Total Commander description of the program. Total Commander - the best file manager for Windows, its features, installation and configuration of plugins

It is the simplest and most convenient program to work with disks and files. With it, you can easily and quickly select, copy, move, delete folders, unpack archives, run programs as administrator and perform many other operations. This file manager is recognized indispensable program for all PC users.

IMPORTANT! In some cases, when unpacking an archive using the WinRAR and 7-Zip programs, the user may encounter the problem of missing setup file in folder. Standard archivers may not move exe files. Total Commander solves this problem.

Overview of the Total Commander interface

The interface of Total Commander is designed in a classic two-pane form, which is convenient when performing various operations with files on various disks.

An optional menu is located at the top of the program window. Below it are the toolbar icons. Below are buttons for the most frequently used operations.

How to work with disks?

To select a disk and start working with it, you should click on the letter of the drive. The contents of the disk will open in one part of the program window. In another part, you can see the contents of another medium. This is useful when comparing content.

You can open files and folders of disks by double-clicking.

How to search for files in Total Commander?

In order not to open every disk and folder in search of the desired file, Total Commander has a search function. To use it, follow these steps:

  • Click the "Search Files" button on the toolbar.

  • A small window will open. If you know what drive the file is on, you can specify it.

  • By going to the "Search Templates" tab, you can specify the file type.

  • After all the parameters for the search are specified, you should click on the "Start Search" button.

  • The search results will be displayed in the same window.

What operations can be performed on files and folders?

Selecting files and folders. There are several ways to select the necessary elements in Total Commander.

  • By pressing right button mouse on the element.
  • The combination "Ctrl + left mouse button".

If you need to select several files, then hold down the "Ctrl" key and use the "up" and "down" keys to select the required number of files or click on the folders with the left mouse button.

The selected files will be colored in a different color.

Copy. You can also copy an element in several ways.

  • Using the key combination "Ctrl + C";
  • By selecting the file with one click and pressing "F5";
  • Using the button at the bottom of the working window of the program.

Moving files. In order to move a file, you should follow a few simple steps:

  • Select a file with one click of the left mouse button. In the second window, open the drive or folder where you want to move the file. Click "Move". We confirm the operation.

  • Or just drag and drop the desired element.

Deleting files. In order to delete the desired file or folder, you should select it and press the "Delete" key or select special button on the toolbar.

Packing and unpacking files. File manager Total Commander can replace any archiver. It can be used to pack and unpack files. To do this, just select the archive and click "Unpack".

Or select several files (or one) and click "Pack".

The archive has been created.

Setting up an FTP connection in Total Commander

To create FTP connection it is worth doing the following:

  • Click on the "Connect to FTP Server" icon.

In the list of file managers, Total Commander (hereinafter TC) is the most popular. And this is not surprising, because the program provides very convenient work with disks, folders and files and, in addition to providing standard features, typical for this class of applications, has many interesting features that make work easier. In particular, it remembers frequently used directories, supports bookmarks, provides quick searches (including within files), allows you to set up hotkeys, etc. In addition, the program provides support for popular archivers and has a built-in FTP client that allows you to download files in several streams, supports resume and can work on a schedule. And its capabilities can be expanded by plug-ins. This article will be devoted to acquaintance with the most interesting of them, but first we will briefly dwell on the types of plugins and the nuances of their installation.

What are plugins and how to install them

There are four types of plugins for TC: archiving plugins (which have a WCX extension), file system plugins (WFX), internal viewer plugins (WLX), and content plugins (WDX). Archiving plugins are used to work with archives that are not initially supported in the file manager or are supported with restrictions. In addition, archiving plugins provide support for working with a number of other file formats - CHM, MSI, ICL, DLL, etc. File system plugins are available in TC via network(Fig. 1) and provide access to disks, remote systems, internal Windows modules, media with other file systems. Internal viewer plugins allow you to view file formats not supported by Lister's internal viewer - images, tables, databases, etc. Content plugins are designed to access extended information about files - MP3 tags, information in EXIF ​​headers in JPEG images, etc.

