Tele2 tariffs in the city of Izhevsk. Tele2 tariffs in the city of Izhevsk Analysis of new Tele2 tariffs

Mobile operator Tele2, a complete description of tariffs in the region of the Udmurt Republic 2019, with data on the cost of calls, the amount of Internet traffic in each tariff plan, SMS messages included in tariff plans and additional features of each tariff plan. We will show you in detail all the tariff conditions, I hope they will help you choose the appropriate conditions for connecting and using services from Tele2. In addition to describing the new Tele2 tariffs, we made a comparison of the cost of old and new tariffs. Also under the description of each tariff is information on how to activate the tariff. Tele2 tariffs with complete data in the Udmurt Republic.

Tariffs are as described, taking into account the increase from the most inexpensive to the more expensive. Each tariff has a table of services included in the tariff and prices.

Description of the “My Tele2” tariff

Payment per day or month

Call to Tele2 number in the Udmurt Republic region 20190.0 rubles
Calling numbers of other operators in the Udmurt Republic1.5 rubles per minute
One minute of conversation within Russia to Tele2 number0.0 rubles
Call within Russia to numbers of other operators2 rubles per minute
Call price to CIS countries30 rubles per minute
Call price to the Baltic countries and Europe49 rubles per minute
Call to other countries of the world69 rubles per minute
Satellite call price240 rubles per minute
  • Service “Transfer of balances”;
  • “Roaming in Russia” service;
  • Service “Roaming abroad”;
  • SMS service;
  • Support for USSD requests;
  • “I’m in touch” service;
  • "Informer" service;
  • Voicemail service;
  • Service "Access to content";
  • “Who called” service

Description and capabilities of the “My Conversation” tariff

Payment per day or month

Data about tariff plan services

Price for communication services in the tariff

Cost of services for sending SMS messages and mms in this tariff

The tariff includes the opportunity to buy additional Internet traffic, the price is 50 rubles for every 500 megabytes of traffic. Additional free services included in this tariff:

  • Service “Transfer of balances”;
  • Service “International and long-distance access”;
  • “Roaming in Russia” service;
  • Service “Roaming abroad”;
  • Call Forwarding service;
  • “Call Waiting/Hold” service;
  • SMS service;
  • Support for USSD requests;
  • Services based on packet data transmission;
  • “I’m in touch” service;
  • "Informer" service;
  • Voicemail service;
  • Service "Automatic Caller ID";
  • Service "Access to content";
  • “Who called” service

The tariff includes the “More” option, through which you can purchase an additional Internet package. If you do not need this option, then dial *155*310#.

Description and capabilities of the “My Online” tariff

Payment per day or month

Data about tariff plan services

Price for communication services in the tariff

Cost of services for sending SMS messages and mms in this tariff

The tariff includes the opportunity to buy additional Internet traffic, the price is 50 rubles for every 500 megabytes of traffic. Additional free services included in this tariff:

  • Service “Transfer of balances”;
  • Service “International and long-distance access”;
  • “Roaming in Russia” service;
  • Service “Roaming abroad”;
  • Call Forwarding service;
  • “Call Waiting/Hold” service;
  • SMS service;
  • Support for USSD requests;
  • Services based on packet data transmission;
  • “I’m in touch” service;
  • "Informer" service;
  • Voicemail service;
  • Service "Automatic Caller ID";
  • Service "Access to content";
  • “Who called” service

The tariff includes the “More” option, through which you can purchase an additional Internet package. If you do not need this option, then dial *155*310#.

Description and capabilities of the “My Online +” tariff

Payment per day or month

Data about tariff plan services

Price for communication services in the tariff

Cost of services for sending SMS messages and mms in this tariff

The tariff includes the opportunity to buy additional Internet traffic, the price is 50 rubles for every 500 megabytes of traffic. Additional free services included in this tariff:

  • Service “Transfer of balances”;
  • Service “International and long-distance access”;
  • “Roaming in Russia” service;
  • Service “Roaming abroad”;
  • Call Forwarding service;
  • “Call Waiting/Hold” service;
  • SMS service;
  • Support for USSD requests;
  • Services based on packet data transmission;
  • “I’m in touch” service;
  • "Informer" service;
  • Voicemail service;
  • Service "Automatic Caller ID";
  • Service "Access to content";
  • “Who called” service

The tariff includes the “More” option, through which you can purchase an additional Internet package. If you do not need this option, then dial *155*310#.

