Wordpad text editor. Changing word wrap options

1. WordPad ……………………………………………2

2. Program WordPad ……………………………...2

3. Operating technology……………………………4

4. File types used by the editor WordPad ……………………………………………6

5. List of references……….……8

WordPad .

WordPad represents text editor for working with small documents. It allows for simple paragraph formatting, as well as the use of different fonts and styles.

The WordPad text editor is included in the basic Windows composition 95.98. Launch occurs using the main menu: (Start ® Programs ® Accessories ® Text Word editor Pad.

Text editor WordPad implements the basic functions of a text editor. Supports the technology of inserting objects from other Windows applications 95.98. Releases files to Word format.

The standard WordPad program is in fact a very simplified version of the professional word processor Word produced by Microsoft.

Microsoft Word- the most popular on the market software products word processor for Windows. Word provides never-before-seen word processing capabilities with a variety of tools, making formatting much easier. Latest version The program is called Word 97, but versions of Word 95 and even more are also in use early version Word 6.0.

WordPad program .

The WordPad text editor provides the ability to create simple formatted texts and is a simplified version of the professional Word editor. The WordPad editor is launched from the main Start menu by selecting the command Programs - Accessories - WordPad Text Editor. User interface WordPad is standard for Windows applications and includes a menu bar, a standard toolbar, a text formatting toolbar, a size ruler, and a status bar.

The most important editor commands are duplicated by toolbar icons. For example:

· the icon in the form of a blank sheet means the Create command to create a new blank document

· an icon in the form of an opening folder means the Open command to activate an existing document

· the icon in the form of a floppy disk means recording the document in disk file(Save)

· pictogram in the form of scissors – cutting out a marked piece of text

· pictogram in the form of binoculars – search for a given piece of text

The purpose of the pictograms with different styles letters and different types text alignment - right edge, middle and left edge.

Launch WordPad can be done from the main menu

WordPad is a text editor for working with small documents. It allows for simple paragraph formatting, as well as the use of different fonts and styles.

You can learn more about the WordPad editor using the "?" menu.

Using the WordPad text editor help is divided into the following points:

Work with documents

· Create a new document

· Saving the modified document

· Opening a document

Customizing the WordPad Window

· Display the toolbar

· Display the format bar

· Display ruler

· Status bar display

Work with text

· Copying data from one document to another

· Moving data from one document to another

· Cancel last action

· Deleting text

· Text search

· Find and replace text

·Insert current date and time

Text formatting

· Changing the text wrapping mode

· Creation bulleted list

· Changing the font

· Paragraph format

· Tabulation


·Print a document

· Document preview

· Setting page margins

· Changing printer and changing page layout

· Printing errors

Establishing links with other documents

· Changing related objects

· Embedding or linking an object

· Copying data to another document

· Moving data to another document

· Linking data to another document

WordPad allows you to set page options, format text, align paragraphs, copy and paste text, search for it, etc. Many of these techniques will be useful to you in the future when working with powerful word processors, however, be aware that WordPad does not have many of the features that provide such modern programs like Word-97 for Windows and Word Perfect-8. However, WordPad is quite acceptable for writing letters, notes, and combining disparate information (text and graphics).

With WordPad you can do the following:

  • set the document page layout and its parameters such as paper size and page margins;
  • enter, edit and delete text, as well as copy it or move it from one place to another;
  • change font parameters (typeface, size, style, color), set the required paragraph parameters (justification, leading);
  • find symbols, words, sentences in previously entered text and replace them with new ones;
  • create combined documents containing text, graphics, numerical data from spreadsheets and charts, and even audio information.

Technology of work.

1. The WordPad program is launched from the Main Menu using the command: Programs, Accessories, Wordpad editor or a shortcut previously created on the Desktop.

2. To create a new document:

  • select File, New;
  • Select the file type you want to create, and then start entering text.

3. To set the paper size and margins, select File, Page Layout.

4. You can set font parameters using:

  • commands Format, Font;
  • Formatting Panel buttons;
  • context menu.

5. To format the headings, select them sequentially. Set the specified formatting options using:

  • commands Format, Font, Paragraph;
  • Formatting Panel buttons;
  • context menu.

6.To align paragraphs, select them sequentially. Set the specified formatting options using:

  • commands Format, Paragraph;
  • Format Panel buttons;
  • context menu.

7. Set tab stops using the ruler. To do this, select the desired location on the ruler and, with the left mouse button pressed, drag the slider to desired position or delete outside the line.

