Transport module utm. EGAIS retail

UTM is software for sending information about the turnover or retail trade of alcoholic goods. Since the module does not have a graphical interface, UTM should be integrated with the used commodity accounting system.

This module is installed on a PC at the place of business of the enterprise. If an organization has several structural divisions for wholesale or retail sales - installed in each component of the enterprise.

To ensure that no questions arise when working with UTM, it is necessary to take into account the following recommendations:

  • UTM can be installed either independently or by contacting the territorial bodies of Rosalkogolregulirovaniya;
  • The module must be installed in accordance with technical requirements;
  • sending information from one workstation via UTM is impossible; a separate installation is required for each structural unit;
  • Individual entrepreneurs selling beer, beer drinks and cider install the module on one workstation;
  • For work they use any accounting system that transmits information in the established format through UTM.

Personal Area

If you have access to EGAIS, you can start registering in your personal account.

Actions in your personal account:

  • open the portal and enter your personal account;
  • click “Read the terms and conditions…” – this is necessary to verify that the access conditions are met correctly;
  • if there is a lack of components, the system offers to download and install the required distribution;
  • After checking, click “Go to your personal account”;
  • in the “Enter PIN code (GOST)” column, specify the password for the application;
  • click “Show certificates”;
  • then open the personal account window displaying the CEP certificate.

Required terms for registration are:

  • availability of OS from Windows XP, RAM from 2 GB, processor from 1.9 GHz and disk drive from 50 GB;
  • a software component for working with ECES (enhanced qualified electronic signature), it will work correctly when using the Internet Explorer browser version no lower than 9.0;
  • availability of UKEP hardware key.

Before registering in your personal account to drink alcohol, an organization must:

  • have a JaCarta crypto key with the SE PKI/GOST crypto provider;
  • have UKEP for secure communication with EGAIS.

Only after this, on their own or with the help of UTM, do they register in their personal account, purchase a program for working with EGAIS, or upgrade the goods accounting system to meet the technical requirements of EGAIS.

If the company's activity is retail trade of alcoholic products, then before registering in its personal account it will also need to have a hardware crypto-key JaCarta and UKEP for. Afterwards, UTM is installed on the PC and POS terminals that interact with the module and have scanners for reading stamps are purchased.

Installation Features

For registration in your personal account and subsequent work on the official EGAIS website there are two installation files: for working with or without an Internet connection.

After downloading the required module, the following is immediately performed:

  • check whether the current time or date is set on the PC;
  • to disable account control, click “Win ​​+ X” - “Control Panel” and uncheck the “Use account control” option;
  • disable the antivirus program;
  • turn off the firewall and Windows Defender built into Windows, which is done by pressing “Win ​​+ X” - “Control Panel” - “Administration” - “Services” - “Stop”;
  • all media except the key and certificate are removed;
  • JaCarta has only one GOST and RSA key each;
  • then right-click on the distribution kit, select “Properties” - “General” - “Unblock”;
  • After RMB, the installation file of the module distribution package is launched by selecting the “Run as administrator” menu.

Then they connect, generate an RSA key and load the transport module.

Connection to EGAIS includes next steps:

  • recording an enhanced qualified electronic signature certificate on the key;
  • Login to your personal account on the official website of EGAIS.

RSA key generation

  • click on the certificate in your personal account;
  • click “Get key”;
  • select the required item from the list that opens.

After generating the key, the carrier can work with the module.

With internet connection

When installing the universal transport module, the user does the following:

  • right-click on the saved file as administrator;
  • opening the universal transport module installation wizard;
  • selecting an installation folder;
  • selecting the shortcut creation folder;
  • click on the “Next” button;
  • selecting an additional proposed task (create a shortcut on the desktop);
  • click on “Install”;
  • Click on the “Finish” button when the corresponding dialog box appears.

Next, the media with the certificate for EGAIS is inserted into the USB port of the PC, and in the dialog box that opens after installation, the standard PIN code without spaces, JaCarta and Rutoken media are indicated.

Then you need to click “Search”, check the “Use certificate with code” checkbox and click “Next”. A new dialog box will open. It contains settings for Internet access. When you provide the correct information, green checkmarks will appear in the window.

If the installation is completed successfully, click “Next”, open the browser and check that the transport module is installed correctly. If the settings are correct, a window opens with UTM, certificate validity period, shangeSet and program build number.

