Technical means of information processing of informatization. Education informatization tools

In the process of its development, human society went through stages of penetration into the secrets of matter, learned to manage various types energy and finally entered the era of information. Until the middle of the 19th century, when the processes of collecting and accumulating information were dominant, the means of informatization were a pen, an inkwell and paper. To replace primitive means information technology at the end of the 19th century mechanical ones came: a typewriter, a telephone, a telegraph, which served as the basis for fundamental changes in information processing technology. Only many years later, the information processes of remembering and transmitting information were supplemented by the processes of processing it. This became possible with the appearance in the second half of the 20th century. such information technology as electronic computers (computers), which laid the foundation for information technology.

Information technologies are based on the following technical achievements:

New means of storing information on machine-readable media (magnetic tapes, films, magnetic and laser discs and so on.);

Remote information transmission systems (local computer networks, data networks, telephone network, radio communications, satellite communications, etc.);

Automated information processing using a computer according to specified algorithms.

Naturally, information technologies are built on a combination of hardware, software and the creative thought of the creators of both these means and computer technology.

Experts call hardware computer equipment Hardware(hardware or rigid wire), and software - Software(soft wire). The combination “Hardware&Software”, translated as “hard and soft”, is a professional term. In Russia, programs in professional slang are sometimes called the new word “software”, and computers and peripherals are sometimes called “hardware”. The priority of the role of software or hardware in information technology is not subject to discussion, since without software Any most advanced computer is a set of electronic circuit boards.

Technical means of informatization are a set of computer equipment and its peripheral devices - Hardware, which ensures the collection, storage and processing of information, and communication equipment (telephone, telegraph, radio, television, satellite communications, computer networks) that carry out remote transmission of information.

Creation electronic computers in the middle of the 20th century. is one of the most outstanding achievements in human history. Continuous development of the computer industry and others technical means informatization for short term has become one of the determining factors of scientific and technological progress. Many major scientific and technical projects of our time in the field of space research, nuclear energy, and ecology could not be implemented without the use of technical means of informatization. Over the past decades, information technologies, based on modern technical means of informatization, have increasingly invaded various spheres of human activity. There is no doubt that there is a close relationship between the improvement of software, technical means of informatization and the high-tech technologies on the basis of which they are produced. The development of new software requires the creation of increasingly advanced technical means, which, in turn, stimulates the development of new high-performance and cost-effective technological processes for the production of technical means of informatization.

The development of technology has led to the informatization of society. Today it is difficult to imagine a house in which there would be no TV and computer, and a person who does not know how to use the Internet. firmly and confidently penetrate into all areas of our lives. The education system was no exception. Today, implementation problems are dealt with not only by the ministry, but also by the center for informatization and assessment of the quality of education, located in the city of Ivanovo.

Problem Definition

Informatization of education is a rather complex modern trend associated with the introduction of various types of information into the educational process. information media, operating on the basis of microprocessors, as well as electronic products and new pedagogical technologies based on the use of ICT for teaching.

Informatization of education is, first of all, aimed at developing methods and tools aimed at implementing basic educational and educational pedagogical goals through the use of the latest achievements in computer technology. This includes computer training for schoolchildren, mastering them modern achievements ICT, modernization of methods and forms of training, its content.


The process of informatization of education has its own goals. These include:

1. Creation of favorable conditions for access to educational, scientific and cultural information.

2. Intensification of interaction between participants in the pedagogical process through the use of information technology.

3. Changing the education management model.

4. Improving the quality of education through the use of ICT.

Main reasons

The development of informatization of education has the following prerequisites:

The rapid process of informatization of society as a whole. So, today more and more more people have personal computers, connect to worldwide network, including schoolchildren and students.

Height technical capabilities computer science tools and reducing their cost, which makes them more accessible. Almost every school has its own computer lab, and most universities install computers, multimedia projectors and whiteboards in every classroom.

A course towards the formation of a new information environment of society, the infosphere. Naturally, with such prospects, it is important to teach schoolchildren and students to use ICT correctly and profitably.

