Time to post on Instagram. The best time to post on Instagram

Regular users They have no idea what tricks owners of blogs and sales pages go to in order to increase the number of subscribers and views.

It turns out that even what time to post photos on Instagram is calculated by bloggers specifically to improve page traffic.

Analytics conducted by statistics services claim that the best time to post on Instagram is lunch time(from 12 to 14) and evening prime time (from 17 to 18 and from 20 to 22 hours). Moreover we're talking about about the time zone in which your subscribers are located.

But all this data is relative. After all, people don’t log into social networks on a schedule. They have a life offline, they go to work, spend time with family or friends, and engage in their favorite hobbies.

To achieve results, you need to find out exactly when the number of visitors to your page increases the most.

How to determine optimal time posting photos specifically for your subscribers?

This can be done by observing the intensity of receiving likes in different time periods and drawing appropriate conclusions.

Figure out who the vast majority of people following you are (target audience). Where are they from? To answer this question, you can view the profiles yourself or have someone do it for you. special service by geolocation. Eg, http://websta.me.

Determine what your subscribers are doing. Who are they: students, mothers on maternity leave or clerks? After all, the time when they are most likely to log into Instagram depends on their occupation.

Most often, people scroll through the event feed in a free moment: during a lunch break, during a trip to public transport, in a traffic jam or relaxing in the evening after a hard day.

Calculate what time we are talking about.
Check it out empirically. Just post interesting news at different times of the day over the course of, say, a month (early morning, late afternoon, lunchtime, evening when people are returning from work, and late when they are about to go to bed). Monitor the number of likes you get and adjust for the day of the week (weekday or weekend).

Create a business profile. The statistics of such an account are available to the owner at any time. You can track when and how many likes were given.

The number of photos you post will depend on the topic of your blog. If it's easy entertainment content, then you can publish several photos a day. If the page has a serious focus, for example, legal or medical, and the posts touch on important problem and disclose it, then it is not worth posting such information more than once every two or three days.

Once you have decided what time to post photos on Instagram, you can figure out when should you post a video?

Best time for a post with video material:
It is known that the standard for a video in a feed is 1 minute, and in Instagram Stories it is only 15 seconds. At what time will more people be able to watch it?

Statistics come to the rescue again and assures us that video clips are popular after 20 hours. Again, keeping an eye on time zones.

Statistically, the indicators can again be verified in practice. To do this, you should create 3-4 videos with the same meaning or theme and post them online at different times. The number of likes under each of them will answer the question about the optimal time.

With live broadcasting everything is easier.

When subscribers have a lot of free time to devote to you? Of course, on weekends it's evening. Post an announcement about your upcoming online communication in advance on your blog, this will help gather a larger number of viewers during the broadcast.

If you correctly calculate the best time to post photos and videos on Instagram, your blog will flourish and bring you good income.

"Any good post on Instagram may be spoiled by poorly chosen posting time", - I said it!

Most Instagram users quite rightly believe that the best time to post is when followers are most active. Subscribers, and not all Instagram users around the world. You can find out when your subscribers use the application more often in the statistics section of your account. Let me remind you that it is only available in the “Company Profile” mode. About how to translate personal account to an account for a business, I talked about in the post “How to make a business account on Instagram?” .

How to determine the best time to post on Instagram?

View your stats. Please note that the time is different for each day of the week.

These statistics can form some idea of ​​how your subscriber audience behaves. But I still don’t recommend relying entirely on it.

The best time to publish posts on Instagram from the Websta service

Why are we looking for the best time to post on Instagram? In order to receive maximum return in the form of likes and comments. They are our ultimate, practical goal. To more accurately understand when is the best time to post to your Instagram, I suggest using another statistic provided by online service Websta.

Registration for the service takes place through an Instagram account. Among others useful statistics and features, Websta shows a graph of when your posts were made and how popular they became. In order to see your statistics, after registration, go to the "Optimization" section.

On the graph, which is shown in the "Optimization" section, the days of the week are located on the vertical axis, and the hours are located on the horizontal axis. The graph itself shows circles that are at the intersection of the day of the week and time. The larger the circle, the more likes and comments received posts made on the specified day of the week and on specified time. When you hover over the circle with your mouse, you will see how many posts you made at that time, as well as how many likes and comments these posts received in total. It also shows the interaction density, expressed as a percentage.