8. To save the document, select File, Save. To save an existing document with a different name, choose File, Save As, and then enter a new name in the File Name field.

9. See paragraphs 2 and 3.

10. To call the symbol table:

use the command Programs, Accessories, Symbol Table,

  • in field<Шрифт>set the specified font typeface;
  • left-click on the desired symbol and on the button<Выбрать>;
  • click the button<Копировать>and close the window<Таблица символов>;
  • insert a character from the clipboard into the document using the Edit, Paste command or using the context menu.

11. See paragraph 8.

12. To place a picture or other object into the document, use the Insert, Object command. For this:

  • in field<Тип объекта>,select the given object;
  • check the Create new box and click OK;
  • use the Drawing Toolbar to complete the specified drawing;
  • return to the document by left-clicking on a free field.

File types used by the WordPad editor.

WordPad can work with the following four file types:

· Text. This file type contains only printable alphanumeric characters, including marks and punctuation. Such files are also called ASCII files. They do not contain any paragraph or character formatting. WordPad can read and save files in this format.

· Word file(Word). This file type is used to store documents in Word editor format. WordPad can open documents created using any of the Word versions for Windows, and save only in Word 6 format. However, when importing files created by the Word editor for Windows into WordPad, some formatting may be lost, for example, the arrangement of text in several columns. Document templates are also lost.

· File Write (Write). Write - a text editor - was included in Windows 3.x. You can open documents in WordPad that were created with this editor, but you cannot save files in Write format.

· RTF (Rich text Format) file. The RTF format is a standard format for saving text documents with character and paragraph formatting. The RTF format can be used to transfer files between different text editors. You can for example create a document using Word program Perfect, and save it as an RTF file, then open it and work with it using WordPad. WordPad can read and save documents in RTF format.

Like most application programs For Windows Word Pad supports working with the clipboard. You can copy text and graphics from other applications into WordPad. You can also select the Insert, Object commands to insert objects OLE type, such as a spreadsheet, into a WordPad document.

List of used literature.

1. Word 97 For Windows- D . Gookin .

2. Windows 95- E . Rathbone .

3. Reference WordPad.

Greetings, friends! Today even a novice user cannot do without a text editor. The Windows operating system, which is probably installed on your computer, already has two simple text editors: Notepad and Wordpad. If the first one is only for typing and saving plain text, then the second one already provides you with the ability to format text and decorate it with pictures. Therefore, in this article you will learn how to use WordPad.

Today in any operating system for personal computers programs open as rectangular windows. These windows have virtually the same controls. These are buttons and menus. Let's look at their functions and purpose using the Wordpad text editor as an example.

Basic Wordpad Tools

After the release of the office suite from Microsoft version 2007, toolbars began to be made in the form of a ribbon. Starting from operating system version Windows Vista, Wordpad and graphics editor Paint also acquired this arrangement of tools. In the figure below, you can see that the ribbon is presented in the form of two tabs Home and View. Tools are grouped.

Wordpad appearance window

Buttons in the menu, why there are so many of them and how to use them in Wordpad. How to learn to work with them in Wordpad. So, everything is in order.

Main menu

Let's look at the menu item for working with a document file.

menu for working with a document

Item Create

This command creates new document (Blank sheet). Shortcuts teams CTRL +N.

Note! If you already had the document open before creation and you made corrections to it, a window will appear.

Window asking you to save the document

Save the information if necessary or click Don't save. Then you have it all last changes in the previous document will be erased. And a new one will open before you blank document. Now you can start entering text.

When editing text, you can use two modes: Insert and Replace. These modes are switched with the key Insert on keyboard. In the first mode, Insert, the entered text in a line expands it, and in the second case, it replaces already typed characters. Unfortunately, these modes are not displayed in the status bar, as in Microsoft Word.

Item Open

This command opens a previously created document. Command shortcuts CTRL +O.

By selecting this command, you need to specify the file to open in the dialog box.

Opening a document

Note! There are two ways to open a file from the dialog box: double click by file name or select it with one click and press the button Open.

Item Save

This command saves our document on the computer or external media(flash drive). Command shortcuts CTRL +S.

When you save a document for the first time, a dialog box appears similar to the window when opening a file, but there is a difference.

Saving a document

Note! By default, your document will be saved in RTF format, but if you need a different one, remember to first select it from the drop-down list File type. And then press the button Save.

Item Save as...

