Tp link dir 615 firmware. Emergency firmware recovery

This article talks about the D-Link DIR-615 router, or more precisely, about updating the firmware to the new version provided by the manufacturer on the official website. We'll talk about alternative software to update the DIR-615 firmware next time. In the guide we will look at updates for routers modification K1 and K2. How do you find out what model of equipment you have? This information is contained on the underside of the device: on a sticker with information from the manufacturer. If you bought a wireless router 3-4 years ago, then most likely the model will be exactly like this.

Now you will learn how to reflash the D-Link DIR-615 router

D link dir 615 firmware

The program that the manufacturer installs on each equipment at the production stage is called firmware. This type of software ensures the proper functioning of the D-Link router.

When you buy a router in a store, you get at your own disposal wireless device, on which one of the first versions of the software is installed.

While using the router, users encounter various failures in his work, which is quite typical for modern products, and D-Link is no exception. To eliminate such malfunctions, the manufacturer develops new software for its equipment, in which it tries to completely correct all failures, malfunctions and shortcomings. That is, a flashing is needed D-Link router DIR-615.

By her own D-Link firmware DIR-615 – labor-intensive and fast process, which every user can independently perform.

  • Decreased wireless network speed;
  • Unexpected connection breaks;
  • Inability to change some parameters.

How to reflash a D-Link router

Before you independently update wireless equipment and flash it, you need to download it from the manufacturer’s website latest version Equipment software.

To do this, go to, where select a folder with a name that corresponds to the router modification from D-Link: K2 or K1

Where to download firmware for router d link dir 615

When you open this folder, you will see a file with the extension .bin in it - this will be the latest version of the software for this model at that time network equipment from the manufacturer D-Link. The Old folder, which will also be present on this same page, contains the old official software for this equipment model from the manufacturer. Sometimes it also needs to be useful for the operation of the router: in the event that it is not possible to install new version or it will throw errors.

Before you begin installing new software for wireless router it must be disconnected from the provider's cable, and, on the contrary, connected to the computer. In addition, it is necessary to close active wireless connections, which are open in the router.

Firmware for the D-Link DIR-615 router, installed correctly, will save the settings you previously made, so you don’t have to do it all again.

The process of installing the latest firmware on the d link dir 615 router

The process by which it is installed new firmware DIR-615, is carried out in the following sequence:

  • Open the browser installed on your computer and address bar dial the IP address of the wireless router – As a result of this, a window will open where you will need to enter data to enter the parameters page - if you have not changed them, then the login and password will be admin, but if changes have been made, enter the ones you set earlier.
If the entered data is correct, the equipment settings page will open, which, depending on the version used, may look like this:

If the settings window is in blue tones:

  1. select the “Manually configure” button;
  2. open the “System” page;
  3. further – “Software update”;
  4. "Review";
  5. in the window that opens for you, select the file downloaded from the manufacturer, which contains the firmware for the DIR-615 router;
  6. Refresh button.

If the parameters window is in dark colors, then do the following:

  1. "Advanced settings";
  2. Next to “System”, select the right arrow;
  3. "Software Update";
  4. “Browse”, select the path to the downloaded software;
  5. Click Update.

After completing these steps, the software update will begin.

Sometimes there are situations when the browser reports a process error or the execution of the process “freezes” - do not worry and do anything for at least 5-7 minutes - it is possible that the update is ongoing.

After 7 minutes, go to the router settings again using its IP address - and you will see that the program has already been installed. If the browser gives an error, unplug the router, plug it back in, wait 1-2 minutes and try entering the IP address.


This completes the software update for the D-Link DIR-615 wireless network equipment, and you will be able to enjoy trouble-free operation of the device.

Being a small, low-power and highly specialized computer, the router has built-in system software. Many users have heard the word “firmware”, but not many know what it is. Systemic software installed in a read-only memory (ROM) with the ability to rewrite information in it.

Not every ROM has this capability. Some cheap boards permanent memory are recorded once (directly during the production process) and can no longer change their contents. Firmware for router model d link dir 615 - this is precisely the rewriting of the programs that control the router into ROM.

Not only the router’s memory can be updated with firmware, but also, for example, the memory in which the BIOS is located on the computer. Most people have heard about such firmware, and many even did it themselves. Now it’s the turn to reprogram the d link dir 615 router. Moreover, this is not at all difficult to do, and you can get great benefits from such work. Let's delve into this topic, while observing caution and attentiveness. The latter is important, since incorrectly executed firmware can cause the device to crash.

Is it worth it or not to reprogram the router?

