Twitter in Russian entrance. Application links

(Twitter) on this moment is one of the most popular in the world. Every day the number of new participants is measured in tens of thousands. What is the reason for such great popularity? How to use this social platform? What features does it offer? We will talk about all this in this review article.

1. The history of Twitter

First social service Twitter was launched on March 21, 2006. That day, the first public message left by founder Jack Dorsey appeared. It looks like this: “Setting up my twttr” (English: “Setting up my Twitter”). Initially, the service was planned to be used as a platform for the exchange of short messages between employees of the Odeo company, which specializes in the development software. The message length had to be 140 characters. The website's architecture allowed for instant publication of messages from users who subscribed to the message creator's account. First public version was introduced in June 2006. Two years later, the billionth message was recorded.

Today Twitter is a social network that gives account owners the opportunity to post on their page short messages up to 140 characters long (limited again in 2012). Those who want to register here see Twitter not only as a social network, but also as an excellent opportunity to distribute advertising.

The great popularity of this site is also due to the large number of famous personalities who have official accounts. At one time, the world experienced the fashion of registering a Twitter page in order to find out more about the thoughts of their idols. Everyone has the opportunity to quickly find a famous person by typing his initials or nickname in the search. Subscribing to news allows you to receive the latest information about posts left on celebrity pages.

Additionally, Twitter has emerged as one of the most powerful news platforms. Thanks to the simple, but at the same time effective system hashtags, everyone has the opportunity to familiarize themselves with various information that may arouse interest.

2. How to register on Twitter

In the "Design" section you also have the opportunity to customize your own theme. The interface looks like this:

There are no restrictions on design as such. However, we recommend that you refrain from posting images that are too explicit or may offend other users.

Now let's take a look small instructions how to use Twitter, its capabilities and advantages.

4. Twitter features

4.1. Searching for information using hashtags

A hashtag is keywords that are placed directly in a user's post. With its help, other users can quickly find interesting information.

To find necessary information, you need to use the search bar located here:

A pound sign (#) must be used before entering a keyword. After it is entered keyword search. There should be no space between the character and the word. For example, enter the hashtag #downhill. Here's what we got:

4.2. How to Retweet

Retweeting is essentially an alternative to reposting on in social networks VKontakte, Facebook and so on. The essence of this feature is that the user places a post from another user on his feed, showing it to his readers who have subscribed to the account.

The most common way to retweet is to use special key under the post. Let's look at it with a specific example.

We're on the Twitter page of Downhill racer Aaron Gwin. We liked the post left on the page and want to retweet it to our page.

Select the "Retweet" icon and click on it.

The following window will appear. Click on the "Retweet" button.

The retweeted post appeared on your page.

4.3. How to add a follower on Twitter

There are two ways to become a follower of a specific user. The first, and perhaps the most common, is to subscribe to the person’s account suggested by common interests. There is a special column located on the right side of the site for this purpose. Clicking on the "Follow" button automatically turns you into a follower (reader) of the selected user.

There is a second way. We are looking for a person who interests us. After that we move on to it personal page. On the right side of the page there is a "Read" button. Clicking on it automatically signs your account to the selected user.

4.4. View a list of your followers

On the page you can see a list of your followers, i.e. those who subscribed to you. I wrote a separate article about how you can attract users and become popular on Twitter.

Hello, dear blog readers . Today I will try to explain to you,what is twitter () and why your blog even needs it.

I'll tell you a secret, the next lesson (it will be a bonus) will be devoted to the topic of making money on Twitter (yes, yes, you can make money on Twitter!). I’ll write out a whole diagram of how I make money on Twitter, and not just “you can earn money here or there”), so be sure to subscribe to RSS and wait for a detailed bonus lesson. By the way, in the next lesson there will be a nice little thing and it will be available only to subscribers (RSS - what is it?).

Twitter theory

Twitter– this is a kind of “chat”. When I first learned about this service, for a long time I could not understand why it was needed, what its interest was. Since for now twitter in Russian The language has not yet been launched, so you may encounter some difficulties, but together we will overcome them.

So, in this “chat” you see messages from people who are interesting to you, in turn, your messages are seen by people who are interested in you. Below I will give an example.