This command saves our document on a computer or external storage device (flash drive) with a new name. Wherein old version the document remains unchanged. This is very convenient when creating template texts that have slight differences. Also this command allows you to save a document in a format other than the original one.

Item Print

After completing work on a document, it is often necessary to obtain a paper copy of it. The command for this is Seal. Command shortcuts CTRL +P. If you have a printer connected to your computer, then using this command you can print a document. But before you put it on paper, you can do Preview.

In Wordpad, there is no way to insert a page break during the editing process or see its end and the beginning of a new one. Therefore, in preview mode, you can visually evaluate how the editor will divide your document into pages. An important factor in this case will be the page settings settings. By the way, it has such an opportunity

In this mode, you can see how the text of the document will be located on the pages when printed. This mode allows you to avoid unnecessary waste of paper and paint and promptly correct inaccuracies in the location of text and drawings in the document. Here you can set the viewing type: one page or two pages. If you have more pages, you can turn them over.

Window Preview

Exit viewing mode using the button Close preview window.

Item Page Settings

Everyone should have fields. You can configure them in the menu Page settings. Typically the following fields are specified:

Left -20 mm, right - 15 mm, top - 20 mm, bottom -20 mm

Standard size A4 ( album sheet). And the orientation of the sheet is its location. Book- the upper side is narrow, landscape- the top side is wide.

Setting Page Options in WordPad

For a multi-page document it is convenient to use automatic insertion numbers at the bottom of the page.

Item Exit

Quit working with Wordpad and close the document.

Home tab

This tab contains everything necessary tools for editing texts.


In the Clipboard group we see buttons for performing operations with text fragments: copying, deleting and pasting.

Next is the Font group. Here already more tools. I have highlighted the following tools with a blue frame (from left to right): changing the font typeface, font size, then two buttons, also for changing the font towards increasing or decreasing its size.

Below in the red frame are the following tools (from left to right):

  • F - makes the font bolder relative to the main text
  • K - converts characters to italic (oblique) form
  • H - underlines characters
  • crossed out letters - crossed out text
  • the next two buttons allow you to make characters subscript and superscript, which is very convenient to use for writing indices of quantities or powers of numbers
  • a felt-tip pen is a text highlighter that makes a colored background behind the text
  • character color - changes the font color to any available in the drop-down list (triangle next to the button)

The Paragraph group contains the following tools:

  • working with lists (highlighted with a green frame): increasing and decreasing the indentation of a paragraph or list, creating a bulleted list.
  • line spacing(button to the right of the green frame)
  • a group of tools for aligning text within a paragraph (highlighted with a black frame). Last button in this frame opens a separate window for setting all of the paragraph settings listed plus the first line indent.

The insert group implements minimal functionality for adding external objects to a text document. I think the button icons are intuitive and don't require any further explanation. IN local version this editor There is no way to insert tables into a document, but such functionality is implemented.

Home tab continuation of wordpad toolbar

The last group on this tab, Edit, contains only three commands for working with text: squeak, replace, and select all text.

View tab

View tab

As the name of the tab implies, tools for changing the display of a document in the editor window are collected here. The Scale group contains buttons for increasing or decreasing the visible area of ​​the sheet. The scale can also be controlled using the slider in the lower right part of the editor window (status bar). The Show or Hide and Options groups are intuitive.

Even if you have difficulty understanding a setting, place your mouse cursor over the name or image of the tool. Hold it in place for a few seconds and you'll see a tooltip pop up explaining what the tool does.

Ruler - paragraph setting

You can use the ruler tools to format paragraphs in WordPad. Let's look at them in more detail.

WordPad ruler

There are two zones on the ruler: gray and white. The gray area is the area of ​​the vertical margins of the document. No text is printed in the margins. The border of the right margin in the figure is marked with a blue dotted line - mark 4. You can change the borders in Page settings(see above).

Changing the text boundaries is only available within the white scale. Using markers 1 and 3, the boundaries of the text are set relative to the vertical boundaries of the document fields.

Attention! Changes are applied to the current paragraph containing text cursor. If you need to make changes to several paragraphs, you must first select them. Use hotkeys to select all text CTRL+A.

To change the indentation of the first line of a paragraph (red line), move marker 2 in the desired direction along the ruler.

Pay attention to marker 1. He is composite. Top part(triangle) when moved causes a change in the text indentation from the border of the right margin of the document and at the same time changes the indentation of the red line. If you drag the bottom part (rectangle), only the distance from the border of the left margin of the document changes.