This question is not at all idle. By updating the device software, we get the following benefits:

  • Improved router performance - more high speed and signal transmission range.
  • Greater stability during operation. Disconnections will become rare or disappear altogether.
  • Additional functionality supported by additional firmware included in the firmware.
  • Updated, more convenient and modern settings interface.

On the other hand, installing new firmware may lead to incorrect operation router d link dir 615. Or it will completely turn it into a useless piece of plastic and metal. This happens when installing firmware by an inexperienced user who has not bothered to familiarize himself with the formal procedure for this matter. We will assume that you approach the issue responsibly and are aware of the possible risks.

If, from your point of view, the d link dir 615 router works perfectly, then tinkering with its firmware simply does not make sense. It’s better to leave everything as it is and not take sin on your soul.

How to properly flash a d link dir 615 router - read on.

Selecting the program version

If you are still planning to flash the d link dir 615 router, then not all of them will be suitable for your device. system programs, but only those that correspond to the so-called hardware version of the device. Where can I find this version? It’s very simple - turn the device box upside down and, on the bottom wall of the case, you will find a sticker with various inscriptions and numbers. Find the line starting with “H/W Ver” (version) and rewrite the letters and numbers after the colon. This is what it looks like in the picture:

The hardware version of the router in the picture: “K1”. For your device given value may differ - it is not always like this. There are “K2” and single-letter versions: “B”, “U” and others. Save this value because we will need it for selection the required version firmware d link dir 615. Now let's go to the Internet for programs. All firmware for this router model is located in one place on the Internet:

From here we will download programs.

Download the update

In order not to let my thoughts run wild, here is a short but detailed instructions for downloading firmware for router model d link dir 615:

Manual installation

You need to keep two things in mind: firstly, reprogramming d link dir 615 is not done via wifi, but only via cable. Secondly, web interfaces different models devices may differ, so you have to rely on a certain ideal case. So:

Automatic installation

If the router is connected to the Internet and configured, then the process of flashing it looks even simpler.

True, this requires that the option be found in the router settings automatic update Device software. Some versions of the web interface do not support this option. In this case, you need to return to the installation manually.

Once you find the automatic update section, you will find a button or link there that says “Update.” Click on it and the automatic installation process will start. This is a very convenient option. Generally speaking, it was with her that we needed to start our conversation because... automatic installation does not require any unnecessary movements from the user: there is no need to download anything from the Internet and slip it into the update program. Well, it's still useful to know.

People often ask the question: how to update firmware on Wi-Fi router D-Link DIR-615 K2. A firmware update may be needed for several reasons, one of which is unstable work old firmware. On the Internet you can often find user complaints about unstable firmware, which periodically resets settings saved by the user.

According to user reviews, the problem is that firmware up to version 1.0.19 fails, which we will install today, i.e. flash the D-Link DIR-615 router.

First, we determine the revision of your router. Now we will not go into details of what the revision implies, let’s just say that it comes in several versions: B, C, E, K (K1, K2), M, O.

The revision version can be found on the sticker on the back of the router, where the barcode is located. My number looks something like this:

H/W Ver.: K2 F/W Ver.: 1.0.0

Here H/W Ver.:- indicates the revision version, and F/W Ver.:- indicates the firmware version.

I have a version revision K2.

Now that we know the revision version, we go to the official D-Link website and look at the required revision.

For example, I have a revision K2, so in the window that opens via the link, click the link RevK/, and then K2/. A list of files will open, more precisely one file and a folder Old/. File 20130418_1713_DIR_615K_1.0.19_sdk-master.bin and it will be the same firmware version 1.0.19 , which is on this moment is the most latest firmware for the router. In folder Old There will be old versions of the firmware, which you can return to if you don’t like the new firmware. Well, now let's get down to the firmware process itself.

1. Download the latest firmware version. For the D-Link DIR-615 K2 router, the latest version is this

2. Save the downloaded file to HDD computer and go to the Web interface of your router. It is advisable to connect the router to the computer via the network cable that came with the router. Although you can just as well use a wireless connection.

3. After logging into the router’s Web interface, the main menu will open, at the top of which your firmware version will be shown, as well as in the section Device Information:

4. Click on the firmware version and a window will open in which you will be asked to select a file with the firmware.

5. Click the button Review and specify the previously saved firmware file 20130418_1713_DIR_615K_1.0.19_sdk-master.bin.

6. Click on the button Update and wait for the router to reboot, after which your router will be updated to the latest firmware.


If you did everything correctly, your router will work with the new stable firmware. Firmware updates rarely cause problems, so there's no need to worry about something going wrong.