Let's say you are friends with Kolya and subscribe to his tape(all his posts). Now, if Kolya writes, let’s say “I want to go for a walk!” You will see this entry. If you write “Kolya, let's go for a walk!”, he will not see this message, since he has not yet subscribed to your feed. And in order to see what you write, he will have to subscribe to you.

You are probably asking a question, huh? why do you need twitter and what does it have to do with my blog? The point is that by subscribing to interesting people You will learn a lot of useful and interesting things, in turn, you can periodically share links to articles on your blog, which may interest readers of your feed and they may go to your blog, and these are additional readers. In turn, if they like the material, they can tell others about this article and so on down the chain, which will attract tens, hundreds, and maybe thousands of new visitors to your blog.

A few words about Twitter

  • There are more than 110 million registered on Twitter! users.
  • Maximum number of characters sent at a time total 140 characters! This means that you don’t have to read all sorts of “works” of other users. Thoughts should be clear, short and clear.
  • More than 200,000 users from Russia.
  • Many famous stars, politicians, and athletes are also on Twitter. A small list of those who are already on Twitter: President D.A. Medvedev, hockey player A. Ovechkin, T. Kandelaki, S. Lazarev and others.

Twitter: registration in Russian

So, let's get straight to registering on Twitter.

  1. Fill in the data (I will provide translations of the lines in the language):
    Full name – your name;
    Username – Your nickname (login). He will “accompany” you constantly. Must be unique, since your twitter feed will have the address
    Password – Your password.
    Email – your address Email.
    Let others find me by my email address – The checkbox next to these words allows searching by your email address (useful when you have many contacts in your email address). You can leave the checkbox.
    Terms of Service – service rules.
    I want the inside scoop—please send me email updates! – Notify about updates on email. The checkbox should probably be removed after all. I'm all about keeping my inbox clean.
    Click Greate my account.
    This is what my Twitter looks like after filling it out in Russian:

  2. In the next window that opens, enter the code from the picture:

  3. In the next window, click “Next step: friends”:

  4. The following is similar to “Next step: search”
  5. And in the next “Next step: You’re done!”
    If for some reason steps 5, 6, 7 didn’t work out for you, it’s okay.
  6. Now, if you have already received a letter from Twitter confirming the email specified during registration, you can confirm your Mailbox. If the letter has not yet arrived, do it later.

About Twitter in Russian

Now I will talk about some concepts in twitter so that you can become a confident user on this service.

On the right you can see a panel that you will work with often. She looks like this:

Let's take it piece by piece.

following– a number that shows the number of people you have subscribed to. To subscribe to other users, you can find in the search bar (Search - it’s located just below) the right people. True, I have never used it yet.

By clicking on the above button, you should be redirected to the following page:

By clicking on the Follow button (see above) you subscribe to my feed. Try also pressing. As a result, you should get the following:

Now to get back to home page of your profile, you need to click on the Twitter logo or the Home button:

On your home page you will see my Last messages(how newer message, the higher it is):

You can ask where you got a message from an unknown person in your feed (indicated in the picture above by number 1). It appeared because I did (let me remind you that in our case you subscribed to me) (Retweet), i.e. quoted someone's post. The fact that this is a retweet is written where the second arrow is. If you see a small window (help), just click Close (arrow No. 3).

Let's study Twitter further: let's say you are standing with your friends. When addressing someone, you say something like this: “Kolya, let’s go for a walk.” So on twitter, in the same way, if a message is addressed to someone, then it is customary to put a sign at the beginning of the message @ (dog). For example, if you want to write to me, you should do something like this: “@wpnew Thanks for the instructions about Twitter in Russian, I figured it out.”

How can you see these messages that are addressed to you? To do this, just click on the button where it says @ your nickname:

As a result, you will see messages from other people on Twitter who mentioned your name (or rather nickname):

You can retweet a message that is sent to you (see the definition of the concept above) or reply to it. You can answer in two ways:

To see who and how many people retweeted your message, you need to click on the Retweets button:

Then go to the Your Tweets, Retweeted tab.

Arrow 1 shows the number of people who retweeted this message.

Arrow No. 2 shows the thumbnail of the person (avatar) who made the retweet (you can click on it to go to the page given user). Naturally, if more than one person retweeted, then there will be many of these “small images”.