Process Basics

Informatization of the education sector is based on the achievement of pedagogical and computer science, such as:

Computer science;


Systems theory;


Thanks to them, not only new computer technologies are being introduced into education, with the help of which students can master knowledge more effectively, but also methods and approaches to learning and its control are being developed. Electronic textbooks, tests, and educational programs are being created that use both the latest achievements of computer science and the fundamental principles of didactics.

Main directions of informatization of education

To achieve the main goals, the Center for Informatization of Quality Education proposes to carry out work in the following areas:

1. Computerization educational institutions, which includes not only providing schools and universities with computers, but also peripheral equipment such as multimedia projectors and boards, printers, scanners, modems, etc.

2. Connecting educational institutions to the Internet. In the future, this will allow students to use it directly during the lesson, and teachers will be able to conduct lessons remotely or attend remote training courses in the workplace.

3. Creation and implementation of distance learning technologies. To date this form training is considered one of the most promising. But at the same time, distance education has a number of disadvantages, among which are the high cost of courses and a somewhat undeveloped knowledge control system. In the future, it is planned to carefully study the training methodology and reduce its cost, which will make it accessible to everyone.

4. Creation of a unified information system for monitoring training, which will help to conduct timely summaries of knowledge, identify the disadvantages and advantages of a particular method of training. This is one of the main tasks pursued by informatization. At the same time, it should grow significantly, experts say.

5. Providing educational institutions with electronic teaching aids, corresponding educational programs. IN Lately The problem of developing electronic textbooks that will significantly increase the efficiency of learning has also become popular. At the same time, today there are no uniform, compiled in accordance with curriculum, textbooks. In most cases, teachers independently develop electronic textbooks for their students.

6. Opening of information educational centers in which not only students, but also teachers will be able to improve their computer literacy, get acquainted with the latest information technologies and methods of their application in the educational field.

7. Informatization of education also means the creation of a regulatory framework for the implementation of educational process information communication technologies. Naturally, for the introduction of new technologies it is necessary the legislative framework, which will not only fix the rights and obligations, the procedure for introducing ICT, but will also take into account the issue of copyright for electronic manuals.

Advantages of informatization

Let's note the main advantages this process.

1. Improving methods and technologies for selecting educational materials.

2. Introduction of new specialized disciplines related to the study of computer science and information technologies both in universities and schools.

3. Changes in teaching methods of traditional school disciplines not related to computer science. For example, the use of computers in biology or chemistry lessons will allow experiments to be carried out by simulating them using special programs.

4. Additional motivation for students, which leads to increased learning efficiency. It has been noticed that lessons with are more interesting for children than traditional ones.

5. Informatization of the education system will also make it possible to create new forms of interaction during learning: student - computer.

6. Improving the education management system.

7. Development of alternative and logical thinking.

8. Formation of strategies for finding solutions to educational and practical problems using ICT.

9. Individualization of training.

Disadvantages of using ICT in teaching

Despite its attractiveness and many advantages, the informatization of modern education also has a number of significant disadvantages:

1. Limiting live communication between the teacher and students. When using ICT, the main role in teaching is gradually given to technical means, while the teacher, for the most part, is involved in the selection required material and its subsequent presentation.

2. Reduced communication skills due to the presence of dialogue: student - computer. The more time a student spends interacting with educational technology, the less time is left for conversations with the teacher and other students. In such a situation, communication skills are significantly reduced, which subsequently negatively affects socialization.

3. Decline social contacts, which is directly related to the previous point. Communication with a computer reduces the level of social activity not only in the classroom, but also in life in general.

4. Use of ready-made information. Using modern ICT, children devote less and less time to searching and processing information. They take ready-made reports and abstracts from the Internet and read them out. At the same time, they do not conduct a detailed selection and analysis of the material, but take ready-made samples. In the future, it will be quite difficult for such children to write coursework and theses With high level uniqueness.

5. Full time job Using a computer can lead to addiction. This is a serious problem that can lead not only to problems with learning, but also to mental and physiological abnormalities.

