Training materials user manual for Yandex browser. What is the Yandex browser, and how to install it? Appearance of the new page

The Yandex search engine, having decided to keep up with its competitor Google, introduced its browser, which is freely available and can be used by everyone. Despite the fact that this Internet browser appeared much later than, it quickly gained popularity among users. Before you install Yandex.Browser, you should get acquainted with its features and differences from similar programs that made it famous and in demand.

Internet browser features

It does not take much time to install a Yandex browser on a computer. First, let's look at the main features of the browser . The control panel is made in a minimalist style. All unnecessary elements are missing here. As in Google Chrome, the address bar of the browser also serves as a search bar. If in the Yandex browser in the address bar the Yandex search engine is set by default, then in Google Chrome this must be done independently. You will learn how to do this.

Before you install the Yandex browser on a laptop or computer, pay attention to the interface. The tab bar is located above all others. In addition, the Internet browser has built-in protection that warns you when you go to dangerous websites. By default, pop-ups are blocked, although this can be changed in the settings. In general, we can say that the developers have presented a convenient and fast browser that has a number of advantages in comparison with similar programs.

How to install a browser from Yandex

It should be noted right away that installing Yandex Internet Browser is very simple. To do this, you do not need to turn to specialists at all, because even an inexperienced PC user will cope with such a procedure. Due to the fact that the application is freely available, you do not need to spend a penny.

So, if you have an OS of the Windows family, then you need to do the following. The first step is to open the browser that is being used on the computer. Windows initially costs, so in the absence of other Internet browsers, we turn to this. Next, open the official page of the application, in order to find it, either use a search engine, or enter in the address bar. Here we download the installation files to your computer.

If you are interested in how to install a Yandex browser on a tablet, then you will need to do the same steps. After the necessary files are loaded, double-click on them with the left mouse. Before the installation starts, the user will be prompted to read the license agreement. In addition, here you can also set the Internet browser from Yandex as the default browser. If you do not want this, then simply deselect the desired items and click the Start using button.

After these steps, you will need to wait a bit until the installation is completed. A welcome window will inform you about the completion of the installation. Yandex.Browser can automatically load all settings from the Internet browser that you have by default. When you start the application, a window will appear with a message about where the settings are being transferred from. To cancel this operation, you just need to click Cancel. In the future, if you want, you can do it at any convenient time. The composition of the settings will primarily depend on the application from which they will be loaded.

So, we looked at how to properly install the Yandex browser. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in this procedure. It must be remembered that you need to download the application from the official website in order to avoid any problems. In addition, here it is offered absolutely free of charge, neither registration nor sending of any SMS is required.

Many people use a search engine, and spend a lot of time extracting the necessary information. Often, due to competent promotion and promotion of sites, sellers of everything and everything are kept in the top positions. And in order to find what you are looking for, you have to spend a lot of time looking through heaps of pages. However, something I became like a cap, everyone knows this anyway. On the other hand, many do not know some of the tricks, so to speak, for the correct work with search queries. If many people know the trick - to put a minus in the search bar before the word - in order to exclude the results of pages where it is, then they don’t even know about other possible tricks. Example: write in the search bar "buy fruit" (without quotes). Look at tons of links. I do not like. Add "buy fruits - bananas." Now, as a result of the search, there will be pages without any bananas there =). Actually the whole list - how to use Yandex - is here. Taken, EU but from Yandex

Well, one more example from the table, so that it would be clear.

"Arrived * Ambassador" - is entered in the search string in quotation marks. This means that the words will follow in exact form, and not otherwise, and * indicates that one word is missing from the sequence of words. Those. You remember that it is there, but you have forgotten what it is.

It is enough to remember the main keys once - and the extraction of information will be simplified at times. As well as saving time.

List of keys under the cut.


"To us for the morning pickle"

Words are consecutive in exact form

"The *ambassador has arrived"

Missing word in quote

half humpback & mosol

Words within the same sentence

equip && get

Words within the same document

capercaillie | partridge | someone

Search for any of the words

you can't<< винить

Non-ranking "and": the expression after the operator does not affect the position of the document in the search results

I must /2 execute

Distance within two words in any direction (that is, one word can occur between given words)

state business &&/3 you catch the thread

Distance in 3 sentences in any direction

something I ~~ understand

Word exception understand from search

with my /+2 mind

Distance within two words in direct order

tea ~ laptem

Search for a sentence where the word tea meets without a word bast shoes

cabbage soup /(-1 +2) slurp

Distance from one word backwards to two words forward

I think! what! what

Words in exact form with specified case

it turns out && (+on | !me)

Parentheses form groups in complex queries


Dictionary form of the word

title:(in country)

Search by document titles

Search by URL

definitely inurl:vojne

Search based on URL fragment

Search by host

Search by host in writeback


Search across all subdomains and pages of a given site

Single file type search

Language restricted search

Domain restricted search

Date restricted search

date:20071215..20080101, date:>20091231

Date limited search



With the help of Yandex Wordstat, you can find out the number of search queries in Yandex. This will help you form the right vector for promoting your information project. You can even, which will greatly increase the speed of the site reaching the top. Today I will tell you how to use Yandex Wordstat.