To go to Twitter settings, you need to go to the right top corner click on the Settings button:

In the tab that opens Account You can change your Time Zone.

Next go to the tab Notices and uncheck all the boxes (this is done so that any garbage does not come to you by email):

To save, click Save.

Now go to the Profile tab:

  1. Be sure to include an avatar (a picture next to your name).
  2. You can enter the city as you wish.
  3. It is also advisable to mention the address of your website (blog); if it is not there, it’s okay.
  4. The Bio section is required to be filled out! Remember what more information, the more confidence in you. The Bio section needs to be filled out briefly and so that people who read this post immediately want to follow you.
  5. Don't forget to save your actions.

Next tab Design.

On this page you will manage appearance your Twitter page. You can choose background pictures that the service offers us. But, in my opinion, they don't look very good. Below there is a button Change background image, by clicking on it you can download own image to the background.

You will see the changes after clicking the save changes button.

Also, by clicking on the Change design colors button (in the same tab), you can change the color of text, links, sidebar, etc.


  1. The number of remaining characters that will fit into your message.
  2. Fields for entering your message.
  3. Tweet button, similar to the “send” button.
  4. Previous message, on Twitter they are called tweets. That is, under arrow 4 the latest tweet is shown.
  5. How many hours ago was the last tweet posted?
Let's look at the next section.
  • @your_nick — View all messages where your nickname is mentioned.
  • Direct Messages – Personal messages (used VERY RARELY).
  • Favorites – Honestly, I’ve never used it.
  • Retweets – A page where you can look at retweets of other users; retweets made by you and retweets made to your messages.
  • Search – Search string.
  • Lists, the name of the created group (the creation of a group is described above).
    1. Mention – Write to this person.
    2. Unfollow – Unfollow (i.e. no longer see this person’s messages).
    3. Block – Block (helps against spammers).
    4. Report for spam – Complain (also against spammers).

    A few more words about twitter. Many people, instead of retweeting (Retweet button), do this: “RT @wpnew I like to read the blog” This is analogous to Retweet a message from a person with the nickname wpnew.

    If you have any difficulties, please ask in the comments. If necessary, I will add to the lesson or change it a little. It is still impossible to cover everything.

    As a token of gratitude, please follow me (subscribe to my Twitter feed).


    You may have noticed that this is quite a lengthy lesson. I gave it as an example. Dear blog readers, on the right there is a “Don’t pass by” item, where voting is carried out. Please vote: how often would you like to see lessons on the blog? But keep in mind that if the lesson is once a week, then it will be voluminous, approximately like this lesson, and if every day, then the lessons will be short.

    And of course, do not forget to subscribe to the blog, there are many more interesting things waiting for you. See you in the next lessons! Here's another very detailed lesson that you'll probably like: learn down to the smallest detail how to promote a website.

    Today I want to talk about such a popular phenomenon as Twitter. For webmasters, this social network can help attract additional visitors to your site, as well as other social networks. For example, such as, and, as well as Twitter can serve as a kind of analogue.

    For example, as far as I know, many visitors to my blog site follow its updates through this microblogging service. But in order for this to work as it should, you will need to understand what Twitter is, how to register with it and how to use it.

    By the way, recently the registration form and interface of this service have been completely translated into Russian, which is good news. True, when this article was written, this social network was not yet friendly with the Russian language, so I had to rewrite and add something.

    What is Twitter and how to use it?

    So, what is Twitter? First of all, it is a service designed for communication. It has replaced (or in addition to) the tired traditional social networks, and its audience is growing like a snowball. Now, it is probably difficult to meet a person who has never heard of it or similar microblogging services (FriendFeed, etc.).

    However, for many, the essence of these services remains unclear and therefore it is worth answering the question “What is Twitter” in a little more detail. In this series of articles, I will try to talk in detail about how to register in it (now in Russian), how to work with it, how to gain subscribers (followers), how to automatically post the titles of new materials on your site into it (this will be) .

