Strict frame for Word. Download free frames for text design

How to make a frame in word? It often happens that you need to quickly create some kind of greeting card or simply write something in beautiful frame. You can create beautiful postcard in Photoshop or Gimp, but many have not even heard of these programs and do not have them at hand. And then they still need to be studied, and you need a postcard or frame for text right now. This is where it will come to our aid again text editor Microsoft Word. It is perfectly possible to create any postcard no worse than a typographic one. A good place to start would be to make a nice frame. This is what we will talk about now, and you will see that it is easy to do using Word.

We have already looked at some techniques for working in Word, such as changing page color, how to create a brochure, how to create a template, how to place a picture, how to work with dividing lines.

All this will be useful to you when creating graphics and postcards. Today we will learn how to make beautiful frames. For this we don’t need anything except text Word editor. It has everything we need.

How to make a frame inWord

In order to create a beautiful frame in Word 2003, open new document. Enter the menu Format – Borders and Shading… .

The window “ Borders and Shading ».

Go to the " Page" Select the frame type on the left. In the center of the window, select the color of the future frame and the design. On the sample you will see the appearance of your frame.

Experiment and find what you like. After selecting, click the button OK"and your frame is ready. Don't forget to save it.

For creating beautiful frame V Word 2007/2010 you need to open the menu Page layout and in the block Page background choose Page Borders .

A course project is a research that is carried out in accordance with the assigned assignment on a core subject by students of secondary specialized and higher educational institutions. Such research is usually done when students have completed studying a subject and the teacher needs to find out how the material has been learned. In addition, such work helps prepare for writing a thesis.

The grade for the coursework can affect both the results of the session and the average score on the diploma. This is why it is so important to protect it well. But only a correctly completed coursework can be defended as “good” and “excellent”. There are situations when the assessor returned a student’s work only because of incorrect formatting or reduced the grade for it. It is in order to avoid such situations that you need to pay attention to the standards that should guide any student.

Requirements for the course project

One of the most important requirements for a course book is its design in accordance with GOST. By accepted standard Not only the introductory part, the main section and the final part must be completed, but also the content, title page, list of sources and appendices. This is exactly what the coursework frame is designed for. But not everyone needs a frame for their course project, only students majoring in engineering or computer science.

Some students, thinking that making a page with a frame with their own hands takes up a large amount of personal time that could be spent on the lesson scientific research, prefer to purchase ready-made frames in the store, spending their earnings. In the end, it doesn’t matter at all what kind of frame you have for term papers - made yourself, or ordered from someone, it is only important that it meets the accepted standard. That is why it is much more profitable to download a frame, or rather, its template, which can be customized accordingly and used throughout the entire period of study at a higher or secondary specialized educational institution.

Frames in Word according to GOST

"How to make a frame for course work A4 format yourself in Word according to GOST?” - this question worries many students.

  • First you need to download the template. For this purpose in search bar in your browser you need to insert: “frameworks for coursework works word download for free". Next you need to start the download process. It is very important to choose trusted sites and resources and download only from them - otherwise, your computer may be infected with a virus, which is very unpleasant in itself, and in the process of completing coursework - very dangerous, because it can interfere with your work.
  • Open the downloaded file in word. Very often, when performing this operation, the system will notify you about the macros located in this file. This should not scare you, as this warning has nothing to do with a virus alert. software. In addition, it is macros that provide comfortable work with a template, so you don't need to disable them.
  • After the above operations, it should appear work panel– it can be customized.
  • After this, you need to create a new page
  • Then point the cursor at it and point on the work area to the frame that you want to create. After this you can change this sheet. With this template you can create many of the most different frames for registration.

The document from the file is a template, so you do not need to change it directly - it is better to save it in a special folder.

In addition, in order to work correctly with this template, you must download special files with fonts. In addition, by using different header formatting styles, you can also improve your productivity.

Do you need the most large collection frames in RuNet? Then you have come to the right place!

There are frames for text design. They are also used for framing paintings, photos, and what is especially interesting for us, electronic documents Word. Agree, dry text done in black and white is not very pleasing to the eye. Of course, if we're talking about about business documentation, you need to adhere to the appropriate style. There's not much to experiment with here. But even here you can create a stylish page frame.

note . At the end of the article, sets of frames available for download are presented to you -.

