Is it worth buying an iPhone x? Fast and wireless charging

On the Internet, it is customary to praise the iPhone X - they say that it is both cute and functional, and it has so much technology that it would be enough for ten other smartphones. However, if you take a closer look, it turns out that this expensive device has many shortcomings. Is it worth putting up with them in order to own the smartphone everyone is talking about? You decide.

1. Prices: this is just not funny anymore

It is clear that new iPhones have always been, to put it mildly, expensive. But so? There is nothing about the iPhone X that would justify such price tags. At least cut it. And there’s no need to talk about the mega-sophisticated front camera with a bunch of tricks and goodies - this function is certainly cool, but it’s never key for a smartphone. Even if it allows you to apply similar masks to your face:

2. Childhood illnesses: prepare for the worst

Without them - nowhere. And they will be, you'll see. Apple smartphones sometimes behaved strangely even during the time of old man Jobs, in which quality control (both development and production) was prohibitive high level. Remember the iPhone 4, which lost the network due to “wrong grip”? This is exactly what we are talking about. And now there is a different team at the helm at Apple, and, judging by the news from the field, it takes the “licking” of its products much less responsibly. So... Don’t be surprised if after a week or two the Internet is flooded with complaints like “oh, the metal frame is scratched” or “oh, there are specks visible on the OLED screen.” This is acceptable in a device costing 10 thousand rubles, but not in a device costing 80-90 thousand.

3. Buggy iOS 11

The new version of iOS is just one example of the Tim Cook team's approach to its work. You can evaluate iOS 11 without buying an iPhone X - it is sold with it, it is available as an update for a number of older models. Glitches, slowdowns, non-obvious solutions in the interface - all this is about iOS 11. Of course, similar problems There are also flagships on Android. But in their case, you can, for example, put alternative firmware. Or brilliantly replace a broken function third party application. iOS has the rudiments of such capabilities, but they are just rudiments. Therefore, those who bought the iPhone X will have to wait until the glitches are fixed by Apple.

4. Cost of replacing glass panels

If you haven't already sold a kidney to buy an iPhone X, you'll have to do it when you break it. Because the screen costs $279 to replace, and the glass back panel- as much as 549 dollars. And this is in the USA. In Russia, most likely, prices will be even higher. It should be understood that glass is a fragile material, and the iPhone X may not survive a fall on asphalt. Previous Apple smartphones, starting with the iPhone 5, were metal, and still there are a lot of “Vasya with soldering irons” (read: owners of private service centers) saved up with the help of iPhone owners for apartments in Moscow. Because iPhone screens traditionally break well. And the iPhone X has glass not only on the front, but also on the back. So “Vasya” will not lose money, nor will the official Apple service center, which demands the above amounts for repairs.

5. One SIM card slot

The owner of an iPhone X is unlikely to save on communications; two slots for SIM cards would be useful for other purposes. For example, to combine a pair of numbers in one device - work and personal. Or local and foreign. But no, despite the talk about “dual-SIM” iPhones, the iPhone X only has one slot for a SIM card. Samsung, LG, Motorola, Nokia and so on for a long list all release single and dual socket versions of their smartphones. The first option goes to operator markets, the second - to markets like Russia, where retail rules the roost (read: smartphone sales). However, the guys from Apple are not familiar with such flexibility; they are stubborn and uncompromising. In the times of Steve Jobs, such stubbornness aroused respect and even admiration, in the times of cutie Tim Cook - fierce disrespect.

6. No 3.5mm headphone jack

We all already talked about this point after the release of the iPhone 7, so we won’t repeat it too much. Let us only note that this approach looks like banal extortion. Well, that is, they seem to be telling us: if you want to listen to music in comfort, buy it. Or better yet, some Beats for a lot of money.

7. Strange design with a protrusion in the screen

I remember tender and sensitive iPhone owners 6 and a number of newer models were outraged by the camera rim, which protruded beyond the body. They say this is ugly! But in iPhone X Apple company has prepared an even more serious test for its fans - the screen is no longer rectangular, but somewhat, um, shapeless. With a ledge in which the system is located front cameras and sensors. It is clear that it was impossible to implement them any other way. And yet this “peninsula” looks strange. Especially when you open a photo or video in full screen.

8. Not all declared functions work out of the box

We're talking about fast charging - a feature that Apple added some measly 2-3 years after it appeared in devices from other companies. But that's okay. For fast charging you need to buy a special Charger for 3,590 rubles. Plus add here non-free USB cable Type-C/Lightning. This is what small Chinese companies usually do: their smartphones fast charging support, but the corresponding memory is not included in the kit. But such devices are sold for 10-15 thousand rubles, and here - 80 thousand. And all because Apple wants to make money off of you as cynically as possible. Exactly for you, dear reader, yes.