    Twitter was created in 2006, and by the beginning of 2007 it had already gained sufficient popularity. It is sometimes characterized as microblogging due to the fact that the size of the message left in it is limited to 140 characters. Due to this limitation, Twitter messages using special services to something like this:

    Due to the short length of messages, it is very convenient to communicate with mobile phone. Actually, Twitter was designed for this, because... it has a limit of 140 characters per message, and in a mobile phone, as you know, the limit is 160 characters (in SMS messages). The remaining 20 characters can be used for the sender's name.

    But to do this, you will have to provide your login and password to access your Email. My main mailbox is located on Gmail, but somehow I didn’t dare to transfer its password to Twitter.

    If you decide to take this step, then, apparently, based on your address book, all users from it who also have an account in this microblogging service will be found. Well, you can add them to your friends.

    In the time since this article was written, Twitter has not only begun to support the Russian language, but has acquired a new interface. Therefore, immediately after successful registration, you will be taken to a page at the very top of which there will be icons for your next steps.

    Described in previous paragraph the step is now called “Friends” and is numbered 3:

    The new interface has new step, which opens after registration - “Interests”. On this tab you can tell us which topics are interesting to you. By opening one of the proposed topics, you will see the feeds available in it.

    To subscribe to them you will only need to click on the button "Read" located nearby. As a result, the button will change its appearance and the inscription “Reading” will appear on it:

    How to change the background for Twitter?

    By default, your profile background will be blue, but you can change it, as well as the color of the panels, font color and links on your page at your discretion. For example, my Twitter looks like So.

    You can also see what the interface of this service looked like before. To do this, you will need to select the “To old Twitter” option from the drop-down list next to your “Username” (located in the upper right corner):

    To customize your page design, select from top menu the “Settings” item (see screenshot above), and in the window that opens - the “Design” item.

    For settings background your Twitter page, you can use the suggested options by simply clicking on them. If none of the proposed backgrounds are to your liking, then you can use your own graphic file as .

    To do this, click on the “Change” button background image» under the background thumbnails, click on the “Select file” button and find the desired graphic file on your computer.

    By clicking on the “Change design colors” button in the Twitter settings on the right under the thumbnails, you will be able to:

    1. fill the background with one color, which you can select by clicking on the square labeled “background”
    2. set the text color on your account pages by clicking on the square labeled “text”
    3. select a color for all links by clicking on the square labeled “links”
    4. You can select the background color and border color for the right sidebar on your Twitter webpage by clicking on the “bar” and “border” squares, respectively.

    After you finish doing aesthetic delights, do not forget to save the changes by clicking on the appropriate button at the very bottom. I didn’t notice it at first and, as a result, I had to customize the background and design of my Twitter account again. In the same settings window, on the “Profile” tab, you can attach an avatar by selecting the desired picture in the “Image” area.

    Select “Profile” from the top settings menu. Here you can make changes to your existing profile data, and I also recommend adding the address of your web project to the “More Info URL” field. Remarkably, he will.

    But Lately search engines may still take into account to varying degrees backlinks from this microblogging service, which has .

    How to use Twitter (now in Russian)?

    By selecting the “Notifications” item from the top settings menu, you can configure: about what events you will be sent messages by email, for example, when someone subscribes to your feed (follows you). Directly from the sent letter, you can go to this person’s web page by clicking on his name:

    After reading the content of his messages, you can decide whether to subscribe or not subscribe to his Twitter feed. To subscribe you will need to click on the button "Read"(V English version interface - “Follow”, from where the legs of the terms follow, follow or follower grow) in the upper part of the window:

    Subscribing to messages from a user or, in other words, “Following” someone on Twitter (Follow) means adding someone to your contact list. This is what we just did by clicking on the “Follow” button.

    But that user won't be able to see your news until they add you to their contact list. The easiest way to create a list of contacts on Twitter is to add people with similar interests. You will add them, and they will add you.

    To do this, you can use Twitter search - Set in search bar your interests and as a result you will receive a huge list of inhabitants of this service who are interested in the same thing. Requests, of course, can be entered in Russian too.

    As soon as you add people to your contact list, their messages will appear in your feed. To get into your news feed you just need to go to TWITTER.COM, click on the “Login” link at the very top of the window and enter your username and password specified during registration.

    If the browser remembers your login and password, then after going to the above address you will immediately be taken to the news feed with messages from those Twitter users you follow.

