Delete saved passwords in chrome browser. How to delete saved passwords in Google Chrome? Saving settings online

Internet users visit dozens or even hundreds of different sites every day.

Most resources require registration, so it becomes very difficult for us to remember all the previously invented logins and passwords for accounts.

To organize the information necessary for authorization on sites, browser developers created special systems to save user passwords.

Let's take a closer look at how to view saved passwords in Chrome, the most popular browser from Google.

Password Location

There are several ways to access the window with all passwords.

The easiest option is to enter the text chrome://settings/passwords into the address bar of your browser - this is the address of the local settings page, which contains automatic login data for sites.

As a result, you should end up on a page like this:

Rice. 1 – page of saved logins and passwords in Chrome

Important! This method of enabling the preferences window may not work in older versions of the browser.

You can use another way to enter the passwords tab:

  • launch your browser and home page find the menu key (right top corner toolbar);
  • click on the “Settings” item;

Rice. 2 – Chrome browser menu

  • Scroll down the window that opens and click on the “Advanced settings” button;

  • now, among all the new parameters, find the “Passwords and Forms” group;
  • In the “Save passwords” item, click on the “Show” button and a page will open in front of you, as in Figure 1.

In addition to browser settings, data on saved passwords can be viewed on the PC itself.

Chrome records user data in system file, which is located on the computer's hard drive.

The file address may differ depending on the device you are using. operating system.

The figure below shows a list of the most popular operating systems and the addresses of the directories in which the file called Login Data:

Go to the desired folder on your hard drive and find the Login Data file. It does not have an extension, so it cannot be opened just like that.

How can I see the login and password for the site?

Once you have found the location of the autosave settings or local file, which contains them, you can start viewing the necessary passwords and logins for sites.

To see passwords in the browser itself, select the site you need and click on the show button.

Only after correct input you will have the right to view this data personal information in the browser:

Rice. 7 – viewing passwords in the Chrome browser

If, for some reason, you are unable to access the data in the browser itself, you can try to “pull” the information from the Login Data file.

Essentially, the contents of this file do not have a specific format, but it is part of local base MS MySQL data and stores organized information of browser users (list of sites, logins, passwords, installed extensions And so on).

How to open a file? Since Login Data was created mainly for developers, you can open it using special programs for development.

Eg, SQL Management Studio 2014– using this software you can create local and server databases and use them in created applications.

To open the Login Data file, launch the studio, then connect to the local database that is installed on your PC:

After a successful connection, click on the “File” tab, and then on “Open”. In the computer explorer window that opens, find Login Data and run it.

The following table will appear in the studio window:

The username_value and password_value fields contain the values ​​of logins and passwords, respectively.

Reference: If you do not have the opportunity to install a separate studio for database development on your PC, you can use the DB Browser SQL utility. With its help, you can view the contents of the file itself, but without the right to edit database fields.

Removing a password

To remove the login-password combination from the autosave window, you need to select the desired site and click on the cross, as shown in the figure below.

After this, the login information for the resource will be erased.

Likewise, users can edit saved data. Enter new information in the login or password field and save the changes.

Modern Internet users have to visit dozens of resources every day, each with its own authorization system. Most web browsers, including Chrome, offer to save logins and passwords to make the user experience easier. The information is securely encrypted, and unauthorized people are unlikely to be able to use it. However, it happens that the owner himself needs to know the password, for example, for authentication on another computer. This article describes where passwords are stored in the Google Chrome browser.

How to view saved passwords

Suppose you don't remember the password for some resource, relying on Chrome's autofill. But it so happened that you need to log in to this resource from another browser or device. In this case, it is necessary to somehow remember or find out personal data. Logins and passwords are stored locally on your computer, as well as on the Google server.

To view them, you need to go to the Chrome settings section:

This way you can see the passwords that are stored in the Chrome browser or on the Google server.

If you need to pull information from the server, you will need Google account. Start Mailbox and log in to Chrome. The browser will automatically load all settings, bookmarks and saved data. To create an email, visit the service “” and follow the instructions. First, you will need to log in from your main browser to read and remember the data.


If for some reason you need to find the file itself in which encrypted information is recorded, follow this guide:

Internet users visit dozens or even hundreds of different sites every day. Most resources require registration, so it becomes very difficult for us to remember all the previously invented logins and passwords for accounts.

To organize the information necessary for authorization on sites, browser developers have created special systems for storing user passwords.

Let's take a closer look at how to view saved passwords in Chrome, the most popular browser from Google.

Password Location

There are several ways to access the window with all passwords. The easiest option is to enter the text chrome://settings/passwords into the address bar of your browser - this is the address of the local settings page, which contains automatic login data for sites. As a result, you should end up on a page like this:

Rice. 1 – page of saved logins and passwords in Chrome

Important! This method of enabling the preferences window may not work in older versions of the browser.

