought and sold. Moreover, there are not as few gadgets here as it seems. The main sales on the black markets are the sale of phones, cameras and laptops.

Accordingly, it is here that you need to seek help when a laptop is stolen from a person. How can it be found? Sellers in the black markets and resellers offer a good reward for returning the gadget to the owner. Most likely, an agreement will be reached. And dealers with great pleasure will return the stolen goods to the owner.

In order not to face fraud, it is recommended to provide the main characteristics of the gadget, as well as the serial number of the device to a potential buyer. The main problem is that there are a lot of resellers. And places of sale of stolen goods - too. Therefore, you will have to try hard to bring the idea to life. Most likely, you will not be able to find the device yourself through the black markets. Only if the city is small, and there are few places where a thief can resell a laptop. But such an approach should not be discounted. It can be very effective. However, like all other tips.

Live bait

How to find a stolen laptop? To bring the idea to life, the user must play it safe in advance. How exactly? You can prepare a simple scheme. The user creates several remote network connection connections, enters data in the appropriate fields, and then clicks on the "Save password" button. In fact, when you try to connect, the thief will work on the Internet at someone else's expense. This is good bait!

It is this method that will be a good answer to the question of how to find a stolen laptop. When a thief finds a free online opportunity, they will most likely try out such a bonus. You can just call your ISP and find out where the connection came from. With the information received, it is recommended to contact the police. Further, the gadget is tracked at the specified address. Nothing complicated. Surprisingly, this method works very well.


What else can be offered? There is a special program that helps to find a stolen laptop. For example, you can download an application called "Magic Beacon" to your computer. Its principle of operation is extremely simple: it is installed, encrypted and allows you to track a computer by IP address.

The advantage is that it is hidden from the eyes of the average user. Thieves who have exceptional intelligence will not fall for live bait. And, most likely, just reinstall the operating system. But the "bug" will still work. To get rid of it, you will have to completely format the hard drive. Therefore, in order to insure and in which case to find a stolen laptop, you should install a specialized program on your hard drive in advance.

Then it will be possible through a special system (program website) to check the location of the device by IP address. Accordingly, the laptop will be detected. This is a fairly common technique, which is often used in the FSB. It is effective, but few people use it in Russia. After all, such programs are rarely installed on a computer in advance.

Device number

Some are interested in how to find a stolen laptop by serial number. Doing this is not as easy as it seems. After all, as already mentioned, it will not work to track the device using standard methods (like, for example, a smartphone). With a high degree of probability, you can count on failure.

The serial number can be checked online. There are a variety of services on the network that offer the search for gadgets for various data. In fact, most of them are a simple swindle of gullible users for money. Therefore, if a person is thinking about how to find a stolen laptop via the Internet, it is worth preparing for the fact that most of the sites and tools offered are fraudulent. But you can turn to more or less proven hosting. For example, to Prey.

Accordingly, it is almost impossible to detect a laptop by serial number. And searching for a device through the World Wide Web is nothing more than a purely theoretical version.


What other tips might help? Some laptops have a built-in GPS navigator. It allows you to track the location of the switched on device without any problems by serial number or IP address. The most accurate way to search.

Nevertheless, GPS navigation is a huge rarity for modern laptops. It will be possible to bring the idea to life only when the computer initially has a similar function. Accordingly, even before starting the search, you need to find out if the GPS gadget is equipped with navigation.

By the way, if such an opportunity exists, then even the police will help a citizen without any problems. It will be enough to report the IP or serial number of the device. After some time, if the computer was turned on, the corresponding information will be checked. And the thief will be able to catch, and return the gadget to the owner.


How can you find a laptop that has been stolen? Modern gadgets are easier to spot than you think. Although some effort will have to be made. How to find a stolen ASUS laptop or any other?

It is worth knowing in advance about the BIOS system device. The thing is that now on many computers in the "BIOS" a program called Computrace automatically starts. It sends location data, and also transfers data from the user's computer remotely to a special database.

If a particular laptop is equipped with this utility, the user should contact the company that originally installed Computrace on the computers. For a fee (officially), the owner of the laptop will be told where the corresponding gadget is located. The problem is that often thieves simply don't turn on what they stole. So, detecting a laptop will not work in this way. And finding a company that installs Computrace on a PC is also not so easy.