No connection

The UTM installation algorithm includes the following steps:

  • launching the module distribution package as an administrator;
  • waiting for the installation to finish;
  • specifying the user's PIN.

Next, the services of the transport module are started and the correctness of its operation is also checked. If configured correctly, a window opens with the UTM version, build number and shangeSet identifier. This indicates that the transport module has been installed correctly.

detailed instructions

The module provided by the Federal Service for Alcohol Market Regulation does not have a graphical interface.

Detailed instructions for installing and working with the transport module include the following steps:

  • in your EGAIS personal account, click “Transport module”, enter your email address, click on the “Submit” button;
  • download the distribution kit to the hard drive;
  • click “Next” to install the module;
  • select a folder and click on the “Next” button;
  • choose places to create a shortcut;
  • click “Next” again;
  • click on the “Install” button;
  • waiting for installation to complete;
  • click on the “Finish” button;
  • after that, enter the PIN for the JaCarta hardware key (by default it consists of eight units);
  • press the “Search” button;
  • check the box next to the “Use certificate” line;
  • click “Next”;
  • enter PIN for GOST (default consists of the combination 0987654321);
  • press the “Search” button.

The system will automatically install and load the transport terminal, and launch it via EGAIS.

How to check your work

The correct operation of the transport module is checked by entering the access address created when setting up the store in the address bar of the browser. If the module is installed correctly, after entering localhost:8080, information about the version of the transport module is displayed in the window.

The absence of this tab indicates that the transport module either does not work or is not running. It is also worth checking whether the JaCarta media is inserted into the USB port.

The module is launched in the following ways:

  • in the notification panel: right-click on the coat of arms icon “Run”;
  • using the combination “Win+X” - “Control Panel” - “Administration” - “Services”, after which you need to find Transport or Transport-Updater, select the required one and click the “Run” button.

Please note that it takes time to start the transport module. If UTM is working correctly, it is recommended to check the settings of the browser itself.

In some cases, manual installation is required, in which the following steps are performed:

  • find the “Transport”, “Control Module” and “Monitoring” services on the PC;
  • run them as administrator;
  • if the services are not active, the issue can be resolved through “Win+X” - “Control Panel” - “Administration” - “Services”, find the necessary items and launch them with the right mouse button.

Then the functionality of the universal transport module is checked by entering “localhost:8080” in the browser address bar.

Setup and update

Connect UTM in the “Administration” section by clicking the “Nomenclature Settings” and “Exchange Settings with EGAIS” buttons, and checking the box next to the phrase “Alcoholic products”.

  1. In the field “Date of start of work with EGAIS” the date of formation of the register for registering retail trade of alcohol-containing products is set. Usually the first of January of the current year is chosen as this date.
  2. In the menu “Start date of retail sales in EGAIS” the date from which requests for a brand code will begin when registering retail sales of alcohol-containing goods is set.
  3. In the list of the accounting program, click the “Create” button and enter the necessary data on the UTM.

Users can choose the sharing format.

The transport module is updated automatically for all users at any time. During this period, most users have anti-virus programs and firewalls running on their PCs, as a result of which the UTM update may be incorrect and the module will stop working. The documentation base of the old module will also be deleted, so users are recommended to save the database and update the UTM version manually. For this:

  • stopping the transport service;
  • run the file StopDaemon.bat;
  • download the latest version UTM installation file from the official EGAIS website;
  • uninstall the old version;
  • install a new one;
  • when the window for permission to “Java” appears, set “Private networks” and “Allow access”;
  • in the dialog box that appears, enter the PIN for the certificate, do a “Search” and check the box next to the phrase “Use certificate...”;
  • click on the “Next” button;
  • select “No proxy” or enter proxy settings;
  • enter the PIN for GOST, press the “Search” button.

Afterwards, a dialog box will open asking you to use the old version. Click “OK” and select the path to the transportDB folder. When the phrase “Installation completed successfully” appears, click on the “Next” button and check the correct operation.

Setting up UTM to work via Wi-Fi is presented below.

1. Download and install programs:

  • Single Client of JaCarta and JaCarta SecurLogon
  • JaCarta GOST
  • JaCarta PKI

All these programs can be downloaded from the manufacturer’s website via the link

Restart your computer and insert your JaCarta key.

From there we download and install FSRAR - Crypto 2

Reboot the computer again.

