Table bai. Ale, we are looking for medicines: How to use search resources correctly

Hello! My husband and I have three children and two are in school, and the third child goes to kindergarten. The eldest son will graduate from school, and the daughter will graduate from the ninth grade and go to the tenth. In general, they have to pass exams and for the past two years they have been studying intensively with tutors. And the nervous system sometimes begins to fail in the form of fatigue, lack of sleep and sometimes headaches. Once I had to go into the older children’s room late at night to check if the computer was turned off or they forgot again and I heard my son talking in his sleep. This is called finishing my studies, and then I thought that it was necessary to buy drugs that support the nervous system and that help calm it. I didn’t go to the doctor, but turned to a friend for advice; she works as a neurologist, as I understand it, this is all in her line of work. Having explained everything and how busy the children are, she recommended starting with something simple, since some medications require examination. And she offered to buy Bai tablets for each child, this is a mild sedative made from herbs. I went and bought it for all family members, they took the drug for only one month and I don’t find any negative aspects, but as for the positive results, if there are any, they are not clearly expressed, I understand that even one month is not enough for the effect. We will continue to take Bai’s tablet, one thing I can say is that the youngest child began to fall asleep quickly, otherwise you won’t be able to put him to sleep before, it’s still difficult as a fidget.

Personally, I can say about myself that inner peace has appeared and I really wanted to sleep before, all day you’ll wind up like a squirrel in a wheel and by the evening you’ll lose your hind legs. You crawl to bed and then I don’t remember anything until I wake up in the middle of the night, for example, to go to the toilet. So, although the composition of these tablets is only herbal, the effect of them is certainly felt and is ideal as a preventive remedy. The only point is that if there is an individual intolerance to any of the components that are part of these tablets, then of course this drug can no longer be taken. But members of our family do not suffer from allergies and we can safely take preventative measures with these tablets. Of course, there are other drugs that have such a pharmacological effect and may contain the same components as in the Bai tablet, and here you can make a choice based on the cost of the drug. The one who these pills have less influence on is our dad. Even without the pills, he sleeps soundly and eats well and does not suffer from high blood pressure at all. And our teenage children, and probably many of them, have these changes in their bodies, this is vegetative-vascular dystonia. It is precisely this diagnosis that causes all my health problems.

And it turns out that vegetative-vascular dystonia is a serious disease, the neurologist whom I turned to for help in choosing a drug, generally explained what processes occur inside the body. And it turns out that our emotions that we experience play an important role, since under a certain influence the body produces certain substances that affect internal organs and metabolic processes. And by carrying out prevention with such means as the Bai tablet, we only help the body cope with some of the stresses that the world around us throws at us. And depending on how you yourself react, your nervous system will function, and sometimes there is nowhere to draw resources from, and this is how some chronic diseases begin to manifest themselves. And I would not want to take more serious drugs that already contain chemical substances as a resource to restore balance in the nervous system.

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  • 1. In the search bar, enter the name of the product you are interested in;
  • 2. Select the pharmacy where you would like to receive your order and place the product you are interested in in the cart in the pharmacy line;
  • 3. Adjust the quantity in the cart by clicking on the “+” or “-” buttons in the quantity column. Pay attention to the compliance with the quantity of goods in the pharmacy;
  • The allowed quantity of goods may not coincide with what you declared. IN in this case vacation is carried out in accordance with current legislation.
  • 4. To select another product, repeat the search procedure;
  • 5. If this choice does not satisfy you, delete the line;
  • 6. When you have finished making your selection, click “Next”. You will be taken to a form to place an order;
  • 7. Enter the required data and click the “Submit Order” button;
  • 8. Your order will be transferred to pharmacy specialists for further processing;
  • 9. Our specialists will contact you to clarify information about the order and its completion time
  • 10.After 24 hours, it will be cancelled.

the site allows you to search for medicines, dietary supplements and other pharmaceutical products in pharmacies in Belarus.

1. On the main page, in the text field of the form, enter the trade name of the drug, dietary supplement or other product in Russian. You can also enter the names of several drugs at once, separated by commas. In this case, the search will be performed in several positions. From the form drop-down list, select locality(for Minsk you can select an administrative region). To search throughout the republic, select “All regions” located at the bottom of the list. To search, use the “Find” button or the “Enter” key.

2. On the loaded second page, click on the name, select the required drug, taking into account the release form, dosage, and manufacturer. To get results for several drugs at once, check the boxes for the items you are looking for and click on the “group by drugs” button or the “group by pharmacies” button. In the first case, you will receive a sequential list of pharmacies for each name. In the second case, you will see a general list of pharmacies indicating medications and prices. Pharmacies will be sorted first by the maximum number of selected items in one pharmacy, and second by the minimum total purchase price.

3. You can also display search results on the map. To do this, on the page with a list of drugs, click on the map icon opposite the name of interest.

3. To receive detailed information about the pharmacy, click on the name of the pharmacy in the list.

4. From the page detailed description pharmacies You can go to the page with the pharmacy’s assortment and use the search form to search for drugs only in the given pharmacy that interests you.

5. If the search among medications and dietary supplements is not successful, the system will automatically search using unclassified data from the other assortment of pharmacies.

6. To search by any part of a word, by INN, or by several randomly selected regions, use the advanced search, the link to which is on the main page.

and three nice bonus tablets. bai, which few people know about

Have you often encountered a situation where what you need is simply impossible to find? Or when, upon purchase, it turns out that it is sold at. And there’s the embarrassment when there’s not enough money in your wallet to buy anything. In order to help the buyer, it was created search system

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The resource currently covers 2,575 in 140 regions of the country and processes more than 100 thousand requests daily. Many people know about the site and actively use it, but for those who are not aware of the search features, it turns into universal torment. And often, not finding what they need in the indicated pharmacy, in a fit of anger, people take it out on the pharmacy workers.

"M They did not refuse to sell hydrochlorothiazide. The website indicates the availability of three packages! This is not the first time this has happened at this pharmacy! I don't accept excuses, to the ministry“- writes one of the buyers in the complaint book.

In such a situation, the human factor takes place. Anything can happen: a bottle breaks, the pharmacist forgot to remove something that had already been sold from the database, perhaps it was not delivered by mistake, and there are a lot of other reasons why the long-awaited drug cannot be sold to you, but will be listed as available on website. And it’s worth remembering that some medications are in great demand, so by the time you contact someone, someone could have “intercepted” it.

There are a couple on the resource nice bonuses, which few people know about.

1. Ability to search for several drugs at once

Enter the name of the first drug, and in the search results, click on the opposite line. The medicine will be selected for multiple searches. Next, enter the name of the second drug in the search and do the same. After all the drugs you are interested in have been selected, click the “Find” button and the search results will provide information on the drugs that have all the drugs you need.

2. Interactive icons indicating pharmacy opening hours

You can find out if it is open now by looking at the icon in the form. It will be colored green or red while the pharmacy is open and outside, respectively.