But there is one reason to buy the iPhone X.

iPhone X is the new status symbol

With or without shortcomings, it is already clear that the “ten” is destined to become another “glamorous” or, if you like, status smartphone. This is facilitated by the high price and scarcity of the iPhone X (the first batch will not be enough for everyone, and the big question is whether this is a miscalculation by Apple or a planned move). Many are ready to forgive Apple's flagship all of the above disadvantages are for the sake of the very fact of owning it.

iPhone - the most popular gadget which is used by people of all ages. But prices have increased, and many people are now forced to pay attention to devices from other manufacturers on other platforms when choosing a phone. Perhaps you are one of those people who shouldn't buy an iPhone? We have five reasons for this, as in the legendary song.

1. High price

Now official prices for iPhone 6 in Russia start at 49 thousand rubles. When converted to dollars, this is 987 conventional units. In the USA the price starts at $650; in other countries it is higher, but significantly less than in Russia. It turns out that you are greatly overpaying.

Plus, if a smartphone costs 50 thousand rubles, this does not mean at all that it is twice as better model for 25 thousand from another manufacturer. If you wish, you can find a device with slightly worse or even comparable characteristics, but on a different platform.

2. You don't need iOS-exclusive apps

App Store is the best shop mobile applications. The developers have created many exclusive programs and games for the Apple mobile platform. But do you really need them?

Most users need approximately the same set of programs: good browser, email client, instant messengers, social network clients, navigation, to-do lists, photo editors. The vast majority of such iOS applications have their own versions for Android and Windows Phone. So why buy an iPhone if you can perform your daily tasks on simpler smartphones?

3. You want to stand out from the crowd

The iPhone has long ceased to be an element of style and individuality. Seriously, when you go to public transport, iPhone is already in the hands of every second passenger. Yes, you can buy a case, make an engraving, or even order a wooden bumper, but why, if this can be done with any other phone?

Nowadays, when people see that you have an iPhone, they don’t say “Wow, how cool,” but “Oh, our man.” The Apple smartphone has long been a thing, so if you want to stand out from the crowd, there are plenty of ways to do it without having to buy a phone with an Apple on the back.

4. You don't have a Mac or other Apple devices

The Apple ecosystem itself is a good thing. The devices interact, allowing you to work with the same files on the fly, answer calls and SMS from your computer. However, before you buy an iPhone, think about whether you want to become a full-fledged participant in the Apple ecosystem?

Lots of features such as iCloud, Safari bookmarks, cloud storage iCloud Drive, Handoff, Continuity, are based primarily on working together iOS and OS X. If you don't have others Apple devices, then you'll miss out on much of the user experience on iPhone. Why do you need this?

5. You don't like iOS. For different reasons

If you are a geek at heart who likes to tinker with the insides of a smartphone, flash the kernels, install shells and launchers, then iOS is clearly not for you. No jailbreak tweak can match the customization capabilities of Android. One more point - you are actively using Google services. Here the choice of mobile OS is also obvious.

In addition, not everyone likes the design and iOS interface. Many people are delighted with Material Design on Android or tiles in Metro on Windows Phone. Still others would never trade their BlackBerry with a QWERTY keyboard for anything. You may have your reasons for not liking iOS, and all of them can be good reasons for not buying an iPhone.

With the onset of 2018, a lot of questions have arisen about iPhones, because you always want to upgrade your device to something sensible and not make a mistake with the choice.

Offers like the iPhone 5 or iPhone 5S may seem very tasty, but is it worth buying them when it’s 2018? Technology moves at incredible speed and you need to know exactly what to buy.

Let's understand all the details of these two models and, most importantly, how relevant it is to take them. It will be interesting and, most importantly, useful.

Relevance of iPhone 5 and iPhone 5S in 2018

At one time, absolutely everyone wanted these two phones. But time is running and you can see how some change smartphones like gloves. So you can often make a mistake with your choice, especially if these are old models.

Let's take a very short look at the characteristics of these phones and find out whether they are worth taking.

Design. Both phones are very similar in appearance and if you want to distinguish them, there are three signs: color, Home button and flash.

I won’t tell you everything in great detail, because you probably already held at least one of these devices in your hands. They are very compact, 4-inch screen.

Despite the fact that the same SE uses this case, it is quite outdated. Just think that iPhone 5 came out back in 2012 and in the intervening time, absolutely all the standards of modern gadgets have changed.

They don’t look relevant, but the main thing is that you like them. Who cares what others think. Most of the time it is up to you to use it.

Filling. This moment can probably be the first and last reason why you shouldn’t take both devices. Both have 1 GB of RAM, the 5 has an Apple A6 processor, and the 5S has an Apple A7.

The main difference between the processors is that the second one is a 64-bit ARM chip and only thanks to this we can still use the most current iOS 11.

But as you understand, in September I think you should no longer wait for the iPhone 5S in the list of supported devices for iOS 12. Now everything works very slowly and you need to be patient to use it.

Although everything is not as bad as it was with 4 and 4S. If you need phones that will fulfill the most basic needs, such as calls, instant messengers and some banking applications, then this is a good choice.

Batteries. The older model has 1440 mAh, the legend has 1560 mAh. For this kind of devices, it is more than enough if they are not used.

Enough for a full day, but don't forget to turn off 3G and navigation. Otherwise, the device’s charge indicator will simply melt before our eyes.

Camera. The main cameras are 8 MP, and the front ones are 1.2 MP. Probably the main difference is the flash, because in the 5S it is dual LED.

As you understand, in 2018 this is not enough anyway. If during the daytime you can do more or less nice pictures, then indoors, in the evening or at night, you will be upset, because there will be continuous noise.

Features and price. I combined these two points, because you can’t say much about the first. It was the iPhone 5S that launched Touch technology ID and to be honest, the first generation does not work as quickly and there is a high probability that you will simply enter the password.

For the price everything is great, this is probably the best part. An iPhone 5 with 16 GB can be found from 5,880 rubles, and an iPhone 5S – from 7,790 rubles. But it is worth warning that there are many refurbished options and therefore you can often end up with a device that is entirely made from Chinese spare parts.

Should you buy an iPhone 5 or iPhone 5S in 2018?

What to do if everything is right for the price, but phones are no longer as relevant as before? I can say for sure that they are 100 percent no longer relevant.

However, if you need good dialer and you find at least a 5S in excellent condition, then in principle you can take it, because it won’t cost much money.

If you need a basic gadget that you will use every day, go to social media and take photos, it’s worth taking a closer look at the iPhone SE line, which is getting cheaper and cheaper.

Here the performance is much better, and overall a great phone if you like this design and compactness.

How much does iPhone 5 and iPhone 5S cost in 2018?

It is very easy to check prices for iPhone 5 and 5S, because there are many catalogs in the form of websites that provide the whole picture of the cost in its entirety.

Geeks are geeks, they can figure out what to buy themselves. But here's what to do ordinary users who really don't understand why pay extra for an iPhone? Many people want to buy good smartphone, but do not want to make a mistake and spend money on something that will not satisfy their needs. It is for these people that I wrote this article, in which I talk about 10 reasons to buy an iPhone.

1. Much less likely to stumble upon bugs

Let's take some good manufacturer smartphones and compare it with Apple. Let it be Lenovo, Samsung - it doesn’t matter. The problem is that everyone except Apple has many smartphones in production, and sometimes many lines, each with several models. Each device must be carefully thought out and designed to ensure that all of the device's stated capabilities function properly. The thing is, when you have one or two, or even three smartphones in production, this is much easier to do than when you have twenty of them. I am not inventing possible situations, I am only describing real ones that I have encountered or, more often, my friends have encountered. The most common bug in smartphones is bad reception signal, oddly enough. I know a person who really finds it difficult to buy an iPhone, given the cost of smartphones from other giants. But he was simply fed up with the quality of the connection, so he decided to spend money once on a normal smartphone.

Problems also happen with software, which from update to update acquires both bugfixes and new problems. Open and read topics on thematic forums, they are constantly discussing certain problems with firmware or, worse, hardware.

I am in no way saying that any smartphone other than the iPhone will have bugs. I'm just saying that the likelihood of their presence is higher than in the case of the iPhone. Although he also had some mistakes in history!

2. The iPhone is a small investment in your next smartphone.

This is a fact that has been proven over the years. If you purchase new iPhone and new flagship smartphone from another manufacturer, any one at that, then in a year, two, three you will sell it for much more, even if initially they cost the same. Simple story. At the beginning of 2016, I bought two new smartphones for friends: Samsung Galaxy S6, which was still a flagship, and iPhone 5s, after which iPhone 6 and iPhone 6s came out. There is a two-year age difference between these smartphones, which is a lot in terms of technology. Guess which one cost more? iPhone 5s, and for 2k UAH. Even in the primary market, the difference after a while is huge, but imagine how much one and the other smartphone will be sold for in a year, for example? Therefore, if you buy flagships every year, then by selling an iPhone, you will have to add much less to a new device than by selling any other smartphone. Especially if you do it ahead of time like I did. Here you go.

3. iPhone is much easier to sell

Again, this is a fact! It is easier to sell an iPhone in any condition than any other smartphone in the same condition. Most often, on selling iPhone takes from a few minutes to one day. Sometimes, if you're not in a hurry, it makes sense to sell for more than others, especially if your device is in good condition. In the case of other smartphones, you will either have to charge a small price or wait longer for the buyer.

4. A lot of accessories have been and are being released for the iPhone.

And a variety of them, not just cases and covers. Toys, camera kits, stands, tripods, cases with batteries, gamepads, breathalyzers, musical equipment and a bunch of other useful and not so useful features. No other smartphone in history has produced half of what is available for any iPhone. For example, many musicians use iRig accessories. I use one to connect an iPhone or iPad to a midi keyboard, for example. But even if you don't need all of this, you will always have the opportunity to choose from more different cases. I just recently, which, by the way, is only available for some smartphone models. But iPhone is always among them.

5. The iPhone already comes with everything you need out of the box.

Of course, this is a very relative plus in favor of the iPhone, because many Android devices also have everything they might need installed. But there are no guarantees, because bare Android does not have the same notes. But the logic of the software preinstalled out of the box on the iPhone is still better. For example, an inexperienced user may have questions about why a new Android smartphone has two standard email client, two browsers and so on. With an iPhone, such issues will not arise.

6. iPhone doesn't age like other smartphones

This point is important for a little normal people, more often geeks. In short, it is very important to me personally. Imagine that you have just purchased a car, and a month later a restyled version appears on sale and it costs the same or less! It's disappointing, because you could have waited a little and bought something better. This is what happens with Android devices. You buy a freshly baked flagship, and a month later some other brand, often Chinese, releases a smartphone that blows it away on all fronts, and which costs less. This really bothers me, I answer! And the iPhone is like a separate universe. Nothing else will come out on iOS that will suddenly be superior original iPhone. Therefore, when you buy an iPhone, you know for sure that your device will not become obsolete in six months.

7. The same games run much better on iPhone

Again, fact for 90% of cases. In my reviews of all smartphones, I show how World of Tanks Blitz works on them. And most often you want to hug and cry. Budget devices don't drag out the game with good settings graphics due to old hardware, top smartphones due to low display resolution. There are other games that can be cited as examples. But the great thing is that on the iPhone these same games are available on maximum settings graphics, not only on the latest 6s, but also on 6 and 5s. That's why I appreciate it so much Chinese smartphones on Android from good iron and Full HD display.

8. With iPhone you get everything at once

This is a kind of continuation of the previous point, because if the Chinese Zuk Z1/Z2, OnePlus Two and others can handle games, just like the iPhone, why not take them? In fact, many people take them. But you definitely won't get everything at once: good performance, high-quality case, excellent software, good autonomy, gorgeous display, one of best cameras, best scanner fingerprints and so on. Some things will be good, but somewhere there will be serious subsidence. With an iPhone, you get everything at once!

9. iPhone is practically the only small flagship on the market

We're talking, of course, about . Today in Ukraine it can be purchased for $480, which, compared to other flagships, is not so expensive. And the main thing is to get almost all the capabilities of the top-end iPhone 6s in a compact case. Believe me, there are people who need this! Among Android devices I can only oppose him Sony Xperia Z5 Compact, but it is still larger and has a number of disadvantages. Although it also has advantages, in the end we look at the dimensions and cost. It will cost either more or the same price, but you will obviously sell it cheaper than the SE.

10. Long-term support

To conclude this story, I have prepared a good iPhone trump card! If you buy a new iPhone, you can be 100% sure that immediately after release new version iOS (interim, or major), your smartphone will definitely receive this update. Three points are important here:

  1. Will definitely get it
  2. Receive immediately
  3. You will get the experience that the designers and developers intended.

You see, not all Android devices receive updates. Not even all flagship models, what can we say about smartphones of average or available levels? But those that do receive them receive new OS versions with long delays, sometimes until the next global OS update is released. But that's not all! Google creates a beautiful OS with many innovations, some of which are cut by the manufacturer, and some of which you simply won’t see due to third-party shells.

Of course, this post is not a guide to buying an iPhone. These are exactly the answers to the question: “Why should you buy an iPhone?” And, for the most part, these are facts, not analytics. Other smartphones also have their advantages, so expect a continuation soon in the form of material: “Why should you buy an Android smartphone?”

Video 10 reasons to buy an iPhone

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Hello friends!

Is it worth buying an iPhone? This is the most popular question when choosing a smartphone, given the high cost of the device. This article will analyze how to choose the right iPhone and whether it is worth choosing it.


— IPhone is, first of all, a brand created by the brilliant Steve Jobs. When buying an iPhone, its owner receives a piece of history;

- the metal body and glass won’t surprise anyone, but in terms of quality, apple is the best assembly among competitors;

- incredible color rendition and camera clarity;

- recognizable stylish design, which has become a classic, but does not lag behind modernity;

- high performance;

— the presence of exclusive functions and applications not available from competitors;

— multi-level account protection, proven over the years.


— the cost of the iPhone, because despite all the uniqueness, the main part of the price is the brand;

paid content;

— no memory cards;

— high cost of original spare parts and accessories.

General opinion

Despite the fact that the functions of modern devices are almost the same, especially if we take direct iPhone competitors— Samsung and Apple have always been pioneers, introducing new features and technologies faster.

iPhone is the most powerful smartphone in the world this moment and, not surprisingly, the most desirable.

iOS or Android?

One of the important questions when purchasing is which operating system is better?

Let's start with the fact that these operating systems are opposite in origin. IOS is an independent closed operating system, designed specifically for iPhone smartphones With closed code, which significantly improves its security against hacking.

Android system is based on Linux kernel, which in turn is open to public access. Thus, any programmer with sufficient knowledge can write his own version of the Android system. This is what causes diversity Android versions. Each manufacturer is trying to come up with something of their own.

Also, the user support policy of the developers of these systems is diametrically opposed. iOS is constantly updated with small tweaks, performance improvements and bug fixes, while Android rarely receives updates, but they are more global.

Conclusion: iOS is more stable and safer. Android is more diverse, but less secure.

Files, data

Smartphones running on operating system Android easily connects to a computer or laptop using standard usb- micro-usb cable. Drivers are installed automatically and the smartphone is presented on the screen as a storage device. You can seamlessly transfer files from your computer to your phone and vice versa.

With the iPhone, things are different. To connect your smartphone to your computer you need special cable, which comes with the kit. You also need to download iTunes. This is a program for synchronizing your smartphone and computer. The iPhone will also be visible as a portable device, but access will be provided exclusively to photographs and pictures. Thus, using an iPhone instead of a flash card is impossible.

But this is not a minus. This manufacturer's policy helps protect the smartphone's memory from viruses and malware.

Conclusion: working with files Android is simpler and does not require additional programs. iOS, on the other hand, requires the installation of additional software that you need to understand, but this is compensated by security.

Data store

The iPhone did not and does not have support for memory cards. Instead, the manufacturer offers to immediately select the amount of built-in memory at the time of purchase. In addition, after registering an account, cloud storage space will be available.

For the most part, Android devices have the ability to increase memory using cards, but as a rule, you can only store photos and data on them. Applications cannot be installed without third-party programs.

Conclusion: Android has an advantage when it comes to expanding device memory.

Where can I buy?

There are several options iPhone purchases, For example .

1. Most reliable way- purchase new iPhone in the original store or partner store. Minimum risks, guarantee, 100% new device.

Confidence in the phone;


- high price.

2. IN Lately Increasingly, there are stores ready to sell iPhones at a significantly reduced price. What's the catch? These phones were damaged and repaired. If the repair is done in good faith, there will be no difference in build quality. The cases have no wear and are sold in original packaging.

Reduced price;

The equipment is the same as in the original store;

Repair service.

— absence or short warranty periods;

— the device is still not new.

3. Buy an IDon from your hands

Undoubtedly, there are sellers who actually offer quality smartphone no defects for favorable price. But there are also those who sell iPhones after they are broken or with a hidden defect. This method suitable for people willing to take risks. However, the market for used iPhones is updated daily, and the demand for these devices is constantly growing. In the future, when updating to new smartphone, it will be easy to sell your iPhone.

The most low price;

Big choice.

- big risk;
complete absence guarantees.

Conclusion: if the buyer understands iPhones, you can take a risk and buy it second-hand, after checking it first.
If this is his first iPhone, then it is better to buy in stores. Which one depends on the budget.

Repairs and accessories

Original spare parts for the iPhone are expensive, but you shouldn’t give up the pleasure of owning this device because of this. On Aliexpress offer many types of accessories, protective covers, glass Charging cables of various lengths, devices for wireless charging. Most importantly, these products have been tested by thousands of buyers, and their low price will not leave you indifferent.

Conclusion: Don't worry about broken glass or lost charge. All this can be easily found in relevant stores or ordered from China.