    If you don’t like the posts of a user and you don’t want to read them anymore, you can unsubscribe from receiving messages from this user by going to his page (feed). To do this, you will need to click either on his name or on his avatar in the message. On his Twitter page, hover your mouse over the “Following” button, which will change to "Cancel", and click on it:

    There are a few more small buttons that will help you receive messages from this user on cellular telephone and so on. You can write your message on Twitter in the form provided at the very top home page with an inscription "What's happening?". When you start typing a message, you will see the number of characters that can still be typed to the bottom right of this form. In, but for this you will always have to have them at hand, because you will not find a built-in tooltip like VKontakte in this social network.

    To reply to an existing message on Twitter, simply move your mouse cursor over it and click on the inscription that appears at the bottom of the message "Answer"(in English - “Reply”).

    After this, the name of the user whose message you are going to write a reply to will automatically be added to the reply form, and this name will be preceded by an @ sign, meaning that this is, in fact, a reply.

    Messages are often read through specialized programs, and not through an Internet browser. There are quite a lot of such programs. Can send private messages via Twitter, which will not be seen by other users. To do this, the recipient must follow you, then you can on his web page, by analogy with the unsubscribe method discussed just above, click on the arrow next to the button resembling a sun and select “Direct message username” from the drop-down list.

    To summarize, we can make a generalization and say that Twitter is a service that is an explosive mixture of a blog and ICQ. But still, this is not really a blog. It is a means of communication and obtaining information. With it, you can meet people you are interested in, even if you are not added to each other’s contact list.

    If the person you want is not subscribed to your updates, you can still reply to their messages by simply pasting them into the reply form name with @ sign in front. As a result, he will notice you and you will be able to finish using any form convenient for you (icq, etc.).

    Well, besides this, of course, Twitter can bring visitors to your site in an amount proportional to the number of your followers, if you, for example, configure automatic posting titles of your new materials. But I’ll tell you about this and that and setting up posting there the titles of new articles from your website in the next article.

    By the way, Twitter developers recently launched another social project, however, user-oriented mobile gadgets— . It is now rapidly gaining popularity, so I advise you to read the article linked to it in order to, so to speak, keep up with life...

    Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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    Social networks today are more popular than ever and every 2nd inhabitant on earth already has their own page. But many who remain on the sidelines are only now showing a desire to register with a social network. Twitter networks but don't know how to do it. It is for such people that this article was written.

    Following our instructions, registration will not take you even 5 minutes of time as it is very simple, free and in Russian!

    Instructions for registration (free)

    Go to the official website in the account creation section:

    In the appropriate fields you must enter the data that will be displayed in your profile and with which you will log in.

    • First and last name - It is advisable to enter real data. Using them, your friends and family will be able to find you later.
    • Phone number or email — this data is necessary for the system to identify you in the future and prevent the possibility of losing the page.
    • Password — with its help you can log in to your created, personal account.

    The system will also prompt you to enable or disable the ability to “Adapt Twitter based on recently visited web pages.” It is turned on by default, and this allows the social network to slightly adjust the “world around you” based on your priorities (you will fill them out in the next stages of registration).

    After all fields have been filled in, click the “Registration” button and continue the process.

    Activating mail for your account

    It is mandatory to confirm the Email that was entered. It’s better to do this right away, because at the end of the registration process, it will appear on the page annoying notification and will hang until the mail is verified.

    This is quite easy to do. Log in to your email and in your inbox, look for a message with the title: “Verify your Twitter account...”. If you can’t find it, look in the Spam folder or use the internal search by entering the email address as a request

    Once you open it, you will find the “Confirm Now” button - click on it. The system will open the activation URL in a new browser tab and after a few seconds your page and a message should appear on it “ Your account has been verified. Thank you! ».

    Now you will receive important notifications about actions taking place on your profile - this is enabled by default. You can disable or configure notifications in the settings, in the “ tab Email Notifications " Settings contains 4 sections where you can control all notifications:

    1. Actions related to you and your tweets.
    2. Actions related to your retweets.
    3. Your friends' actions.
    4. News from Twitter.

    Entering a phone number or not

    The next step is to enter and confirm your mobile phone number. Of course, you can ignore it by clicking the small “Skip” button, but sooner or later you will still have to do it. Without this, we will not be able to fully use our page.