6. Decreased health. Constant work at the computer negatively affects the development of a child’s posture and vision.


The Center for Informatization of Education notes that the introduction of ICT in the educational process will allow:

Create open system education, providing the opportunity to obtain high-quality self-education. The learning process will become differentiated and individual.

Make changes to the organization of the cognition process and its shift towards systems thinking.

Provide new opportunities to accelerate the intellectual development of the individual.

Develop new pedagogical practices.

Organize an instant feedback between students and ICT tools.

Visualize educational information.

Create a new highly effective education management system.

Difficulties in implementation

Informatization of the education system has two main problems that significantly affect the speed of implementation of ICT in the educational process.

1. Formation of a constant need for teachers to use computers. Go to new system requires constant and continuous use of ICT during training. Today, not all teachers understand the importance of this process and strive to conduct classes according to old standards, without the use of technology.

2. The need for continuous improvement of the teacher. When working with ICT, a teacher must constantly improve, learn new methods and techniques, and master more and more new programs. Not everyone is happy with this state of affairs. In addition, sadly, not all teachers know how to use a computer.

Information means

Another issue that needs to be considered is the means of informatization of education. It is computer hardware and software that is used to achieve educational purposes.

The main means of informatization include:

Tools for recording and playing sound and video;

Radio and television equipment;

Projection and optical cinema equipment;

Computer teaching aids - programs, textbooks;

Telecommunication teaching aids.

Below we will consider the features of the use of computers and electronic textbooks in the field of education.

The use of computers in the educational process

As already mentioned, informatization of education is also the use of computers in educational process. This direction is called computerization and implies the active use of computer technologies in the learning process.

How can you diversify a lesson using a personal computer?

  1. Introduce students to a particular topic, supporting it with a colorful presentation. With its help, two channels responsible for receiving information will be used at once - hearing and vision. The presentation can contain not only pictures and tables, basic definitions, but also video and audio materials.
  2. Use of video materials - films, videos. It is especially successful to use such materials in the study of history, literature, biology and geography, chemistry, and astronomy.
  3. Use of special computer modulator programs. With their help, you can conduct various experiments - physical or chemical, simulate galaxies and systems in astronomy. All you need to do is give the computer data.
  4. Using training programs. The most well-known programs for learning languages ​​are those that offer not only to choose the correct answer, but also to enter the translation of the word and leave phrases from a certain set of letters.
  5. Introduction of computer testing. Using computers to test knowledge will not only make life easier for teachers, but will also allow for more accurate assessments. The computer itself randomly asks students questions from its knowledge base and offers possible answers. Depending on how many correct questions the student gives, the final grade is assigned.
  6. Use of special reference programs, dictionaries and translators. Work is also underway on electronic dictionaries and reference books. Thanks to them, students will be able to find necessary information in a matter of minutes, just by opening the desired program and entering a search keyword.

Electronic textbook as one of the main means of informatization

When we looked at educational informatization technologies, we mentioned electronic textbooks and manuals. It is believed that with their help, students will be able to learn much better educational material. What are the reasons? In the use of not only text, but also multimedia material.

The classic electronic textbook contains:

  1. Text information. These can be rules, facts, texts to read.
  2. Graphics. This includes not only illustrations and photographs, but also tables, diagrams, and graphs.
  3. Audio and video materials. This includes audio recordings of works, texts for listening and retelling, etc., scientific documentaries, thanks to which students can better understand a particular topic.
  4. Block of test tasks. This includes open-ended tests and assignments. At the same time, it is important that the electronic textbook contains fields for entering answers and can check and analyze them, pointing out mistakes.
  5. Help information block. There should be links to additional materials, online libraries and other information resources.

However, the problem is that there is no single electronic textbook for teaching a particular subject. In the future, the Center for Informatization of Education is obliged to carry out work to create uniform textbooks on subjects for their further use in schools.

Ivanovo Information Center

Today, the Ivanovo Center for Informatization and Education Quality Assessment is most interested in solving these problems.

