Text editor for editing code. What is the best HTML, PHP, CSS, JS code editor?

Code editors are essential to the daily website development process. They are seen as a resource you can't do without because their purpose is to make you more efficient at work. With a great editor, you can write code faster, find syntax errors, and do much more to help your site grow. You can easily make changes to your code if you use a good editor. Code editors have come and gone over the years, but there are some that have remained strong and improved over time to provide better services to their users.

Here are a few of the editors you can use today, all of which are completely free.

This free editor code, as well as a source code editor intended for programmers. It is free to use on Windows. Also it can work with in plain text and create web pages for you. This the best choice if you want to use good IDE for your compiler.

The editor is completely free for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. It is a complete web development environment that uses a combination of very powerful development tools for HTML, JavaScript and CSS. It also has many additional plugins that have been created by the developer community. It is a unified tool for editing web applications.

It is an open source editor designed for users working with source code. It has great features that include code folding or outlining, tool docking windows, bookmarks both numbered and simple, file association manager and others.

Free code editor for Windows. It offers support for multiple languages. Some of its powerful features include auto-completion, user-defined syntax highlighting, dynamic view position, and multi-document support, among others.

This is a great text editor for Microsoft Windows. It is full-featured and designed for editing, formatting, reviewing, previewing, and publishing web pages in HTML, XHTML, and XML languages. The editor allows you to collapse code, has several loading options, and allows you to navigate through tags and scripts.

Another free code editor for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. It is a very good multi-platform and multi-lingual editor that gives its users the ability to create, modify, navigate, build, and also debug code very quickly and accurately. It allows you to edit files up to 2GB in size.

This is a very professional source code editor for Windows. It is small in size and also very fast at boot time. With it, you can edit multiple documents at once, and it offers syntax highlighting among its other great features.

It is a very useful web development environment for Linux developers. Its main usefulness is to increase the productivity of developers when creating a website. This tool will give you fast access to some functions that are much needed.

This is a very good text editor, HTML editor, Java editor, as well as a PHP editor. It is designed for Windows and also has excellent and powerful features for web programmers and web authors.

It is a code-centric IDE that focuses on developer productivity. This tool understands your code very well, and it comes with a set of tools that are very powerful without interfering with your project's workflow or structure.

A very lightweight but extensible text editor that is only available as a freeware trial version for Windows. It was originally developed for Windows XP, but it is also certified for use with Windows Vista.

TextMate provides the ability to search and replace within a project, as well as automatically pair parentheses and other symbols. It has great features that can help you complete words in the current document, among other things.

This is a very useful code editor for Mac OS X, designed for web designers and programmers. Some of its great features include a tabbed interface, code folding, code hinting and completion, project-based site management, and so on.

This code editor is free for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. It is a very well-designed code editor that comes with numerous plugins that you can use in your development process. It has a built-in macro language and can support a large number of character encodings, including Unicode and UTF8.

It is an ideal choice for web developers who want to complete all their tasks quickly and easily. The editor has excellent features that offer word processing, programming and web development, file processing and demo among others.

It is an amazing free and open source text editor. It works well with a number of operating systems, including Microsoft Windows, Linux and MacOs.

This is a very useful code editor for Mac OS X. There is a free version as well as a commercial version. It comes with great plugins for web developers, opens very quickly, is spelling smart and finds files easily.

This editor is for Mac only. It only supports one language, although it is a very powerful text editor general purpose. The editor has great features for web developers to make their development easy and fast.

This is a code editor that will help you create very beautiful innovative websites that load very quickly. Note that the application itself is beautiful, innovative and fast. The editor gives you an intuitive approach so that you have the ability to modernize your tables and it comes with powerful preview features that will help you create amazing and standard websites in no time at all.

A very good and easy to use text editor. It's the best collaboration editor you'll love using. It's essential to making your collaboration possible and fun.

The choice of code editor should always be made depending on your needs and the projects you are working on. Web developers need these editors to work faster and more efficiently, and these are the best ones you can choose from.

For us developers, choosing a source code editor is not something insignificant. This is the environment in which we spend most of our time. Our productivity depends on the code editor.

No two developers are alike, so there is an abundance of code editors from which you can choose the best one for yourself. To understand which one is the best, we will evaluate different criteria on a 5-point scale. We will pay attention to:

  • Ease of use- how simple the editor is for beginners, how intuitive it is when we open it for the first time.
  • Power- a criterion for all innovations, code editing capabilities, autocompletion, editing modes, etc.
  • Extensibility- Does the editor support plugins and additional libraries?
  • Aesthetics- we love the beauty in our work, how pleasant the environment is to look at, how neat the code looks in it.
  • Speed- how quickly the editor starts, how quickly it opens large files.
  • Cross platform- Is the editor available for multiple operating systems?
  • Price- the cheapest price gets the highest mark.

Code editors are provided in groups that cater to specific types of developers.

For the Guru

You ask, who are gurus? Basically, these are people who used editors program code even before you were born. The instruments of this group are heavy and wide. They can be launched from a terminal window and, in UNIX tradition, all their settings are defined in a configuration file.


Released in 1991. Versatile and powerful editor gained many fans around the world. What makes it special from others is its command line technology. Instead of simple writing code, you select an input mode for text, run a search, and use even more guidance. This editor is imported on all known operating systems. Vim can also be extended with scripts and plugins. This is free software that is already installed on many Linux systems.


Development of Emacs began in the distant 1970s and continues to this day. This editor is known for its extensibility. It is one of the first editors to support code highlighting, automatic code alignment, and support for many programming languages. Like Vim, it is also cross-platform and can be used through a terminal window or GUI. Emacs is a free and open resource.

For professionals

Code editors in this category are fully equipped with development tools. They are easy to use and have powerful tools. Developers can write, compile, test and run in one application.


Eclipse is most often used for developing Java applications. This software supports plugins that make it possible to support additional programming languages. There are plugins for C/C++, Ruby, PHP and others. Eclips offers powerful code hinting built on documentation and real-time syntax checking. Large companies, such as Google, provide their development tools for this platform. You can easily create applications for Android and App Engine. Eclipse is free and open source.

Aptana Studio

Aptana is a development environment designed for heavy AJAX applications. This environment supports most popular web languages: PHP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Ruby, Python and others using plugins. There is also Git integration, the ability to test the application on a local server, and many useful code snippets for each programming language. Like Eclipse, Aptana is free and open source.


Another environment for Java, but like Eclipse, can be extended for additional languages: PHP, Python, C/C++ and others. The application runs on Linux, Windows and OSX. Netbeans can speed up desktop application development with Drag and Drop constructor. Negative side is performance - Netbeans may slow down large projects. This code editor is free and open source.


Dreamweaver is part Adobe applications Suite designed for web designers. It supports only the most popular web programming languages ​​- PHP, ASP.NET, JavaScript, HTML, CSS. Very beginner friendly, with support for WISIWYG editing, live viewing, testing on a remote server and application development using jQuery mobile and Phonegap. Dreamweaver is available on OSX and Windows. If you buy the entire package of applications for $399, there is no point in using it. But if you buy it separately, there might be something to it. It will be even easier.

Visual Studio

Visual Studio is an all-in-one development environment for Windows. This editor supports a large number of languages: C/C++, C#, VB.NET and F# which are built into the environment. It has powerful tools for code completion, line-by-line documentation, error checking, debugging, form design, creating database schemas and much more. The price starts at $500, but the express version of the program is available for free.


Xcode is Apple's solution for OSX development and iOS applications. Supports C, C++, Objective-C, Objective-C++, Java, AppleScript, Python and Ruby. With Xcode, you can write, debug, and test applications. It has an interface designer and a mobile device emulator for testing iOS applications. Xcode was used as a paid editor, but now they offer it for free.

Coda 2

Coda is an all-in-one editor for web developers. Supports file transfer via FTP protocol, navigation through code and file structure, sites and groups of sites, MySQL management and much more. With the new Coda 2, you can use your iPad to browse. The stable price is $99, but you can get it at a discount for $75.

For aesthetes

These code editors are beautiful, lightweight, easy to use, and extensible. There is a lot of talk about them, many provide plugins, write articles, and offer solutions on how to make this or that editor better.


TextMate is basically a graphical text editor for OSX. Supports macros, code storage, snippets, shell integration, project management. Text Mate 2 will presumably come with everything you can get. The editor costs about $50.

Sublime Text 2

Sublime is a beautiful cross-platform editor. It is fast and rich in functionality for almost every programming language. Supports multiple selections, code folding, macros, projects and more. Full-screen editing is also possible, which looks great on large monitors. Runs on Linux, Windows and OSX. This editor comes with an unlimited trial period, but you need to buy a $59 license that can be used on every computer.

For pragmatists


This powerful and lightweight editor is a must-have for every Windows developer. Although the name suggests an advanced notepad, it is a powerful tool. It's easy for beginners, but it's also suitable for professionals. Notepad++ supports every popular programming language. Supports partitioning working environment two editing windows, FTP browser, macros and powerful features text editing. Notepad++ is absolutely free. It's possible.


TextWrangler is a free and lightweight editor for OSX. Supports all programming languages. Offers powerful search and replace functionality, text manipulation, file comparison, FTP support and much more.


CodeLobster has simple and powerful functionality for web programmers. Suitable for all versions of Windows OS: 8, 7, Vista, XP, 2003, 2000, ME, Server. Flexible configuration of the working environment, tooltips for functions, debugging, and a todo list. This editor is recommended specifically for web developers; it can easily be extended to work with various frameworks: CakePHP, CI, Drupal, JQuery, Yii, Smarty, Symfony, WP, Facebook. A lightweight version of the editor is available for free. With a set of tools $40, per full set plugins and extensions over $100.

The best code editor is...

Couldn't find your editor on this list? Tell us what your favorite editor is in the comments below!

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. For a very long time I wanted to write about a wonderful free editor (the link leads to the official website where you can download the latest version with Russian language support).

For many years now, it has been one of the most popular and used programs for editing Html, CSS and PHP code. I’m even surprised: “how did I manage without it before, realizing its potential with the help of some other programs?”

Now I always have a couple of browsers running simultaneously on my computer, a very simple, free and convenient FTP manager FileZilla and this very editor, the capabilities of which are simply incomparable with the default notepad used in Windows. But first things first.

Downloading and features of the Notepad++ editor

Installing the program on Windows is carried out in a completely normal way. You can also if you wish download Notepad++Portable, which is portable version this editor, which does not require installation into the operating system.

The portable version can be obtained from the regular one if you unpack the archive with the program to any convenient location and run the executable file notepad.exe.

All the advantages of the Notepad++ editor

In fact, the notepad built into Windows is as different from our hero as heaven and earth. There is practically nothing in the classic notepad except the ability to view and create simple text files(it turns out something similar to a digging stick used by people in the early stages of development).

Having started using Notepad with two advantages, at least for editing Html and CSS files, you will be taken straight from the Stone Age to the cabin of a modern earthmoving machine. There are, of course, other alternative programs and even , but for a beginner, a “notepad with two pluses” will be just the thing (IMHO).

Yes, of course, at first using it may seem intricate and unconventional. But this is only at the very beginning of acquaintance, and then it will be just as difficult for you to live without it, just as, for example, many computer users cannot imagine their lives (also a kind of “classic”).

If we compare Notepad ++ with more complex programs designed to make it easier to write and edit various codes, such as Dreamweaver, then there are quite a few arguments for using our hero:

  1. Firstly, it's absolutely free, which means you can save a lot by using it instead of Dreamweaver, if you don’t take into account hacked versions paid programs(which may well be a breeding ground for Trojans and other viruses).
  2. Secondly, Notepad is much more light and fast than many of the paid editors. In addition, it is possible to use it without installing it into the Windows operating system at all (the so-called portable version - portable) and carry it, for example, . As a result, you will always have at hand a convenient, functional and well-understood tool for working with Html, PHP and several dozen other types of code.

Why is this editor worth downloading?

Let's briefly go over its capabilities and features, and then try to consider them in more detail. So, Notepad++ can do the following:

  1. Highlight several dozen of the most popular programming and markup languages, for example, such as: Ada, Assembler, C, C#, C++, CSS, FORTRAN, HTML, Java, JavaScript, Objective-C, Pascal, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, SQL , XML.
  2. For all these languages ​​it is carried out syntax highlighting, breaking the code into lines and blocks, which can be collapsed by clicking on the minus sign and expanded by clicking on the plus sign. You can also display the relationship between elements with a dotted line. As an example, I took a piece of PHP code to demonstrate the capabilities of this editor:

    If you click on the opening Html tag, it will be highlighted with a blue background and at the same time the closing tag, if any, will also be highlighted. Great for finding unclosed elements and .

  3. It's very easy to implement change the encoding, for example, the now popular one, which I talked about in an article devoted to the fight against krakozyabrs in Russian language encodings (see it at the link).

  4. In one program window you can open as many files as you like for editing, because Notepad++ uses tabs in the manner of those to which you have already become accustomed modern browsers.

    The color of the floppy disk on each tab indicates whether you saved the last changes you made to it using the similar floppy disk in the toolbar. On the active tab, a red floppy disk (and on an inactive tab - purple) indicates your forgetfulness.

  5. With this editor you can conduct search(Ctrl+F) both for the document opened in it, and for a whole host of text files lying in a certain folder. Possible search with replacement and use regular expressions. An amazingly convenient tool.

  6. In the settings of this editor, you can enable automatic writing of the closing Html tag when you type the opening tag, as well as the auto-completion option for tags.
  7. NotePad++ not only keeps a history of all your changes and allows you to roll back as many steps as you like or go forward, but also backs up copies of these documents in the same way as Microsoft Word does.
  8. This editor has the ability to control hotkeys, of which there are a great many specified in it - from top menu“Options” - “Hot keys”. Moreover, with double click Clicking on the combination you are interested in will open a window for reassigning keys, which can be convenient for those who are switching to Notepad from another editor.

  9. Notepad over the years of its existence got a lot of plugins, some are installed with it by default, and the rest will be available to you from the top menu “Plugins” - “Plagin Manager” - “Show Plagin Manager”.

    To install, you just need to check the box on the first tab. the required plugin and click on the “Install” button.

    After this, the editor window will reload and new plugin will be available in the tab of the same name:

  10. Also this " Swiss knife» can connect to your site via FTP, record and play macros, check spelling on the fly, compare two files in windows open side by side, and much, much more.

What else might you need in Notepad++

  1. Thanks to syntax highlighting in Notepad ++, it is very easy, for example, to check whether all Html tags in the code are closed, and with minimal experience you will already visually note what is in your code there was a mistake made somewhere, because the color scheme of the code in this place will change.
  2. Also, due to the fact that the code is highlighted in color, and the regular text of my articles remains black, it is very convenient for my constant grammatical error corrector (beloved wife) to check grammar in it. No, of course, I use various ones, but not one of them can still check punctuation, and semantic errors too.
  3. What I also really like about this text editor is the ability to visually display individual blocks of code using highlighting brackets like ( ) (). When the mouse cursor is between any brackets, they are highlighted, as if highlighting the beginning and end HTML block or PHP code.
  4. In addition to the excellent implementation of the backlight, special mention should be made of the possibility take a step back(cancel previous action). Moreover, the number of steps back is not limited, which allows you not to be afraid to experiment with the code without the risk of irreversible consequences.

    Undoing an action in Notepad++ is possible using the hotkeys Ctrl+Z (Ctrl+Y is a step forward, i.e. undoing the cancellation), using the corresponding menu items “Edit” or using the buttons in the form of curved arrows on the toolbar of this editor.

  5. NotePad++ constantly monitors the status of documents opened in it and if they are changed or deleted, for example, in another program, you will be shown a window asking you to close this tab with the document or re-upload its modified version.
  6. As I mentioned earlier, the two plus notepad has the ability to syntax highlighting settings(as well as a dozen other languages) to suit your tastes and needs, but I have never used this option, because I am quite happy with the default settings.

    But no one is stopping you from doing this, fortunately, everything is extremely simple - select “Options” - “Define styles” from the top menu, which will open a window where you can fine-tune the fonts and colors for highlighting Html, PHP or any another language you need.

  7. Notepad++ also has the option automatic completion the word you type, which can be very convenient if you are not sure of the correct spelling of a particular Html, PHP or any other code operator. To do this, when typing, just press the Ctrl-Space key combination and select the desired option from the window that opens:

    If you want to make code completion automatic, without using hotkeys, you will need to select “Options” - “Settings” from the top menu and on the “Reserve/AutoCompletion” tab, check the “Enable for each input” box.

  8. Another feature that seems quite convenient to me in this editor is the ability to drag document shortcuts directly into the program window to open them (although this hardly surprises anyone) and the ability Drag and drop in the document itself, select a fragment of code (with the left mouse button) in the place you need.
  9. When working with Notepad++, you will have the option put markers, which are called notes in it, but the essence does not change. In the line you need, you can place a marker in the form of a blue dot on the left margin by clicking the mouse.

    To set a marker (note) in the editor, you can also use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl-F2, and to move between markers placed in the document, you will only need to successively press F2 or Shift-F2 to scroll through notes in the opposite direction.

  10. If you work in this editor with an Html file, you can look what your code will look like in the browser FireFox or IE by selecting the appropriate Start menu items. If you need another browser, then select the top “Launch” item and look for the executable file you need in the window that opens.

  11. There is also ability to record macros, which I have not yet created, but the logic of their operation is quite simple. First, you record it by selecting “Macros” - “Start recording” from the editor menu, and then insert the recorded macros into the desired place in the code, selecting them from the editor menu or using the hotkeys assigned to them.

Encodings and working with files in the NotePad++ editor window

  1. It should be noted that this code editor allows you to save and convert Html, PHP and other files into UTF-8 encoding (without BOM). This has helped me more than once to overcome the problem with Russian encoding when working with various sites.

    When I wanted to change some inscription on the site to Russian, I often got the result of crappy errors, the reason for which was the Windows-1251 encoding in which it was saved original file.

    After the original file has been converted to UTF-8 encoding (without BOM), krakozyabrs were successfully transformed into ordinary Russian symbols. That. If you add the Cyrillic alphabet to any engine files, then in order to display it correctly on the site you will need to either immediately save it in the correct encoding or convert it later.

    I should probably say a few words about this very BOM. The fact is that when you work with different text objects in a regular Windows notepad, when you save it in UTF-8 encoding, invisible characters (BOM) are added, which can subsequently affect performance this file(for example, PHP may throw an error).

  2. If you would like to print the contents open file, then the code will be printed not in the form in which you see it in the program window. But by selecting from the “Options” menu - “Settings” tab "Seal" you will be free to change this and choose the option of printing code highlighting in color, allowing the display of line numbers, headers and footers, etc. things:

  3. This advanced text editor also allows you to open as many new documents as you like without fear of cluttering up your taskbar. operating system. In unison with modern browsers, it will open all new documents not in a new program window, but in a new tab already open window.

    Moreover, these tabs of various documents in the window of this notepad can be arbitrarily dragged with the mouse, closed and minimized.

    Well, depending on the settings made (“Options” - “Settings”), all tabs opened before closing Notepad ++ will be restored the next time you start the program (again, similar to how browsers work). You can close unnecessary ones double click over them or place them vertically.

  4. In addition to the usual operations with tabs, in this editor you can open in one window at once two copies of the same document. This may be necessary if you need to work with a document in different parts of it (look at it somewhere or copy it, and paste it somewhere).

    To activate this mode, you just need to right-click on the desired PHP editor tab and select “Duplicate in Another Window” from the context menu.

    It is very convenient that if you save changes in one of the copies of the document, the second one will also be updated (that is, you will not get confused whether you saved the changes you made and in which copy).

  5. I also really like it built-in search By open HTML or PHP documents with the possibility of replacement(some actively use regular expressions for this, but to my shame I don’t know them). All the richness of the search in this advanced text editor can be appreciated by simply opening the “Search” menu item. See the screenshot at the beginning of the article.

In general, this text editor has taken a lot of useful and convenient features from the functionality of other applications, for which special respect goes to its developers and those who make plugins for it, some of which will now be discussed.

Using plugins in Notepad++

Let me remind you that to install a new plugin you will only need to select “Plugins” from the top menu of the editor - “ Plugin Manager" - "Show Plugin Manager".

And in the window that opens, on the first tab (from the top menu), check the box next to the required plugin and click on the button "Install".

After this, the editor window will reload and the new plugin will be available in the tab of the same name. In general, everything couldn’t be simpler.

What plugins for Notepad you may need in your work

    The plugin provides a lot of additional and convenient gadgets "TextFX", which after installation will be available in the item of the same name in the top menu of the editor. If you don’t have such an item yet, then go to “Plugins” - “Plagin Manager” - “Show Plagin Manager”, scroll down the list in the first tab and check the box next to TextFX Character.

    After installing it, the editor will reboot and a new TextFX item with many drop-down sub-items will appear in the menu. For example, activating the option shown in the figure can greatly make your life easier when editing or writing HTML code:

    In this case, as soon as you enter the opening Html tag in the Notepad++ text editor, a matching closing tag will immediately appear next to it. There is a significant saving of time and a significant reduction in the likelihood of an error due to an unclosed tag. However, this thing annoys me and I don't use it. But this does not at all diminish her dignity.

    There are quite a lot of gadgets in TextFX, so try them in practice yourself and decide what exactly will be convenient and useful for you.

    Well, continuing the topic of tabs in the editor, it’s worth mentioning the possibility comparing two documents. First you will need to install this plugin through the Plugin Manager:

    To activate the document comparison mode in Notepad++, you just need to select “Add-ons” - “Compare” - “Compare” from the top menu or press Alt + D on the keyboard. As a result, the active notebook will open in the window of this notepad. this moment tab, as well as the tab located next to it.

    For convenience of comparison of two Html or PHP documents, the Notepad++ editor will highlight the differences for you. To go to normal mode To work with documents, you need to select “Add-ons” - “Compare” - “Clear Results” in the top menu or press Ctrl+Alt+D on the keyboard.

    Moreover, two documents in the Notepad++ window can be viewed both vertically and horizontally. To select the method that is most convenient for you, right-click on the location of their section and select the direction of rotation (right or left).

    By the way, if you, like me, mainly use Notepad++ to edit Html or PHP files of your site, then you may find it useful to be able to connect to it via FTP directly from this text editor. True, I somehow prefer working with FileZilla, especially since they even managed to steal my passwords from it.

    If you want to try working via FTP via Notepad, then select “Plugins” - “NppFTP” - “Show NppFTP Window” from the top menu, which will open the FTP client window on the right.

    To set up an FTP connection, click on the gear icon, select “Profile Setting” and enter your connection details. Further work is not much different from what I wrote in the article about FileZilla, which lives.

  1. If you install the Customize Toolbar plugin using the Plagin Manager, you will be able to shuffle, delete, or add new toolbar buttons this program.

  2. At the beginning of the article I mentioned Light Explorer, which adds the ability to open in the left column file manager. However, you can also use Explorer, which you will find in the plugin manager, for the same purpose.
  3. Great plugin WebEdit, which allows, by analogy with the WordPress Html editor, to frame the text with the most popular heading tags, lists, tables and others. Select the desired fragment and click on one of the buttons on the Notepad++ toolbar.
  4. ImgTags - allows you to have already specified horizontal and vertical sizes (it calculates them itself, which is very cool), prepared ALT attributes and SRC (you will also need to add the path to the folder with pictures on your server there).

Spell checking window in NotePad++ using plugins

    To connect Russian grammar checks the Notepad ++ editor uses the Shell-Checker plugin (from the “Plugins” menu item), for which you will need to download the Russian language dictionary from this page, and when activating this spell checker plugin, specify the path on your computer to the dictionary file.

    There are installation nuances. First you will need download Full installer, and then a file with the Russian dictionary aspell-ru-0.50-2-3.exe. First, install the full installer, in the wizard of which, I personally did not change the default path selected (c:\Program Files (x86)\Aspell\).

    Then install the language pack, where first you will have to enter the letter “y” in the DOS window and press Enter on the keyboard (although, perhaps this was just me, because I had already installed GNU Aspell on my computer before):

    Then the standard Russian dictionary installation wizard will start, where again I did not change the default path. All.

    Now restart Notepad ++ and either select the items shown just above from the menu, or hold down the unreal combination CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+S on the keyboard. In the window that opens, you will have to enter the path to the BIN directory from the Aspell folder:

    If you did not change the path when installing GNU Aspell and the Russian dictionary, then you will need to insert here:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Aspell\bin\

    Well, or something similar, depending on your operating system. That's it, now select the text in which you want to check the spelling and press CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+S (you can change this combination in the hotkey settings - see above). A window will appear showing the first error found:

    You can ignore it, or choose a suitable replacement from the proposed options. Below you can change the checking language if you have installed several GNU Aspell language modules. That's all.

    DSpellCheck- a very convenient solution in the manner of the previous plugin, because it also uses GNU Aspell and its Russian dictionary, but it already does spell checking on the fly, just like in all modern browsers. Go to the plugin manager and install it.

    The grammar check will be enabled immediately by default (it can be disabled by unchecking the checkbox shown in the screenshot), but the module will only be connected with English language, so we go to the DSpellCheck settings and make the changes.

    Select Aspell from the drop-down list (if you don’t have it installed yet, then scroll up this article a little and download the module along with Russian language pack to install them on your OS), and just below indicate the path to the aspell-15.dll file. A little further down, select the language of the connected dictionary, if you have installed several of them, and click on Apply.

    Now all errors found will be underlined with a red wavy line (the color can be changed in the settings), and when you move the mouse cursor, an arrow will appear, by clicking on which you can select an option correct spelling of this word, either add it to the dictionary or to the ignore list.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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This plugin converts selected text (or ASCII hex string) to ASCII or hex strings of your choice. The format of the generated hex string can be set by changing the parameters in the section of converter.ini . To do this you will need to restart the Notepad++ editor

With this Notepad++ plugin you can run command line with parameters. Notepad++ even includes instructions on how to create script compilations for each source code file type.

Using this plugin you can solve various complex problems. For example, you need to use NppExec to compile your C files, run them, and show your data.

Here's how it's done for Perl. That is, it simply adapts to C

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 * Open Notepad * Type F6 to open the execute window * write the following commands: o npp_save< -- Saves the current document o CD $(CURRENT_DIRECTORY) <-- Moves to the current directory o perl.exe -c -w "$(FILE_NAME)" <-- executes the command perl.exe -c -w , example: perl.exe -c -w test.pl (-c = compile -w = warnings) * Click on Save * Type a name to save the script (ie Perl Compile) * Go to Menu Plugins -> Nppexec -> advanced options -> Menu Item * In the combobox select the script recently created and click ok -> ok * Restart Notepad * Go to Menu Settings -> Shortcut mappter -> Plugins -> search for the script name * Select the shortcut to use ( ie ctrl + 1), click ok * Verify that you can now run the script created with the shortcut selected.

* Open Notepad * Type F6 to open the execute window * write the following commands: o npp_save< -- Saves the current document o CD $(CURRENT_DIRECTORY) <-- Moves to the current directory o perl.exe -c -w "$(FILE_NAME)" <-- executes the command perl.exe -c -w , example: perl.exe -c -w test.pl (-c = compile -w = warnings) * Click on Save * Type a name to save the script (ie Perl Compile) * Go to Menu Plugins -> Nppexec -> advanced options -> Menu Item * In the combobox select the script recently created and click ok -> ok * Restart Notepad * Go to Menu Settings -> Shortcut mappter -> Plugins -> search for the script name * Select the shortcut to use ( ie ctrl + 1), click ok * Verify that you can now run the script created with the shortcut selected.


Useful Notepad++ plugin, with which you can export files to html, rtf formats

Here's how it works. Open the file, go to the “P” tab l Agina" > NppExport > Export to HTML. That is, we export the file to HTML format. The code can be viewed in any browser

An extremely useful plugin. With its help you can work with files directly on the server. The plugin allows you to instantly download files from the server, make changes to them directly in the editor window, and save them, thereby automatically sending the changed file back to the server. It's very convenient, believe me!


With this Notepad++ plugin you will be able to give the ability to edit a file remotely. That is, you can connect yourself, or give your friend the opportunity to connect to your file, and after that you can both edit the file simultaneously.


This plugin is the brain of the Notepad++ text editor upgrade system. With this plugin, the user can update, remove or install plugins for Notepad++. Simply open this plugin, select the plugin from the list of available downloads, and install it. Or we just update the plugins. There are actually a lot of them. I have 10 plugins installed by default, and in the list of available ones I counted 72 plugins for Notepad++!!! Small clarification. In Windows 7, to update, you must run the program as an administrator.


This plugin is designed to check spelling, similar to Word's built-in dictionary. Everything is the same here by analogy. You just need to install ASpell first.

Other useful features of the free text editor Notepad++

1. Syntax highlighting

This may be one of the reasons why I use the free text editor Notepad++. Its capabilities in terms of syntax highlighting are amazing. The number of languages ​​used is enormous. In the latest version of the program there are so many of them that they had to be divided into separate categories, because they simply no longer fit in the window. If you wish, you can create your own rules for syntax highlighting.

For example, let's put php highlighting code

In addition to the illumination itself, the advantage lies in the fact that the information is divided into special containers with which you can study complex code so as not to get confused. IN in this case from the screenshot above, I expanded line 745 (clicked on the “-” minus icon) to view the entire container. Now instead of the minus “-” there is a plus “+”, and learning the code becomes easier and clearer

2. EditorNotepad++ in encodingUTF-8 (withoutBOM)

UTF-8 translated from English means Unicode conversion format. Today this encoding is one of the most popular and used. It provides a Unicode representation that is compatible with 8-bit text encoding.

Now regarding the UTF-8 encoding without BOM, which you may have already heard about. The fact is that WordPress engine(see) works with UTF-8 encoding, but if you use standard notepad Windows, when saving files in UTF-8 encoding, this beauty adds invisible characters to PHP files. They are what are called BOM. Therefore, UTF-8 without BOM means that the file does not contain all this joy, i.e. extra invisible characters. This problem can be successfully solved using the free text editor Notepad++, which can convert or save Html (see) and PHP (see) files.

You can convert a file from its original encoding to UTF-8 encoding (without BOM) as follows:

Everything is done simply. Take, for example, a file containing English text, enter Russian letters instead of English, then go to the “Encodings” tab, select “Convert to UTF-8 without BOM,” and click on the floppy disk icon. That's it, the file is saved.


The Notepad++ program contains such a useful thing. Let's say I have several files in .txt format where I store all the necessary information: different html codes, reminders. In general, current work information, and simply frequently used information. Well, for example, I need to find tags for some purpose (no matter what) in my .txt file . In addition to these tags, this file may contain a bunch of other information. And for me to find these tags , I will need to scroll the document up and down until I find it. The end result is a stupid job. And if you need to open this .txt file not once, but several times a day, then in the end it turns out that for some time we are just stupidly wasting time scrolling the document up and down. The problem can be easily solved. We find the line we need and double-click next to its number. And immediately a bookmark will appear opposite it. And then this bookmark can be easily found by pressing F2 on the keyboard.

Every web designer and coder needs a good web page editor to create and HTML editing, CSS and JavaScript code. Notepad (Windows) and TextEdit (Mac) are great tools to start with, but as you gain more experience, you'll want to use a more robust and user-friendly tool.