We will analyze the most popular and important questions, talk about Yandex Wordstat Assistant, learn how to properly interact with this service and use the information received. Let's begin!

Yandex Wordstat is a service that allows you to view all query statistics in the Yandex search engine. You can see the frequency of requests (number of hits per unit of time), history, seasonality, etc. At the same time, the service can show different variations of these same requests.

Direct entry - when the phrase is used only in the form in which you want to see it, indirect - the word order changes, something is replaced by synonyms, etc. Wordstat also has the so-called “Right Column”. It shows related queries.

With the help of all these tools, you can understand how relevant this or that information is now.

Yandex Wordstat is a great service. Nevertheless, its use will not always be convenient. If you just want to see the statistics for one or two queries - please, all this is easy to implement and will not take you much time.

However, if you want to create a semantic core (a set of search phrases with statistics), then using Wordstat will already become a problem.

For a large amount of information, it is simply unsuitable, you will have to process each search phrase for a long time, not forgetting to enter all the necessary data into the table. Not very convenient.

Programs for automating work with the service can greatly facilitate the task. Among them, one can single out, and the Assistant is a plugin for Wordstat, which helps to easily parse information. We will also talk about the latter in today's article.

How to work with Yandex Wordstat

First of all, we should look at the service itself to understand the interface. It is quite simple and intuitive here, but some beginners can still get confused. Please note that you will need a Yandex account to use the service. Therefore, if you do not have it or you are not logged in, then on your first visit you will be prompted to enter or register.

As you can see, there is a simple line here for entering text. Below it are three variations - by words, by region, query history. Slightly to the right - the choice of regions. Now there is a mark "All regions". If you want to see statistics for a specific area, then you need to select it using a special window.

Now let's take a closer look at each of the proposed options.

Collection by words

This is the “default” option, it does not require any additional rendering - it simply shows query statistics for the desired region. Along with this, there is a forecast for the number of impressions that you will receive if this search query is selected as a promoted key.

Enter any keyword and click the "Select" button. After that, Wordstat will give you the result. In some cases, it will force you to enter a captcha. But it's not scary.

All search phrases that contain the specified word will be available in the left column. At the same time, there will be phrases that contain a modified version of the word - for example, with a different ending or in the plural.

“Similar” queries will be displayed in the right column. For example, “freelancing” and “remote work” are very similar things. Therefore, here Wordstat immediately shows me all the keys that may also interest me.

The numbers on the right are impressions per month. But do not flatter yourself, this is just a forecast, that is, the real state of affairs may differ both for the better and for the worse.

Also pay attention to devices. I have on the screenshot statistics for all possible. You can also see the number of impressions for desktops (computers and laptops), smartphones, tablets and simple mobile phones.

Collection by region

Here you can see the percentage of key popularity in different regions. In the same tab, you can work with cities. Only three tabs: regions, cities and all together.

Here, too, there is a forecast for monthly impressions and next to it, the percentage of regional popularity. If you click on this inscription, then the table will begin to form based on this very percentage - the least popular regions will be at the top, and the most popular at the bottom.

Here you can also select a device. Works on exactly the same principle.

You can switch the display mode of regional statistics from the list to the map. Then she will look like this.

The map is interactive. This means that you can easily interact with it using the mouse. When you hover over a region, you will be shown statistics for that region.

The least popular areas are marked in red. There are fewer requests. It's a funny fact, but the percentage of popularity there is very high. It's just that in other countries, few people use Yandex, and even more so in Russian.

Request History

The request history reflects seasonality - the number of requests at a certain point in time (month, day or week). This helps identify seasonal key phrases.

For example, it is logical that picnic supplies will be sought in the summer. And in winter, on the contrary, sleds, skates and warm clothes will be in trend. This is the essence of seasonal queries and this tab.

There is a chart and a list here. You can choose the type of grouping - by month or week. You can also select devices.