3. Go to the page again and click the “Start testing” button

If you see the error: “Hardware key not found. Please insert the hardware key before the next test"

  • make sure that the JaCarta key is installed on your computer (you can check it in the JaCarta - manager program, which should appear in the tray);
  • remove other keys and USB flash drives;
  • make sure JaCarta Unified Client and JaCarta SecurLogon are installed.

If it was successful, then you should see a window like this where you enter the PIN code of the hardware key, most likely it will be “0987654321” - the PIN code should be provided to you by the company that sold the key.

Choose a certificate

Click the “Generate key” button for the desired point. Enter the PIN code to access the RSA memory, most likely it will be “11111111” and generate a key.

and again enter the PIN Code to access the RSA memory

Download the UTM distribution kit from the “Transport Module” tab or from the link

We start the UTM installation by clicking the “Run” button

After installation, restart the computer or manually start the “Transport” and “Transport Updater” services

UTM uses port 8080, so you need to make sure that other programs are not using this port. If you access UTM over the network, then you need to create allowing rules for port 8080 in the Firewall.

I hope this material was useful to you, leave comments and share your experience of installing UTM.

UTM EGAIS is a universal transport module, or a program designed to count the sold alcohol-containing products and record them in a numerical value for accounting in the state system (EGAIS) of the FS for the successful control of alcoholic products on the country's alcohol market.

This program is very easy to install on any personal PC of an organization engaged in the sale of alcoholic beverages. All data is entered in the form of XML files and transmitted directly to regulatory authorities without distribution. All operations are carried out only with your electronic signature (ESP) on the basis of Federal Law No. 63.

After you download the program, you need to test the system and get a KEP, and only after these operations carry out trading.

About the law

On June 24, 2015, the government approved changes to Federal Law No. 171 “On state regulation of the production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products and on limiting the consumption (drinking) of alcoholic products.”

The changes affected producers of beer, cider, poiret, mead with a volume of more than three hundred thousand dollars (registration will take place from July 1, 2015), as well as wholesale sales of alcoholic beverages, and retail sales in urban and rural settlements (recording will take place from July 1, 2016) .

The system itself is very convenient for the seller, because... allows you to independently modify your own accounting systems and train staff, then build up business processes, and most importantly, all data will now be in electronic form, and not on paper.

Until the moment of mandatory registration, the installer of the program can stop it at any time and try again later. At the same time, all data that was entered for testing is not included in the official records, and remains tested, and then reset to zero.

It is important that no application sent to the ROS for the Regulation of Alcohol Products is required to establish the program, and the connection is carried out using a personal account on the EGAIS website.

Connection to the system

Requirements for the operating system Windows 7 or higher, it is necessary, which allows the system to work with your details, and the final link is a strengthened qualified electronic signature (on the card).

The penalties themselves for officials: from 10 thousand - 15 thousand rubles, for legal entities from 150 thousand - to 200 thousand rubles. And in general, suppliers of alcoholic beverages, in the future, do not organize supplies to enterprises not connected to the EGAIS system.


  1. The verification system will ask you to install Fsrar-Crypto 2 and Windows 10. To do this, change the Microsoft Edge browser settings to “use Internet Explorer.” There should be no incidents with other operating systems, and you can easily install the proposed FSRAR-CRYPTO in your personal account on the EGAIS website. (If uninstalled software is detected, the system will display a message: the software component that works with electronic signatures is not installed or is not working correctly. Download (Fsrar: Crypto). You download it, install it and no further problems arise. After installation, be sure to check by extracting and connecting The same card - identifying it with the software (The same card should turn off and appear in the program window.) If this does not happen, reinstall (Fsrar: Crypto).

    Do not close the EGAIS website with the verification completed, you will still need it.

  2. You insert your electronic signature, located on the card, into the computer case, then go to the EGAIS website and install the software located on the “personal account” tab. To confirm the crypto key or jacarta, you need to click on the tab in your personal account “read the conditions and check their compliance.” The system will check your operating system, browser (it is noteworthy that Internet Explorer is usually used), a software component that helps to work with electronic signatures, and will check the hardware key. The hardware key is JaCarta itself.
  3. After successfully passing all the points required to obtain an electronic signature, click “get a test certificate” in your personal account. In the INN field, you must enter the INN of the organization, and in the e-mail field, your email, to which you should receive a response. Then download the generator to generate a request. It will be given as a hyperlink on the page in the same tab. Also for the generator, in order to understand how it works, you need to download the instructions. (The instructions will ask you to download a single client for the card using a link provided on the site. Follow everything as described in the instructions. Download the single client.

    Unpack all the files into one folder, so that later you don’t have to search for where you have it and what it is.

In the java query generator, after restarting the computer, be sure to enter the details of your organization, email, tax identification number, checkpoint. Save all data where you have the documentation. To generate, enter your PIN code. After generation is completed, you will be told to send the request file to the certification authority - do so. This is done as follows:

  1. On the EGAIS website, go back to your personal account, which you did not close. And in the “download generated request” field, download the request from where you saved it.
    The end of generation lasts one business day, if this does not happen, you can log in via e-mail and tax ID, without generating a request.
  2. After issuing the certificate, enter your e-mail and personal identification number and download the certificate, and be sure to check all the data specified in it. Save it in the folder with all your files.Registration of the certificate is required through the same program through which the request was made.

In the future, after all the operations performed, your personal account will be created, and you will be able to obtain the necessary key through the proposed certificate, which you received and uploaded into the system. If you do not have any information about the location of your products, contact the regulatory authority for the production of ethyl alcohol or the authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in which you are located. The access key to the EGAIS system will be individual for each department (if you have several stores). All PIN codes associated with jacarta had to be provided by the organization issuing the card.

In order to check that Universal is installed correctly, you need to go to http://localhost:8080/ in your browser, and check each installation step automatically.

In order for the EGAIS universal transport module to interact in the Kontur.Market service, you need to configure an intermediary program - "UTM Assistant". Thanks to this program, it will be possible to work with EGAIS even from a PC to which the transport module is not connected.

Comparison of working with and without an assistant

If you work without the UTM Assistant, then you can contact EGAIS:

  • from a computer on which the transport module is installed;
  • from a computer connected to the same local network as a PC on which the transport module is installed.

In this case, for the work of EGAIS need a plugin, but it was developed only for the Windows operating system. Therefore, when accessing EGAIS without the UTM assistant, you can only work with the system under Windows XP SP3 and higher.

If the UTM assistant is installed, then you can contact EGAIS:

  • from the computer on which UTM is installed;
  • from a computer connected to the local network in which such a PC is located;
  • from any PC via the Internet.

When installing the assistant no plugin needed, therefore, you can access EGAIS from a computer running not only Windows, but Mac OS, Linux and other systems that run popular browsers, for example, Chrome or Firefox.

“UTM Assistant” is installed if there is a connection with the transport module. It is recommended to install it on a PC on which UTM is already installed. In this case, provided that this computer is working, the user will be able to access EGAIS from any device from anywhere in the world. All you need to do is just log into Kontur.Market.

Before installing the UTM Assistant, you should check connection with the module. To do this, in the top menu you need to click “Settings” and look at the “Connection with EGAIS” section. If the “Status” field indicates that the connection has been established, you should click “Connect UTM assistant”:

Installing the assistant

Installation is carried out in several steps:

  1. You need to download the program:
  2. A file with the extension .exe will download and need to be launched. The program itself will give hints to the user on how to install it.
  3. When the installation is complete, the “UTM Assistant” shortcut will appear on the desktop. You need to click on it and wait until the program loads and asks for a secret code.
  4. Now you should copy the generated code in Kontur.Market:
  5. Next, you need to paste it into the UTM assistant and save the changes:
  6. After this, you need to contact the service and check the connection with UTM:
  7. The service will check and, if there is a connection, show the following status:
  8. Now you need to enter the UTM address or check it if it was registered earlier.
  9. Next you need to connect the assistant:
  10. The service will display a message about successful connection:
  11. You need to click the “Close” button and go to Contour.Market.

How to disable the UTM assistant

To disable the program, click “Settings” on the top line of the screen. In the “Connection with EGAIS” section you can see the status of the assistant, and next to it there is a button to disable it:

When you click it, a window will appear in which you need to confirm the shutdown:

How to reinstall the program

Sometimes the assistant needs to be reinstalled. For example, if it is deleted, does not launch when you click on the shortcut (shown in the image below) or there is a need to install it on another PC.

If there is a suspicion that the UTM Assistant is not working correctly, you should first remove it:

Now the program needs to be reinstalled. To do this, open “Settings” (top menu of the service) and in the “Connection with EGAIS” section click “Reinstall”:

A reinstallation warning window will appear:

You should confirm it and start the installation again.