What conclusions can be drawn from all of the above? Finding a stolen laptop is not an easy task. As practice shows, if you do not worry about the security of the device in advance, you can forget that they can find it. Most often, the laptop cannot be returned.

It is worth considering: if the laptop is not turned on, then it is almost impossible to find it in practice. All methods work exclusively with enabled gadgets. You don't have to rely too heavily on success. Finding a phone is much easier than finding a laptop. And this should be remembered.

How to find a stolen laptop: ways

In Russia and other countries of the world, thefts often occur. Thieves can take everything. First of all, we are usually talking about gadgets. Therefore, many users are interested in the question: how can I find a stolen laptop? What are the options for the development of events? In this article, we will consider several ways to solve this problem. Everyone will have to decide for themselves which method suits them best. But it is worth mentioning right away that none of the methods gives a 100% guarantee of success. Therefore, it can be recommended to use a combination of several methods to find a stolen device. Then the chance of a favorable outcome will increase markedly.

How to find a stolen laptop: statement, description

How can you find a stolen laptop? Generally speaking, this is quite possible. However, doing so is quite problematic. This is especially true in cases where the gadget is stolen along with documents. The first most logical step would be to file a police report. Here you will have to make an effort to prove that you are the owner of the laptop. You will need to describe the device. The police on external signs will be able to find the loss. However, as practice shows, quite often this technique does not end successfully. The exception is those cases when the thief was caught very quickly, in hot pursuit. The thing is that attackers are trying to sell stolen gadgets as soon as possible. Sometimes they don't even turn them on. For this reason, the search for phones and laptops through law enforcement agencies, although it takes place, but in real life often ends unsuccessfully.

How to find a stolen laptop: address-identifier

It's good that there are several solutions to the problem. You can try to find the stolen device by MAC address. Each device has a so-called serial number. With this number, you can try to determine the location of the device, if it is functioning. It is good if the gadget is used for a certain period of time. To find a stolen laptop by MAC address, you need to contact law enforcement agencies. After filing an application of the prescribed form, they can help find the stolen device. However, quite often the MAC address turns out to be useless. The thing is that laptops do not have a unique identifier, like phones do. So don't expect too much success. Let's look at a few more ways that you can use to find a stolen laptop.

How to Find a Stolen Laptop: Black Market

The next solution to the problem is quite effective. However, they are rarely used in practice. You can try looking for the device on the black market. Here they buy and sell stolen gadgets. The main sales on the black market fall on the sale of cameras, phones and laptops. This is where you need to go for help if your laptop is stolen. How can I find the device? Resellers and black market sellers can be offered a reward for returning the device to the owner. Most likely you will be able to negotiate with them. Dealers will return the stolen goods to the owner with great pleasure. In order not to be deceived, you need to tell the potential buyer the main characteristics of the laptop, as well as its serial number. The main problem here is that there are a lot of resellers. As well as places of sale of stolen goods. Therefore, you will have to seriously try to bring your idea to life. You probably won't be able to find the device on the black market on your own. This will only be possible if you live in a small town where there are few places to sell a laptop. However, do not prematurely discount such a technique. It can be quite effective, as well as other methods.

How to find a stolen laptop: bait fishing

The following tip is for thieves who plan to use a stolen gadget. In this case, a person must be smart. You can try to take the thief by cunning, or by live bait. But in order to translate their idea into reality, the user will have to play it safe. What exactly needs to be done? It is necessary to prepare a simple scheme. The user needs to create several remote network connections, enter data in the appropriate fields, and then click on the "Save password" button. When you try to connect, in fact, the thief will work on the Internet at someone else's expense. Many fall for this lure. This method helps to find the answer to the question of how to find a stolen laptop. In case of discovering the possibility of free work on the network, most likely, the thief will not be able to use such a bonus. Then you can simply call the provider and find out where the connection was made from. With the information received, you can contact the police. Further, the gadget can be tracked at the specified address. As you can see for yourself, there is nothing complicated in this method. It works surprisingly well.

How to find a stolen laptop: "bug"

What other ways can be offered to search for a stolen gadget? There are special programs with which you can find a stolen laptop. So, for example, you can download the Magic Beacon application to your computer. The principle of operation of this program is extremely simple. It is installed on a computer, encrypted and makes it possible to track the device by IP address. The advantage of this method is that the program is hidden from the eyes of the average user. Thieves who are smart will most likely not fall for this trick. They will simply reinstall the operating system. But at the same time, the “bug” will still continue to work. To get rid of it, the thief will have to completely format the hard drive. For this reason, in order to insure and find a stolen laptop in case of theft, you should install a specialized program on your hard drive in advance. Then you can use a special site to check the location of your laptop by IP address. Thus, you can easily find the laptop. This technique is quite common, often used in special organizations. However, few people use it in Russia. Such programs are rarely pre-installed on a computer.