You can use another way to enter the passwords tab:

  • launch the browser and on the home page find the menu key (upper right corner of the toolbar);
  • click on the “Settings” item;

Rice. 2 – Chrome browser menu

  • Scroll down the window that opens and click on the “Advanced settings” button;
  • now, among all the new parameters, find the “Passwords and Forms” group;
  • In the “Save passwords” item, click on the “Show” button and a page will open in front of you, as in Figure 1.

In addition to browser settings, data on saved passwords can be viewed on the PC itself.

Chrome writes user data to a system file located on the computer’s hard drive.

The file address may differ depending on the operating system used.

The figure below shows a list of the most popular operating systems and the addresses of the directories in which the file called Login Data is stored:

Go to the desired folder on your hard drive and find the Login Data file. It does not have an extension, so it cannot be opened just like that.

How can I see the login and password for the site?

Once you have found the location of the autosave settings or the local file that contains them, you can begin viewing the necessary passwords and logins for sites.

To see passwords in the browser itself, select the site you need and click on the show button.

Only after entering this data correctly will you have the right to view personal information in the browser:

Rice. 7 – viewing passwords in the Chrome browser

If, for some reason, you are unable to access the data in the browser itself, you can try to “pull” the information from the Login Data file.

In fact, the contents of this file do not have a specific format, but it is a component of the local MS MySQL database and stores organized information for browser users (list of sites, logins, passwords, installed extensions, etc.).

How to open a file? Since Login Data was created mainly for developers, it can be opened using special development programs.

Eg, SQL Management Studio 2014– using this software you can create local and server databases and use them in the applications you create.

To open the Login Data file, launch the studio, then connect to the local database that is installed on your PC:

After a successful connection, click on the “File” tab, and then on “Open”. In the computer explorer window that opens, find Login Data and run it. The following table will appear in the studio window:

The username_value and password_value fields contain the values ​​of logins and passwords, respectively.

Reference: If you do not have the opportunity to install a separate studio for database development on your PC, you can use the DB Browser SQL utility. With its help, you can view the contents of the file itself, but without the right to edit database fields.

Removing a password

To remove the login-password combination from the autosave window, you need to select the desired site and click on the cross, as shown in the figure below. After this, the login information for the resource will be erased.

Likewise, users can edit saved data. Enter new information in the login or password field and save the changes.

Disable the option to save passwords in your browser

If you want Chrome to never save new passwords for websites again, you need to disable the feature automatic saving data.

To do this, in the “Passwords and Forms” settings, uncheck the box next to “Automatic login”, as shown in the figure below:

Now the browser will not save entered logins and passwords for new sites.

To not be carried out automatic login for previously used resources, delete all saved passwords and logins manually.

Then you must restart your computer for the new Login Data file settings to take effect.

How to protect saved passwords?

The new Chrome privacy policy immediately after its release did not include a clause on the separate protection of saved user passwords.

This incident in early 2014 attracted quite a lot of attention and outrage from browser users.

In theory, every virus, Trojan, or other form of malware could gain access to Google's stored browser passwords.

What should users do who want to keep their data as secure as possible?

To ensure protection against unauthorized access, follow these simple rules:

  • The operating system's antivirus or firewall must be enabled when using the Internet;
  • Don't forget to update regularly virus database defender This will protect you from the threats posed by all kinds of Trojans;
  • Do not click on the “Save site password?” button. This way, the data will not be entered into the password database, and other users or programs will not be able to use it;
  • Use utilities that restrict access to system directories on your PC. For example, Protected Folder, Folder Lock or PasswordProtect. Using one of these utilities, you can put a password on your browser passwords folder. Other software will be able to access the content.

At the end of 2014 Google developers We created a demo version of a system for protecting saved logins and passwords.

As of today, it is still running in beta mode and is only available on Mac OS and Windows.

The essence of the system is that you can view any password only if you have correctly entered the password for your account PC.

Defender will not work if you do not have a login password set on your computer.

Thematic video:

Logins and passwords for authorization on various sites are often stored in the settings of Internet browsers. This technique simplifies the life of users. Sometimes it becomes necessary to view relevant information. Let's find out where in Google Chrome passwords are stored. What needs to be done to view them in this or that case?

Methods for storing information

How to view saved passwords in Google Chrome? It is worth paying attention to the fact that by the assigned task, users can mean different actions.

For example, you can find passwords:

  • in the browser settings;
  • on the PC hard drive.

Ways to view passwords

Where are passwords stored in Google Chrome? Before thinking about this issue, it is recommended to decide on a method for solving the problem.

The thing is that the saved browser data can be viewed:

  • through built-in browser options;
  • through third-party applications;
  • by finding the corresponding file with information on the computer.

