Tamagotchi 5 buttons. How to grow a Tamagotchi

For the youngest readers, it may be necessary to explain - in 1996, two Japanese, Akiro Yokoi from WIZ and Aki Maita from Bandai, came up with and began selling a fundamentally new electronic toy, the name of which is derived from two words - the Japanese “tamago”, meaning “egg” , and the English “watch” - to observe.

In the egg-shaped toy, the dramatic life of an alien creature unfolded on the screen, which hatched from an egg, grew, developed, and, in the end, died. It gave sound signals to the owner of the toy, who needed to monitor his pet, feed him, potty train him, remove his waste, and entertain him with simple games. These actions had to be performed using buttons.

The game, conceived as a way to teach little girls about future motherhood, gained incredible popularity and spawned a whole cult with an army of fans to boot. By 2010, according to official statistics alone, 76 million Tamagoki were sold worldwide. The idea of ​​the game was constantly developing and improving, and the number of possible interactions with the virtual pet was increasing.

In later versions of the game, two toys can be combined via an infrared port to produce virtual offspring - or the game can be connected to a computer to interact with special gaming sites. By earning Gotchi Points in games, you can buy various virtual food, toys, accessories and decorations for your pets' homes.

Classic version of the toy

By 2009, 44 different official versions of the toy (and countless Chinese clones) had been released. In 2013, Bandai released versions of the game for Android and iOS called Tamagotchi L.i.f.e., and the following year a sequel, Tamagotchi L.i.f.e. Angel."

Smartwatches are, in theory, ideal for a toy like this, although they don’t fully convey all its charms due to the limitations of third-party Apple Watch apps. In particular, there is no character animation, and for some reason you cannot play with him through the watch (only through a smartphone). If the constant notifications sent to your wearable device aren't enough for you, a constantly demanding pet should satisfy that need.

The retro fashion has brought back to life not only stripes on pants and platforms... Tamagotchi is the hit of the season, you can download it to your smartphone or buy a small pocket friend in a bright design - yes, yes, it looks the same as it did in 1997.

The main sellers of Tamagotchi retro toys: AliExpress, Ebay and Amazon. But there is a small catch, the instructions do not contain Russian, so figure it out in practice.

In our article we will give general instructions and tell you how to use Tamagotchi with 4 buttons and 5.

By the way, the toy has two versions: a completely retro one (which we will talk about) in black and white pixel form, and a new product with a pretty decent colored pet in the ID version.

All actions in the toy are performed with single button presses; no double clicks or holds are required in this game.

Applies to all versions, regardless of the number of keys on the case.

  • Scrolling SELECT.
  • To enter the selected submenu, press DECIDE.
  • After completing the steps, press CANCEL to exit to the main menu.

Icons in the menu (listed one by one):

  1. Statistics - in it you can find out the animal’s age and satiety, as well as check how many coins have been collected and clarify the nickname.
  2. Food: sushi and cake.
  3. Cleaning the toilet.
  4. Some games require you to save some coins to start.
  5. Shop.
  6. Heart - additional actions for the pet: working at the computer, riding on a swing (after reaching the age of five), transformation - which is only possible with gifts purchased in the store.
  7. Education.
  8. Treatment.
  9. Accumulation of additional points - awarded randomly and spent when purchasing gifts.
  10. Letters - with coins or a notification about an uncleaned toilet.
  11. Key and chest - 1 - additional accrual of satiety if you know the necessary codes, 2 - your gifts for the pet.
  12. The last icon lights up on its own and is a notification about everything that happens to your pet: he is sick, unhappy, hungry, and “further on the list.”

How to control a Tamagotchi with 4 buttons

Let's start with an overview of the buttons:

  • RESET - pet reset button, sends back to the selection and at the same time resets all accumulated coins
  • SELECT - choice: flipping through animals; time setting; choosing a nickname; scrolling through actions: feeding, cleaning the toilet, games, etc.
  • DECIDE - confirmation of pet selection, name and other requests
  • CANCEL - exit from the action (games with the animal, store, etc.)
  1. To turn on the device, remove the insert on the back side that separates the battery. As soon as the adapter is removed, a squeak will occur and the screen will turn on itself.
  2. Let's move on to choosing a pet. For this Use the SELECT button to scroll through the suggested animals. When you have found your character, press the DECIDE button.
  3. It is further suggested set the time using the SELECT and confirming DECIDE buttons.
  4. And the last thing is choosing a name, using the same button we scroll through the proposed nicknames and make our choice.
  5. That's it, the pet begins to give birth. In new versions, the process happens quickly and the animal appears immediately as an adult - no maturation or stages of growth.
  6. To Press DECIDE to wake up from sleep mode.

How to care for Tamagotchi 4 buttons:

When the pet is born, you can begin to perform your duties.

  1. You can feed the pet and play with it.
  2. Tamagotchi will tell you: when the animal wants to eat, that it is time to clean up after it, it is sad or sick, letters will also arrive. If you forget about your responsibilities, the animal will die.