The center’s specialists carry out work in the following areas:

1. Informatization of educational institutions in the Ivanovo region.

2. Training of teachers in the field of ICT application.

3. Assessment of the quality of education in the region.

4. Work with schoolchildren in the field of ICT.

5. Conducting annual advanced training courses for ICT and computer science teachers.

6. Presentation and assistance in purchasing new textbooks on ICT and computer science.

7. Creation of a software bank for the course of computer science and ICT.

8. Conducting seminars and courses on new computer technologies.

9. Creation of a bank of computer science and ICT teachers.

10. Work of the camp "Young Informatician".

11. Distance learning school "Create and Communicate".


Informatization of education is a complex and lengthy process aimed at introducing ICT tools and new teaching methods into education. It has both advantages and disadvantages. Its main goal is to improve the quality of education at all levels.

All technical means of informatization, depending on the functions performed, can be divided into six groups:

  • 1. Input devices:
    • - Text
    • - Place indications (mouse, light pen, trackball, Graphics tablet, joystick)
    • - Multimedia (graphics (scanner and digital camera), sound (tape recorder, microphone), video (web camera, video camera))
  • 2. Output devices:
    • - Text (monitor);
    • - Multimedia (graphics (printer, plotter), sound (headphones, Acustic systems), video (video recorder, video camera))
  • 3. Information processing devices:
    • - Microprocessor
    • - Coprocessor
  • 4. Devices for transmitting and receiving information:
    • - Modem
    • - LAN card
  • 5. Multifunction devices:
    • - Copy devices
    • - Breeding devices
    • - Publishing systems
  • 6. Storage devices

As follows from the above classification, most of the modern technical means of informatization are in one way or another connected with computers - personal computers (PCs).

Devices input And output are indispensable and mandatory element any computer, from the very first to modern PCs, since it is these devices that ensure user interaction with the computing system.

All input/output devices of a personal computer belong to peripheral devices, i.e. connected to the microprocessor via system bus and relevant controllers. Today, there are entire groups of devices (for example, location devices, multimedia) that provide effective and comfortable work user.

Main device computer is microprocessor , which in the most general case provides control of all devices and information processing. To solve specific problems, for example, mathematical calculations, modern personal computers are equipped with coprocessors. These devices belong To devices processing information.

Devices transfers And reception information(or communication devices) are indispensable attributes of modern information systems, which are increasingly acquiring the features of distributed information systems, in which information is not stored in one place, but is distributed within a network.

Modem (modulator-demodulator)- a device that converts information into a form in which it can be transmitted over telephone communication lines. Internal modems have a PCI interface and are connected directly to the motherboard. External modems are connected via COM ports or USB.

Network adapter (network pay) - electronic device, made in the form of an expansion board (can be integrated into system board) with a connector for connecting to a communication line.

Devices storage information do not occupy last place among all technical means of informatization, since they are used for temporary (short-term) or long-term storage of processed and accumulated information.

Multifunctional devices began to appear relatively recently. Distinctive feature of these devices is to combine a number of functions (for example, scanning and printing or printing and binding hard copies, etc.) to automate user actions.

In the general case, TSI can be represented as an information and computing complex containing the computer itself with its main devices, as well as additional or peripheral devices.

To the number main devices of a personal computer located in its system unit, include maternal fee, CPU, video adapter(video card), sound map, facilities processing video signal, operational memory, TV tuner. The system unit also contains drives and disk drives for information storage devices of various types: flexible and hard drives, CDs CD-ROM type, CD-R, CD-RW, DVD.

The variety of functions performed by peripheral devices in solving various tasks can be divided into several groups, as shown in rice. 1.1 .

Devices display information serve to process video information and present it for visual perception. These are primarily monitors made on the basis of a wide range of modern technologies. Three-dimensional images are formed using helmets virtual reality, 3D glasses and 3D monitors of various operating principles. To solve problems related to displaying information on a screen for a large audience, they use overhead projectors, liquid crystal panels and multimedia projectors.