Rice. 1. TC window with Network Neighborhood open on the left panel

Today, there are already more than one hundred plugins for TC, and even just listing them within the framework of an article is impossible, and it doesn’t make much sense, since many plugins, if they don’t duplicate each other, then have a very close purpose. We will focus only on those solutions that may be of interest to a wide range of users.

The most popular and well-established plugins along with their brief description presented on the official website of the program (, as well as on the Russian site "All about Total Commander" ( The new plugins are available from the unofficial TC site (

You can install plugins automatically and manually. Automatic installation does not cause difficulties: just open the downloaded archive with the plugin in the file manager and the program itself will offer to install the detected module (Fig. 2). True, such automatic installation not available for all plugins.

Rice. 2. TC window with a suggestion to install the plugin

Connecting additional modules manually is done in the settings window called by the command Configuration -> Setting, where in the section Plugins you have to click on the button desired type plugin and specify the location of the module to be installed. For archiving plugins additionally in the list Files with extension you will need to specify the extension of those files that should be associated with the installed plugin (Fig. 3). If there are several such extensions, then the operation of specifying the module with the plug-in is performed several times, each time entering a different extension.

Rice. 3. Installing the archiving plugin through the Settings window

Comfortable viewing

The built-in viewer of the file manager (Lister) allows you to view a rather limited list of file formats when you press the F3 key. The situation is easy to fix by installing the appropriate plugins.

After connecting the plugin IEView( it will be possible to view files in the most different formats. This plugin uses the same engine for viewing files as Internet Explorer, and is great for viewing hypertext documents (including documents in MHT formats and CHM). In addition, it allows you to view documents in other formats through the software installed on your computer - PDF documents (if you have installed Acrobat Reader- rice. 4), Word/Excel documents, PowerPoint presentations(if you have MS Office), etc. You can also set up viewing files in DjVu format by installing the Browser Plugin and uncommenting in the section file ieview.ini the corresponding line. Viewing AutoCAD documents is configured in a similar way (an appropriate viewer is required - for example, VoloView), etc.

Rice. 4. View PDF document with IEView

The IEView plugin can also be used to view files Shockwave Flash. However, it is more convenient to use specialized plugins for this purpose - for example SWF Lister 2.0( ; fig. 5) because it has a playback scroll bar.

Rice. 5. View SWF file via SWF Lister

With this plugin, the file manager will become possible creation and unpacking archives in 7z format, as well as viewing their contents. To use the plug-in, for example, to pack files, you need to select them, press the key combination Alt + F5, select the 7z option in the list of archiver extensions in the window that opens and, if necessary, adjust the archiving settings by clicking on the button Setting(Fig. 9).

Rice. 9. Create a 7z archive using 7Zip Plugin

Working with CD/DVDs and Images

If you want to make working with CD/DVD discs more comfortable and reliable, then you should get a virtual CD drive by installing the plug-in virtual disk( It will be possible to mount CD / DVD images into such a drive much faster than inserting them into a real drive, and at the same time without any harm to the discs themselves, which from active use often fail to read. This plug-in allows you to emulate a virtual CD-ROM drive and connect images (in ISO format, as well as some BIN- and NRG-images) made from unprotected CDs into it. In addition, it can be used to emulate a local hard drive or floppy disk.

For the plugin to work, in addition to installing it in automatic mode, you need to install the driver virtual disk, calling in Windows Explorer from context menu on the file Program Files\totalcmd\plugins\wfx\VirtualDisk\VD_Driver\vd_filedisk.inf command Install. And then restart your computer.

The principle of mounting images into the one created after installing the module virtual drive very simple: you should copy in the file manager to a folder virtual disk (given folder will appear in network environment after installing the plug-in) the necessary image files, and then to mount one of them on a virtual drive, double-click on this image, select mode CD/DVD and click on the button To plug(Fig. 10). You can also enable the checkbox Restore on reboot, which makes sense if you have to work with the mounted image on a regular basis. After that, the required virtual drive with the connected image will appear in the rollout of disks in TC and in the Windows Explorer window.

Rice. 10. Mounting the image to a VirtualDisk virtual drive

There is another option - install the plugin ISO( With it, you can read images in ISO formats, BIN, IMG and NRG without mounting them into a virtual drive. This will allow, for example, to quickly view the files from the image (Fig. 11) and copy all or part of them to HDD for further work.

Rice. 11. View the contents of the image through the ISO plugin

Data cataloging

Navigate among the folders and files stored on the most different disks, it’s not easy, because most users of CDs alone have dozens, or even hundreds, and even more pictures, documents, audio recordings. Therefore, without the use of some kind of cataloger, which would provide the ability to quickly find out where the desired disk or file, today is indispensable. If there is relatively little cataloged data, then it is quite possible to get by with the capabilities of specialized TC plugins.

Among all the file managers that are actively used by users, a special place should be given to the Total Commander program. This is the most popular utility among those applications whose tasks include navigating the file system, and performing various activities with files and folders. The functionality of this program, which is further expanded by plug-ins, is simply amazing. Let's see how to use Total Commander.

Navigating through the file system in Total Commander is done using two panels made in the form of windows. Navigating between directories is intuitive, and moving to another drive or network connections produced in top menu programs.

With a single click on the panel, you can switch the standard view of files, to thumbnail view or to a tree view.

Operations on files

Basic operations on files can be performed using the buttons located at the bottom of the program. With their help, editing and viewing files, copying, moving, deleting, creating a new directory is performed.

When you click on the "View" button, the built-in file viewer (Lister) opens. It supports not only text files but also with images and videos.

Using the "Copy" and "Move" buttons, you can copy and move files and folders from one panel of Total Commander to another.

By clicking on the top menu item "Select", you can select entire groups of files by name (or part of the name) and extension. After selecting these groups of files, you can simultaneously perform the same actions that we talked about above.

IN Total program Commander has its own file archiver. It supports formats such as ZIP, RAR, TAR, GZ and many more. In addition, it is possible to connect new archiving formats through the plugin system. In order to pack or unpack files, just click on the corresponding icons located on the toolbar. The final product of unpacking or packaging will be transferred to the second open panel Total Commander. If you want to unzip or zip files in the same folder as the source, then both panels must have identical directories open.

Another important function of the Total Commander program is to change file attributes. You can do this by going to the "Change Attributes" item in the "File" section of the top horizontal menu. With the help of attributes, you can set or remove write protection, allow reading a file, and perform some other actions.

FTP data transfer

Total Commander has a built-in FTP client with which you can download and transfer files to remote server.

In order to create a new connection, you need to go from the "Network" main menu item to the "Connect to FTP server" section.

A window opens in front of us, in which we need to enter the connection settings provided by the server to communicate with it. In some cases, in order to avoid disconnections or even blocking data transfer, it makes sense to coordinate some settings with the provider.

In order to connect to the FTP server, just select the desired connection, in which the settings are already registered, and click on the "Connect" button.

Working with plugins

Numerous plug-ins help to greatly enrich the functionality of the Total Commander program. With their help, the program can process archive formats that it did not support before, provide users with more in-depth information about files, perform actions with “exotic” file systems, and view files of various formats.

In order to install a specific plugin, you must first go to the plugin control center in the Total Commander program. To do this, click the "Configuration" button in the top menu, and then "Settings".

After that, in the new window, select the "Plugins" section.

In the plugin control center that opens, click on the "Download" button. After that, the user, using an automatically opened browser, will go to the official website of Total Commander, from where he can install plugins for every taste.

As you can see, Total Commander is a very powerful and functional, but at the same time user-friendly and easy-to-use file manager. It is thanks to these qualities that he is a leader among similar programs.

Hi all! Today I decided to write an article about total commander, I have not seen analogues on the Internet, I will be relevant! =D
So, what is total commander - this is an analogue of Windows Explorer, only 100 times more convenient. The only negative of the total commander is the interface. He looks like it's 99 now =D
What is more convenient than total? First, he is very fast. Secondly, you work in two windows, which is very convenient (copy, cut, etc.). Thirdly, the search is built into total commander so that you can search for text in files on your computer. That is, you can find desired document on a piece of text in it. Not only that, total can rename a bunch of files quickly and make unique names (as you enter). Also, you can look in an instant, all the files from all folders - also a handy thing. I thought to record a video lesson, but, my mother is at home, I can’t now, I’ll have to do it later. Yes, okay. You do not write comments, I am offended! =D
So, more to the point. First download this super program - total commander file manager
First download Total Commander
Find out your bit depth in order to know what to download

Now, after installing it on your computer, we begin to understand =)
First of all, take a look at the interface. If you want to change it to make the icon bigger, then go to Configuration - Settings - Icons and set it to your liking

As we can see, the total commander has a top main panel where the most desired options(search, etc.) as well as the settings of the program itself

Let's look at the options first. There are 3 useful features in the chapter files. The first is that if you click on any folder and press CTRL + L, then you will immediately be told how much the folder weighs, how many subfolders it contains and the space it occupies. Also function CTRL + M (group rename) With this thing you can change the name of many files. And of course, calculate the md5 sum is also sometimes useful!

So, the first thing I did at home was to assign hotkeys to such procedures. Rename many files Shift + F2 (F2 - just rename in Windows if you didn't know, so this combination is always in my head), Quick search (to search for how you type keys in Windows Explorer and immediately finds the file by name), search for files in new tab Ctrl + F (like in Chrome), copy to clipboard full path to file ctrl + shift + c
I'll probably have to tell you how I did it =)

Total commander rename

As you know in Windows rename F2. We will also do it for the total commander. Go to Configuration - Settings - Miscellaneous. We expose desired key, I set f2 . Find the command cm_RenameOnly and click on the green checkmark

Super! Let's make a call group rename per combination shift keys+ f2 .
Go to Configuration - Settings - Miscellaneous. We set the desired key, I set shift + f2 . Find the command cm_MultiRenameFiles and click on the green checkmark

You can learn how to use renaming with the help of a video that I recorded for you a long time ago

Super! Let's go further!
In the same way, you can set keyboard shortcuts to Search for files by a separate process (cm_SearchStandalone ) ; Copy names with paths to clipboard (cm_CopyFullNamesToClip ) ;

Total commander add a program to the quick launch bar

Adding a program to the total launcher is quite simple. Must or pull .exe file on the panel itself or to score the program with the paths manually. Let me consider two cases separately.

The first option is to go to %programFiles% and pull the exe to the panel

The second option is to add manually by specifying the path and icon.
Press. Etc. class mouse - Edit - Add and add the program by specifying the full path in brackets

Quick tabs and files in Total Commander

Remember the important keyboard shortcut Ctrl + D . IN Google Chrome adds to bookmarks. And at Total Commander Same.
You have entered the folder you want to save and have fast access. No problem. Open the folder in Total Commander and press Ctrl + D or click on the star.

By clicking again on the star you can view a list of your quick directories that you have quick access to! Also, you can add a separator or a file to quick access. The file must be given the full path. Example: “ needs to be changed on the Cleo.mmap website”

Total commander ftp setup

We continue. If you have a website, ftp hosting (file) then you can also connect via FTP using total commander. All you need is to open the total commander, click Network - Connect to FTP server and enter the connection details. For example, my settings are

When creating, I was knocked out to remove the write protection. So you need to run total with the help of an administrator

All! You can use Ftp with using Total commander and add other FTPs in the same way.
You can add keyboard shortcuts for this purpose. Go to Configuration - Settings - Miscellaneous. For example, I use alt keys+ N for an FTP call. You can do as I suggested above. Team cm_FtpConnect.

Total commander show hidden files

Show hidden files in Total Commander you can use the command cm_SwitchHid. The item itself is located in Configuration - Settings - Panel content. There we tick the box - show hidden files.

If you want to add to a quick call (I added to my Ctrl key+ H , I'm used to it with previous versions Total) I repeat - cm_SwitchHid

More details in the video later! For now, I have everything. I wanted to write a few words about plugins, but that's another story =) Have a positive day everyone, Alexander Chek was with you as always, good luck to everyone!

Many have heard about the Total Commander program and what it is useful application for PC, but few have tried to install this manager to your computer. Even fewer people know how to use the Total Commander program. Many of those who have installed this application on their computer do not use it to the maximum. For example, not everyone knows that Total Commander can be used as an FTP manager to work with servers. This is just one of the features of this app. This article is an instruction that will teach you how to work with Total Commander and show you the basics of managing the manager.

Why you need the Total Commander program

If you literally translate the name of the program from English, you get “total control” or “full control”.

This is the essence of the Total Commander program - it is needed to manage the file system of various devices.

For example, you can control a computer, or removable media or even use an application to upload files to a remote server. It cannot be said that without this program your the computer will disappear, but with Total Commander it will be much easier and more convenient to perform various operations.

Many people use this particular program, and not standard conductor, because by default the computer performs operations for a long time, and Total Commander works quickly. You will be able to copy, move, rename, cut and paste almost instantly any files to which you have access. Your computer will quickly turn into an orderly system with Total Commander. And although at first it will seem to you that using the manager is not very convenient, over time you will get used to it and realize that this has many advantages!

However, the program has negative sides. So, it is better to use not Total Commander for an FTP connection, but FileZilla - a manager that is designed to work with FTP protocol. The fact is that the application in question has a lower data download speed from the Internet, so use it to work with FileZilla servers somewhat more convenient and practical.

How to use Total Commander

Like many similar programs, the Total Commander application interface consists of two panels: active and passive. Using these panels, you can issue various commands to the program and perform operations on the file system. The active panel is the panel from which this moment your cursor is working - it is usually highlighted. And it is called active because the commands that you execute will be implemented in this panel.

As you understand, using the panels you can make changes to file system. Above the panels are the toolbar commands you will use all the time. And even higher is the main menu for changing the program settings. At the very bottom you will find horizontal list commands that you use most often. In fact, the commands of this program are key combinations that launch certain processes. Here are the most frequent commands that users use:

  1. F4 - in normal mode the computer copies the file or folder under the cursor. In FTP mode, the download to the computer starts, and if the cursor is hovered over the archive, it is unpacked.
  2. F6 - two commands in one key: rename and move.
  3. F7 - create a directory.

Unfortunately, this instruction will not fit all the commands that are in this program, because there are more than a hundred of them. Basically, you will use the F, Ctrl, Enter and Shift keys. In time you will learn necessary commands, especially when there is a need to speed up the work with the program.

Total Commander is convenient because, thanks to two panels in the interface, you can quickly compare the availability of certain files on different disks and media. To open any device, click on the arrow at the top of one of the panels, and you will see a list with available media. Select a disk or storage device from the list and it will open in the panel you clicked above. Now you can quickly browse and find the file that you want to transfer from one place to another. Otherwise, if you did not have this file manager installed, you would have to open two folders first, and then browse first one and then the second to find the desired document.

Another one useful feature Total Commander is a search capability desired files. To do this, select the binoculars icon in the toolbar, which will activate the search mode. You can find a file or folder using various filters. Enter the name, format, text that occurs inside the document, specify where to search approximately, and Total Commander will quickly give you the result. This search is much smarter than the standard Windows Search. It is strange that Microsoft has not yet bought a license for Total Commander and has not added this application to the list of standard ones - it would be much more convenient for users.

Beginning users often have problems while working in Total with a large stack of files. I don’t know how to select a lot of documents, beginners start working with files separately, which is quite inconvenient. To select many files, you need to hold down Ctrl, and then click on each file with the mouse - this way they will all be selected. Also note that Total Commander does not work exactly like your computer. For example, to delete a file or folder, you either need to use a string or press F8 instead of Del. Knowing all these nuances, you will quickly learn how to use the Total Commander program for your own purposes, and realize that this is an indispensable application for daily use!