How to find a stolen laptop: device number

Some users are interested in whether it is possible to find a stolen laptop by serial number. In fact, doing this is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. As mentioned earlier, it is impossible to track the device using standard methods. Most likely, attempts to do this will end in failure. You can check by serial number via the Internet. There are various services on the network that offer to search for gadgets using this or that information. In fact, most of these services are simply cheating gullible users for money. Therefore, if you want to find a stolen laptop via the Internet, you need to prepare for the fact that most of the services presented on the Internet are fraudulent. You can try to contact some proven hosting. One of these hostings is Prey. Finding a laptop by its serial number is almost impossible. Searching for a device via the World Wide Web is nothing more than a purely theoretical scenario.

How to find a stolen laptop: GPS

What other recommendations can be used to find a stolen device? Some laptops have a GPS navigator installed. This makes it possible to easily track the location of the device by IP address or serial number. This search method is the most correct. However, it should be borne in mind that GPS navigation is a rarity for modern laptops. You will be able to implement this feature only if the laptop initially has this feature. To start searching, you first need to find out if your laptop is equipped with GPS navigation. If there is such an opportunity, then even the police will be able to help you without any problems. It will be enough to provide the serial number of the device. If the computer was turned on, then the relevant information can be easily checked. The thief will be caught, and the gadget will be returned to its rightful owner.

How to find a stolen laptop: BIOS

Are there other ways to find a stolen laptop? Finding modern gadgets is actually easier than it might seem. Although you still have to make some effort for this. How can you find a stolen laptop? It is worth knowing in advance about the device of the I / O system or BIOS. The thing is that today, on many computers in the BIOS, a program called Computrace is automatically launched. This program sends location information. It also transfers data from the user's computer to a special database. If your laptop is equipped with this utility, then you can contact the company that installs Computrace on computers and, for a fee, find out where the device is located. The problem in this case is that thieves may not turn on the stolen gadget. So, detecting a laptop in this way will not work.

How to find a lost (stolen) laptop. History of success.

At the moment, the award is no longer valid. Laptop found. How I lost it and found it - read below. This is a chronicle of my actions and messages.

I lost my laptop at 20 Chkalova Street, Chernivtsi. Left it on the trunk and drove off. On the laptop, the information will be useful only to me (unrecoverable data on work for a year and a half and more).

No one will buy it except me for that kind of money! I can even leave a laptop as a gift, all you need is a hard drive. Notebook Acer Aspire black (dark blue), lying in a black bag. Let me remind you, who does not know, my name is Yura Galin, the account on the computer is also called. Make me happy and do a good deed! You can simply throw off the information through a file hosting service or whatever else!

So, look, ask your friends: Chernivtsi, Chkalova street area. Lost laptop Acer Aspire, who found - a premium of 5000 UAH!

00:30 - PART 2 - The search for loss or the circus begins!

Fraudster No. 1 Pafnutiy. Brash and demanding. The phrase that gave him away: "I don't need to invent anything, everything has been invented a long time ago! [We will work according to an already worked out scheme, what are you inventing?!]"

In less than an hour, I changed the passwords on all accounts and spread the information on social networks (thanks to everyone who reposted), when the guy from this number called me: +XXXXXXXXX [hidden] and said that he would help me get back the lost laptop if I follow all his instructions. Since I put his number on public display, you probably already guessed that my award is still valid.

So, Pafnutiy (let's call him that, he did not introduce himself) said that I urgently need to turn off my mobile phone, otherwise nothing will grow together with him. In general, he spoke very quickly and urged on constantly, trying to make me panic. To be honest, I immediately understood who I was dealing with, I even recorded a small fragment of our conversation with him on the recorder (I will attach below).

He said that he would be satisfied with 4 thousand, and I thought that maybe he did not know about my bonus, which means he found information about my laptop offline (otherwise he would have demanded all 5), so he potentially with a very small probability could actually be related to the loss.