Description and capabilities of the Tele2 “Classic” tariff

Payment per day or month

Data about tariff plan services

Price for communication services in the tariff

Cost of services for sending SMS messages and mms in this tariff

The tariff includes the opportunity to buy additional Internet traffic, the price is 50 rubles for every 500 megabytes of traffic. Additional free services included in this tariff:

  • Service “Transfer of balances”;
  • Service “International and long-distance access”;
  • “Roaming in Russia” service;
  • Service “Roaming abroad”;
  • Call Forwarding service;
  • “Call Waiting/Hold” service;
  • SMS service;
  • Support for USSD requests;
  • Services based on packet data transmission;
  • “I’m in touch” service;
  • "Informer" service;
  • Voicemail service;
  • Service "Automatic Caller ID";
  • Service "Access to content";
  • “Who called” service

The tariff includes the “More” option, through which you can purchase an additional Internet package. If you do not need this option, then dial *155*310#.

Comparison and analysis of new Tele 2 tariffs

We have prepared a graphical display of the main parameters of new Tele2 tariffs in 2018 so that you can compare and get a visual view of the difference in tariffs.

The main differences in tariffs Tele2 Udmurt Republic 2019. Media graphics.

We choose the optimal Tele2 tariff according to the conditions

Choosing a tariff for yourself is quite a difficult task. Each user has their own needs, some need more Internet, others need more minutes for communication. We made an analytical table in which we indicated the main parameters and existing differences, emphasizing the resulting efficiency of the tariff.

Review of old Tele2 tariffs in the Udmurt Republic region

In this section, we will analyze the old Tele2 tariffs, which are still used by many Tele2 users in the Udmurt Republic and evaluate the comparative effectiveness and cost of services in the new and old tariffs. Connection at these tariffs is no longer available in the Udmurt Republic.

Description and capabilities of the “Black” tariff from Tele2

Data about tariff plan services

Price for communication services in the tariff

Cost of services for sending SMS messages and mms in this tariff

Description and capabilities of the “Blackest” tariff Tele2

Data about tariff plan services

Price for communication services in the tariff

Cost of services for sending SMS messages and mms in this tariff

Purchasing an additional Internet package - 500 megabytes for 50 rubles.

Description and capabilities of the “Superblack” tariff Tele2

Data about tariff plan services

Price for communication services in the tariff

Cost of services for sending SMS messages and mms in this tariff

Purchasing an additional Internet package - 500 megabytes for 50 rubles.

Cost efficiency analysis of old tariffs

Comparative analysis of old and new tariffs

As a result, we would like to present you with a comparative analysis of Tele2 tariffs in the Udmurt Republic, according to our efficiency methodology in the form of a general table. In general, the price for the efficiency of the minimum tariff has increased; if earlier the overall efficiency was set at 22 rubles, now the minimum has become almost 40 rubles. This came about by reducing the number of minutes. The maximum tariff has become slightly cheaper in terms of efficiency. Old tariffs are highlighted in green, new tariffs are highlighted in red. The table highlights the most expensive efficiency and the least. In general, the boundaries of cost efficiency have moved slightly in both directions and now Tele2 users in the Udmurt Republic can choose for themselves between the price and the number of services in the tariff.

Mobile tariffs

Let's consider the tariff plan “Classic v. 2.0", proposed by one of the leading Russian mobile operators.

"Classic v. 2.0"

State: Archival
Batch: No
Subscription fee: No
Form of payment for services: Prepaid
Above the subscription fee:


  • To all numbers in your home region - 1.2 rub/min
  • To Tele2 numbers in your home region with the option connected
  • "Unlimited on Tele2"0 rub/min
  • To Tele2 Russia numbers – 3 rub/min
  • To numbers of other Russian operators – 9 rub/min
  • To CIS countries – 30 rub/min
  • To EU countries - 49 rub/min
  • To other countries - 69 rub/min
  • Satellite connection - 399 rub/min


  • 10 MB - 15 rub.. After they are exhausted, the service is activated "Package 1 GB"


  • To any numbers in your home region - 1.5 rub
  • To any numbers throughout Russia - 2.5 rub
  • To numbers of international mobile operators – 5.5 rub


  • To all numbers in Russia - 5.5 rub
Other conditions:

The tariff plan includes a number of free services:

  • Trips around Russia
  • International and long-distance access
  • Roaming abroad
  • Call forwarding
  • Call Waiting/Call Hold
  • Packet based services
  • I am in touch
  • Informer
  • Voice mail
  • Caller ID
  • Access to content

Services included for an additional fee:

  • Unlimited Internet abroad (opt-out: *143*70#)
  • Internet on the peninsula (opt-out: *143*50#)
Unlimited on social networks, instant messengers and other services: No


Calls are charged per minute. If the duration of the call does not exceed 3 seconds, then it is not charged.

In the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, special conditions apply.

Unused balances of traffic packages within the connected “1 GB Package” option are not carried over to the next month.

A description of the main USSD commands of the Tele2 operator can be found.

Pros of the tariff plan

  1. No monthly fee.
  2. Uniform tariffs for calls to any Russian numbers within your home region.
  3. The cost per minute is not too high.
  4. A single tariff for sending SMS to any Russian numbers from your home region.

Disadvantages of the tariff plan

  • Dear Internet.
  • Unused Internet traffic is not carried over to the next month.
  • Very expensive long-distance calls to numbers of other operators.

All Tele2 tariffs in the Udmurt Republic region, including data on tariffs for telephone calls, Internet traffic, sending SMS and other services from Tele2. These tariffs will help you find a convenient tariff for yourself when using the services of Tele2. Here you can see the tariffs that worked until the spring of 2017 and the new line of Tele2 tariffs launched in 2017. All Tele2 tariffs have been updated to current status for 2018. A complete and detailed description of Tele2 tariffs in the Udmurt Republic.


Description of new tariffs from Tele2, divided by the cost of payment for services.


Tariff “My Tele2”

Subscription fee

1:1735 1:159 1:688
Cost of a call to Tele2 in the Udmurt Republic region0.0 rubles
Calls to other operators in the Udmurt Republic1.5 rubles per minute
Calls to Tele2 number in Russia0.0 rubles
Calls to other operators, throughout Russia2 rubles per minute
Cost of a call within the CIS30 rubles per minute
Call costs Europe and Baltic countries49 rubles per minute
All other countries, call costs69 rubles per minute
Satellite call240 rubles per minute

Sending messages and mms

1:1590 1:644
  • Service “Transfer of balances”;
  • “Roaming in Russia” service;
  • Service “Roaming abroad”;
  • SMS service;
  • Support for USSD requests;
  • “I’m in touch” service;
  • "Informer" service;
  • Voicemail service;
  • Service "Access to content";
  • “Who called” service

Tariff “My conversation”

Subscription fee


Services included in the tariff plan


Cost of telephone services tariff


Sending messages and mms


The tariff plan includes free services:

  • Service “Transfer of balances”;
  • Service “International and long-distance access”;
  • “Roaming in Russia” service;
  • Service “Roaming abroad”;
  • Call Forwarding service;
  • “Call Waiting/Hold” service;
  • SMS service;
  • Support for USSD requests;
  • Services based on packet data transmission;
  • “I’m in touch” service;
  • "Informer" service;
  • Voicemail service;
  • Service "Automatic Caller ID";
  • Service "Access to content";
  • “Who called” service

Internet in addition to the package is provided using the “More” option (to disable, dial *155*310#)


Tariff “My online”

Subscription fee


Services included in the tariff plan


Cost of telephone services tariff


Sending messages and mms


Purchasing an additional Internet package - 500 megabytes for 50 rubles. The tariff plan includes free services:

  • Service “Transfer of balances”;
  • Service “International and long-distance access”;
  • “Roaming in Russia” service;
  • Service “Roaming abroad”;
  • Call Forwarding service;
  • “Call Waiting/Hold” service;
  • SMS service;
  • Support for USSD requests;
  • Services based on packet data transmission;
  • “I’m in touch” service;
  • "Informer" service;
  • Voicemail service;
  • Service "Automatic Caller ID";
  • Service "Access to content";
  • “Who called” service