We discussed above basic commands main menu. But it’s inconvenient to run after them with the mouse every time, so we’ll set up a quick command call. Let's place shortcut buttons on the toolbar.

To do this, you need to call the setting by clicking the drop-down menu button.

And check the boxes next to the items as in the picture.

Setting up the panel quick access

Now we will have easy access to button commands

So, let's summarize. We looked at the basic menu commands that are present in any application. Their purpose is the same in a text editor, a graphics editor, or any other program. The ability to use and customize the quick access panel is also a necessary thing to speed up our work with the editor. Well, it won’t be superfluous to add to your computer experience. I hope this post will teach you how to use Wordpad with the confidence of an advanced user.

PS: Interesting Facts

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To create and edit text documents, you usually use Word application Office, but as observations show, often more is used for these purposes simple program WordPad (probably due to the lack of installed office applications).

Previously, we mentioned, we talked about how to add a document created in Wordpad, today we will tell you how to change page parameters, insert various objects into the document, how to set page numbering and view the document before sending it to print.

How to change the font and its size in a Wordpad document was discussed in the description of this editor. In addition, in the font tab of the toolbar, you can make subscripts and superscripts, change the font color, and highlight text with color.

In each case, you just need to click on the corresponding button in the toolbar and type text from the keyboard, or select required fragment and then click on the appropriate button.

In the compact Wordpad menu, all icons are easy to read and understandable even for a beginner

Menu paragraph

You can use the increase or decrease buttons when formatting entire paragraphs paragraph indentation, the same can be done using the so-called ruler. You can create and edit bulleted and numbered lists; there is also an icon under which you can change the line spacing.

The buttons on this menu allow you to align paragraphs to the edges, center, or width. By clicking on the icon, you can open a dialog box for setting paragraph parameters.

In this window you can immediately configure all paragraph parameters.

Inserting objects

Compared with previous versions operating systems Windows in the “seven” has significantly expanded the ability to insert various objects into documents, in particular, the toolbar contains buttons for inserting and editing images, inserting a Paint picture, even a button for inserting the date and time has a place here. This is what the buttons for inserting various objects look like.

We should also mention the object insertion button. With which you can insert into text various graphics, tables, mathematical equations, of course, this is possible if you have the specified applications installed.

In this window you can insert a wide variety of objects, from equations to graphs

Page settings

To change the size of the sheet, its orientation, as well as the margins of the document, you need to find the “Page Options” button in the WordPad menu, clicking on which will open a window for setting these parameters.

In addition to these basic page parameters, here you can check the “print page numbers” box and they will be displayed in the printed document. Unfortunately, there is no way to see and change the parameters of the numbers here.

Document Preview

If we try to reduce the scale of the document displayed on the monitor screen in order to see how it will look on paper, we will find that all our text is located on one long strip, not divided into individual pages. Of course, this is very inconvenient when drawing up documents. But is it even possible to preview documents? It turns out there is...

You can see what the document will look like on paper by clicking on the button preview located in the “print” menu. When you click on it, the document will be displayed on the screen as it will be located on the paper.

Thus, despite its comparative simplicity, the text editor Word Pad quite suitable for writing small text documents. Its minimal functionality should be enough.

Mastering WordPad

Like Notepad, WordPad is present in all Windows versions. WordPad has more capabilities than Notepad, but at the same time it is significantly inferior to multifunctional word processing packages like Microsoft Word.

At the same time, WordPad has a wider range of tools than Notepad - it allows you not only to type text, but also to format the document. What does it mean? To put it more clearly, documents created in this editor, unlike Notepad files, can contain different fonts, sizes and text color formatting. You can also insert various objects into WordPad documents: pictures, drawings, diagrams, video clips, music, and even sound effects.

To open the program, enter WordPad in the search bar of the start menu or go to the “Programs” - “Accessories” tab. Click on the program icon with the mouse and a text input window will open.

By switching between the “Home” and “View” tabs, you can view various functions programs.

And by clicking on the blue arrow next to the “Main” tab, you can open the main menu.

In order to start working in the program, you need to create a new document. To do this, do some additional actions no need - just open the program, after which its window is ready for text input. Text in this editor is typed in the same way as in any other text editor, and the name created file the default is “Document”.

You can create a new document in WordPad by going to the main menu and standard panel and select “Create”. The result will be as follows - the window of the created document will open.

You can save a new document at any time while working with it. To do this, you need to click on “File” in the menu and select the “Save as...” command. In the “Save As...” window that appears, select the folder in which the file should be saved. If you need to save the file in a new folder, you can create it directly from this dialog using the context menu or the " new folder" on the action bar. In the “File Type” field, you need to select the desired file format. The default is "RTF File". In the “File name” field, enter a name and click the “Save” button. To cancel saving, click on the “Cancel” button.

When you subsequently save this file, the “Save” command will overwrite the modified file over the old one, and to save the document as new file you need to select the “Save As...” command from the WordPad menu, which will open a dialog box for saving the new edition under a different name and, if necessary, in a different folder.

There are two ways to open already created documents:

Select the “Open” item in the main program menu (remember, click on the blue arrow to bring up the menu);

Without opening WordPad, find it yourself required document in your folders (on documents saved in WordPad - the icon with the letter “W” is displayed, blue), click right mouse document, select “Open with...” from the dialog that opens, select “WordPad” in the new window, and the program will open with the document you need.

Let's talk a little about the formats that the program allows you to work with. In WordPad, you can open and save text documents (TXT files), rich text documents (RTF files), Word documents (DOCX files), and OpenDocument Text format documents (ODT files). Documents in other formats open as plain text and may not display correctly.

Now let’s return to the main menu and take a closer look at its items. What do they allow us to do with WordPad documents? In fact. Not a little!

“Create” - a new document.

“Open” - a previously saved document.

“Print” - send the created document to a printer and select in the additional dialog the desired method of sending for printing.

Send a document made in WordPad for printing.

“Page Settings” - in the tab that opens, you can change the page layout settings for printing, changing the page settings for printing in WordPad.

“Send by email” - sends a copy of the created document by email as an attachment. True, to do this, you must first install the “Email Program” on your computer and create a connection between this program and the WordPad program in the “Default Programs” control panel.

“About the program” - displays information about the copyright holder of the WordPad program and about the license holder for this program on your computer, that is, about you if you have a licensed Windows OS installed on your computer.

"Exit" - additional button to exit the program.

Working with WordPad documents is very simple - all the main actions are listed in the “Main” tab. You can call up the same menu by clicking right click mice by free space document or selected text.

Paste button - allows you to paste text copied in another document into a document. The “Cut” and “Copy” buttons only work with “selected” text. “Select” the text and press the button you need.

You can also insert images into a WordPad document. For this purpose, the panels are provided special buttons. To insert an image, place the cursor in the desired location in the WordPad document and click on the “Image” icon. This will open the Pictures folder on your computer. Find the image you need and double click paste it into an open WordPad document.

You need to save documents with formatting and insert images in RTF format. To do this, click on the blue arrow and select “Save As” - a new window will open with options for saving the document. In document types, the top value is “Save documents in RTF format” - this is exactly the item needed to save documents with images.

You can also insert an image into a WordPad document using the right mouse button. To do this, right-click on the desired image and select “Copy” from the context menu. And then, in the WordPad document, also right-click and select Paste. Such documents should also be saved in RTF format.

A little later we will touch on the issues of creating drawings in the Paint editor, but for now we note that you can easily insert these objects into a document. To insert a drawing made in Paint into a WordPad document, you need to open document WordPad click on the Paint icon marked in the top bar.

After this, the Paint program will immediately open and you begin to draw. Create the drawing you want to insert and close Paint. As soon as you close Paint, the outline around the drawing will disappear.

WordPad is a more complex graphic editor that allows you to format text - change its size, configuration, color... this can be done using the text attributes panel.

Here are the main buttons and windows that allow you to work with text. Let's look at them. We will not point out each one, since you can find out about the purpose of each button by simply hovering your mouse over it - a hint will open and everything will immediately become clear! So, what are the buttons located in the text attributes panel?

Buttons for changing the font in WordPad, for example: Arial, Courier, Georgia, Times New Roman.

Buttons for changing font size - from 8 to 72.

Buttons step change font size. By clicking on these buttons, change font size in WordPad, you can change the font size in the selected text up or down. You can also change the style.

The bottom row of buttons makes font changes to selected text in a WordPad document. That is, you first need to select the text and then press the button. Namely:

F - makes the selected text bold;

K - makes the selected text italic;

H - makes the selected text underlined;

Superscript icon - makes the selected text superscript - smaller and higher than usual (allows you to show, for example, X2);

Subscript icon - makes the selected text subscript - smaller and higher than usual (allows you to show, for example, X2);

Highlight - changes the color of the background on which the text is written. Click on the triangle to the right of the “pencil” and the palette for changing the background color in the WordPad text document will open, click on the desired color and when you deselect the text, you will see that the background is the color you need.