Then Pafnutiy said that for his safety I called from someone else's number and came to the railway station, where he would coordinate me by phone. By the way, he was a little confused on the phone: either he doesn’t have a laptop on his hands, that is, it’s not clear. I was with a girl and a friend at that moment, and we decided to go together to find out what Mr. Pafnutiy had prepared for us. To be honest, I didn’t really hope for anything and I was more taken by curiosity. When we arrived, he told me to go to the station alone. Then he told me to go to the terminal. Well, you got it :)

He asked me to transfer 2000 UAH to him, after which he will tell me where my laptop is. Well, I said that it was unlikely, after which I offered him my scheme of work. He constantly interrupted me and escalated the situation, saying that I urgently need to make some decision, otherwise I will not get anything. I asked him to name some feature of my laptop (and there are several of them), but he said that he was an intermediary and did not know. Then I asked his people to tell me this feature, and also decided to offer him another way of dealing, but the respected Pafnuty switched to "you" and said, approximately as follows, "we will work according to an already worked out scheme, what are you thinking up?" Here is a snippet of our dialogue

What is very unpleasant - this person, Pafnutiy, is one of our friends (or friends of friends) in social networks, otherwise how would he know about my trouble?

After a trip to the station, my friend Zhenya (one of the best web designers in Chernivtsi) and I put up posters on Chkalova street, so tomorrow, I hope, I will report some news. [Zhenya, thanks for the poster, that talent came in handy :) ]

And if the number of scammers increases tomorrow, I will have to appoint a new bonus of 1000 hryvnia - to the one who manages to "divorce" me by 5000.

11:30 - PART 3 - New scammer wants to kill me

Fraudster No. 2Gennady. Rough and hard. The phrase that gave him away: "Yes, I'll break your laptop on your head! I'll shoot you with a sawn-off shotgun !!!"

Today I received a message from another contender for the award, namely Pavel Durov, the founder of the social system VKontakte (well, his name was somehow different, but the photo was of Pavel), who said that he found my stolen laptop and asked me to call a certain number. This young man, whom I called back, like the first applicant, did not introduce himself, so let's call him Gennady.

Gennady began the conversation, like the first one: "Didn't you write a statement to the police?" Then everything went according to a well-established fraudulent scheme: he escalated the situation, interrupted me constantly. At that moment, when he offered me to drive up to the bank, I decided to make fun of him in his own way. I said that before I drive up to the bank, I will ask him, to make sure that he really has a laptop, transfer me a thousand hryvnias. Well, then Ostap suffered. He said he would smash my head in and kill me. You can see an excerpt from our dialogue below.

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After we finished the conversation, he wrote me a message, here it is:

Dobryak, right?!

13:00 - PART 4 ​​- Do I need to contact the police if my laptop is stolen?

It’s still worth going to the police if you lost (stolen) your laptop. Below I talk about how I went to the police, where I suddenly had to become understood and where I ran into good and evil policemen

Also today I went around several pawnshops with my ad, but, unfortunately, it turns out that they do not consider such applications. I offered a reward to both employees and the person who brings it, but they are strict with this, which, by the way, I liked. They advised me to contact the police, they say, if an official request is received, tips will be sent to all pawnshops and there is a non-zero chance to find a lost or stolen laptop or mobile phone.

I did just that: I went to the police, where, by the way, they told me that, since my incident took place in the area of ​​​​Chkalov Street, my application would be sent by mail (not electronic) to a neighboring department, which is located 10 minutes away. But the problem is that the letter by mail will be delivered for several days. Here is an idea for a startup, dear IT people: automate and organize internal communication to internal organs!

I know how the police work here, so I didn’t really hope for anything. But I asked one of the employees: "is there at least a small chance that something will come of this venture?" He replied: "yes, there is a small chance to find a lost (stolen) laptop."

So I came to this second department of the UMVS, and there I had to wait for about 20 minutes. At this time, I talked with a good guy with a machine gun, about my age, who turned out to be a surprisingly pleasant conversationalist. At that moment, when we were talking about IP addresses, key loggers (and the almost zero possibility of finding a stolen computer by IP), another policeman passed by, who told the first one that I was hanging vermicelli on his ears. The first one started to defend me, because he understood what we were talking about.

After that, I was immediately offered to go up to the 4th floor and sign some papers. In front of me was a dark guy who repented of the theft, and I had to confirm that all the things stolen by this guy were really indicated in the protocol. It's called being understood. I became one, although, to be honest, I did not study the stolen things.