It's another matter if we create a letter, a children's book, or any other document of an entertaining nature. Here we can safely use our imagination and create a beautiful and vibrant document design, thanks to the use of all kinds of frame variations available in Word.

. Do not forget that the finished document must be designed with the highest possible quality. Don't forget to put numbers for each page (see).

If you need to frame a piece of text in any document that is published on your site, you can use HTML tools(cm. ).

Adding frames in different versions of the editor

This section is suitable for those who want to understand how to make a frame in Word. The process is quite similar in all editor variants, but there are still slight differences. Let's start with the oldest version.

Frames in Word 2003

Open the document into which you want to insert a border. Next you need to do the following:

Frames in word 2007

Frames in Word 2010

Here the process is similar to that discussed above. So let's try to expand a little standard set editor. There is a large set of frames for Word: pictures, all kinds of lines and even frames in the form of GOST frames. We invite you to download three sets (see):

  1. Some interesting pictures for frames
    The archives contain a pretty good set of frames. Launch, see which ones suit you, and use them.

    note. If you need to indicate below the frame in the document Additional Information, you can add it using footnotes (see)

    A short instructional video:

    Update. Added a set of patterned frames. Jun 5, 2015


    Using frames will allow you to format the document, add the necessary technical fields, and make it more original and readable.

    Can be used in any Word document. This way, you can make the desired orientation for the entire document, or a separate sheet.

    Allows you to create convenient navigation within the document. Use them to add a table of contents.

    Why look for information on other sites if everything is collected here?

The time is approaching when you need to take the coursework. In many educational institutions The coursework requires a frame designed according to the standard.

Why do you need a frame in your coursework?

Needless to say, the framework for coursework according to GOST is a separate headache for students. To understand how important this is, know: the teacher may simply not accept a course project without a frame. Of course, the content is more important than the frame. Nevertheless, the framework for the course work must be drawn up according to the accepted standard, because if desired, the examiner can find fault with any inaccuracies.

As you can see, the frame adds hassle to the design of the work. In this regard, many are interested in the question: how to insert a frame for a coursework or diploma into Word document. Let's consider several ways.

Ways to create a frame for coursework

You can draw a frame by hand using a stencil. This is not a very popular method.

Those who know the AutoCAD program can create a frame in it, print it on empty sheets and then print the text of the coursework on top of the sheets with a frame.

Frame for drawings on format A3 and it is more advisable to perform it in a special drawing program.

But often a frame is required for coursework notes in the format A4. With help Word You can also create a frame for your coursework or diploma, and this makes life much easier. How to insert frames in Word for coursework? Find the answer below!

Frame for term paper in Word 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016

Let's create a frame according to GOST for coursework in Word 2010. Open a new document and first of all in the tab "Marking pages" let's set the fields. In our case:

  • top – 1,4 cm;
  • lower – 0,43 cm;
  • left – 2,9 cm;
  • right – 1,3 cm.

Please note: your university may have its own requirements for registration.

The document needs to be divided into sections or breaks inserted.

This is done so that the frame is on the right pages. For example, the title page does not need a frame, unlike the main body of the work. Moreover, it happens that different pages different frames are needed.

Select a tab "Page layout", then "Breaks", click on the button "Next page". Let's leave the first page for title page and we will create a frame on the second page in the second section of the document.

  • In the Page Layout tab, select "Page Borders". Specify the border type – frame. In the parameters we specify the frame margins. Upper – 21 Fri, lower – 0 fri, left – 21 fri, right – 19 Fri. Also, don’t forget to specify the fields relative to the text and check the box next to the parameter "Everything is ahead". Apply the border to the current section.

  • Click OK and we see that a frame has appeared on the page.
  • Now you need to insert a table at the bottom of the sheet. To do this, first in the tab "Insert" choose "Footer", then "edit footer", disable the function "as in the previous section".
  • Insert the table of the required configuration. We insert the table at 8 lines and 9 columns. In the tab "Layout" To work with tables, specify the cell sizes. Height - 0,5 cm. We set the width of the cells from left to right: 0,7 cm, 1 cm, 2,3 cm, 1,5 cm, 2,3 cm, 6,77 cm, 1,5 cm, 1,5 cm, 2 cm.