There are hundreds of excellent editors from which you can choose the right one, but many of them are paid. And if you don’t want to violate copyright, but your budget doesn’t have the funds to purchase commercial product? This article looks at some great free editors.

  • WYSIWYG editors. These are graphic editors that allow you to build a page layout and set styles visually, as in the well-known word processor MS Word. They are a convenient tool for building a page design, although, as every experienced web designer knows, the code still has to be tweaked to achieve a great result.
  • Text editors. This is a tool for directly editing HTML and CSS code. Some editors are general purpose and do not have special options for web code support. Others are specialized for using web languages ​​such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP, and have built-in properties for quick input HTML tags, CSS properties, and so on. Many of these editors allow you to view a web page in a separate window.

KompoZer (Windows, Mac, Linux)

KompoZer - great choice if you need visual editor on a limited budget

Komodo Edit is a good editor, easy to learn but powerful and extensible

Although it is a general purpose editor, it supports HTML and CSS, and has contextual autocomplete for HTML tags and CSS properties, as well as a collection of code inserts for various HTML elements. To get the most out of Komodo, you need to install the HTML Toolkit extension, which contains such wonderful features as auto-close tags, CSS appearance preview, and a temporary text generator.

Komodo Edit allows you to view the pages you are editing in any installed browser, or use the built-in browser in a separate window, so you can edit and see the results of your changes at the same time.

The editor has a built-in function for uploading files to the site (FTP, FTPS, SFTP, or SCP), and you can also neatly group your files using the project manager option.

Very useful feature Code > Select Block. It highlights the current main HTML block, for example the current closed one div element or ul. Very convenient function, when you need to select an entire section on a page to copy or move.

Komodo Edit has a lot of powerful and useful functions, such as using regular expressions for search/replace, the ability to execute external commands, and so on. Fortunately, the editor also has good help system, which makes it easy to harness the power of Komodo Edit.

Aptana Studio (Windows, Mac, Linux)

Aptana Studio is a complete integrated web application development environment with large set plugins. Although you can only use it as an HTML/CSS/JavaScript code editor

Notepad++ is a great replacement for Notepad on Windows. Although it doesn't have as many options as other editors, it's great for editing HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other code files

PSPad is another general purpose editor for Windows with a wide range of features useful for HTML and CSS coders

jEdit is a cross-platform text editor with powerful macro command and plugin features. Install the XML plugin if you need to edit web pages

TextWrangler is a lightweight general purpose editor. Despite the lack of special functions for web development, it can be used to work with web pages.

Vim is definitely hard to learn, but once you get past the challenges, you'll never want to go back!

The granddaddy of text editors for programmers Vim (a direct descendant of the vi editor) is console editor open source text. It is the default editor on almost all flavors of Unix, including Linux and Mac OS X. It is also available for use on Windows and many other systems.

Vim is not a system that you can install and start using right away without ever having worked with it before. Most editing commands include weird combinations like :wq and / . It also has three editing modes: mode inserts, in which text is entered; visual mode for selecting text; And command mode for entering commands. This functionality is a legacy of Unix from the days when there were no windows and no mouse.

Why was he on the list? If you master it, you will be convinced of its speed and power. With a few commands, you can do in a few seconds what might take minutes in other editors.

There are a large number of macros and plugins for Vim that make working with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code easier, including syntax highlighting, autocompletion, HTML Tidy, and browser viewing. Here big list useful links:

  • Vim Omni autocompletion
  • HTML/XHTML editing in Vim
  • home page

Fraise (Mac)

Fraise is an intuitive editor for Mac, with a set of features sufficient for web editing

Like TextWrangler and gedit, Fraise is a wonderful, lightweight editor that's a pleasure to use. It is a fork from the editor. It is relatively new and does not have a proper web server. It is currently only supported on Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard), meaning if you are running version 10.5 you will have to download Smultron.

Fraise has some great options for web editing:

  • Code highlighting for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and several other programming languages.
  • Command Close Tag(Command-T) to close the current tag. This really saves time when entering lists.
  • Convenient preview in the built-in browser (using WebKit), with a very convenient Live Update option? which updates the browser as soon as the markup and CSS on the page being edited has changed.
  • Advanced Find option, which supports search/replace using regular expressions.
  • Support for blocks to quickly enter HTML tags and CSS properties.
  • Some handy commands for manipulating text, such as HTML validation and converting characters to HTML elements.

Fraise is worth checking out if you're a Mac user and need convenient editor with more features than the built-in TextEdit.

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