Then I met another employee of the UMVS, Alexander, who impressed me with his knowledge of the law, politeness and understanding. I am truly grateful to him for his time. He informed me that if an abandoned thing (if it is not a treasure of the nation) taken by someone cannot be a reason for criminal liability (and I don’t need it), and advised me to paste over the poles near the scene (which was already done at night) .

17:00 - PART 5 - Pros and cons of losing a laptop

I will say right away that I really loved my laptop, this kind donkey helped me out more than once and never let me down. He helped me earn a living for the last 5 years and I spent more time with him than with anyone else. I loved him so much that, despite the fact that he was already old and cracked, I did not plan to part with him (he was smart with me). My kind Acer Aspire 6935 decided to leave me like a faithful dog, not wanting his owner to be burdened by his death.

Yes, I really loved him very much, and in the depths of my soul there is a certainty that he will be found. In the meantime, I have compiled a table: what are the advantages and disadvantages of losing a laptop.

disadvantages Advantages
1. You will have to spend money on a new laptop. 1. You become more attentive (if you learn the lesson). As my brother says, life will give you cuffs on the back of the head until you learn your lesson.
2. You lose the information you need to work. 2. You instantly clean up your hard drives that have not been cleaned for years.
3. Confidential information can be taken and used. 3. You finally have a reason to upgrade your computer.
4. You feel stupid and deceived. 4. You finally change passwords in all accounts (it is recommended to do this once a year).
5. You share negative emotions with loved ones. 5. You get invaluable experience in dealing with scammers.
6. You have a strange feeling of inner freedom.
7. You change something in your life, the brain has to strain - you develop.
8. You realize the importance of creating a backup for data recovery and do not transfer it to tomorrow.
9. You install loopholes on your computers and mobile phones to look for in case of loss.

Hmm... It turns out that it is better to lose laptops than not to lose them?! No, but there are definitely a lot of benefits to being lost, so don't get discouraged!

19:00 - PART 6 - Victory or lost laptop found!

I hasten to please everyone that the laptop was found a few hours ago! He was found by a driver who was driving behind me. He saw the laptop fall to the ground and picked it up. By the way, a girl who saw all this called me back today. Thanks to the ads pasted on the poles, she was able to contact me. Also, thanks to these ads, I was found by a person who gave me a laptop and received his reward. Here is my faithful donkey (by the way, safe and sound, works even better than before :)):

What conclusions can I draw? You should be more attentive and prudent, try not to scatter your attention in the bustle, and, perhaps most importantly, you should listen to the lessons that life throws at you!

EPILOGUE - What to do if you lost (stolen) your laptop

Based on my little experience, let me write in order of importance what you need to do if you lose your laptop.

  1. If this happened a few minutes ago, call the police, the patrols can help you find the person with your bag (that's what the police told me).
  2. ATTENTION! Immediately print out a hundred flyers with information about the missing person and your contact information and post up as many times as possible in the place of the loss. Be sure to include a reward. This is the most efficient way. By the way, ask 1-2 friends to help you with this.
  3. Log out of all your open accounts on other devices immediately from any available computer (this is easy to do for each site). Here is a list of possible sites: Gmail, Mail.Ru, VKontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki, Twitter, Instagram, Disqus, Apple.Store.
  4. ATTENTION! Do not panic and do not make rash decisions! Fraudsters take advantage of your panic and can force you to do something that you will soon regret, namely: transfer money to them and get nothing in return!
  5. Share your loss on social media with as many people as possible! Friends will always enter into your position and help you with their reposts!
  6. Inform all companies (shops, car washes, warehouses) about what happened, they can be contacted.
  7. Examine data from surveillance cameras in the area.
  8. Start researching all online and offline flea markets like OLX to see if your laptop is there
  9. If you are a programmer, then consider what kind of passwords you might have stored in your projects, such as database or FTP access. Just in case, change the passwords there.
  10. Be sure you find your laptop!

If you are reading these lines, you may have lost your laptop. Wish you find it!

P.S. My friend Max suggested that scammers work like in the picture below (this is an exchange). Perhaps there is some kind of fraudulent organization or exchange where inscriptions appear on the screens, such as "Idiot found. Forgot my laptop on the trunk. Address ...." Otherwise, how did they find out about my loss half an hour after it happened and worked so fast?