How to play Tamagotchi with 5 buttons

The version with 5 buttons has an additional key for scrolling and switching between actions - STATUS.

Watch your Tamagotchi hatch from an egg on screen.

Press the button in the middle and set the time and date. The Tamagotchi will hatch in 2 minutes.

Be prepared for the fact that you will have to babysit your Tamagotchi baby. Once hatched, it will be hungry and unhappy, so you will need to take care. Be sure to play with him actively so he doesn't gain too much weight and stays healthy.

Continue to take care of your pet. If you treat your Tamagotchi well, it will grow to become a wonderful creature.

If you see “squiggles” near your pet Tamagotchi and a mysterious expression on his face, if he walks forward, backward, and to the side, it means he wants to go to the toilet. In this case, you need to find the “pot” icon on the screen as quickly as possible and click on it. In this way he makes his need known, but we are sure that children do not do that. If you timely press the “potty” icon every time your Tamagotchi behaves this way, over time it will automatically “go potty” on its own, leaving you with a “clean” screen.

You need to check your Tamagotchi every 15 minutes or pause it (button A - pause, button B - unpause), until you have time to play further. Check the “hearts” (scale indicators), and if your Tamagotchi is not gaining much weight, you clean up after it, do not overfeed it and take care of it, then as a result you will grow up to be a cool character.

Your baby will fall asleep in 5 minutes after you provide him with all the necessary care. During or after sleep, he will become a child. This is also an interesting stage of the game. If babies need a lot of attention, then children need a little less, but, nevertheless, we must not lose vigilance!

Within two days, your baby will grow into a teenager. It will become even easier to care for him, but you will still have to pay attention to him and play with him too.

And finally, the teenager will become an adult! This stage of Tamagotchi development is the coolest, and since you have raised your pet for so long, it means that it is worthy of constant care even in “maturity.”

As your Tamagotchi grows up, it will want to have its own child (you have the option of allowing it to do so). When he is around 7 years old, “Marriage Broker” will appear on your screen. He or she will introduce you to a character of the opposite gender to your Tamagotchi and give you a couple of seconds to evaluate the candidate. Then “Like?” will appear on the screen, and you can choose between “Yes” and “No”. If you agree, fireworks will start on the screen, music will play, then a small beep will sound and your Tamagotchi will appear with an egg!

For 48 hours, your Tamagotchi and its baby will be with you, and then, while you and the baby are sleeping, the parent, that is, your Tamagotchi will disappear. In the morning, you will give the baby a name, and a new game will begin, with a new generation! If you click on the “status” button, scroll through the page, you will see the inscription “gender” and you can choose who your baby will be - a boy or a girl.

Tamagotchi toys appeared on the Russian market in 1996 and immediately gained enormous popularity. The girls really liked having a virtual pet that they needed to look after: feed it, play with it, clean up after it, etc. You could watch him grow, control his mood, teach him, etc.
In 2014, an updated version of Tamagotchi appeared on the Russian market - Tamagotchi Friends. Manufacturer: Japanese company Bandai. The main feature of the updated Tamagotchi will be the virtual connection of toys with each other using the socially oriented FRIEND function. You can read more about the capabilities of this function in the article Tamagotchi interaction
The toys are Russified, all menus and inscriptions on the screen are in Russian!


First you need to insert batteries into the Tamagotchi. To do this, you need to unscrew the opening compartment at the bottom of the toy with a screwdriver and insert 2 AAA batteries into it. After installing the batteries, you need to put the compartment cover back on and tighten the bolt.

Next, you need to press the RESET button (it is located on the back right side of the case, in the recess). To press it, you will need something long and sharp (for example, a paper clip).

A settings menu will appear on the screen in which you need to set the current date and time. The date is set in month/day format (for example, May 10 should be set as 5/10). Time is divided into 2 time ranges: am - time BEFORE noon (from 00.00 to 12.00), pm - time AFTER noon (from 12.00 to 00.00). For example, if it is now 10 o'clock in the morning, the time is set to 10.00 am, and if it is now 10 o'clock in the evening, then the time is set to 10.00 pm.

Next, you need to set the date of birth of the owner of the Tamagotchi so that the animal can celebrate such an event with its owner. The date is also displayed in month/day format.

The next step is to enter your name (no more than 8 letters). Button A – select letters, button B – confirm the selection. To go back 1 letter, you need to press buttons A and C at the same time.

After entering all the information, the main screen with three eggs will appear. You need to choose one of these eggs - this will be your Tamagotchi animal! After choosing, the pet will hatch from the egg within 1 minute.


All information about the pet can be seen in the section INFORMATION(first menu item). The first tab will indicate the pet's gender, age, weight and generation (first, second, etc.). The second tab shows the pet's name and the number of points (points are earned in games, see section ENTERTAINMENT. GAMES). The third tab shows your hunger and happiness levels. And finally, the fourth tab shows your friend’s points - this is the level of interaction with other Tamagotchis. You can read more about your friend's glasses in the article Tamagotchi interaction.