Notice the absolute and relative values. The first shows the real state of affairs, i.e. the number of impressions at a certain moment. The second is the ratio of the actual number and the total number of impressions for a certain month or week.

That is, the relative value shows the overall popularity of the key in comparison with all others.


Operators allow you to specify the collection type. For example, you want Wordstat to give you only queries that contain certain words. In this case, you should wrap the key in quotation marks: “Freelance exchanges”. However, the order and wording may differ.

Here is a complete table of specifying operators (the word “freelancing” is an example, any other can be in its place).

Operators can be used anywhere in a phrase. For example, if you enter freelance exchanges, then Wordstat will show all the phrases that contain the word "exchanges" and at the same time they do not contain "freelance". If you do the opposite: - freelance exchanges, then the requests will be only with the word “freelance”, with a complete disregard for the “exchange”.

Yandex Wordstat Assistant

This is a browser extension that makes it easier to search for words in Yandex Wordstat. To be more precise, the plugin speeds up the parsing of the received information into a table. You just click on the button and all the necessary information is immediately transferred to the table. It can then also be downloaded to an Excel file with one click.

The assistant is installed from the application store, which is in every known browser. On the official page of the plugin, you can find links for each browser. Just click on the one you need, after which you will immediately be transferred to the store, where the extension installation window will pop up.

Once the extension is installed and activated, an icon will appear on the right side of the list of all extensions. By clicking on it, you will immediately go to Wordstat.

Now, in addition to the standard interface, you will have a plugin window. Through it, all interaction with the plugin will take place.

Everything works very simply and clearly. There are five buttons in total, each of them is responsible for a specific action:

  • Add phrases – allows you to add phrases from Wordstat to the plugin. All the phrases that Wordstat issued will be added.
  • Copy list to clipboard - copies the entire list of phrases, but without frequencies.
  • Copy list with frequency to clipboard – copies the entire list of phrases and frequencies.
  • Sort - allows you to sort phrases by frequency, alphabet, order of addition, etc.
  • Clear List - clears the field.

In addition, now the displayed phrases have plus signs on the left. With their help, you can add the necessary phrases to the plugin.

With the help of minuses, these phrases can be deleted. Extremely simple functionality.

After collecting all the necessary search phrases, you must copy the information - with or without frequency, and paste it into an Excel spreadsheet. It will be presented in the form of two columns: the phrase itself and its frequency.

When manually collecting the semantic core, the installation of this plugin is strictly required. Otherwise, you will have to enter all the data yourself, and this is long, painful and uninteresting.


Search analytics is very important for website promotion. And not only informational, but also commercial projects, since the majority of users from the CIS like to search for information through Yandex, using Yandex Wordstat is a great opportunity to check the frequency, and hence the relevance of the key phrase.

The service is useful not only for Internet marketers or SEOs, even simple webmasters sometimes need to go and check the status of promoted search phrases. There are lessons that are dedicated to this service.

Therefore, if you want to understand the analysis of search phrases and learn how to promote information projects for monetization, then I advise you to definitely look. In addition, there is other useful information for webmasters.

Greetings, friends.

To access the Internet, we need a special program called a browser or web browser. There are several popular products that you may have heard of. These are Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Yandex.Browser, Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge in new versions of Windows. All of them perform the same basic function - they allow us to enter and view information on various sites.

But each of these programs has its own characteristics that affect the choice of users. Today we will talk about what is interesting about Yandex Browser, how to install it and configure it on your computer or laptop.

Each web browser has its own advantages. I used to open websites only through Google Chrome. He completely suited me until he began to slow down terribly on an old laptop. I had to look for an alternative.

Then I switched to Mozilla Firefox, also a pretty nice browser. I especially like the fact that you can open many tabs and they won't shrink into a thin strip. But a little time passed, and Firefox also began to slow down, and also give errors every day for some period. I quickly got tired of it, and I installed Yandex.Browser.

Before that I heard good reviews about him, but I was skeptical about them. Now I successfully use the program, it turned out to be much faster than Chrome and Firefox. A pleasant interface, a convenient menu, successful initial settings that almost did not have to be changed - all this is present in this web browser. Therefore, I can definitely recommend it, especially to owners of not very powerful PCs and laptops.

Step-by-step instructions for free installation on a computer

To start the installation, open the site in your browser. Most likely, you will immediately see an offer to use the browser from Yandex.

Click on the “Install” button or on the inscription “Download browser”. After that, you will be taken to a page dedicated to this program, from where you can download it to your computer, smartphone or tablet. Click the "Download" button.

After that, the Yandex.exe installation file will be copied to your device. You can see it in the top or bottom line of the browser, as shown in the screenshot below, as well as in the “Downloads” folder or other directory that you have chosen for materials downloaded from the Internet. We find the Yandex.Browser installer and open it.

In the window that appears, pay attention to 2 checkboxes that you can leave or remove. I usually agree that the program sends reports, and I hope that this really helps to improve its performance. Whether to make Yandex the default browser is up to you. If you leave the bird, then links from other programs will open in this web browser. Make your choice and press the big yellow button.

We allow the application to make changes to the computer and wait until the installation process is completed.


When the browser is installed, it will immediately open and prompt you to go to the settings. You can take advantage of this offer or start using the program right away and customize it later. We will deal with this now and go through the main parameters.

Initial settings

First of all, the caring Yandex.Browser offers us to transfer tabs from another web browser that we used earlier. This is quite convenient and can save time. Click "OK" if you agree with this step, and "Do not transfer" if you do not need it.

After that, the program may restart. Then we are offered to log in to our Yandex account. If you don't have one and don't plan to start it yet, skip this step.

Otherwise, log in to your account or click "Register" to use other services of the company. Then the system prompts us to install Yandex.Disk. You can also skip this step for now. We pass to the start or, as it is also called, the home page.

Important parameters

You can access the browser menu at any time and change the settings. To do this, click on the 3 bars at the very top of the screen on the right, here are all the main options. Select "Settings" from the drop-down list.

Now scroll down the screen and change the desired program parameters.

Each of us has our own priorities, but first of all, I recommend going through these options:

  1. Add users if you have multiple accounts or someone else is using the computer.
  2. Synchronize the system with one of the accounts in order to easily use various services and functions on all your devices, as well as save information on the company's server so as not to lose it in case of emergency.
  3. Determine the download location for the files. I usually ask the browser each time to specify in which folder a particular document should be saved. It suits me more than warehousing materials in downloads.

Now switch to the "Passwords and cards" tab and go to the settings. If more than one person uses the computer, you can set a master password to access important information.

I also advise you to carefully check the settings in this paragraph. You can store passwords for different sites and autofill forms, but I don't recommend doing that. It is better to store the credentials in a notepad or special programs.

Additional settings

There are options that are not so important for work, but can greatly speed up, make it easier and more enjoyable. Optionally, you can:

  • import, that is, copy all the necessary data from other web browsers installed on the computer;
  • make the Yandex program the default browser if you plan to open all links with it;
  • configure the search engine so that it shows hints and corrects errors when entering a query, and also speeds up page loading;
  • change the appearance of the program by adding or removing panels and widgets;
  • apply a dark and light interface to make it more pleasant to work and less tired eyes;
  • set up the voice assistant "Alice";
  • edit properties of tabs and smart line;
  • prohibit or allow the launch of the program along with the loading of Windows, autorun is sometimes very convenient;
  • apply autocomplete forms, etc.

In fact, the browser provides quite ample opportunities to adapt the functions and interface for themselves. I recommend that you try different options to create a comfortable working environment. Do not be afraid, you can always go to the menu and change or reset the settings if something does not suit you.

Also, sometimes the program offers to evaluate experimental features. To do this, you need to go to the beta version of the web browser. This activity is interesting, but not completely safe, so be careful with such experiments.

Appearance of the new page

You don't have to bookmark or keep tabs open to quickly access sites you use frequently. You can also customize the appearance of the start page. To do this, click on the plus sign at the very top of the screen next to the last open tab.

Here you can add the site to the quick access bar and change the background.

How to reinstall

To uninstall and install the program again without losing data, you need to perform the following sequence of actions:

  1. Go to the "Options" menu in Windows.
  2. Open the "Applications" section.
  3. Find Yandex.Browser.
  4. Click on it, then on the "Delete" button.
  5. We confirm our desire.
  6. Then select the "Delete" option.
  7. In the next dialog box, do not put any marks, but simply press the button again to remove the program.
  8. When the process completes, be sure to restart your computer.

Now go through the steps all the way described at the beginning of this article and reinstall the web browser. When it starts, you will see that all data and tabs have been saved.

If you want the program to work “from scratch” after reinstallation without the changes and settings you have made, then at the 8th step check the box next to the text about deleting all information.


We have studied in detail the Yandex.Browser installation algorithm and the main settings that you should pay attention to immediately after starting the program. I hope everything worked out for you, and this web browser will serve you faithfully. If you have any questions about installing, configuring or using the application, write to us, we will solve them together. I already have quite a lot of experience interacting with Yandex.Browser, so I'll try to help.