To ensure communication between the computer and the information display device, it is used video adapter, performing the conversion digital signal, circulating inside the PC, into analog electrical signals supplied to the monitor. For computer processing signals from devices such as TV tuner, VCR, video camera, i.e. converting them from analog to digital form, use special means video signal processing, for example, video blaster.

Sound And acoustic systems computers provide processing and reproduction of audio information.

Devices input information represent a set of control and data input devices. These functions are performed by a keyboard, mouse, and joystick. To enter information into a PC, a light pen, scanner, digital camera, and digitizer are increasingly being used. Special variety Scanners differ in design solutions. They are tablet, roller, drum, projection, manual and multifunctional.

Printers devices (printers) used for output to solid, usually paper, media text information. According to the operating principle, printers are very diverse: drums, inkjet, laser, LED, thermal. To display graphic information in the form of drawings, use plotters . The functioning of plotter writing units is based on the same principles as printers, and according to their design they are divided into flatbed and roll.

Facilities telecommunications designed for remote transmission of information. These include pagers, radiotelephones, personal terminals For satellite communications, providing the transmission of audio and text information. Facsimile devices, carrying out the process of remote transmission of images and text, are divided into thermographic, electrographic, inkjet, laser, photographic, electrochemical and electromechanical. Modems mainly used to exchange information between computers via telephone line and are structurally carried out both externally, functioning autonomously, and internally, built into the equipment.

Widespread means of working with information on hard media are numerous devices copying technology: electrographic, thermographic, diazographic, photographic, electronic graphic. For destruction confidential information on solid media special devices are used -- shredders.

Control questions:

  • 1. What is accepted as a unit of measurement of the amount of information?
  • 2. What units of measurement of information do you know, their relationship?
  • 3. How can you measure the amount of information? Give formulas connecting the number of possible outcomes N and the amount of information I
  • 4. How are text characters encoded?
  • 5. What encodings of Russian letters exist?
  • 6. How do existing encodings of Russian letters differ?
  • 7. What is the difference between traditional 8-bit encodings and the new Unicode encoding?
  • 8. On what parameters does the quality of binary audio encoding depend?
  • 9. How is it produced? binary coding graphic information?
  • 10. What is included in the technical means of information technology?
  • 11. Give the classification of TSI.

Slide 2

Technical means of informatization (TSI) are a set of systems, machines, instruments, mechanisms, devices and other types of equipment designed to automate various technological processes of computer science, the output product of which is information (data) used to satisfy information needs in various areas of society. . Almost any technical means, including computer ones, can be divided according to their purpose into universal, used in various fields, and special, created for use in specific conditions or areas of activity.

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Based on the principle of operation, they are distinguished: ■ mechanical - driven by human muscular power (carts, typewriters, sliding racks, etc.); ■ electromechanical - the source of movement is an electric motor (elevators and conveyors for transporting storage media, etc.) ■ electrical - they use direct or alternating current signals (telephone and radio communications, scoreboards, electrical signal sensors) ■ electronic - computer technology, televisions, electronic signal sensors, sound speakers, modems, etc. ■ electronic-mechanical - record players and players, video recorders and video players, CD players, etc. ■ photo-optical - based on the photo effect (photo and film cameras, projectors. Laser devices: copiers, printers, scanners, CD drives, etc.) ■ pneumatic - for example, racks and lifts.

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Depending on the functions performed, all TSI can be divided into 6 groups: 1. Information input devices: ■ text (keyboard) ■ location (mouse, light pen, trackball, tablet, joystick) ■ multimedia (graphics - scanner and digital camera; sound - microphone, video - video camera). 2. Information output devices: ■ text (monitor); ■ multimedia (graphics - printer, plotter; sound - headphones, speaker systems; video - video recorder, video camera). 3. Information processing devices: ■ microprocessor; ■ coprocessor.

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Depending on the functions performed, all TSI can be divided into 6 groups: 4. Devices for transmitting and receiving information: ■ modem (modulator-demodulator) ■ router, router ■ network adapter (network card) 5. Multifunctional devices: ■ copying devices ■ replication devices ■ publishing systems 6. Information storage devices.