And please don't forget to comment and click the buttons below!

How to find a stolen laptop (tablet, phone) using programs?

Recently, more and more often you can see the news that the owners managed to return the lost or stolen equipment thanks to various programs that managed to compromise the identity and geographical location of the thieves.

And this applies not only to iPhones - Android devices, tablets, and laptops running various operating systems have successfully returned to their owners.

We decided to consider the "anti-theft" capabilities of various platforms, as well as third-party programs for these platforms.


Technologically, it is Apple that is ahead of the rest in terms of anti-theft functions built into the operating system itself.

iCloud services allow the owner to access the site under his Apple ID from any computer, not only to determine the location of the lost device, but also to send a sound signal, a message to it, or even block it remotely.

Apple has developed a system for remotely locking stolen equipment "Activation Lock", which confidently and permanently turns a stolen device into useless high-tech junk that does not turn on.

At the moment, some hackers have not been able to crack this algorithm, and the second part has refused to do what the scammers will use.

In addition, with the appropriate settings, iCloud synchronizes all the photos taken between all devices activated on the same Apple ID. This has already caught a lot of telephone thieves.

All of the above applies to both the iPhone and iPad and most other Apple devices up to MacBook Air laptops.

Third-party programs allow you to somewhat expand the functionality of iOS and iCloud, without much innovation.


The Android operating system also has a built-in search system for lost devices - the Android Remote Control tool. It allows you to log in with your Google account to the corresponding page, select one of your devices there, connect to it and find out where it is, turn it on loudly, block it or completely clear it.

The main difference from Apple technologies is the lack of blocking the download of a stolen phone. That is, if a fraudster quickly reflashes the phone, then it will be much more difficult to detect it. However, not all phones can find firmware.

It is also worth noting that Google Maps, at default settings, saves the movement history of Android devices. You can see them by logging in with your Google account on this page.

There is a more advanced and also free Android Lost app. The list of its features for remote control of the phone resembles the list of features of the phone itself. It can, for example, redirect calls and SMS from a lost phone to your other mobile phone, clear the SD card, take pictures from the phone's cameras, and even say loudly through the phone's speaker "I'm lost, pick me up and return to the owner!" Moreover, you can install this application on your phone even after losing it using the Google Play online service.

Of the paid applications, Avast Anti-Theft is quite interesting. In addition to all the above functions, the following are available to him: remote interception of sound from the phone’s microphone, displaying information (for example, about a refund for a fee) on the lock screen, performing certain actions when the phone leaves a certain geographical perimeter, and so on.

Computers and laptops

If everything is clear and quite good with devices from Apple and devices on Android, then with laptops, for example, on Windows or Linux, the opposite is true. There are no anti-theft tools in operating systems, popular third-party programs for such purposes are practically not represented on the market, and the devices themselves (laptops) usually do not contain the necessary sensors - for example, they do not have GPS to determine the location of the device.

There are also practically no hardware solutions to protect laptops from reinstalling the operating system (which even a schoolboy can handle now) (there was an attempt from Intel, but it remained a drop in the ocean).

Of the commercial third-party programs, you can only pay attention to the Prey program, which runs on Windows, Mac OS X, Ubuntu, Linux, Android and iOS.

The free plan allows you to connect up to three devices to one account. Of course, the chance that an attacker is so stupid that he will not reinstall the system on a stolen laptop is not at all 100%, but human stupidity should not be underestimated: judging by the blog of the developers of this program, their users regularly return their devices.

Some interesting examples of the work of various "anti-theft" programs:

  • British nurse Becky Brinklow has her iPhone stolen by two guys. In her iCloud account, the very next day, she found fresh photos of them in shorts, which were handed over to the police.
  • A student from Germany lost his phone in Ibiza, which was the beginning of the popular photo blog "The life of a stranger who stole my phone." The thief lives in Dubai and does not even suspect that he has become an Internet star.
  • Three young men from the city of Winnipeg (Canada) took away the iPhone from a 30-year-old woman. A selfie taken by one of them, iCloud sync, Find My iPhone geolocation, and the local police sent the trio to jail.
  • A man from the United States entered the store, leaving a child in the car. When he returned, he found that the car had been stolen. The situation was saved by a smartphone left in the glove compartment of the car.
  • Unlucky thieves cleaned out the apartment of an Apple service center employee. Among the stolen was an Apple laptop with Back to My Mac installed. The detained criminals are accused of three robberies and illegal possession of 1.5 kg of marijuana.
  • The police arrested the man who stole the MacBook. The basis was photographs from the built-in camera, which were taken by the “anti-theft” program installed on the laptop.