Bookmark the article so you can come back to it later and clarify important points. Subscribe to new site materials to make your life on the Internet more comfortable and gain new knowledge on topical issues.

All the best, friends.

Novice Internet users may be interested in what Yandex Disk is. Let me explain right away - this is cloud storage, disk space that is provided to any user with Internet access.

What is Yandex.Disk for?

It helps to store files that are rarely used on a personal computer (archives, program images, photos).

Note! The amount of allocated disk space is usually 10 gigabytes.

Using Yandex Disk often saves valuable data that was previously duplicated on a computer and in cloud storage.

For example, if the operating system does not start as a result of a failure or the hard drive is broken, the owner of the files can log into their Yandex account and download them to a new device. This forethought saves a lot of time and money.

It remains only to learn how to use Yandex Disk - in order to be able to personally experience all the benefits of the project.

Registering a mailbox

Unfortunately, the creators of the service did not provide for the possibility of using Yandex Disk without mail. Therefore, you must first register a personal box:

Open the site and follow the link "", located in the corner of the page.

Enter your first and last name. You can use an invented pseudonym or real personal data, there is no difference.

To install Yandex.Disk, open a Yandex account

  • Create a username. It must consist of Latin letters, and also not duplicate the existing one.
  • Set a strong password - when using the vault, it is important to pay attention to security.
  • Press the "Register" button and wait for the server to process the request and create an account.

Using Yandex Disk

It is not necessary to use the mailbox, it is only required to enter the cloud storage. It is located in the user tab by the link "Disk", you can also go there by entering the address in the browser line.

The screen will welcome the new user and notify you that you have been given 10 gigabytes of disk space in perpetuity. It can be freely used to save files of various formats.

If the allocated 10GB is not enough for you, there is an opportunity to purchase additional gigabytes of disk space for money.

How to use Yandex Disk for the first time?

When you log in to Yandex.Disk for the first time, we are prompted to download an application for a computer (“Download Disk for Windows”). I think you should not rush to install the application. To begin with, it is better to evaluate all the advantages of the online version. Therefore, we say "thank you" and close the window with the invitation.

Next, go to the main tab "Files". There you can upload or download data, as well as create new directories. To add your first file to the cloud storage, just click on the appropriate button and select it on your computer.

The process of completing the task depends on the size of the file and the connection speed provided by the provider. When the operation is completed, a new item will appear in the main or pre-selected folder.

After that, the received address must be copied to the clipboard and sent to any user. Anyone can download information via a direct link - even if he does not understand what Yandex cloud storage is and how to use it.

Program for Yandex Disk

You can use the storage service not only through the web interface, but also through the official program on your computer. But it is better to do this when you master the online version of the disc.

The Yandex.Disk application is optimized for working with files. While a regular browser often makes mistakes when loading large amounts of information and even automatically closes in the middle of the process.

You can download the application on the site and install it on a PC for free. Our guide will help you with this:

Go to Yandex Disk and select your operating system from the list provided.

Download the installation image to your hard drive and run it by clicking on it.

Accept the license agreement, wait for the installation, and the program will appear in the registry of your computer.

In the window that opens, enter your email address and password to gain access to your personal file storage.

After that, the main directory with a list of files, as well as folders and partitions, will be displayed. To load new information, be it an archive, video or image, just drag it with the mouse into the program window and wait for the task to start.

In general, working with storage elements is completely similar to the web interface, except for the increased speed of data processing and high convenience.

A feature of Yandex Disk installed on a computer is integration into the operating system. After installation, the user will see that a new drive has appeared in the My Computer folder. It is on it that the files uploaded to the cloud will be duplicated - for greater security.

If desired, Yandex Disk for Windows can be configured in detail, managing synchronization, the amount of allocated space, and other important aspects. This makes the application flexible, functional and very user friendly.

To configure Yandex.Disk, find the icon in the lower right corner of your computer screen. Click on it to go to the disk settings.

Next, going into the settings, we can designate the folders that will be automatically synchronized. That is, their contents will be automatically duplicated in the Yandex disk cloud. To do this, go to the "sync" tab of the disk settings and uncheck the folders that do not need to be synchronized.

Thus, you have learned how to install and use Yandex Disk. This cloud storage will help free up your computer's memory and secure valuable files - while you only need to pay money if you want to increase the size of the allocated space. And even a novice computer user can master the cloud. You just need to follow these instructions and have a desire to learn how to work with the service.