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All computer input/output devices are peripheral devices, i.e., connected to the microprocessor via the system bus and corresponding controllers. These devices are classified as information processing devices. The main device of a computer is a microprocessor, which in the most general case provides control of all devices and information processing. To solve specific problems, such as mathematical calculations, modern PCs are equipped with coprocessors.

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Five formal signs for determining whether this computer personal or not. 1. The control method is simple, visual, convenient, and does not require deep knowledge in the field computer technology. All technical equipment that ensures interaction between humans and computers is made in such a way that even a child can work on them without fear. Communication between a person and a computer is organized in a dialogue mode. 2. Developed a large number of software for various applications. This eliminates the need for the user to write a machine language program himself. 3. Small-sized devices external memory large capacity allow the replacement of one drive with another (hard magnetic drives) optical disks, flash drives). 4. Thanks to small overall dimensions and weight, no special tools are required for installation. 5. The design of the computer and its external design satisfy ergonomic indicators.

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Household computers are used at home. Their main purpose: to provide simple calculations, perform functions notebook, maintaining a personal file cabinet, a teaching tool for various disciplines, a tool for accessing public information funds through communication channels, etc. The household computer has become widespread as a means of entertainment - an organizer and partner in various games and a personal multimedia center. Today many people prefer virtual communication real.

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Personal professional computers are used in a specific professional field; all software and hardware are focused on a specific profession. However, regardless of the professional orientation of computers, their main purpose is to perform routine work: they search for information in reference and normative documentation and archives, compile standard forms documentation, keep a diary or laboratory journal, record research results, remember and provide information on this subject upon user request professional activity etc.

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Information means

  • Slide 11

    Information - information perceived by a person or special devices as a reflection in the process of communication of the facts of the material world. It is knowledge about objects, facts, ideas, etc. that can be exchanged between people within a specific context.

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    Information properties

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    Classification of data by presentation form

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    Information processes are the process of receiving, creating, collecting, processing, accumulating, storing, searching, distributing, and using information. As a result of the execution of information processes, information rights and freedom, the duties of the relevant structures to produce and put into circulation information affecting the rights and interests of citizens are fulfilled, and issues of protecting the individual, society, and state from false information and disinformation, protection of information and information resources limited access from unauthorized access.

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    Slide 18

    Numerical informationbinary code(numeral system) Text information - symbol tables in which the sign is replaced by a number Graphic information (pixel) - color code and pixel position Audio information - digitization and discrediting Video - a set of graphic frames and the speed of their change Coding information in a computer

    Slide 19

    Number coding 5 = 1012 75 = = 100 1 0112= 1138 = 4B16

    Slide 20

    Coding of numbers Лекция 8 p⌡п╣п╨я├п╦я▐ 8 Violation of encoding

    Slide 21

    Text encoding National encodings 1 character = 1 byte; total 256 characters Latin + additional characters + national alphabet

    Slide 22

    Coding (digitization) of audio information

    Slide 23

    Information transmission Source Encoding device Decoding device Receiver Communication channel Interference Protection from interference

    Slide 24

    Data accumulation process

    Slide 25

    File types and extensions

  • Slide 26

    Hierarchical file system

    Root directory Directory_1 Directory_2 File_1 Directory_1.1 Directory_1.2 File_1.1

    Slide 27

    Hierarchical folder structure

    Desktop Network environment My computer Trash E: A: C: D: Comp 1 Comp 2 Comp 3 Comp 4

    Slide 28

    Question: “Does the Internet influence teenagers and young people good or bad?” 28

    Slide 29

    FIGHT WITH INTERNET ADDICTION ON YOUR OWN What do you need to do for this? – You don’t have to wait until addiction takes hold of you and you find yourself in a trap. Start controlling your behavior, strictly regulate the time you plan to spend on the Internet. It could be 10 minutes, half an hour, an hour, but after that, resolutely disconnect from the network. Understand that while you are addicted, it is not you who control your life, but the Internet. - return to those forms of activity that interested you previously or find new interesting activities. - find the strength and means to overcome the social fears that have arisen and the negative habits that have developed during the time you were caught in the network. - Remember the Russian proverb: “A stuck claw means ruin for the whole bird.” And act - break out of the network! 29