How to find a stolen laptop

Earlier, I already described "What to do if the phone was stolen." Today I want to tell you how to find a stolen laptop. I will again resort to the help of a foreign service, which one way or another can help.

Why is it useful? The fact that in advance can help protect your computer from theft or loss.

Let's start. The first thing to do is go to the service.

When viewing pages, you can use an online translator, of which there are quite a few on the network.

The next action we find on the page is the Free Download button. A window will open in which we select the version of the program that is most suitable for the operating system. Next, run / install and configure the application.

1. Select the value shown in the picture.

2. Further similar to the image.

3. Select the New User value and register by completely filling out the registration form, and click the Create button.

Once your details have been entered, a message will appear.

We go to the portal, and log in with your username and password, using the Log in tab.

As soon as you enter your personal account, you will see the registration name / number of your device. Click on it with the left mouse button.

The next step is to manage the equipment and try to find the "lost" computer.

Click the Lost button, as shown in the figure above. (just change the value from off to on). After this option is enabled, your device will be tracked. In the utility, you can change report time intervals, location, etc.

That's actually all. Good luck everyone and don't lose your stuff!

In contact with


If I understand correctly, the IP address is set by Windows. On it and you can find the computer if the user goes online. But if you change (reinstall Windows), then the IP address will change. There are also programs that change addresses, floating addresses, proxies and much more. As for the manufacturer's serial number, it is not registered anywhere at all, except at the service center upon the arrival of consignments of goods for sale in a certain country. If the party is "white"!! But if this is a "gray" parish, which happens much more often, then the numbers are not registered in the service center either. Service centers have a website where they post stolen numbers for internal use, so as not to repair or get caught. But only the master - an employee of the service center can find this site. That's the way cell phone repairers are. If someone buys your laptop and suddenly takes it to repair, the number will pop up. Yes, and that's not a fact. And the fact that he will be reported to the authorities is out of the question, it seems to me. In general - goodbye laptop ... At our work, 4 laptops were stolen and silence ...


The serial number of the laptop will help you only for the external identification of the machine, writing a statement to the police, and that's all.

On the Internet, you will not be able to find out anything by this number. And then, this number is destroyed by intruders - it is overwritten on the back surface of the laptop, so only if you are sure by some intuitive sensations that this is your laptop - you can check it by plugging it into the network. Otherwise - according to external signs in any way.

There is a simple but effective protection against "theft" of a laptop - the same Kensington locks, which are a steel cable that sticks into a hole in a laptop and locks around, for example, a heating pipe.

It all depends on the provider, the provider uses a dynamic or static IP address, IP can be changed in Windows itself. The next poppy address is more difficult to change, but there are a lot of programs that change it. For reference, the MAC address is "The unique identifier of your network card. You can find it in the BIOS if it's built-in" But unfortunately you don't know it either, and you'll have to look through providers if you're not a hack!!! In a word, I sympathize.

The only way to try to do something is to contact your provider (with a bottle of cognac), tell the problem and ask to "follow" your account. But I think they are unlikely to do this, and it is very unlikely that it will bring any benefit. Any "surveillance" activity would be illegal.

Probably late with the answer, but maybe it will help someone. Each network card has a MAC address - it's like an IME mobile phone, call your Internet provider, ask for your MAC, they know it for 100 pounds, it's not realistic to change the MAC on a laptop and you can find it even after a couple of years if it shows up on the network. And a computer specialist with brains is needed to say where this computer lives now.

If you lost your laptop or it was stolen from you, you should, first of all, calm down and think about how you can find it. There are several search options: you can contact the police, post ads, use special programs like Prey.

Contacting the police

If your laptop has been stolen, the first thing to do is file a police report, indicating the parameters of the laptop, color, manufacturer, and the place and time of the theft. The laptop will be searched after your application is accepted.


After contacting the police, proceed to independently search for a laptop.

First, post a lost laptop ad on your social media pages and ask your friends to copy it to their pages, which will increase views and, accordingly, your ability to find a laptop. If you really want to find your laptop, prepare a reward for it, which will also affect the search.