    Twitter tells us that a phone number keeps our account secure, makes us closer to our friends, and makes it easier to log into the site. We can't help but agree with this, so we'll do this and enter our number:

    Having selected the country you are in from the drop-down list, enter the number in the appropriate field and click “Next”. After this, you will be sent a confirmation code to this number. SMS messages may be charged at the standard rate (if you have a paid inbox).

    Having received an SMS with a 6-digit code, enter it in the field below and click send “Send”.

    If the code has not arrived within 5-10 minutes, request it again using the " I didn't receive the code "(it is located under the input field). On the page with the repeated request, you will be able to choose how to receive it through a call. If everything was done correctly, the system will offer to switch to the newly created account.

    It is also worth noting that by reporting social. network your number, you can, don’t worry about the number becoming visible to everyone - it won’t.

    Mobile alerts

    All notifications in the section " Mobile technologies» are disabled by default. But this is not surprising, because every SMS costs money, and, as you know, you always want to save it.

    If we want the system to inform us about important events occurring on the page through short messages. Text notifications can be connected for 3 categories:

    1. Tweet alerts.
    2. Announcements from Twitter.
    3. Reading Suggestions.

    By checking the “Disable during these hours” checkbox, you can set the time at which it is most convenient for you to receive SMS notifications. After everything is configured, save the changes and enjoy comfortable communication in social microblogging.

    Setting up the created page

    After an account has been created, you will receive a login by default, which is generated from the name of the specified email. To change it, use the profile settings, namely, this section .

    In the “Username” line, enter the login that will be displayed in the address ( and in mentions (@Login).

    There you can select your country of residence, customize the display of content, select a language or time zone, and many other functions that we recommend that you familiarize yourself with.

    Add photo

    You can upload the first avatar to your page like this: go to the main page and click on the image of the camera and in the window where the photo should be, a drop-down menu will appear, where you need to select the “Upload photo” item. Next, through the explorer that opens, select the desired image on your computer and save the changes.

    Twitter header photo

    Adding an image to top part pages happens, just like

    The authorization system for the Twitter microblogging service as a whole is the same as that used in other social networks. Accordingly, problems with entry are by no means rare occurrences. And the reasons for this can be very different. However, losing access to your Twitter account is not a serious cause for concern, because there are reliable mechanisms for restoring it.

    Problems with logging into Twitter arise not only due to the user’s fault (lost login, password, or all together). The reason for this may be a service failure or account hacking.

    We will consider all options for obstacles to authorization and methods for completely eliminating them.

    Reason 1: Lost username

    As you know, logging into Twitter is carried out by specifying your username and password. account user. The login, in turn, is the username or the email address or mobile phone number associated with the account. Well, the password, of course, cannot be replaced by anything.

    Thus, you can log into your account either from Twitter or using a separate one.

    At the same time, if the service flatly refuses to accept the email address you entered, most likely an error was made when writing it. Correct it and try logging in again.

    Reason 2: Lost email address

    It is easy to guess that in this case the solution is similar to the one presented above. But with just one amendment: instead of an email address in the login field, you need to use your username or mobile phone number associated with your account.

    When further problems with authorization it is worth using. This will allow you to receive instructions on how to restore access to your account to the same mailbox that was previously linked to your Twitter account.

    Reason 3: no access to the linked phone number

    If your account did not have a mobile phone number associated with it or it was irretrievably lost (for example, when you lost your device), you can restore access to your account by following the instructions above.

    Reason 4: "Login closed" message

    In this case, the solution to the problem is as simple as possible - you just need to wait a little. The fact is that such an error is a consequence of temporary account blocking, which on average is automatically disabled an hour after activation.

    Reason 5: The account was probably hacked

    If there is reason to believe that your Twitter account has been hacked and is under the control of an attacker, the first step, of course, is to reset your password. We have already explained how to do this.

    Also, after restoring access to a hacked account, it is worth taking measures to ensure its security. And these are:

    So, we have looked at the main problems with logging into a Twitter account. Anything beyond this relates rather to service failures, which are extremely rare. And if you still encounter a similar problem when logging in to Twitter, you should definitely contact