    Slide 30

    Special program ( search robot) continuously scans the pages of WEB sites, selects keywords and addresses of documents in which these words are found and writes them into address tables on the Web server. The Web server, through a search engine, receives a search request from the user, converts it and transmits it special program- search engine. Search engine scans the index database, compiles a list of pages that satisfy the request conditions (more precisely, a list of links to these pages) and returns it to the Web server. The Web server formats the results of the request in a user-friendly form and transfers them to the client machine. PRINCIPLE OF SEARCHING INFORMATION ON THE NETWORK 30

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    31 There are three main ways to search for information1: Specifying the page addressThis is the fastest search method, but it can only be used if you know exactly the address of the document or site where the document is located.2: Navigating through hyperlinksThis is the least convenient way, since with its help you can search only for documents that are close in meaning to the current document. But this method is very simple and suitable for a novice user. 3: Turning to a search engine Special search engines come to the rescue (they are also called search engines). The result of the request is a list of links to Web pages, next to which there are specified text fragments. The most popular search servers: Yandex (, Google ( and Rambler ( Currently on mail servers Search engines also work. The query languages ​​of different search engines are somewhat different from each other.

    Slide 32

    32 Rules for setting information search conditions All popular search engines have special features to search for resources in simple and advanced search mode. Simple search - search by one or more keywords entered into the query string. Before you start entering a query into the search bar of a search engine, formulate it carefully. The clearer the chosen wording, the fewer unnecessary sites the search engine will offer you in search results.

    Slide 33

    33 Rules for setting information search conditions Advanced search To get to a web page that provides such capabilities, you must use a link of the “Advanced Search” type. By clicking on this link, we will see a large search form in which you can specify many parameters. The Yandex search engine allows, for example, to customize search parameters for words depending on their location (side by side, in the same sentence, on the same page) and form. In addition, it can search for web pages by their language (Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, etc.) .d.), by date last change and even by the file format of the web page. Using Yandex, you can search for information on a specific site. This can be useful if the site you need does not have a built-in search engine.

    Slide 34

    34 Rules for setting information search conditions Each search engine has its own query languages. The logical query language for Yandex allows you to enter additional service commands into the search bar in regular search mode to clarify your requirements. Use "+" and "-" signs. To exclude documents that contain a specific word, precede it with a minus sign (-). Conversely, to ensure that a certain word is present in the document, put a plus (+) in front of it. The word and the plus/minus sign must be written together. For example, if you want to find out about aquarium fish, but without selling and breeding, then type in the search bar: “aquarium fish - breeding - sale.”

    Slide 35

    35 Search for an exact match - the "!" sign. Search by exact word form. You can instruct Yandex not to take into account the forms of words from the query when searching. For example, the query!ivanov will only find pages mentioning this surname, and not the city “Ivanovo”. Search exact phrase– quotation marks “”. We only need to place a search query in quotation marks (for example, “who is to blame and what to do”) if we want to find a phrase that 100% matches the text of our query. Quotes force the search engine to select only documents in which the words from the query are in exactly the same order in which we specified them in search query. If there are no quotation marks, then at the request “who is to blame and what to do,” the search engine may offer us a page containing the phrase “who is to blame - do what they say” or “well, who is to blame that Pyotr Petrovich does not know how to make dumplings " Formally, the search engine will cope with its work, because the specified passages contain all the words from the entered phrase. But the fact that they are not at all in the order in which we need is another question, which is clarified by the use of quotation marks.

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    36 Conditions for displaying information search results Relevance is the degree to which the found documents correspond to our request. For example, in Yandex it can be found at the bottom of every web page containing search results, immediately below a set of link numbers. It is used as a parameter for the Sorted function. If pages in search results are sorted by relevance, this means that sites with the highest level of relevance to your query are listed at the very beginning, followed by resources with a lower level of relevance, etc. In addition to the relevance option, a date option is also available.

