Tricolor shows only one channel. What to do if basic channels are not shown on Tricolor TV? Other possible reasons for the lack of broadcasting of free channels

Tricolor TV has one package of HD channels for all “Unified” subscribers, the cost of which is 1200 rubles. per month. But at the same time, any digital television operator is required by the Federal Law to broadcast free channels available for everyone to watch. Why then might users get the message “no signal” on free programs. How to diagnose and fix the error.

The “basic” package of channels is automatically connected to customers free of charge. The following list of TV programs is indicated on the Tricolor TV website:


  • Russia 1;
  • Match;
  • Fifth;
  • Russia 24 and Culture;
  • Carousel;
  • ORT and TVc;
  • RetTV;
  • Saved;
  • STS and Domashny;
  • TV3 and Zvezda;
  • TNT and Friday;
  • First and Mir, as well as MuzTV.
  • And also 4 promo channels from Tricolor TV.

However, there is information that since 2017 the list free broadcasting will be significantly reduced to just 8 TV programs. In the “Basic” package: three information, an Orthodox channel, two promos and TV-TV, TV2-TV.

Let's look at why a malfunction may occur and how to fix it. First of all, it is worth checking the functionality of the equipment itself.

How to check the correct operation of equipment

If the “Basic” package stops working for you, the error may be due to incorrect operation of the equipment. To diagnose and solve the problem, do the following:

  1. Check the functionality of the equipment from the very beginning. The very first option is to restart the power supply, that is, unplug it from the outlet for 10 - 15 seconds, then start it again.
  2. If the first method does not give any positive changes, we proceed to checking the Promotional channels, which should function even with the Smart Card removed. Even if it writes: “no signal,” reset the equipment settings.

How to reset your receiver

It is recommended to reset the equipment settings to factory settings in almost all malfunctions related to the broadcast of HD Tricolor TV channels. To carry out this operation you must:

  1. Go to the menu;
  2. Enter your PIN code.
  3. Go to the factory settings item.
  4. And confirm your decision (twice).
  5. Then, enter the desired region again and click on auto-search for channels.
  6. Save the settings.

According to the rules of digital television broadcasting, even if the package is unpaid, you should turn on federal free channels, only they will be moved to the end of the list and the numbering will start from 100.

If after all the operations nothing has changed for you and the package is still unavailable (a message is written that there is no signal), check the integrity of the cable to the antenna for mechanical damage or clamping. Also, re-adjust the antenna according to the instructions included in the kit. If you can’t do it yourself, call a specialist.

If promo channels from Tricolor TV work, but there are no basic ones

Users may wonder why promo channels work, but the basic ones do not broadcast and show “no signal”, and what to do to solve the problem. There may be three reasons for the malfunction:

  1. You have not confirmed your registration of subscriber data.
  2. The receiver does not recognize the Smart card.
  3. The card is not installed correctly.

In the first case, you just need to call Tricolor TV on toll free number 8-800-500-01-23. Or register through the company’s official website, where you will need to enter the equipment ID to receive a password for your personal account.

Card reading or recognition problems

What to do if the equipment is registered, promo HD channels are shown, but everyone else writes that there is no access or a scrambled channel? Why does this situation arise?

First of all, you should check whether the receiver sees the card. To do this, do the following:

  1. Go to the menu using the console remote control and click on the “Conditional Access” item.
  2. Select the module, the card ID should be registered, if it is not there, then try reinstalling the smart card in the equipment.
  3. Turn off the console, then remove the card.
  4. Wait a moment, insert it back into correct position all the way.
  5. Start the receiver.
  6. If the actions do not correct the error, contact service center.

There is another situation that answers the question why they don’t show basic channels- this is outdated software receiver.

How to update software

To make updates, you need to go to the Tricolor TV menu, select the item with the update and click update.

Attention! You cannot turn off the equipment during the process of loading new modules, otherwise the equipment will malfunction.

And it may also be completely simple reason, why don’t they show basic or some HD channels - there is a scheduled update on the TV channel itself, then you just have to wait a while. You can find out information on prevention through the service technical support or by calling friends who also have Tricolor TV installed.

Nuances of Tricolor TV

IN Lately Information has appeared that Tricolor TV subscribers will not be able to watch free channels without paying for the “Unified” package. Technical support operators justify such disregard for the law on digital television the fact that the contract for the provision of services stipulates that the operator is not responsible for the correct operation of the basic channels in the event of termination of the contract.

Tricolor TV can terminate the contract in unilaterally, if you don't deposit subscription fee during. Thus, you can lose even basic TV programs without paying for the package.

“This year, free channels have almost disappeared. All TV channels are now broadcast in encrypted form, so many users have a problem: Tricolor TV does not show at all, or only 2-3 channels work normally (for example, “TNT” and “1”). What to do about this disaster?

First of all, you need to check the status of your subscription. You can do this on the official website -

  • Go to the website.
  • Click on the word "Subscribers" (upper left corner).
  • Go to the "Payment" section.
  • Enter the tuner ID (a 12-14 character number written in the contract and also on the card) in the account status check field.
  • Run the scan.

A message will pop up about the status of your tariffs, connected packages and their expiration dates. To check your balance, you need to go to your “Personal Account”.

Problems that arose after August 10, 2015

Due to technical problems with channel encoding, sometimes there may be a temporary loss of signal. If such a problem occurs, you need to disable and enable again receiver. You can also call the Tricolor hotline for free (+ 7 800 500-01-23 ) and consult about any specific problem.
What other reasons are there why Tricolor TV does not show? Let's try to figure out and eliminate these reasons.

1. Check if it works or not information channel(it should work with a working receiver even without an access card). If the channel does not work, you need to reset the receiver settings to factory settings. To do this, go to the Main Menu, and there, to the “Settings” section. In this section, select "Factory settings" and press the red button on the remote control.

Click the same button in the following windows to confirm the operation. After this, the equipment should reboot, and then in the dialog that opens, click “Next”. Then the same thing, unless of course you want to change anything in the settings. For example, time zone. In the "Search for Tricolor TV channels" window, select the required Operator(you must know the operator), as well as the “Main” region. OK. Then the receiver will automatically find everything available channels, and you click on yellow button remote control

1.1. If the channels are not found, and there is no signal either, you need to check the cable leading to the dish for integrity. In this case, it is better to call a specialist.

2. In the case when the Information channel shows and the basic channels from free package no, then the access card may be inserted into the receiver incorrectly. Or your subscriber information has not been verified.

2.1. Check whether the card is installed on the wrong side in the receiver. And also go to “Menu” > “Access” > “DRE” > “Smart Card”, and look in the ID field. Card information should be displayed there. If the card number is not displayed, then the receiver does not read your smart card. You need to take both of them to the service.

3. In the case when the basic channels of Tricolor TV are shown, but the rest are not, you need to check your subscription. If your subscription is still valid, call hotline(see above) and do reactivation. After this, turn off the tuner for 5 minutes, and then turn it on again and click on some encrypted channel and leave it like that for 8 hours. During this time the image will improve. This usually takes about an hour.

Even termination subscriber services and lack of subscriptions to paid packages TV channels should not leave viewers without basic set public channels. Therefore, if they suddenly disappear and become inaccessible, you should look for the cause of the problems and restore the broadcast. At the same time, it is not necessary to immediately call the support service and complain that Tricolor TV does not show free channels. Often, existing troubles can be dealt with on your own. This will help to significantly save time, and sometimes even money, which could have been spent on paying for the services of a telemaster.

To choose the correct course of action and as soon as possible return the broadcast, you should find out why it disappeared public channels. This is usually due to the following reasons:

  • receiver malfunction;
  • Smart card is not connected correctly;
  • confirmation of the subscriber’s personal data is required;
  • technical work on the server;
  • the need to update the receiver software;
  • equipment malfunction;
  • Difficulty receiving signal from the antenna.

Almost every one of the listed problems can be fixed on your own, without the help of specialists. The main thing is to approach this process with all seriousness and avoid rash, frivolous actions.