Internet in addition to the package is provided using the “More” option (to disable, dial *155*310#)


Tariff “My online +”

Subscription fee


Services included in the tariff plan


Cost of telephone services tariff


Sending messages and mms


Purchasing an additional Internet package - 500 megabytes for 50 rubles. The tariff plan includes free services:

  • Service “Transfer of balances”;
  • Service “International and long-distance access”;
  • “Roaming in Russia” service;
  • Service “Roaming abroad”;
  • Call Forwarding service;
  • “Call Waiting/Hold” service;
  • SMS service;
  • Support for USSD requests;
  • Services based on packet data transmission;
  • “I’m in touch” service;
  • "Informer" service;
  • Voicemail service;
  • Service "Automatic Caller ID";
  • Service "Access to content";
  • “Who called” service

Internet in addition to the package is provided using the “More” option (to disable, dial *155*310#)


Tele2 tariff “Classic”

Subscription fee


Services included in the tariff plan


Cost of telephone services tariff


Sending messages and mms


Purchasing an additional Internet package - 500 megabytes for 50 rubles. The tariff plan includes free services:

  • Service “Transfer of balances”;
  • Service “International and long-distance access”;
  • “Roaming in Russia” service;
  • Service “Roaming abroad”;
  • Call Forwarding service;
  • “Call Waiting/Hold” service;
  • SMS service;
  • Support for USSD requests;
  • Services based on packet data transmission;
  • “I’m in touch” service;
  • "Informer" service;
  • Voicemail service;
  • Service "Automatic Caller ID";
  • Service "Access to content";
  • “Who called” service

Internet in addition to the package is provided using the “More” option (to disable, dial *155*310#)


Analysis of new Tele2 tariffs

The main differences in Tele2 tariffs are within the number of allocated minutes. In the picture you can see the main indicators of tariff plans.

The main differences in the tariffs of Tele2 Udmurt Republic. Media graphics.

Summary table of the effectiveness and cost of Tele2 tariffs

In this table you can see our assessment of the effectiveness of tariffs, which we calculated using the following formula. We took the average value equal to 1 teleefficiency. It is equal to 5 and 1 gigabyte of traffic at a lower rate. Total for example My conversation consists of 5 parts of effectiveness. If we divide 199 rubles by 5, it will come out. This is our estimate and you may need a different one. This formula rather shows the effectiveness of the cost of tariff services. The lower the number in the Evaluation section, the cheaper the cost of the service for you in the basic parameter of 50 minutes and 1 gigabyte of traffic.


Old Tele2 tariffs in the Udmurt Republic

In this section, we will analyze the old Tele2 tariffs, which are still used by many Tele2 users in the Udmurt Republic and evaluate the comparative effectiveness and cost of services in the new and old tariffs. Connection at these tariffs is no longer available in the Udmurt Republic.


Tariff “Black” from Tele2

Services included in the tariff plan


Cost of telephone services tariff


Sending messages and mms


Purchasing an additional Internet package - 500 megabytes for 50 rubles.


Tariff “Blackest” Tele2

Services included in the tariff plan


Cost of telephone services tariff


Sending messages and mms


Purchasing an additional Internet package - 500 megabytes for 50 rubles.


Tariff “Superblack” Tele2

Services included in the tariff plan


Cost of telephone services tariff


Sending messages and mms


Purchasing an additional Internet package - 500 megabytes for 50 rubles.


Cost efficiency analysis of old tariffs

5:670 5:1046

Comparison of old and new Tele2 tariffs

As a result, we would like to present you with a comparative analysis of Tele2 tariffs in the Udmurt Republic, according to our efficiency methodology in the form of a general table. In general, the price for the efficiency of the minimum tariff has increased; if earlier the overall efficiency was set at 22 rubles, now the minimum has become almost 40 rubles. This came about by reducing the number of minutes. The maximum tariff has become slightly cheaper in terms of efficiency. Old tariffs are highlighted in green, new tariffs are highlighted in red. The table highlights the most expensive efficiency and the least. In general, the boundaries of cost efficiency have moved slightly in both directions and now Tele2 users in the Udmurt Republic can choose for themselves between the price and the number of services in the tariff.