The more posts you have on your account, the more accurate the statistics will be. In my case, the best time for publication is shown to be Saturday around 13:00. Also, using the graph, the most unfortunate time is identified. My schedule shows that posts made on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday receive minimal impact, and I rarely post anything on Wednesday.

Appearing exactly three years ago, free application Instagram has become a huge breakthrough in the world social media. With over 150,000,000 users, nearly 16,000,000,000 photos uploaded and 1,000,000,000 likes daily, Instagram is one of the most popular apps today.

Unlike the usual Facebook, VKontakte or Odnoklassniki, the main functionality of Instagram is uploading and sharing photos and videos through any social network, including your own profile in the application.

According to a study by TrackMaven, 123 major brands from the Fortune 500 list (the ranking of the world's largest companies by the Fortune business magazine, owned by Time Inc.) are present on Instagram. Obviously, for Nike, Starbucks, Foot Locker and other giants, the application serves as an excellent platform for marketing campaigns. In this post we will look at statistics collected by TrackMaven experts that clearly illustrate the potential.

About 55,000,000 photos are uploaded to Instagram every day, while the frequency of new use functionality Shooting and uploading videos leaves much to be desired. For example, Fortune 500 companies post about 1,850,000 posts per month, 96% of which are photos.

Today, one photo receives an average of 37 comments and likes per 1,000 subscribers, while the same figure for a video is 24.

2. Normal or #nofilter - the most popular, but not the most effective filters

Filters are the most unique feature that makes Instagram different from any other app. But which ones are used most often, and do they affect the level of interaction with subscribers?

However, the correlation between the frequency of filter use and their effectiveness is not that high. For example, Mayfaif brings in an average of 23,045 comments and likes, while photos processed using the Normal filter receive about 18,009 likes.

4. Best time to post a video

Large brands most often post photos in work time, allowing them to receive an average of 16 reviews per day. However, photos uploaded during non-working hours or weekends receive slightly fewer interactions (15).

When it comes to video posting, the results are completely different - videos posted during non-working hours (9 pm to 8 am) receive an average of 33.45 comments and likes. Most likely, such statistics are associated with the lack of enough time for users to watch videos during the working day or blocking social networks at workplaces.

5. 1 comment for every 33 likes

It takes a fraction of a second to “like” a post on Instagram, but double-tapping is not enough to write a comment. For Fortune 500 companies, likes account for 97% of total interactions, while comments account for just 3%.

6. Optimal number of hashtags

There is an opinion that using more than one hashtag is extremely tactless on the part of Instagram users, but many SMM experts recommend using at least two.

Posts from large brands—those with more than 1,000 followers—receive an average of 21.21 interactions, while posts from companies with fewer followers but using at least 11 hashtags receive about 77 likes and comments.

Detailed descriptions of photos and videos using relevant hashtags will allow you to gain the attention of other users and attract new subscribers, and the right number of them will ensure an increase in the overall number of interactions.

7. Instagram URLs

A year ago, some time after purchasing the application by Facebook, Instagram introduced the ability to view user profiles through a web browser. This is a unique case when a program, initially intended only for smartphones, after some time entered the “big” Internet.

However, Instagram still functions as mobile app, since there is still no way to upload photos from a computer - you have to take pictures exclusively using mobile devices. But to look at other people’s photos, you don’t have to use the app yourself.

In addition, the ability to view photos from a browser window allows you to follow active links posted by users on their profiles.

8. The target audience- priority number one

This graph is not unique because it shows information you already know: the number of interactions (comments, likes, shares) increases as the number of followers increases, and Instagram is a great proof of this.

It should be noted that stereotypical ideas about the purpose this application- publishing photos with food, kittens, sunsets and puppies - have long faded into the background. Today Instagram provides entrepreneurs with excellent opportunities for promotion. own goods and services. Remember - if you are using the application for this purpose, then your main task is to build a user-oriented Instagram strategy.

High conversions to you!

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