    Slide 37

    37 ELECTRONIC MAIL Electronic correspondence has its own characteristics: communication is interpersonal or group in nature; communication is always mediated and distant (the computer and postal service); according to the method of interaction, virtual communication can be a monologue or dialogue; the form of communication can be written or oral (if communication is carried out using audio speech files attached to letters); The style of speech can be either formal business or any other, up to colloquial speech and the use of profanity. Compared to paper mail, e-mail has some advantages: - scanty costs of time and money for forwarding; - less required data for successful delivery; - the ability to send audio materials along with a letter; - the ability to send one letter to several recipients at once; - the ability to forward letters, etc.

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    Slide 39

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    Technical means of informatization are a set of systems, machines, instruments, mechanisms, devices and other types of equipment designed to automate various technological processes of computer science, and those whose output product is information (data) used to meet information needs in various areas of society. .

    All technical means of informatization, depending on the functions performed, can be divided into five groups:

    • 1. Information input devices are an indispensable and obligatory element of any computer, from the very first to modern PCs, since it is these devices that ensure user interaction with the computing system.
    • 2. Devices for transmitting and receiving information (or communication devices) are indispensable attributes of modern information systems, which are increasingly acquiring the features of distributed information systems in which information is not stored in one place, but is distributed within a network.
    • 3. Information storage devices occupy not the last place among all technical means of informatization, since they are used for temporary (short-term) or long-term storage of processed and accumulated information.
    • 4. Multifunctional devices began to appear relatively recently. A distinctive feature of these devices is the combination of a number of functions (for example, scanning and printing or printing and binding hard copies, etc.) to automate user actions.
    • 5. Information processing devices. The main device of a computer is a microprocessor, which in the most general case provides control of all devices and information processing. To solve specific problems, for example, mathematical calculations, modern personal computers are equipped with coprocessors.

    Software (software) is a set of programs that allows you to organize the solution of problems on a computer. Software and machine architecture form a complex of interrelated and diverse functional tools that determine the ability to solve a particular class of problems. The most important classes of software are system and special (application), represented by packages application programs(PPP).

    Programs for automation of management activities of organizations. But any software system that claims to be comprehensive solution enterprise management tasks, regardless of the completeness of the implemented functionality, require communication with the outside world - other programs and software systems. Enterprise-specific features, interactions with legacy programs, and specific ways of presenting information are areas where interoperability between different programs may be required.

    Programs used at the enterprise: PPO "Territory", automated workplace "Territory"

    PPO "Territory" This program significantly allows you to increase the pace and quality of processing applications when providing government services electronic services. In 2010, 1.5 thousand applications were accepted, of which 40% were rejected. While in 2011, about 5.5 thousand electronic applications were processed, of which less than 5% were rejected. These figures indicate an increase in the electronic literacy of citizens, as well as the effectiveness of the “Territory” program. This program will allow the Federal Migration Service of Russia and regional Federal Migration Service Directorates to completely switch to automated process provision of services for registration of migration documentation.

    AWP "Territory". The AWP "Territory" program is intended for drawing up documentation. The territory is intended for entering databases, entering information about people (dates of birth, place of residence, last name, first name, patronymic and much more) for moving to the city.

    Requirements for automated workstations (AWS) for working with the software "Territory".

    Minimum PC requirements for working with software "Territory"

    When using versions Windows work with PPO is fully possible.

    Processor: IntelPentium 4 or more later version

    Memory capacity: from 512 Mb

    Operating system: Windows XP Service Pack 2 or later; WindowsVista; Windows 7

    Acceptable configurations without the ability to print on a special printer:

    Processor: Intel

    Memory capacity: from 512 Mb

    Free disk space: from 1 GB

    Operating system: Mac OS X 10.5.6 or later Linux

    Processor: IntelPentium 3/Athlon 64 or later

    Memory capacity: from 512 Mb

    Free disk space: from 1 GB

    Operating system: Ubuntu 10.04+; Debian 6+; OpenSUSE 11.3+; Fedora Linux 14