Ready. Now you can merge cells and fit into them necessary information about the university, department, teacher, and work. Here we will enter arbitrary text and leave the cell for page numbers empty. We received one sheet of paper with a frame for the coursework. When you move to the next page of the current section of the document, the same frame with a table will automatically appear on it, and you can calmly write your work without thinking about the frame.

By the way! For our readers there is now a 10% discount on

How to make automatic page numbering in a frame

Select the table cell in which the page number will be displayed and click on it. Then click on the footer, and in the tab "Constructor" select the button "Express blocks", Further - "Field". In the window that opens, select the field Page and indicate the required number format. Voila - page numbers are displayed automatically in the selected cell.

Download the finished frame for coursework for free

How else can you make a frame? Take it ready! Millions of students have framed their work, and there are many templates and samples of coursework frames available. If you don’t have time to master all the intricacies of working with frames, you can download a ready-made frame template according to GOST completely free of charge.

Now you know how to make frames in Word for coursework or thesis. To make everything as clear as possible, watch the video on creating frames with a stamp for coursework in accordance with GOST. All that remains is to remind you that I am always ready to help with tasks - from creating a frame to writing an essay or an entire thesis.

Good day to everyone, my dear friends and guests of my blog. In my article today, I want to tell you how to insert a frame in Word to transform your document. In fact, this is a very good thing, and there is nothing complicated about it, but different versions office has its differences.

First we need to open our text editor, after which we go to the Design tab. In the feed, on the very right side, click on the item "Page Borders". And then select the tab that interests us.

For all pages

When you sewed up "Page Borders" go to the "Page" tab. There you will see individual settings, which will apply to all sheets of your document. That is, to begin with, let’s choose a type, for example volumetric. Now let's select any type of line, for example, like the one in my screenshot. And of course, don’t forget to choose the desired color and thickness. You can also choose a separate drawing, but I don’t like any of them).

Look what I got when I chose a 3D border type, a bold line type, blue color, 3 pt width, and applied it to the entire document.

For a specific part of text

But if you want to frame not the entire document, but only a certain part of the text, then you need to select this part, and then go to the above point, just go to the “Borders” tab. The essence here is exactly the same, but you only apply all this to only part of the document.

Look what I got when I selected a specific paragraph and applied the red border settings to it.

Well, as you already understood, to remove the frame, you will simply need to set the type to “No”. That's all).

Other versions of WORD

If you are the happy owner of more earlier versions office, then you will need to log in a little differently.

In Word 2007 and 2010, everything happens exactly the same, you just initially need to open a tab "Page layout", and not “Design”, as was the case in the previous example. Well, then you look for the item again "Page Borders" and do everything the same as before.

In Word 2003, the whole process is exactly the same, except that you will need to look for the “Format” menu item at the top of the editor, and select the item from the drop-down menu "Borders and Shading".

Ready frames

In addition to the built-in frame editor, you can use ready-made solutions that can be easily found on the Internet.

For example, if you need frames according to GOST, you can download them. When the archive is downloaded, unpack it. There you will see the file This will be the frame template. But don’t rush to open it just like that. Copy it to the folder where you have Office installed in the STARTUP folder. Now you have everything installed.

Go to Word. We noticed that when you created a new document, an item appeared: "Security Warning". It always does this when connecting external data. This is fine. Just click on "Enable Content".

Now go to the Add-ons menu. There you will see our downloaded data that we just copied to the office folder. By clicking on any of the templates provided, you will see how it will immediately fit into the document according to all the rules.

Just in case, I put a special font inside the folder for forms of this format. this font.

Patterned frames

In addition to the above, I suggest you use another method to decorate a document, namely loading external patterned frames. Essentially these are just pictures in the format PNG With transparent background. You can download them.

Now go back to your text editor, look for the “Insert” menu, select “Drawing”, and then look for the files that you just downloaded.

Yes, and don't forget to click right button mouse on this frame and select “Picture Format”, then go to the “Layout” tab, and then set “Behind the text”. Well, now you can write whatever you want inside this frame, and also move it as you see fit.

Of course, they will not fit on the entire sheet, but you can always stretch them and move them as you need.

Well, that seems to be all I would like to tell you today about how to insert a frame in Word. I hope that many of you will find this information useful. So I look forward to seeing you again on my blog. Check back often. Bye bye!

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin.