Three cool SSH clients for iOS. Transfer files to iPhone using ssh

Incompatibility of most iOS 8 tweaks with new firmware. For this reason, extension developers will have to spend a huge amount of time optimizing their tweaks for the new OS, and this process can drag on for many months.

As you know, most people who jailbreak want to get full control over the system. Since iOS is based on Linux, this can be achieved using SSH access to the system. Simply put, through a special terminal that can work with special commands.

There were three good terminals for the iOS 8 operating system with jailbreak: Terminal, MobileTerminal, and WhiteTerminal. Due to the nature of iOS 9, none of them work on iPhones and iPads running that firmware. It turns out that you won’t be able to gain access to your device, but there is still a solution.

To use the terminal on iOS 9, we need a computer running Windows, Linux, or OS X. First, we need to launch the Cydia store on the Apple device and install the jailbreak tweak OpenSSH. This extension allows you to remotely connect to an Apple smartphone or tablet and then be able to easily control it using commands.

After installing this tweak on your iPhone or iPad, it is important to restart the device. Now we connect the computer and the device under test to one Wi-Fi networks. On a smartphone or tablet with iOS, open “Settings” - Wi-Fi. There will be a letter icon to the right of the connected Wi-Fi network i. Click on it and remember the information from the “IP Address” column. In our case it is .

Now we run it on the computer under Linux control or OS X Terminal application. When using the operating room Windows systems We recommend using PuTTY. Enter the command in the terminal to connect to an iPhone, iPad or iPod touch. It looks like this:

ssh [email protected]

Address after sign @ must be replaced with yours from the “IP Address” column, which we found out earlier. After entering this phrase, you will need to enter the password for your gadget. By default it is: alpine(no dot at the end).

If everything went well, then after entering the password something like this will appear: iPhone-Sergej:~ root#. You can also connect to your smartphone or tablet directly from another device. To do this, you can use any SSH access clients. For iOS, Prompt 2, well known abroad, is considered the best.

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The problem of security of iOS devices after jailbreak worries many users, and for good reason. Indeed, after some unlocking operations hidden possibilities systems and installation of tweaks, the security system may be significantly compromised.

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In particular, this applies to software package, which is necessary to restore the firmware in the event of a tweak conflict, a drop in system performance, or other problems that regularly arise for jailbreak users. However, installation remote access to file iOS system, which is carried out using network protocol Secure Shell (via the same OpenSSH), may also be available to third parties. The point is that to connect to file system a password is used that most users don't even know exists. But hackers are well aware of its default value (“alpine”). Australian developer Ashley Towns was one of the first to release a “demo” worm that exploits this vulnerability without harming users' devices.

If previous paragraph turned out to be too difficult to understand, then in a nutshell the situation can be described as follows - after installation OpenSSH from Cydia you need to change the password for accessing the iOS file system. To do this, you should use a simple algorithm of actions, which is described below.

1 . Launch Cydia and type in search MobileTerminal, install the application by clicking the button Install;
2 . Open MobileTerminal;
3 . At the command line, type " su root", then click " Return» on the virtual keyboard;

4 . Next, you will need to enter the current password (by default its value is “ alpine") and press " again Return«;
5 . Now you need to enter command line « passwd" and indicate twice New Password(don’t forget to press “after typing each command”) Return«).

6 . Ready! You have changed the password for remote access to the file system and now you do not have to worry about attackers taking advantage of this vulnerability.

In one of the previous posts I promised to write short review ways to view (and work with) files and folders on iPhone phones. Perhaps it's time to do this. Let me warn you right away that we will only talk about iPhones on which the jailbreak operation was performed. There is quite a lot of material on the network (in the RU-net, including) on ​​how to perform this operation, regardless of whether you are using an officially purchased Russia iPhone 3G or 2G brought from somewhere, so I will not reprint these materials: just use your favorite search engine and you will find necessary information. In addition, the methods I propose will concern exclusively interaction with Mac system OS X, despite the fact that one of these methods is suitable for almost any operating system.

So, first of all, I would like to say a few words about why you might need access to your iPhone’s file system. Here I will highlight 3 main reasons:

  • using an iPhone as a storage medium (wi-fi flash drive)
  • quick access to pictures taken iPhone camera or screenshots taken on this device
  • banal curiosity and, in some cases, correction of inaccuracies made by the system developers (I wrote about one of them here)

Surely, there are other points that I have not touched on, and if you have them, then the recipes for achieving what you want will be suitable for them too.

Exist software products, by installing them on your Mac, you will receive an interface for accessing the files of your device, but I would not like to draw your attention to them, since installing the application implies giving up mobility, in the sense that by installing the application and downloading files on one Mac, you will need to install the application again on another computer in order to merge these files from the device, which defeats the purpose of the whole idea.

So let's get started.

AppleTalk: everything new is well forgotten old

AppleTalk– this is a set closed protocols for connecting computers to a network, developed by Apple Inc. in the 1980s, and first included in the Macintosh in 1984. On this moment this set is outdated but still supported operating system Mac OS X. But this is, in fact, not about AppleTalk itself, but about Netatalk - an open implementation of AppleTalk for *BSD systems.
After installing Netatalk when Wi-Fi available network, your iPhone will turn into regular computer V " network environment", which you can go to as you go to any other network resource. But first, about the installation.

Phones that have been jailbroken have the Cydia application - a set of repositories with programs that allow you to do a lot. Launch this application and click on the Search section at the bottom of the screen. Start typing the name of the application in the search bar. As you type, the results will change, and at some point only what you need will remain on the screen. Click on the found application and install it (Install button on the right top corner screen). Then confirm the installation (Confirm button). Once the installation is complete, click “Return to Cydia” or simply exit the Cydia application by clicking on Home. Now all that remains is to connect to the phone.

Mac OS X Leopard users don't need to do anything about this at all: the phone will automatically appear in the " General access» Finder apps. (If this doesn't happen, make sure your Finder settings for the sidebar are set to something like this, and it should work.) Now you can click on this device, and by entering required name user and password (more on this below), begin your journey through the iPhone file system.

Users of Tiger and lower systems will have to perform a number of simple operations to gain access to the device:

Find out your iPhone's IP address on the current Wi-Fi network. For this purpose in Wi-Fi settings phone network, click on the arrow in the blue circle and look at the address:

Open Finder, select “Go -> Connect to Server” (⌘+K) and enter the phone’s IP address in the line, then click “Connect”. The system will ask for a username and password (more on this below), after which it will offer to mount the found partition (agree). Now you will have a new mounted folder that will link to the partition on the iPhone. Unfortunately, I cannot provide screenshots and describe the sequence of actions in more detail, since all the Macs at my disposal have Mac OS X Leopard installed.

Now for the username and password part. There are two of them available for you to choose from: “ root" And " mobile"with the same password" alpine". (I will tell you how to change the password in one of the following posts.) For users familiar with the system of rights and accounts on BSD/Linux systems, I think everything is clear, but for others I’ll briefly say that root– a superuser on whose behalf almost everyone works system processes, A mobile– this is, roughly speaking, the user this phone, with its own set of applications, documents, as well as a rather limited set of rights.
Which of iPhone users OS to log into your phone is, of course, up to you, since the set of capabilities that you will receive depends on this. But whoever you choose, tread carefully and don't touch what you don't know.

When I started writing about ways to connect to an iPhone, I completely did not take into account that it would be quite a voluminous material. As a result, I decided to split this post into two smaller ones, each describing one of the ways to share files with an iPhone. This post is a continuation and completion of this.
So, another way to share files with your iPhone.

SSH server on your iPhone

This method will work as Mac users OS X and users of other operating systems.
In addition to the above-mentioned Cydia application, the application will be available on the phone after jailbreak Installer. It, in general, carries the same meaning as Cydia - it allows you to install applications without going through the AppStore. It’s not clear to me why it was necessary to separate such functionality into two independent applications, but you have to put up with it and use what you have.
So, having launched Installer, go to Search and select OpenSSH, then install this application. During installation, the program will tell you what to do to work. OpenSSH required additional funds, such as "BSD Subsystem" and "Community Sources". If it doesn't offer installation, install them yourself, and then start installing OpenSSH.
After completing the installation, you will immediately get the SSH server on your phone, which will now automatically start after you reboot the phone. Now all that’s left to do is connect to the phone via SSH. To do this, you will need to find out the IP address of your iPhone on the Wi-Fi network, and how to do this is written and shown in the previous post.

Now using the Terminal program or some other programs you can connect to phone via SSH. What does this do for you in a practical sense? Off the top of my head, a few great things come to mind, such as:

  • SSH itself

You will find a lot of information on the Internet about any of the above abbreviations, but I will only briefly go over their capabilities and purposes:

SSH is a protocol for managing remote machines. It encrypts all traffic and transmitted passwords, which is why it is very popular.

SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) is a protocol for transferring files and other file-related operations, using the reliable SSH encryption protocol as its transport.

SCP (Secure Copy Protocol) – a protocol for copying files between computers using SSH transport. On Mac OS X, the scp program for transferring a file (in our case, on an iPhone) can be launched from the terminal. But more on that later.

So, in the previous post I already talked about how to find out the IP address of a phone on a Wi-Fi network and about the usernames and passwords with which you can log in to the phone. Now the only thing left to do is decide which programs you will use and why you will do this.


Open a terminal (MS Windows users can use free program Putty) and type the command there

ssh root@<ваш_IP_адрес>

After which the program will ask you to enter a password (if you have not changed the password, then enter alpine, if you changed your password, then you already know everything, and you don’t need to read this post), will ask if you really trust this source (type yes), after which you will find yourself... on your iPhone. If you definitely don't know what to do next, dial exit, which will take you back to your computer. Take a breath and wait for the next posts - there I will talk a little about the structure iPhone folders OS and their purpose. In the meantime, read about other protocols and programs.


Mac OS X has a terminal program called sftp, which allows you to manage files on your iPhone (delete, copy), and with its help you can download from any Mac. iPhone files, or upload something to it. On the other hand, you can always use the Cyberduck or Transmit program and create an SFTP connection there, and then work with file structure iPhone can be used as usual FTP server. Please keep in mind that from time to time the IP address of your iPhone on the network may change (this depends on the router settings), and another computer may simply not have programs for comfortable work with SFTP (except console ones). Therefore, I still recommend, just in case, to understand what the sftp terminal program provides and what list of commands it has.


Everything that I described above for SFTP is suitable for this program. There are programs for setting up connections via this protocol, providing a user-friendly interface to the results of its execution, but I would still recommend learning the syntax so that you can upload or merge the necessary files at any time.

That's basically it. The two methods I have proposed for communicating with the iPhone complement each other and allow you to receive files from the iPhone and upload them there from almost any platform without installing an additional one. software on computer. In the near future I will try to describe those files and folders that may be useful to you and will not only enrich your phone additional features(for example, transfer on it necessary files or bypass standard restrictions), but also correct some errors. In general, stay tuned, and if something is unclear, ask questions in the comments.