There shouldn't be any particular difficulties. Especially if you follow the guidelines below.

Through browser options

Where are passwords stored in Google Chrome? Let's start from the very beginning simple option- from studying browser settings. It is with their help that users can save data for authorization on sites and view them if necessary.

To find saved passwords in Chrome, the user must:

  1. Open Google Chrome.
  2. Click on the button responsible for opening the main menu of the browser. Typically this is a button with three dots/horizontal lines. She is located to the right of address bar.
  3. Go to the "Settings" block.
  4. Click on the "Advanced" hyperlink.
  5. Click on the line "Password settings" in the "Passwords and forms" block.

To see the password under the stars, you will have to click on the image of the eye to the right of the corresponding line. You don't need to do anything else. It is in the presented block that passwords are managed in Google Chrome.

Quick search

But that's just one of them possible options developments of events. Users can handle the task differently. How to view saved passwords in Google Chrome?

Guide quick access to the corresponding item in the Internet browser looks something like this:

  1. Log in to Google Chrome.
  2. In the address bar of the browser write chrome://settings/passwords.
  3. Click on Enter button on keyboard.

After this, the password management window will appear on the screen. All that remains is to find the site in the proposed list and click on the button with the image of an eye next to the stars (hidden password).

This technique is especially popular among advanced users. Beginner users most often work with passwords using the first instruction.

On the computer

We found out where passwords are stored in Google Chrome. How can I find the corresponding data on my computer? Sometimes this technique can be extremely useful. But they hardly ever use it in real life.

It's no secret that all browser data is stored on HDD. Google Chrome passwords and logins are no exception. Users have to go to certain addresses (they change depending on the OS used) to search for a file with passwords.

For Windows XP you need to go to: C:Documents And SettingsUsernameLocal SettingsApplication DataGoogleChrome (if available User folder Data, then User DataDefault.

Windows Vista and later stores browser data in the following path: C:UsersUsernameAppDataLocalGoogleChromeUser DataDefault.

For MacOS users, the following location is relevant: ~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default.

If the user works on Linux, he can find Google Chrome passwords at: ~/.config/google-chrome/Default.

On Chrome OS, passwords can be found at this address: /home/chronos/.

By specified paths the user will have to find the Login Data file. Now all that remains is to open the corresponding document and look at the Password column. It will display passwords for certain pages on the World Wide Web.

Third party programs and passwords

Now it’s clear how to view saved passwords in Google Chrome. The last method for solving the problem is to use specialized programs. It is worth noting that there are a lot of them.

For example, ChromePass is extremely popular among many. This is the dispatcher Google passwords Chrome that's easy to use.

To be able to use this utility, it is recommended to proceed as follows:

  1. Download and initialize ChromePass.
  2. Launch the browser and the corresponding application.
  3. Look at the output.

We found out where passwords are stored in Google Chrome. Finding them in your browser settings or on your computer will not be difficult. All instructions offered to your attention work flawlessly.

Despite the fact that there are not so many truly convenient and functional browsers, so what, they can be counted on one hand, the developers of each browser are trying to make them even more perfect. Their actions are aimed at ensuring that users have the most comfortable experience in using the web browser, and that all its functions meet the user’s requirements.

Google Chrome is a shining example of how to look good and convenient browser, it is used by millions of users around the world. And everyone, at least once, has forgotten the password for one site or another. For such purposes, Chrome provides a special function for remembering the password: you only need to confirm your decision once, after which the browser remembers the password, and the next time you visit the web page you no longer need to enter it. But where are passwords stored in Google Chrome? Let's figure it out together.

Saved passwords in Chrome

So, you have a need to look up the password for a site that you saved earlier. The fact is that the user, due to the fact that he does not have to enter the password every time, forgets it over time, and this is normal. Difficulties begin when, say, he needs to access the same resource, but from a different browser or computer, and remember the desired combination It does not work. And if you also did not find the necessary data in the letters.

So how to view passwords in Google Chrome? Let's move from theory to practice! First, go to your web browser settings by clicking on the button with three parallel lines to the right of the address bar. In the dropped context menu look for the “Settings” line and click on it. A new window will open in front of you, you need to go to the very bottom and click “Show additional settings" Now look for the “Passwords” category, and in it – “Password Management”.

A new window will open again with two columns. On the left side are sites that you visited and agreed to save your password. On the right side the password itself will be indicated. Using the same method you can.

How to view your password

To see required password, you need to click on the line with the site and password. They will become highlighted, and the word “Show” will appear in the field next to the password. Click on it and the encrypted dots will become the desired combination of letters and/or numbers.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated about looking where the password for a particular site is. Just follow the tips described above and you will succeed!

Video to help: