Drying your smartphone after water. How to dry a phone that has fallen into water? What can you do if your phone gets wet?

Inattention, absent-mindedness, forgetfulness, or simply a random coincidence of circumstances very often confront us with the task of how to dry a phone that has fallen into water. And this can happen not only while relaxing on a pond, but also in your own apartment. Modern phones accompany us everywhere. On the one hand it is convenient. On the other hand, they threaten the device, without which the majority can no longer live, with unexpected problems. And one of the most common problems is getting the phone wet.

Imagine that your phone is charging, that is, connected to the electrical network, and at that very moment, a mug of tea, coffee or any other drink is accidentally poured onto it. The first, almost instinctive movement will be to grab the phone and wipe all the moisture off it. This should not be done under any circumstances. You could simply get electrocuted.

If immediately after the incident the traffic jams did not go out and the lights did not go out in the apartment, this does not mean that the danger, especially for you, has passed. The first step is to unplug the charger from the network, or turn off the electricity altogether, and only then take any action to save the phone itself.

The phone fell into the water: algorithm of actions

There is a strong opinion, which is actively supported by manufacturers, that if your device falls into water or a sufficient amount of liquid is poured on it, this at least means that you will have to go to a store that sells spare parts for cell phones, or even buy a new one, but this is not entirely true. If you act quickly, confidently and logically, you can often save your phone.

  • The main rule is as follows: the faster the phone is removed from the water, the greater the chance that it will continue to function. There is no time for disgust or fear of getting your expensive manicure wet. No matter what tank you have to take out your phone or hands from, you can always wash them with soap later, which is much cheaper.
  • If this trouble occurred while the phone was turned on, you need to turn it off in any way. The button does not work, which means you need to remove the battery. You can’t delay with this either, and it’s certainly not recommended to test it for performance. By trying to press any button other than turning it off, you risk completely killing the phone.
  • Then, you should arm yourself with the necessary tools, sit in a comfortable, well-lit place and disassemble the phone. It's not easy to remove the back cover, take out the battery and SIM card. You need to try to remove everything that is possible and at the same time not forget in what order it was all done, so that you can put it back together later. If your touchscreen phone has fallen into water and the question arises of how to dry it, you shouldn’t get lost. It can also be disassembled, but this will require a very small screwdriver and maximum attention and accuracy.
  • After you have been able to unscrew and remove everything that is possible and have laid it out on a clean and dry towel, each part should be blotted with paper napkins and with them, twisted into flagella, try to get into the most inaccessible places. There is one caveat here. You should not wrap a napkin around a match or toothpick. In this case, the flagellum will become too hard, and the possibility of causing mechanical damage to fragile parts will increase several times.
  • You cannot immediately collect the field for this operation, much less turn on the phone. No matter how much it may seem to you that there is not a single molecule of liquid left inside the device and on the removed parts, this is not so. The phone should be left disassembled for several days and only then try it in use.

Degree of wetness

Agree that this indicator is quite important and, it turns out, many phones and smartphones provide the ability to determine this purely visually. If you remove the battery, you will see a small white circle or square near the charging hole.

This is an indicator showing the very degree of wetness. If it turns from white to pink or even red, then the phone that fell into the water should be dried.

Hair dryer or vacuum cleaner

Another deeply erroneous opinion is that in order to speed up the drying process, you can use a hair dryer to dry your hair. A strong air flow, on the contrary, will drive moisture into places where it will simply be impossible to dry it. And if you also turn on the hair dryer to heat, this may lead to overheating of some parts.

A vacuum cleaner is much safer in this case. On the contrary, it works on suction and therefore draws out moisture. This is not to say that this is an ideal and highly effective method, but it certainly won’t do any harm. So before you do anything, you should think carefully about how to dry a mobile phone that has fallen into water, and do it correctly, without causing even more damage.

Proper drying

Let us remind you once again: in order to dry your phone so that it continues to work, you should never rush. Neither paper napkins nor a vacuum cleaner will ensure a complete absence of moisture - they will only significantly reduce its amount. But even a small drop can be enough for the phone to burn out if turned on at the wrong time. Several days in the air are simply necessary, but this process can be accelerated by placing the device in an adsorbing medium.

The easiest way to create it at home is in three ways:

  • Regular rice. Any grain absorbs moisture very well, but rice is the cleanest. The disassembled phone should be individually simply buried in rice and literally overnight it will draw all the moisture out of it. The remaining dust can be easily removed with a dry cloth.
  • Silica gel. If you recently bought a new pair of shoes and have not yet thrown out the box, then you can use special small balls that shoemakers pour into their products to remove excess moisture. They are also suitable for drying a phone that has fallen into water.
  • Cat litter. Its purpose is exactly what is needed. It is better to use a fine litter and carefully ensure that your pet does not confuse the place where it needs to go to the toilet.

Other types of liquid

We told you how to properly dry a phone or smartphone that has fallen into water, but it often happens that they fall into other liquids, which, in addition to moisture, also contain sugar, all kinds of sticky substances, and even brewer’s yeast. In this case, in addition to getting wet, contamination will certainly follow. The first instinct of many people is to rinse the device under a stream of clean water. Do not do that.

Follow the algorithm of actions given above, the main purpose of which is to dry the phone. After this, the dirt will need to be thoroughly wiped off with wet wipes and dried again. Of course, this takes a little longer, but it eliminates additional damage.

A phone gurgling into water is a very big nuisance. You can suddenly lose a very necessary and useful thing, not to mention its cost. However, there is no need to despair. If everything is done quickly, but slowly, and correctly, it is quite possible to save him.

Although there are many waterproof devices on the market now, most smartphones still do not survive contact with liquids well. Getting caught in the rain is not the worst thing that can happen, but you can dry the device and return it to working condition even after accidentally washing it or falling into a puddle or pool.

What to do if your touch phone gets wet

Before proceeding with any actions, you must immediately turn off the gadget. For phones with a non-removable battery, this can be done by long pressing the lock button. Otherwise, simply remove the battery - this way you will avoid a short circuit, otherwise even a service center will not be able to restore the device’s functionality. Then follow these instructions on how to dry the gadget:

  1. Disassemble the device. Ideally, each part should be dried separately: remove the SIM and MicroSD cards. Remove the covers, protective glass and back cover. There is no point in unscrewing everything down to the screws; it will be difficult to put the device back together, so if you have a monoblock model (with a non-separable case), stop at removing all inserted cards. Use screwdrivers only if you are sure that you know the gadget's structure well.
  2. Place the device with the screen facing up. Let gravity do its thing and allow water to accumulate at the bottom of the gadget.
  3. Absorb moisture with paper towels or napkins where possible. Turn the device slightly so that any accumulated liquid flows out through the holes. At the same time, avoid sudden movements and do not shake the gadget in the hope of drying it faster, otherwise water will flow inside again and flood hard-to-reach places.

Keep in mind that turning on the device immediately after you have wiped the surface is strictly prohibited. The most important and final stage is drying the phone after water. Depending on which method is chosen, this will take a different amount of time.

You can dry the phone by leaving the device in the air for 3–7 days, but this is long and does not guarantee further operation, since radioelements oxidize under the influence of liquid. Use an absorbent substance to help draw water out of the device and dry it faster.

How to dry your phone at home

An absorbent is a substance that draws and absorbs moisture. Whichever method you choose, you will need a container to place both the product and your phone. Drying rules for each method are below:

  1. Put the phone in the rice. This is the most famous absorbent. The fact that you can dry your phone in rice is not a myth; this remedy is effective. Place the gadget without battery and cover in a bag of cereal for 2-3 days. Turn the device over once every 12 hours.
  2. Use silica gel cat litter. This product is considered an even better absorbent than rice. To dry the gadget, place it in a container with filler for 48 hours. In this case, the product should completely cover the device. Turn your smartphone over from time to time.
  3. Dry your phone in silicone shoe balls. An alternative option, similar in effectiveness to the previous one. Draws out moisture in 2 days.

Advice that applies to all methods: check your smartphone every 6 hours and wipe off moisture from its surface with paper napkins. In addition, in case of severe damage, you can replace the absorbent with a new one.

Is it possible to dry your phone with a hairdryer or vacuum cleaner?

To dry the elements by removing liquid from the inside of the device, it is better to use a vacuum cleaner. To do this, put on a narrow nozzle and sequentially bring it to all the holes of the gadget. Remember that after this procedure you still need to place the device in an absorbent or leave it to air dry.

All the tips mentioned above are relevant both for smartphones that have been in water, and for those that have swum in soda, lemonade, tea and other liquids. Do not rush to wash the substances under the tap, but follow all the steps in the instructions or take the damaged device to a service center - they will know how to dry it thoroughly.

Repair may be necessary even when the procedure was carried out correctly: diagnostics will show whether the boards and radio elements have oxidized under the influence of liquid. In addition, there are times when water stains remain under the display.


You went outside in rainy weather, and suddenly someone called you. One careless movement and the expensive device ended up in a puddle. Just don't panic: follow our tips and you can bring your smartphone back to life.
Let's figure out what happens if a mobile device falls into water. At best, nothing at all. If you quickly pick it up and shake off the water, the device may be able to withstand this trouble without any damage. Anyway, just in case, you can follow the first two steps of our phone rescue operation.

However, problems may arise. The biggest danger is that moisture can penetrate inside the housing, short out the conductive paths and create an electrical connection where there should not be one. If some small part burns out due to a short circuit, then a smartphone worth 15,000 rubles (5,000 hryvnia) will turn into useless plastic with a set of hardware. There is another danger - damage to the phone caused by corrosion or rust. The fact is that rust prevents contact and thus disrupts the electrical connection.

So what to do if your mobile device falls into the water? We offer you a phone rescue operation consisting of six steps that you can follow one by one. In some situations, it is not necessary to carry out all the procedures - sometimes it is enough to simply disassemble the device and let it dry. If the case is severe, use other measures. And one more tip: inside any phone there are several indicators that, when in contact with water, change their color. Thanks to this, service center workers will be able to quickly determine whether there was contact with water, and if so, in what place. Therefore, if you contact specialists, do not try to convince employees that the reason for the phone breakdown is different - you will not succeed.

How to do it?

1) Remove the battery.

First of all, you need to remove the battery - this way you can prevent a possible short circuit. Next, remove the SIM card from the phone. After this, you need to wipe the body of the device dry, and then by shaking the device, try to remove the water inside. This way a significant portion of the liquid will come out. However, the problem is that water may remain in the corners of the phone, and shaking will not help. To get rid of residual moisture, use more effective methods.

2) Dry the device.

Place the phone on a dry towel, and if possible place it on a warm radiator (but never in the oven - this can damage the parts) to allow the components to dry. The water present on the board and display will simply evaporate, and the device is likely to work again.

3) Disassemble the phone.

4) Use a vacuum cleaner.

Our first thought was to use a can of compressed air, which we use to remove dust from the PC. But then we realized the mistake: under the influence of compressed air, moisture can penetrate even deeper. It would be smarter to vacuum your phone. For safety reasons, place the bolts removed from the device away from the work area. Then pick up a vacuum cleaner and carefully use it to clean the device from all sides.

5) Drawing out moisture.

Next trick: place the phone parts in a bowl of rice overnight and cover them with a lid - small plastic food containers are suitable for this purpose. Dry rice will draw moisture out of the machine.

6) Clean the display.

If after this there is still moisture in the phone, and especially on the screen, you can remove it with isopropyl alcohol. In our case, we separated the display components from each other by inserting a piece of paper between them. Then we poured alcohol inside. It has three advantages: it displaces water, does not conduct current, and evaporates quickly.

You can go another way. If possible, remove as many parts from the device as possible. Remove everything that can be removed, being careful not to damage the device. For these purposes, you can use a screwdriver. Carefully blot the areas where there is water using a dry cloth. Shake your open phone in your hand from time to time.

Sometimes a few drops of water or high humidity are enough for the phone to break or stop working properly forever. Undoubtedly, the best solution would be to seek help from service workers. But what to do if this is not possible?

Here are 10 first aid tricks for your cell phone if it gets wet.

1 . The phone must be removed from the water as soon as possible and turned off immediately. The fact is that phone parts let water through in a matter of seconds. Do not turn on your phone until you are sure it is dry. In addition, water that gets into the phone can cause a short circuit.

2 . Immediately after removing the phone from the water, remove the cover and remove the battery. This will help reduce the risk of damaging internal circuits. Gently dry the phone and its parts with paper towels or a soft cloth.

3 . Remove the SIM card. It should be wiped dry, set aside and allowed time to dry until the phone itself is ready for use.

4 . You need to turn off and remove all peripheral devices, such as headphones, memory cards, as well as anything that can clog gaps, crevices and cracks in the phone (cases and protective films).

5 . If you have a vacuum cleaner on hand, use it to blow out the water. To remove residual moisture, you need to blow off each part of the phone for 20 minutes. In this case, the phone must be blown from all sides, constantly turning it.

Don't put your phone too close to the vacuum cleaner hose, otherwise static electricity will form, which will be even worse for your phone.

6 . Do not use a hair dryer to dry your phone, even on the “gentle” setting. By doing this, you can blow moisture from the surface further into the phone, which is especially dangerous for electronic components hidden deep inside the phone. You can also melt some parts of the phone.

7 . You can try to dry your phone by immersing it in a bag of dry rice. Rice draws out and absorbs moisture well, so there is a chance that all the moisture from the phone and battery will be absorbed into the rice and this will slow down corrosion. When placing your phone in rice, you should remove the cover, take out the battery and put them in the same container.

You need to keep your phone in a bag or container with rice for at least 2-3 days. This process is slow and rushing will only do harm. While the phone is drying, you need to turn it over from time to time so that the water is better absorbed.

Instead of rice, you can use silica gel, which is often put into shoes and other items when sold; it absorbs moisture better than rice.

It is worth checking the phone, placed in a container with absorbent material, every hour for the first 6 hours. If moisture has collected on the surface, you need to dry it again with paper towels or blow it with a vacuum cleaner.

8 . Place the phone in a sunny place to allow all openings to dry completely.

You can place the appliance on absorbent wipes or paper towels, even if it has previously been dried with a vacuum cleaner or placed in a container with rice. This will help absorb any remaining moisture from the device.

9 . After at least 24 hours, check that the outside of the mobile phone appears dry. It's worth checking all the ports, compartments and slots. If your phone looks dry and clean, you can replace the battery and try turning it on. Pay attention to possible strange sounds and noises that accompany the switching process: if there are any, then this is a sign that the phone is not functioning properly.

10 . If your phone appears dry but won't turn on, a dead battery may be to blame. Put your phone on charge. Then try turning it on again.

If connecting to the charger also does not help, then you should still try to contact a service center. But there is no need to hide the fact that it was damaged by water - the phone still has indicators that show the cause of the malfunction. The more detailed the circumstances are, the easier it will be for specialists to identify the breakdown and fix it.

  • Never vacuum a wet object. You may get an electric shock.
  • It is important to dry your phone before charging it.
  • Do not expose your phone to prolonged heat if you do not want parts of it to melt. Do not heat the battery; it may leak or explode.
  • Do not try to completely disassemble the phone yourself. Leave this to the professionals, as such experiments can lead to short circuits or poisoning with harmful chemicals.

  • Do you know how to dry your wet smartphone and keep it safe from getting completely soaked? Some of you might say - by putting it in a box filled with rice. And they are right. This helps, but there are more effective means that are not bad to use when it comes to neutralizing the consequences of such incidents, writes the British newspaper Daily Mail.
    Crystal cat litter, sold in any specialty store or pet department, is best at sucking moisture out of mobile devices, experts say. It contains special crystals that absorb moisture from the air and can save a wet phone if you keep it in a closed box with this content for as long as possible.
    See the exact steps to follow if you need to dry your phone: Open the device and shake it well. Dry him properly, not too hot, with a household hair dryer and then seal him in a box with cat bedding. The ideal length of stay is three days.
    The phone fell into the water: what to do? zen.yandex.ru

    We don't let go of our phones, we're almost attached to them. If you are especially lucky, such a disaster as your phone “sinking” has probably happened to you. What to do if your phone falls into water? We know that! The phone fell into water: action plan
    The first thing you need to do is think faster and not waste precious time. Otherwise, you may lose your gadget. You should remove your phone from the water with lightning speed, because the longer it remains in it, the more serious the damage can be.
    Turn off the device to avoid short circuit.
    Dry your phone with paper towels or a soft cloth.
    Remove the case and other accessories.
    Remove the battery. Circuits can survive if they are not connected to a power source.
    Take out the SIM card. Perhaps saving her will be a priority for you, because, as a rule, all contacts are stored there. The SIM card also needs to be wiped dry and put in a ventilated place.
    You need to remove all peripheral devices from the phone, such as headphones, memory cards, etc., i.e., everything that blocks cracks and gaps.
    It is fundamentally important that you use a soft, highly absorbent fabric. One drop left inside the phone can destroy the circuits and expose them to corrosion. You should use paper and lint towels with caution, because their particles get clogged into the phone device.
    These are urgent measures to save the phone. But there is a set of original methods that will help if the phone falls into water.

    Alternative ways to save your phone

    Take alcohol and wipe your phone with it - it increases the rate of water evaporation.
    Unexpectedly, a vacuum cleaner can help you. It blows moisture out of the devices. Dry each part for 20 minutes. This is the fastest way to dry your phone. But if the phone has been in the water for a long time, this method may not work. And one more thing: do not bring your phone close to the vacuum cleaner hose; static electricity may arise between them, which negatively affects the phone.
    Good old rice will help evaporate moisture from your phone. Yes. You heard right, put the device in a bag of uncooked rice overnight, it will absorb moisture. It is better if you place the phone in a sealed bag with rice.
    Silicone gel is also a miracle cure in this situation. The one they put in shoe boxes. It is advisable that it be fresh. You can also leave your phone with this dehumidifier overnight.
    While drying, turn your phone over periodically to allow moisture to drain out of holes and crevices.
    Find a warm place for your phone, but not in direct sunlight. This is important for drying out the holes.
    If you decide not to use folk remedies, still place the phone on absorbent napkins or towels. This will help dry the device as much as possible.
    When evaporating moisture using rice, gel, or any other absorbent material, you should check the phone every hour for 5-6 hours, as you need to wipe off the moisture that has formed on the surface. You can blow it out again with a vacuum cleaner.

    It will be possible to understand whether you saved your phone in about a day. It should be completely dry in appearance. All holes, cracks and ports should also be carefully checked. If you are satisfied with everything, insert the power supply and turn it on. When turned on, strange noises and sounds may occur. This is an alarming signal; perhaps the device is not working properly after all.

    The phone may appear dry but not turn on. There is a chance that his battery is simply dead. Analyze the health of the battery - perhaps it is better to replace it. If the phone still doesn’t turn on, run to a specialist: diagnostics and repairs are needed here.
    After restoring your phone, buy a new waterproof case. A mobile phone rescue kit is sold in stores; you can buy it and sleep peacefully.
    If you have friends who are involved in educational equipment, then you can borrow a vacuum chamber from them. It evaporates moisture even at room temperature. Take your phone on a flight if you have to travel like this - the air in the cabin is dry. Since the phone is not subject to warranty if it falls into water, you can disassemble and dry it yourself, just buy a set of suitable tools for this.
    What not to do need to
    Do not dry your phone with a hairdryer. Oddly enough, it blows moisture back into the device. In addition, too warm air can melt parts inside the phone.
    You should not vacuum a wet phone, as you may get an electric shock.
    Do not dry your phone in the microwave.
    Do not heat the battery under any circumstances; it may leak or even explode. Always remove it from the device.
    Moisture can get deep into parts and circuits, so disassemble the phone as much as possible.
    If you decide to treat your phone with alcohol, it is better to do it in the fresh air. It will weather faster and draw out moisture.
    You should not dry a phone that has been in salty sea water until it has been thoroughly rinsed with clean water. Otherwise, salt crystals may corrode the battery.
    Do not turn on the phone until it is completely dry!
    Most cell phones are equipped with a water damage indicator. This allows you to determine the nature of the breakdown, whether the phone was actually damaged by water, because other cases are covered by warranty, except for damage from moisture.
    Now you don't have to worry about your phone falling into water. We have prepared you as much as possible for this possible disaster and are confident that you will not let us down!
    What to do if your phone falls into water? What not to do? zen.yandex.ru

    An unexpected situation may happen to you or someone you know when your phone gets wet, for example, you get caught in heavy rain or your phone falls into water.
    Modern flagships are protected from moisture and even getting wet, but this still does not guarantee the safety of a smartphone that has fallen into water. So what can and cannot be done with a smartphone that has fallen into water?

    What should be done?

    1. If the smartphone was turned on when it got wet, you should turn it off. This is necessary so as not to damage the still dry components.

    2. Place your smartphone in a horizontal position to avoid water penetrating deeply into the phone.
    3. Remove SD and SIM cards to preserve their functionality and the information on them.

    4. Place the smartphone in a mug where rice was previously poured. This will help absorb moisture and help wet parts dry out.

    5. Turn on your smartphone, connect it to the charger if it was discharged.

    6. If you doubt that the phone is intact, take it to the Service Center.

    What NOT to do?

    Based on what is stated above:
    1. Do not turn on the phone after it gets wet, this can cause damage
    2. Do not shake, twist, or hit the gadget. Otherwise the water will penetrate deeper.

    3. Do not disassemble the phone to dry it with a hairdryer.

    4. Do not blow through the speakers and microphone. It is likely that with such actions you will drive the water further.


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