Secondly, make some print ads and put them up on the streets of the city, you can also place an ad in the local newspaper. If you own a car, you can also advertise on one of its windows.


If CCTV cameras are installed at the alleged place of the robbery, for example, at the entrance to the store, ask the security service for a video recording and view it, perhaps the moment of the theft will be recorded there. If your laptop was stolen from your car and the dash cam was turned on at that time, extract the recordings and analyze them. The information obtained must then be taken to the police for further investigation.

Prey Service

Use Prey to find your lost laptop. This program will allow you to quickly track the location of your laptop. It must be pre-installed on the laptop that was stolen. Therefore, you can use this search method only if the program is already on the laptop.

The program starts working after its complete installation. To do this, download the program from the server, install it on your computer. Do not forget to register on the official website, leaving your contact information and your email address on the Internet, where all information will be collected in case of theft. Do not forget about the “Devices” section, in which each computer is assigned its own key, which is entered during the installation of the program. After that, the program will be installed and launched on your device.

If your laptop is stolen, go to the site (on which you registered during the installation of the program) and activate the inscription “Laptop stolen” in the settings, and the program will instantly start and start looking for the stolen item.

Having received information about the location of the laptop, feel free to go to the police and provide it to them, or try to return the device yourself, offering, for example, a monetary reward.

Now you know how and where you can find a stolen laptop.

are you talking about laptop? it's just that there is such a feature in the Toshiba brand, it has its own code ... you register the whole thing on the site .... and if you stole a laptop, then it's real to find it! but I don't know about other brands.

what the hell are you going to find, no one will deal with codes, here you can only hope for the cops, maybe they will find it sometime, or go yourself through dubious places, mostly black people steal and they sell right away

Is it possible to find a computer by documents? a computer was stolen from a friend, he assembled it himself, there are only documents for the case, disk drive and ASUS motherboard, the serial number of the motherboard is indicated there, is it possible to find the computer somehow? phones are somehow found

Theoretically, knowing the serial number of the motherboard, you can enter the address of its network card through the MAC manufacturer, and then (also theoretically) give a special order to all providers in your city so that they can track network activity using the filter from the specified MAC address. But in practice, as you know, no one will do this.

Theoretically it is possible, practically it is much easier to buy a new computer

phones send the IMEI to the carrier when connected. The computer doesn't do anything.

you need to climb all the apartments in your city. Search. Who seeks will always find

Of course you can. Only no one will do this

Well, if you have friends in the FSB, then they can calculate this computer. If it comes out on the Internet.

Are you going to look for a needle in a haystack!

A question about a computer Now, if a mobile phone was stolen, it can be found by ID. And if a computer or laptop was stolen, can it be calculated or found somehow?

Submit an application to the regional police department, or whatever it is, and attach to it a check that you bought, and a guarantee, on which the sellers mark the serial numbers of components or laptops, and so on. Serial numbers are unique to each manufacturer. They are looking for them. There are very few chances. Cars, for example, are in plain sight and drive, but the computers are at home.

No) You can find a mobile phone because in any case (99%) it will be registered with a mobile operator, where the billing system will write Imey. Computers and laptops can't do that.

good luck must be

Only by the license key on the bottom label, and then you have to search manually ...

some pre-install programs for remote access. If you go online from a lost laptop, you can quietly connect to it and find out information that will help you return the laptop. On YouTube somewhere there is a video of a hacker mocking a thief.

The serial number is on all the details, and it is also registered on the documents. However, if they do not bear the purchase, there is no chance.

You can GUY! Everything is possible!!! If desired!! Only from a technical point of view, not a little complicated! And our\"Love Cops \"-too tough!! And why?? It is much easier to rummage in the pockets of \"\"Drunk\"H

The question is how to find a computer stolen from me, the police cannot find it?

I don't know which department\"K\" you were in... But when you first access the Internet, the location of the computer is set with an error of 5 meters anywhere in the world. Technical means allow this, and this is legal because when you write a statement you authorize the police department to conduct search activities on your property and collect information about it.

It's easier to buy a new one.

Nothing like.

how to find a stolen computer?

By number on the board

it is necessary to carry out a set of operational measures: Interview possible witnesses, check the circle of acquaintances of the victim, check all the surrounding pawnshops for the receipt of similar equipment.

if the documents are on the computer and you know where and from whom to look, then you can ... otherwise look for fistulas ...