Free channels do not show on Tricolor TV - what to do

When faced with the lack of basic TV channels for the first time, you should immediately, without thinking about what to do, reboot the set-top box. Often this simple action turns out to be enough to bring the show back. If there are no positive changes, you should reset the receiver settings to factory levels. To do this you should:

  1. turn on the TV and receiver;
  2. open the receiver menu;
  3. go to the “settings” (“installations”) section;
  4. click on “factory settings”;
  5. confirm actions;
  6. wait for reboot;
  7. enter the connection region and enable channel search.

It's important to remember that basic package is usually located at the end of the list, so don’t despair if the first channels are empty. Simply start checking from the end to quickly detect working broadcasts.

Difficulties with the Smart Card

The next thing to pay attention to is the operation of the Smart Card. Often all the difficulties are associated with its incorrect position in the card reader, and then the question of how to correct the situation instantly disappears.

When the card is installed correctly, but the broadcast does not appear, it is worth finding out whether the subscriber data is confirmed. To do this you can call contact center provider (88005000123) or visit Personal Area on the official site.

After making sure that everything is in order with your personal data, you should:

  • go to the receiver menu;
  • switch to the “conditional access” section;
  • select “DRE module”;
  • Find your ID number on the page that opens.

If it is present, then the card is working properly and it is necessary to look for other causes of the troubles that have arisen.

Software update

Sometimes the correct answer to the question why free channels are not shown on Tricolor is the lack of a software update. To install an up-to-date, working program, you should find the corresponding item in the menu and start the update process.

Please note that it cannot be interrupted or stopped.

Any emergency shutdown of the receiver or careless action by the user will lead to equipment malfunction. And, since the breakdown is caused by the subscriber’s actions, count on warranty service and repairs will be pointless.

And the fee for software restoration at service centers is 500 rubles. Therefore, you should consider the installation new program with the utmost seriousness and caution, so as not to pay for unplanned repairs later.

Other reasons

We must not forget about other reasons for the lack of a basic package. It wouldn't hurt to check satellite dish, especially if the TV channels disappeared in windy weather. Sometimes the lack of channels is due to incorrect rotation of the dish, ice on its surface, or the presence of obstacles that interfere with receiving a signal from the satellite.

It is worth taking a closer look at the integrity of the cable, since each break will cause a loss of signal. You need to check the converter, which may be flooded with water or simply out of order.

A failure of the receiver cannot be ruled out. If the problem is with the set-top box, then you should take it to a service center, the address of which can be found on the official Tricolor website.

Another not-so-obvious cause of problems may be the old age of the receiver and its failure to meet modern technical requirements.

What channels should be shown for free on Tricolor TV

The last nuance that users should understand is the list of channels available for free in 2019. Subscribers are provided with access to the following public TV channels:

  1. Home;
  2. Star;
  3. Carousel;
  4. Match!;
  5. Muz TV;
  6. First;
  7. Friday!;
  8. Fifth;
  9. Ren TV;
  10. Russia 1;
  11. Russia 24;
  12. Russia K;
  13. Saved;

Additionally, 3 radio stations, 4 provider information channels and 1 TV store will be available. All of the above must be broadcast free of charge and uninterrupted. Therefore, in case of problems, you should use any available form feedback with satellite company specialists.

Sometimes the lack of television is due to technical work, and then you just have to wait for them to complete.

It is not always possible to pay for the work of channels on time. And if you are a Tricolor TV subscriber, then when the paid period expires, you can view only ten free channels.

However, what to do if in such a situation viewing even basic channels is not available (usually a window with the phrase “no signal” simply appears)?

Tricolor TV users begin to worry, sometimes even looking for repairmen to sort out the “breakdown.” If you encounter such an abnormal phenomenon, do not worry. You can even fix this yourself.

First of all, you need to fully diagnose the device, check all components. Because very often the cause of such a problem is only an incorrectly connected cable - this way you can quickly and independently correct the situation without needing outside help.

Mandatory check of system operation on Tricolor

For such cases (when there is some kind of system failure), a reboot is provided. So it's better to restart the device first. Perhaps after this it will begin to work properly. You need:

  • Turn off the system completely.

  • Wait five to ten minutes.

  • Connect to power supply and turn on the device.

Often, after these actions, system failures disappear.

If rebooting does not help, you need to check whether the main information channel of Tricolor TV is working (it should function around the clock). However, it is possible that even when you turn it on, the “no signal” window suddenly pops up. For what reasons could this happen?

If, when you turn on the TV, even the Tricolor TV information channel does not function, then most likely there is a problem installed settings. In such a situation, the most in a simple way Fixing crashes is to reset the settings to those set by the developer himself. With this function, the signal will be restored, so the TV channels will work again.

How to reset user settings

The function of resetting settings to those set by the developers themselves is one of the most useful functions, since it can be used to fix a variety of system failures.

To use this option, you must follow these steps:

After you confirm the reset, the receiver will begin rebooting the system, and all settings will return to what they were automatically set before you made the changes.

Very often, this option allows you to completely get rid of system failures. So the boring phrase “No signal” is replaced by pleasant images of an HD TV channel.

However, now for normal operation TV channels, you need to configure the channels by requesting auto search. So Tricolor TV itself will search for everything you need, and you will only need to save the TV channels.

Very often, in cases where the period of paid work ends, the system automatically sends basic channels to the bottom of the list. For most subscribers, they appear starting from the one hundred and first TV channel.

The Tricolor TV info channel works, but the basic ones don’t

Less often, it happens to subscribers that the information channel itself works, but the basic ones do not turn on - when they try to view them, the “No Signal” window pops up. Most often, this problem appears due to the fact that the subscriber did not indicate his data or did not install the smart card correctly, which is why the receiver cannot see it.

How to provide your details

In the case where the failure is caused by unspecified data, the situation is not so difficult - you just need to confirm them. And you can do this in two ways:

What to do if the data is confirmed but the channels do not work

However, it is quite possible that the phrase “No signal” was provoked incorrect installation smart cards, which is why the receiver simply cannot read it. You can check this version as follows:

  • Open menu

  • Find the option called "Conditional Access".

  • Find and navigate to the DRE module.

  • Here, find the value of the card ID, which must necessarily correspond to the card number (indicated on the smart card installed in the receiver).

If after the transition you cannot find the value of the card, then your receiver simply does not read it. Don't worry, in such a situation you just need to ask the support center for a replacement card.

Why doesn't the basic package work?

Phrases like “No signal” and “No access to channels” may also pop up due to the fact that the company has simply changed the package of free channels and the price for the services provided.

Don’t forget that every company changes the cost and range of its services from time to time, including Tricolor TV. Changes were made to it in 2015 tariff packages HD. For example, if you previously used the services “Optimum”, “Maximum HD” and others, now you will automatically switch to another tariff - “Unified.

In addition, Tricolor TV has completely revised and changed not only tariff plans, but also the cost of services. Now, as before, subscribers cannot install a package that costs six hundred, nine hundred or one thousand two hundred rubles. Now you can choose only one package of HD channels for one thousand two hundred rubles. This cost is set for both obsolete and current equipment.

However, there are some differences. In cases where the subscriber does not want or cannot pay the entire cost of services at once, he is given the opportunity to pay in small amounts. To watch TV channels in HD quality for six months, you need to pay six hundred rubles, and for nine months you need to pay nine hundred rubles.

Keep in mind!

In 2015, the Tricolor TV company officially announced that if the service period paid for by the subscriber expires, there is no guarantee that he will be shown free channels in HD quality. Previously, their essential functioning was described in detail in the Tricolor TV document, but now this section has been completely removed from the contract.

So keep in mind, if you have not paid for the work of TV channels on time in the amount of one thousand two hundred rubles, then it is quite possible that you will not be able to watch even free channels, since when you turn them on, a window will pop up with the phrase “No signal.

Software update problems

This is also the reason why tricolor does not show free channels.

In cases where subscribers do not conduct timely update software, Tricolor TV does not guarantee proper operation of the system. Therefore, in order to avoid problems when viewing channels, it is recommended to regularly update the software.

Because of this, problems arise when watching not only free, but also paid channels when the payment period has not yet expired. So don't forget to update your software when new software comes out.