Using different combinations of buttons A, B and C, you can customize your Tamagotchi:

In addition, if you press the B button, the screen will display current date and time. Therefore, Tamagotchi can even be used as a full-fledged watch!


Your pet's main need is, of course, food. To feed your pet, you need to select a menu item FOOD and feed the pet. By default, bread is offered as food and milk as a snack. However, you can diversify your pet's diet. To do this, you just need to buy food or a snack from the store (you can read more about purchasing in the section SHOPPING). After eating, you can check your pet's hunger level ( INFORMATION - HUNGRY).

If your pet makes a pile (the pyramid in the lower right part of the screen), you need to clean up after it. To do this, select from the menu TOILET, the pile is removed, and the pet will start jumping joyfully and making funny sounds.


Tamagotchis, like any other pets, love to have fun. There are 5 types of entertainment for Tamagotchi: GAME, STORE, PARK, COMPUTER, DATE(available only from 6 years old). To play with your pet, you need to select a menu DOORA GAME. The pet will run out of its house, run around the city and end up in the City of Games. There are 5 games to choose from: THROW - COLLECT, PICK - GET, SIMULATE, CATCH THE PIE and COUNT THE FLOWERS. However, the last 2 games will only be available after certain conditions are met. The rules for each game can be read in the article Games for Tamagotchi. Based on the results of each game, the player is awarded points. In the future, these points can be used to pay in stores when purchasing food, snacks or decorations (for purchases, see the section SHOPPING).


To please your pet, you can take him to an amusement park. To do this, select the menu item DOOR - PARK. The pet runs out of his house, runs around the city and runs into the park. In the park, his friend comes to the pet, and they start swinging merrily on a swing. After the park, Tamagotchi, satisfied and happy, runs back to his house.

Clue! In order not to wait every time your pet runs through the city, you can simply press any key, then the pet, bypassing the city, will run straight to the amusement park.


Perhaps one of the most favorite activities of any girl is shopping! Here you can walk around the shops and make purchases with your pet. To do this, you need to select the menu item DOOR - STORE. A menu will open with three sections: Food, Snacks, Decorations.

In the Food section you can buy treats for your pet, for example:

Having purchased food, it appears in the Food section menu. Thus, you can choose what to feed your pet: standard bread or pamper him with a delicious treat m. One type of food can be purchased only once; after purchase, this food disappears from the store menu for some time.

Also, in addition to Food, you can pamper your pet with various Snacks:

And finally, the most expensive purchases are jewelry. Jewelry comes in 4 types: crown, necklace, bracelet, ring. In each category there are 15 types of jewelry (for example, in the Crown category there is a queen’s crown, a crown of cherries, a tiara, etc.). All types of jewelry, as well as their cost, can be seen in the article Decorations for Tamagotchi. After purchasing a decoration, it will appear in the menu BOX(see section JEWELRY BOX). Moreover, the same decoration can be purchased several times. The number of decorations is displayed in the Box (number in the upper left corner).


The jewelry box stores all jewelry that was purchased in the store or transferred from another Tamagotchi using the BUMP (befriend) function. To look into the box, you need to select a menu item BOX. At the very beginning, the number of decorations you have collected out of 60 possible will appear (there are 15 types of decorations in each group, for a total of 60 decorations). For example, the inscription 15 / 60 means that you have collected 15 decorations out of 60 possible. To see the list of jewelry you have collected, go to the appropriate category (for example, crown). All purchased decorations will be displayed as a title with a picture, and uncollected decorations will simply be displayed as question marks. This way, you can simply determine which piece of jewelry is missing so you can buy it in the store and collect a complete collection!


Tamagotchi contains a memory of all the friends with whom it has ever been in contact (menu item MEMORY - FRIENDS). Also, you can see all your pets that you raised before (menu item MEMORY - MEMORY).


Sometimes it happens that your pet gets sick (the corresponding sign will appear on the screen). In this case, you need to provide medical assistance to your pet as quickly as possible (menu item MEDICINES). In ordinary life, when a pet is healthy, it will refuse medications (shake its head in displeasure).


Sometimes your pet just needs your attention. When he wants it, Tamagotchi will emit characteristic short signals, and a menu item will light up on the screen ATTENTION and an exclamation mark will appear. In this case, you just need to press any key. The pet, rejoicing that it has been taken care of, will begin to jump happily, hearts will appear on the screen, and its mood will significantly improve.


When your Tamagotchi turns 6 years old, it will be able to go on dates. To do this, select the menu item DOOR - DATES. Tamagotchi will leave the house and run to the park for a date. There Tamagotchi will be presented with a choice of 3 candidates per couple (for a girl Tamagotchi there will be a choice of 3 boys and vice versa). After choosing a candidate, you can get married immediately. If you answer the question positively, your couple will appear on the screen, and an egg will appear between them - their baby. After some time, the Tamagotchi parents will disappear, and only Tamagotchi - the child - will remain on the screen. He will now be our main pet. And the Tamagotchi parent goes into history (it can be seen in the menu MEMORY - MEMORY). Now the information for our new Tamagotchi will indicate the next generation (GENERATION item on the first Information tab).

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