Font color - changes the color of the text. Click on the triangle on the right and a palette for changing the color of text in a WordPad document will open.

Regarding palettes, we note that if in the palette that opens you were unable to select the color you need - at the bottom there is a button “Other colors...” - click and a new palette will open, in which you need to click the “Define color” tab.

First click on one of the empty cells, and then click on the color you need in the spectrum. After that, you can click the button at the bottom “Add to set”. The selected color will appear in the box and by clicking “OK” you will add the color to the palette.

Now let's look at the Paragraph panel, also located in the Text Attributes panel. It changes the alignment of text in the document. Here are the buttons:

Allows you to reduce paragraph indentation;

Allows you to increase paragraph indentation;

Allows you to create bulleted and numbered lists;

Allows you to change the line spacing;

Align text to the left. By default, this is how all texts are written;

Align the text to the center;

Align text to the right;

Align left and right, increasing the spacing between words;

Call up the “Paragraph” menu, where you can configure the indentation parameters.

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From the author's book

Chapter 16 Games on the computer - mastering the basics, learning to use Why do we need games on the computer? At first glance, it may seem that you don’t need games at all, but sometimes you want to take a break from the usual hustle and bustle of the day, and you can do this using a computer. You can

WordPad is a simple text editor that is available on every Windows computer and laptop. The program is superior in all respects to the standard Notepad, but certainly does not live up to Word, which is included in Microsoft package Office.

In addition to typing text and formatting it, Word Pad allows you to paste directly into your pages and various elements. These include ordinary images and drawings from Paint programs, date and time elements, and objects created in other compatible programs Oh. Using last chance, you can create a table in WordPad.

Before starting to consider the topic, it should be noted that it will not be possible to create a table using the tools provided in Word Pad. To create a table, this editor turns to smarter spreadsheet software for help. Excel generator. It is also possible simple insertion already in the document finished table, created in Microsoft Word. Let's take a closer look at each of the methods that allow you to make a table in WordPad.

1. Click the button "An object" located in the group "Insert" on the Quick Access Toolbar.

2. In the window that appears in front of you, select "Microsoft Excel Worksheet"(Microsoft Excel sheet), and click "OK".

3. B separate window A blank sheet of Excel spreadsheet will open.

Here you can create a table of the required dimensions, set the required number of rows and columns, enter the necessary data into the cells and, if required, perform calculations.

Note: All changes you make will be displayed in real time and in a table projected onto the editor page.

4. Having completed necessary actions, save the table and close the Microsoft Excel sheet. The table you created will appear in the Word Pad document.

If necessary, change the size of the table - to do this, simply drag one of the markers located on its outline.

Note: You cannot change the table itself and the data it contains directly in the WordPad window. However, double clicking on the table (any place in it) immediately opens Excel sheet, in which you can change the table.

Inserting a finished table from Microsoft Word

As was said at the beginning of the article, you can insert objects from other compatible programs into Word Pad. Thanks to this feature, we can insert a table created in Word. We have already written more than once about how to create tables in this program and what you can do with them.

All that is required of you and me is to select the table in Word along with all its contents by clicking on the cross-shaped sign in its left top corner, copy it ( CTRL+C), and then paste it into the page WordPad document (CTRL+V). Done - the table is there, although it was created in another program.

Advantage this method lies not only in the ease of inserting a table from Word into Word Pad, but also in how easily and conveniently you can change this very table in the future.

Yes, to add new line just place the cursor at the end of the line to which you want to add another one, and press the key "ENTER".

To delete a row from the table, simply select it with the mouse and click "DELETE".

By the way, in exactly the same way you can insert into WordPad table, created in Excel. True, the standard boundaries of such a table will not be displayed, and to change it you need to follow the steps described in the first method - double click on the table to open it in Microsoft Excel.


Both methods by which you can make a table in Word Pad are quite simple. However, it is worth understanding that in both cases we used more advanced software to create the table.

The Microsoft Office package is installed on almost every computer, the only question is why, if there are such, turn to more to a simple editor? Moreover, if office software from Microsoft is not installed on the PC, then the methods we described will be useless.

Still, if your task is to create a table in WordPad, now you know exactly what you need to do to do it.

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